Dental Alloys Used For Crown and Bridge Restorations by Dentyal Technicians in New Zealand

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cpd paper

Dental alloys used for crown and bridge restorations by

dental technicians in New Zealand

New Zealand Denial Journal ¡06. No. 2: 43-49; June 2010

A dentist selecting an alloy for bis/her laboratory work

ABSTRACT should be cognisant of its composition, in terms of its
Objective: To determine the range and elemental biocompatibilily and mechanical properties and its ability
composition of alloys used for PFM and crown-and-bridge to withstand the masticatory forces in the mouth. Currently,
restorations by New Zealand dental laboratories, and to
there are numerous types of alloys available for fixed
understand the reasons tor their selection.
prosthodontic restorations; these have different compositions
Materials and Methods: Two waves of data collection and mechanical properties. To aid the dentist in tbis process,
were carried out via post and telephone interview. The the American Dental Association categorises alloys into
source population was dental laboratories advertised with broad classes based on their gold and noble metal content
the Yellow Pages Group in 2007/2008.
(Table 1). The noble elements are goid (Au), platinum (Pt)
Results: A total of 83 out of 109 laboratories (76.1%) and palladium (Pd).
responded. Of those. 35 laboratories (42.1%) reported
producing iixed-prosthodontic restorations. The range of alloy Table 1. Classification system for cast alloys, by Council on Dental
types (consisting of high noble, noble and base-metal alloys), Materials, Instruments, and Equipment (19S4). Adapted 2008 with
brand names (55 products) and manufacturers was determined, permission ol'the American Dental AssociatiDn," Noble elements that
along with the reasons for their selection. Ten intemational make up a noble alloy are Gold (Au). Platinum (Pt) and Palladium
dental alloy manufacturers were identified as being used, with (Pd)-
the leading inanLifacturer being Ivoclar-Vivadent (40.9%),
Classifícation Requirement
followed by Argen (25.3%). Most laboratories select their
alloys based on price and physical properties. The average High Noble Au content >40 (wt%)
laboratory carries three to four alloy products. Noble metal content >60 (wt%)
Conclusion: Alloy selection by dentists and dental Noble Noble metal content >25 (wt%)
technicians is strongly influenced by economic factors. Predominantly base-metal Noble metal content <25 (wt%)
While the study identified the range of alloys being used
for fixed restorations in terms of alloy type and brand name.,
To aid in the selection of mechanical properties, the
further research is needed to determine tbe proportions of
American National Standards Institute/American Dental
iixed restorations produced from high noble, noble and base
Association (ANSI/ADA) standard No. 5. (1932) classified
metal alloys, together with dental practitioners" attitudes to,
gold-based alloys into Types 1 through IV, based on the
and preferences in, alloy selection.
Vickers Hardness Number. However, this has been superseded
by the Intemational Organisation for Standardization (ISO)
INTRODUCTION classification system ISO-1562 (2002), which categorises the
Fixed dental prostheses are used for rehabilitation of alloys by their yield strength/0.2% proof stress and minimum
function (and aesthetics) of existing teeth, the protection of elongation (Table 2). This later version ofthe classification is
cndodontically-treated teeth from cusp flexure and fraeture, helpful when selecting an alloy for a functional situation, as
and the replacement of missing teeth (Rosenstiel et al, it indicates the elastic limits when an alloy is loaded, instead
2006; Aquilino and Caplan, 2002). Bridges and implant- of just informing the dentist about ils hardness.
borne restorations are often preferred over removable
partial dentures for replacing missing teeth and restoring Table 2. ISO Classification "iSO-1562 (2002)" of gold-based
ihe patients' masticatory systems (Rosenstiel et al, 2006, alloys by physical properties of yield strength/0.2% proof stress
Summit et al, 2001). Full casi, metal ceramic or full and % elongation, by Council on Dental Materials. Instruments,
ceramic fixed restorations may be selected, depending on and liquipmenl.
factors such as the function of the restoration, the amount
of remaining tooth structure, the patient's oral and systemic Alloy Type Minimum 0.2% Proof Minimum %
health status, and economics (Wassell et al. 2002). Although Stress (MPa) Elongation
full ceramic restorations are aesthetically superior, their 1 80 18
physical properties may not be optimum because of their 11 180 10
lower fracture toughness (Anusavice and Cascone. 2003;
Anusavice. 2003; Kelly. 2004), meaning that the full metal III 270 5
and metal ceramic restorations have their place. IV 360 3

The selection of alloys based on their mechanical

Peer-reviewed paper. Submitted December 2008: accepted
properties is important, especially when treatment planning
November 2009.
44 Denial alloys used by NZ technicians - BAUMANN KT AL

Tabie 3. Typical physical properties of PFM alloys based on constituents.

