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<OPr"'9'1' 0 2000 br' (~ 3 ~ Ud.
~•"t COVf"'1"rt 0 1006 by(~ G.411..lM

~ l'I rti.t ~ ~An bf' Pot:ft' (r&t",. ¥1
ll"'Cl'll'1 ol ""' (l'OMI N:llltwio ~ • ~ of
~Mi:ut'W. ~~

wwwdl·I ~tlC'I <Of'll

POTTER CMfl .via CLA,l.SON N romR I~
1r~l\'f. and POTlllt M\CI <dcphOn M 1'91Stered
1r.i~l\\ol llM!domtoM, W

UtirlM!d. Cl.I •e
T~ 10 WW dottM ol p.lllif'fM •or doll~ Jn•mblS.
~loll c~ .ind «<fi~/CLI ·~ 6.Jftand
p <M
1 Soil toy tl'lii I Wlr} 2 ~ I frt»
IT174 J G17 2006
745 'S91 4-0:11


MN-11 9710-J07·3As..t1-1
MN-10 O-)Q7 J.&~1-6

C~\IQnlnQ c ~ton t.i<Nlt Lo M'lf Mil• ci.,wn

~!'I~ Gtmm4i Wit§on
~l'll'f Arrdlrw (•~'°"lot fill 1n9 °"'9n
Photogt~ M•il \V'!'M>Od
1Mt1oltor K.viq Chftn
CoPY (drlOI F~ CClfbnd~
£dr10tWll A\v.1#'11: K11ht Hilll\Otl
Cort•!! d("'.<9n b)' Amt Sly

Introduction 6
Before You Begin 8
Sew ing Skil ls 10

Dolls & Doll Clothes 12

Animals & Nursery Toys 36

Templates 70

Acknowledgments 96
The simplest toys are often the embodiment of happy ch•ldhood playtimes Costumed
rag dolls make the best guests at an afternoon tea party, while an easy-going stuffed
animal in tow can be a loyal best friend at the playground. And embracing a favorite
teddy makes for the safest and most comforting experience during napt1me.
As a child, I was surrounded by toys. From a rag doll wi1h missing stuffing to a
bear whose fur had been worn away. my dearest companions may not have been 1n the
most pristine cond1t1on. but they provided me with hours upon hours of amusement
and I loved them all the same Though I grew aide< and my interests broadened. I soon
disc~ed that creallng my very own toys was as much as fun as playing with them.
Wrth 1q.s to Sew. I've designed a collectlOO of dolls for children and adults alike
by draww>g 1nsporaoon from the dolls and stuffed arnmals of my ci.ldhood Whether the
doll is patched up or the animal boasts an od<l-Outtoned eye, each toy has rts own
personality and plenty of character to become a cherished lifelong pal Everyone can
enioy workrng fabt1c into toys t"'11 will be ado<ed for~.
This whimsical colleC1ion features dolls and toys that will appeal to children of
all ages. She'll find plenty of entertainment playing dress up with the dolls and
wardrobes from the first chapter. You'll also find a delightful assortment of toys rn the
Ammals & Nurseiy Toys chapter. A floppy-eared pink elephant and an old-fashioned
teddy bear make endearing playtime pals. And for your wee cowboy? The wild, wild
West wouldn't be quite the same without a patchwork hobby horse. Furthermore, rf
you're new to the sewing process, S1mple P'Ofl!CIS such as the Bea<s rn Waistcoats and
the Retro Tea Set are ideal for be<)lnners
I loved playing with toys when I was child, and 1lc:Ne them for my
ci.ldren as an adult Many of these toys are designed to entertain and amuse your
ci.ldren for years to come It~ always meant a Qfeat deal to have sewn somethrng
myself. and I hope the toys you create from this book prCMde you and the children
1n your life w11h as much en,oyment as they have for me and my little ones

Before You Begin
Basic k i t
kw N<h of tt. Pfo,Kb )'OU 'Ml Med•~ krc.
f.teh toy hM • P1ttem t~te (p.l9tS J0.9S)
Md to UM thew. you Wiii nted a ptncil. pape<.
-~ ..--
P..- Employ th4 mtthod for u.-.s5"1il)9

'°' "9h~\ fbl(:l. tt•• the dft9'I ~

• watet·tOluble fbtc nwrk•. ,..,. the p1tt~
cattion p.t.ptr. ~a watet-solubM fabfic P*.• to a v.•ndow (1n d.tyflght) Of • "51ht•box.
or alr-er.ttabft f,M)f·ic ~ You Wtll •lw Med P't«t 1ht ffbtl< oYt'f It. nght side up, and trace
• ftffdtt (or MWW'!g m«hl!f'lt) and thre;td in the l•n6 on to the fabfk-
approp11ete cok>rs for ~ng tht toys 4nd To ttamfOf dOU. dMb, and othef pla<-ement
O•tfMl\ti. Tht bisic lot h not llsted in each tn.1rkln91 to f1b1k,. p.n tht f)31ttrn to the wrong
lnchvldual project side of the f11bttc •nd IO)ert a p&n at the marking.
Lift up the edge of the patte-rn 1nd ma'k the
How to en large patterns l.t>rk with • W31tf·'°lubft febrk marker.
and designs
Tum to Ptgtt. 70 9S for tht pattem ttmpllltM Symbols
for M<h proj.n Most P'*<ft are prwrted ~"a Sm.II trt•ntln lnd<ate wheft you st\ould dip
~~In ordtf to fit tht page. notchft Into tht •UowM<e. Notehft

_.. _
To tn1M99 th-em to the (OtTe('t lilt. simpty ptevtnt • w•m frOl'f't pulling .net nwting the
photocopy tht p.1tem Woin9 tht Mlat-9tft"Mt f.atw111: pudttt
button on the photocopitr. tn&airge to~ ~ dot:J -.10 ~ wrth tNtching
""""-' o~ in the project. Pl«e
the ttft'IP.ltn on the wrong s.cJit of the tabric
«'Ct dtllW' flOUtld 1Mm.. Sewing
Tht \ .atlo¥.•l"l(it i5 6 mm ( V4iin). l,ll'lila$ ~ted
Transferring patterns otNM-Kot AA ~~mJ thoukl be ptnned and
and markings to fabric t.t<ktd bffOft rN<h!M ~ Of' 5llt(hl1"19
for tMfvy f•bflo, •nd COIOttd Ot patt«ned by hand
cottons. pl.tee ~rbon Pfptf between the pattern
•nd 1ht WYOf'l9 slct. of the fabrk. Trb<e over it
wlih 11 ptntll Of tra(•ng whttl. Alternativety, cut
out tht patte1n plKH and d raw around thtm
with• Wftet-~lublt f•btic mo1ktr. The:n mark
the dot~ O-nd othtr ftaturf'S w1lh tht- carbon

. .............. ••••
. ,,
Sewing Skills
The next few pages provide information on the techniques you will need to complete
the toys. The methods are easy to grasp. however. 11 you are new to sewing. it is
advisable to start off creating simpler toys such as the Cat & Mouse Sktttles.

Sewing techniques To gat~ f&bric by h;iind, ,,,.ke ;:11low;:11n(f, Turn tM diagonal

one or foNO rows of small edge under to the wrong side.
Darts running stitches. abOut 3-6 mm Refold the hem. The diagonalty
A d~ or a tapering tuct is (~V4 in) tong. by knotting one folded edges should meet edge
added Into the fabric to give end of the thread .-nd pulling to ed91t forming a nt<'tt 4S0
$hcipe to tht flniShed article. It is the 01hef end to gather. aogie at the hem edge.
mattced as a large ttlangle with Slipstitch the mitt<cd e<tg~
~en lines on ~ panem. Clippi"Q seam allO\vance toge-ther. then stltch close to
which is then transferred onto Cvrved M.,ms shoutd ~clip~ the inner ed9'ff of tht httn.
the t.bric. With right sides so that they wlll lie flat. After
together, fold the fabrit along sewing. d ip the seam allowance Hand-sewing
the <ente1 of the dart<hlng on both pieces of fabric to
the! taf)f:l'Wlg rot<h (brokto) •bout 3 mm ( It\ in) from 1ht eackS1itdl
lint$. Beginning a1 1he widest stitching. Cllp about e-.oery Use for sewing strong seams or
pa" of the dart stitch up to the 2.$ cm ( t in). d~ing on the f0t attaching 1rims by hand.
point. On fine fabrics. press the tightness of the cuiw. Tight Bring the needle up from the
dart to one side. To redlJCe bulk C1Jrves wi II need d ippi119 rl'l(M"t undt rs.ide of tht f•brk .and
on he;wy fabf'.a such M fett. frequently. OU1er cut'Ve'S should insert h about 3 mm (V. in)
stash along 1he fold of the dart bt notched ·dip" triongle oVl behind the !)<)int et which the
fOf about h1111f i1s lmgth. then of the se61'1'1 allowance. Clipped thread came- out. 8ring the
pres.s open with yovr finse:r. s.e.flms $houtd bft Pf~ optO needle- out about 3 mm ('lain)
OI press.eel to one side. in front of the starting point,
Gathering Contin~ in the manne-r.

To gather tabfl< using a sewing Hemming corners

machine, make a fe..v Ptl1' To redu<t bulk .at the cortw:ts Wtupstit<.h
rows of tong straight stitches. of a hem, pres.s the hell\ then Use to attach a trim or join
secured at one end. Pvll the open it ovt •t the comer and appliqut to the main f(IJbric.
01her end to gather, then cut diagonally IK.rOSS the cOfner WOflting from right to left.
secure it to hold the gathers. 3 mm ( ~in) from tht bting the nH<le- out ftO«I the

- - ••II
bid; ..... Uwough 10 dw front. bindings. Of 10 dow openings out ttotding the knot 11"1 pl«f:,
Re ll'lllr1 lhe f'litlfdll. ~a in INtl'IS. Tht stl'tettift thould pul thrt nMdlt to the wn:ing
~ \tJUh hom lhit front to be atmost ~ Woftlftg wet. to M<We the knot.
,,,._._ . . . . . . .of hom rigl>t to i.n. bfing "'4
the fbklttwn to bt jo.ntd. nMd5e out thtough one foklotd Satin Sbt<h
- •IOng .... length """"'ii ~- Pkt up • few thr•~ of Wott P"f•Uel str•ight mtches.
me ~n<htt dOM t09*1htf. the adjoining fabric •nd tMn • ctoM togtth<tr. wou tht
few threads on the folded entire ate• of • sh•pe to fill it.
Tack1n9 edge. Re-pe•t along the length
Mnkt long running stltchH, Stem stttch
tbout 6 mm (V•.,,> 0r lot19tt. Embroidery stitches 8rlng the nff(lft to the front
(To t.tGk by machine. UM! a 41t the left-hand slde of the
nralght sthch at the longnt Chainsutch working lint. With the thread
ltngth PoUlbltJ To hold tabfks. Bring the needle up from beoe•th the needle. take
lfllm Ind t11>t>Onl In p&l(.t. the undeJJide of the ••bric i t th10U9h to the bMt just
IMllt MYM.t vn.alL stteight •t one end of the to be btneilh tht WOfking
JtlUhtf, In tht Wmt JpOL embtoid«ed. Loop tht thre~ ftvll the needle tlwough. the
then insett the tlffdle Mll'l tO tl'wffd •t tti.• point O'fftft
OWfc.15' ~t·1ch
Mlle diagontl Wfthtl. ~

the tdpt: of the fabnc to f~
vdwfe the ttwe.:t ~out.
&ing rt up . . , . OWi the tnd
of .... _

foma • Rat
... _ _

'°°" agA!ntil the

e W!fY slight ~I to the

COflt.nut tNklft9 dww

~I s.t·~~ ct,.
fabric. Rt-peal, l:MPtng 111tche1 wotting W. kHping ah the
Runrw19 st11ch d'wt stme lengel\. It•"'* the Mme" siff.
We.ave tti. Mtd._ In •f\d out
ol lht faOrlC. kffPir\9 tM ffench knot Str•1ght stitch
sthchtl imitl and ev.n. Use for Sting the nffdlie out on tht Thk stitch is uHd M •n
~ stems by kind, Udlng. surface of the fabric &t the occ•~I slngJe stitch
g.athetlng. tnd q"ikiog, pl.ct where tht knot Is 10 llt. 1ctttt1td lnto a ct.$ign. to
wrap the .around the fOfm leue-rs. or grouped 1nto
Shpst1t(h nffdle two 0< lhret times. • rln.g to form • flower. E•ch
UM to Join two folded .-dgoH dependlng on how big you itltch Is elwoys s.eparated
of febrl( (fOf' tx•mple at the want ihc knot ~o bo Instr\ lhe from tht neict ont
m!ttfod ~ of a he-In}, i«urt needle close to where it ume

II I• II IQ. . . W
Do Cot es
Dolls can be the most ertlt•arong and characterful
membe1s of the toy ch<'St I've «>-created some of
my favorite doll; Iron my ch1ldl>oocl, including
Sonny Sam and 81/Jdh ~'~'""· Jl'd a~gned
various \~ardrobes to SL1t most occd:StOnS• From a
dayt:me eosem."le •c- outdoor <jf'ar. design a
collection of fun and f•shiorable c otl'es t~ar wi I
keep yoor dolls coking thetr best al: the ~me
Basic Doi I
The BaS>C Doll is the lt.<npl.Jte f0< •• the r.ig dolls 111 thrs book I 11.i,,. m.1de her 1n a
simple calico, but you could uw an •rray of fabncs, 1nclud1ng recycled matenals from
dothong, "' scrapo left from other sewong proieas.

