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a) To learn how to measure horizontal angles with a theodolite or an
engineer’s transit.

INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIES : Repeating Theodolite or Engineer’s transit,

Range Poles, chaining pins and pegs.

1. Set up and level the theodolite ( or transit) at a convenient point and call
this point O.
2. Using pegs or chaining pins, establish points A, B, C, and D around the
vicinity of the instrument. Each point should be about 50 meters away
from the instrument and a range pole held or set up behind each. Refer to
the accompanying sample sketch.
3. In measuring the first angle AOB ( or θ 1 ) release the upper and lower
motion clamps and adjust the horizontal scales by turning the instrument
on its spindle until the horizontal circle reading and index mark is near
4. Tighten the clamps and turn the upper motion tangent screw until the
index reading is exactly zero. Release the lower motion and sight the
telescope approximately to point A ( telescope in direct position) by first
sighting over the top of the telescope to get near the point and then sight
directly through the telescope.
5. Tighten the lower clamp screw and set the line of sight precisely on Point
A using the lower tangent screw. Point A should appear at the intersection
of the horizontal and vertical cross hairs. At this stage the optical line of
sight is in line between O and A and the theodolite’s reading microscope
(or transit vernier) is set to zero on the horizontal scale.
6. Loosen the upper clamp and turn the telescope toward B, then clamp the
upper motion and turn the upper tangent screw until the line of sight is
directed exactly on point B.
7. View the reading microscope of the theodolite ( or vernier A of the transit)
and read the horizontal angle to determine the value of angle AOB, and
record this as its measured value.
8. To measure the three angles (BOC, COD, and DOA), repeat the same
steps performed in measuring the first angle AOB.
9. Tabulate observed values accordingly. Refer to the accompanying sample
format for the tabulation of field data.


EIF 56°30′ −0°4′ 56°26′

FIG 99°59′ −0°4′ 99°55′

GIH 76°02′ −0°4′ 75°58′

HIE 127°45′ −0°4′ 127°41′

SUMS 360°16′ −0°4′ 360°00′


1. The sum of the observed horizontal angles about Point O is equal

to the sum of angles AOB, BOC, COD, and DOA or
SUM = θ1 + θ2 + θ3 + θ4
2. The horizon closure or error in the observation is equal to 360
degrees minus the sum determined in C(1) or
e= 360° - SUM
3. To determine the adjusted value of each angle observed, a
correction is applied. The correction is determined by dividing the
horizon closure by n,the total number of angles observed, and it
may also be a positive or negative value.
4. The correction is added algebraically to the observed value to
determine the adjusted value of the observed angle.
5. The sum of the adjusted angles should then equal to 360 degrees.

1. Closing the horizon is the process of measuring the angles around a point to
obtain a check on their sum, which should equal to 360 degrees. The method
provides an easy way for a beginner to test instrument readings and pointings.
2. The measurement of horizontal angles by theodolite or the engineer’s transit is
but a similar process. It involves using the clamp and tangent screw, aiming at
the left- hand point, reading the horizontal circle, aiming at the right-hand point
and reading the circle.
3. If the horizontal circle reading and index mark are not set to zero, the difference
between the initial reading and the final reading is the angle through which the
line of sight was turned.
4. In order that tangent screws will not need to be turned through more than one or
two revolutions, reasonably close settings should be made by hand when
pointing the telescope to any point.
5. To detect and remove parallax when reading the transit vernier, always have the
eye directly over the coinciding graduation on the horizontal circle.
6. When using the transit, the B vernier should also be read to check the reading
made on the A vernier. The difference between the two vernier readings should
equal to 180 degrees.
7. The plate bubbles of the instrument should always be centered before an angle
is measured.
8. Permissible values of misclosure will determine whether the laboratory exercise
must be repeated. This will be defined by the lab instructor.

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