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Dav1J anJ (. harlc)

A DAVID fr CHARLES BOOK 1'<.ll11i::s of rnunufact urc1 s, fabric ranges and othef- products nre
~pynghr D:1v1d &- Ch,ul.:s L1n11tcd 2010 prcl'. 1J..:d fur ti 1c mfor rn,11100 of readers, with no 1ntent1on to 111fn11g.:
cnpyriBht or 11 ;:iri.•1nr1rks
David {.,. Ch.11 l•!S 1s .1n f;.-1 W Media Inc con1pany
4700 r: sL Oalhr1111h R(ll1d, Cir" 11\J'lall OH 45236 A Ci'U\il)j,llh l"elXlrd for this book IS available from ere Bnush L1bra1y
F11'1t publ1•,h.,d 1n the UI\ 11nd US 1112011 ISBN 13 978 0 7153 3845..S p.1pe1back
ISBN 10 0 7153-3845 2 paperback
rext llflCI deSigns <XlPY' gh· ~ M
YQUl Md pholOgr<lJ)hy ~ ricmL Pr t China by RR Domclley
O.rvid & Clwfcs
nn.lnt'.1 House Ncwtan Abbot Devon

Publisher Altwn Mvr:r

Acqu11rt1ons Editor I fll'(-Proo.'t'\'bs
Aulstant Editor .kn He·nniV.
Pro1ect Editor
Senior Des11ner .Jodie 1.-~
Phot()2raphcr Ylbslie-,
Senior ProductlOfl Controller "''"' ~mh
r - -
--- - - -- - -- -
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- - - -
I ---~-
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- - ":'\
__ _ on EVJ s
- - - - - - - - - - -...l
\ I
I ·-·- ............._______ ..........-------·--·-- I o I

I ·• JntrodlA<tiovi
. l' M 6.6EllE thE MovisE
61 60 i
.. -.-.--- .•

I r· •- -----·' .. -- ----
I i Tilly thE Doll 8 i !• (jEr6Er6. thE (jir6.FfE 68 l
l •. ~ .. - ~ ...... .. ~ ... -·-·--·

I :··-··--------····-··· ................_. . __ _ -----..
o·---. ------ -------- ---·---·----·----- -.
I ~.i ·

1 1 H6.rry thE Mol'lstEr 16 l i• Alvil'l thE AliEvi 76

······-····-········-------------------- ·---------- --- ----·--- - -----------
I :····--·-----.. ---------·. -----·- ------ -----· ··--------------------------
• I --~-- ......
~~ ·-······3
i AIExb.vidEr thE Cb.tErpillb.r 24 l Polly thE PiG
! 84i
I " ·----------------· ---------------···--- ------· \

·--------------------------------------- • --------..••
1 i Lol-1-LOL.1 thE P6.vid6. 30 ; 1 FinviEG6.V! thE FroG 92:•
I ~- --------------------------------------

I ! PrEstovi thE Lion 38 : Tools b.vid TE<hniquEs 100 I
I ······-·······-------------------------- ------·
I TEWiplb.tEs 116
--------- - -- ---
• .. ~ -···------- StAppliErs 126
I : PEb.rl thE ZEbrb. 46l• I
I -
'·--------- - --~----- -----------·---- ------~
AbotAt t hE Authors 127
I A<kviowlEdGWlEnts 127
I •-------------------- --------··--------- ····-·•

I : Db.rcy thE DivioSb.lAt 54:• lvidEx 128
-------------------------------~-----· -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
••:& -

WhE"1 thE dt..y b.trivEd to SEY1d OIAt CrEb.tlOl'lS to i hE other s1dE of thE world, WE WEtE

sectiovi b.t the of thE book b.dvt5E5 yo1.1 ovi thE bb.Sic tools yol4'll 11eed, c!1oos1l'l'i fb.bric to crEb.tE

WE co."1 be st..1re th.b..t AS yo1.1 WiMc these crEb.:ttAres for yo1Arself or yo1Ar loved Ol'lES,

Mt..y the Aoss bf. with yolA 1

-• • -•

/ '


Whos thA.t stridl11(j WOIAl'ld thE plA.cE? Oh, WE sho1,1ld MA.kllflCj rtlly, however, JS A strA.JCjhtforwwd. dow111-
h.-..vE <jl-1EssEd 1f's 1olly Ms Tilly the dolly. S'1es Al'l to· E.'i.ri h b1,1s1111ess t..1Sl"1<j st.!i.l'ldwd soft toy-w..Akivi(j A.l'ld
EviEt(jEt1<. OlAdoo1sy sort of c;A-1. bolA11di11c;'lCj ol'l SEWlh(j tech111q1AES pl1AS A lrttle e1111bro1dEry for her SWEEt
thosE Cj.?>.11Cjly lo~1c; IEc;s w1tl-i her poYtytA.rls Ay111c; 111 rosy-chEtked (A.CE. Avid to f1"11sh off, yo1.1'll "1EEd to do
i h1: w1Ytd - b.11d shes c;reA.t flAvi A.Vld blAbbly with 1t sowiE siwiple (A.bric pA.1"1t1vic; for hEr shoes.
BlAt to bE ho>iest. her hEA.d 1s J\fJ J,E c101AC1S 11'1 wiorE
thA.YJ the htErAI SEl'ISE

, ,,,, - • 0\111
• _, ; ' •
• I
I • 3
I F n1shed 1ze about 40cm (16 n) tall
I.;; - - - - - - ~ _,,. -- - - J

1 1

1 "1., bll1"1<fiE
j lA VvJ pi"1(j '1 E)(f~ I

.. ...
0 ~ E Tr ace all the templates for Tillv &om page 125 onto fOlA r For Tilly's arms cut one stnp ofgreen panerned
r r plasuc transfemng all the markings. and cut them ' asunng Scm x SOcm (2in x 20in) and one srnp of
out around the outside lines calico mcasunng 13on x 50c:m (51n x 20in). Se\.. the green
Stnp to the top the calico stnp along the SOc:m (20in)
edge. Open out and press
two Id the green patterned fabnc 1n half. nght sides
: !t l)ra-y, 1r u d t' t id) "'mplate once onto the
folded fab11c, but don 't cut out as this \'vill be se\\n before fivE r 11d the fabric panel for the arm 1n halt: nght sides
cutting out I "I tfi . so that the fabncs meet each other horizontally.

Press. Dral.\' nroun<l thc arm template cwice onto the folded
fab11c panel, cnsuring that you line up the sleeve line on the
th rEE Fold the pink stnped fabnc 1n half. nght sides tcn1plate with th1. green fabnc Don 't cut out , as these will
together D1 aw dround the leg template twice onto the be sewn before Clltllnl!( ouL
kilded fhb11c, cn~unng ti 1at you line up the stnpes accurately
Don't cut out, as these will be sewn before cutting out

SIX ( ut a piece of calico n1easuring 15cm x 13cm (6in x
J111) Dr lW around l'11ly's head template onto the wrong
side of the single fabnc. Flip the calico piece over and place,
dr8'M1-side down. on a light box or against a sullll) v.mdow
Using a light grey lead pencil, draw the head shape onto the
nght side Of the fabnc, cnsunng that It bnes UP exaccJy With
the drawing on the wrong Side of the fabric. This 1s done so
that you can accurately position Tilly's \'Vig piece 0\. erlay

SEVE~ l raw around Tilly's wig piece onto the paper

si. I "f th l 1~1ble webbing Cut t\\IO peces of pink checked
fabric rne.i~unng 15111 x 131n (61n x 51n). Iron the fusible
webbing to the wr011g side of one fabnc piece. Cut out the
Wl~ J11ece (>Ver(,\y an the SOiid (not dotted) OUtS1de line.

EiG ht Ren1ovc the rarc1 backing and pos1t1on the \Vig

f'ILCLc HCflllly OVCI the 11Rhl side ofTilly's head panel. using
your pencil d1 awing to help you accurately position the hair
O\er the Ince area Press to fuse the cwo fabrics together:
1-iand oocksutch or blanket SlJtch (see pages 106-107) (or
rnachu ie sutch using a light ziguig sutch) the mside edge
0IT1lly s hair

- - - - - - - - I


~ I ~ E r 11cc the other piece of pnk checked fabnc. nght thirfEE'1 Cutout the body, legs and arms
"' icr. on the front ofTilly's head panel. Sew llllys apprc .m (' •1n) outside the stitched Imes. Tum
head t .L along •he w T'>tde · ne thar }''OU had prevtausly nght Sides out
ma.rl<e J but don't leave a tu ming gap.

fol..1rfEE'1 5tuffthe arms firmly with toy filling and

fE ~ ( ut Tilly's head ~ Jt 6mm • •n) outside the sotch?rl ~ IJ..t,t<.:I "J)Crungs closed (see page 112). Stuff the
r C. a sn\all sltt 1n th.e ba ck only (pink fabric side) "f legs firmly co the lill l1ne. Machine sew across the fill line.
T1llv's hei1J, pos1uoned h..>nz'll"ltally at the centre bottom lea111ng the tops of the legs empty. Following the Inserting
upprox1matcly I 25c1n (Y21n) up from the stitched line Turn Legs technique on page 113, insert the legs. Stuff the body
lhc head r1ghl srd\! out through the small slit. fi1mly with Loy filling and ladder stitch the opening between
the legs c loscd.

EIEvE'1 Stun· Li"lc head rirmly with toy filling (see page
110) an<l lht:n l)vcrsl1lch the opening closed at the back of
the head
fi ~EE '1 Tcike Lhe body and place the head over the
top of tlW> body, overlapping the stuffing slit in the head
Follo\.v1ng the Attaching Parts with Ladder Stitch technique
on page 115, ladder stitch the head onto the bodv where
fWElvE Machine sutch the bod\ and legs along the 1nd1caccd on the body ternplate, nghl around the seam
~ k d 1ts d • lines, leaVJng the ends open for turning. line of the top of the body This sutching should cover the
Machine stitch the arms together along the marked outside stuffing sht and keep the head linnly in place.
lrne, leaVJng the gap opcr 1 for turning as on the template

sixtEE'1 L~er SlJtch the lop l.75on (~1n) ofeach

If.,., l s•.-. oflilly's body


Tip I

' \
Yo14 Cl.h &.def ,_., «><tr• cflhtthsioh of pErsoh.Iity by I
I &.tt&.c'1ihct Tillyi '1t1.d to '1tr body •t • slictlit •hctlt. \
I \

'~ ---- - ----- - ----------~ \

- - - - .,
- - - - - - - I
- - _,
- ..,
r - - - - - \
I Tilly's \ol'IGos\(11dEr l.11MS l.dd to \,Er
c\EvErly 111corporl.tE htr b\01ASE s\E(VE.
\ thE\o\E.d fl.bric btil'IG SE.WI'! to \
thE cl.hco bE.for< c"'tti11G o'-'t SEE l,trE.
whErE. hEr l.r\llllS b.rE \l.ddtr stitchEd
I \
\ to hEr body.

'Its qLtif€

SEVE"1fEE~ U .1nga vanishing marker. draw the e)'es Tl LLY'S CLOTHES AND SHOES _
' -- -- -
------ - -- - ------- .,,.- - - --
1to Tillys face Use three strands of
brown embr0tclef) Lhread (floss) co embroider the eyes 0 ltl E Draw around the panta...or. tern dte onto tt
u 1ng satin stitch (see page 107) Using three strands of "en ,.... p~l terned fabnc folded 1n half and cut out on the
pink embroidery thread (Ross). embroider the checks \\~ch dra\v11 hnc Machine sutch the t'NO pantaloon peces
runn ng sotch and the mouth with backstnch (sec page 106) together along both the crotch seam tines as marW on the
vou should be ahle to hide the knot behind Tilly's head, in template, taking a 6rnm (Y.1n) seam. Pull the seams to the
betv.'Cefl her head and her body front and back and machine sutch up one leg and Lhen clown
the OUlC[

Ei<;hfEE~ Dra\v around the pocl)'ta1I template t\•v1ce

ont t , rcmair11ng pink cl~ked fabnc folded 1n hdlf Sew two Turn the waist anJ leg b?ttoms under by I 25cm
along the drawn lines. leaving the ends open Cut out each (Vi1n) and press. Using six sl1ilnds ofp1nk embroidery thread
pot ryuul 6mm ( ~ 111) outside the stitched outline. Clip the (floss), ht1nd sew rned1u1n running sutc~oes along tJ-w edge ol
curves and turn nght sides out the waist. \v1thout secunn ~th- thread at the end Place the
pantaloons on Tilly. pull the unsecured thread end to gather
up the filbnc evenly and Lit. urely 1n a hnot Se\" the
"1i"1EfEE~ 'iwffeachponyta1l\\~thtO)i lill1ng Tum the pantaloons to Tai~ 's body by taking the thread through her
t• :I u dt:r b 6in1n {Y.111) and ladder stitch the ponyta1l 1nto body and out the b.'ck of the pantaloons, then back Lhrough
posiuon on Ti!IYs head (see page 115). making sure that vou to the front belore tying 111 a knot
me up each ponytail wnh the bottom ofTillys ha1rl1ne.

thtEE Gather the leg bott01ns 1n the same \\.'a~ se\ving

~ legs as 1n the previous step so that they remain
at Lhc same level

fol.At Using you1 l"ad pencil, draw the shoe line onto
Tilly s feet as marked >n the template. Paint and then
van11sh the shoes toll0W1ng the Painung on Fabnc technique
on p,,ge 115.

- - - - - - - - -


Whevi Hwtys wo1A11d, bE ww11ed - this w.011sters o. SV\o.krYIC, \lvtOV! l ~1.

Avid rhEYI therE's the ml>.d bric, ht
WIEO.l'l pwty o.l'llwio.I. Wl,1ch is viot hArd to lwiA.C,lVJE orl>.VIC,E dreo.dlock~ -w1th-b.-differEV1CE.
looki"l<j b.t his outro.c,eously b.dorVied body, studdEd
Wtih bn<jht orb.VJ(jE discs l>.VJd 'to.ttooEd' with white As the col'lsir1.1ctio111 o( Hl>.trys body is so Qvilck o.11d
kisses. Tho.ts if yo1.1ve Wlh."1b.(jEd to <jet over the shock €l\Sy, yo1.o1r t1w.e is freEd 1.o1p to <;o to toW"l ovi his
of this crb.Z>f q1.1ys eyes o"' st~Jks, homs-for-c.rrns o.vid &.ppl1q1,.1Ed c\.11d EVvtbroidered body decorb.TI0\11, to c,ivE
h1t'\ll his 1Al11QIAE lh.l'IY <ht.tb.(tEr.

- - - - - - - - -,
yolA will VIEEd
• 40cin x 60cm (16in x 241n) blue felted
wool fabnc (main body) I
• 20cm x 20cm (81n x 8111) orange felted
wool fabnc (applrqued circles)
I • 5c1n x IOcrn (21n x 4111) white felted wool I
I fabric (outer eyes)
• 5cm x IOcm (21n x 41n) black telted wool
I labnc (pupils) I
I • 7cm x 25cn1 {2¥.1n x I01n) red felted v.'OOI I
fabric (horns)
• I • Six-strand embrok!ery thread (floss) lime I
I green purple, red yellow, \\ihrte. black. orange I
• Plasuc-coated fi-eezer paper
I • Thin permanent marker I
• Large-eyed needle I
• Basic tool kit (see pages 102-103)
I l
I F1n1shed size: about J5cm (13¥.rn) tall I
L ----------- J

'ltS pAtty
O~E tee all the templates for
Harry. SEVE1'1 l.,sc the circle templates to cut out four large and fi.. e
large and small body arcles and sil'I<. "from the orange I cited wool fabnc. Posiaon the circles
ter eyes and pupils. from page 120 onto as indicated on the body template Pin the etrclcs carefully tn place on
template plastic transfemng any markings Cut Harry s front body
them out around the outside lines

Ei<; ht USJng six strands ofembroider)' thread (Aoss). blanket sotch

two I the~ template onto the
tN./ around around t.ach circle, altc1nat1ng between lime green. purple. red and
i"'I' r J f the Iree1cr paper: Flip the Lemplate yellow (see page 107)
and draw a s~cond body onto the same side of the
tn:czc1 pap.:1 Cut out both body pieces along the
d1ill.VI1 luics

thrEE C11t th blue felted wool fabnc in half

' th ~t you h,1 . ._ two pieces each measuring
40crn x 30crr1 (l61n x 121n)

fOlA r Iron the plasuc side of the second

aper template to the o.-ntre ofone of
your blue felted wool fabric pieces on the ..vrong
side of the Iabnc. Dra\v around the freezer paper
template with a thin permanent ro<>rker (you v.iU
use thts line to St.-.V on later) Mark the turning
~ as 1nd1cated on the template

fivE lrc111 1he first fieezer paper template to

th1- n~ht ' ldl of thl sallK! piece of blue felted
wool fahnc., 1nak1ng su1 e lhal you line 1t up 1n
ex,1ctly th1 · 5i\1ne pos1t1on as the freezer paper on
1h.., back oft he 1:1bnc.

SIX D w around the front template, using
!or's chalk this 1s to ensure that you
-e an accurate outline 1n order to correctly
pos uon the apphque pieces Remove the freezer
paper from both the front and back of your piece
fi ted wool fabric

- - - - - - - -
- ..J

Vl 1'1E Use the ternplates to cul out the twa outer eyes elEVE'1 Sutch the remainder of the cross stitches using
fr-om white felted wool fabnc and the tvvo pupils from blacl~ lime green embroidery thread (Ross) Work the runn1ng-
felted wool fabric. Position the ouLer eyes on Harry's front stilch circles with red, yellow and white thread (floss). again
body and blanket stitch 1n place around the edges using using all six strar)ds (see page I07) Put aside.
six strands of white embroidery thread (floss}. Pos1t1on the
pupils in place and hand stitch tn the same \vay using black
embroidery thread (Ross). twelve Draw around the horn template twice onto the
paper side of the freezer paper Cut out both horn pieces
along the drawn ltnes.
fe '1 Usrng the tailor's chalk. mark the mouth. the cross
stitches and the runn1ng-st1tch circles on Harry's front body.
Using six strands of white embroidery thread (Aoss). work th irfEE'1 Fold the red felted wool fabric in half. Iron
the mouth in chain stitch, stitch most of the cross stitches the plastic side of each of the horn freezer paper templares
and sew a small cross stitch 1n the upper part of each pupil to the folded fabric, ensuring that they are spaced at least
(see pages 106-107) I 25cm (Yz1n) apart

r - - - -
- - - - -



fOlA rfEE "1 :awig the ffeezer paper in poSJuoo machine sutch ~i
--_______ ...... I

each horn leaVJng the ends open Remove the
freezer paper. Cut out each horn 6mm (~in) outside the sewn Ines Tip \
Turn the horns nght Sides out and press I H"'"Y will tu« "' rot ...o" I

' "'4Ffi"''i tttA"' yo.. #,i.,k, M I

woollc., f"'btic ""'s "' tc.,dc.,cy
to str-ttcl,.