Basic Doll l. To ucllte the elbow joint, shouldtrs for inset"tlng the
m1c.hlne-stltch woss the cttitet IHMi. (Up the ~am ftlowan(e
MATERIALS of ff(hfrm. It tht ntck
• C.l.c:o (Of fatM'k of your 4. With ngh1 sides togtt.thef, • • Turn tight swk out~ PTHS

"'''"' UM ~of the two

choke): Im (1 yd). 127 cm ll(aht.,. Pftss the ~
(SO iin) wide ..,.. '-"'9 top-_... at the ~11'9
• White «Ki pink fett W"P\ S. Turn Nght Mdt> out ~ stvff undtf "" \M Wtni in posibOn
t i fOt mt •rms. Sl.ptrtch the Md hlftckc.tch f1tmf>t in pi.ce
"" - ond colo< of
(hoitt for eyes top tdgies togethef to doM. 9. Stuff U.. body ond -
• 81.0: a-nd pink tffl.btoidtty fwm... through the oper11ng. pin
thrffd fot facial featutt1 HEAD AND BODY 'stl1<h
""legs1n Inpl1«.
pooltlon, - .......
• Heavyweigh t yarn for hair 6. Using blildt embrotdtlY dl»ng me
• toy stuffil')g thte3d, join the Irises to the opening 111 tht base of the body.
• Embrofdt.ry needle (size S Of 6) outer eyes by working a frtoth
• Lat~ed needlt knot In the (tnte-r. Sew ;n ~e HAIR
on tM ft<t Yieng the pattem 10. To Cfe.tte the hait cut
Templit es: pte.c.e: ~ • powtional gu~. Jeng1N o1 yam 10 double the
Sft PJ9I! 72. thin WOrt Stl\al Stitches doMred 1.-1eng111.
11ound tht ~ (1ff photo) 11. To ww on tM hair. btgin
ARMS IU'6> LEGS UM pin\ ~Oldery Wffd to W11h • 'founclltiOn piie<e..-
1. v.Mh right sidfos togtthtr, MW on tM mouth. one ~ of y.n and
llrtch ~ of the two •rfTl1;, 7. With ri9J'lt Sid«\ t09tthtt, lty It '°°''the seam at the
liffving ihOUfdtr ~am open. ~the tront of the body and top of tht htfd. Whi:pst1tch
2. Tum rtght side ovt •nd stutf, head to tM bade. of tht body •Sono IU length to join i1 to
using a ~ii to m•k• ~ure tht ind he~d, lt~ving the sttalght tl'le ht1d. (fur1her tovndatk>n
ttvf-f1n9 Is packed down firmly. odge •t the base of the body pieces c•n be sewn on in lints
Shpstltch the shooldef s.e1ms Optn, ltf\lt two Sp.kf!1. fO'MS the back of the he•d
t09tthei" to df»e, bttwttn tht- notchei on the from Mt to e•t; it depends

how much <~•Ot!' )'OU w•nt,) 2. At the ~ optnln'J'. turn sldt. Sutch In ptaoce. Trim M
12. To att~ ~3<.h length o f 6 mrn CY• In} to tht WfOl'\9 side. t he rtght Mcie with r'terf( bt• ld.
hair, fold the stt•nd In h•tf and then tack 1u,d MW the J . At the w•l1t edge, tu tn a
ttveJd the toldt<I tnd throvgh tlastiwtd tdg•ng jtOUnd tht double 6 """ (V• 1n) hem to the
the &atgt'-~ nHdlt. PMS the Mg opHllngJ.. pulhng the i~ Ind st.itch 1n pll(t. Trim
nHdle thtough lfw lounct..bOn
~. remo.t tht nttdle .H It
~I( stightl)' lO " """ n.iche on lht righ\ stde with mote
''°· brfld
~9"" and then puH the cut J.. At the w•flt fd9t. turn .c. At iht neck edge. 1um a
ends. of the 1"'" through the 6 mm (\I• In) to tht Wf01'19 Side:. 3 IMt (V. tn) hem to the Wf<>ng
loop and dr~ up to fNlk e a UM;:k •nd s.ew on edgtng. •g.a in s.i.,.,. Stitch 1n pl.tee. Tack •nd
knot that liH ag.almt t ht p ulling t he ~l.aitk t•ut (a littie sew I~ elJstlclied edg ang to
fovndaition pitte. Worlt fvr1he' more than for the lt91) so it tM righ t s~e. pulling the
strands of hail elon9 the wdl rutht ·~ btfcwt. t l•slt< sl.ghtty"°
it will rue~
foundation ple<t (end •ny whM re~i»td
~itnt foundation ptf<f'l camisole
«JOU dw back of tht hHd) to
<ornpicte Tnm if nt<~. MATtRIALS
• CottM febfl(: JO. IS cm
Underwear ( 12.116ln)
• Ritrac bfaid: 70 cm (28 in)
MATERIALS • Elastkltod lice edging~
• Cotton fabtk: JO • 10 <m 2S un ( 10 In)
£1aruond Lkt ed;""9 T~tt:
50 <rn (20 .,,,, Stt~7l

1. Wrth th9 nght s.ides ot tht
front and l»ck together, sew
MAKING UP th~ side seaim Sew the

1. Fo ld in h&lf, right slckt1 sho ulder ,..emJ

together. and sew tht ~ 2. At the etmholt1, tutn •
stams.. Turn r.ght sldt out. 3 mm ("to) httl'I to tht wr-ong

Simple Clot hes
The follOV11Jng patterns are baStc silhouettes W'hich can be adjusted to create the
doth1119 throughout the bool<. Or better yet, indulge your creativity by using your
favonte labncs and embellishments to design your own collections-the possibilities are

Simple Trousers 6 mm (V• in) to ueate hem and under. Sew the ca-sing In place
hand-stitch ln place wi1h a 1 on <~ il'I} from the u~r
MATERIALS neat running stitch. edge. Leave 6 mm (V4 in)
• Cotton fabtk: 25 x 48 <m s. At the- waist. fold eel~ opc-nh'9 in the lln<i of stitching.
(10 x 19 in) 1.3 cm (Y, ?n) twice to 'thread the elasti< through the
• EIMtic: 6 mm (V• in) wide. 22 the wrong side to m.tike • ming u'$ihg 3 s3fety pin, Pull
cm {8V• In) k>ng ca~ng and foJd the rww edge me elauk to the desired \Vaist


1. Wrih rtght side1: togethtf.
stitch the two back pie<es
1Ql!Jt1:htr ;11long tht c.,,ter
tin~. from dot to dot.
2. With right sides togc.-ther.
stitch the two front pie<es
along the center llMS. from
dot to dot.
l. With right sides of front and
bftk togethet. align lhe gusset
«iams and sev.. front to ba<lc.
Repeat with side seams. Turn
tlght sfdc out. Clip \he seam
<Jllowance between the legs.
4. Tutn bottom tdgc uOOer

II I• ~~;-
.... ~- ,_, ~···
Width. Join the «Kk S«Utffy Basic Shoes/Boots S~G 800TS
and let ~ jl~ imtde the T9fflplllt"'!
<o1Mf19. Slipstit<h the ~ MATERIALS S..-78
tO <IOSt, • Felt: 12 an (Sin) square
for ~le-s: 23 <m (9 in) square 1. pt.clng the right skits
Sleeveless Top !Of uppert togtthtt. 11h<h the front to
• ftll. ubbor\ or braid scraps tht bl<k along the back sum.
MATERIALS fOf dt<Oti'flon Stltd'I •round t.he ta. Md
• ftlt; 13x 16an<SV•x6V• '"> • Vflrn scnrips fot laces along the Uf)ptf, or Nlfw'Y
• Ktaps: foe u... motrf
• ItMS. lttn\, °' ribbon. 12 on ..,,__
•lent the uppet if ~ wist!: to
(12t •.n)fcw the~ 2. Tum night~ o.n ~use

)'Ol.lf' lingitn to 1mOOth out thrt

"""" and make them lie flaL
t, With the nght $idn ), With the Wfe>ng sides
together, stitch the bbck seam upPfrtnOS\. m•td'I tht dots on
MAKING UP on ••<h upJ>Cf, Stitch the dart the u~f Wtth the sol-e. Join
1, With right s:t~ togtthtt, on each toe. tho two pieces with a running
tllgn tnd the-n s.tW the side 2. Turn right s.ide out. Put 1t1t<h or <•relulty f'l'\IKhint in and shouldef S.•ms. unott a <ioth •nd 9tntly press place Trim the ""plus fabr'.c
joining b;Kk to front. tl'le ~ ind the d6tt fl•t. <toM to the 't •t<h•ng and tum
2. Holt'ld 1'tl1<h tht trimltw•id to J. With tM wrong sfdes r10ht \ldt out
the ~· t'dgit uppttmou. matd't tht dob on 4. tf dihlf~ MW on USang
3. Wt 01.1t o1 M.,.. motif Mwl the ""*" W'th lhrt sole-. Join • i.tgieeyed needle.
jOlll'I • strtch cw two to tht the two P't«'S With. ~
front of the top. ltitc:h Of uttfully f'M<hlM tn
plf<t Tr1m the wrplus fo1btic
<loM! to the sbt<h1~ •nd tum
right Mdt out.
4. Att•<h a wap of ribbon or
bfaid •<rou the shoe to make
o '''"P and sew on a
de<:Ofatlve mo<if if dt:firtd.

• I II
Day Clothes
Who said one has to sacrifice style for comfort? This adorable ensemble will have your
fashion-minded doll looking spot on in a fur vest, a miniskirt with a pompom hem, and
stnped socks. Create an ensemble for every day of the ~k With leftover fabrics!

Mini Skirt the e&Mtk to th• dtsirod waist a(Ovnd the edge o f the hOOd.
wfdth. Joint.he ends se<u1ely 4, Sew the ~ad OI t09Q~ tO
MATERIALS and slide them inside the one stdc of the vesc cut a slit
• Cotton fAbiiic.:: t ....-o 22 cm c&Siog. Sl•psthch the opening in the opposite side of t~
(8V• in) square$ In thoe casino to close. to create a buttonhole.
• fits.tic; 6 mm (V4 in) ...ndt. 4. °'
sew the uim ribbon to
24 cm {9Vi In) tong the bottom of the 1okir1. Socks
• Ribbon 0t t rim: 46 cm
(18 in) Fur Vest MATERIALS
• Old pair of chikt's socks
Template: MATERIALS ret;11ining the .iasti6%«1
See page 74. • flc«e fabrie: 40 an (16 in) edges of the .socks as the
square doll's wck tops.
MAKING UP • Fluffy ttim: 1 m (1 vard)
1. With right skies togethH. • Bead or toggle Ttmplatt:
align and t~n 1ew the side Sff page 14.
seams. joining back to froot. Templates:
Stitdl th4t dMtJ and p ress the Sff page 74. MAKING UP
pk!oats.. Turn right 5.lde out. 1. With right sides together,
l.. Turn u-nd4?r 2.5 cm (1 in) to MA1(1N(j UP sew the scams for both socks.
rnalte a hem and tack Jn place. 1. With right sides togethe<, Tum right side out.
Stitch the hem 2 cm (¥•in) stitch the fronts to the ba<k llt
from the r.oMi ed9f'. the shoukter seam, Join the
l. At the waist, fold edge side seams. Stit<:h tho p leat in
under I.) un (\ll In} twke to the b<Kk neck edge,
the wrong side to make a 2. Wrth right s.idei facing, sew
CMing and fold the t aw edge together t he two hood pieces
under. Sew the casing in pl<1ce fiom htod to <enter back.
1 cm <-"in) from the upper 3. Ease the hood around the
edge. leave a 6 mm (V• in) ne<ll edge of the vcrt ~ nd J.ew
optning in the lint of stitching. In pla<e. Trim the felt close to
Thread the ebstlc tlvough the the se•m. Stitch tho trim in
<Ming using" u fety pin. Pull place atoond the hem, and

• I II
Outdoor Clathes
Here are some outdoor clothes that any doll would like to be seen in when she's out
and about The poncho. flared trousetS. and gloves are easy 10 make from scraps and 111
all the dolls.

Poncho bade th1ough the untc1 f1om M t1rovnd the pompom in

tht front. continoe to wind like bet'Nffn the 1wo card d.lst s.
MATERIALS this until the cent~ hOle b This d~. uird still in place. tie
• Chlld's o.Jd cafdigan fvl'-fou will nttd to hold the a length o f yam (about 20 cm
or s<M?ater tall in place witfl your thumb (8 in)) atoond the tent~ of the
TNn aud cut into two S (m when you fioNt begin to wind. pompom a1 tightly as possible
(2 •n) diameter circles for a UsJng a sharp f).'t r of Ki)~ ~nd 1he-n rc-inow the card
pompom make'
• Twisted cord
• scrap of ftft fQt' binding
• Tapestry yarn for tassets

Se<> page 7S.

t. Mal:e two pompoms frOO'I
Jtft0vtr WOOi. Cut ~ 2.S cm (1
Jn) diameter hole ln the center
of c3<h aard <ircle. then pl;)(e
the two drdiM together. Thread
~~sewing needle whh as
many enck of yam as it will
t•k•. The lengths shoold ~
about 1 m (1 yd). Hold the two
circties ot <Md together and
thread the MC!dle through the
centll'f, aiound the outside .ind

II I •
ordft.- '"'" the pompom to ~ In ~" and tlvNd tht Gloves
ftuff n • twi ww:t tomi • w . loop aeated ll'lto the nrttdll>
:i. Knot - ' .. (1 rd)~ ~ Thfe..ct tht 1-uand ttvouigh MATERIALS
of )'Ifft lC)9eChet at otle end. the Jbtd°M5 at the bottOm e A baby\ old <¥digel\
.,.., """ .... lengU. oghtly edgoofthepon<ho,pwJ09 • f •n<y f''-stkiz.ed trim:.
....... -"9th< h ........ . . . . - tlwQU91> .... _ 10"" (4 ii'\)
fold tht Mm In ha1f so that the end t i the netdlt tn'litf'~
freoe encH and the ~notttd ench Pufl to tighten and re~aie the
ITIC'Ot, The y•1n ~II twkt it$tlf tlff<lle. Trim fril'l9t.
togtthtf Into • cord Tie the
frtt enck and knotted encf'f Trousers MAKING UP
togethtf and ~n out arry 1. With right side-s together,
burn,x. Cut lht COfd In ~If •ncl MATERIALS <Mefully sew around the si~
kt'IO( tht cut tn(k, Sew the • Sfttvei of an Oki 1on9· .tlld thumb se11m with a 3 mm
cot<b to tht pompoms. srffW'd T·shitt (V.Jn) s.eam allowance. Tum
). With right 11dts together. pin • Fot the trouwe' tion: SO cm fl9hl $idt out.
tht s.cM 1iNtM. at the wme (16V•itl) length of J. Turn a I <m (to\ 1n.) hem to
time addW'lg • t¥nsttd cord at .--.y ... tM wrong Sotde at tM wff
"""tnd ol-'< edgo • So l>t* for d«.orabOn edge and Slluh WI S.W
4. Sfw the WMM, Ult~ in on the ~tlCand tnm aroc.m
the <Of'dl.- fUrn right 1'idt out. fdiow' instrucbons to CJNtt thocuff "'9<
i. Gut • 1.s O'f'I ( 1 11'1) • JO Oft ~ Trowtn bee P19f 17)
( 12 .,,, 'VfP oi felt ~ foldin9 and adjust to lonttf ltn;i.h
"~""' h ff¥« the lnstffd of thre..ct~ elaj;UC
nt<* td!>e: to btnd the r.w through the waist Ctilng. UM
tdgfl. Stitch In .,.ko embr'oidtry i.ilk.. pulling both
cwentpping dw ends ~out a t the gtp Tum the
mffC. Tum If nt<6~ry ~at opening and 1t1tch In
6. Tvrn • 2 .S cm (1 In) Mm place 10 a>nte•I the r"w edg.tS.
to the WIOl'lg 1ldt and MIW To secure the illk. thread thff'O
In P"'Ct. t>t~s onto the end-. of the tin

7. Cut the t•pestty yam lnto befote knotting th41 •nds..

10 cm (4 In) l•noth1 Fold e1ch

• I II
N ig htcloth es
Puttong dolly to bed tdn be a good Wdy of 1ntroducm9 the unpopuldr notion of bedtime
to a child. These nightclothes fit all the dolls You could also make the '50s Shirt on
paqe 28 as a pa1ama top

Pajama Top
• COiton OI tltnMt'
on~ pit<•. 20 • lO cm
(8 x 12 In) fOf bodlc~; one
pie<e, 10 x 25 c.m (4 k 10 io)
(Ot ~trt,'. OM pit<•, 25 II 40
cm ( 10 x 16 fn) f0t trOUW"S
• btnd-"'19 6 mm • 22 cm
(V• •a.-. In)
• ElfttjC 6 r't'ltn (t'• In) Wldt>,
22 an (IV• ln) long

1. Prm 6 mm (V• iin) to wrong
»de on Clff'lttt bKk edgits..
2. Stit<h .... U..., C mm
(~ 1n) frOM lht fokt Mw
);. With the right Stdfl of t~
fronu •nd badti t~hef, sew
the ~ide se•m~ Sew tht
shoulder s.tamt..
4. At the 11mholtt, turn •
l mm (~ k'I) hem to the wrong

