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1. Public & Community Health

2. Community Development and Extension

3. Role of Nutrition and Dietetics

4. Arts and Design


5. Principle & Element of Design


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Public and community health care are inextricably linked. Professionals in both fields
study groups to monitor health trend, tracks risk factors for diseases and chronic
illnesses and advocate for health program improvement.
Community health is actually considered as a sub discipline of public health, one
focused on improving the health outcomes of different groups of individuals, often at
the local level. Those working in community health jobs typically support specific
geographical regions, from small rural towns to large districts in urban areas. By
contrast, public health workers are more concerned with preventing disease,
prolonging life and promoting healthy behaviour that impact the entire nations or the
society as a whole.
For example, a public health worker could be responsible for studying risk factors for
the transmission of COVID -19, while community health workers might survey local
health services to determine whether the citizens have equal access to medical
Public health according CDS (centre for disease control) foundation is defined as “the
science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities”.
This is often achieved through comprehensive research, public outreach and
preventive measures, which seek to empower individuals to take charge of their own
health and wellness.
Depending on their scientific job title, public health workers may study disease
infection rate, causes of occupation injuries, risk factors of chronic illness and other
health-related challenges that impact the entire population. Where doctors and nurses
are focused on treating patient’s health problems, public health professionals are
committed to preventing this issues manifesting in the first place. Using their research
as a guide, they develop educational programs, health policies, evidence-based
recommendation aimed at improving the overall health of the people.
Example of public health efforts include:
 Educating the public about health choice
 Promoting physical activity and fitness
 Preventing disease outbreaks
 Ensuring safe food and water in the communities
 Preparing for emergency.
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Main Purpose of Public Health
Its main purpose is to promote and protect the health of the communities where they
live, learn, work and play.
This work is achieved by promoting health life style, researching diseases and injury
prevention, and detecting, preventing and responding to infectious diseases.
The core function of public health includes:
 Assessment
 Policy Development
 Assurance.

 Monitor public health status to identify and solve community health
problems (E.g. Community health profile, vital statistics and health
 Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazard in the
community. (E.g; Epidemiologic surveillance system, laboratory
 Inform, educate and empower about health issues. (E.g.: Health
promotion and social marketing.)
 Mobilize community partnership and actions to identify and solve health
problem (E.g. convening and facilitating community groups to promote
 Develop policies and plans that support individual and community
health efforts (E.g; leadership development and health system planning).

 Ensure laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety. (E.g:
enforcement of sanitary codes to ensure safety of environment.)
 Link people to the needed personal health services and ensure the
provision of health care when otherwise unavailable (services that
increase access to health care).
 Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems.
E.g: (Links with academic institutions and capacitate for epidemiologic
and economic analysis.)

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 To prevent disease
 Promote Health
 Prolong life among the population as whole


 Aiding and prolonging life
 The prevent health issues
 It helps detest health issues as early as possible and respond appropriately to
avoid the development of disease
 It reduces health risk.
Although most of their work is preventative, public health professional play an active
role in the health and well-being of countless people across the world. By studying the
spread of infectious diseases through scientific processes and procedures, they are able
to provide timely and relevant information that shape how government and health care
organization to sudden outbreak. Jobs in Public Health include;
These public health workers study disease outbreaks to determine how they
spread through diverse populations. By identifying pattern and causes of
infectious diseases and even injuries, epidemiologists help reduce the risk and
frequency of negative health outcomes.
Apply mathematical and statistical formulas to discover hidden interconnection
between people, the environment, diseases and other sources of health
problems. They also study the effects of different medical treatment to gauge
effectiveness and cost, leading to better health care practices overall.
Translate complex medical study and information into digestible content that
the general public can understand and apply. They may be asked to produce
blogs, videos, social media posts and other materials to educate groups of
individual about rending health topics from smoking to health diseases and
Although health administrators work at medical facilities and clinics, they
rarely deal with patients directly. Instead, professionals in this role help shape
internal policies and procedures to improve health deliver and reduce overhead
Another important task performed by public health workers include
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 Ensuring population have access to clean food, water and air
 Designing information campaigns to educate the public about health and
wellness topics.
 Study environmental risk factors that impact individual and community health.
 Planning and coordinating large population- based on studies and report
 Advocate for health care quality through outreach and policy creation.