Alloy Group Vickers Hardness Elastic Modulus 0.2% Proof Tensile Strength Specific Gravitv
(GPa) Stress/Yield (MPa) (g/cm-')
Strength (MPa)
High Gold 200 90 480 580 18.1
Gold-Palladium (no silver) 240 124 550 800 14.8
Goid-Palladiuin-Silver 200 110 600 680 14.9
Palladium-Copper 275 96 800 851 10.6
Palladium-Silver 260 138 650 810 11.4
Nickel-Chromium 240 160 360 580 8.6
Nickel-Chromium-Beryllium 240 192 552 1138 7.8
Colbai-Chromium 310 210 480 720 8.5
for long-span bridges and implant substructures. The typical alloys that do not contain beryllium (Wataha. 2003). One
mechanical properties of PFM alloys are presented in Table 3. of the problems of beryllium-containing nickel-ehromium
When selecting an alloy fora high-stress situation, the yield alloys is the potential carcinogenic health hazard for the
strength is the most important property to consider, because dental technician which arises from inhaling the dusts
it indicates the maximum force level within which the alloy and fumes when casting and grinding the alloy during the
will remain in its elastic range and not distort (O'Brien, manufacture of the metal substructure (Anusavice and
2002). The data in Table 3 indicate that the yield strengths of Cascone, 2003). Another problem is the efTcct that beryllium
the palladium-copper, gold-palladium-silver and palladium- has on lowering the corrosion resistance of such alloys in
silver alloys are superior to the base metal alloys. Although the mouth (Cheng et al, 1990; Pan et al. 1995; Eflekhari.
the base metal alloys have a higher elastic modulus, this 2003). It is assumed that minimising the corrosion potential
indicates only that they are stitïer; they will distort at a lower of a prosthesis through careful material selection may reduce
force level, as indicated by the yield strength. Tensile strength the extent of its biological elTect (Geis-Gerstorfer, 1994).
infomiation can be misleading when selecting an alloy, in According to Wataha (2000), high noble alloys containing
that it indicates only the force to pull the alloy apart, which the least number of base metal elements should be the first
is a combination of the modulus and yield strength. It is not choice when selecting alloys, and nickel-based alloys should
the best indicator of performance in the oral environment. be avoided whenever there is a suitable alternative.
The Vickers hardness has little clinical relevance except Alloy selection and preference is highly determined by the
for occlusal wear resistance and the ease of adjustment and prices of gold, platinum and palladium. There is a trend for
polishing (O'Brien. 2002). alloys containing less gold and more palladium, and for usage
Corrosion properties and biocompatibility are factors of base metal alloys (Wataha. 2002). In selecting an alloy
which contribute to the success of fixed restorations based on price, the density is the most important indicator of
(Wataha. 2001; Wataha. 2002). The alloys used should how much alloy will be needed to cast the metal substructure
possess appropriate resistance to corrosion in order to avoid (Table 3). When the price per gram is considered, the gold-
unwanted cytotoxic side-etTects (Callister. 2003. Eschler et based alloys which have the highest density will be the most
al. 2003). The corrosion characteristics are dependent on the expensive, and the base metal alloys the least (and therefore
composition of the alloy, electrode potential, strain, surface most cost-etTective).
roughness, degree of oxidation, local pH. media temperature, Little is known about dental alloy usage in New Zealand.
mixing velocity of the solution, and the presence of inhibitors The aim of this study was to determine the range and
(Bayramoglu et al. 2000). There is a greater risk for corrosion elemental composition of alloys used for PFM and crown-
when the non-noble metal content of the alloy is higher or and-bridge restorations by New Zealand dental laboratories,
when multiple-phase alloys are used (William. 1990; Wataha,
and to understand the reasons for their selection.
2002; O'Brien, 2002). Corrosion and biocompatibility are
evidenily related, but their interaction is very complex and
not easy to predict (Geis-Gerstorfer. 1994; Wataha, 2002). MATERIALS AND M E T H O D S
Every material placed in the oral cavity will have an effect The survey used a three-item postal questionnaire and a
on the oral tissues (and vice versa), depending on the host, subsequent telephone interview for laboratories which failed
the function of the material, and the conditions in the oral to respond to the postal questionnaire. The sample comprised
cavity (Wataha. 2001; Wataha. 2003). As summarised by all dental technology laboratories which advertised with
Schmalz and Garhammer (2002), dental and non-dental the Yellow Pages Group of New Zealand in 2007/2008'.
factors (age, sex, medication, general disease) can contribute Laboratories which exclusively advertised that they provided
to oral mucosal health. This may lead to toxic, subtoxic or only removable prostheses were not selected, and postal
allergy reactions with the presence of systemic signs (such addresses repeated under different laboratory names were
as chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases; Setcos et al. 2006; sent a single questionnaire.
Hildebrand et al, 1989), local subjective symptoms (such In the questionnaire, respondents were asked to (Í) list
as xerostomia, burning mouth syndrome, metallic taste and all the brand names of the metal alloys used in crown and
pain), and objective symptoms (such as gingivitis, local bridge (including PFM) work, and (ii) give the particular
periodontitis, discoloration and lichenoid reaction; Wirtz reasons for those preferences. Frecform comments were also
and Hoffmann, 1999; Atsushi, 2006; Pigatlo et al. 2008). sought. Non-responders were followed up using a telephone
Beryllium is a common ingredient in nickel-chromium PFM interview, with all of the telephone surveys conducted over
alloys because of its ability to lower the melting range of the
alloy and produce a thinner, more adherent oxide which is ' Yellow Pages Group New Zealand (2008). Regional directories
more suitable for chetnical bonding than nickel-chromiumüland