' ----

fi~EE"1 Place the front and back

Ix J) p;1n. 1~ nght sides rogether. Using
your pennanent marker oud1ne as a
guide cut the body shape out through
both thicknesses of fabric l.25cm Chm)
outside the marked outline. Before
stitch ng, posioon the horns \vhere
ma~ on the template between the
froot and back body pieces. .,..,ch them
pointing up\vards and placed so that their
raw open ends meet the rav. edg.!s of the

sixtEE~ Sew together along I.he

mark{;!d outline. remembering to leave the
turning gap as indicated on the template
open Chp slightly at all the curves,
rnak1ng sure not to cut too close to or
into your seain

r - - - - -- ----
\ SEVE"1tEE"1 -um Harry right side
.u 1ll0g gap, then stuff
\ him firm!} toy filling (see pages 110)

Ladder stnch the opening closed (see

\ page 112)

- - - - - J

L - -

EiGhtEEl-1 hread a larr:e·e}ed
ub1c length ofall six
tmnds oforange embroidery thread
, ___ ) Take a small stitch either side
the seam I ne at the top ofone of
HarrYs eye stalks Tic thc thread m a
ght reef (square) knot (s...--e page 109)
and tnm the ends to approx11113tely
2 5an {ltn) 10 IC?ngth lo create 'hair

.-,il1EfEEl1 Repeal lhe previous

step alon~ the sea1n li111. unlll you have
tlw<.ks1r.:d a1nount of ha11 Add hair
m1.hc sarne wuy to the top of Harry's
c,ther eye st11lk


r - - -
I HArrys liAir is As wil<l
I As '1is pErso114l1ty. Bl.It
/ its 51"'-'ply crEAtEJ by
SEWi'1(j 0'1 A'1d tho1
/ ty111<j 12-strA11J IE'1<jths
of EH.ibroidEty tl.,rEAcl
I (noss) ._.,cl t"""'""''.,<i to
I IE'1<jtl,, Its so;.,'1
Ed<jE .\ '°iArrstyfE. it coi..IJ
I CAtcl, 0'11

- - - -


HErE hE (OW!ES - o.lthoi,,qh hE coi,,ld bE SOWIE tiWiE

o.rrivi"1<j - dei..r old AIEXA"1dEr the CAtErpi llAr, wri<jq Ii viq
Alo1-1q 01-1 his sto1At body/IEq SE<jWJEvits, whrch ArE
AltErVJAtEd with EyE-CAtchiviq€r1-1Ed yo-yos, Avid
peEri1-1<j A.boVI ~ try11-1q to rEWiEINlbEr wherE hes <jOl"1<j A
triAE coVJ(VlsEd hE wic..y bE AS well AS Abit sloW-WJOVIV!<j,
bVlt hEs VlOV!EthEIEss hAvidsoWiE AS bVl<jS <jO.

BEsidEs the routiviE CV1tt1vi<j ovit, sEwiviq Avid stuffiviq

r - ---~ ...... ~

of pAttErV! piECES, thE WiAkinq of AIExAhdEr ivivolvES b. ' yovi will ~EEd t
siwiplE hA"1d-qAthEriviq techViiquE to crEl>.tE thE yo-yos
(roWi fAbric circlEs, which c.rE +heh -t hrEAdEd toqEthEr
I' • 40cm (16in) x the full width ofgreen spotted

with thE body/lEq $Ectio11s ivi A set SEql.AEVJCE. l fabric (body/leg sections and head)
I • 30cm x 30cm ( 12in x 12in) purple fabric
(antennae and nose)
• Scraps ofwhite and black wool felt (eyes)
• I5 random patterned f'abnc circles, cut using
l the large yo-yo ~te on page 120
t • 1small patterned fabnc circle, cut using the •
small yo-yo template on page 120 •
• Scraps of fusible webbing t

• Six strand embroidery thread (floss):
white, black, red •
• Large sadmakers needle (with a very large eye) •
• 3m (31/J)'d) of 6mm (!41n) cotton twill tape
• Basic tool kit (see pages 102 103)
I •
Fmished size- about 4()cm (16in) long x JS~
(61n) tall •I
L! ~---- - _, ~..,~---
- ...

'How did/
GEt vtp hEt-€?'
0'1 E Tr ace the body/leg sectJOO, head, outer eye pupil,
.u antenna templates for Alexander fiom page 120
onto tc111plate plastic. transfemng all the markings, and cue
them out around the outSKle lines

two Id the green spotted fal:,, ,,, I I[ Draw around

tJ'- b dy 1eg secuon terllplate six umes and the head
te1nplnte once onto the folded fabn~ Don't cut out. ~s
these ,.,,,11 be s,.\Vfl before cutong out

th rEE Fold the pu1 pie fabnc 1n half. Draw around the
ante11na twice and the nose once onto the folded fabnc
Don't cut out, a~ these will be ~"Wn before curung out

- - - -
I -
- - - - - - - -
L -

f01.A r Iron fussb!e wcl:bng the \Nrong side of your \-Wile
lO ~ ------~----------·I
bhck wool felt scraps Dravv round the ourer eye and
~ templates t\\'ICC each and cut out on the drav.n lines
Ti I

' \
I c:locf.,•t .,tcc:I to be cspcciAlly "'"'t, AS yow wo.,'t
fivE lachane stitch all the body kg sections together
............. marked lines. but don't leave a turning gap. I
I ''
sec it, I>..+ i.tAkt sw~ itj fjooc:I 4"c:I st1-o"'f·
ch the head pieces together 1n t"'4 sar1e \va-y vut again ...__ ----- --------------"
don't leave a turnina gap
EiG ht Stuff the body/leg secuons firmly with toy filling

SI:\ 110). then ladder Slltch the turning slits closed
SIX S..w the .intt.nnne r1.:ces together along the drawn (see page l 12). Stuff the head and nose 1n the same way,
line~. 1c~v1ng
the ends open Sew the nose pieces together, st1tch1ng the turn1n~ slits closud.
but don't leave a turning gap.

~I~ E Stuff the antennae firrnly to the top opening Turn
SEVEYl Cut out all the shapes approximately 6mrn "~in) tr t. tJ<. or the antennae 1n and stitch closed. FollO\'ving
~utched hnes Cut a turning slit through one the Anaching Parts with Ladder Sticch teehruque on page
layer only ofeach body/ leg s...->coon. the head and tllt "''se 115. sew the antennae to the top of the head. positioning as
\-here ind catcd on the templates. Turn all the pieces nght 1nd1cated on the head template
sides out through the turning sh ts

'Follow h1f'

fE~ I lddcr st.Jtch the nose 1n position on the front of the
~ad. .., that the lum1ng shl 1s hK.ldcn against the head 1t
must be ladder st.Jtched all along the nose seam line

EI EVE~ Au.ach the outer eyes and pupils to the head by

peeling otT che paper backing and ironing into posioon Using
two strands ofwh1te embroidery thread (floss). blanket
stitch the outer eyes around the edges to secure (see p.1ge
107) Repeat for the pupils using black embroidery thread
(floss). Using two strands of red embroidery thread (Ross)
work the mouth 1n backstitch (see page 106).

fWElvE To make the yo-yos. lay a large fabnc circle,

nght 1d. c.Ju.vri. on your work surfa..:e Fold the outer 61nn1
( !.41n) edge of the fabric to the front . Hand ~ med1un1
n1nn1ng stitches around the outer edge. without secunng
thl! thread at the end (see page 106). Pull the unsecured
thread end to gather up the fabnc evenly. then tre 1n a r \
secure knot (see the diagrams belOV\l). Repeat with the
remaining 14 lar&e fabnc ctr'Cles and the small fabric orcle. \

- - - - - - .J
L. -

fotA rfEE~ Using the large sa1bnaker's needle, thread

the tw1ll l If'(:; double through the fil"!>t body/leg section at
the ri~ht h<1nd side marker only Now thread the Lw1ll tape
through th\? nghl ·hand side marker of three large yo-yos.
Thread through the next body/ leg secuon and then three
more large yo-yos.

fi~EE~ ( ontinue to thread all the rema1n1ng bodv/leg

se~t. . 1...rge vo-yos through the nght-hand side
threading markers

th irfEE ~ Using a van1sh1ng marker. mark the

thn•.i•j11 n \rkrs on the bodv/leg sections. as 1nd1cated on sixtEE~ When you have reached the end. thread the
the template, which 1s where the cotton twill tape will be twill tar t ack through tin.! left hand markers ofeach body/
threaded through. Mark corresponding points on each of the leg section nnd yo-yo. Pull all the pieces together fim1l~ and
15 large yo-yos ue the ends of the Nitti tape tagether \Vllh a firm reef knot

- - - - - ..,
HE "'-!iGht bE A. fittlE slow i11
thE ""10VE""1E11t dEpb.rt""1E11t,
bi..t AIExb.11dErs body "'1orE I
thA.11 INIA.kES i..p for thb.t with
if1 flExib1f 1ty. Tub.ts bEcb.i..SE
his Sho!A.rt body/IEG SEctio11s I
A.11d 111tErspErsEd <jb.thErEd
fb.bric circlEs b.rE b.ll i11<jEl1ioi..sly I
thrEb.dEd to<jEthEr i..si11<j <otto11
twill tA.pE.
- - - - - ..J

SEVE"1fEEn Ladder stitch the s1nall yo-yo co the end

or Alexander to cover the twill Lape.

Ei<;htEEn ladder sutch Alexander's head 1n pos1uon at

L otht; end f)f tne body, covering the knot in the t\vill t..3pe
1n the same process.

- - - - - - - - - ..,
As AIExA.11dErs rEA.t E11d "'1.\.Y wdl bE A. lo11<j ti"'-!E i11 I
v1Ew A.s hE slowly dis• i11to th< si..11s<t. its b.dor11Ed
i11 styl< with A. fi11A.I fA.br1c rostttE. which b.cti..Ally Also I
SErvESA. prA.ctlCb.I pi..rpost 111 (Ol1<EAl111<f thE tA.pE El1d.
- - - - - - - - - ..J


OL/1 - OL/1

If yolA ColiY!E qlAIEtly, yolA c.1..11 llYIEEt lolA-LolA thE P.1..11d.1.. AftEr i hE tASlAb..I soft toy·Wib..kivi<j AV'td EwibroidEry
shE <AV! be; rb..t'1Er shy h..l'ld .1..wkwwd w11h strA.l'lGEr procEdlAtES. yo"" C.b.V) hc'>.vE fl.AV! hEtE <rEAt1"1Cf lot.A-LOI.IS
B"'t d0Es11't ~hE look ClAtE or dAft dEpEvid1viG 011 yolAt S1A~1dAy bEst 01.1ff1t, lASll'l(j WiA.<h1"1E <jAthErlV'l<j to liY!b. E

po111i of VIEW 111 ht:r polk.1.. dor dtESS A.l'ld spotttd her frock Extrb. noLotl'l<y.
pA"tt.1..loovis - colo1Ar·<oord111.1..tEd to wi.1..-ch hEr EYE
wiA.rk1vi<js' She Cb.11 b.lso bt: A. bit of A. l1Abihry. to bt:
'1ol'lESt. with hEr P'GEovi toES A"1d bA11A.11b..-l1kE h..rwis
- J"'St try viot to IA.tA<jh At hEr too lot.Adly.

t yolA will VIEEd
• tUJ width pink wown

• Scm IOc
body, sand artn5)

'" 4in) each of black,

t ( and nose •
• black


'Do I hAvf
to (0'4JE 04-f?'
0'1E rracc all the templates for Lou·Lou. 1nclud1ng the th rEE lro11 fusible webbing to the wrong side ofyour
• nt ·• 'ult·r and inner C)e and pupil, fi-om page 121 onto bli' " .;tut~
l\rid red wool felt pieces. Dra\.'.i around the
• template plastic, transfemng all the markings. and cut them outer eye and pupil templates t'NICC each onto the black felt
out around the outside lines Do lhe same with the mner eye template and the ...mite felt
Cut out on the dra\vn lines Dra\v around the nose template
once onto the red felt and cut out on the drawn 6ne.
two F..-,ld the ptnk fabric 1n half: Draw around the body
templat1.. once. then~ <urn. lei.; and ear templates twice
each on the folded fabn1.. Don't cut out as these \VIII be
sewn be tore cutung out

- - - - .,

- - - - - J

I Now LOIA LOIAS EW!ErGEd froWi t hE... ..,dErGrowth, I
folAr Mclc~nne stnch the body pieces together by se\'v1ng shE's s1tti"'G prEtty o"' A. dES•G"'Cr th.i.t shows I
the marked line, leaving the bottom open. Se\v the
I off hEr fEtch1l"IG o1Atfit. To Wib..kE th•"'GS Eb.Sf thE
arms and legs 111 the same way. leaving the ends open for I trick is to st1Aff h<r IA.rGEt-thb.."'·lifE IEGS A."'ld SEW I
tuming Sew the ears along the drdwn lines. leaving the thEWi ,.., plb..C( bEforE st1Affi11G hEt body.
turning gaps, as 1nd1cated on the template. Cut out all the I I
shapes approxunately 6mm (~ 1n) outSide the stitcht.---d lines L - - - - - - - - - ...J
Tum everything nght Sides ouL

fivE S '1ff the legs firmly \'with toy fillu1g until 2.5cm (lin) SIX

Jffthc anns finnly to 2 Scm (l1n) from the top
tr n op opening (see page 110). Insert the legs into the 1 er 111 . Turn the ends of the arrns 1n and ladder sutch
body, rollowing the lnserung Legs techruque on page 113 closed Ladder stitch the arms to the side of the body. as
Stuffthe body finnly Ladder stitch the opening between indicated on the template.
the legs clost.-.d (sec page 112)

SEVEl1 Turn the raw ends of the ears in and succh the opening LOU-LOU'S
, ____ _ CLOTHES
:d L dJer stitch the ears 1n posiuon on Lou-Lou's head as --------------- ---
• 1nd1catcd on the template 0 l1 E Jt two rectangles of small polka
taor r the pinafore. each measunng 33cin x
l&m (13111 x ?an).
EiG ht Posiuon the eves and nose. then anach lhem to Lou-Lou's
I a peeling off the backing paper and rronmg mto posauon UStng
I two strands of black embrotderv thread (floss). blanket satch around two Id the remaarung sinall polka dot fabnc
the edges of the outer eyes to secure (see page I07) Repeat for 1n half nght sades together Draw around the
the 111ner eyes, using \Vhite embioadery thread (floss). and then the bodice ternplate once onto the folded fabnc
pupils using black thread (Ross) Sew a small cross stitch of white
thread (Ross) on the pupils (see page 107). Using two strands of red
embroidery thread (Aoss), stitch the lane under Lou Lou's nose 111 th rEE Set your scv.1ng n1achine to the longest
backstitch and hc1rnouth an satin stitch (see pages 106- 107). stitch and sew along the 33cm ( 13in) edge ofone
of the fl.abnc ectanglcs. without securing tho..
thread at the end Pull the unsecured thread end
to gather up the fabnc evenly. enough to fit the
botto111 edge of one of the bodice pieces. Repeat
with rerna1n111g fabnc rectangle.

fOl-1 r "v1achine Slltch each gathered rectangle

separat1;;ly to the bouorn ofeach bodice piece,
nght sides together, taking a 6mm (~an} seam
Open out and press.

________________ ,

Ti I

'I MAkt si.rE tl,At )'014 plAct Loi.·lo'6


I •)'• Applicti.4s ;., A .,o.,·sy...,...,«tricAI
WA)', to ....,.k« !,er f.t.ciAI vcpr«uio.,
' I

I ....or« co.,vi.,ci.,c;.
' \
'-- ------- --------~-~

- - - - - - - .,
ShE dou look rA.thEr d1.o1~bstruck (or pl.i.ii-t I
d1.o11Nib), do<si-t't shE? Thrs cl,wA.ctErft.41
ExprESSIOi'I is b.chiEvEd by thE co1Nibii1A.tio11
of t'1< dowt?·turnEd "-ppl1q1.o1td E)'6 a.t'ld thE
E1Nibro1d<rEd lii'!E·A.11d-dot w.ol.Afh. I
- - - - - - - - .J

-- -
AtE yol.1
Sl-itE I doi-,t-
look silly~



fivE Pl \Ce one dress piece on top of the
• sides together. and machine sutch

• from the top sleeve end to the neck markings

on both sides as indicated on the bodice
teniplate. Sew from the bottom sleeve end
up the Mll and down the side of the bodice.
Continue sewing dO\",, the sKles oi the dress
to the hem

SIX lurn the bottorn of the dress under
61n111('~1n) tw1cc and press, then sew c:he
hcrn 111 pJ,1ce ru111 the dress nght side OU L
n11d Pll'Ss llJI nth,· slcuve ends under l.25c1n
( ~111) and press

SEVE'1 Pace the dress on Lou-Lou. Using

.Jernbroidery thread (Ross}. hand

SC\V medium running stitches around the

neck without sccunng the thread at the end
(sec page 108) Pull the unsecured thread end
I lo'-l-Lo"4S c.irlit fro<k, h.\11d·G.\thtrtd .\t tht "1tck A.11d I
to gather up the fabnc evenly and then ue off
the thread to secure Gather the slee\ e ends slttvEs. is 111 cow.IC co"1tt~ to htr t"1do.t•"1Gly ch'-l11ky, I
I cl'-ll'l1sy-look1"1G
11\ the same \VU\
L - - - - - - - - - J

EiGht Fold the lari;c polka dot fabric in

h. 1lf D1 llA arou11d the pantaloons template
once c111t1J thc loldc.'{l l~ibnc and cut out on
thc n1«rkcd Ollt ~1de hne,
~ ·---------------· I

Ti '' \

, ,
I T... kc "' stitch ;.,to the body to c.,s.. re I

th"'t the P"'.,+"'loo.,J wo.,'t f ...11 dow.,!
'' \



l--11 VJ E Pia the pantaloon pieces on top ofeach other. fE~ rn the waistband under l.25cm (~in). Usmg
siaes c ther. and machine stitch together along both hand SCW 1ned1um running Stitches around
i.u...r• ulfCacf
n nes Bnng the front and back seams together the v.aistband without secunng the thread ar the end
""'" t ther from the bottom ofone leg up to the Place the pantaloons on Lou-Lou. puU up the unsecured
aN1i:h and back down the other leg. Tum nght side out and thread to gather the fabnc evenly and ue 1n a knot to secure
~ Tum the bot com of the pant.alooos under 6mm ( ~ 1n)
~w.u; Jn:! press Sew the hem 1n place.

