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MODULE 3: Unit 4

Name:Baimonic M. Pagayao Date: March 26, 2022

Year/ Course/Section: 1/BSAccty/C Score: _________
Professor/Instructor: Elangbai K. Balawag

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box to complete the
summary of the poem.

Shakespeare considers the whole world a stage where men and women are only
(1) _____. They (2) _____ the stage when they are born and exit when they die.
Every man, during his life time, plays seven roles based on age. In the first act, as an
infant, he is wholly (3) _____ on the mother or a nurse. Later, emerging as a school
child, he slings his bag over his shoulder and creeps most (4) _____ to school. His
next act is that of a lover, busy (5) _____ ballads for his beloved and yearns for her
(6) _____. In the fourth stage, he is aggressive and ambitious and seeks (7) _____ in
all that he does. He (8) _____ solemnly to guard his country and becomes a soldier.
As he grows older, with (9) _____ and wisdom, he becomes a fair judge. During this
stage, he is firm and (10) _____. In the sixth act, he is seen with loose pantaloons and
spectacles. His manly voice changes into a childish ____. The last scene of all is his
second childhood. Slowly, he loses his _____ of sight, hearing, smell and taste and
exits from the roles of his life.

attention treble reluctantly

actors maturity reputation
serious faculties composing
enter promises dependent

Write your answers here.

1. Actors
2. enter
3. dependent
4. _reluctantly_
5. composing
6. attention
7. reputation
8. promises
9. maturity
10. serious
11. treble
12. faculties

Exercise 2. From your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions
briefly in a sentence or two.

1. What is the world compared to?

According to the poem entitled The Seven Ages of Man, the world is
like a stage where people are the actors. Shakespeare compares the world to
the stage where most of the scenes portrayed are base on reality.
2. “And they have their exits and their entrances” - What do the words ‘exits’
and ‘entrances’ mean?
The poem uses the word exits and entrances to illustrate the life and
death of a person. Entrance means the birth of a person on earth like she
entered the stage, and exit represents the death of a person in which he/she
leaves the stage.
3. Bring out the features of the fourth stage of a man as described by the poet.
The fourth stage of a man in the poem plays the role of a soldier. The
man has a beard and appears so strong. In this stage, the man swears his
oaths to protect his country and seeks honor. He becomes aggressive,
ambitious, and keen to improve his reputation.
4. When does a man become a judge? How?
_In the poem, the man becomes a judge when he grows older and
already has maturity and wisdom. He appears firm and formal during this
stage, and he is fair to his judgment full of wise saws and modern instances.
5. Why is the last stage called second childhood?
The last stage is called the second childhood because the man will go
back to the days when he only has plain consciousness. He would barely talk,
see, taste, and do everything he does when he’s still young. During this stage,
the man is like a child who’s dependent on someone.

Exercise 3. Read and understand the following questions then choose the letter of
your answer. Write your answer in the space before the number.
__a___ 1. All the world's a stage is an extended metaphor for :
a. the life shown in well-known plays
b. life of well-known actors
c. seeing the well-known plays
d. life of man that comes to an end.

__a___ 2. All 'have their exits and their entrances'. Exits and entrances refer to :
a. birth and death
b. beginning and end of play
c. coming and going of actors
d. the end of the Shakespearean era
___a__ 3. The seven roles that a man plays corresponds to his :

a. chronological age in life c. desires
b. mental age in life d. idea of a perfect life

__c___ 4. The word which means crying in the poem :

a. weeping c. mewling
b. puking d. woeful
___c__ 5. The Whining school boy is compared to :
a. a bearded pard c. a creeping snail
b. a sighing furnace d. a fighting lion
__c___ 6. Who is singing a woeful ballad
a. soldier c. lover
b. judge d. pantaloons
__b___ 7. The characteristic feature of soldier is :
a. dependent c. forgetfulness
b. bearded d. moody
__a___ 8. Which of the following is a simile?
a. bearded like the pard c. all the world's stage
b. both of them d. none of the above
__a___ 9. Which of the following is considered as a metaphor :
a. the bubble reputation c. creeping like snail
b. both of them d. none of the above
___b__ 10. The word in the passage which means 'without' :
a. oblivion c. treble
b. sans d. shank

Exercise 4. Based on your understanding of the poem, answer the question in
about 100 – 150 words each. You may add your own ideas if required, to
present and justify your point of view.

Shakespeare has skillfully brought out the parallels between the life of man and
actors on stage. Elaborate this statement with reference to the poem.

Shakespeare considers the entire world a phase where people are just
entertainers. In a dramatization, each player enters the stage, acts his/her part and
afterward exits. Similarly, We enter in this world by birth.We exit from this world at the
hour of our demise. Shakespeare says that each man has seven phases during his life
time. In a dramatization, a player adores his darling for the play. Toward the end, the
players say farewells and part away. All things considered, a couple lead their life till
death thumps at their entryway. Like the dramatization's end, passing parts them. For
notoriety and name, they do everything they possibly can on the stage. A man in the
fourth stage likewise is a forceful and aggressive. He looks for notoriety in everything
what he does. Along these lines Shakespeare has skilfully drawn out the equals
between the existence of man and entertainers on stage.

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