Eportfolio Signature Assignment Essay

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Signature Assignment Essay

Bio 1010
Tyler Hilbig

Part 1: How does basic biological research lead to discoveries that affect society? Include at
least one specific example.

In the last two years, the spread of the coronavirus has impacted the lives of almost
everyone on the planet. Very few people living today have been unaffected by its reach. When
word first broke out about the coronavirus, many people were immediately fearful and careful.
Others were doubtful that it was a threat and perceived others’ caution as an overreaction.
Everyone began looking for solutions to the problem and how to stop the spread of the virus
that had uprooted their lives. These included new technological developments in masks and
hand sanitizers, the introduction of nasal sprays, and even the controversial vaccines that many
believed would save them from the suffering caused by the virus. All of these developments
were connected to the field of biology.
During this time, I was living with a roommate who was an experienced biology major, and
his interest in the field rubbed off on me. He answered my questions regarding virology, PCR,
bioinformatics, and more. We also had the opportunity to visit and tour the lab of Dr. Chris
Miller, Ph.D., Ba, Rt, and hear about his contributions to the biology world. Dr. Miller shared his
story with us of how he began his career when he decided to research nitric oxide. One of his
first large achievements, was when he and his team found a way to use nitric oxide to treat
blue baby syndrome, a condition in which lack of oxygen in an infant’s blood causes their skin to
turn blue. This discovery helped save the lives of numerous blue babies and helped Dr. Miller
establish his career.
When the coronavirus gained traction and became a global pandemic, Dr. Miller found a
way to use his research to help fight against the spreading virus. He developed an alternative
solution of Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS) that could be used as a preventative measure
against the virus. The spray later became available to the public and was found to be safe, well-
tolerated, and showed a 99% decline in viral load in 48 hours. At this time, there were strict
regulations in place to regulate the spread of the virus, however, the head of our local
organization was required to meet with us and our coworkers frequently and travel around the
province where each of us were stationed. He took as many precautions as he could using
masks hand sanitizers and virtual meetings, though he was able to further protect himself by
administering the nasal spray to himself prior to human interaction. As time passed, he
remained safe from the virus. Being able to see this real-life application of biological research
and having been close to these two men sparked my interest in the field because it showed me
what kind of impact studying biology can have on the world. The coronavirus has also brought
many biological topics to light as we have watched to see biology implemented to fight the
spread of the virus and not only save lives but also to help change the lives of everyone by
creating a safer and healthier world.
Part 2: What skills did you master in this course? How are they reflected in your course work?
Be specific.

Biology 1010 has been a very interesting, enlightening, and challenging class for me. I
would say that this course has helped me to develop skills directly related to understanding
biology and other sciences, as well as other life skills that can be applied in almost any field.
This semester my assignments have mostly been textbook reading, studying vocabulary,
participating in discussions, completing quizzes, and taking tests.
One thing that I have really enjoyed about this class is the overlap that it has with
chemistry. I’m currently enrolled in chem 1210 which means that some of the material we
covered in this course looked familiar to me, though I found that in addition to overlap there
was also a bit of overhang. Overlap is great because it makes things easier for me when I
already understand it, but I would also say that overhang is more valuable because the
extended knowledge from this class helped me to hold a wider understanding of concepts
discussed in my chemistry class. Working with this connection between the two classes has
helped me practice drawing connections between the material that we learn in class and how it
pertains to other fields. I think that this is applicable in other classes as well as I have seen this
skill work in history and writing or math and science as well.
Another skill that I developed in this class was the ability to spread my efforts
throughout the week. When I took biology my freshmen year of high school, I found myself
frequently piling my assignments on one or two days of the week. This practice made it difficult
to clearly remember the material and to finish everything on time. Taking biology this year has
helped me to take steps toward overcoming those habits through its organization. The course is
divided into modules and each module begins with a to-do list and a recommended pacing
guide that offers a suggested schedule for each week’s work. I find that this method of diffusing
the workload throughout the week leads to a smoother, more productive, and less stressful
method of learning.
A skill that is unique to my particular experience in this class is the ability to be self-
driven in my studies. When I decided to transfer into this course, many classes were already
filled so taking it as an online course seemed to be the best option for my schedule. This is my
first experience taking a course online and it has been different than what I was expecting. I had
mistakenly assumed that there would be a lecture recorded or a zoom meeting class that I
would be attending. Instead, this course provides resources such as a textbook, study guide,
discussion boards, and even flashcards to help students study material on their own. Learning
biology without a class setting where I can ask questions and work with other students in-
person has been a difficult adaption for me, but not having those resources has helped me
learn how to utilize flashcards better and how to study from a textbook. I think that these skills
are very important because almost most courses I will take in college will have specialized
vocabulary that I will need to learn and a textbook that I will need to study from. Knowing how
to study flashcards and take good notes from a textbook are hugely applicable skills. I think that
these skills will help me avoid letting in-person classes and teaching become a crutch, and
instead be able to utilize all of the provided resources to ensure success and improve the
quality of education that I receive.

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