Directo RY Assist Ance: Hi, This Is Me Listening

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Read the dialogue below then make questions to your classmate and complete your own information.

Receptionist: Hi! Are you a member?  Student A: Hi! Are you a member? 
Victor: No, I'm just here for the day.  Student B: No, I'm just here for the day. 
Receptionist: Ok. So, what's your name? Student A: Ok. So, what's your name?
please.  please. 
Victor: My name is Victor Lopez.  Student B: My name is _________________. 
Receptionist: Please, what is your nationality Student A: Please, what is your nationality
and your country? and your country.
Victor: I’m American, I’m from Los Student B: I’m ________________________
Angeles, California. Student A: And what's your phone number? 
Receptionist: And what's your phone number?  Student B: It's ________________________ 
Victor: It's 646-555-3048.  Student A: And your e-mail address? 
Receptionist: And your e-mail address?  Student B: It's ________________________ 
Victor: It's  Student A: OK. So it's $10 for today. Here´s
Receptionist: OK. So it's $10 for today. Here´s your pass. 
your pass.  Student B: Thanks!
Victor: Thanks!

TASK 1 - A. Listen to Sara giving information in a Job interview, complete her identity card.


NAME: __________________________________________________________

E-MAIL: __________________________________________________________

WEB SITE: ________________________________________________________

TASK 1 – B. You will hear a man asking for information at a Directory Assistance office. Write the telephone number for
each person (1-3)

1. Ryan Archer ____________________________________________

2. Katie Briggs ____________________________________________

TASK 2 - A. Listen to a student asking for information at school desk information and write a missing word or number in
each gap.

EXAMPLE: What day? Wednesday after school

1. Teacher's name:
Mrs. _________________

2. Where is it? opposite the school


3. Number of students this year:


4. Next week - making:


5. How much this year?

£ ________________

TASK 2 – B. Listen to Tod and Ammy talking about them. Choose the correct answer.

1. Where is Tod from? A. The east coast B. The west coast C. The south coast

2. What is Tod’s Nationality? A. German B. American C. Canadian

3. How old is he? A. 45 B. 46 C. 47

4. What is Don’s occupation? A. Doctor B. Teacher C. Engineer

5. Where is Ammy from? A. Edinburgh B. Aberdeen C. Glasgow

6. How old is she? A. 14 B. 44 C. 34

7. Ammi is an _______ teacher. A. Spanish B. Mathematics C. English

8. Who is a teacher? A. Her mom B. Her dad C. Her aunt

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