- - - ..,
To a.dd to hEr SliGhtly I
I <lotty' look, lo'4- lo'4S

pa.11tA.loo11s A.rE IEft I

loosE A.11d bAGGY
rA.thtr thA.'1 GA.t'1trEd
a.t tht leG botto""1S, I
so tbt they ha."'G
dow"1 bElow her
' ;7
dA.i"1ty drtss. I
- - - - _J


I •

rEs on IOVl
<iAthEr ro1A11d EvErybody. Pl'ES'fovi thE Uovi is AbolAt to ----- -- - - "'
hold forth i..I IE11c,th, so Wit..kEyo1..1rsElve::s coWiforii..ble I
~ i1s propor t1011s we i.. bit of i.. qivEi..w"'Y: 11..1st look i..t I yoc,, will VJEEd
thE SIZE of thi..t hEi..d. B1..1t dOEs t hi..t 111dich.tE b1G brAJ"1 I
< or 11..1~1 br(f-hEi..dEdl"IESS) A bit of botl-i probi..bly. · 25 I0 x the I width of bghr brow
I g1ngharn f. (bod
A11d wh1IE he !MAY bE short 111 sti..fl..lrE. Prsto11 rs b1q oYI
ti..11 ti..le NotE thAt he is Also si.u111q doWI'>, V111EA11111q the trast-pattemed
tdhYl(f COIA!d ti...kE SOWiE t1w,e.

ThErcs b1.Atto11 10111t111q of lrwibs to k doviE herE, .1..lo11q I
t .x- fabnc eyes
with wii..chrnc qt..ther111q for the Wib.l'lE i..11d e.. htrlt:< I
xvebb g
E~V1bro1dery for the fb.Clh.I fe.1..t1ArEs t..nd
• x~su-aodcrnt>ro1ckrv thread floss oran I
Ul&:k \A.'h11 P
• 2 large butt 2 5cm Jin diameter I
I • 2 sn n buttons. I 75crn (~in) diameter I
• & I kl (se pages 102 103)
Frnrshed size. about 25cm (IOin) tall
- - - - - -
t .I ~ ~ ~ - - -





'\t WAS
t~is bict!'


- - - - - - - - - -
Pr<sto11s S111ot.ui k-tr11d is lll-tb.tch<d by his 'tA.ilorEd' I
b.ppEa.tb.11CE. ChoosE._ rEA!ly Good co11trA.St of fAbric for thE
t1.11N11N1y A.11d 110SE. likE thE Wb.cky tApE-""1<.\Sl.lrE pb.ttEni I
l.ISEd hErE, b1.1t with A l111ki11<j EIE"'1El1t, sr.ech .\S thE chEckEd
dEsi<j11 i11 this <A.SE. I
• I
- - - - - - - - - .J

fOlA r Fol<l the tail fabnc panel 1n half. nght sides together.
t.11, fabr rec; rn~et each other horizontally. Press.
s.:> t.hr1l
Draw around th1;: Lail tcrnplate onto the fOlded fabric,
111al~1ng SlJrC that you rnatch up lhe lrne marked on the
ternplat1;; with the scam where the fabncs meet.

f ivE Machine sutch the anns legs and ears cogether

l , 1r dra\\lrl hnes. leaving gaps for turning, as 1nd1cated
• 1<.

on the templates. ~... the body t0',.~r.her along che drawn

hne. but don 't leave a turning gap Se'I.'. "le tail che
same \vay, but again don't leave a turning gap

SIX Without sev.1ng1t together. cut che head out of the
o >U' ...JOC 6rrun ( ~ 1n) outs1de
the rnarkd line. Cut out
all the other pieces 6mm (~1n) outside the sutched hnes.
o~E I ICC all the templates for Preston, 1nclud1ng his
"' uid tummy. frorn page 124 onto template plastic,
translernng all the rni\rk1ngs, and cut them out around the SEVEl1 Turn th..> arms. legs and ears nght sides out
utsrd, lrnes. through th'" Lurn1ng gdps For the body and tail. cut
,, turning sir \ through one layer only. 1n the position
1n<l1ca1cJ 011the rc1nplates, before turning right sides out
fWO F0ld the light brown gingham in hair. right srdes
l~ r Draw around the body and head templates once
hand l ' lrm and Ir-, templates twice each onto the EiGht Cut h strip oforange fabric measunng 6.5cm x
folded fabr Don't cut out dS these ""ill be sev.11 before 6cr' li.1r1n x 30rn) f-old the stnp 1n half. nght sides out, an
cuttmgout the \vay along the length Press Unfold the smp and se\v
the short ends tog.,;thcr to fonn a nng Re-fold the nng. nght
side out
thrEE "Or Preston's tail, you "'""II need to cut one suip of
gingham fabnc measunng IOcm x 20cm (4in x
Sin) and one stnp oforange fabnc measunr1g 6.5cm x 20cm
2 10 x 810) Machine stitch the orange stnp rn che top of
the fight brown stnp along the 20cm (81n) edge Open out
and press

------- ,
No wo11dtr PrEstol'l '1z..s COINllNIA.t'ld I
' of.,.., A.1..tdiEl'lCE - j1..tst look A.t #iA.t
lw<jE, 11Niposil'l<f htA.d frli.IN!td by A. I
INIA.Chll'lE· GA.thErEd ril1G of strol'l<jly
co11trA.stil'l<j fA.bric for his INIA.l'lt. 8\.lf
I bo. t1..tft of Ew.broidtry thrt A.d 'hA.Jr' i11
thE CEl'ltrE A softE11i11c, to1.1ch.

- ------

EIEvE~ Carefully position the

r _, o• orange fabric. sandwiching 1t
bec\veen the l'.vo layers of the head.
The raw edges of the nng should line
up With the ra,.,. edges of the head
fabnc. Tack {baste) into position

twElvE l\.t1achine stitch around

~ rro.rk...d lire on your head fabric.
01ptunng the ears and the mane as you
go. but don 't leave a turning gap

th i rtEE"1 Cut the turnin~ slit, as

1nd1cc1ted on the template. through the
back layer of the head only (the

la-,.1::r m'irked 'B') Tum the head nght
"1 I~ E ':>1..t your SC\Nlng machine to the longest stitch and sew around the si<lc ouc through the turning gap.
J,.A1i,t rc'N edge of the nng. without securing the thread at the end Pull the
unsecured thread end co gather up the fabnc e--enly so that the nng measures
approximately 46cm {18m) 1n circumference. fovtrtEE~ Stuff the head firmly
rg \see page 110) and
ladder sutch the turmng gap closed
fE~ t~c the l'WO head fabnc pieces. mark the wrong skie of the back piece (see page 112) Stuff the arms legs.
u' for back' and aside With your front head piece nght-s1de up, bOOy and tail finnly ''v'lth tOy filling
tack (baste) the ears uno pos1oon as rndicated on the template. Face the top of then sev.• all the tummg gaps dosed
• the cars 111 to\vards the centre, with the ra-v edges of the ears meeting the rtM
edges of the head fabnc Now place both head pieces on top ot each other.
nght sides togcthi?r, with the ears becv..-een the two !avers

r - - - - - - -
I -
-- -- -- -- I
I -

r - - - - - - - - - ,
I 0 11EoF PrEsto11's dEfi11i11<j fEA.t\.1 rEs is his shA.rp-looki11<j I
f\.11MIMY pA.tch, <jtvi11<j hilM A.11 A.pproptiA.tE Air of
I wtoriA.I soph1st1cA.t1011 A bold blA.11kEt-stitchEd
EdGi"'G thE pEtfEct fi..,1shi11G to1Ach.

,_____ ---- -- ----- ------- ----
O~E <mg SIX strands of~ eni>roidef') thread (Aoss),
1 1rge sutch.."S through the ends ofbot:h legs and both
• •
aT'llS to create P<M"> •

two Draw around the turnrny nnd the nose templates

c anJ the eye ternplate twice onto the paper side of the
rus1ble webbing Cut out each shape 6mm ( !41n) outside the
dra-....n line.


Ti I

' \I
Use tht Si1<tlci1<tq K1<tots tt<h1<tiq'4t 01<t p•q-t

I 109 to st•rt • ..,J li1<tisl, tht thru.d wltt1<t
stwi1<t<, Prtsto1<ti p•wi.
I \

th rE E I \flthe tummy and nose to the back of the fOlA r Using t\vo strands ofembroidery {thread) floss in a
• c r 1c and the eyes to the back of the black wool ' colour. blanket sutch around the tumm} nose and
• felt or fabnc. Cut out each shape. Remove the backing the eyes (see page 107) Using \\-hite thread (floss). work a
paper and pos1uon the tummy on the fiunr of the body cross sutch on each eye. as indicated on the template {see
(the side with the turning !J1t) Press to fuse into posiuon page 107)
Remove the backing paper from the nose and eyes and
pos1ucn them on the front of the head. as indicated on the
• ternplate Press to fuse them into pos1oon. fivE LI .1ng 12 strands oforange embroider) thread (floss)
m'\~ .rnall stitch at the top of Preston's head. nght 1n the
centre 111 front of the mane Tie in reef (square) knot (see
page 109) and tnrn the ends of the thread to approximately
2 Sein ( lin) 1n length .

SIX Mark the rnouth as 1nd1cated on the template with
a v:m1 Jung rna1 her Use two strands of black embroidery
thread (Aoss) to wo1k 1n chain stitch (see page 106).

sEVE "1 r I iOC the head over the body so that both of
aps meet Following the Atraching Parts \vith
I .adder Sutch techn que on page IIS. ladder sutch the head
into pos1tton. se\ving 1n a orcle approxunarely Son l2in) rn
diameter around the neck seam

Eic,ht Using the large buttons, JOln the legs to the sides
uf Pr, .ton's body. following the Button Jo1nong technique
on p.:1ge 114 Using the sinaller buttons. 1oin the arms to the
s1Jcs of Preston's bcxly tn the same way.

I H< 1,4\S A cool, stu.dy. i111pErso>ih.J G!.ZE doo ol.!r I

I l<c-h..r<r PrESto11, wl,1cl, is i'-'st tl,E EXptESsio11
r<ql.!rrEd for P"'blic spE.\Jcn11f. NEXt stop TV I
I pr<s<>if<r> A s1i-ic,I< wl,1t< <ross stit<I, ii., EAcl, blAck I
I l E}'< pAtcl, (t(AfES JWSt t'1t: tiGht look.
- - - - - - - -


ma hlnE 1i Preston av.:r and pos1uon his tail at the back
and that the tum ng sht 1s f11c1ng the back of lhe
ka Ladrr stitch I.he bottom 4cm {I ~1n) of Preston's tail
,.,~u1• ( page 106)

- - - .,
- - - - - \
As Pr(sto"1 spE1icls Wiost of his t1W1E sitti11G
clow1i i.."'cl po"1tifici..ti11G. his ti..1\ is "1ti..tly
pi..rkecl 1"1 i..11 "'priGht pos1tio"1. For i..clc!Ecl
viSIAAI i"1t£rESt1it hi.s Aco"1tri..sti"1G·COI0"4rEcl
tip1 clEvErly crEl> by pi<ci"1G toGEthEr thE
two clifftt£"1t fi..brics bcforE '"'tt1"1G 01At. \

- - - - - - - - _J

r - - - - - - - - - .,
I WhilE PrEsto"1 w,a..jors 011 1111i..ttErs of hta..d, ht I
lik£s to wsE l,1s i..rWiS a.."1d IEGS txpr£Ssivdy to G£t
I his WIESSA.GE a.cross Th•S IS wl,y thEy WE b1.1tto11
jo•"1tEd for AExib1lity choosE fi.."1cy coordi"1a..t111G
I bi.itto"1S..... kEEP'""G with l,is SprtActd-i.ip iWil>.<jE.

L - - - - - - - - -
• Q


If thErEs o.. co..wiEro.. o..bolAt, Pwl thE ZEbro.. will be therE I herE's lots to (jEf st1.-1ck 1vito hEtE b6idEs crED.t1"1(j PEt..rl
I~ A, poSIYl(j (01 A shof or two i11 hEr le..tESt OIA Ifl I 1ASi"1(j I he IASIAD-1 sofl-toy VV1&..kl"1(j tEch11iQIAES - likE
Wdl. yo1.-1'vE (jot to AdWirt tho.t shEs (jot thE body (or 11 wio.k111ei ~JI her lovEly clothes. wh1<h 1vivolvEs AWiOVl(j
- t hosE bold stripes Are 1V111prEss1vE. A11d rrs ho.rd viot to other th111<:js h111vi(j the p1vio.forE Avid Wi~11'l(j the
11ot1cE tho.t shE's o.lso soV111i:th111<:j of o. fAsh10111sto. with bot (rill.
hEr sto.tEt'll'IEl'lt rEd prvio.forE o.vid covitro.sti11<i stylishly
ACCESSOflZEd blo1.1sE

' - - - ---- - ,
yol..1 will VJEEd I
e 35cm (14 K the ful Width ofblack and \vrute
I stnJ:>ed cotton bn {body, arms and legs)
I • 5cm x IOcm (2 n x 4rn) each ofblack and
white woof felt (,,; ) I
• 20c1n x 7lc1n (8111 x 28111) black and white I
I checkl·u cotton labnc (bloiJse) I
I • 30cm x 61cm ( 12111 x 241n) black/floral
COlton fi bnc (pantaloons)
• 30cm (12m) x the fu Width f red cotton I

I' fabric (.Pina i;

• Small prec:c
• Six strand thread floss
\...tl1tc. b k
• f red button 2 5rni 1 ) cfiameter. optional I
• Basic tool kit ( 102 103 I
I F1n1shed Stze about SOcm (20m} tal I
L: - - - - - - - - - - - - J
'This is h,y
bEst sidf,.
0 '1 E Trace all the templates for Pearl. including the outer SEVE "1 Stuff the arms finnly to the fill line. as indicated oo
r ICl i:- ip11. on pages 122 123 onto template plasoc. ' ~., then machine stitch across the iill line. TlD'Tl ire
• transfening all the mamngs, and CUL them OUl around the ends of the arms 1n and stitch closed Oversotch the anns to 0:
outside lines side of the txxly, as 1ncl1cated on the template.

two nld the black and white stnped fabnc lfl half EiGht Turn the raw ends of the ears 1n. Hand sew
h ·1z mtally. cnsunng that the stnpes meet accwaiely Press
I -:- .im running stitches along the borrom edge, through
Draw around the body template once, then th;;; arrn. le!? and both layers, without secunng the thread end (see page 106)
t'" t~ rnplatcs twice each onto the folded fabric Don't cut Pull the unsecured thread to gather the fabric evenly, then
out. 1s these will be sewn before cutung out ladder stach the ears 1n place. as 1nd1cated on the bod\
tem11late (see page 115)

thrEE Iron the fusible webbing 1.0 the wrong side of your

bl,\ck and white felt pieces. D1 aw around the outer eye and '11 "1 E Att<1ch the eyes to Pearl's head as 1nd1cated on the
pupil ten1plC1tes twice each and cut out on the n'la1 kcd lines. bxly t 'fnrl~tc by peeling off the backing paper and ironing
011. Using three strands of wh11.e e1nbro1dery thread (floss),
blanket stitch th<! outer eyes around the edges (sec page 107)
f01.A r Machine Stitch the boJy t.Ogether around the marKed Repeat for the pupils \\'1th black thread (Aoss). Using \vh1te
ing the bottom open Sew the arms and ~in the thread (floss) sew a cross stitch in each pupil (see page 107)
same~ leaving the ends open for turning Sew the ears
along the marlu?d line, le8'.ing the tullllng gap as indicated on
the template.

fivE CJt out all the shapes arrroxunatelv 6mm (~m)

outside the slltch<Xl lines and snip the curved edges. Turn
all the shapes ngh l sides out.

SIX Stuff the 11.°!gs fiITTlly \vtth toy filling up to thi. fill line.
as indicated on lhc ternplate (see pages 11 0). Machine
sutch across the fill line Bnng seams at che bottom of
Pearl's body to centre front and back lnsen the legs into
the OOdy, following the lnserung Legs technique on page
113 Stuff the body firmly Ladder stitch the opening
between the legs closed (see pag~ 112).

r - - - - - - - - -
I PEArl is i..1-1d(rStA1-1dAbfy of her f11-1E profilE,
with hEr liEAtly <jAthErEd (4/"SAlid tw11-1kli1-1<j Eyts
I - crEAt(d with A C4t"Ef1.tlly plAcEd cross stitch .
'• I
L - - - - - - - - -



• '-------- ------------- ---- -
0 ~ E f-old the blouse fabnc 1n half. nght sides together:
----------- ' ..
• I
v und the blouse template ooc:c onto the folded \
fabnc <1nd cul out on Lhc drawn line. I I
Sew a. ftw s...a.11 ovcrstit<itu A.t ucJ,
siclc of tl,( l>lo'4Jt .,cckli.,t to st<'41'( titc
two t"\ach1nc sutch the blouse pieces together, taking I
~ t'41'11ecl-i., .. eek opc.,i.,'f if ..ccw.vy. '

--- - ---- -------------J


rl 6rnm ( ~ 1n) seam, frorn the top sleeve end to the neck

markings on boLh sides. as 1nd1cated on the template Then

~cw together from the bottorn sleeve end up the arm and
down th s1d~ eam on both sides. Clip under the arm and
lurn nght side out Press.

th rEE li. rn the neck opening under 6mm ( v. in) and press fOlA r Using strands of \.\+.1te embrotderv thread

Us1ne six strands of black or white embroidery thread (Ross). (floss), sew a red button to the front of the blouse. taking
hand SC\V medium runrung stitches around the sleeve ends, the thread through the blouse into the body. r"lel' bacl
Without secunng the thread end. Place the blouse on Pearl, through the blouse and the button Tie 1n a reef(square)
pull up the unsecured thread end to gather the sleeve fabnc kno1 to secure (see page 109)
evenly and uc A knot to secure.