Table 4. List of high noble alloys per ADA classification by elemental composition used by New Zealand dental laboratories in the manufacture
of fixed restorations. The alloys are ranked from highest gold (Au) content to lowest. Alloys containing more than 10 wt% copper (Cu) have
their copper content highlighted in bold type.

Product Name Company Au Pt Pd Ag Cu In Ir Re Ru Sn Zn

Yamamoto 90 7.0 0.3
Argendent 90 Argen 89.5 5.8 1.6 1.2

Brite Gold XH Ivoclar 88.9 9.0

Aquarius H Ivoclar 86.1 8.5 2.6 1.4 <1

PenCeram 86 (Bio 86.0
Pentron Alloys II.O
Authentic 86 Argen 86.0 9.9 4.0

Argedent bio 86PF Argen 85.9 11.7 <1 1.5

IPS d. Sign 98 Ivoelar 85.9 12.1 1.5

Argendent yellow I Argen 85.3 10.0 1.0 0.6 1.2 1.3

Aquarius XH Ivoclar 82.8 9.0 5.0 2.5

Cendres- 77.3 9.8
Estheticor Special 8.9 1.2 0.3 1.5 O.I 0.2 0.5
Academy Gold 77.2 12.7 8.5
Hannony Medium Ivoclar 76.8 12.8 8.3

Argedent 3 Argen 76.6 9.9 9.3 1.2 1.7 <1

Super Crystal KP-5 Yamamoto 75.0 6.7 12.3 1.8

Argenco 2 Argen 74.1 1.6 2.3 13.4 7.2 <1

Harmony Hard Ivoclar 74.0 3.8 12.0 9.0

IPS d. Sign % Ivoclar 73.8 8.5 5.4 9.0 1.9 <1 <1

liio Heranorm Heraeus 72.5 8.3 16.3 0.5

Harmony PF Ivoclar 72.0 3.6 13.7 9.8
Neocast 4(3) Cendres-
71.6 3.7 12.7 10.8 0.1 1.1
Maingold SG Heraeus 71.0 2.0 1.9 12.3 12.2 0.5
Argenco 5 Argen 68.9 2.1 1.9 10.0 15.9 <I 1
Protor 3 Cendres- 68.6 2.4 4.0 11.8 10.6 0.1 2.5
I iarmony XH 68.3 2.9 3.6 10.0 13.8 <1 l.I
XLX 66.8 3.9 16.1 15.7
IPS d. Sign 91 Ivoclar 60.0 30.6 1.0 8.4 <1
Argenco 4 Argen 59.6 0.6 4.4 21.8 13.3
Maxigold Ivoclar 59.5 2.7 26.3 8.5 <1 2.7