Community health is defined as the environmental, social and economic resources to
sustain emotional and physical well-being among people.
It focuses on the maintenance, protection and improvement of the status of population
groups and communities.
Example of community health are the health status of the people living in a particular
place, actions taken to protect and improve the health of these residents.


1. Mental health care
2. Dental care
3. Laboratory and diagnostic care
4. Substance abuse treatment
5. Preventative care
6. Physical and occupational therapy
7. Nutritional support
8. Pharmaceutical care
Below are some of the functions of community health;
1. To help to identify the health problems and their causes in every sector of the
2. It suggests the way to ensure the better health and healthy environment
3. Community health advocates the availability of the health services as a birth
right of every individual.
4. To help poor patients overcome the barriers that prevent them from seeking
vital health care.
5. Build community capacity to address health issues
6. Provide informal counselling, health screenings and referrals
- Access to clean drinking water
- Drug abuse
- Teenage pregnancy
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- Child abuse
- Domestic violence.
 Helping individuals, families, and groups access available health services and
 Advocate for local health needs and medical resources that are in higher
 Working to eliminate food security, housing issues and unemployment in local
 Identifying environmental risk factor including air, water and pollution.
 Developing educational resources for specific ethnic and socio-economic


This professional meets with community member face to face to discuss health
concerns and help ensure health care resources are actually appropriate. The
often work in historically underrepresented communities by offering outreach,
education and advocacy services
Health care analyst sift through complex medical data to evaluate the
performance efficiency of hospitals and other medical facilities. Their goal is to
improve health care delivery for specific populations, from rural communities
to diverse urban centres
Health coaches promote healthy habits and lifestyles by monitoring individuals
and groups about nutrition, exercise and chronic illness healthy prevention.
They work at business and medical facilities to offer hands –on support to
those who may not have equal access to health information and social services
These community health experts work behind the scenes to assess existing
health care programs, policies and laws with an eye for operational
improvement and justice. They work with lawmakers to develop new
legislation aimed at improving access to health care resources, reducing with
times and lowering costs

1. http//: www.
2. hptt//;>academy>health

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Community Development is defined as a process where community members come
together to take collective actions and generate solution to common problems.
It can also be defined as an organized effort to improve the condition of community
1. To organize the people for sustainable development
The main purpose of community development is to organize the people, this
enables the people to collectively identify, prioritize and plan to solve their
problems ultimately leading to sustainable development.
2. Mass awareness
Its objectives is make the people aware of various problems in a community, it
helps them provide knowledge and to know about the main causes that affect
their social life.
3. To empower the people
Community development seeks to empower individuals and groups of with the
skills they need to change within their communities.
4. To improve the standards of living of people
5. Capacity Building
One of its motives is aware people and build their capacity for the enhancement
and improvement of their communities.
Sanders observed four major approaches for community development, these include:
Process implies a transition from one to another. It means a process of change
from a feudal society to an industrialized society. Community development as a
process moves by stages one condition or state to the next i.e. change from a state
where few or a small elite within or without a state where the people, to a state
where the themselves make these decisions about matters of common concern.
 Community Development as a method.
The method is that which emphasis popular participation and direct involvement of
a population in the process of development. Community development is a way of

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working to achieve some goals, therefore, as a method, the emphasis is on the
ends/goals to be achieve by means of community development.

 Community Development as a programme.

The community development is a set of various procedures and activities. When
community activity is formally organized with a separate administration and staff, is
known as a program.
Main community development programs according to United Nations report are:
1. Physical improvements such as roads, housing, irrigation, drainage,
and better farming practices, etc.
2. Functional activities such as the protection of health, education and

 Community Development as a movement.

Community development as a movement stands for the progress and welfare of the
people in general of the under privileged and marginalization communities in
particular. Community development movement is impossible without the help,
cooperation, and active participation of the masses.
The roles of community development organizations to individuals are as follows:
 Working with community groups providing a range of activities.
 Capacity building that allows the community share ideas and resource
 Aid in the management and provision of credit facilities.
 It reduces crime rate in the community.
 To prevent homelessness in the community through assistance.
Extension is the assistance given by extension agents to the rural population to
identify and analyse problems affecting their lives and become aware of community
Extension generates knowledge from research institutions and makes it available to
the grass root people. It also takes problems affecting the grass root to the research
Extension worker is like a teacher, philosopher, leader, guide and colleague for the
community and on the basis of his special qualities he is able to carry on
developmental program successfully.