II I •
~ St1t<h wi P4«it ~tly pj'it$\ 1M fold Sew Pajama Trousers
s. Fold tht bl.s b.ndtng CN« ~ te.lm. Tufn feghl \.at o..n
the~ edgit ind MW 1t 1n 8. At thot rrN Wfl\1 t'd9f, run I As Simple TrOt.Mn fd)i.nted to
pl.ace row of st1tche-s P\ilt mid tM;tli (.ee Pl9' 17).
6. Olitfl.ap lh• (tnte-r bi(k up to tit tht cir<vmftrentt of
edg•' to '••m ~llow•n<e Wbodlce.
•nd join 2 .S (m (1 iin) irom 9. Pin r~ cd91t of lop ond
walst edge. stirt t~ther, then s11tch
7. To rn.1kt tht \kltt fold the together a 2 <fl'I (V• ln)
fnbrlt In holf ttngthways with seam<e.
right \ldit\ tOOtthtr and

..._., ..,,_,,__
- , '~·
• I II
Robe und« a 12 mm (~ln) hem tM open end lhtn wtllpstlt<:h
Mound the front edge: of hood tt. optning to~ Ttwffd
MATIRIA15 lll"W:I s,trt(h in plt<e. tlv0U9hthe-
• Terry doth SO cm (20 iln),
112 an (45 In) wide 7. Ease the hood along the
• Cotton°' flfnMt: ne<:k edge of the gown.
one 'trip. a x 64 cm 1lignl:ng dots, MK! ttltch Bunny Slippers
OY• x » in) tbtlU
...,,, .... _,. ..
the rob«,
• Reef fleecf': 12 CM (S in)
9. Hem along one ~Ol' of the MtU•te for soles; 23 cm (9 tn)
po<l:et. Turn und-01 6mm (V• in) ic11.1• re for upper$
MAKING UP on other lh•ff slde1 P\n tMn • TWo black ~;)(fj fOf t)'t'S
1. YJith ,'91" 1kM1: ·~·
stJUh ~ tronu to the back
Udt Into poktion onto OfW
front. S.ttt<h in pl.a(.e •long ...
• Whit. f~ ta•
for ...$

at the JhQutdef, Tum t'.ght three unMMMtd ie•rM 1-mp&ate:

Md<ouc Remo¥e the t.cltln9 Stitches. * paoe 76.
2. FokS the f1ont fii<ings to the 10. With two I l cm (4V• In)
wrMg sldt Ind stitch along stta.l\ds of embtokf.ery t.iltc or M Shoes (\ff~· 18).
tht tmH fdOt: of t.ongs. fiM cord malt beh loops, by s.w two~ and twO Hn ,0
J. Wi'th the nght ~ ttvffdlng e.Kh itnd. l S an Heh lil•wet to tMk• tht
togtthtf. NH tM ~ to frt (t .., ...... tlv0U9h ........ bvnny'1; flW.
~ armhole td9f' 6nd strtch ~·M then M(Uflng Oft the

the seami. wrong side of tho robe with a

4, Tum oodtf t::t mm (~in) COU~ of Slit<hti.

l' at e.Kh ~ edge. 1 1. With right s1det together..

S. Stilt '"11h right sidts foldthebeltlnhllf-the
tcMJtthtr. strteh the bld to lhe
longth. - - - ......
fron.u liOng the sick> ~ms edge•ndthe1o"9edge.
and Undf-lflff'IS, 12, Turn r~ht itdt ovc throvgh
6. Jot:n tht hood aklng the top 1he OPff'I f'nd. Pte$S
l)nd center b.wk Mtatn. Fdd iJ, Tum in the r•w tdgt'J at

Sonny Sam
This cheeky chap is <ely to b«ome a f"m faYOOte He\ dre<sed on a stroking raincoat,
gingham shorts. beanie, and bastbaN boots.

MATERIALS Ba1<>ball boots gently prt'Ss the seam flat

Doi • felt: 12 cm (Sin) sqUate, undtr • <loth. Using • iigzag
• Hitur1t <ofor linen; 1 m crNm fOf idfl; stttd\. stitch• Bne th•t tra<es
<1 yd) scau•re ll an (9 1n) square dtntm tM hMI are• of the boot.
• Whit•. ~own .nd ,,,,,..,....
bkl't fOf upptn; ClfMn SUllP 2. Wid'I rtght Sidt$ togtther.
~ fth: sa~ for fYn Jht<h lht toe WMn on •adt

.... "'°""'
. . . . . MM:t ptnlt ~
• 1Wo piecel of lw•..yi...t.ght
Jolfl\ for bootla<u
~ ,.,ftl the M.,., ~ Tum

night Side out.

tlYtMf fol f1c:i.11 fe1t\lrto1 • Ir•dtwt Of v«y ) . With • bfMf•wl Of VHy
• Of•• Ma~lght yarn "'"'"O)'ed ......,. lar~ needle, tNke sill
f0t h1i.r tytltt holes for the &&c~ along
e Toy stuffing Bean..e hat ehhet side! ot the boot.
• Embroidery needle (size S • Jtr'4y f;bfic: two IS cm 4. Hil')d•ltW tht ton91.1e
or 6) (6 In) sq~res bth•nd 1he front opening.
Thrt•d the f.a<.t1 through tM
Raincoat Ttm.p&atit: eyt"ltt hotn.
• Red PVC 50 cm (20 in). S..~77·78. s.. ,..t<hlng ftont Mid back
11 Z cm (4S in) vMt> notdwl to the Side w..-m. ww
• lWo bk.e bvttOM Doll and Hair t.M tOtit 10 the uppen using
btri.t1 stitch.
Sho<U Id fOf e.K Doll('" ~ 1•)
• P41ttertlied cotton t•bric:: Shorts
SO cm (20 in) square Baseball Boots
• flert1c: 6 mm (V• io) widt.. M Slmple Trouitri ($te page
22 cm (8V• In) king MAKING UP 1?), use pattern a t the short
1. With right sides together, Jong ti\ stw up as 1rousers.
stltc:h tht b.c;k $eam on tad\ turning up the hemmed edgti
upper. Tum right side out and by' mm C V~ In)

• I II
Shirt si<le 01 the ntck edge. 9. Ht m the lowt-r edge of the
matching the dots on the shirt with 1 double 6 mm
MATERIALS fronb wrth thrt dOt'S on the (V,.in)al~e.

• httemed Cotton ffibfK"· col&at. StJt<h In P'M• ~ 10. Atuc:h the on at dM'
SO an (20 in) ~
• TWo 1s an (6 in) COiton ttl'I
~ t.Kkln9 sblchK.
.c. Preu 12 mm (Y, W\) 10 me "''"'_..,.
wrong side on the Ctflttf Chunky Sweater
Templ•tes:: front td~ Tum undtt the
Seepage 77. raw~M. MATERIALS
s. Stitdl <1long the Inner ec19c • An okl sweater
MAKING UP of tht f.te.ings ind 6 mm (V• in) • Felt w•ps for motif
1. With right sides together. from the fold lint
\tJ1<h the coa.r pi«ft togtthtf '- With thit right itdit\ r.mpe.i.t:
~ the twO Slllight 9dgit'I.
Clip~ COtnt.n ~ thtn turn
togMht(. NM tM Wews to fit
the Mmholt tdptt 11"(1 Jt1td'I '"-"
right ~out. Turn undtt' the the ....... MAKING UP
r Wt edgel to the wrong s.ldt 7. Tum under 1 6 mm ( V• in) 1, Or1w, tr1mf..,, then wt out
and pr-e-ss. hem •t tl<h SfffYt tdge. •motif from the fett suap.
2. With right s$d('t, togtthc!f, 8. With right sldM together. 2. K&nd·Jhtch tM motif to the
stit<h the shh1 fronts to the st;tch the: Shirt bf<k to the Shirt sweater front.
shirt ba(k •t thouldtr SotMM. fronu alOng 1ht side seams. l. W1ttl t1Sftlt ildes togtttltr,
), Tack the collar to the 11ght and~Mrnt.. rtltdi 1he s~•tt-r tront to t~

• I II
lN<k at the ihoulder ~aim. Raincoat to thlt me~wroment for tti.?
4, E•Mt tho Sltt'llet to lit the bvttonhole1. Sew on the
wmhotit tdOf'I •nd th1(h ie•ms. MAKING UP buttons to m"tch the holes.
s. Stlt<h t09tthff 1M sleeve 1. Wrth sides togelhtr.
M~ 6nd Mde Jfff'l'd. stitch the- fronts 10 t~ ~ et Beanie Hat
6. Cut ntdt from• nbbtd edge tht' 1-hou'der w-ams.

of otd IWfflf'f if you "'"" Md 2. With r;ght sidtt togt'thf.r, MAKING UP
stitch lht w•m 1f ntcit!MIY l<lW the slffWS IMO thf: 1, Wlth r19h-t sides togrtthfr,
•mholtl. ""'"stit<h. Sbtch ~ the round f'd9e.
1. With ,~ "6el f.cing. ..... l. With r.ght udtJ t09t{h« kfW'g lht strlight edge open.
the polo ne<k Mound lhe Mdt rutdt U. fronu to the b«Jc 1. Turn ttght ~ out.
. . tndMW~~ Turn along the siOt Ind undtf¥m J. Fold ....., .. 2.S an ( 1 11'\)
out tht right w-.y ~ Tum right Side out hefn Of\ the Wfigh\ ~. then
a. t1 you htvt mtt\.19td to 4.. Sew the top scam of the told •In to conc:Hl r•w
retaln tht or.gin.ti w11s1 •nd hood and Wrt.h r.ght sidtt e<19t. Stitch 1n pl.ce with a
~e edgH. 11 h not nece-ssaty ease- it to fit the neck doubl• llnt of ~itChing,
to htnl. OthttW~. t.eW o edge betwee-n tM notc:hes,
2.S an (1 In) hem on the waist s. Me•sure the diameter of tht
IH\d \Jtt\ltl. buttons. add on the depth of
t~ button plus 2 mm (V1• In).
Event)- spktd down on• front
•dge, <ut two hotlion1.i slh1

Binah Ballerina
Dressed If> a rose-spnn~led tutu ~nd bo!let sJ,ppers, th•s w•nsome doll is set fOf the 9"la
perlonnance of tlle season! She will undoubtedly wm the heart of any little 91rt. Slttmg
pretty by the windowsill or p«oue11<n9 across a room.

• Cenco. SO cm (20 in). 121 on
l'O I•) wide for bod1•t1..c1.
"-nch. undtnwe•
• '•tt..-ned cotton::
2S x 20un (10 x Sin) fot
MtM and
e B&ldt, brov.t'\, and pinlr:
tn'lbfoldtry thte.tef fOI fiK•
• Gold c~illt y•rn fot hair
• Two buttons fa< ha~lld~
• Of'<O(tllvt t lflstk; 30 <m
( 12 In:) fOf SIOC:kings
• Toy rtutfi"9
• ~""919 (Ji.te S 6) °'
• Htt. two 40 1. SO cm (16 x 20
• in) Pl«" tor skin
• (I.Mlle: 6 mm (V• tn) Mde,
20 cm Cl in) tong
• • rett. two x 1s cm (6 in)
t<lV•tH, <rtom '°' bOcftee
• Dt<Of'ltlve ribbon Of braid:
70 cm (28 In) for sash
• Sbt ribbon tOH'S in pint
Ind Cttlm

. - ........
. ' '._,,-•" ••II

. . -~~-~ ....
• Vflvec Of Mt#\ ribbon:: Stockings f.cing the r.ght side of tM
two Pl«lfl. 2.S an (1 .n) bodu fron' CrOff the W•IM
w'*.IS an (6 1n) tong for Al teg• for IMic. Ooll using and ~tch to the Inside of the-
bodice str.aps, plU$ e11t1• tor patterned f~ b<Kk bodkt
bow In hair 4.. Join th• bodice 10 the 1kirt
Tutu by tucking the top of the skin
Dllncc shppers lru.ldt the bodl(t Stitch along
• Fttc 12 cm (Sin) squ.are. MAKING UP the bottom of the bodke or
ae•m for soltl; 16 an (6V• t. FOid t-" f)ie<e of~ 1n ""' wtl~t1tC:h the bodf<t to t._
In) 1-qW.rt, ptl<t pink for ~¥ •nd gently press
.._., tht to6d wtth • cooil lfOn. With
tlt•tt. Stw the dtcor..t1Ye
nbbon Mound the ~tSt to
• HMTOW Wbn ribbon: 6 min right ~of bo.h P«fi. make Mth ~ tie into • bow.
(Vt In) Wldt.
two piKes SO t~ht(. MW the blidc'l Rlnelotnl)' MW on fOlft.
mt ao 1n) tong for lift ttvougih •• four i.1"'l of nt1.
1. At tht r•w walu edgt. tum Dance Slippers
T•mpl.attto: the: 2 S c.m (1 in) allowance for
See P•ste 79. tht ct~n9 10 the Wl'Ot'lg skit MAKING UP
•nd tMn fold the edge 1. With 1l9ht sldtos together,
Doll und~. Sew citUn9 1n pl•c.e t cm stitch bKk w11m upper,
()I, In) from the uppet edge. 2. TIM'n ri9h11lde out and
A1 few 8Mk ~I (SH page t4), lff.... • 6 mm (V• in) optning gent!'; Pftit s.eam tt.t.
t.alng ~ttttned fabric for arms In tht liM of n1tchlng for J. - • OOlhff"'9 Urtch along
<Ind ~ few Nncts. Sc.ltttr ., tlMtJC. ThrNd etasti< the toe ...,... of Nch upper
few fft<*k-l on her fK.t by through ~ U1ll"9 • safety MKt 9"'* up to ht .,ound tt.
\lllOf'ting ftench tnoa.. p.n,_ M et.ult to dt'W!Ht w•t to. end of~ iOk>.
wtd\h Join tncK stoMety •nd 4. M•tchlng tht dots on the
Hair . . . theM Wide the~ Uppel'l with tht *""' JOin
Sf1psuteh c.wng to close upptr and toOte with right tides
A.s 8Mk Dolt carry some ), Whh right s.ide1 togelhC"r. togethe• and use a running
~tr•nds O<Jc»s the hairline t o 'thth f1ont bodke t o bac.t at sti1<h Of m!Khlne stitch to sew
meke a fringe and s.e<ure with side se•mt. Sew the nbbon the st•m.
two buttom to make haJrs.llM. strJPf nt C"ll<h moulder, with s. fi>t.d •D<h ribbon tie ~ half
nt h.llr In t'1bbon. the right sldt of ttM ribbon and MW fold Into biKk seam.