Stab i I or G DeguDent 58.0 0.1 5.5 23.3 12.0 0.1 1.0

Yamakin Quintess 56.0 24.5

Yamamoto 2.0 13.0
Cera I y
Heraeus 55.6 38.0 8.5
Haraloy G
Argen 51.5 38.4 1.4 8.5
Argedent 52 SF

Novobond Argen 51.5 38.4 1.4 8.5

Euro 50 Wieland 51.5 26.6 18.2 0.9 4.1 2.7

46 Denial alloys used by NZ technicians - BAUMANN ET AL

three consecutive days. Only one interviewer conducted the in terms of their constituents, with noble alloys comprising
questioning at a time; two interviewers were involved in the bulk and base metal alloys a minor part of the range
total. The telephone interviews used the same format as the of alloys being used by New Zealand dental laboratories.
postal questionnaire. The study also identified the reasons for this choice, with
price and mechanical performance being the main reason.,
RESULTS followed by dentist preference, then biocompatibiiity. Of the
Of the 109 laboratories who advertised with the Yellow dental supply companies involved, Ivoclar was the leading
Pages Group and met the selection criteria. 83 (76.1%) supplier, followed by Argen. Although the study identified
responded to the survey. Despite anonymity being promised the range of alloys used by alloy type, it did not idcniify the
to the participants., seven laboratories reñised to participate, volume of these alloy types used to produce PFM and crown
even when contacted over the telephone. Overall. 35 and bridge restorations. This is a major weakness that will
laboratories (42.2%) carried out crown and bridge and PFM require further research. The findings show only that, of the
work. All subsequent data pertain to those 35. range of noble and base metal alloys being used by dental
A total of 55 different alloy brand names were named. laboratories, 87% are noble; it would be incorrect to assume
These were grouped by alloy type; high noble (Table 4); that 87% of restorations are made from noble alloys.
noble (Table 5) and base metal (Table 6). Of the 55 brands of One of the problems encountered in the study was the
alloy, 35 (64%) were high noble. 13 (23%) were noble and 7 initial identification of dental laboratories which offered
(13%) were base metal according to the ADA classification crown and bridge services. The registration system in New
(Table I). On average each laboratory carried 3.4 alloy Zealand operates at the level of the individual practitioner
products and 23% of the laboratories did not use high-noble rather than the practice or laboratory, and so the Dental
alloys. Council of New Zealand (DCNZ) was unable to supply a
There were 11 international manufacturer/supply list of laboratories when contacted tor this infomiatioii. The
companies listed (Table 7). The most frequently-named New Zealand Institute of Dental Technologists was also
company was Ivoclar-Vivadent (41%), followed by Argen unable to do so. As the main goal was to determine the range
(25%). of alloys being used by dental laboratories, the existing
The open-ended question into the reasons behind the list of individual registered dental technicians published
material brand preference provided an array of responses on the DCNZ web site was not suitable. We believe that,
(Figure I). The dominant factors were low price and good because we used the Yellow Pages Group advertisements
physical properties. One of the least-mentioned factors as a sampling frame, the sample was representative of the
was the manufacturer's recommendation for a given alloy commercial laboratories in New Zealand. However, there
of matching the coefficient of thermal expansion to an were some non-responders, and there is a possibility that
appropriate porcelain system. Biocompatibility, colour, ease not all laboratories list themselves in the Yellow Pages. This
of processing, familiarity, reliability and high gold content of could have affected the generalisability of the findings.
the alloy were also on the list as seleetion criteria. The study found that there is a wide variety of dental
alloys available in New Zealand and that more than one-fifth
DISCUSSION of laboratories do not use high-noble alloys. Nickel is believed
This is the first New Zealand study of dental alloy usage in to be one of the leading allergic metal components of dental
dental laboratories. It has identified the range of alloys used alloys (Schmalz and Garhammer, 2002; Setcos et al, 2006).
Table 5. List of noble alloys per ADA classification by elemental composition used by New Zealand dental laboratories in the manufacture of
fixed restorations. The alloys are ranked from highest gold (Au) content to lowest. Alloys containing more than 10 wt% copper (Cu) have their
copper content highlighted in bold type; and Pallorag 33, with a combined silver (Ag) and copper content of 70 wt%. is highlighted in italics.
Product Name Cottipany Au Pt Pd Ag Cu Ga In Ir Re Ru Sn Zn
Cendres- (Au-
Estheticor Actual 53.6 37.6 0.2 8.6
Metaux Pt=53.8)
Argenco 42 Argen 42.0 7.9 26.0 22.0 2.0
Minigold Ivoctar 40.0 4.0 47.0 7.5 <1 1.0
Argenco 28 Argen 40.0 8.0 40.0 11.9
Strator 3 20.0 19.9 40.0 16.( 0.05 4.0
Pallorag 33
10.0 20.0 59.5 9.5 1.0

