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TASK 1 – Questions 1 - 5

 Read the following paragraph and answer True or False the statements below it. An example is given to you.

Hello! My name is Daniel Myers, I am a reporter at Central News and today I am making a report on immigrants.
Today’s guests are two immigrants from China, they are Jane Lee and Peter Lee. Jane and Peter are students at the
Community College. Jane is 19 and Peter is 20. They are students, but not workers. They live in an apartment
downtown in Dallas. They are from Guaddong Province, and they are really happy living in America. Jane’s real name
is Dai-xia, which means Summer. We hope they have a great time living in the United States.

True False
0. Daniel is a journalist. __X_ ____
1. Peter and Jane live in Hong-Kong ____ ____
2. Jane works in the university ____ ____
3. Peter and Jane live near the city centre ____ ____
4. Peter and Jane aren’t happy living in America. ____ ____
5. Dai-xia means a season of the year ____ ____

TASK 2 – Questions 6 - 12

 Read the following extract on Ben’s life.

 Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.

My name is Ben and I 0) ____ from Australia. I am 24 years 1) ___and I live in a small town near Sydney called
I am a dentist. I love working with children. They usually come to see me in the mornings. I am not married but I live
with 2) ___ girlfriend, Maria. She 3) ____ a dentist, she is a lawyer
I have a sister too; her name is Patty. She is an actress, but she isn't very famous. She acts in a small theatre 4) ___
our town. I normally get up at eight o'clock, but on Thursday I get up at six o'clock because that day Maria and me go
5) ____ in the park.

0. A. come B. comes C. coming

Answer: B

1. A. older B. elder C. old

2. A. her B. his C. my
3. A. isn’t B. am C. aren’t
4. A. at B. in C. on
5. A. running B. run C. runs

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