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It is undoubtedly true to say that the success and failure of development programs
depend upon the qualities of extension worker. By extension worker we mean, a man
who is the last chain of extension organization, who while living in the midst of the
community, propagates his programmes.
Below are some of the major qualities of an extension worker. He/she must possess
the following qualities:
1. Sound knowledge of subject–The work of extension worker is to introduce
villagers to new ideas and to bring change in their behaviour. But, he cannot be
successful in this work unless he himself is aware of new technologies. Only after
having full and complete knowledge about latest techniques/technologies, he will be
able to impress the people.
2 Explicitness–Extension worker lives alone in the village and he has to
provide appropriate solution to the problems of the people. Therefore, extension
worker should be capable of taking prompt action and providing explicit solution.
Opposite trait in extension worker will create disbelief and disappointment among
4. Tactful–Extension worker should be tactful and try to derive relevant benefits from
the experiences, problems and resources of the people in order to gain their trust and
become reliable person for them.
5. Foresightedness–Extension work is a continuous process, therefore, extension
worker should have foresightedness to know which type of work will bring, what kind
of result and what will be its impact on the people. He should also know which work
should be given priority in order to achieve long lasting benefit.
6. Sympathetic attitude–Sympathetic attitude is the best quality in extension worker.
If he is capable of listening to the problems of people sympathetically and able to
solve them then undoubtedly people will respect and honour him. This is the first and
last step for the success of the programme
7. Attractive personality–Extension worker’s personality should be able to attract
people easily. Therefore, the behaviour of extension worker should be lively, polite
and cowdeous so that people of all strata can come in contact with him without
8. Enthusiasm–An attempt without enthusiasm is bound to fail. Therefore, extension
worker’s heart should be filled with enthusiasm, zeal and affection. A body without
enthusiasm is like a cadaver. Person who himself is not motivated, self-confident and
aware, cannot convince others to follow his path. Enthusiasm is sure way for success.
It enhances personality of extension worker. It is also relevant here to mention that
over-enthusiasm is harmful.
9. Courage–Extension worker should be courageous enough to tackle difficult
conditions and situations.
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10. Tolerance–The extension worker should develop his personality in such a way as
not get easily hurt by opposition. There is no impact of anger on tolerant people.
11. Honesty– Wherever there is a question of behaviour and policy, people should
practise honesty and truthfulness. Extension work is a practical work in which definite
policy is adopted through which new motivation emerge in the community.
12. Friendly nature–Behaviour of extension worker should be amicable so that he
can make friends easily. Feeling of friendship among people enhances cooperation
and extension work.
13. Firm determination–Extension worker should have firm determination so that he
can do his work in spite of all hurdles, which come in his way. If he lacks in
determination, then he will be unable to generate faith among people.
14. Organizing capacity–The success of extension work depends on two main
factors: (i)Development of power of motivation. (ii) Capability to organize people.
Power of motivation develops naturally but capability to organise people is very
important for doing any kind of work. The proper utilization of money, labour and
other resources of people is possible only when all these different factors are properly
15. Dignity of labour–Extension worker should not hesitate to do social work and
labour work of any kind. This way he himself will do less work but the environment
created is essential for the progress of development work in which development
programme will progress rapidly. In this way dignity of labour will be enhanced
among people.

16. Knowledge of rural social values–In order to convince a person, it is necessary to

respect that person’s social values. If the people of a particular area believe in
Ramayana and Gita then extension worker of that area should start new programmes
along with Akhand Ramayana and recitation of Geeta. This will develop strong
respect for the work and people will easily adopt the extension work.