- - - -
PE.&.rls choicE of bl.&.ck
~11d whitE chEckEd
blo1.1sE hEr so1.111d
j1.1dc,EINIEl1t A.bo1.1t dothEs,
.\S it works WEii with hEr

stripEs .&.11d EffectivEly

co11tr.&.sts with thE rEd
pi11.&.forE. A11d thErEs
A.t+E11tio11 to too,
111 thE GA.thErEd p1.1((
slEEVES .&.11d thE stylrsh I
b1.1tto11 brooch.
- - - - _J


' - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -~

0"1E Fold the fabric for the

is in halt DICMI around
the pantaloons template once onto
the folded fabnc and cut out on the

two Place the pant \loon piec1;;s on

• '°of c~ch other, nght sides together,
tnd machine sutch together t1long both
crotch seam lines. taking a 6ovn ( !4 in)
seam Bring the front and b.1ck scarns
together and sew together from the
boltom ofone leg up to the crotch and
back the other leg. Turn nght
Ide out and press.

thrEE Tum the waistband and leg

s ..inder I 25cm (~1n) Hand
- -, sew nledrum running sutches around
oom. without secunng the thread
I ends. Place the pantaloons on Pearl.
pull up the unsecured tluead ends to
i;;llh."'T the fabnc evenly and tie 1n a
I I krot to secure take a stitch into the
ES, txxiy to ensure thilt the pantilloons
r I \\00 t fal do'N!l

- - - - - - -
I Now Pfb.rl's showi.-,G off h(t pA..-,tbJoo.,s! Wtll. thE)' C(rtA.1.-,\y do
I WIA.k( A. with thE1r AowEry pri.-,t o.., ;..<jto1A.-,d,
I which k(Eps thEWI worki.-,G wEll with htr body fb.brte.
- - - - - - .
L - - - - - -

PEARL'S PINAFORE folAt Cut a stnp of red fabnc measuring 4cm {l~1n)
"------------------- - - ----- t 1 width of the fabnc. Re1T1ove the selvedges and

0 ~ E 1 old the pcnafore fabric 1n half and dlO\v around the fold the stnp 1n half(end to end). Se\v the ends together.
re u:mplate t"''ICe onto the fulded fabric. Machine creating a nng. Fold the nng 1n half. nght sides our.. all the
sutch two of the pinafore pieces nghc sides together around way around and press.
the central part of the neckline and the armholes. as shov.n
rn the diagrnm belO'N Repeat with the remaining tw0
pu1t1fore pieces Snip the cu""ed edges on both armholes and fivE .,. t your sci/I/Ing machine to the longesc sotch and
the sewn ~ccuon oft~ neckline. Press. SIM'ill! around the double raw edge of the ring. without
sccunng the thread end. Pull up the unsecured end co
gather ti ic fabric evl!nly so that it matches the bottom of the
p1nafon.. skirt
' ,

' " ' ' ... SIX Open the pinafore out again and machine stitch the
gc\thcrcd ruffie to the main r1nafore only. Press the ruffie
dov.n. Press the l1n1ng of the pu"ldfore 1n by 6mm {~an) and
hand stitch or machine stitch the bottom of the lining to the
bottom of th! m111n pinafore Place the pinafure on Pearl
two ""Ip.."" up both the front and back of the pinafore
J r 1 , un top ofeach ocher. right sades rogecher. Sew
together frorn the bottom ot the main dress. up to the
underarm and back do\.vn to the bottom of the lining on
both sides of the pinafore. as indicated 1n the diagram below
Tu1 n the pinafore nght side ouc and push the lining inside I.he
main dress

• • • ... . . --. -.. --·

......... .......----~­
···- ... _ ... ------ -- -- -- --·

........ .. .. --·- ......... .... --... -- ... --

.......... -·· .. ...... -- .. ........... . . ••

thtEE w the shoulders of the pinafore fiont to the

sho the pinafore back by openmg up the unsutched
neckline on each secuon and meeting the ra.v edges of the
shoulder seams. Press Tum the ra..v edges of the neckline I
Ma.kt Jl4rt tl-ia.t ti-it ra.w td~ES of ti-it
,..fflt ..,ttt ti-it ra.w td~u a.t ti-it '-ot to.., ' I

1n and press Topst1tch the necklrne. which will close the

of ti-it pi.,a.fort l:.dort y044 sew. ' \
rema1n1ng g~s

- - - - - - - -
P<Mf to pErfor11Yi "' twirl ,., hEt
dEsiGl'!Er dress for th< CA"'-'ErA, show111G how
its bEAl.!tifully l111Ed Al'!d thE bottol!Yi EdGE I
tri""'"'-'Ed with AllYIA<hi11E-GAthErcd n.tffiE.
- - - - - - - -

'--- - --- - ------------- -----
To create Pearls mane, thread a double length of the full
~1 x strands of white embroidery chread (Ross) chrough a
Iir&, -eyed nccdli!. Take a small sotch either side of the
)crun l111e al the top of Pearl's head. Tie the thread In a
tight reef (squ ve) knot (see page I09) and trim the ends to
11prrox1malcly lcm (I Vain) 1n lengch. Repeat along the seam
nc, as 1nd1cat1?d on the body template.

Sh<·s "' st...1111Er •II ro"411d, Pc.v-1 - EVE"' hcr I
mA.ti< is stylistic' B"'t it's EASY to cr<•tt the

I dcsir<d <ffEct "'s111G do\Ablt l<11Gths - thA.ts 12 I

strA.tids 111 totA.I - of E1N1bro1dtry thrcA.d (floss).
I kl1ottEd A.11d thE11 trtllYllN!Ed.
L - - - - - - - - ...J



• •

I •

I~ ~re
Yo~ <Al'l't 1111lss Db.I'()' thE Dlviosi..~r - hE~ A. IW<jEr-th~­
lifE chWA.ct'Er ~d \IJO 1111istAkE. ThtrE hE i . f·WA.di11<j
A.ro1.A11d d1splA.y111<j his fb.l'ltA.StkA.lly pA.tterviEd A.11d
colo1..1rEd <v~t. viot to ll1"1E11tio11 his W1A.<j111f1cE11t hor11
tno A.Yid thE 11!1"1pos111<j frrll A.ro1..1nd his l'IE<k. Dwcy rEA.lly
IS A c,rA.11d b.111""1A.I - b.l'ld hE kviows 1t!

Yol-1'11 hb.vE c,rEA.t f1A11 so1.Arc111c, A s1..1itA.bly E)~-popp111ei

prr11tEd fA.br1< for DM<y's body - the bolder A.11d
Q1.A1rk1er the bEttEr. B1..1t thEYI hes strAIC,~r;forwA.rd ro
r -~ - - - - - - ,
co11str1,1<f, bovi<j A.11 b.ll-111-011E toy. e..ltho'-'Gh his lec,s yotA will V1EEd
w1ll 11Eed ExtrA.-ftrwi si1,1(f111ei to tY1S1..1rE thb.t they o.rt
st1.1rdy EYIO\.l<jh to kEEp h1Wi stri-ittlVIG his St1.Aff. I
• 25an ( IOin) x the full width ofblue
I pauerned tiib11c (head body)
I • 13crn x 25an (Sin x IOm) red patterned
I f11bnc (fiill)

I • Srn<ill scrap of pl,un whtte hornespun

fabnc (horns) I
• 13 rn x 13cm (5rn x 5m) I cluweighr
I fusible Aeece 1nterhrung I
r • 25cm (IOin blue nc rac I
l • Black six strand embroidery thread (floss) I
1 • Bas1 tool kit ( pagt.>s 102 103)
Frnished size: about 40cm (16in) long x 20cm
I (81n) uill I
L.: - - - - - - - - - - - - .J

'Do I look
Good or w44.t?'


r - - - - -
I Its to SEE wl,y D.v-cy t'-iE
• dA"!dy lovES to ·~ptESs
I o11fookErs with '-iis "!Eck frill.
ThE IMGE trc-rAc i..s(d for thE
I EdGil'IG is A qi..ick A"ld Eb.!}'

I I WA.y to AchiEVE Al1 Ev(11fy

• shA.pEd oi..tl111E.
L - - - -

O ~ E Trace all the ten1platcs tor Darcy fiorn page 117 onto each ocher; nght sides together. Place the length of nc-rac
tt.rnplate plasc1 rransl mng any markings. and cut them between the two la')ers. starting and ending at the star. as
out around the )Utstck. lines indicated on the template. centring the nc-rac ir\ the fnll
to give an even finish. Pin 1n place. Sew the frill together,
captunng the ric-rac and leaving the inner curve open, as
two Fold ·' blue patterned fabnc 1n half. nght sides indicated on the template. Tum nght Side out and press
together. Dr,1w around the body, head nnd inner leg
ten1platf's Of" eacl-i •1to the folded fabnc. Cut out the
shapes along the marked lines Transfer the dart markings to folA r T1ke one bod)' pccce and one inner leg piece
the \vrong side of the inner leg pieces and place on top of each other, right su.les together. You
v..111 nouce that the top of the inner leg pieces are sl1ghth1
narro"ver than the bod) pieces. so you will need to cack
th rEE Fold the red tabric 1n half. 11ght sides together. (baste) the edges 1n place so that the rdw edges nieet
Dra\o\' V':>und the frill template once onto the folded fabnc Machine st.Jtch together, starting to sew right at the raw
Iron the fusible Reece 1nterhn1ng to the back half of the edge of the fabnc. gradually taking a 6rr • seam and
folded fahnc Cut out the fnll pieces around the marked then tapenng co the raw edge i\ga1n at the oth\;r end, as
line. Take both of the fnll pieces arid plilce them on top of shown below

-'• - - - ----- - ... --. 1

c::;w.. •
I '
If yow like, yow <._., topstitcl. so...c
I I .. .
11.,,, ._ro...,d #tt frill, fro... tl.t ;.,.,,r •

I I \ _..... :•

. ..\ •

' \
•\ ••

---- -----------~ "•• ·-······ .. ..I


~-- ..... .....

(ivE t Step 4 with the remarnsng bod• a00 1""1er 1.,g your ma~ngs Repeat with the remaining three inner leg
the curve 1n the inner legs Don't t urn rie ht darts Tnm any excess fabnc away from the darts
sides out .

SEVE"1 f1ace the two body pieces on top of each other,
SIX one of the nner leg sec.aons in half. nght sides 1 t J. together. \'Jlth the umer legs 1n be™-''een. Madune
that the fold fulls the centre of on~ of the sotch the top edge of Darcy's body together fiom the
Machine stitch the dart 1n place foll0W1ng turning gap, as marked on the template, to the top neckline
only, taking a 6mm ( ~ 111) seam

r - - - - - - - - -, EiG ht Plac1;; the two head pieces on top ofeach other.

I HE W!A)' bE thE bEst-drEssEd bEASt 011 t ht right sides together. Machine sutch together from the top
I pl..11ct, b1.1t D..rcys 110 lo1.i11GE lizMd, AS yo14 ,A11
I neckline to the n1arkcd star only.

lEC hct(. St1.1ffEd with thE tiGht dE1isity o( top- I

q1.1.,l1ty Fill111G. hEs AS st'4rdy AS soft toys Co"'1E.

• •
VI I VIE 0 lCe the neck~nes of the lxxly am
IM__ 1 ~ r1 of each other,
nghr Sides together:
ensunng that the seams meeL Place che fiilJ
bet\'\-ecn the t\'\'O layers so that the inner ra..,
edge of the fnll nleets the raw edges of the
neckline Start tacking (basting) the la)'ers
together at the centre of the frill. which will
rne.!t the sewn seam lines. Working from
the centre out, ease the necklines into the
curve of the frill, tacking (basting) as you go.
Machine stitch t.he complete neckline together,
capturing the fr1ll 1n your sewing.

fE'1 Repos1t1on the two body/head pieces

) thdt they are evenly on top ofeach other.
nght sides together. \4,.1th the inner legs 1n
between Taok (baste) together. fTom the back
ei id of the turning gap to the rnarl<.ed star on

the nose (the end of the previous se- 111ng).

When you reach the inner leg secoon. make
sure that you are tacking {basong, the top
edges oithe 1n1ier legs together. nght sides
facing 1t may be easier to fold the legs
up against either side of the body (see the
d1agrNn below).

I No wo11dEr DArcys so vAi11

- hE looks so cool frow. EvEry
I co11cEivAblc Al'IGIE. His 11Eck I
frill is sEw11 i1ito thE body/
I hEAd l1Eck/111E for A liEAt Alid I
SEC1'4r( fi11lsh.
I I -- . . . ~ -....... ... ~

- - - - - . •
.. ··················-··········-····-


EIEvEVI '!W the body together. leaving rhe rurrung gap

•·isht side out. Stuff very firmly with filling (see
pages 110), then ladder stitch the opening closed (see page
112). filling a bn more as you go to avoid a dimple

- - - - - - -

- - - - - - - -

twElvE Fold 1hc white fabric 1n half. right sides

togethC'r Draw around lhe smaller horn template, for
Darcy's nos.?. once and the larger horn, for Darcy's head,
twice onto the rolded fab11c Machine Stitch the horns
together along the dra1,.vn lines. leaVJng the ends open fur
turning Cut the horn shanes out approximarel) 3mm ('hin)
outside your drav.m lines and tum nght side out. follol.ving
the Turnmg Small Pieces technique on page 1l I.

+hi rfEE~ Tum the ra.v ends of the horns in by

appn.> !m1H:1 6mm (~1n) and then swff the horns firmly
with toy filling Following the Attaching Parts w1Ch ladder
Sutch technique on page 115, ladder stitch the folded edge
of the horns onto Darcy's head and nose.

folA rtEE ~ Mai kthe eye circles on Darcy's face with

a van1sh1ng 1narker 01grey lead pencil. as marked on the
template, and then saun stitch the circles using two strands
of black en1b1 01d~ry thread (Aoss) (see page 107}.
- - - - - - - - - I

look, DArcys tryi11<j to CAtch EYE so tlia.t yo1.t I

CAl'I h11M All tht !Mort. 8V"1<j workEd 111 wi11
stitch 1.tsi11<j o11ly blAck Ew.broidEry (tlirEAd) <jivEs his I
tyts Al'I All1.tr111<j dtpth.
- - - - - - - - - ...I


A fw cry frowi thE trb.ditio11.J tlwiid iwib.<jE, M.;.bEllE -- - --~~--
- - - ,
is A ll\1ovise w11h ~ brc, pe1so11A.1Hy - tho.ts EASy to tell I I
frowi f he SIZE of hEr fo.blAIOIAS p111k Al'ld yEllow EAi) .;.11d yovi will nEEd
hEr Ao.wiboyA11tly pAtter11Ed body with co11trMt111c,
f1...tW1WlY spot Wo.tch OIAt, this rAdicAI rode11t is for • 20an (8 ) x the fu Width ofblue ffor I
patterned fj main body
.JI k111ds of (1..111 b•1d <jl>.WIES' I
• 13cm )( I3cm x 5 ) ydlow patterned
lilbr1c (tummy mncr ears
M.;.belles MWIS b.11d fEEt ME stl.Affed Avid tAcked (b.l.sted) I l
ofpink patterned
IVJ pos1t1ovi 0•1 the body fro11t before hEr body Al'ld
l,a.d ME sEMi to<jEthEr A c1rclE of thick c1>..rdbowd '

• 3crx
Ii t 11 rm<:

can, nose I
1•1sEri1:.d 111to thE bA.SE of MAbEllEs bqdy Allows her to
I • 3 x 25 5crn (5 n Oin ghtweight
SfA11d f1rW1iy OVJ A flb.t SIArfACE. Vll'ldErli11h1c, hEr bold. usi 11eec nterli ng
robi..)f ~1Ati..rE. • IOan x IOcm (4 n x 4rn) thick cardboard I
• Six strand crnbror~ry thread floss) blaek blue I
• J8c1n (71n} cotton cord rn a matching I
{ colour (t 111)
I • Bas1~ tool kll ( e1• 1xiges 102 103)
L--- - --



-• •••

'Now yov. ,

SEE VV1~· ·.

I th rEE Take one of your head front
ptt!ces and sew the dart together on the
wrong side of the fabnc as marked, then
p1 ess. Repeat with the remaining head
fiont piece and two head back pieces.

f0 lA r Place the head front pieces on

top of each other. nght sides together.
so that the raw edges and dartS meet
Machine stitch together along the cenu-e
head seam. taking a 6mm (~1n) seam
Repeat with the head back pieces.

fiVE P' ace two of the body pieces on

l >p 'll 1ch other. nght sides toge~ Tie
a knot 1n one end of the cotton cord Lay
between the twO body pieces so that
1t 1s approximately 2.Scm (!in) up from
the bottom edge and the unknotted end
meets the raw edges on the centre txxly
edge. Sew together along the centre body
seam. captunn~ the cord in the process.
to create a tail. Repeat with the remaining
two body pieces (without the cord) fur the
body front

0 "1 E Irace all the tetnplates for Mabelle from page 119 onto template SI X Cut a piece ofyellow panemed
ii .._ tr •nsfernng all the markings, and cut them all out around the f br n asunng 7 Scm x 7.Scm (31n
outside Imes. x 31n) and iron fusible v.-ebbing to the
wrong side. Draw around the tummy spot
template onto the paper stde and cut out
two ~ the blue floral patterned fabric 1n half. nght sid.."S together. Draw Centre the tummy spot oo the body front
_ JU th body tCf'll>late twK:e, the head front template once and the head peel a...vay the paper and iron tnto place.
• back t~tc once onto the folded fabric and cut ouL Unfold the remaining Machine applique the tu11u11y spar to
fabnc. draw around the base template onro the single fabnc and cut out. secure 1n position (see page 108).

- -- - - - - - - -

- --- - - - - - -

SEVE ~ I >Id the pink patterned fabric in half. nght sides

h r Draw around the fuot and arm template twice
ch onto the wrong side. Machine stitch along the marked
Incs. leaving the ends open for turning as indicated. Cut
the shapes out npprox1111t1tely 6mm (~in) outside the sewn
mes. Turn nght ~1de out Stuff the arms and feet firmly with
rilling (see pages 110), leaving the open ends lightly filled .
t k (baste) the stuffing holes closed

· · · '1ow yo1v1



EiGht Place one arrn, nght side up, 01;er the left- - --
hand side of the body front, also nght side up, so that
the hand faces 1n Lowards the tu1nmy. The top raw
edge of the arm should rest on the top raw edge of
the body and begin approx11n:\tcly I 25 (Y2rn) 1n from
the left-hand side edge of the body front. Tack (baste)
into place. Repeat for the nght arm (see the diagram
on the right).

n I• VIE Place one foot over the left-hand side of

• --
the body front, nght st<ks together. so chat the foot
faces 1n tO\vards the tummv llle r?M' edge of the
foot should meet the bottom raw edge of the body
and begin approximately 2 5cm (ltn} tn from the
left-hand side edge of the body front Tack (baste)
into place Repeat for the nght foot (see the diagram
on the nght)

...... -... -. . .. . .

t E"1 Place the body back and head back on top of each
ther nght sides together, so that the neck edges meet
Machine stitch together along the neck seam. Repeat for
the body front and head front. cnsunng that the arms arc
captured in the searn

EI EVE "1 Place Mabelle's front and back on top ofeach

·~ e' nght sides together. Machine sutch together from the
bottom of the~ up and over the top of the head and
back dcr.°"11 CO the 00 bod lea ng t}-. D tom
edge open fur the ba! Don't turn right side out.

fWElvE Take the body bnse and ease into pos1uon,

0 t)
nght sides together. ..:vcnly along the bottom edge of
Mabelle's body. Tack (baste) incl then se'<\ the base into

posiaon fiom one edge of the turning gap, as marked on the
• <::7
template, ro the other. ium Mabelle nghr side out hr"'
On 6
- Q ~
the gap IO the base.


thi rtEE~ Trace the inner base template onto thick

,dfdbo<ifd nd cut out ln~ert the inner base into Mabelle
1 h the turning &ilfl and lay against the base.