II I •
Jolly Pirate Pal
Ahoy. mateyl Thi> dramatoc character hd, led ,in adventurous ole on the hogh 5'>as HIS
outfit can easily bt• lu11her adapted to mak~ an array of d otlle. for ot ~ brave and
popular ~oes

MATERIALS e Br•icl lS cm (IC in) for Shirt

Doi WMlbancf
• Natural <dot hneft or MAXIMG IW
pwe cotton ihfft'"9 1 m Boots 1. Malt• ,.,,_ Min• Slcitt (Sff
(1 yd) tqui{e • Bl.O: fett 12 cm CS in) .,.ge 20) ot the 1ohott length.
• Str;ped fabfi<· lO x AO cm square for lOlt-£ l l cm (9 in} leavCno • 03p In t•<h side
(12 x 16 in) for ltg1 "Square upl)fr" seam near thll top to form
• White, blue.ot>rown. 1nd • 2 pieces of l ·ply y1rn the armholH.

pint ff'lt w1ps for fYft few bootll<H 2. Fedd Ul'lc* 6 tnm


ltvNd few f1ei.M ffft\#ft

( V• lf'I) ~ twq at

J. HM\d-ibt<h • ~QI row of

• N•ffOW gofd btilld gAthietlftg strtehti at thf center
for eatTI~ Templ.atff: of the towt-1 p1rt of each
e TO)' Stuffing Stt page 79. ~teve and pull up to p1od1Ke

• Embfoidety N«le (\fz• 5 Of 6) a ruc.hed tfft<t. Secure en<h.

Doll 4, Gathtf top edge of each
Short s.leevre With r~ht ~

• White cotton f.t>r.c.: SO cm As for~ Doll(~ p.1ge 1•). te>gonhec. lt•tch s.leew seam.
(20 W'I)

Use hnen. Stltdi Of\ f.a.M

sattt<1ng of tb'l9't 1t1lehts..

S.Turn up lht htm of ~
..,,. Mid llrtch tn pl«.it. Tom
• Bl<kk feh: 30 cm (12 In} Atll<h • '°Of) of 9Q1c1 btatd to 6. With r~t ~ together;.
square e•r for t•rrlngs, •.st the s.leews. Into the>
armholts. and stitch the se3JT\1..
• Denim bl~ feh. SO <:m
(20 In) square

• I II
1. With right Mdt\ together.
StJtth tM frot1tl to the bade. •t
2. Sta.Ch U'lit dM1 111"1 the bid.
J, FlattM the ~·With your
f1f\$1ers •nd turn the Yeit ri9ht
side out.

1. With right ~ t~.
mt1lr:e M for the Slmple
Trou~n at mid ltn9th
(~page 17), lddln9 the d¥b

M the .,.tttrn i~ltuctS

2. Attach a Mngth of btohd at
the b«l: of tti.: trOUWl- Whtn
me pS-•te " dre1M!d. wtnd w
bfatd twtc. •round hll wa1«
and tie it r.rmty to keep his
llOUM!f'S up,


Pull the OPtf\ tt"ld of the sock
on thrt plrat~'s hot.ct tnd ll;not
the bltld.liN ~ h11 ht~
Fairy Angel
Shiny. sparkly, and m.igll'al. tM bl~ )'fd treasure comes a simple white dress,
fe•t~td 'Wl9S· and ddzzbng slippers With a wand 1n hdnd. she~ SUtt to a speU
on your httle an9t The do reqwes nJe investment n time as we!t. so 1t m.a,kes et.n
ideal gift for any youngster

• lftn or put• <otton
shfftlng I m (1 yd) squaore
• White, blue or bfown.
and pink fel t Kr•J» for eyH
•nd motrth
• """' Md p.nlt M"tbroiditry
Wead fof fao.I feat\ftS
• Olun~ <tum )'Mn fOI h.lir
• Shiny bf.Mis for- tilra
• Toy ttuff!ng
• £mbroldtry nffdlt
(sae 5 or 5)
" Ores and wings
• White cotton t.hffting:
SO (im (lO In) squartt fOf

dress; two 20 x 2.5 cm
(8 • 1 In) Jtr~ for ~ffYti

Ruffy UJm SO on (20 in)

• Elane 6 mm (V• In) wide,

SO an (20 In) tong for nKk
and slecwtt
• 5equ•nt ~ bucK

'" • \
\ \\

.. \
~ Dress and Wings tw0 of the
toops: l.lrg« tMn
• Ctffm .... 12 <m (S In, the°"*' two Sew" OWf u.
1q1.&M• fOf to"1.: 2J cm Ct tn) MAQOG UP l..wl1 10 MNf•. lhtn wt<h to
..,,. for uppHf 1. MUe dtf'SS M for MJl"ll Sk• t It.. .-Ide< - of It..
• s.qu..,. (~ ~ 20). Uw ~twm •l cktu 10 *"'"
• Spartc:l'y nbbon 2S Cfft (10 ltl) long l«tgth. With right sidft
fort~ togtthc(, s.tW tht d1ess. k "ving Wand
two gaPf In tht- side seaim to
Wand il\Wrt the~"'- Turn right MAKING UP
• Gold telt~ 10 cm (II 5n) ~u.11e, side oU1 and Pfe'.S" the se•ms •t 1, Roll up the Kii.WO of fet1
plus a K••P fo1 Stlf armhole) tot~ inside to tnd whl ps11tch along 1he join.
• Stq1.1lm conceal raw edges, sew the sta1 10 1he top of 1he
2. Make the poffod slttYfl by wnnd ind •dd 1 sequin, Sew
folding e.c:h strtp In half to h• nd
ltngthwayJ. with right Welti
together. Stitch along tong
Doll and Hair tdgt. Turn right \let. lnwrt
a IS an (6 .n) ~th of flntl<
As for ltik Ooll (1off ptgt 14). il'$dt f.abric tubt>.. ltld knot or
Stow otl spwtl'y bt.m •t the WW Mdse of elasuc togf'thtf to
hMltnt M f t..,f ~ate • ·saund'lle• or puff
~- 'M\iplt1t<h shof1
Slippers ~ of f•brc togethrtf
Sew th<t slHW into tht
As Sl•PPffS (loff ~ tirmholt open11'19.
JI) Cmbef.11,.h MqUlm •00 1. Pl.Ke the sl~ In the
nbbom, 1tttnln.g to tht armhole .aind wtups;t1tch to tht
pho109r11ph, dress. Make the otht-r sleeve
1n the some w1y.
41. OecOfate the dr~s with
Sequim and ~ac;b.
S. Twi:st the ftuffy ttim Into•
figure of e1gh1 twice, miking

II I •
Animas &
Nursery Toys
Stuffed animals always garner smiles and love from
tots From a friendly tortoise and a cheeky monkey to a
button-eyed croc and a p.nk elephant, each member of
this kingdom makes a worthy friend f0t your child Pull-
Along Nel/lf! IS patchwork perleaion. and Smart B<!ar
makes a daSSIC heirloom treasure I've also mcluded
trad1t10nal nursery toys updated with new fabrics and
1nsp1red by retro styles
Pink Elephant
Soft. downy fleece makes this pint-sized pachyderm a huggable favorite with little ones.
This "cuddle me· creature boasts bright floppy gingham ears and sewn on tusks: while
his fleece scarf keeps him looking dapper when he's up to m1sch1ef.

• Pink fleece: so cm (20 in),
112 cm (4S in} wide
• Cotton fabric: t\vo
20 cm (8 Jn) squares fOf
in1'ler Cfrl
• Suttons: 1\VO 2 cm "'°" ;n)
in di&meter
• tvory felt scraps for tusks
• Mixed ftlt waps: eight
pieces of 10 x 6 <rn (4 x
2\11 in) for patchwork upper one pie<e so x 6 <:.m
(32 x 2lh In} fOf underside
of JC•rl
• Toy stuffing

See P<a9t$ 80..S 1.

1. With right sides together.
sew Inner eat to outer ear,
leav;ng top sttaight edge
open.. Turn right. side ovt.
2. Wtth right sides t~tM<,
join tM t.WO lrunk pie<es..
leaving the top eel~ open.
J. With rigtlt ~ togttt« ,o.i stt.tight edge M. the top of lhe Sl\IFFHG
1ht noM .nd o( tht hNd top to leg ~ Ttm oghl \Ide OIA. 11. Turn the~ tltph.lnt
....... od9' ..... .,.... \ht fight W'*'f out through \ht
4. "'" lhrt tM1 It ~U., s.0t of 800Y 8ACK w Stuff. wng a Pf«iil co
the Mold tOA m.1tching 9. With right sldo ~ ~ the S1uff1ng Into U'\lt
not<htt. •nd with the outer fold thf' tail if't half l!MgthW<I)'\ trunlt lnd ltgs.
e•r f1erng tht right side ot me and stitch a.IOng the long edgt 14. H4nd MW cht buttons for
flH<t. TMll lrl p&a<.e Tum right si~ out and fringe eyts 41nd feh Mlts In pcMftion..
5. Wlth "9ht side's together, the tail end.
p.n the head top to the head 10. Join the two pif<f'S fOt tht SCARf
sldt1, m•t<tllng notchtJ. and body backlovter 'tgt atch1ng IS. lo.Jn the o4ghc rtct•ngles as
ut(hln.g In the ears It the In the t1il, by p&a<.lng them )'OU would a strip of
seams. Sew In pf.Ko. with right sides togt:thtlr with pntchwotk. With 1ight sides
fi. Wlth right sldts together, tht tfil wnclwkhed In logtther, p&.c:e the upper KMf
sew the sum th•t rum undtr betwffn. Stiteh to ;utt ~st the on the unclen~e of the scarf
the chtn •nd •tong tho lfunlt. Uil on the body l>M:k •ncl cl~p and Hw along the long edges:
Olp the ~ 1UOWW1Ce •t the-

~•m at thk point. TU<n right and one ~ edQt. Tum ovt
t,,..,..11; tnd Turn r.ght wc;te out Stde out. Wrth wrong sidft
tlvough .,. - "'°" .....
1. VMh ngl>t ..... 1 . -.
............ ...
togt1hec. rutc:h the r~
b«l. Trim Sitltl'!I to J mm
,,....., to flattM.
t I . Twn the ""'" allowance- It
cht shcw1 tnd to the wrong
sew body Nd:louttr fr0nt t.tgs , . . on).
. . . Md~ todowo.
to thrt !Inner front ~ fernng 11. Stitch the body b40: to the
the Sttllght edot' It th« top of
the t.g Of>tn. Clip the w.m - · bt9i"'""9
undef w chi!\. -
•Uow.tnet Turn r'Oht 110e out.
I . With right lldtt togethef, SOOY FRONT
Join tho bo6f b.ckloutOf hind 12. Stitch tht daft on the
legs •k>ng the front ond bMlt wrong side. With (tght sidH
sea~. With right sldts toget~; sew the body front 10
t09C1ther, tfM' In tht fett at t he body back and inner legs,
the bouom o f th• leg ~s •nd Je.wing a gap for stuffing.
1tltth In pltct. Le•ve the

II•• ..... ,. 7.
Button-Eyed Crocodile
Even this cheerful chap loves a little game or hid<> and seek. Panels of terry cloth. fleece,
and cotton waffle sewn togethe< create his wonderlully textured and multi-hued skin.
With a playful spirit and a z19·za9 stitched smile, this patchWO<k per!ectlon certainly
leaves us green with envy

MATERIALS LEGS AND BOOY Stuff ea<h eye, then wtiipstitch

• Conon or tefry <foth fahli<: 4 , Wilh right Sidei together, it to the top of the head
Fovrteen 15 <m (6 in) Join the pieces for each leg, (see photo).
squares for body aod legs &eaving the straight edge at 8. Cvt a length of wtiite y•rn.
• Whilo cottc>n fbbtic 20 cm 1he top open. Turn 'ight side app<ox. 25 cm (10 in) long, for
(8 In) square fOf ey~ out and stuff lightly. tht te-eth. Secute one end of
• l\VQ bvttOM 5. With right sid~ together, the yarn. be-low and in. front of
• White yarn for eyes and jofn one body pie<.e to the t~ ey.. Map out the zigug of

teeth othtt'. at the s.ame 1ime placing teeth around the head,
• Toy stuffing the raw edges of tM ~sat pinning the yarn in position
the seam Along the underside .and tacking it tn p&&ce.
Templates: of tM body (leave a gap In the 9. Thread a needle with
~e pagc82. underside for stvffing). Turn 11nothcr is cm ( 10 in) of white
the body the right way out yam. Secure the yam in the
PATCHWORK SQUARES through the 9ap. Stuft firmty saMtt place wt\ofe you l)eOan
1. Pl 11n the placement of the and sti1ch the gap to close (the the zigzag.
fab<lc pieces.. seveo squares legs hang from the belty in 10. following the line of the
long by two squa<CM wide. •1'14 pairs). zigiag. fuc eiKh point with a
matk the order In which they Sm;)ll vertical stitch.
lire pla<od by numbe-ring them EYES 11. At the end of tM zigzag.
1n pe-ndl on the wrong skle. 6. Wlth right sides together, s«ure both threads.
l. To toin the squores. pla<t stit(h 8rovnd each eye sNpe.
right sldM t~ther and se-.v leaving the' straight edge open,
along each •djacent 4Kl9'l. T\,lu\ right s.ic:t. out.
PYess the se<11Y\$ open. 7. sew a button to each eye
l. Pvt the pattern pieces on with white yarn, On st,aight
the wrong side of the edge of e~. prMs a 6 mm (V•
patchwotk and tranrlet shapes. in) hem to the wrong side.

.. ..-................. • • I I
Sock Cuddlies
Compnsed of a cool-hand tiger, his easy-g0<n9 doggy best mate, a flirty monkey, and a
spotted dalmatian, th~ super-cute cuddh~ are a fabulous way of using up odd socks
felted O.ta•IS 9fVe plenty of penoM ty 10 ttus friendly of four

Note-: 2. Tutn tight ildt out and stuff, HEAD

5" P9 .,....s for .. toek Wft9 a pencil to~ Mt the 9. Tht twiMI of tht dog is ll'l\ldt>
ruddJy teft'lpUtft. '°"tfon .., ) is JNl(ktd down fit~. hom the heel of one IO<k: thf'
P'Stttrn pf.e<ft on sock~ tli Sew across the Jhouldott itfm. l>M:k of the he.cj being the
d1<Kted on templates. 3. Make the I~ In the same hffl. th• thin beV'lg the fokfitd
W¥'f M the lf1'M upptf' tdgt of ,. . foot of tN
Dog SO<:k. With tht ne.Woot of th9
BODY sock right sld.i tOQtthtt, stitch
MATERIALS .t. IJj.t tho leg part of a ribbed the muule f.tlm Tufn tight
• Three odd ~ult'S socks (or
OM pM tnd one odd) fot
MXk for the bocf>t
S. lurn undoft' the seam
s.df °"' through the fWCk.
10. Sew fetl\. ~ and
~ he•d. arm, ttgs. ean alSowanc.e ak>og t~ opening\ e)'ft In pl«e. lM embfoidery
• Slack felt saaps fOf O)'C'\ 6. Pin the leg) It the bottom silk for the f•dtJ ftaturff. sew
and ~•: brown fOt" patch
• Ont child\ IOCl for
$1teo+t;ftH SW'Nte!'
~ and hand'1llt<h fTtmly itl

........°'9' ...................
st1t<h the rMialning gap at the
.... .,..
on two be.-ds for centen of