 Extension work must be based on the needs and interests of the people. It is
characterized working with the people not for them.
 Extension work should be based on the knowledge, skills, customs, tradition,
beliefs and values of the people.
 Extension encourages people to take action and workout their own solution to
their problems rather receiving ready -made solutions.
 An extension programme should be flexible so that necessary changes can be
made whenever needed to meet the varying and needs of the people.
 Extension work should be based on full utilization of local leadership.
 Extension should be a co-operative action involving participatory activity in
which people co-operate to pursue a common cause.
The role of extension worker while living among rural people is to bring necessary
change in individual and collective behaviour and motivating them. For this, extension
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worker is required to have knowledge about psychological factors, extension related
training and technological knowledge. In performing his duties an extension worker
has to perform work enumerated:
1. To create motivation and feeling–By motivating rural people for the
development of programmes so that they themselves may become anxious to
improve their standard of living and make new programmes and implement
them for their upliftment.

2. Knowledge of local felt need–Development programme should be based upon

local felt needs. For this extension worker should be aware of requirements and
problems of local people.

3. Precedence of instant needs–In preparing programme, precedence should be

given to those work which fulfil instant requirement of people.

4. To create self-belief in rural people–Till now rural people have no faith upon
their own power. They still depend on government assistance for the
development work. So, it is important to make them understand or convince
them that they can do most of the work through mutual cooperation.

5. Emphasis on self-dependence–Our villages were self-dependent before

British rule. Their needs like food, clothing and housing, were fulfilled in
villages itself, but now they have to go outside to fulfil their basic needs and
still they are unable to earn enough for themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to
bring change in this situation and to teach lesson of self-independence to the

6. To develop the close relations between research centre and agricultural

farm– A close coordination is to be developed between research centre and
agricultural farm. So that scientific information can be given to the farmers and
their problems can be addressed to the scientific institution for solution.

7. Full use of present local resources–In order to enhance the extension work
and rural industries like agriculture and cottage industries, it is necessary to
efficiently utilities the available local resources so that people can become self-

8. Plan for all-round development–Extension worker should organise social,

economic and educational development programmes for all round development
of the society.

9. Reconstruction of village–Work should be done for the development of

education, health, transportation, electricity, water etc in villages, so as to
encourage educated people to stay in villages. Arrangement should be made for
providing security to the people in villages.

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10. Change in social attitude–The rural environment in India is filled with
jealousy, hatred, ill felling and conflicts. Selfishness is increasing day by day
and it is harmful for the society and the country. “Extension worker should try
to bring change in this mental attitude of people so that they can sacrifice their
selfishness for the welfare of the society and country and may become partners
in the reconstruction of the country.

1. http/> haramaya et all
2. http/
3. http/


Nutrition and Dietetics, a sub discipline of medicine is the science that focuses on
everything related to food. Food is the basic necessity of man. It is a mixture of
different nutrients such as carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. These
nutrients are essential for growth, development and maintenance of good health
throughout life.
They also play a vital role in meeting the special needs of pregnant and lactating
women and patients recovering from illness. Nutrition in developing countries like
Sierra Leone covers the most important nutritional problems and suggests appropriate
programs and policies to address them. It provides sound science –based information
on food, nutrients, the causes of malnutrition, nutritional disorder and prevention. It
emphasises three prerequisites of good nutrition: food security, good health and
adequate care
In order to outline the role of nutrition and dietetics, one should be clear of the
meaning of nutrition and dietetics.
Nutrition is a biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food
to support life. In another words, it is simply the process of taking in food and
converting its nutrients required for the processes of life such as growth, protection
and maintenance of warn out tissues.
Nutrients are substances which provide energy and biomolecules necessary to carry
out the various body functions.
The science that studies the physiological process of nutrition is called nutritional
Nutrition is AUTOPROPHIC if the organism uses simple organic matter like water,
carbon dioxide in the presence sunlight, chlorophyll to make its own food and
HETEROTROPHIC when it depends on other organism for its feeding. Eg. Humans,
fungi etc.

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Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to
improving infant, child and maternal health, strong immune systems, safer pregnancy
and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and
cardiovascular diseases and longevity. Most people believe good nutrition and
physical activities can help maintain a healthy weight but the benefits of nutrition goes
beyond weight.
However, nutrition is important in the following ways:
 Nutrition plays a fundamental role in determining the growth of an individual
 It reduces the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke,
some caner and osteoporosis
 It improves on individual ability to recover from illness or injury.
 It supports normal growth and development
 It reduces high blood pressure
 It lowers the cholesterol level
 It improves the wellbeing of humans