- - - - -
-- - - \
- J

fol.A rtEE"1 Keeping the base In pos1uon as you go,

1h ~"1C1t>ellc firmly with toy filling Ladder stitch the
turning gap closed (see 1><1ye 112).

fj ffEE "1 Iron fi 1s1blc webbing to the wrong side of the

rcrna1n1111' yell )W pal tcr ncd fabnc. Draw around the inner
ear te1nrl,ne twice 0t1 the p,1pct side and cut out Fold the
ren1a1111ng rink patter ncd fabnc in hal~ nght sides together:
Drovv around the rna1n ear tcrnplatc tV.'ICe onto the fabnc
and cut out Take one of the pink ear pieces. peel away the
paper backing from one of the yellow inner ears and iron
tn f)l ce on the nght 1de. Machine appbque to secure in
position Repe t for tht' second ear

Sj xfEE l-1 Draw around the main ear template twK:e

onto fusible Accce inter! n1ng and cut out Iron onto the
\'Vf'Orlg side of the remaining LVv'O pink ear pieces

- - -


- ---

o t,>O
SEVE ntEE n Pl.\ce orn:: of the main ear with inner e1i1 .,

p1tct.. ind ont ~·1th 1nterl1111ng on top of each other, nght

sides together ~· the car togethe~ leaving the turning gap

open as indicated on the template Snip the corners turn
nght side out and press Repeat for the second e~
EiC, fE E~ ~iand sew n1ed1um running sutches along
h I
Ti ' 'I
t m 11; vf one car. without secunng the thread at
the end (sec page 106) Pull the unsecured end to gather up
the fabnc evenly. then ladder sutch the ear into pos1uan on , I
CAt' fro.., tl.c fro-rt A'1d AtjAi'1 fro..,
tl,c I.Ade for Addc.J rln'1<jtl,.
l I \
the side of Mabelle's head (see page 115) Repeat wu.h the
second ear ~-- ----- -----------~-~

MABELLE'S FEATURES ------------ ..
,_ --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I
OhE Mark Mabe s eyes onto her face \\1th a penal
saun sutch us ng two strands of black embratdcry
Ti I
lbss) (sec page 107) ''
If .,Ji"c, • l•tef( flor•l f-.bric for
tltt ....,;., body, cl•ooJt -. t i"Y
I pri..t ;., • hic,h-co..trl.Jt colo.. r I
two fur Mdbel "·~ snout. from the rema1rung pink I
for tht ro.,.;.,;.,Ci p.u-h to
I -.cltitvc ...oU(i........ dtfi.,itio.,.
p.::~;:rried fabric cut a circle measunng about Son (21n) I
a:.nYI Hand o;t1tc:h all the wav around Lhe circle
!Jl!Vaml telv 6mm (1~1n) Ill from the raw edge, and pull lO
.zatherup the fabric, ns II St r 18 opposite, then lightly stutl
- - d 1n the 1aw edges find Iu dit! snoul over Mabelle's nose.
Stuffin c1rid gather111g a ht t 11: 111or c as you
ladder st1Lch the snout onto Mnbelle's
see page I06)

thrEE Mabelle's ..vhiskers. ue a

strands of blue embroidery
ltmd floss) approximately 2 5cm (I in)
the end Pass the needle through
IV!.atcile-s face from Ol lC side to the other.
bchrnd her pink snout. unul the knot
~upsrt Tie another knot \\here the
ltlm"'2 ex:ts the other side of the face and
uvn to2.5an (Im) outside the knot
KelJ;;:at t\'.'1Ce more.

r - - - - - - -


~ - - - - - - - ..J



(.\ts WE WEii l&io~ for thEir C\.ttiosity. but <jirA/fu? r - - - - - - - - - - ,

Thrs pretty. pth.n{lviG <irrt.ffr c/J lltd CitrbEro. cErto.1vi1y hA:. I
AVl iviq1Ais1tivE srde to hEt l'lb.t1ArE, b.liho1Ac,h shE Cb.VI bE b.
I )!OlA w;/I V!EEd
bit J1AIMPY b.vid bo1Al'ld off i( f hivi<is c,o hotribly wrovic:,
AS A COl'lSEq1..1EVJCE of hEt IV1vt:1ticjb.t1ovis. • I5cm (6in) .x the full width oi white spotted
fabnc (hooves. ears mane. tail) I
As wdl AS thE lASlAb.I bob.SIC SE'Nll'l(j tEchniqlAES. S1Wiple I • 40cm ( 16in) .x the fu I Width of blue pc4Ierned I
c:,.i..ther1nq is iASEd to Good effect hErE 111 cre_+ivi<j I fabnc (main body)
<iErberA5 frilly W!h.l'IE .i..Vld b.ttr.i..ctivEly shb.PEd She I • 13cm x 13cm (51n x 5 n) plain red cotton fabpc
IMb.Y bE spotted 11 kE hEr wild co1As111s. b1At hEr covEr 1s I
• Six-strand cmbradery tlvead (Ross) black. b ue I
Eb.SI y bloWl1 with her cob.t of A. hei..dy IMIX of brreiht I
• 2 black buuons I 25cm (Yiin) diameter I
colo1Ars b.11d pb.tterns. I (don't use 1fmaking fOr a small child) I

• Bas c tool kit (see pages 102 103) I
Finished size 40cm (16in) tall
- - - - - - - - - -
L. - ~~

'WhA.ts <;oiv,c;
o~ ov€r tl, ft€?'

on E ace all the templates for Getbera from the page ---------------- I~
etTipkltc plasuc transfemng all me markings and I
cut them out around the outside hoes \
To A.void ""Y p-.<kcri"~· A.ttd
two I onl the wtlite spotted fabnc. cut one smp ~
I si..oo~ le~ cottsi'A..nfy ...,
yo'4 sew +'le ltoof I.A.JC to ttic IC<f.
l &Scm (2 ~tn) x the \vtdth of the fabric With
nght sides togcthe~ rnach1ne sutch the stnp along the
--- ----- ____________ _,,

bottom of the cnure 40c1TI (16m) of blue patteme<l fabnc

nn<l pr css l"'Old the Iabnc panel 1n half. nght sides togetho.?r,
so rl 1.11 the fab11cs 1\l 1d sea1ns n1cet
fivE M<1ch1rtt. stitch the inner leg to the main body.
st.irlln~ ngh1 111 thL raw 1.:dgc of the fabric and gradually
t hrEE L)1 aw arl)\111<.l the main body Lemplate and inner fo11111ng c\ 611un ( !1.1 iri) ~1.:arn, then tapering the stitching line
1....6 11;;1 1r L1t OllCC 011to the \•vrong side of yow folded
1 t•J tho:> 1uw edge ag111n at th~ other end, as sho1A.n 1n the

tab11c p;1ncl lnllng up the bottom of lhe templates wirh d11\gram liclow Do11 t sew the bottom edges of the
the bo1t0t n rm,, cd c of the v.ih1te sported fubric. Cut out togcthe1 Tnm the corners and snip the curves. ~epP.... vtth
on the outside ltnc to give you two main bodv pieces and the refna1n1ng body and inner leg pieces, but don't turn
t\VO inner leg pieces e ither ri&ht side out.

f0 l-1 r Pia c one mam body piece and one inner leg piece
I ' ca h other. nght sides together. You \.vtU notice
that the top of the inner leg pieces are slightly nal1'0\\'er than
the body pieces. so you will need to tack (baste) the edges
1n place so that the row edges rneet

.. r ~


.. ~.t~" .

~~·~ ~·
' .,' ,.,.-- ' '•


• ''
I ' ' I
I •'
I I •'
'' I ' I
•' •
'' I
• '•I

I' •'I
I 'I
I '
'II I 'I
• ,•'
'• ,•I
'' ,' '•
• '• ''
I •' ''
'I '

I \


SIX Draw around lhe hoof base ternplate tour runes onlo
ie urung white spoucd fabric and cut out Take one of
the hoofbaws and case this into place, nght sides together,
along the base on one ofGerbcras legs. V\lhen you are
happy \V1th the fit, tack tbaste) or thoroughly pin 111 place
before machine sutching

r SEVE~ f- )!" the rnane cut a stnp of white sparred fabnc

n1e;1su11nQ 1,:m x 50cm (I ~1n x 201n) Fold the stnp 1n half<
nght side 011t, all the \vay along the lenglh and press Hand
sew rnt!d1u1n running st1tch~s along the raw edges or the
lold..d ~ np without St. ·unns> h thread at the end (see
rage 106) Pull Li lt! unsec.ured end LO l\il.lher ur the fabnc
srnr t:\it:nl, u11nl 1t mea~L r ~ apprux. mately 25 5cm (I01n) 1n
length and then n1<1ch111e stitch the raw edge to secure the
I uffies 1n fllJCC.

- - - - - - -
-- r -
- - -

EiC, ht Take one of the main body pieces and place the
n t ides together'. along Gerbera's neck Th" ra\V
• ed of the mane should lay against the rav.• edge of the
neck and the nWlC hould taper i!M'iiy ;iom the head and
neck at the tart and end. as 1n the d1agrarn on the
nght Machne sutch the mane 1n place. Tnrn the ends

,,, ,,,,.---- ........
; ';
;' I
; 1
I 1
I 1
1 I
... ,,

~I ~ E aoc the t\VO body pieces on top ofeach other.
·~ :>gcther. v.~th the inner legs 111 berween Tack
(baste) the body pcces together. st.arung iTan one eo:i ri
the tuming gap to the other. \t\'hen you reach the mner leg
SCCtJOn you need to ensure that you are tacking (basong)
the top strrught edges of the inner legs together. nght SICles
I \

' ,, ................. faang (see the diagram on the left).

... , ... , ,_
-- --------
f E~ bod~ together. leaving the turning gap
<. ew the

Opl.• • .;irup the ClJr\ c<l and angled edges and then turn
right s1d1.; out

I El EVE~ 5tl1il the body firrnly with toy filling (see

r1 'l 110) \nd th1,;11 ladder sutch the opening closed. tilling
a httk: mt11e as you go (see page 112)

_________ ...
----. --- .. I

Tip I

' \I
I It "'4Y I.( t.Uitr to tA.clt (l>i.stt) tltt
I i1t1t1r l(Cj s1ctio1t 1.y foldi1t't tltt lt<js ..p I

,, I
A.CjA•1tst titittr sidt of tltt l.ody, .i.s sl,ow1t
i1t tl,c doACjrAM> A.l.ovE l(ft.
I \
'--- ----- -------------"

'J wis~ I w c\s
jlASt ~ bit fA//€r~'


twelve [raw around the horn template
' t\\'c c co tt Nrong srdc of' the plain red
• fabnc folded rn halt St.."'W the horns together
along the marked line. leaving the ends open
for turning as rndrcatoo on the template. Cut
the horns out approximately 3mm (~n)
outsroo the sewn lrnes Tum the horns nght
side CIUt and stufr firrnly vvah toy filling

thi rtee'1 Fold the boLtom raw

-.{lg1. 1ns1d... th horns and then. follown 1g
th., Attachrng Parts With Ladder Stitch
technique on r>a~u 115, ladder sutch the folded
edgl;!> nto c~rbcr a's head Se.... one hor.,
app1ox11nately 6rnm (~'.rn) to the lett of the
beg111n1ng of the rnane and the other the same
d1stanec to the nght srde of the mane, making
sure that you sutch them 1n a circle .a retain
the rounded horn shape.

fO lA rte eVl Take a sm<1ll pece of the

1 " h ..1tted fabnc and fold rn
half. nght sides together Draw around the
ear te1 nrlate t\v1ce onto the wrong side and
SC\\' the ears together along the marked lines.
leaVJng the bouom edge open as 1ndlC(lted on
chL- Lerr1plo1e. Cut the ears out approximately r
6rnrn ( \41n) outside the St:wn lines Snip the
corners, tum nght side out and press \

.,. \
L - - - - - - -


Ti I

#it l.'<tto" t)'U if yo .. w•.rr tl,t~ to '

/ cli~plt tltt l,ucl • littl•.
'' \
~-- ----- -------------~
fi~EE~ Hand stitch and pull the thread end
_.... .... the bottom edges of the ears. as in Step 7
71 I bdder sutch one ear onto either Side
~ ~ each ear beginning aboui: 6mm
from a horn

sixtEE~ Us ng all SIX strands ofa length of

lery thre,1d (Ross), attach a black
ttor t either side of the head as an eye. This
be done using th~ saine method as button
nung, ~1~w111g through the head (see page 114)

r - - - - -

- --------------.I
\ I
\ -j --------------"'
- ...J SEVE '1fEE '1 Torr1ake thl' tail. cut two small pieces of
"''hi l1;; .p ll d I hnc. rncasunng 4 Scm x 2 5cm (I V.1n x lin)
Take about ten 8- IOcm (3 41n) lengths ofblue embroidery
thread (floss) and place between the two fabric pieces. nght
sides together Sew the tail together along both long and
one short end, capturing the thread (Ross) 1n :.he shon end
sutches. as shown in the diagram above. Tum right side out.
stuff the tail and tnm the threads to the desired length Fold
the bottom 1'8\-Y edges inside the tad and then ladder sutch
the tail onto Gerbera's rear.


- - --

• • •

E A IE\11
Look who's }1.Ast IAl'ldEd fro1.11 b. fo.r-off plb.nEt. Its Alvin Alvr11 Is Et.Sy lo tMAkt, his body <1At fro""' Apt.via of
IhE Aire vi 1M1Ach Wiott colo<AtflAI chArActEr
- A fAbric iht..t 1vicorporti..les stitched loc;EthEr strips of
yo<At AvErA<jE IIti IE <jr£EVl IMAn. A11d AS fr1Endly o.11d covitrAsl iviei1y pAttErvied fAbrrcs for his eyE-<Atchw1G
c1Addly .\S ExtrA-tErrEstt1Als COLIVlE. Desp1tE his wEird heAd torso. S11Mple wool fElt shApEs ArE IASEd for his b"'IG"''G
with 011E too vi.i.!..viy EYEStht..11 V1orWic..I. hEs El..CjEr to EYES Avid bA.S1< E1Mbro1dery ~t1tches for his <1AtE "'ose
wz..ddlE OVEr OVl his n1ppEr-l1kE fEEt And EWibrA<E yo1.1 JAGGEd WlO<Ath t.11d lolll11Cj tOVICj1AE
w1tl, l,1s thrEE-d1ej1t lib.11ds

- - - - - - - - ,
I yolA will "1EEd
• 20cm (8in) x the fu Width ofgreen
I patterned fabnc (body. arms)
I • 3 stnps ofcontrasting patterned fabric.
4cm x SOcm ( 11 111 x 201n) caclt (body)
• Small scraps of vvtxil 1,.ft, white,
I black (eyes) I
I • 13cm x 13cn1 (5111 x Sin> rus1ble webbing I
I • Six-strand embroidery t.hrc d (floss). I
red. bladl white
• Basic tool kit (see I
I Finished size 28cm ( ll rn) tall I
L. - - - - - - - - - - - - J

'/ <o~E
i "'1 PEACE!'
0 VJ E Tr ace the main Alvin lemplare and the arm template fiom ______________ __ ,
oto template plastic. transferring an the markings and cut out
around the outside lines. Cut out separate templare:. for the upper outer I
eye and puptl and the middle outer eye and pupil
Ti I

M.t.kt J'4rt th.t.t u.<'1 strip of p.t.tttn.t<I I
two r om the green patterned fabnc. cut one panel
m d ~ i 18cm x 50cm (71n x 20in) and one rneasunng
f.t.bric •<<'4r.t.ttly ..,U.J'4rEJ "'"' x SO<..,
(l Ki.-i x 20i.-i).

IOcn1 x 50crn (41n x 201n) ... .... -- - - - - -- - - -- --..,'

thrEE Us111gc1 61nm ("'!in) a) Green patterned fabric

secun c.1nd a very s1ni1ll stitch, 18cm x 50cm (7in x 20in)

1nac:h1nc slitch the ti 1rcc. strips

b) Contrastin& patterned fabric
of cont1 ,,sung pillll'rned fabnc 4cm x SOcm (I~ in x 20in)
together along the long edges,
c) Contrastin& patterned fabric
and LO the two pieces ofgreen
4cm x SOcm (I ~ in x 20in)
patterned rabnc. as sh0\vn 1n the
diagram on the nght.. to etcate a d) Contrastin& patterned fabric
.·.·- --·---·-·- ·- . <4cm x SOcm (l'/2in x 20in)
J')leced panel. Press. - ····:-:-;~:::::;:;:::::·::::::::::.. .·:·:·.·:·. - ·r

:i1~1i~!~ ~!t:f~ ~:I~;~ ~i:;}~:=i~:. e) Green patterned fabric

IOcm x SOcm (<4in x 20io)

Ti I
nus is ,\ ljrt.t.t oppor......,ity to
I \
'41« "P "'"Y of pri...ttcl l
l.t.bri<s yo" ..,;Ght h.t.vE P"t I
by. ChoosE thr(E very cliffErE.-it, I
I bold p.t.ttEr.-is to ..,.t.kE yo'4r I
I vcrsio.-i of Alvi.., J'4it.t.bly
I EYE· bo1j1jli.-ilj, b'4t (.-iJ'4rE th.t.t I
I they .t.rE <o..,plc...ttrl-.t.ry i.-i I
""" .... _ --
tEri..s of <olo.. r.
' I

fOIA r fold your picocd panel 1n half. nght sides together. On the nght hand side of your tabnc. caretully mark the
that I the scains meet accurate})•. and press 1n mouth ton ue nose and three outer eyes_
.._.._ 11.1~"". the outside hne of the main Al\m template on

umoc side f the folded fabnc panel, ensunng that your

t h up with the lines on the template_ SIX 1ng tv..'o strands of red embroidery thread (iloss),
\t tch the tongue 1n place (see page 107). US1ng all six
st.rands of black ernbro1clcry thread (floss) backstitch the
(ivE Open the fabnc panel out and place 1t, nghr side up. mouth and nose (see page 106) USJng t\VO suands of black
.flw.'l I t box or other light source. such as a windov•. embrou.k."'fy thrc.1d (Ross) outline the tongue and sotch the
pi...., lhC rnrur1 Alvin tcrnplatc under the fabric and match central longue line c::Ner the saun st1tch1ng 1n backsotch
~ ntarked OlllSKle hne with the template outside hoe.

r1 - - - - -

- - - - - -




SEVEitl Take the piece of'Nh1te wool felt and non fusible tE 111 Using SIX strands or'Nhrte embroidery thread (floss).
' the \Vroog side of 1t Draw around the upper add a double wrap French knot LO each eye as 1nd1cated on
Jlcre~e templc1te twice and the 1niddle outer eye template the template (see page 107).
ooto the p.:iper side and cut out

El EVE"1 f'Old your main body pane'.! in half again. nght

EiGht Take the piece of black wool fell and iron fusible sides together. and pin to ensure that all the seams remain
,o the v.rong ~rde of 1t Trace the upper eve puj)ll together Sew the Indy togethPr alon~ the 1narked outside
icinplate l\\1ce and the 1niddle eye pupil template once onto line by sotching w ith a srnall stitch on your sewing machine,
paper side and cut out. leavtng the turning gap open as indicated oo the template

lo') I II') E Peel the paper from the back or all your wool twElvE Cut the body shape out from your fabnc panel.
'rlt prr-\·es and position the eyes on Alvin's face. ensuring approXlJTlatcly 6mrn (!4 in) outside the sewn lnle. Snip all the
that you place I.hem exactl~ :is pre\-1ously marked Press curved and angled edges
into place v. 1th your iron. Secu1 e the oute1 eyes and pupils
~the outside edg1;;s \.\11th blank• ·t stitch on your sewing
machine uslllg match1n~ thread. or blanket stitch by hand th irtEE\11 Tun1i:hebody 11ghr side our and then
using t\VO strands ofnIBtch1ng embroidery thread (Ross) stuff firmly with .o'y fill1n~ (see page I 0) Ladder stitch the
iCe j"\1gC 107}. opening closed (see page 112), filling a little more as you go.

r - - - - - -
A.lvi11 CA"1 O<j/E y0 ~
row. t'1tEE
I . "'
cl1ff(rE11t dirEctio11s At 0"1CEI A,i,d
I tl,ErEs A tEA/ twi11klE ;.., l, .