11. With right~ toOtther.

• Ricr~ br1ld: 12 <:m (4.V• lin) bouom st:im to <tose. iow the sean'IS of tht ur pie<ei.
to d«orate top of 1•9' 1. StuH thf' body hrmfy Se•vln9""" top str•igtlt ~
• fmbfoidffy Wilk '°' tl'lrough tM nt<k Of)ffWl9 P'ln Of)tn Tum right s.o. OU\ «.:!
~fHtVftl tho trms at the ne<.t seam ~ stuff l19htly.. f'Okl tht ~
• 'TWO bltck beach hand-1tlt<h flrmly In plaice al.low.tnc:e to tN !inside.
• Toy )\vtf1ng through all laytrs t4ncf.stit(h 12. Stw ears to the ntad.
the remaining g.ap to dost' 1J. Stuff dw hNd f11mly «'Id
ARMS ANO UGS I. Sew ria« brMI ~e the W'W 10 the body at ne<lt. edge.
1. With ttght )j~ together, fold legs jotn t~ body.
e~ <itm In h.alf jqngthw.JyS SlEtVEUSS SWEATER
Mid Sllt(h lhe side WM!'\ lit#Ving 1.4. lM the ot the <hilch
the sf'°'** ~ opll"I. IOdl. V9Tth tht ~t.c:ited too

G Ail • • -WI
as tht> ne<lc of tht sweatff. tf MAXING Uf' of ttw trOIMfs,. and trlfn the
,~ tum In• 2 cm <Y• in) 1. M.a:e airms. 5f9L ~ M1d hotftK ri(ra< bt.-.d
hem .i tN bottom of the l°leMa$fOf00g
sweat~ •nd MW For armholti, 2. Stitch riose •nd mouth in Monkey
make cuts (the width of the p&Ke. Stitch on ~vlM and
arms) in the jldei of the beads fOf eyes. Embroider MATERIALS
sweat«. 2 cm (t'• tn) down itriptt on • Three odd ldutt\ s«l'I (or
from lht f't.HC.Uz'fd edge-. lll'Wt J FOi tM 'td'ldl:tn., fold • OM odd and a prow) for
........ i., .......... rigzog S-tftnd of WUpe )fWln9 ttwffd body, head. ¥"\ tt9J. eMS
°' wh•?\-1 •ldi by h•nd. In half and p.ISS- the tooped • White feh scraPf IOI tacit;
e-nd through the oyt of a pink for flower m0tlf
Tiger needle. Push the nttdJe • Blue feh· 20 <m (8 In) \quare

thtough the fabfk In the
p()5ill0n of • wti~et'. tetnote
• · - . . . , bt.go -°""'Y
• Ttw" lduh' wxb: few boct)t, tht> nHdlt. ~ pul tht ends ~ for f.)ci.aJ fffll.lfti arm. • • •,.. of the tJvough the • R'cra< bfaid: 90 cm (16 tn)
• Felt s.<lr•I)) In •'IW1~ colOrs loop. PuU up M> tht loop fies e Toy stuffing
fOt' f.c.1•1 f•11tu1es and motif against the no«t
• Yt11ow felt 20 Ctn MAKJNG UP
(8 lft) tqUM• '°'
• lf«t hffvfwt.ght yam fOf
ttou:sen TROUSERS
4. The te¥n .,tow~ on dw
I , '1«e two ¥m piK"5
. . .~ Oght Sldf1; f«W19 ~
furW1pet tfOl.MfS is) IWft ' " 111'1) With jOln le.Wr19 short. \U•19ht
• Embfolct.fy ..1a: of yQUr right~ togt!ther, fol<I td9t open.
d'loke fo1 fMlal featutes trouser leg in half arwi sut<.h 2. 1\un out a~ stuff, u\lrig a
and whlstters tht leg \eam, pen<JI to rn.1kt wrf tM
• Two bNCk\ S. Wilh right sldti logtthet, swffing Is paded down hrmty_
• Twowh1i.~ Sbt<h tht UOl<h s.e.m HMld Sbl<h acrou the ~
• Ria« bf•ld SO on C20 in) to 6. Clip ll"ltO the ~ allow.anct wam MP:e the olhtf Mm "'
dec0tate httn or tt~ between the legj tht way.
• Toy stuffing 1. Use scxk top for waistb.tnd 3. To make the lf9~ (ollow t~
and stit<.h 10 tho wain edge of dlrtctk>ns fOf m.altlng the arms,
tl'le crousers. .... With tighl s.idn togtthtr.
I.. Sbtth the motif on the from i - ... -bod\I .......

II I • -
leilving the n«k •nd bottom 11. Stufft,_ body firmly SOOY
~ltn unstltchtd. through the neck opening. Pin 1. With right std~ together,
5. Wn:h tht 1l9ht sidn of tht tht e1m~ in posi1iol\ •t th4! wrw the body st•IT\ lffvlng •
soc.t f<I0"9- )Oen the twO neck 5ffM and ~nd·st1tc:h M for stuffing
p.eces ~ the wam •t thot rwmly 1n ..... dwough ...,. 1. Tum right lo'6t out. stuff.
neck 09en. fUfn out. 12. Stuff ,,... ftrtmy then Mw the ~p to ck>se.
6. sew the feh fa<• in plat• th1ough the nMk edge. Fold in J. Sew on the felt •ats and
using the patte<n piece .s tM se•m allow.,~ •t the embroidet facial le.ltures..
ftfettn<t (Mot ~ 85). l, ne<t ~ ..-14 hw\ct>Jhtch tht
•double thl(kftti.S of SIX· he;MI to the Md::. lEGS
str11nded •mbfokler., silk, ~ 4. Wrth right stdes tQ9ethH,
two fren<:h knot eyn •nd, with DRESS Stlt<h th• lfO $ffmt.. ltaving
• wngle ttvctlMU of sewing 11. The seam allow•t"Q on the tht top str•lght edge open.
thtNd, two ffenc:h knot
nostril'S. Stitch• sttm R•td'I
drbs n ) mm °"
~ lQOtthef~ Sbt<h
M'\) Wrth rtgiht
tht front
Turn ris1frt ~ out .vw:I stuff
fold in wam Mloll¥~t and
mouth with three sttands of to tht b.tck along tho side stW to the pup"1 belly.
embro1ckwy silk. se•ms •nd s.houldtor stllrM.
1. W.ih r~t Mdtl f~ JO'n le• the atrnholfl open.
the p.aiws of ~.,, togethet. Turn 19"1t Mete oul
leaving tht str•fght ~ 14.. Embfoider • f9W rows of
unstitched. TUrn rtght side out, smoddn9 •t the front, •nd
'tuff Bgtnty, thtn fold the thtn sew the br•td along the
WMn •llowMK• to dw in...:M hitrn ~ around the ~
t. Kand stitch thie tus onto
the head r•ftrr1ng to the Puppy
photogr•ph tor position.
t. sew me motif to one ur MATERIALS
10.,... tM "'91 in posrtion •t • Ont ~-*.. vdMte WJth
tfw bottom and polU dot1 f0t bocty
hend·stitch fllmly in pl11ce and l~s
through ell l•yitn. Hand·stltch • Slade felt soaps for e•t1
thit fltf'l'laW'11n9 9iiP ., the • Bladt tmbrotdwv thre.-d
bottom ~ to dos.e. • Toy

.. Ari .... _ _ ,
Tweetle Turtle
Slow and steody won> the race Tunles and lort<>r>es are >0 •PPl'abng, " th theor
11• beady~ and fr~ e>:P<essoons-1 hope I've done 1hem ,ustice" th my cuddly.
1.iw• loy Since rou9h linen fabnc !rays beautofully. I us"'1 n fa< the sheU to cr..te Ille
fluffy edge on eoch of the J>dlchwo<k poeces

• GtNn l•nen- 50 cm (20 In).
112 un (4S In) widt fOf
uppet t.hell. (Alternatively:
u" white Hne-n 1u'd tle·dyt
wi1h 9.fttn ma<hlne dye <lncl
el•,11< tNncl~I
• Cotton t•brlc SO cm (20 In)
i.qu•r• for ~se of s;hell
bO<I<. b<lly. i<9' •••I, hNd
• lWo StNll b&fCk budJ
• arown. white. °'~ ~
OfMn fttt k.r olPl
• ONw btown .,.o.dety
lhrhd lot f--..1 f~.-turn
• l<l'Y ' """"'9

1. Twitt lht tl.Mtk Nnds
r11nd~ OYtf" the linen. This
~II prOdvce tt tl•4)'~ effect.
~ 1he f•bflc following t he
ma.nufa.ctu1t1's ouldtline~
W'hton dty, rtmow tht tt.nds...

II I • 11 .... ,..... 0
- M ' •1'1a--.,
SHEU at the top open. Turn right DETAILS
2. Aftet rutting out the side out and nuff lightly. 13. Stitch the Ykllte of the 4Y•
templatt"S, lay the large 8. With right sides together. to ea(h si~ of the he~.
hexagons In two rows join the se;1ms of ea~ front 14. Sew on a ~ad to rep<e5$nt
radiating around• singlt leg. lea-Ang the straight edge the iri:s of the eye.
central heuigon. at the top open. Turn right 15. Using thfee strands of
). IC>ln the hexagons with side out. embroidery threit'd, wor)( •
\wong $idei; together, ~ that 9. Stitch the daws to the French knot for nostrlls. Sew a
the seam attow<Jnce Is visible outSide of the foot end of the line to 1ep1esent tht mouth.
on me right side of the shel L front legs. Stuff the front ~s.
stitching along each adjacent
edgo. The edge will become BODY AND HEAD
fluffy of Its own acc0td, 10. With right sides 1oge thef,
atthough yov m.1y wi$h to ttim join the seams of the head and
it a bit.. the tail. lcifving the stral\)l't
4. Sew small fetted h~90ns edges at the top open. TUfn
to medium sited ones. Hand· right side out and stvff li9htty.
s~ them to the shell. 11. With right skies together,
s. Us.Ing tht patte<n for the join the badt to the b4!'11y, at
shell, transfer the shape- to the ~same time ~t(hing in the

right sidt of the patchwork four legs, tail, and the head.
and cut out the uppet shell. lt.oving Ogop for s1uffing. Turn
6. With right sides together, right side out through the gap,
stitch the upper sheU to dw stuff firmly and stitch the gap
base of tht shell. leaving a gap shut (the legs and tall shoukl
for stuffing. Turn r~ht side hang ovt from the side seams).
oot. Stuff the shell, thoo stfich 12. fiJC the she-II to the turtle's
9-'IP tocl*· back by catthin9 the underside
of the shell to the ba(k at
lEGS vatlous points. and to the
1. Wlth right sides togethef, ntdc. whi(h allows for the
join tht ~ams of the two back head to k>ok. upward.
l~s.. lea'ltng the rtra~ht edg~

II I •
Smart Bear
Thos trad1tJOnaf teddy os one of my favorite pro,ects as he
makes a great he1~oom piece to pass down from
generation to generation His robust hnen body and
strong button to•nts provide a nice contrast to his
gingham paws and a pald>Work heart.

MATERIALS stitch th4 footpads to the

• N•tu,..i c*r liMn: 1 m bottom of tM ~ matd'li-ftg
(I yd) jqUlfe tM l.arge Md Wl'WI dots. Oip
• Yellow glll'lgNm fatwK fOf the Q,lfW1. #'Cl t...-n ~ ~
front pWll., un.. bd of right \Ide OUt.
_bow. _ _ _
J, Stuff ti. "9t, firm1y until
• lfown and red felt scr•ps c'°" to the top Turn the scam
for noM •nd ht•rt motif •llow•nc• •t the top to the
• Cre•m a.nd b&ad:: embtoidefy lns.lele, add • unfJI •mount of
thte6Cf fOf fadal featmes ttuU1ng at 1he t op, and
• 8(0Wl'I 4 •ply yarn for claws sUp\Hldi to close.
• Four buttons for joinu 4, With right s:ldt1 togethe~
• lWo buttons f0t eyes sew• ~d 10 tJCh inntt"
• Strong button thre«I Ind OUtf'f •rm
• ToV stuffing ot scraps of S. With nght Stdei togeth«t'.
rNltf'f,,.. to tM' .s stuffing

sbt<h H<h «1tife Mm
togtthrtt. • 9JP in
tht bid. s.Nm for turning
s.. ..... 86. Md s:tutfif\9.
6. Turn oght s,IOe out. s:tuff,
LEGS ANO ARMS •ncl close s.eam as for the legs.
1. With rrght s:~es t090tt..
stitch the seams of each leg, BODY
6tavl.ftg the top and bottom 7. Stitch dirts In the body
edges open. P'tcts •t the bt.Jl's pos1eri0t
2. wtth rigtlt sides togethe,, and Mek ~·With right

.. ........ ••II
- - - · I b i d > the body FEATURfS
- IN""9 _....,. _... '"' ThrNd • ~ wtth ba.Kti:
I. Stuff the body Md 1wn in ~oidfty tfvffd.., tnot
lht ~ .itow..-.ce ttound ~ Md. Insert the "'"'* tnto
the-'<. tM now ¥ f f and Jt °"'
•t. mouth <ornef, then 4~
EARS the ytrn at the ot~r ed9f of
9. Wtth tight Udfl t09t'1ht(, the MOutl'\ .allowing the v•m
s.titth • p.tlt of e.-r pieces to lit loosely Ma JmiJt, Bring
•long tht outtr Ct.lf'Vt. ltawig the thread ovt in the cenlf'f of
tho str•tght edoe open. Cl!p tht mouth a.nd make 11 s.mtll
th41 curves tnd turn 1l9ht t.lckt backstitch to hold the mouth
out. Stuff tnd t41<k the s11al9ht in pl<tCt. Secure the- thr~3d
~ t09tthtr to cloit tht OiP. bM:k in tht nose a1ea.
15. Sew on the ftlt nose wrth
HEAD tmbf~ tlveld, tnd
10. Wlth n9ht si~ t~thes., sew on two button~
t.t•W. the ~. . fTOtlt l)lecin 15. thing oeam fft'lbroldf.ry
togt"thtt ~ the (fftltf lint ttve.-d,. sew tM M«t to bt.n 1t. U.. the brown yMn to
Turn'lt ~ Ollt. dliftt wiih WNI bLwMt u.tehtl. "'td'I four dtws on Nd'I foot.
'1. Pot>t.on the Hts on the 17. Using. Mp of g~ two .,."* s.cte of the <tt\tn
hNd hont. fabrit, tie a bow atound ftont 1"Nm.
1L With ttght UdH t09ttheJ. teddy's """-
stTtch the hNd tronu to 1he
hNd ~ utchlng In the "" .IOINING UMBS
M )'Ol.I do to, and ~.tv1ng tM 18. WM sttong bu1ton thrttd.
nec:t Hfoe optn. (l•P the sew a latge button to eKh of
<ur'Vfl.. tUfn 1..ght side out •nd lho arms ntar the lop tdg.e
s:tuff flrmly. a.nd 1htn tl!ktt the thte..ct
13. Positk>n tht he9d In the thtough to tM body at the
ntck opening of tht bO<fv and arm ~itiOn. Sew $e<Urely in
)JiP'tltch tht tdgH togcither Pl•tt. Sew the legs to the body
S«Utfty. In the same way.