Argelite 80+5 Argen 4.8 79.9 1.8 6.3 6.5

Degupal DeguDent 4.5 77.3 7.2 0.5 4.0
IPS d. Sign 67 ivoclar 4.0 62.7 20.0 1.7 1.5 10.0
Spartan Plus ivoclar 2.0 78.8 10.0 9.0
Argebond 80 Argen 80.0 5.0 6.3 6.5 <1 1.0
Argelite 55 Argen 55.0 34.0 <1 6.0 3.0 1.0
IPS d. Sign 53 Ivoclar 53.8 34.9 1.7 7.7 1.2

Table 6. List of base metal alloys by elemental composition used by New Zealand dental laboratories in the manufacture of fixed restorations.
The alloys are ranked from highest nickel (Ni) content to lowest. Alloys containing less than 25 wt% chromium (Cr) are highlighted in bold.
The two beryllium-containing alloys are highlighted in italics, and NPG+2 alloy, with a copper content of 80.7 wt%, is featured separately.

Product Name Company Ni Co Cr Mo AL Si Mn Ga W Be Ti4

Argeloy NP (v) Argen 72 15 1.5
Tilite V Talladium 76 12 6 1.8 Ti 4
Pisces Plus Ivoclar 61.5 22 2.3 2.6 11.2
4 all Ivoclar 62 26 12
WirobondC Bego 61 26 6
Wirobond 280 Bego 60.2 25 4.8 <1 2.9 6.2

Product Name Company Cu Al Fe Zn Mn

NPG+2 Albadem 80.7 7.8 3 2.7 1.7 4.3

Studies have shown that 5-15% of women and 0.5-1% of this alloy may be subject to increased ionic dissolution,
men are nickel-sensitive (Wataha, 2001). Internationally, tarnish and subsequent possible negative biological elTects
alloy manufacturers have responded to the increasing (Anusavice and Bantley, 2003). This is evident from the
health concerns by producing nickel-free base-metal alloy finding of Eschler and colleagues (2003). who reported from
systems. Ofthe six base metal alloy brands identified, four in vitro testing that the cast Cu-AI alloys "exhibit a very low
were nickel-based. It is unfortunate that the study did not corrosion resistance in an oral-type environment". Benatti
determine the percentage of PFM and crowns and bridges (2000) also found considerable corrosion in vitro and In vivo
manufactured in the laboratory using these alloys. in non-self-cleaning sites with Cu-AI and Cu-AI-Zn alloys.
A copper-aluminium alloy (NPG+2. Albadent, USA) is The prescribing of these types of alloys is therefore not
in use by laboratories in New Zealand (Table 5). This alloy recommended (Wataha, 2000).
is a low-priced substitute for gold alloys in the production Ten of the noble alloys listed had a copper content of
of lull-metal crowns and bridges; it typically consists of greater than 10%. with the highest being Argenco 42
80% copper, with the remainder comprising approximately (Argen, USA), which had 22% copper (Table 4). Wataha
10% aluminium and other base metal elements. Owing to (2000) described copper as a labile element that increases
the more active (anodic) nature of copper and aluminium. the tarnish and corrosion potential of an alloy. Where local
toxicity is concerned, the presence of copper at levels as low
Table 7. Number of laboratories sourcing alloy in New Zealand by
as 10 |im/g in the gingival crevice can be detrimental to the
nianufacUircr (%),
epithelial cells (Wataha, 2000).
Manufacturer Number of laboratories % Distribution
One ofthe alloys available in New Zealand is a palladium-
sourcing alloy
copper PFM alloy (Spartan Plus. Ivocar. Williams. USA)
Ivoclar-Vivadent 26 40.6 (Table 4). Both Wataha (2000) and Geurlsen (2002)—in
reviews ofthe biocompatibility of dental casting a l l o y s -
Argen 16 25.0
identified low corrosion resistance and the potentially
Dcgudenl 7 10.9 harmful release of copper ions as a problem with PdCu
Talladium Tillite 5 7.8 multiphase PFM alloys. Such a problem with those alloys
Albadent 2 3.1 was further highlighted by Hildebrand et al (2006), who
Bego 2 3.1 found that the corrosion of copper induced a toxic effect
Yamamoto 2 3.1 in vivo and resulted in a roughened surface with pits and
Wieland 1 1.6 crevices resulting from corrosion within the various metallic
Heraeus 1 1.6 phases ofthe grain and between the grains ofthe alloy.
Cendres-Métaux 1 1.6 It was apparent that price and physical strength are strong
Pentron 1 1.6 influences in alloy selection in laboratories (Figure I).
However, it was unclear what the factors underlying dentists'
preferences were (whether price, biological issues or other),
and the dentists' perspective needs further investigation.
The Code of Practice for Dental Technicians and Dental
Practitioners under the Patient information and records
section- states that "Records should show...a description of
any procedure, including any materials used...". Whether
this is adhered to in practice is questionable, however,
since it is not a mandatory requirement. The advantages of
an accurate materials record-keeping system are the ability
to satisfy patients' health concerns about the composition
of their prosthodontic restorations, and the ability to trace
back information on the materials which were used, in
the event of an allergic reaction or failure. Without this
being a mandatory regulatory requirement, it is up to the
Figure I. Dental technicians" material brand preference criteria (data dental professionals themselves to uphold their ethical and
;irc ihc iiLiniber of times the reason was given).
48 Dental alloys used by NZ technicians - BAUMANN ET AI.