The role of nutrition in human body is supporting growth and a stronger immune
system, individuals gain these nutrients by following a heathy diet. Nutrients obtained
from a healthy diet performs three core functions: provide energy, contribute to the
structure of the body and/or regulate chemical processes in the body. Below are some
of the roles of nutrition;
1. Nutrition performs a fundamental role in determining the growth and
development of individuals, regulate chemical processes of the body
2. In health promotion and disease prevention, it also plays a vital role in avoiding
disease, delaying onset of signs and symptoms of diseases, preventing
premature death, promoting quality of life and decreasing economic liability on
the health care system.
3. It controls different physiological functions of the living body like movement,
excretion, reproduction etc


Dietetics is the science and arts of applying the principles of nutrition to the diet. It is
the field of science that determines how nutrition and good eating affect the overall
The field offers a strong focus on public health. Its main purpose is to educate
everyone on the importance of making proper and smart dietary choices.
Professionals who work in this field are called DIETITIANS
A dietitian is a registered food and nutrition expert who can translate the science of
nutrition into a practical solution for a healthy living.
They are mostly found in hospital, food service operations, sport nutrition and
wellness programs, community and public health settings and in research areas to:
 Screen hospital patients for nutritional risk
 Competing nutritional assessments for those patients with identified risks
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 Implementing care plans to improve nutritional status and prevent further risk
 Provide nutritional education.
1. Dietetics helps provide adequate information on food and nutrition, the
essential nutrients found in food and their effects on the body.
2. It provides nutritional knowledge on how food support good and healthy living.
3. It educates people about diets and their relevance for human growth and
Basically, there are many professionals in the field of dietetics. Below are some of
 Business dietitians
 Clinical dietitians
 Community dietitians
 Sport dietitians
 Research dietitians
 Neonatal dietitians
 Food service dietitians
 Consultant dietitians etc.
The following professional perform several tasks in different ways in the path of their
profession. Below are the roles perform by dietitians in different ways
 They develop nutritional programs designed to prevent diseases and
promote health targeting a particular group of people (Infants,
adolescent, aged).
 Dietetics helps provide adequate information on food and nutrition, the
essential nutrients found in food and their effects on the body.
 They serve as expert of patient’s food and nutritional needs,
 They provide guidance on how to appropriately manage diet and
nutritional of patients affected by various health condition such as
diabetes, heart diseases, overweight ete.
 Screen hospital patients for nutritional risk
 Competing nutritional assessments for those patients with identified
risks and implementing care plans to improve nutritional status and
prevent further risk
 They ensure that patients in the hospital or institutions receive quality
food that complies with specific nutritional requirements

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1. COMMUNITY: - The role of nutrition and dietetics in a community is to
educate individuals and groups to adopts healthy eating habits, dietitians and
nutritionists are to work with health care professionals in promoting and
improving community nutrition.
2. IN HOSPITAL: - The department of nutrition and dietetics provide nutritional
care, advice patients on their nutritional needs while admitted and when
3. IN INSTITUTIONS: - They develop facility- wide nutritional programs for
health care facilities, education, correctional and other institutions on public
care awareness of proper nutritional standards and policies.
1. https//>nutrition and dietetics


Both art and design are different. However, when you want to know more
about art and design, you have to know the characteristics and the differences
of the two.

Art and design are related to human activity and creativity. However, both of
them are important.

What is Art?

Art means diverse human activities, creating a visual and beauty. It is related
to beauty and emotion, creative and imaginative talent, expression of technical
proficiency, power or occupational ideas.

When humans create visual and artworks, it means they want to express their
imagination and feeling, they will need and produce aesthetic dissemination.
However, there are three classics of art. There are paintings,
sculptures, poker online and architecture.

So, what about music, film, dance, and other performances? Those are also
related to the definition and part of the arts. In the modern area, art is related
to aesthetics like decorative and artworks. However, this definition has
changed over time. It is because of the disruptive era. One of the main points
of art is beauty, visual, and human creativity to create something aesthetic.

What is Design?

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Design is a kind of plan and specification made by the people for the
construction or system activity.
The design is also called the prototype and process for making and
developing something.
In this case, every prototype and construction will need design. Design cannot
separate from both of them. The design also relates to something that makes
people satisfied. Design is concerned about creating solution for people.