II I • -- ..
Felty Dinosaurs
These 1mmo11al giants are bought to hfe here m fun. felty tedmicolor. and when your
!mall fry is done with playtime, <imply stash these p1nt·<ized creatures 1n the
egg-shdped bag Re-<reate yout W<y own Jurassic park with felted fiNOt1tes such as the
Stegoso and the fierce T·Rex

T-Rex front legs and embtofdtf the working shoft. st•bbing

shoulders in position on body. ~k.stit<:htt.. PfCl<lng the

MATERIALS tHvlng the ltgS to II.op h tt stuffing in ai tl9htly as you can

e Ftk: two 30 x IS cm (12 x 6 2. Pliice the pit<K fot tt\e •s you dose tht ~
in) Pl«t' Wt red for body. undMldt of thit Won e.ld\ a. Join the cwo p.1m of the
JO a 15 un (12 a i tn> peu body P'K•.., tMtwo.ditf unden.dt of the ,.. with
in tNtoon fOf outH hind dwm into position.. bl¥1\et St1tth
1"91' 30 x 15 cm (12 x 6 in) J. VJ.e bl•nket s111<11 to stitch
piece, btown for unders.IM from dot to dot around DETAILS
of body; grffft '<rapt f0t end of lhe t••~ vp the 9. M&kt tl<h tyt by WOf'klng &
inner hind ~'- front legs; btdtboM. around the ftench .ktlot.
Ofangf! w•p for mouth down tht throat. Mld .croM 10. Join e«h mouth pit<e to
e 'Mvt-. bl.0:. COiored .... d>e«. the heH with small U1t<hes.
~ ttlks fof de&ath Join at tht untw wnh blrie1
HIN!> LEGS stitd\, lhlng wt.he embto~
Templatu: 4. JQtn each oute.- leg to 1t' silk and k>ng 5tltchH. work a
See page 87. fnMr leg between the dot), tig.iag of teeth •round movth•
..nlng bl•t1.ket 5tit(h, 11. Use Ft•nch ltnot.s to sew
Note: S. Shtch the outer lfgi to the ~ly SJ*,ed di\la ·~
Wort wtth lhtM Wfnds ot boo, .... Oo<tbono
~. lhfoughout.

BOOY 6. Stull the hffd. body, "9\.
1. Place tJ't wrong side of the •nd t•fl using a ~nal to p•ck
throatlthe\t plt<H on the fight the stuffing in fumly.
stde of ffCh body p l.ce and 7. Stitch the undetbtUy in
embroldtf In positton. T.tcf' pl.w ~the 1Mef ~

---.......... __,. ••II

Stegosaurus body togethtf from dot to dot, Baby Stegosaurus
stitching around the he&d,
and Egg
MATERIALS badibooo, and tail wlth shon.
e Feh.: 30 x 15 <.m (12 x 6 in) stabbing stitthe~ Catch in tho MATERIALS
piece. mid-brown fOf body spine! plates ple<e along the • Feh: 30 x 15 cm (12 x 6 in).
Dnd ou1t1 I~: 30 x 15 cm bad<booc as you go. piece. lime fot body: scrap
(12 x 6 in) piece, yellow for grttn for spinal plate1'
u ndefbcl ~ 30 x 15 cm (12 x LEGS S<t3P ytllOW for spou; lWO
6 in) plece, olive g'eeo fcw s. PS&ce the wrong side of the 1S cm (6 In) bright pink
spin&I p&1ttet. outet legs on the right side of squa1e pie<.es fOf eggshelt
• Bl~k. colored embroidery the body a~ stlt<h in place 1S cm (6 In) fight pink
Sollk for detail betwffn the dots. again with squ.a;re for interior of egg
$hOrt hOr i.i:onta l stitches.. and spots
T•mp&ates: 6. Join the outer leg to the • 81acl(. col0tt<I embrokSery
See page 88. inne-r ltg.. from dot to do1, sllk for detail
using b lanket stitch. Repeat
Note: \vith other Jeg. TemplateS!
Work with thft t Slr.On(ls of Sff p~gc 88.
embtofclety sUk throughout. STUFFING
7. Stuff the body, head.. and Note:
SOOY legs. using a pqncil to pl'K;k the W<Wk wilh three nrands of
1. ~the wYong j.ide of the stuffing in finnty. embroidery k throughout.
two undeorbeUy pieces on the a. Closet the undtriide of the-
right sidt of each bOdy pi«e. bodywith blanket stlt<h. SASY STEGOSAURUS
Wotk shon horizontal stitches dra\ving ~adl p.)ir o f legs 1. Stitch spots randomly over
ovtr the joi n. togel~t and eliminating gal)1'. both body p ieces. $«\Iring
2. Stitch disks randomly over them with a Ftench knot.
the body. FACE 2. Tack the spirwl plates plt<e
3. Ta<;k 1.h e splnal plates piece 9. Work a French knot for e3<h in posiiion o n the wrong side
in position on the w ron9 side eye, and backstitch a mouth. of one body pie<e.
of body piece. 3. With wrong sides togeth er,
4. With w rong sidts together. stitch body pie<es together
stitch the two halves of the &long the head, backbone, and

. -·-- ••II
¥ound thol ..... ~ ltogt. Brontosaurus Mound lM hNd. badborw.
-"'9 ....... 1..-.g Md Utl Uw blMlket stitd\.
\t1tchrn ~Uh ift w i91nM MATERIALS
pl.atiH . . )'OU do '° and IHvt • • fdttwol0x1Scm ( ll 1 6 UGS
!JIP fOf Jtuffing StuH lilght~
~ continue the Jt1tcl".r'lg to
in)~ t~quoew
~.ct. outet ~ one
'°' s. Pllct the Wf'Of"lg side of tht
outet ttgs on tM right side of
dose the QIP. p~•. 30 1San (12 • 6 in). tht bo<ty ~ \bt<h in p&,.ce
4. EmbtoldH ttw f6<1•1 blue fOf underbf'tl)', spoti. bttwffn the dou,. again with
ff'atuf~ wOfk a frtnc:h knot one f)te<e. IS cm (6 In) \hott hOflzont•I std(~.
for ••ch e)'t' •nd tMl<ltititch a square fOf Inner legs; scraps 6. Join t he outer feg to the
mooth with bl1ck ttvead. light bl ~ for ov•I spoU Inner 1f9 on both legs, from
• Blac.k embroidery sllk for dot to dot, us,lng bl,nket stit(h.
EGG detail
1, Sew pink $poti '•ndomty STUFFING
oYtf the 4199t:hell by WOfk 1ng • 7. Stvtt the body. hffd. and
,.,eo<h kMt tn the ctnlet. ~ using • ptn(iil to pact the
2. Wi1h wdft t09ttl'l4!'. Jtuffting •n fltffltr.
pt.a.ce tht ff()nt f99'1httl piec.'"1 Note: .. Clow the unditrwde of the-
OW:'I the Int«~ of thit '90- Wott wtch ttve. ~of body ~th bafnkt1 St1td\.
mat<hnQ e6gtt T~ t09f'lh«. emlwode-ry s.rt ttw~ dt tw1ng ffd't pa.r of ~
J. With vwong ~ t~. t09f'lhtr .-id ~ng 9iP'-
pQte: the front ~ bM;k BOOY
~I togitthtt Ind st1td't 1. Plaice the wtong ~of the FACE
UM tdgc1. 'Mth b&iink•t stitch two undttbtlly pt«" on the t . Wott. • frtneh Ir.not for e.Kh
ttvough .ti thfff ..~). right Side of ff<h bO<ty Pt<• lyt, Mw:I b.KkJlit(h. mouth.
It~ • fot Jtuff1ng Stuff Wort short horilonul sht<hei
hghtly 1hrovgh the 9•P •nd Ovet the join.
then <k>M t he optnlng with 2. Stit<h roond and oval SC>Qt1
blantie1 itlt(h, r1ndomty o~ tM body.
4. Rtmov. the t•< sthc.h4:1s. 3. Wilh wrong slde1 tog•thtor,
stitch the two hal'Yos of tho
bod)' together from dot to dot,,
stitching undtf ~ht chin and

II I • ._. ....
• ...- · - - • • I I
Pterodactyl ~U)t ht\ comittut the "* tndl t.Ck 1n piiu. Td the-
tAnket stitch to dose UM 9'1P- rip ltl posruon #Ml ttwn s.ew in
• FettJOa1Son(12a61t\)
J.. \Votk • kec'Kh knot fat Heh
~. and badtrutch • mouth. - °""' the """"'
pitct. daltt pink fot bKk FROITT AND SAC~
hNdlwlngi,; )I)• 1S gn (12 • Dino Toy Egg Bag J. With (tght Sides together,
6 1n) plt<t, mwve for f1ont ptn •nd then udt the froot to
wings.; IS (m (6 In) SQUlfC. MATERIALS tht 9ut\4't MM:hline sew the
white fOt bOdy front • Blue fltt<e: two 43 11 30 cm ~•m Re-peat for the b.Kk.
• Bl•ck ombroldtry silk tor (17 x 12 in) for front 1nd 4, Turn right t.lde out through
det•11 b.c.k.; 10s x 10 cm (42 x 4 in) tho open zipper.
f0t 9usset
Ttmplattt; • Felt scraps tor spots SPOTS
Stt ~es 88 89. • COiored cmbrokScry sllk fOf S. Stitch tt<h $pot to rhe ~g
detail ~th • line of running stitch
Note: • 33 cm (13 in) zappet a1ound the Pffl~t•i. lt1ving
Wofk with t.htff sttlndf of • srna• 1tnOUnlS of toy an optnlng for nufflng. tnsen
tmbro.dtty t.itlt tlvooghout. stuffing '°' spot'S a tiny Ml'IOUflt of stuffi"9 ~
(.cwnpitC. t1'e Sh~
1. Wi\h wrong side°' body
front 10 right welt ot from
W:...... S11tc:h ~ the ..ft'd GU$SET
~down . . . """" v.+.11• 1. With right s.idts t•"-·
thrffd ~ "*1 horuon~I tc"" tM H"•ms oft~ g.AM1
stitchft WOft 'todom Shlches Cut a Slit 1n the gusset bf'twttn
woto• bOdy front to •tt.a<h to the dou, ending in two v .
the wtn91 sh1ptd slit$ (see d•"9' a.m). ~
2;. Wilh wrong side to wrong snt should be 2.S cm (1 In)
sidt. stltd' body front to ba(k, S:hc>rttr. ~t ea<h end, tNn the
w0tklng bl11'lk•t stitch around length of the zipper.
tht hffd and wfngi. •nd 2. At the ed9ff around the dh.
leaving 1 g•P fOf Jtvfflng. Stuff turn 6 nvn (1/4 In) to the wrong

II•• ~DI en D
Pull-Along Nellie
A spotty. eyKatchmg, squodqy f1<i>. 't toy Mai<e he< With°' Without the~
base. (The base could • lso be u~ 10< other an mals 1n the book 10.t ad1mt ll1e s.ze
to suit)

MATERIALS LEGS AND BELLY s. St,1ff thO body, using a

Elophanl 1. With rlOht s.idfl togethef penc:ll to P'<k tM stuffing int o
• Sponed cotton: SO on Jhtch the front .,M;i bKt inntr the ttunk.

(20 if\). 112 on (4S 1n) wtde leogJ 10 Ncfoi body J)'Kt.
lffw>g !ho bottom¢ tht leg>
°"" the g.ap in me
~with ll~it(N1..

Cotton for eM Md Tum tM)ht out.
2. With rtght s«s togcthtr..
'd the t.tvff~ 1nto ttw k9
~ th(on ton. the

fitft foot
Fttl so"P' fot foot pads wld itItch lht ~ PfUS along ptds to fit the lower" edgrt of
lht <tnlff MM!\. le~ng • cpp tht ltgl. Stitch th<t pacts. 10 the
• Toy su.iffing fOf' tvm1ng With right sidel liegs with bl•nket stitch..
togtthtr. s-t1t<h the beUy to tM
s.... body betWfff'I the dou. Turn EARS ANO EYES
• 8!rch·faced plywood; 100 x under the M!am altowiioct et 7. W11h rtght si<:les: togtther,
150 II 12 MM (4 X 6 X VJ In) bottom of legs and press:. stitch tM <urwd seams of the
fOf baie; four circln. l cm J. With right s.idn ear s>itctlo, tt.-ving the 11raigtn
(1V• ~) '" diamet«, 12 mm Ind • l rnm (Vt~) seam. stitch ecf9t open. Turn right Side out.
( IA Wti) thick for wheM the ,. .. pi«ft. luving the turn undtf 6 mm ( V• in) on the
• f'OUt 2-S on (1 in) sueiws \hot1 end open. 1l.Wn right side nr..;trt ~Md 'Whipstitdl
Mid lour cups out M'ld P'ftS fYt. T~ W'I togirdwf ,..,, the d r l on the
• Small KffW-ln dosed hQoac
• Stong for pulkotd
e Hon-tOXiC P'lnl
po11b0n on tM ngtn. side of
one or u. bodr p.«es. .... Ind thtn whlpt.tiich in

I . Sew on the ftlt ~with •

• S.ndJ>ipe:r S1'JFFING French knot
• Strong. non·toldc fabtlc glue 4, With oght s.d~ together.
Jlltch th9 stam •cross the top WHEELED BASE
Templ1tu: of the body, head, and trunk, 1, Drlll 1 6 mm (V'• lo) hole in
See P19e 90.91, <•t<hlng In the t•i.I, Turn right the ctnttr of tf(h wheel. D<ill
sldo out. two holft of the same size into

• •
0 ··-· ••II
Sides or tht wooden bMe •1 the
whMI pow'l.felm. Alt.Cl'! NCh
wheel ~l'I • Kl~ tnd (I.Ip.
2. screw 1he clo"fd hook
~u,cly to the front edge. Tlt
& t;hOtt c0tdto tho hoc*. II the
toy ls for • Child ul'lder three
yta1s old. tht cord mutt not be
;tny lon~r then 2) an (9 II\)
long, to p<evtnt str•ngulatk>n.
l. Pa.nt the bfM tnd wnd
down to .cNevrt • wom toct.
4. wtwfl ~ piStt P,. on the
bottom or lht fOCM ptcts ltld

wd tM ~ton UM btw•

II I • -·
Hobby Horse
Will> a colorful patch,"°'k d<.ogn and a lextuted mane.
this hobby horse will send yo.w """ ca.o.boy ndmg off
mto Ille sunset in~ tf you have a p.Je of eolorlul
scrap fell play w11h colors to create the patchv..ocl:-the
resu ts may JU~t wrpr1se you
• Ft"lt: •wrox. 40 heugons MAKING UP
(Sff template) 1. To moike one sldt', ~in by
• f'.tlt K raps for ovter •nd pl•<lng ht11•90~ right side up
lnnH eyes ov.t your template, stanlng
• Strip of fabric for tit whh one in 1ht middle and
• Chunky yarn fot m•n• wot1clng your way acound iL
• UfgiHytd "ffd)e '°"11nu. tO Pi«• •s abow.
• Toy stuffing fitllng the tempCat~ $h.apt.
• Broom tMndle °' ~ 2. Position the retNining
CUIUll'I pow. 1 m ( 1 yd) '°"'19 P'«"' 10 JUSt <awr the
• Strong f~ glue ttft'IPl.IW ~ once MusfM!'d
• llrch-.fac:td pty.<.OOd tYIO \Mth Mr"M9'tmtn\. W:W tht
<irdes. S cm (IV• If\) tn P*ft ... p&M:e
~er. 12 Mm (VI iin,) J , Tr-t<e the the temr;i&ate on
thid:for~ the p.ttd'rwoft fabric ..-ad rut
• two 2.5 an (1 in) terewt end OUI the it\Ape.
fOIM <Ups 4, Rf1M•t Stf'ps l·l with~
$1~ of ktad.
Templates: S. Sew on e~. using
Se't Pb9• 9J. J)hotog.r•ph .and the SHittern
for correct placement.
Note: 6. Wllh right sides together.
The seam anowanc• sew Jround the head of hotst-.
tl'M'ovghovt is l mm (Vt In). leaving tho n«k tdge open..