A'1 IW.prEss1011

col1vi'1Ctl1<;/y '

I AChiEvEd by tl,E clEV(r

I positio11i11 q of A"1 EW.b . d

to1 4EtE
do"'blE-WrAp FrE11cl, k11ot.
- - - - - - -

f0 lA rfEE \I) lid the remaining green fabnc 1n
.. Nl1d the arm ti..... p ..te t1r,,.ce ""V'
• the wrong Side of the fabric. but don't cut out .

fj ftEE\ll 1?1.v Alvin's anns t<>gether by

m 1 , ..... .ing along the marked lines \Vlth

a very small stitch, leaving the turning gaps at
the end open as 1nd1catetl on the template Cut
out ilpproxirnately 3 6rnrn ('h ~1n) outside the
st1tche<l hne and then snip the curved and angled
edges. lurn nght side out.

sixtEE\ll <)1ufl the arms firmly with toy filling.

Turn thf raw cJgc;s cil the anns 1n Following the
At tach111g Par ts 1.v1th Ladder St.itch technique
on pag 115, ladder sutch the arms to the sides
of Alvuis body 1n a cucle, refernng to the photo
below n ht for thctr poS1uorung

;;;,r;,- - -
---- - - - ..

'I' tht
ovtr yowr Jtitchi•tci of
to tht body twict,
for 4cfcftd strt.,qth.
I '
'-- ---- _.. -------"'
r - - - - - - -
- -
W4tcl, owt, AlVl'1S• C0""1111Cj t .
- well. •s b1 o <;IV£ yow A. bic; hi.le;
<; AS it C411 be witl-, th
osc stt.
by Ifftl E
Ar""1$. ($( '1((Q t l>f i 0
I ric;ht owtstrEtch d ff, """' Y s-h4ffEd tio <;•vE ·
( E ECt (SEE p4Cj( 110) H
M Jolly fr0 ..., bchii,d w ti, h · c looks jwst
fEpA.111 f
I pA.ttEr11Ed strips ext d
' I
E o co11trASt111c;ly
El'! i11c; row11d l,is
- - - - - - - I
- - _J

' 82
• •

WM<h 01.At. Polly thE Pi<;~ Abel.At, o.vid shE's o. Polly rs o.viothEr EASY o.ll-1vi-011E dEsr<jvi, wrth EvEYi ktr
powErho1..1sE nf Evitrc:,y. so you'rE 1vi sErio'-'S do.vt<jEI of E1>.rs l>.Vld lo.ti b€111<j SEW11 ivito hEr 111-iAIVJ body ptE<ES 1111

bt:111<; bowlEd ovEr by hEr. Dol'l't !Et hEr ro.rh(r sto1..1t OVIE <jo. 011ly hEr lr<jht ly st1,1ffEd 110SE IS SEWVI 01'1 b..S A

phys1q1>1E fool yo1.1 - sl-iEs a.. rEo.I whrz krd. busil111c, ~EpO.rlo.tE Evittfy a..t thE Evid.
i>.ro1.111d the plo.<E l>.>1d EO.<jEr to <jEi 1vivolvEd 111 e..viythrvi<j
~ho.t's <jot11<j dowvi lvi fa.ct. shes t.. brt of a.. speEd 1uvik1E
Yo1,1'vE bEEvi W.Vl1Ed - kEEp thosE sko.teboA.rds SE<1>1rely
~VldEr wrc.psl

,... - - - - - - ,
I }'O lA Will nEEd I
· 20c (81 ) x the ful \Vldth 0 pink pal
I fabn (r 1n body)
I • l3cr11 x ~Ocrn (51n x 12111 light striped rahric
(n 1 • t J1

' I

• Pink 1x trand cmbro1d
fusbe bbn
thread Ros ).
"Pt I
• I
•2 ')
I ·& ki see 10' 03 I
l Fm shed Sil: about 15cm 6 n} tall

- - .J

'C4i-, this Go
AV,y fAstEr?'

O~E lr<1cc all the tcrnrlates for Polly from page 119 onto I
t1 rnr plasuc. lrC\nsf~1 nng any mari<ings. and cut them

out around the outside lines I

- - - - - -
L - - - -
two Id the prnk patterned fabric m haif. nght sides
• lrClW around the main body and inner leg

templates once onto the folded fab·1c. Cuc out the shapes
along the dravvn lines Transfer the dart markings co the
\YrOOg stde of the inner leg pieces

thrEE Fold the hght stnped fabnc 1n
n ht s1dl!S togeth•.'r. Draw arou11d the

ternplat"' t'vVICe onto the fOlded fabnc.

~ ne sutch the ears together by sewing
oog the marked lines. leaving Lhe botto1n
uaight edge open fOr turning. Cut the ears
out o1pprox1mately 6mm (!41n) outside tht.
m nes Snip the point, tuni right side out
'1lld IXess.

f0 IA r Take one of the cars and fold the

, n corners 1n to n1eet at the cenLre
bottom edge. You can also create a small
rfeat rn the centre ot the tar Tack (baste) the
fuids and the pleat 1n place. Repeat \Vlth the
~1ng w. making sure that vou1 pleat is
the rrurror image of the first ear:

I Pollys t>.rE "1EAtfy foldEd A11d I

- A bit J'k p EAtEd
I EA pApEr dA.rt.
, so pEri.i4ps +t,
I AErody11A"'1ic Et-Joe., t, . EY ArE
<i to <jlVE t,Et EXtr4 SpEEd!
- - - - - - - -


SIX Fold this main body piece, nght sides together so that
I the r 1w edges of the head dart meet evenly Sew the dart 1n
place.. caotunnll the ear 1n the sean1 in the process. Repeat
the procedure with lhe rema1n1ng ear and main body piece.

SEVEVl ro1 Polly's tail cut a small stnp or your fight

stnped fabric n1easunng approximately 4cm x 9cm {IYz1n
x 3 Yz1n). Fold 1n half. nght sides wgether. along the length
fivE Take one ofthe main body pieces and Sew the stnp together along one !>horl and the I )fig ra\v
p 1ce one of Polly's ears, nght sides together, edge. leaving one short end open Snip the corners and turn.
onlo the iront of the head dart edge. as shown following the lum1ng Small Pieces techn1qu~ on pag1.: 111
in the diagram above The raw edge of the ear

should meet the raw edge of th.. dart and be

approxunately 2 5cm (hn) down froin the top of
Poll~ 's head Tack (baste) the ear 1n place


r - - - -
• I Pollys th.ii "'-'A.y 11ot
A.dd to hEr spEEd, b1.1t
I •ts s1.1itA.bly sw•GGly
to ""1A.tch hEr livEly
I pEr101-!z..l1ty. Its
I l1-!<jE11io1.1sly ""1b.dE OIAt
of A. twlstEd IE11<jth of
pipE clE.!o.11Er i11sErtEd
11-!to A. f.i..bric t1.1b(.
L - - - -


EiGht Take a length of the f)lpe cleaner measunng

approximately 18cm (7111) P<.ild the pipe cleaner onto itself
and lw1sl to wind 1t together. lnser t Lhe folded end of the
pipe clc<1ner into the stnpcd thbnc tube Cut away any
excess pipe cleaner 0L1ts1d~ the tube Pos1t1on the tail on one
of the main body pieces. right !.ides together, as 1nd1cated on
the ternplate. The raw er K.I of the tail tube should meet the ............ •
raw edge of Poll\ s reai: Tack (baste) the tail rn place. ••

• •••
• •• ••• •

............ -....... ·'•
• ••.. ......... _... ___ ...... •••

'111 '11 E 1 ice one main body piece and one inner leg piece
"', t-+ ..,f each other, 11ght sides together. Sew the inner
leg to the main body, starling to SC\V nght at the raw edge f E~ - :1ke one of the 1nne1 leg sccuons and fold 1n half.
of the fabnc. gradually taking a 6mm ( !4111) seam and then ,f s together. so that the fold falls down the centre
tapenng to the ra\v edge agan1 at the other end, as shown the dare marking Sew the dart 111 place rn the 1ru1er leg on!
1n the diagram above nght Repeat Wl.L "le rem •n111& body Repeat \Mth the remaining inner leg piece. Tnm any.,.....""'«
and inner leg pece. Don't turn right sides out. fabnc away from the darts

EIEvE~ Place the two body pteces on top ofeach other.
........ ..ogether. with the inner legs in bet'\veen Tack
• the body pieces wgether. starting from one end of
mar!oied turtling gap to the other When you reach the
11'1'1?r leg ~--ct.Jon make sure that you are tacking {basung)
top edges of the inner legs together. nght. sides facing It •' •
'' '
be easier to do this by folding che legs up against CH.her '
the body (see the diagram on the right) The tail ''
IJUkJ be I\ 1ng between the t\NO body layers.

twelve l'v1 )C)i1n1:. sut. h Polly's body together leaving

.. •u•11n" VilP open. Snip the curved and angled edges,
then turn nghL side out. Scuff the b<Jdy v.:ry firmly with ____________ _,, .. -~

fil mg (sec page 110) and then ladder StJtch the opening ~~ I
cJosaJ filling a bit more as you go to avoid a dimple (see
' 112)
Ti I

' \
T~lcc Cjru.t c~rc to sew slowly w"c., I
, I scwi'1Cj tt.c t.iJI scctio'1 toCjEtlitr to
I \
~-- -- --- ----------~

r - - - - - - -
I - -
- - - - - - -
- -
thirtEE~ 'Ta\v around lhe no~ template rn.'!Ce onto sutch (or 21gzag sutch 1fyour machine doesn t do blanke
the ret1 .1t stnped fabnc. Cut out the shapes along sutch) the nostnls into pos1uon around the edges v.1th pu;
the drawn ~nes polyester thread or hand blankt.:t sutch US1ng r.w suands
pink embro!d ry thread (Aoss) (see page 107)

folA rtEE"1 Iron rus1ble vwebbing onto the V11rong side

"' r • 1 pink \vool felt Drav. around the nostnl fiftEE"1 Place the t\\10 nose pieces on top ofeach O'.her
I template tv..11ce onto the paper side of the fusible \-\ebbing n 11 .1 t ~ther. Machine stitch together all the \Vay
and cut out c1long the <lr-..i~vn lines. Peel the backing paper around t.hc edge Cut a slit I 75cm (~1n) m length irno the
a"vay and pos111on the nostnl circles onto one of the nose centre back of ti ie nose only don't cut the side with die
pieces Pr~~s the nost11ls into rlace. Either machine blanket nostnls 1liJrn the nose 11ght s1dl! out using the slrt.

r - - - -
- - - - -

sixtEE~ \tuff the nos<> lightly through the slit 1n the SEVEl1fEE'1 Sew the black buttons in place on Polly's
' P is1oori the nose on Polly's face so that the curr11ng face as eyes. However. rf you are making this toy for a small
gaps 1n both the head and nost; are hidden. Pin the nose <)11IJ. omit the buttons and create the pupils vv1th apphqued
• posrt!OO and rhen ladder sntch into place along the back circle~ of black wool fell (as for the nose in Step 14) or by
ooseedge, approximately 3mm (Yain) from the sewn seam, cmbro1denng 1n satin sutch or using a doubh.-wrap French
Ollo\\111g Anach1ng Parts with Ladder Stitch on page 115 knot (see poge 107).

'LEt's <fO•
<fo qo\'

CoWiE Arid Wifft' this fb.b-looldi-iq fellow Ft"l"1EG"'~, thE r -- ---- - - - ,

rr , who I • °''' •1G. L to VJd.,1GE 111 (1.411 IV) I I
the s1.1\IJ Yo"' 011ly hA-vE to look o.t thA.t brc, s~rlEy fO.CE I yov, will V!EEd
....,d i hEvi A.t hrs plA-yflAlly pr111tEd fb.brrc body A.VJd boldly I
• 40cm (16tn) x the full width of green I
pb.ttE.r11Ed Sl.Ar(Er shorts to SEE thb.r hE ~EAl'\S SErlOIAS
pattern d fabnc (body, arms legs) I
rtcrEAtlO\IJAI b1-1s111ESS I
I • 18an x 18cm (71n x 7 n) green Lnen/
cotton blend tBbnc (face)
' A ro.11c,E of strb.tC,ht-forwo.rd soft toy-Wio.kt11Cf • 25 5crn x 25 San 10111 x 10 n) I
tEchvilQ1A€S ME tVJVolvtd 111 crEA.tr11<j Fi11viE<jO.V1 - All I
red patterned ilbnc ( harts I
Explb.111Ed At thE bAck of thE book (SEE pA<jES 106-115). I
• IOcm x IOcm (4 n x 4tn) fus b!e v-:ebbtn;:
rvid1Ad1vic:, sEw111<j sEvtr.\I pAttErl1 pieces t()(fEthE1, st1.1ff1 1<j
• IOcm x IOcm (41n x 41n) \vhrte wool fe t e)-es)
b.vid AttAch1vic,lrW'lbS, toc,Ether with b2>.stc ewibrordery I I
• Small scrap of black wool telt (eyes)
stitches to o.dd his ExprtSSIVE fACIAI fEAilArEs. I I
• Six-strand 1::rnbro1dcry thread (Ross)·
I whit.:;, bbck I
I • 2 buttons 1n n 1atch1ng colour. 2 5cm (I nl I
diam tcr don t use 1f making for a small child
l I
• Fabnc lut:
I • Bas c t kn (see s 102 103
I Finished sac: 42cm (l6Vz1n) tall I



I 0 - ~

,. ,. • ~

,, .. I
.7 \\
...,.,ti ~

~ ~

' ~ ""'

'LovE/y d~
for A sw; "1,!'
OVJE ace aD the templates for Finnegan from page 118
late pla uc. transfcmng all the markings and cut
U\Cffi out around the outside lines. Cut out separate templateS
for the eye and pup!

two 001 the green patterned fabnc. dra\v around the

b J ~1 J I ead top teinplates once onto the fabric folded 1n
half. then draw around the face back once onto single tabnc
Cut th"st! p1cc~s out

th rEE l)raw ,,round the leg and arm templates twice

l'ach 011to th~ rL'rti.~1111011. 1?,reen patterned fabric folded 1n r - - - - - - - ----- .,
hnlf, but don't cut out. Fl"1"1(GA."1i f...,..,ky liw,bs, wit!, t liEir t hrEE ro1A.-id,
fA.t toEs/ fi.-iG<rs, A.rE "lot rEA.lly b1Ai1t for A.Gility or
I l,~d work, th<y'r< j1Ast pErf«t for hA."1Gi"1G I
::fi""' - -
------- - - - ,
OIAt row.-id th< pool' llEWiEWibEr .-iot to <4t tliE
(A.bric PIECES owt UtEr )'01.4 hA.vE drb.W"l b.t'Ol.411d

Ti I
th< tEWiplA.tES, b.S tl.iEy A.tE SEW11 t<>GEtlin bEforE
cwtt111G owt.
I For Fi.,.,•<t•.,s l>oJy f.J.ric,
yow c•., WJ( Ao ru.lly ~.,;ncy
pr1.,t to <,N11.t cfkct, o\S ft,c o.,t ' I
- - - - - - - - - _J
choH., here, to <,ivt yowr fro<,

I fr11.,cf • N11.lly v..,y look. f.vE.,
tho.,<,h li...,c fcNIC., iJ ;., the

, I
fi.,ut fro<, tr1.cl1tio.,, it u., f0 l-1 r 1=rorn the green linen cotton blend fabnc dra.v
r '
l>c • .,y colo.. r yo., like.
_________ ',,
1r')und the lace fr011t template once onto the single fabnc
and u an sfer the d.1rt markings
-------- '
fivE T"k"' the fi\ce fiont and sew the dans together on
the NI •11l, ~1de of your fnbnc as marked. Trim the excess
labnc and rn·ss

SIX the face front and one of the head top pieces
f each other, nght s des together Ensunng that lhe
head top 1s centrally placed pin or taek (baste) 1t mto place
whi eas ng the curve into the curve of the face as you go
Machine sutch together and press.

