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MODULE 3: Unit 2

Name: Baimonic M. Pagayao Date: March 12, 2022

Year/ Course/Section: 1/BSAccty/C Score: _________
Professor/Instructor: Elangbai K. Balawag

Exercise 1: Choose the meaning of the words in italics from the pool of words
written in the box. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank.

a. beating with a rod f. strong and full-bodied

b. a rascal g. to drink liquor freely
c. party h. a Russian unit of distance to 0.6629
d. a condition with no liberty i. coated with black smoke
e. an urn for boiling water j. a vehicle drawn by three horses

____c___1. I’II go of a binge at the fair.

____i___2. He went to the soot-covered cabin of the innkeeper.

___h____3. He had gone forty versts.

____e___4. He asked for a samovar.

___j____5. Suddenly, a troyka with ringing bells drove up to the inn.

___g____6. When he was younger, Aksyónof drank and caroused, but he was a
good man.

____a___7. He was sentenced to flogging and hard labor.

____d___8. For 26 years, Aksyónof lived in Siberian servitude.

____f___9. One of the new convicts was a tall, robust old man.

____b___10. Great gloom came upon Aksyónof that he wanted to kill himself and all
because of that scoundrel.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.

____a___1. Who wrote "God Sees the Truth, But Waits"?

a. Leo Tolstoy
b. Fyodor Dostoevsky
c. Maxim Gorky
d. God

____c___2. In what country is "God Sees the Truth, But Waits" set?
a. Prussia
b. Soviet Union
c. Russia
d. Germany

___c____3. Who is the story's protagonist?

a. Tolstoy
b. Aksyónof wife
c. Aksyónof
d. Semyonich

____d___4. What activities are Aksyónof fond of in his youth?

a. drinking and fishing
b. drinking and fighting
c. fishing and singing
d. drinking and singing

____c___5. What are Aksyónof first names?

a. Marar Ivan
b. Ivar Demetrov
c. Ivan Dmitrich
d. Ivan Semyonich
____b___6. In which genre is "God Sees the Truth, But Waits"?
a. novel
b. short story
c. epic
d. all of these

___d____7. What does Aksyónof wife dream about?

a. Aksyónof being robbed
b. Aksyónof being arrested
c. Aksyónof leaving her for another woman
d. Aksyónof returning with grey hair

____d___8. To where does Aksyónof set out at the beginning of the story?
a. Siberia
b. Vladimir Fair
c. Moscow
d. Nizhy Fair

____d___9. How does Aksyónof interpret his wife's dream?

a. as a bad omen
b. as total nonsense
c. he never learns of the dream
d. as a lucky sign
___a____10. What town is Aksyónof from?
a. Vladimir
b. Siberia
c. Gorky
d. Moscow

____d___11. Who does Aksyonof first meet on his way to the fair?
a. his brother
b. he meets no one
c. Semyonich
d. a fellow merchant

____d___12. Where does Aksyónof stay on his way to the fair?

a. a motel
b. his friend's house
c. a palace
d. an inn

____b___13. What is Aksyónof doing when the police arrive to question him?
a. bathing
b. playing guitar
c. drinking liquor
d. grooming horses

____c___14. What does the official accuse Aksyónof of having done?

a. killing his wife
b. killing his coachman
c. killing the fellow merchant
d. killing the inn-keeper

____d___15. What does the official find among Aksyonof's possessions?

a. a gun
b. a samovar sword
c. a man's dismembered head
d. a bloody knife

Exercise 3: Present the plot of the story using the Freytag’s Pyramid. Just use
one or two sentences for each part. Use the space provided for you.

Aksyónof stopped for a moment to take

a rest, but uniformed men approached
to question him. He was accused as the
murderer of his fellow merchant with
the bloody knife found in his bag as


On his way to the fair, he met a fellow After twenty-six years of being convict,
merchant he knew, and they put up a new set of prisoners came up, and
the same inn for that night. He left the one of them is Semyónitch. Aksyónof
inn before dawn because he wishes to felt sure this was the man who had
travel while it was still cool killed the merchant, but he kept silent
about it.

Iván Dmítritch Aksyónof is a young Semyónitch realized his sins and asked
merchant who lived in Vladimir. forgiveness from Aksyónof. He also
One summer, he was going to a fair, admitted his crime, and Aksyónof was
and his wife told him about a bad granted a release order, but he was
dream of him, returning home with already dead before then
grey hair, but he did not mind it and
continued his journey.

Exercise 4: Answer the following questions.

1. What kind of person was Aksyónof?

Aksyónof was labeled as “The Saint” by his fellow prisoners, which already
speaks a lot about what kind of person Aksyónof was. He was very humble,
kind, and God fearing man that makes everyone around him shows respect.

2. What were the circumstances that led to Aksyónof imprisonment?

I think one justification for Aksyónof's detainment is a result of him is he did not
listen to his wife warning about her terrible dream. Aksyónof cheked in in a hotel
with an individual trader has additionally a major piece of his detainment.
Somebody has likewise outlined him up, which is the reason he has wrongly
denounced a killer.

3. Where does the story take place? Explain the relation of the setting in the
story to Aksyónof suffering and spiritual growth?
The story took place in Russia specifically, in Siberia. Before in Russia, when you are
convicted, you will face a lot of suffering from flogging and hard labor. But, convicts
can earn money while in prison, and that is why Aksyónof had bought a book
entitled The Lives of the Saints. He also goes to the prison church to read a lesson
and sings in a choir.

4. What was Aksyónof realization by the end of the story?

At the end of the story, Aksyónof realized that forgiveness could lead to
happiness and contentment. His heart grew light when he talked to
Semyónitch, and his desire to leave the prison faded. He only hoped for his
last hour to come and die in peace.

Exercise 5: Answer the following questions.

1. What are the present realities reflected in the story?

The story reflects the reality that there are people out there who had been wrongly
accused and had to suffer for the crimes they did not commit. Another present
reality that is reflected in the story is that forgiveness would result in happiness and
fulfillment. And lastly, we should always believe that God sees us because, in reality,
he is not blind to see our sufferings.

2. How did they affect the plot of the story?

Those reflected real factors in the story influence how the plot becomes engaging
furthermore, something that everybody could recollect. Since we as a whole can
insight these circumstances and we likewise see others encountering them, we can
surely gain something from the plot of the story.

Exercise 6: Search for a popular person who was falsely accused before. Write a
two or three-paragraph essay retelling his/her experience and how did he/she prove
his/her innocence. Each paragraph should not exceed five sentences. Use the space
below for your output.

Back in 1963, Ring Magazine named Carter as one of the top middleweight fighter
competitors of 1963. In his boxing profession, he took out eleven of his first fifteen
significant adversaries. Be that as it may, after he lost his title in 1964, he
additionally lost his karma in boxing. In 1966, he was blamed for a triple murder at
the LaFayette Bar and Grill, which give him three life sentences.

Around then, there are spreading charges that Carter's preliminary has some racial
predisposition, which made a colossal contention. Numerous superstars
safeguarded Carter and indeed, even discussed how he should be out in prison. He
composed his self-portrayal from jail that effectively defends himself, and it turns
into the motivation of the melody "Hurricane" by Bob Dylan. Lastly, in 1985, an
appointed authority affirmed that the preliminary before had been unjustifiable,
and he consented to let Carter out of jail.

He spent an aggregate of nineteen years in jail, and when he returned home, he

turned into a vocal promoter for detainees who were erroneously denounced very
much like him. His story debuted on huge screens, and he turned into a motivation
for some individuals. In April 2014, he kicked the bucket in light of prostate
malignant cancer.


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