For example, a person or people who produce or create the design is a

designer. This is because they have professional skills relating to the design.
In this term, the design also divides into the various types like a textile
designer, engineering, and other activities that need process and methods.
The process also needs research, modeling, negotiation, and so on.


 Design focuses on achieving solutions with measurable results whereas

arts is more concerned with the expression of an idea with more than
one meaning.
 Art is meant to share feeling with others to compel people to see what
you’re observing while design is associated to inventing something new
and communicating something already in existence.
 A good art is a talent and always God gifted while design is a skill which
can be learnt.
 Design are meant to solve problems, while art should provoke taught
and emotion.


 Both arts and design share the same fundamental creative visual
principles such as shape, color, line, contrast, balance rhythm etc,
 Both designers and artists study artistic methods such as drawing,
painting, sculpting to develop their creative abilities.
 Designs and artworks can be visually attractive.
 Both art and design can be used to tell stories.


1. Art is used as a tool for beautification

When setting up a house, the initial thoughts that ring to our minds are expensive and
beautiful photographs on the walls of the house, beautifully decorated flowers, among
other prints of the wall. This is why when you receive a visitor s/he will always ask
“Where did you get this art?” “Wow! Where can I get this seat?” or “I want a watch
like this one. You should take me where you bought this one.” Simply because you
have good art.
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2. Art gives us joy
Music and movies play major roles in our lives. For instance, when you are in a bad
mood, what do you do to change your mood? When you sing a song that you love
very much, how do you feel? When stress levels are high, most often music and other
forms of art helps relax us and bring us comfort.

3. Art inspires us
More often than not when you walk around an art gallery, you will be inspired and
amazed how artists came up with such great creativity and implementation of the
original ideas. When listening to music, you wonder where that artist got those
rhyming words. That’s why nowadays we use words from a popular song or character
(“Wakanda” from “Black Panther” and “Catching feelings” from Nicki Minaj).

4. Art gives us confidence

When you present your art or perform your art in a huge crowd of people, you
gain courage and confidence. You feel good about yourself.

5. Art improves our creativity

Art allows people to express themselves better. As an artist it’s always important to
come up with new ideas each and every time. No graffiti artist or rap artist repeats
their single styles over and over — they come up with new styles and ideas each and
every day to stay relevant and authentic in their works.
6. Art is very important to kids.
Art allows kids to express themselves freely compared to mathematics or science. Art
requires no formula therefore it allows kids to express themselves authentically
without fear of being criticized. In art class a kid might be told to paint what they have
seen from home to school. The kids can easily spot and visualize related objects like
people standing in a shop, cars on the road, or motorbike . Or they can be told to
compose a new poem. Kids who study art are very creative, and they are very fast
at solving problems.




 The elements of design, are the building blocks used by the designers
to create the designs.
 Also, elements of design are the parts, the components that can be
isolated and defined in any visual design, they constitute the structure of

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the work, the objects to be arranged and used as part of any

 Although without referring to a specific design (editorial, web, etc.) we can

say that the general Design Elements are composed by:

A point is the smallest and most basic element of design and it can be used
alone or as a unit in a group (forming a line or a shape). It has position, but no
extension, it is a single mark in a space with a precise and limited location and
it provides a powerful relation between positive and negative space.

If we place many points one next to the other we obtain a line, which can have
length and direction, but no depth. Lines, besides to be used to create a
shape, can be used to create perspective and dominant directional lines
(which create a sense of continuance in a composition). Also, they can be
grouped to create a sense of value, density or texture.

Shape is an element defined by its perimeter, a closed contour. It is the area
that is contained within implied line and it has have two dimensions: height
and width. A shape can be geometric (triangle, square, circle, etc.), realistic
(animal, human, etc.) or abstract (icons, stylizations, etc.).

The Form is derived from the combination of point, line and shape. A form
describe volume, the 3D aspect of an object that take up space and it can be
viewed from any angle (a cube, a sphere, etc.), it has width, height and depth.

The color is the response of the eye to differing wavelengths of radiation
within the visible spectrum. Colors are used to generate emotions, define

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hierarchy, create interest, etc. There are many different kinds of color systems
and theories but we will focus on the 3 properties: Hue, Value and Saturation.
 Hue: is the color name. 
 Value: it refers to the lightness or darkness, to how close to black or white the
Hue is. 
 Saturation: It refers to the intensity of a hue, the less gray a color has in it, the
more Chroma it has.