• ~

' .• •



'This is
tt,€ life~'



SEVE "1 Place lhe completed head on top of the front fE "1 Stuff the arrris firmly with Loy filling (see page 110)
'11 p i>r right sides together tnsuring that Lhe body and then ladder sntch the opening closed {see page 112).
neckline 1s centrally placed pin or tack (baste) it into place Stuff ti ie legs firn 1ly up to the fill line and then se\v across
"1tle eaSlflg the curve into the curve of the face as you go. the fill line with your sewing machine
Sew to{!ether a11d press. Repeat Step 6 on page 94 and this
step....,1ch the face bal.'.k. head top and bod~ back pieces
EI EVE "1 Following the Inserting Legs lechn1que on page
113, sew the legs Into either Side or the open but tom edge
EiGht Place the completed frog fmnt and back on top of of the body Stuff the head and body finnly with toy filhng,
11< '~.
nghl sides together, ensunng that all the seams using the opening between the legs as your stuffing hole.
meet Sew the body together along all the edges, leaving the Ladder stitch the opening between the lt:gs closed. stuffing
oouom edge ot the body open for turning. Snip any curved a little rnorc as you go 1f required
or angled edges. Turn nght side ouL

twElvE Follov11ing the Button Joinang technique on rage
~f "1E Seo.v the aims and legs togeth\:r by sevv1ng along the 114 attach the arms to either side of the top of Finnegan's
marl<.ed lir"leS. leaving the turning gaps open as indicated. Cut body. using suitably coloured button!>
out approxirnately 6rrun ( •;. 111) outside the st1L 1-.ed luies and
snrp tl-e curved and angled edges Turn right side out

- - - - - - - -

- - - - - -
- -
f hj rfEE "1 I on fusible webbing co the v.TOOg side o. the fi~EE~ 1 sing the teinplates on page 118. mark :he
' ""' uu; Jraw around the eye cemplate twice onto m vStnls onto Finnegan's face and backsutch
• the paper side and cut out Peel &vay the paper fian the using four strands of black embroidery thread {floss) (see
eyes. posiuon on Finnegan's face and press into place Secure page 106)
the eyes around the edge with blanket succh using tw0
strands ofv.-h1tc embrotdery thread (floss) {see pa~ 107)
sixtEE~ -om the red patterned fabnc. d'CM·around
I ti i,..,r , , , ,plate once onto the fabnc folded 1n half and
folA rtEE~ Draw around the pupil template t\\1ce onto cut out, to 1nak.e t\\IO pieces Place the t\\10 shorts pieces
th p11 '( 111 bl \L k wool felt and cut out. Use fabric glue on top ofeach other, nght sides together. and sev-· together
to stick the pllptls 1n position on Finnegan's eyes and allow ak.1ng both crotcl 1 lines, taking a 6mm ( !4 in) seam Open
to dry Usn1g two strands of white embroidery thread the shons out <1nd then refi.1ld them so that the two crotch
(floss), <:1c,1tc ,, double-wrap French knot in the centre of sea1ns I ly a~!l111sl each other and the raw inner leg edges are
each pupil (see page I07) 1iow n,iht sides together. Sew the inner legs wgether from
Lhc lx1tto111 ol one leg up to the crotch and back down the
olhcr leg Turn nghl sir.le out and press.

r - - - - -

' \
- - - - -

-- -

r - - - - - - - -
I - -
em the bottom edges of the shorts'
'f 6mn (' • •n) and then sev.'lllg ,,,th
llflf": of tOpSUtching

EiGhtEE'1 T Jrn under the top edge of the shorts b>

t Ult I Sr.111 ( • Y21n) and rress Topstitch the fuld 1n
pbcc appro.x11n<1tcly 6rnm ( 1~ 1n) 1n from the folded edge.
ri ILC the ~hor ls on f 1nneRan

-~~-~ -----~
-------- I

Ti I

If tl,c shorts Arc A littlt loose or yow jwst wish
to St<Wrt tl,o.,, wsi.,<t yowr cloll~crs .,ucllt

I • .,cl A clow!.lt lc.,Cjtl, of thracl, ..,AlcE A s..,A!I
I yowr topstit<hi.,Cj}. tltc., ;.,scrt tltc .,«die I
,' tl,rowejl, tltc bo4y • .,cl 0'4t tltrow<th tltt cc..m
bt.clc of tl,c shorts. MAiet A Jtihl, tltrow<th tl,c

shorts, the., rtvtrsc tltc process !.t.clc tltrowcth
to +he fro.,t of +ht sl,orts. ~pu.t A fEw ti..,u ''
I to f"S"'"' A stro"'t AttA<l,..,t>tt. Tit off • .,cl
si.,lc tl,c lc.,ot tl,c body (stt pACj( 109}.
'' \

... _.... _______ _--- -



""' - '

-.- ' I

Mb..kE s1.1rE you ht..vt ~hE follow1viq bE(otE you Ewibt..rk ol'l Wib.ktviG b..VIY of '
Jlfl thE book - b.ll thE ESSEl1flb..I~ spECl(iEd hErE b..rE bb..SI( ltEllVIS of 6. SEWIVIG k1r.

R.otc..ry ClAttEr, W16.t

6.V1 d rlAIEr
Ths 1s lhe best material for uacang off
or copying che u:1nplatcs for the toys 1ksc n::ds are~ to mare ire
(prc,.,llded on pas:;cs 116 125) arid mc"lking eutung <:fsmps and 9qUaTeS a sw1 ~
your own terrlllates to use. because ard ao:uate pooed re AltToJgh
you can see your fabnc through 1t and rcconren±d. th.--y are rn essenual lfffiS
rhercrorc ensurccon·ect placement l1ie arJ you can use a tare measue, n&r <'nl
marki11gs fiom the pr 1nted tcrnrlatcs can SC1SSCX'S instead

be u-ansferred to the plasuc teinplates

\·Vrth a permanent rn<1rker, or use a grev
lead pcnc1l 1fyOlJ are not c0f11:crncd
about pt.:rn1anence You can th1.:11 !.tore It's very important to use ~trong thread
your plastJc templates and reuse them when sewing toys that are going to
to make any number of toys. If vou be stuffed TilCrefore. always choose
don t have any te1npl<1te plasuc. you can a g0\....0-quahty polyester thread for all
cul the templates out ofcard 111stcad machine se\\,ng, as this V.'111 ensure
strong seams and ma& your soft toys
more durable

"There are many different methods of

marking your fabnc and an array of
products on th.:: market However. This widely available iron-on matenal
vanishing markers or uulor's chalk used to adhere all the apphque pieces.
are che best opuons to avoid making such as facial fea.tures to the t
pem1anent marl-;s on your toys A tight Be sure to check the manut s
grey lead penc1l 1s 11 handy substitute. lllSlruct1ons ror your speo!l product
belore using

EWibroidEry thrEb.d
(floss) Choose d gocxl-quahtv polyester toy
You \VJll necd six-strand embroidery filling tor stuffing yoL1r toys see page
thread (floss) IOr embr04denng t~ J 10 for advice on what to look f()r.

oy toys' facial features and for the hand

blar~et-sutched appl1que details Liqht box
A light box 1s the rnost effective 1.vay
of tracing details onto fabnc These
A siz.c 10 embro1dery needle 1s can be very useful for plaong as well
recommended tor hand embroidery as draW1ng on st1tch1ng lines,
~utdung. applique and closing the 1fyou don t have a light box and would
turrnng gaps on vour toys rather not invest rn one a sunny
vvindov..• can be 1ust as effect1\e Place
your templates and/or fabnc against a
light \\-1ndow and tape to the window
These are extra-long needles used for \vith masking rape. The ,,;ndow
button 101nt111g (see page 114) should give enough U,ght to see through
vour layers and rnake any rnarkings

• S.-Wlaa, 1t1tr'al&M
..;........rt,......., ..... ....,
•Drsr 1u&:l111l,....
...:.............. - .............
• 1'111J1av11 illi••• ta•s "1'00•111 tier•• »141 pilh•t•"•" tool
............................ •
• •

OOSI V) r1c
All the wiA•l'l fli.bncs v.sed rvi the crEAt10.1 of iliE soft toys 1vi this book ME 100% cot!o"1
I pAtchwork fl>hrt<s. Its 1wiportb.Y1t tht..t yo\A AlwAys IA E qwJrty <ottovi fAbrics for WiAkil'IG
yolAr toys IYI order to Achieve equA.\ly GOOd rESIAlts SoWIE of the toy pro ects IASE wool fe ~
such AS for fA(lt..I ftl.tlArES. A<'.j&..11-l, wiAkE SIArE th.>..t yo\A p1.<rchASE AQIAAl1ty ptodlAct thA.t hAS
b. per<t:vitA<,E of wool contEYlf. s1Ach AS tho~E t..VAllAble frolM p.>..tchwork s1.-1ppl1ers, rAthEr thb.Yl

OVlE th.\t IS 100% 5y11the rlC.

Most pD..tchwork (A.bric is 702-112<W1 (40-441vi) wide Avid this width is c..llowed for IY! the
f.\.bnc rCQ1AlrEWiEV!t5 specified 111 thE 'yol.A will viEed' lrst1Y1GS fo1 Eb.Ch toy If yo1.1 b.rE us11rJG
11Arrower fc..orics yoL1 WIAY l'lEed to wiAkE b.d)1AStW1EY1ts .!i.ccord1r1Gly

Dtcrd1Y1G oYI yo1.4r choice of fc..br1cs for yo1Ar toys 1s AS rwipottb.l'l! AS 11EAf sew1viG or
profESSIOV!AI rt1.1fft11G. c..vid tts €5SE11t1Al to devotE E1101AGh tlwiE to loo' 111<j At d1fferel'lt
• cow,b111A.tlol'ls of colo.,,r; c..11d pAttErYis Which fa. bncs yo1..1 sdect will AIW.\ys be ApersoviAI
dEc1s1ovi, rEAEctll'l<j yo1..1r owvi 1vid1v1dv..>..l tl-5tE, b1.1t thE folloWll'lG G1.11dd111ES will help yo1.1 to
I w,.J::E the Wtost effecravE choices b.vid Achieve EyE-CAtch111G rES1..1lts

• •

CrED.tivE collltrb.Sts
• For a bold impact. go for unconvcnttonal combinaoons of
fabncs for maximum contrast. such as m1x1ng geometrics
wnh florals or pastels with bnght colours. Just remember
co build your cornpos1t1on around sorne degree ofcolour
continuity to link the disparate fabrics and then expenrnenr
\Vlth drfTerent mixes to a get a pleasing end resulL

Making soft toys gives you the opportun1t y to take

nsks with you1 fabric choices and to move beyond your
usual comfo1 t zone. Re1ncmbcr that you are not making
an heirloom quilt here so you ha\e the freedom co be and 'play'. Abandon the rules and go with
your first insunct - there are no wrong choices. and if
your favoured combination offabncs makes vou happy,
that's the perfect outcome!

CololAr co1N16os
It a proJect requires mult1rle fabrics. make sure that each
fabnc has a colour 1n co1nn1on with at least one or tv.'O
of the other lab11cs you 11re cor11b1n1ng. If you choose a
range offt'lbncs that all coordinate with each other. the
en<l result is liable to be too predictable and bland-looking.

Try moong small-seal"' patterned fabncs with large- and

mcchum-scale prints as well as ~pots, scnpes and checks.
Th gives greater emphasis to the d1ifen."nt elements.
al10W1ng ec1ch tabnc to stand out trom the other.


Tue (ollowtl"l(f bl.sic stit<hEs ME IASEd ., thE wiAkl11G of the toys fEAt1..ttEd 111 ~he book. with ,i.,e
diAqrb.:; dEWl011strb.fl\.1<f l O\fll to work the sttt<li!s
-·-· .. ···--·. ··--·-- -----. -- . ----· -... -·· -·- --- ---·-------··

: Lb.ddEr stitch Bb.ckstitch

, , ,,
, --
•• , ,
•• ,

•• 8A.ckstitch crEA.tES A. <o"1ti'1t..tOi.tS li"1E of stit<l,il'l<j. so
This st1tch 1s IASEd to sEw t1Arn1'1<j clostd

I A.'1d Also to A.ttA.<h pwts to st1.4f(Ed toys. St..t<h
A.S MA.bdlEs s" p1<tt..trEd hErE.
it's 1dEA.I for dEf1..,1"1G shApEs Its i.tstd hErE to A.dd tl-iE
Expr<ss1vE l1l'IE ri.t"1"111'1<j doW"I frow, Loi.t-Loi.ts l'IOSE.

-------------------··-------------------------------------·•• ·---------------------------------·-----------------------··
•• ••

' '
'' ''
'' ' This slw,plE stitch 1s
• t..fSEd to E""1btoidEr
'' circlts for Tilly's
chtEks. Its A.lso ••
• ''
•' .•' SEW"1 A.lon<j thE
tdGES of fA.btic,
•' •
' SECi.tri"1<j
•• •• thE thrtA.d E"1d 4"1d

• thE thrt.i..d pwllEd
wp to c;uhEr rt, such
.i.s for tl1E

A.'1d IE<i bottolMS of

! (l,A.1"1 stitch IS <jrEA.t for crEA.til'l<j thrckEr li"1ES, '
' Tillys pAmAloo"1s
A."1d thErEfort ptrfE<t (or Ew,broidtrin<j Hwrys ••
: lo"1<j, wi<j<jly WIOt..tth, .i.s show.., litrE. ••
••• •'•
•' •
·----·-···············------··-----·--------- -------···---· ·······---------·--·--------------------------·----·--

. . -· ----·-- --··--··--------------------------·--·--·•• ···-------·------- -----·---·-····-----------------------·-·••
•• ••
f rE~ch kviot ••
• • Cross st itch •••
••• •

•• ••


• •• •• •
•• 1 ••

• ••'




' 8

7/ .
'' •'
•' ''


• ••

• ••'


• '•
'. ''
. •
•• •
'• •
c '
•• ••

n,E do"4blE-wrA.p FrE11ch k11ot crEA.tEs A. pro1111i11E1it ••
• Cross stitch 1s l.4SEd AS Al1 AltEr'1At1vE to thE Frtl1ch
!• ••
u.isEd dot. which IS l.4SEd for A.ddil'IG b. CEl1trE to SOIN!E •
•• k"1ot to Add A 'twi1ikl111G' CEl'ltrE to SOIN!E of thE
of thE toys' p1.4p1ls. AS il'I Fil1l1EGA.l1S CA.SE show11 hErE. •• : toys' p1-1pils, for Exa.111-1plE PEArls a.s p1ct\.4rEd htrE.

, ·-·--····---·----------------------·---------------------·•• ··---------------------------------------------------- --·--·••

' '
s~tivi stitch •••
Bl6.vikEt stitch •
'• '''
backsutch around the •>Uts1de edge of th.? shape •'
: and then s,,t1n stitch over the sntch11 1g (see diagrams) •• •'
• •• • ''
• ••

• A

.........,,... _....._........
... ....
1 ' ...... __ ._.---- ..'•, I - ',,
.... ._. \

A .. -
SAt111 stitch 1s i..stfl.41
• ••
for filli11G 111 SIN!a.11 8 •
a.rEAS with E1Mbro1dEry, •••
•• This EdGll1G strtch is '-'SEd to SEC\ArE A.ppliq"4Ed f0&.bt1c
s1-1ch a.s tyEs a.11d Alv1l1 s •'
• p•ECES, AS owtEr EYES Al1d pwpils, c\.s wdl AS PrEsto11's •
to11G1-1E, AS show11 hErE. •'• ••
•• t1-1h11111y pA.tch, whEtE it a. s111-1a.rt fi111sh111<j to"'ch

' .'
···------···-·-----------·--·--···------··-----------------· ·---···------------------··--·--·-·-···--------- - .. .-.

• •

• l\llE SEWl\11
For All sew111<; of thE body p1E<ES for thE toys. set thE st1t<h leviejth ovi yo1.o1r sew1vic:; Wih.<h1vie to
l.5i1Y1W1 (1/1t111) .!>.l'ld 1..1se <jood-qu.!>.hty stroVl<j polyEster thre.!>.d For the SEWl11<j of clorh1viq set
the sr1t<h IEl'l<jth to .2.5WiW1 (J /J.z.1"1)

I Wht:rE wiA<h1"1E AppliquEll'l<j is rEqu1red, set your SEWIVl(j W1A<h1vie to bl.!>.•1ket strtch where possible. If
your wu.<hr>'IE doovi't hA\I'( b!A~~Et strtch, IA.SE A Zl<jl.A(j strtch lllstEM

lo<k yo1Ar StJt<hll'l(j by sth.rtlVl(j h.Vld e11d111c:; .!>.II Wlb.<h111E SEWIVJ<j With A rew rEvErsE st1tchES
This tvisures tht..t the SEA.IN! wovi't split whe111 you 6.rE t1Ar"V11111c:, A\id st1..1ffl"'G your soft to~

I I SoWlE of the toy body pieces require stit<h111G h.lovic:; the 1Nio.rked ouiltvie b(forE <vittwi<; 01..1t,
while othErs will h.!>.vE ho. 61tvtWJ (J41V1) SEA.WI b.llowA\IJ<E Allowed 1"1 the po.ttErl'l ptE<ES. Therefore,
wi.,kt SIAIE thh.t yo1.1 reAd rhe (1..111 l"1Str1;1<t10V1S for Wio.k111<; EA<h toy before yo1i1 bec:;111.

