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Book Trailer Storyboard for “Firebird” by Misty Copeland

Shanice Solomon
1 2 3
Shot: close, medium Shot: medium Shot: Medium, close
Frame: cover of book without text Frame: sitting in chair, holding book/book Frame: image of nervous person and
Composition: Title centered above image sitting on table ballet dancers
of book in bold, black, sans serif font Composition: subject sitting stage left at Composition: ballet dancers on soft pink
(Oswald- size 12 or 14) eye level, book starts on left of subject on background enter right, nervous person
Transition: book cover Zooms in and table, then subject holds book image fills screen
fades out (3-5 seconds each) Transition: book cover Zooms in and Transition: fade in/fade out ballet dancers,
Duration: 10-15 seconds fades out Zooms in nervous person then dissolves
Duration: 34 seconds Duration: 16 seconds

Audio- Music Komite- “Sweet Bombs

Audio- Hi! It’s Mrs. Solomon and I have a

book that I think you’d really enjoy. Have
you ever been afraid to do something? Did
you think it was impossible for you to do?
Firebird is a story that follows a young girl
who believes being able to do a leap in an
upcoming dance recital is as far away as
the sky. She does not believe she will
achieve this move and jump as high and Audio: The young dancer in our story
far enough. She is in need of a confident believes that she is far away from being
booster. Can you help me encourage her? the Firebird. She believes she is not good
enough. We’ve all been there. When
facing a challenge, we tell ourselves it’s
impossible. We get scared and are afraid
to try.

4 5 6
Shot: medium Shot: medium, close Shot: medium
Frame: image of young girl and older Frame: image of young dancer and Misty Frame: image of book cover and book
woman Composition: image of young dancer and information (where to find copy in
Composition: image fills screen starting Misty starts from legs to full image classroom, title, author, illustrator)
on the center Transition: Zooms out to full shot of Composition:picture on right of screen;
Transition: book cover Zooms in and dancers and fades out title, author and illustrator text on left in
fades out Duration: 16 seconds Oswald font size 16
Duration: 11 seconds Transition: book cover Zooms in and
fades out
Duration: 23 seconds

Audio: Then along comes Misty, a coach

who believes in her and wants to see her
make the leap. She reminds her that
she’s been there, and felt like she wasn’t Text:
good enough, too. Audio: What do you think she said to the Title- Firebird
young dancer? She encourages her to Author- Misty Copeland
keep going, that this is just the beginning Illustrator-Christopher Myers
and with practice, she’ll be able to soar. Location- Solomon Library, Shelf B
She will be where Misty is now one day,
she just needs to have confidence and Audio: Will the young dancer believe
know she will get there. Misty? Will she eventually be able to
soar? What words of encouragement do
you have for her? I hope you enjoy this
book, rather you have a love for dance or
need advice on how to be confident in
your abilities.You can find this book on
Shelf B of the Solomon Library located in
the back corner of our classroom.

Shot: medium
Frame: references and book cover
Composition: references text and book
cover in background (increased
Transition: credits (references) roll at
medium speed
Duration: 20 seconds

Book illustration images by Christopher
Myers found here:

Other Images:
Music Komite- “Sweet Bombs”

Audio: Music Komite- “Sweet Bombs”

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