.. - ...

Ttlnl Md V1o1P ttitm .alow.nce
~ NCUNtd ~Tum

1. With 'NfOf'lg wdes t~

MW the,...,,~ the
u..igh< edge._ s1uff
light~ ttwn ~ gep to close.
a. Stitch the t•rt to th• top or
the he•d et the s...11mliftt.
9. To iiuMh mont, c.ut • length
of y1rn to tht length of the
top of th• nost to hoUway
atong the ntck. Wh!p;;t1t<h it
firmly ecrcx\ the 5tem •t the
top of tht he1d.
10. Cut tht rtmtiining yarn into
20 cm (I in) t.ngtl\1., Att«h
t«h 1'11f" to thit whtpWt<htd
yern by f°'61n9 a s.vand in htlf
.,,.; 1ht.-g .... 1-.! -
1ht°'9' .......~ -
.......... -.._.. ....
~·tchtd 111n •t the iop ot
the ttm0¥t the needle>.
then pul thit ends of the y«n the pott. tntn push It !into the 11. To 9dd whffb. follow tht
through the loop. NI Uf> to lie heMI. Acf1ust the he•d so it 15 iMlluebOns on~ 59.
against the wh•pnltdwd not lops.fded. thtn ~ave the
length. WOrk the rest of the glut to dry. Add more stuffing
mane atong tht top iot.&M Trim if necess.ary. W~n you are
if nt<flSll')'. happy with the he1d, bunch vp
11. Stu1f tho head firmly, the felt a1 1M neck and tie
Jt•ving 1oom for the pole $eCUrety wi'th the fr•)'flf Jttip
12. Apply glut on the top of of f1bric.

II I •
__ ..
Cat & Mouse Skittles
The game of skittles is easy and fun for all ages. and tlMs ~mple-to-make """'°"
great funl IJne up lhe mouse skrtUes and rol the cat bowling ba• at them. Just ilte a
cat pouncing on rt> ll'l!Y The mJCe are swttt enouqh to be m.idt as indMdual toys.

• '•h 20• 10cm(8 a4 .n) • Latge-eyed nMdle Mouse
f)tt<t'°'mouwi body;
9 • G<m (lVl • 2\')ln) pie<:e
• Toy rtvffing
• Saap of thick <•rd 10 MAKING UP
for m~\htOO reinforce l>ose of ml<e t , With right sides together.
• 'Cl'' saaps fOf mke features ~w the head 10 the body at
• Beig<i wiwing thft3d for Templat es: thct nt!d edge.
wf\l\ke1s: Se-e ~e92. 2. With right sides l ogtthtr,
• Grey. whlt t. pink.. blade ftft fold the body in half

KJI~ f0t <•t's body. N rS.

• ltldr. fofnbfoktety for

The aUowMIC.e
throughout b l mm (~hi)
leng1hw.tyi. •nd nftc:h ak>ng
ttM htad and body seam.
1ffV11'19 tht Straight ?Mse e4ge
QI\ f.C~ fNtUfft

open. Oip tht felt dose to the
Sbtehft Mid dip the <Omer at

J. T\#n right \Ide out Mid stuff.
wing • pen<JI to push the
\luffing itltO the nose aind padt
down f11mly. Molding tM
mouM upside down, iN«t the
cardbo.lrd disc in to the baw so
thot It k even w ith the Jower
edge of the bo<t)i. ptiKe more
)luffing a1ound tt~ di~ b ut
not on top of it .
4.. Cuc f Riii) of ftft 20 <tft ll I 2'
mm (8 x VJ in) Wrlh V«Of'l9
1odft togt'thtf. fotd tH itl """·
wh.pst1t<h t~ edgtJ toOCt"*·
S. Plitt the 9'fld of the ._.,,on y •
the wt'Of'l9 side of the bottom
of the ctnttr bldt $tMn- T'Mk
fn pf.Kt Pin the felt base to
the lowe1 ed90 ot the body.
e•sing the body to fit. Uling
two ~tr•nds of cotto n th1e1d.
whlpi11tch tht b.a'e In place,
catching In tht till and
COYtt"lng the Utdb!Mrd ddt'.. sewing t'lffdle. P1s1 tM nHdlt consl'5U of three s11alght
through the nose. t.lke the tht<ht1 C>wfwt the~ of
EARS ANO EYES nHdle out and pull Uw ench th<e nose tnd th<e •an.
6. Fold M<h f f ' in half •nd of tht thread thtough the loop 2. Wid\ r19ht ~ t~
RIUh tO the Mild «l'OM the of pm. Pull up so tht loop ..... wh.P'tltd\ the segtnl'nt:S
pliNC Wit .tt thrt bottom edgrt ~ the- fett. Tfll'fl tht ,.~. M'Wlft9 two tong
tt diawtd. MW f MOC.if wNsktot if~ S.W t.hrM ~ in pWS 10 md• t'WO

betv> fC l'l tht fftl Of on body 0t f0t.r ~to e.U. s.dt NP' *"the two cups~
1. Sewthit eyin to the hod by ot the no.. whlpititcl\ one side With a
WOl' • fttne:h t.not W'I tht 9. Mate flw or more mac.. you wrt.ul MMn •nd the odwf
centet of ff<'h fth dlK. c.n Pay with ~ colort.. With • hor1~a1 JHm. ~in9
• oaP l•rO" enough for turning
WHISKERS Cat bowling ball Mwt nutting.
I. Cut • double str•nd of l . Turn rtght '~out and stuff
cotton thitlKI •ppro11;m.a1ely MAKING UP fllmly. Stlt<'h the ~P to cl~.
7.S cm (1 In) long Mak.e e.t<h 1. Sew tht ~•I fe<iturn ,.nd
vdllsket by folding the doubfe the ea1s on one of the
strand In Mlf •l\d thftadll'lg sq.gimtnts. Tht eyes are two
the folded end thtough a fftnch knots, ar,d the mouth

II I • ~·--- -
Bears 1n Waistcoats
Peekaboo! These cute, cheeky bl.'ar necessities are simple enough for children to en1oy
seY.109. and they're also qu ' ' to make for craft fair~ or stocking f1 f~ Create them in
your I "' e cokxs.

• Feh· two 30 JI IS an • Sttd ~•di for ·~ Ttmplatf');
(12 • 6 In) ple<.es for body • 811<.k embroidery $Ilk fo- ~pagt94.
of eteh bt11 f•cial fe•tuft'S
• Feh w •ex for muu:1e •nd • Toy \tuffing Note:
w.tnt~\ lNw.mM~e
througholA ll J mm ~ in).

1, With rl9ht sld~ t09t1htt',
pin the front body to the bade
body. Shtch around tM ~ar,
IN\ling • 9fC> •t tht J'<lt
bffwttn the dou.
1. Tnm ttwNt 2 nvn (Vl•in)
3. Stuff tht IM•r, packing the
11ufflng Into tho t•'1. 41rms.
a.nd kt-gs. Tufn the i.eam
•Uowanc. .,-ound the 9•P to
the iinS.lde Md'I d'le
~to cto..e 1t.

4, Pl.c• th• muzzle on the face
and whlP'tltth lht td9'6.
~aving a UNll 91p. Stuff
l;ghtly tlvough tho 9'<>· ....

.. _. __••II
ttltn ~t• the~
ltound tht muiit..
5. With ttwH Strfnlti of
fft'lbto.dtfy Mlle. Wt1n 't1t<h \M
now •nci Mw •nn for the
l'l"IOUth. T•ke the nffda. end
lh1e.1d up through tht ba<k of
tht mU2zle •nd bling It out •t
t~ pc>S4tion of one of the ~·
St>Won• bf11d it<urely. Rtf)tat
fo,- tht other t)'t.
6. To i<«tltuate the 11\ope of
the bt.r"l heed. 5tlt<h Moond
the ou\llnt of the ~•d.
through all l-1yers, •bout J mm
(V. .,,, fJom the ectoe •nd
t<rOM the bo4tom of tN few:
Uloe • lhrNd In the wwne cokw
• the ftott. •nd .. NfW'tong
stitch. S.titd'I ainothtf 1,ne acrou
the b.aM ot lht NtS

1. Butt the ~ ~•m fdOt>s of
tht Wjkt<Olt •Inst eech
othtt and whfpo51it(h together
(It you wtJh. you could
do<.or•t• the wfhtco.t with
bead) Of felt motifs;,)
Retro Tea Set
With thos totally unbreai<4ble, squoshy-SQUW>y retro tea set. role-l)Qymg can be done
on re.ll style And no tea party would be complere ""thout snac<s-these felted
91nge'1l<eod men are almost good enough to eat

• fttt l0x 1Scm(t2x61n) • ~ scraps f0r cups. wuctn.
piece for tH pot sidti; gingtrbte.ct men
15 cm (6 In) square fot hd: • Sequins
1wo 8 cm (JV• ln) cl1cl@1; f0t • Ri<t<K bra id~ 30 cm (12 In} Note:
bf~ •nd knob on lid; per .WIUCl?t Tht ~am a11ow;>nce
3 x 16 cm (IV• x GV• In) pie<t • Slack beach Of buttons f0t throvghoot b 3 mm (i,.\in)
for handt•; 12 cm (4414 In) gingerbread men's cyef unlMS dll1Ktod otherwise.
Jquort fo1 spout • Toy stuffing
e f'VAglue Tea pot
1. W ith the rf9ht side
uppermos:t. roll up the p.eee

for Che tea pot $.din tl'wlt
.,,. ................... br
2 S an (I .n). H..,.;t WW lO joft

2. With the> right Side
upe>ttmost. join the MM'I on
the lkl by l•pping one ed~
ovtr the other. following the
gfven ~am allowance. With
wrong sldts together, pinch
togethcH the sides of the tea
pol willi the lid and jotn wi'ch
), l_.,•ltt. pi«e f~ tbt Mob owr IM othef. Wcd .l short
on the 11(1 tnd run a g.athefing St.abbtng \htCh to jOin.
nit(h around the ovtsicJ.. Pvfl 1. Sew the ~ of the Nndle
up \lightly and f~ll with to the pot, wit_h tht IOwet end
stuffing, 01aw up tht thre<1d &bout 2.S cm (1 in) from the
tlghtly ond M:?Wrt. St\v the bOnom of the pot. (Pl.ace the
knob to the top of the lld. handle Sffm on the Inside and
P<Khlon cwtr the sc;>m of tht
SPOUT teapot~)
4. WM thit 'M'Qn9 ~ m$idt. .. Gaut~ to the lldH of
"'"" .......... long - lMlNpot
of lht t.POUt and whipstrt(h.
~fttnng lO thrt photograph Tea cups and saucers
few posltJOnlng. Jo-rt lht wrong
Jldt of t~ JPOUt to tM right MAKING UP
1-16- or the tea pot,. working 1, With the right side
n.1nnlng stitch l mtn (\tin) in uppttMCMt, roll up the f)ie<e
lfom where they meet. You for 1he cup sldn ~that tht!
may wilh to t<K' thU in pl.a<:ie b!K~ seem overtaps th• gi~
f!r't. a1 It un be a llnle tridty. allowan<.e. Htnd-sew to JOln. Gingerbread men
2. Wrth wrong si6'$ t~r.
STUfflNG pinch togethtor the ~ and MAKING UP

.... ,,.,. ..........

S. Stvtf the pot and Id tJwough Jtde1; of ,.,. <.-up and: JOI" with 1. Cl.It ovt the~~ lhtn
~ \llWf\IP1-t1td'l ww on bNd fYf" Mtd buttons
lht stuff "5' to 90 into m. bfte
of ,.,. tpOUI. Ptnch togettwf
tht wrong Mdt- of the btit and
.. ,.,..._.
) . Milt Ind •ttach the ~

4, Gluit on the wqu;ns.

Uliiftg bny IN<b11tchet.

the wrong "~of the tea pot. S. J-oln thot 1wo pie<n for each
tnd Jotn wfth whip«ltch. t..tuttf ~th• running stitch
•roul\d the tdgt. On the upper
HANDLE side of the ~uctr, sew rlcrac
fi. With the wrong $ki• imide. O\'er 1he sth<hing.
t.p Ont k>fl9 edge of the sulp

II•• ...........
Little Fe It Ho uses
Children love secret dtawe<s and trinket boxes. and these houses are actually little
podcets for children to hang off bedposts. shelves. or wherever they choose. Make it a
home for tiny dolls and animals. stash hidden treasures. or conceal your favorite sweets!

MATERIALS and whlps-tltc:h In place. Tack 7. Hem the <urtalns acound all
• Felt: two 30 x 15 <:m the til'liShed pie<ti to the right the raw edges. Stitch the top
(12 x 6 in) pi«es, for w<1Us, side of the top of the roof, edge above tM window.
base, and roof,~ house with the r<.1\v edgn at the top, Thread the ribbon t ie through
• Felt scraps In assorted colors 2. With right slde-s 1oge1.her, the wall just abovt the
for val.anct. \\1ndow, fnd sew the scam in tht- 1001 to window. Roll u-p the <Vttaln
motif form a cone. catching In the and tit- "'ith the ribbon.
• Gingl\&rn scraps for <urtains: pitc:es for the hanging loop. 8. Make a ~rtical cut to
18 mm JC 28 cm(¥• x 11 in) TlJrn fight side out. establish each side of the dQo<.
for hanging loop Thrc~d the other ribbon tie

• Narrow ribbon or WALLS through the wall aboYC the

emb<oi~ fOf l. With WfOttg s4de of the dOOf. Roll up the door ar.d
curtain and door ties valan<e to lhe rlght skle of ~ure with the ribbOn.
wall, sew in pla<e. 9. Se\v on flowers or motas.
Template-: 4. Roll the wall piKe around
Sff ~e 11. and lap one tdge over the
other, ad1usti:n9 so the <one
Note: roof wi11 fit. Whipstit<h the
The seam allO\...ance ba<k seam of the wall. Fit the
throughout is; 3 mm ('If in). <one to the top of the m.1in
house and whips-tit<h in p&a.ce.
ROOf s. in the base and
1. Make the hanging loop. whipstit<h in p&&ce.
T1tko each pie<e <Jnd fold the
wam allowance to 1he inside. WINDOW ANO DOOR
Whipstitch the edg<-:s together. &. Sew the of the
If desired, finish one ~d by windO\v fr.~ rne behind the
poking the ed9i11- to the inside winc:IO'lvs.

--·- ••••
Temp ates
--------- sewing hne

cuttmg hne

pattern placement



• match points

J04n pattern before cutting

little Felt Houses
e 68)
large all
this page
200%. 8Me x 1

Roof x 2

Windowhn x 2
tMlllllf'........, ~

Wall >t 1

Motif x 1

II•• J'I
Basic Doll
(page 14)
- ..··-
Enlarge all
. \
on this
page to
,'I .....
- I
I --

200%. , I

, , I

, I

l I

I Body• 2
1 Arm
Leg x 4

' f
I '
\ I

\ •
I I.. '' I

•• ''
' '
- •onf611'W!t> - - - - - - - - - - - '
ltwt"';l!Qopen I


Uoderwe•r x 1 , ,

'\,' _________ ...'


' -I )

• • I
Basic Shoes
Simple Trousers
Sleeveless Top
(page 17)

Enlarge all templates on

lhis page to 200%.