professional obligations by keeping adequate records ofthe Callister WD (2003). Corrosion and degradation of materials.
alloys used in treating their patients. In Callister WD (Editor) Materials Science and Engineering: an
The biocompatibility of dental materials is an essential introduction. 6"* ed. USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
property for the long-term success of any restoration. The Council on Dental Materials. Instruments and Equipment (1^)84).
FDI (Federation Dentaire Internationale) and the ANSI/ADA Classification system for cast alloys. Journal of American Dental
are the two leading organisations in the systématisation of Association 109: 766.
methods and criteria for biocompatibility testing (William,
Eftekhari A (2003). Fractal study of Ni-Cr-Mo alloy for dental
1990). it is generally accepted that the noblealloys (especially
applications: effect of beryllium. Applied Surface Science 220:
gold) are more biologically inert, but base metal alloys are 343-348.
less resistant to corrosion (Anusavice and Bantley, 2003).
Dental practitioners should be aware that biocompatibility is Eschler PY, Luthy H, Reclaru L, Blatter A, Loeffel O, Siisz C and
dependent on both the patient and material. It is an ongoing Boesch J (2003). Copper-Aluminium Bronze - a substitute material
dynamic process where materials can deteriorate and corrode for gold dental alloys? European Cells and Malcriáis 5(Supp.l):
over time., and individuals can develop diseases or allergies
(Ferracane, 2001; Geurtsen, 2002; Wataha, 2001). Dentists Ferracane JL (2001 ). Materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges.
and dental technicians sbould consider this when choosing Material in Dentistry. 2'"'ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
alloy products. What is desired is a shift of focus from the Wilkins.
price and physical properties of an alloy as the deciding Geis-Gerstorfer J (1994). In vitro corrosion measurements of dental
factor towards a balanced, informed decision which also aWoys. Journal of Dentistry 22: 247-251.
considers biocompatibility. There are no completely inert
Geurtsen W (2002). Biocompatibility of dental casting alloys. Critical
materials with lifelong biocompatibility (Wataha, 2001 ), and
Reviews of Oral Biology and Medicine 13: 71-84.
so dental professionals should be encouraged to find the best
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date with the relevant evidence-based literature. K (2006). Localized electrochemical investigations of Pd73Cul3.5
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whenever possible, as they have the best corrosion resistance.
O'Brien W (2002). Dental Materials and Their Selection. 4"' ed.
This study has identified the range of alloys being used for USA: Quintessence.
fixed restorations. However, further research is needed to
determine the proportions of fixed restorations produced Pan J. Geis-Gerstorfer J, Thierry D and Leygraf C (1995).
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Sir John Walsh Research Institute, School of Dentistry,
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Christchurch Hospital. Canterbury District Health Board. Sir John Walsh Research Institute, School of Dentistry.
Private Bag 4710 University of Otago,
Christchurch PO Box 647,
Dunedin 9054
Southland Hospital. Southland District Health Board. Corresponding author: Vincent Bennani. E-mail: vincent.
PO. Box 828, K.ew Road. bennani (ttiotago, ac .nz


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