Is defined as the relative lightness or darkness, which suggests the depth or
volume of a particular object or area, it is the degree of light and dark in a
design, the contrast between black and white and all the tones in between.

Texture is the surface quality (simulated and/or actual) that can be seen and
felt, can be rough or smooth, soft or hard, etc. It exists as a surface we can
feel, but also as a surface we can see and imagine the sensation we might
have if we touch it, is both a tactile and a visual phenomenon.

Is the area between and around objects (negative space) but it also refers to
variations in the perspective and proportions of objects, lines or shapes and it
is used for the comparative relation between different objects or areas. The
real space is three dimensional, but in Design when we create the feeling of
depth we call it space.


The principles of design combine the elements to create a composition, they
are the guidelines used to arrange the elements.
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Each principle is a concept used to organize or arrange the structural
elements of a design and it applies to each element of a composition and to
the composition as a whole. Again, without turning to a specific discipline, we
can say that the basic Design Principles are composed by:

Balance is the concept of visual equilibrium of similar, opposing, or contrasting
elements that together create a unified whole. It refers to the appropriate
arrangement of the objects in a design to create the impression of equality in
weight or importance. It comes in 2 forms: Symmetrical (when the weight of a
composition is evenly distributed around a central vertical or horizontal axis)
and Asymmetrical (when the weight of a composition is not evenly distributed
around a central axis).

It marks the location in a composition which most strongly draw the viewer
attention, it is also referred as the focal point. It is the most important area or
object when compared to the other objects or areas in a composition. There
are three stages of emphasis, related to the weight of a particular object within
a composition: Dominant (the object with the most visual weight), Sub-
dominant (the object or element of secondary emphasis) and Subordinate (the
object with the least visual weight, which is usually the background).

Is the visual flow through the composition, where (depending on the elements
placement) the designer can direct the viewer´s eye over the surface of the
design. The movement can be directed along edges, shapes, lines, color, etc
and the purpose of movement is to create unity with eye travel. By arranging
the composition elements in a certain way, a designer can control and force
the movement of the viewer's eyes in and around the composition.

An object or symbol that repeats in the design is a pattern. It can be a pattern
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with a precise and regular repetition or an alternate pattern, which uses more
than a single object or form of repetition. We can say that is simply keeping
your design in a certain format.

Repetition creates unity and consistency in the composition; it is the reuse of
the same, similar or different objects throughout the design. The repetition can
be irregular, regular, uneven or even and can be in the form of Radiation
(where the repeated elements spread out from a central point) or Gradation
(where the repeated elements become smaller or larger). It often works with a
pattern to make it seem active and along with the Rhythm helps to create
different types of it.

Proportion is the comparative relationship in between two or more elements in
a composition with respect to size, color, quantity, degree, etc, or between a
whole object and one of its parts. The purpose of the proportion principle is to
create a sense that has order between the elements used and to have a visual
construction; and it can occur in two ways: Harmonious (when the elements
are in proportion) or Unbalanced (when the disproportion is forced)

Rhythm is the alternation or repetition of elements with defined intervals
between them, it creates a sense of movement and it is used to establish a
pattern and/or a texture. There can be 3 different types of rhythm: Regular,
Flowing or Progressive. The Regular rhythm occurs when the intervals
between elements are similar, the Flowing rhythm gives a sense of movement
while the Progressive rhythm shows a sequence of forms through a

progression of steps.

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VarietyVariety is the principle that refers to the combination of elements in an
intricate and complex relationship using different values, lines, textures,

shapes, hues, etc. It is complementary to unity and often needed to create

visual interest or to call the attention to a specific area in the composition.

Unity it is used to describe the relationship between the individual elements
and the whole of a composition (which creates a sense of completeness, that
all of the parts belong together) and it is a concept that comes from
the Gestalt theory of visual perception and psychology. Three of the most
well-known concepts of this theory are the Closure (is the idea that the brain
tends to fill in missing information when it perceives an object is missing some
of its pieces), Continuance (is the idea that once you begin looking in one
direction, you will continue to do so until something more significant catches
your attention) and Similarity, Proximity and Alignment (is the idea that
elements of similar size, shape and color tend to be grouped together by the

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