• -·-
C.mi>ole/Sfffveless Top x 2

. ... •,
•I , 8- '
, I
Simple TrOUS«S
ft'(lr'ot .. 1c,,.....

x2 I l(t••<4'1-9
' '
'' '

-- ' .....



ui.e !Mtt
IOt 'pot•tt
tt'ouWfJ' Oflly

.. -- ------

~- -----..
Basic/Mini Skirt Enlarge all templates
on this page to 200%.
Fur Vest and Sock
(page 19)
__.. ..........
. ..~
-- Bad< x 1
• f ...• 10Ml•f11Nl
Fur Vest
1 Sockx2
li l Front x 2
(I lewetwdl


, -
' ... ------- --
, i'I
-- - - - - 11.nt' .... . - - - -

Bask/Mini Skin x 2
-- --------,

' ....._ ....
...... ,
!'Of Pl'~ I

Hood x 2

,·- "
(ont rewtntd>
' ~ .,..~.

I ,
I '
l lll
Q .S<tn)
i I

\ w;tb;t fof I
I I U"'9 I l
I I .J - - , I

'' I
'' , I

' I

M • ;t E ••II
Poncho and Gloves (page 21)
Robe (page 25) -- --- j

Enlarge all templates •

oo this page
!0 200%.

, ,,
Pond>o x 2

, __
_,_:--,_,..._______ Robe


- ................ \

Ftont x 2


... - - - - - di9' ~ ""'""

.......... ''


... - - - - - .... u ...
,.. '
' I
.. I

·------ I

-- -- I

- J - - - - - - Win( t)._> - - - - - - - - -

bock x 2
, (one te\'flM'd) I


...... I

- __

, '.-~-:..:·:._._..;..._.;,... _,
- :- - - - - - - -
.. '"'"
WOtttilM'I)- - - - - - - '
, I ••
Nightclothes (page 23) Enlarge all templates
Robe (page 25) on this page to 200% .

-------- ---
--- -
pia(• on fold
'' Robe
I Robe Sleeve
Hood x 2 I I
............. z x2
'' '

t: '
' 1tn•-· - - .,...__ _
....- - - - ......:.'
- - - --'°"""'

I JlllllC. . . .

-- -....
Pajama Top

...... ,....
l ''
' ' ,, ,
, ... - - -·
Right ~ck Left Baclc
"l "

xI • 1
,// \\, ,:1
Pajnmt'l Top
Front x t
l , ''

J I• ' I'
..T •
• It It I

, . I • • • • ••
, .......,,.
Sonny Sam (page 26)
~ {i ffll"I}


-- ... ------ --- - --------

'' •~

I I •
Olunky S~.ite< •~
!"' ~Ir
Sweater \ \
x1 I
stHVe '' Shirt Bade x 1 ''
x2 i. 1~I Shirt Front x 2
......... ' i' '
- - - - •lnf'nwl'lt
11 .~
lt.. Enlarge all templates
on this page to 200%.
- - --
lt Ii
cklutllt 'A II\ C6 mM) '*"' I
- - - .. doo.lbl4o )l io'I (6 t'M\)
lt •

fteM I

'• ----- -----------~•
Shirt Coll1r
(_,., li


--- ..........
...... I

Shirt Sleeve
front x 1
.. --- --...
, '
Back x I

'" \

, --
Beanie Hat x 2
' '

' .°'"' ,.wtMd) '
•• ''

' '
e I

s I '6d on Mm It 1'<1t U'lirlg
• 'I
.______ ,
I oriqintl ~ «l9ft
L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I

II I T ;ltl ..
Raincoat Enlarge all
Trousers templates on this
Basic Boot page to 200% .
(page 26)

.- ---- ' I

Hood x 2
-- I
_______ ___ .,,

b inc:o.1
f Jont x 2
- '

• • I 11
Binah Ballerina (p age 30) Enlarge all templates
Jolly Pirate Pal (page 32) on this page to 200%.

-- ---


- - - MckM~~ - - -,
' I
' I Jolly Pirate
i I
'' Pal Vest I

••• Binah Balletina Bodi<t

Front x 1
I I,. ' '
Back x I
Back x I
' I:

- - I

: Hand
..... I

---- ---- --'
Jolty Pirate
I x2 'I Pell Shirt Slee\le ,

• Dance x2

Ann- ,
• (Soles) x 2
Jolty Pirate
•• --- !

P•I Vest
I i

_...... ..........,
Front x 2 •

I " lt !
! :tii
' \
.... .
-- · ~


I Dance

. -- -- ' '
(Uppers) x 2

... ,,,,,, ,.
II I • --
Pink Elephant (page 38)

,.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mln (6Mln:) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

,, ,..... .._. --
.- --
Side lt 2

I Front Inner Leg

' ,I '
, ...... ... ------ -...... ... ... -·-:.:-:..:.·-------------
--- -, ,
, ,,

'I ,,

' I
'I\ ...__.- - -------
... ..........
... - --...
.. - -... -' '
' ' ''
'' '
' '
Foot Pcld x 2
' ,,
--- .. - -.. .. .. ... I '
- --..
... , ,
'-;....-------:..::_... "'"' ..... ,
I ' Enlarge all templates
on this page to 200%.
•• -- ---
""""eOCJ' - - - - - - - - - ..

---------- •ll'l lttN-.1 - - - - - - - -

___, l
..I ___ _, 1

- ... $


Tail x 1 - - --I J

, , , .............. ' '
, ,------- -------- ----
, ,, '' '
' ''
.,. Body front
"~', '

x1 \
,'/ \

, _. -----' \
Lower lnne< leg x 2 f

, , ' I

i , '

• '' "i

Side of Fa<e x 2
--- ---------.

,[ \
I Enlarge all templates on
'1• I
this page to 200%.
:I :J ~ I
i: -...... -
\ I

' '


~ \

\ \

Trunk x 2 \
I \
I \

t \
\ \
,' \
\ I I

'' ' ' \

' ,'

' ',
'' , ' \
, , I

' ,
'' '
'' \

, --- --
' '
- I

' ,, -
... - I
,- - - - - - - - - - - 'f

• I I 1 ••• ..
Pink Elephant (page 38) con't. Enlarge all templates on this page to 200%.
Sutton-Eyed Crocodile (page 40)

- - -~---- ...
Tusksx 2

i ears x 4 '
(""<> 1...-ef'Md) I

, ,''
... -- ---- --- -..... -
... -- -
- --- - - - - - - -
... .... -
--- - ,-_ -- -------- ---........
--- ' ' ' ' ... - -- -
--- - --
--- '
I .. - "

,' - -------- ----

- - - - -- . ' i
... legs x 8
.,. ,
Button·Ey-ed Croc
J'""f'INfl> ' '

' -- -- ... ---- ---- --

Eyes x 4 '
(tw01.,..wd) 1
-.. .. ' I '
8 ody x 2
CO"tr~ - - - -- ' .
' -- ' . "',.......
I& In (4 """"'' . . - . . rotind
___ ....... ---------
• tietpo...1-..• - - - - - - - - ---

-- --- ------- --- --- --- --- -- -

• T ;I ...
"'® ----
tie Tunle (page 47)
j'll\'6""11"l6 - ; ',
large all templates on
epKSl I
page to 200%. . Head x 2 I

11•(5~ - - - ,
------ -- -- -
--- ---- -- JI

.. ,._........ -- ---- --
.......... ._
Tail x 2

.. -.~ - ' Front

' -'{/#
"" -' ""'' '
\,' ... ,_...,
Front leg x 4
I Claw x 2

- -- -- --
,. ,, \ ; ,,
,' Back Leg x 4' \
\ ,

Tweetle f uftle
Belly x 2
' - Ctwo ttwfwd)

' '
I t•
, ,,
Wl'""'ll 1tlrougll
' '
,' • '' '
, Shell Base x 1 \

-- - -

Sholl Bod< x 1
'< \


',~, I

' -·- --- .,
------ ---


- ----- • 19 I

-- I

--- '' '

' ----- - ----- - - - ,

......... for t\,W!Wlf

----- ---- ----- -- -, ' '
• -
Sock Cuddlies - Enlarge all
Dog and Tiger templat es on
(page 42) this page to
- --- -... '
... ... ...
,"'' 0 .,. • 2

,',if \
Haadx2 /
sock Cuddlies -

- ---
Head ,' Ear x 4
Mtlflt_. •
. . . . . . tN...... ,
1,.... . . . . .
\ ...... .........
, '
tff'9'1 •t • '
I I'
Body x I

""'""' ¥1
Bodyx I i I : ' ..I I

'- - .. !"
" s
I 0

-E !' '

-- --
<( I

'' ,
, I o

' I - - .t

' ... - - --
_ _,.;
.. be o'••••
II - •I
lode Cuddlies -
Monkey and Puppy
(page 42)

' Sock Cuddl<ti -
,,.~ .......... '
---- --
_ ._

' Monkey I Sock Cuddl;es - I

Head x 2
'//;------, •"
Monkey Ore<s
Front x 1
IOM ,..,,....,._,,
Back x I


$ I

Motif x 1
Enlarge all
templates on
Bodvx2 '
I I this page to
- - I ' Exf'
Face x 1
I,. I
I 0 0

•• I
' ,
, ,
, , , , -~
, , Ear x 2 , ,
, ,

'I''> ,'
~· i ,;T,' ,,

, +"'~, ,
, ,
, ,flt ,
,-- ... __ , , " , , Sock Cuddlias ·
, ,
' , Puppy)( 2

II I • T t' 11 •
Smart Bear
(page SO)

..... --
f-l ... -- ...
.:... e -.."":_:-:_:---
' I
~c -- --- •in•-
Head x 2
(OM 1fWfMd)
-, , ....... f

... --..... - •
Foot Pad x 2

... ---- •
• , , '' ~'"" , f
---- - -
,, Armx4
'' ...
, '
\ ''
It ''
Enlarge all templatH
on this page to 200%.

-- ,'
, <\.'
Ear x 4

- -..
'' .
... ...:. .,:.: : ----..
-- r---:. .V'..,,._- '
, --

--- --' -
----~-- -
------ ' ----_, --- --- I , '

, ,
, .. * -
, -
~ IMll)
Heart Motif
• 1
, ,
.....- '

Body x 2 Head Back

, ----JI
' 0..1 I
\ ' I

' ,,
' I I
' I
'' I

--- ----- - - -- ,
, '
- ----- -
Felty Dinosaurs -
T-Rex and Brontosaurus
(page 52)

Enlarge all templates

on this page to 200%.
Body x 2

0 •


-~a~Z' ~ ... •
' ....
" ••



8odyx 2


T·Rcx Q., T·Rex
Leg x 4 Spots
• T·Rex
Arm x 2
n}rJ T·Rex
Tall Underside
Felty Dinosaurs - Stegosaurus.
Baby Stegosaurus with Egg, and
(page 52) S«kHeadM'ong
• 1

Spinal Pl.ates JC 1

Enlarge all templates
on this page to 200%.

Body X 2

• -



Front Leg x 4 • "2

• Hind leg x 4

Underbelly • 1
• -2'

• •

Baby •
Stegosaurus Baby
Spinal Plate1 x 1 Stegosaurus
Body. 2

• . or ,
Felty Dinosaurs -
Dino Toy Egg Bag and
Pterodactyl --' '
(page 52) '

Dino Toy Egg Bag

Enlarge all templates

' I
on this page to 200%. ' \


'' ,' '

'' ,,
' ' ,,
' '
... -------- ---
II I •
Pull-Along Nellie
(page 58)

Photocopy aII
- -- - - - l' ., f6 1'11111)
templates on this
page at 100%. /
/ .....
/ I


J '

-·- Eat x4

. . _ IJflPfGf
,,_,,. I
\ ' \
"••• I
\ ® 2
I /

I \
I Pull-Along
I Body x 2

-- ,,. -- - '
' ......
- - - - '. I

I. - - -

... $ 1
• I II
'\ Foot Pads
Photocopy all templat~
on this page at 100%.

'\F' - - - - - -
- --- - -
- ./
Underbelly x 2

- - --
I (OM ftwtM«I

- - -


- - - --

, I

, front lnne(
, I Rear Inner

Legs Legs
x2 x2
I {ont l !M'l'l<'d)

.... - " ., (6 flWil -
l - • '" ff ITln'I> - J

• T $ 1
1111 ..
Cat and Mouse Skittles Photocopy all templates
(page 62) on this page at 100%.

Nose x 1
Motif x 1

Motif x 1

Ears x 2
• (:;;\ Mouse

>- • /
/ / ~ Headxl

- -'
~ - - ~

; - - - - - - _..,.
"'" (6 _ , - - - - - "'
Mouse \
Body x 1
I Mouse Base Mouse Ear
Card x 1 x2
Felt x 1 \
I ""'' I
______ ___ J

• I II
Hobby Horse
(page 60)

Enlarge all templates on

this page to 200%.

Htxagon x40
Ear x 4

HH<f X 2

Outer eye x 2

II I • •
0 t




j I "V I

... \
Munte x: 1
waistcoat I
•2 \
f '

I \
/ ~

Bears in Waistcoats
I 'I Body x 2
I \ \
(page 64) I
I 6 \
\ \
Photocopy all template.
on this page at 100%. I

'' I
.." \

/ ~

' \ ' -


.. ........ • •II \
- /
' \

' /
Retro Tea Set
(page 66)
0 0

Sauc~r x2
Cup Base

....... Photocopy a II
templates on
this page at
100% .

Spout x 1
x Cup x 1

Nl • t1it
,, .. -
Forst off. I'd hke to thank Mar.e Clayton
for inviting me to do this book-l hope
you like n. Marie_

Thanks must also go to Kat.e Cowan and

MiChelle Lo for theor fnendly and helpful
adVlce, also to Fiona Corbndge for he<
pat~t pattern check1ng-you're a start

I'd il<e to eoctend my gratitude 10 Marl<

W1rrwood for lus magoc.>I photography
and for making the toys ·come a .ve. •

And finally, to my three wooderlul

children-Harry, May, and James· ·who
have been a constant source of
onsporatoon throughout

- 'f !Sil'& I U

In •~ • a nd le• you 1tep-

by..Up llltough INny wtNmskol P'Ojf<I> fO< cNnning
•~ft.. doUt. and othtf tott ,._ Ftom daS$ic patchworl.
hobbyl>onft 10 colo<ful .,,.mng - ...... J0<1""" Ii.
•mutd •t U. variil-ty of resutu you un ~ using

All of .... P"Ol«tl JUl(h ... qu;dly- -1ly , .. ,_...of

.ti di. I Jowl\. wtwther you are wng a m.chinit Of seWlng
by t\lind VMd photogt•pht.,. •nd Claire' <INf
otnd ••Pf'fiH"Ktd •Mtruction enablf f'ven oovict> stltchen.
to ct••tt- bNYtlful p1.tyih1ng\. You will~ m,.k:1ng thew
pro1«t'I ''much•\ the children 1n yoor life will love their
new cuddly comp.tnioos

CLAIRE GARLAND '' an embroidery <1nd sewing e11pert, with

dtgrtH jn art •nd de\lqn Her de-\i9ns appear in ma9a11nto\
WOtldwid• Sh.a 1peci1h1H In sewn items fOf ch11drtn, •nd
her thrtt younq children have in\pifed m.any of the projects
Roltur~ tn th \ book 01 rtt I YH 1n GJrd1ff, Wales.

f • ' ng

--0-•(G I

• • cs.lwWllei

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