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General Physics 2

Performance Task No.3

Name of Student: Justine Vir C. Damasing Date Performed: March 20, 2022

Year and Section: Grade 12 - St. Dominic of Osma Date submitted: March 22, 2022

Title of Activity: Flashlight Batteries

At the end of the experiment, learners are expected to;
1. Explore and understand how the battery supplies current and observe how voltage
across the terminals of a battery declines as the battery is depleted.

Materials Needed:
Flash light (that uses several batteries)
Old batteries
New batteries

1. Place new batteries in the flashlight and leave the flashlight switched on for several
2. Do the same with old batteries.

Note: Take a video of yourselves when you start doing procedures number 1 and 2. The
video shall be submitted directly to my email address (
together with the recorded results on or before March 15, 2022. This is an individual task.

1. Predict the brightness of the flashlight when different combinations of batteries are used.
Do your predictions match what you observe?

I presume that despite different combinations of batteries being used, there still
be a gradual dimming of the luminosity of the flashlights. And after the investigation, my
presumption was right. I further suppose that explanation of such matter to happen may
be caused by the internal occurrence and processes between the different combinations
of batteries inside the flashlight.

2. Is the flashlight still quite bright when performing procedure number 2?

Base on my experiment, when the old batteries were used, the light of the
flashlight noticeably and gradually got dimmer for about 3 hours of duration. With such
event happened, my assumption is that maybe because it was used and some or almost
of its energy are drained therefore giving results such as gradual dimming of its

3. Is the flashlight as bright when left on for the same length of time with old and new
There was an evident difference between both the brightness of the flashlight
with old batteries and the flashlight that uses new sets of battery. My experimentation
lasted for 3 hours on both procedure, and observed that the flashlight with new batteries
shows little to no sign of dimming of its brightness during the investigation. However, in
the case of the flashlight with old batteries, as said beforehand, that there was an
apparent gradual dimming when it comes to its luminosity.

4. What does the result say for the case when you are limited in the number of available
new batteries?

Regardless of the fact that the number of available new batteries are limited,
result still shows gradual dimming of the brightness of the flashlight per se.

Video Link:

General Physics 2 by Urone, Hinrichs, Dirks & Sharma

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