• •

I \11
Yo1.1 VVtAY bE r€q1.11rEd io c.Ho.<h o.ppl1quE p1E<Es ot liVVtbs. or o.dd st1t<h111<'.j, o.fter o.
toy hc.s bEEl'l <011Y1pleted. This 1s whEvi yo1;1 wo.11t to o.vo1d Aviy kvioh bE1vi<i v1s1blE
v-.4,ErE Y°"' stwt Avid E.-.d your s11•ch111(j by s111kt11(j tliEllYI, io E11s1;1rE A l'lEAt (1111sh

0'1E Thread your needle \Mth the spec lied number of

t1 l. ids of thread
Tie a knot 1n l he end as usual use a
double knot 1f using two stranJs of th1 ead or, as a general
guideline. make sure it's about the sarne \Mdth as your
needle Insert the needle into your toy a short drstance away •
from where you want to stc1rt your stitching. then bnng the '•'
needle tip out at the exact place you want to lx>gtn.

th tEE Complete the sewrng rcqu1r.;d on your toy When

yo11 are ready to take your last sutch, lie a knot the same
y,•K.Jth as before close to the base of your thread Make
your last stitch. taking the needle through to the same area
• where you first entered. on the back of the toy 1f possible
•• Again, your thread .,.,,,11 snag when the knot reaches the
•• fabric. Tug the thread to sink thrs knot into the toy. Cut the
thread nght ac the fabric. which v..111 also s111k into the toy

two Pull the thread through and the knot will catch at
'ltof entry. Grab the thread close to its ex1c point Its i...port.u.t ft tic thnM i.. A pNptr
and give 1t a qurck short tug This will cause the knot to
clowldt lcttot, lcttOWtt AS A Nd or ~·..,..
pop through the \veave of your fabnc and sink 1ns1dc the
lcttot, AS sltowtt littlow, ft l11U. ...M tf21if'
toy "'1ake sure you don t tug too hard or your knot may be
it .ioestt't (OM1t ..ttdottt.
pulled through both layers offab11c


Its ESSEY1t1i.I to st1..tff yo1..1r toys very firwily, c.vid yotA will bE S\.lrpnsed i.t how W11.1<h fill111G thEy l'lEEd
BeM 111 wi111d thA.t yolA will hA.vE SEWYI thE SEAWIS with swil.11 stitches usl\l\G stro11G polyest.;r threA.d
A.11d tl,erefore thEy will b€ ro~st e1101;1G!, to wtthstA.11d A. lw(jE c.wio1..1Y1t of st1..1ffn.,c,. So whevi you.
I 1
th1Y1k tl-ii.t yo"'r toy is fi...lly s·i...ffeel, keep oVl st1Affti1G' Al'ld dovi't feel sewed to 1.1se lc.rctE vvc.ds of fil 1l'l(j.
AS rh1s will GIVE yol.Ar toy V\l'IOtE st tl>ICTIAtE

YOllr filling r1rmly and Slc\Y adhered. allowing you to easily

ChoosiV1q i oy fil\iV1q 1nanoi::uvre 1t into your tov. 1·hcy will also enable you to
pos1t1on the filling wh~re you want 1t and to keep stuffing 1l
Always use a good quality toy filling when making soft 11ght to the end of the toy pieces until they are super-firm
toys Some fillings can create lumps ms1de "11our toys giving
thcrn a rough and uneven firush To check a filling for quality,
take a small handful of the filling and roll it gencly into a ball SttAff1Y1q IEqs of D-ll-iV1-oY1E toys
between your palms If the filling remains 1n a tight ball, It
When the legs are an integral part of the template for the
will create lumps, but 1fll sp11ngs back. it's ideal to use
\vhole lCY'/. as \vtth Darcy the Dinosaur (pages 54-59)
Gerbera the Giraffe (pages 68 75) and Polly the Pig (pages
84 91) you can sometimes have uouble filling the legs
adequately to ensure that they hold the .....-eight of the t'7f
without buckling Start by stuffing the legs y,.ith decent·
' Some of the most effccu\ e tools for stuffing your toys are
sized "'iads offilling and then conunue to stuff the rest of
standard household items so there 1s no need to invest 1n
your t~ When you think you have almost completely
expens1\e stuffing tools to get the perfec,_ results. There are
stuffed the toy, use your paintbrush tool to manoeuvre
two such nems that a1c u1111valled for the taSk ot stuffing
1nore filhng down the outside e<lgcs of the legs unul the legs
teel firm and strong Th.: legs rnay also buckle 1f there 1s not
WOODLN SKE.WEJl t:nough fill111g between rhc tops of the legs and the body
When turning (see opposite) and stuffing very small pieces,
use a wooden skt!wer, which you will find sold in bulk racks
at supermarkets Be careful to use the blunt end of the !.tick
orily the pointed end 1s liable to break your seams

A widely available. 1nexpens1vc round wooden paintbrush
makes a great double sided turning stuffing tool The
sinooth handle of the paintbrush 1s perfecr fur turning
your soft toy pieces and smoothing out the sea1ns pnor to
stuffing. while the bristle end becomes the ideal stuffing
tool with 1ust a httlc mod1ficauon Tnm the bnstles lO 6mm
I 25cm ( ~ ~1n) long Play \\1th the remaining bnsdes using
your fingers and rub them against a hard surface unul you
ha\ic messed them up thoroughly so :hat they are nice and
shaggy Shaggy bnslles i\re desirable as they will gnp onto

• •

SowiEt1wiES yolA Wlb.Y bE rEq1A1rEd to SEW, t1.•rl1 o.vid sf\Aff vEry SwiAll or vib.rrow p1E<Es.
This <AVl bE q1A1tE frddly b.vid frustro.t1vi<j, b1At hErE rs A hAvidy tE<hvirquE to wiAkE thE tA.Sk
th6.t W!lA<h Eb.SIEt YolA will YiEEd A dr111k11-1<:; strb.W - 011E thA.ts A. lit1IE St1Ard1Er thA.11 thE stA\fJdud
b1.1lk vo.nEty. such A.S tliosE you <jEt (row. (A.St food 01A1lets A rE"'so.blE plA.Str< strAw 15 pEtfE<t

--- -----, --- --

--- -,.,. -


-- -
- - -- - --- --- ---

Ol1E Take the small body piece that requires two Using the blunt c. 'ld of your ...vooden ske\o\ er. push
stuffing l~t\veen your two lingers an<l twtst the tht: sewn encl or the fabnc piece back into the covered end
filbrtc against itself to open 1t up Slide the small of the Slf3\'\I
fabnc pccce over the end of your straw

thrEE ~ ~eppushing the

fabnc p1ect: into the straw so
rn.u ' tun 5 the piece nght side
out ( ont1nuc pushing the fabric
p hr r t the other end of
the straw.

• •

EWI V1 V1 IV) I V1
~ 5 c OSEI=-
SoWiE turvi1Y1<, Gb.f'S W1A-Y bE v1s1b!E oYI your cowiplEtEd toy A.Yid thErEforE its rwiporrA.11t
rh!>.t rhe closurE rs AS "1EA.t AS possible

0 ~ E using tl;l.'O strilndS ofstrong polyester thread. sink

f WO Once you have ladder stitched approximately
I 25cm l' '111) of the gap. pull the thread slowly but firmly
/Our knot into the toy, ao; instructed on page 109. and start
away from the stitching to>.A.\rds the remainder of the gap 1n
I your stitching at one end of the gap. Use ladder stitch (see
diagram on page 106) to~ the two edges closed
order to bnng the two edges together

th rEE C :inunuc to the same wey, ~

sei.v up the gap in
th I nc, o Jes together after each I 25an (!hin) has been
stitched Oncevouhaveooly 115cm(!hin)ofyourgaplefi
to stitch. s.tuffa hule more filling into the area 1ust sutchcd t0
aVOld leaving a <lnnplc 1n your toy. Do this by carefully uSlf1&
your INCX>den skewer to insert sinall pieces offilq

fOlA r Once you arc happy with you~ stuffin and the
- piing v1s1b1e sew the remamder of the gap c·ir.c.~
Sink a knot at the end to secure your sutclung

I \ 112
Its EASIEr to 111sErt st1,,1ffEd IE<;s 111io thE body of yo1Ar toy ~Fon; st1,1(fr11<;
thE body S£<tio11

o~E I do I.his. fold the bottom edge of the body 10 by

01 fl' I 1n) and press rn place

two Take I.he stuffed legs and. ensuring that they are
facing the correct \Voy. tack (baste) the top raw edges 1n
place bet\veen the t\VO folded edges of the body front and
bod} back Pos1t1on the lelt leg lit I.he left side of the body
and the nghc leg at the nght side so that there 1s a gap
bet\veen the t'wvo legs Topsutch the legs 1n place Lhrough
all the layers w1Lh your sewing machine. leaving the gap
betv.oeen the legs open for stuffing Now you wtll be able to
fill the head/body section firmly lhrouRh the gap bet\veen
the legs without the fi lling escaping. When the body rs fully
stuffed. ladder sutch I.he g11p closed (see opposite).


. -... .. .. . .. ... ... ... .. .

• •

ovi OIVl
This tE:ch111q1.1E is A QL11ck, wy h-"'d EffE<trvE WAY of AttA<h1vi<; hwibs to yolAr soft toy crEh!lol'lS. OviE of 1hE
<jrEh.t b(l'lEf1ts of bL·ttoi., JOl'1tl"1<j rs tht..r tf Wih-kEs thE l1111tbs wiovAblE whrlE rEW1A1'1111<; ExrtEWIEly sE<t..1rE. It t..lso
El1wtll'lb..t(S thE ll'IEEd (or 1;., lot of w1tt1cb..tE hh-vid SEWlll'IG b.."1d <A"1 <;1vt: AV! AddEd VISIAAI Ap~AI to yo1.Ar toys if YOl.4
choosE dEcorAtlvE, <owip1EVlllE"1 tc.ry-<olovired bvi ttol'lS.

0"1E ro a1 tac.h lirnbs using the button-J01nt1ng method,

lake your long dollrnaker's needle (see page 103) and thread
ii wrth a long k.ngth of six st1 and embroidery thread (Aoss) If you are rnak111~ your toy fo1 a small child, it's important to
111 a colour to rnatch
your buttons. Tie a double knot in the ilV01d using <111y buttons. as t.hey can be a choktng hazard
end of your length of thread and Lnm close t0 the knot. In this case. sirnply 1nake the 101n as 1n the button ioinung
tech1 uque l~rt hut without using buttons. Start by sinking
a knot into one side of the toy's body, sew on the limbs.
two , ~rt by 1hread111g the needle through one side om1tt1ng the button, and then sink the thread knot 1nt.0 the
rr 1 ~ !
toy's body at the desired locaoon. nght through body/ltrnb again when you ha"e finished su1ch1ng
the body and out the other side seam at the same limb level

thrEE t )\\thread the needle through one of the limbs,

app ~ 1 'Y I 75cm (~1n) from the top lnnb edge.
th1ough one of your buttons and then back tl'-rough all
the lil)'ers <1ga111 LO the other sic.le. Here, thread the needle
through your n:rna1111ng hmb and button (see diagram) and
rcttir n ag,11n, through the body, to the other side.

········ ···-·-----· ---····-

fotAr Conunuc 1n the same y.:ay, taking me needle

the layers a few umes. unul you have achieved
1 all

a strong attadllTlent Tie off your thread and sink the knot
into the limb (see page 109)


WI Er 5
SoWiEttV\116 thE proJE<t iv1sttvtctio111s will rEQV!lrE yo'-' to b.ttb.<h """' ttEwi io thE sttAffEd ioy l-1Sl"1<j ll>..ddEr
stitch. This INIEthod is l.-!S\Ab.!ly 1.ASEd so thb.t thE b.ttc.<hWIE"1t will ElthEr sit A"t A<jl.IV1st or pro+t1AdE
froWi I hE st1.Af(Ed toy. Follow thE lb.ddEr stitch d1A<jtb.1N1 011 P"GE 106, b1.At WIAk( 011E stitch 111 thE Ed<jE
o( tht: Altb.<'1WIE"1t, thE111 INIAkE thE "1Ext stitch 111 thE body of thE toy Th( IAddEr st1tchEs "1EEd to bE
SEWl1 1vito thE body followrv,q thE shApE of thE t..HAChlNll~1l so I ht..1 thE '""' tE:r rEtAf"1S its shb.pE.

,. - ., l

ovi r1c
This tl<h111C{V1E is 1.ASEd to crEb.tE Tilly the Doll's shoES (sEE pt..qE 15) Yo1.A will 111eEd A<ryh< folk
t..rt pb.1vit .>..11d l>. Ac1..t-bnstlE<l pb.1vitbf1Ash. First wiwk thE outl111E of ihE AtEb. to bE pb.lvited
011 thE fAbric with A l1Ght (jrey IEA.d pe11c1l. UsE the At..t EdGE of thE pA111tbr1.Ash bnstlEs to
<i1.11de th pA111t. 1.Avid1l1AtE<l, Alo11G tht drAW"1 h11e. ihE11 f1ll 1111 the rest of iliE t..rEA with evEl'l
pb.1"1t strokes. Allow to dry V1At1.ArA.\ly or l.4SE Aht.1r dryer to spEEd 1..cp tl,e process P.1J"1t ovEr
thE pt.r11tEd MEA wiil, A wb.!Er-bhJEd A<ryhc vAn11sh Choose b. <jloss vA1111sh to crEAtE -~
rESEliYlblAl'lCE of pAtel'lt IEATher, or LISE WiAtt vA1111sh to <ilvE ihE EffEct of S1.1EdE.


"""iddf E
r Oi.ttEr E)'E

·--<I -

OIAtEr tyE
..s ,.... ~

+ ~ ..0

r ~
·-> 0..
......... llMiddlt
tyt p1Apil
-<( - -
-- - .,.
, \o-""o~

hoof bASE

IMAit'I bo dy


h o rt'I

~EtbEtc\ thE <;itc\ffE

(p~GES 68-75)

D~rcy thE dil1oS~"1t
(pA.GES 54-59)

--... .. ....
- ......___ d..rt



• l..

_ __;· >


I dwi I'
I 1
I r

--- -- -_ - --
., ::: --- chrt
-- I

- --- -
fA.cE Frol'lt
- -- I

~~ w
I ;c
::: ~




,__ -- -___________ .. _.. ---

lu.v< opo•

fi'1'1E<f&\'1 thE fro<; shorts

(p~<fES 92-99)

I.ATES BY 200%

Polly thE pi<;
(pa.GES 84-91}


---- ----- -- ---

I r

0 111ostril

:' f

I _,,.

'' ,,,


\ I

'' I,I

M.\bEllE I

thE ""10"-tSE
(pa.GES 60-67)


• I'
• I'
4' - - ...

, , "' .,. - - lo..w ope., - ........ ""' .• •



, ••

' '


x_ I
0 I foot

.% ----
~ I

SIMl.11 yo-yo

......... --. .
............. " t

0 thrwf1"'i

I body/ l€<j s€ctio11

IA.r<j€ yo-yo

- - """""...

~ ......

AIEXAl1dEr thE cAtEtpillAr

(p~GES 24-29) ... ..... ............

"a·--,__: oufEt(}'E

' ..... ., ,

'---"'-Jt-+-- p~pil

I body
' ' ' ' ... ____ ,,. , ,

x --- ',,
x x I I

' \ , J

- --.. ---
x x x .......
, '
x ,, ', ")( x


)( x x )< )< .. ~ ______ _..·

------- --- ---
\u.vt Of'(¥\

TEMPLATES BY 200% ' ~~...
~'L,.. ·' '
----- ....

0 \ i1111Er EYE
"% ' I l'IOSE
owtEr EYE

.;:: I ... •
..c- \
~ \ ~
,..0 '
~-s · ' ~

f \~


I •
l •I
I ' - --- ------ - ----~----~
luw oP'" - - - - - - - - - - .... -
-- __ - - - - - - - '.. ~otch sE•m - -- - -- - --
, ... -I


_, pa.l1ta.loo11s
, ,,

'' - .. '
I , -
' I

- -- ----- -- - ...
crotth 10·"" - - - - - -

I ' \

---- ....



I \

I ' ; \
I \

,, , ..
'' PEArl thE zEbrA
(p!.C,ES 46-53)





;;;- I
~ I
~ I
body ~
;: I


-------------------- -




IM'HS 1p~OJ)
----- ------------- ---
'---------------...::._-- ' ...

----- -----
\ ' ... ----

- blowsE
fill 11"1(
fill In•<

, .... ------


-- - ---


' I
I '
I p•o 1"~1' I



0 ..,OSE
0 PtEsto'1 thE lio'1
(p.\<;Es-38- 45)

I- - - ---·
'"'"'"'4 1l1t


.. -----~


'' I

I , --- - - --..
; ...
'' I
'' '
WiG piECE \
" I

I ill: I
3'" I
.~ I '
I v




- .. -


Tilly thE doll

------ (p4C,ES 8-15)

------- s:
f: I

\ ,I
' ... - ,


---- ------ ----- ----- - -


Cross Patch Connecting Threads Ballarat Patchwork

Blaen Bran Farm, Velindre, Llandysul. 13 118 NE 4Lh Street, 54 Victoria Street. Ballarar VIC 3350
Carmarthensh1re. SA44 5XT Vancouver WA 98684 Tel +61 (0)3 5332 6722
Tel· +44 (0)1559 371018 Tel· + 1800 574 6454 ,, uk
Creative Abundance
The Eternal Maker Craft Connection PO Box 7244 Upper Ferntree Gully,
41 Terminus Road, Chichester, 21055 Fronl Street. PO Box 1088, VIC 3156
West Sussex. P019 STX Onley, VA 23418 Tel: -t-61 (0)3 9753 5459
Tel. -t-44 (0)1243 788174 Tel: ..-1 888 204 4050 Wholesale supplier ofMelly &- f'.1e
sewing patterns
The Fat Quarters Hancocks of Paducah
5 Chopwell Road, Blackhall Mill, 3841 H1nkb1lle Road. Fabric Patch
Newcastle upon Tyne, NEl7 7TN Paducah, KY 42001 288 Yand1na Coolum Rd,
Tel· +44 (0} 1207 565728 Tel: +I 800 845 8723 Coolum Beach, QLD 4573
www uk Tel· +61(0)754463695 au
Fibrecrafts JoAnn Stores Inc
Old Portsmouth Road, 5555 Darrow Road, Hudson. Funky Fabrix
Peasmarsh. Guildford, OH 44236 Shop 5/40 Blackwood Street.
Surrey. GU3 ILZ Tel· +1888 739 4120 M1tchelton, QLD 4503
Tel· +44 (0)1483 565800 Tel +61 (0)4 3501 2356
Gone to Earth 4865 West Andrew Johnson Hwy. The Patchwork Angel
12 Htll House Gardens. Morristo\.vn, TN 37814 343 Mons Road. Forest Glen,
Slanw1ck,Wellingborough. Tel. +1 865 475 2200 Sunshine Coasl, QLD 4556
Northamptonshire. NN9 6Qli Tel +61 (0)7 5477 0700
Tel: +44 (0)1933 623412 Pine Needles Sewing Center
1000 Old Manon Rd NE, Raspberry Hill Fabrics
Hulu CraA:s Cedar Rapids. IA 52402 Diamond Creek. VIC 3089
Sentinel House. Pound-Nell. Tel. ~1319 373 0334 Tel +61 (0)3 9438 1239
Modbury. Devon, PL2 I OXX
Tel: +44 (0)1548 83191 1
www Pink Chalk Fabrics Under the Mulberry Tree
9723 Coppettop Loop. Suite 205 Po Bo>1 429 Ferntree Gully BC,
Ba1nbndge Island. WA 98110 VIC3156
Tel +I 888 894 0658 Tel. +61(0)43791 8186 wwwunderthemulberrytree COin

Rosalie Quinlan has been passionate about craft and Melanie Hurlston a pattern designer based m
t of her I fe. She began desigrung her O\vn Melboun A, l \llclly's adventures in sewirlg began
patterns for dolls, bags and quilts 14 )ears ago under the SIX years ago when she discovered, as an at-home mother;
label Rosalie Quinlan Design, and \\ent on to teach sev.,ng that she sull had the desire to be creall\e and producove.
throughout Australia and also 1nremat.1onally. In 2006, Her passion for SCW1ng quickly grew after her sister. Rosalie
Rosalie teamed up 1.v1th her sister. Melanie Hurlston. to set, enco11raged her to give 1t a try. and only 12 months
up a secon<l design label, Melly &- Me. vvhich gave her the after starting to sew she began designing under the pattern
oppor tun1ty to explore fun and zany designs rather than label Melly &- Me Melly's goal was to develop a range of
more lrc1<.l1t1onal work. Rosalie 1s also a regular contnbutor conternporary scw1r1g patterns that included bnght and
LO va11ot1s Austr,1lian und 1nternal1onal quilting magazines, quirky toys, wearable purses and lively, modem quilts. Her
and 1n 2009 ~he ernbarkcd on designing textiles for the ai1n rs to dt's1qn 1tc1ns that are ong1nal. fun and achievable
Jaranesc co1npany Lec1cn, recently releasing her second in a day, as well as being cornpletely usable m everyday
rang\! of fabdc utled 'Sweet Broderic'. hfe. In 2010 Melly launched a second design label. Sew
Little, which includes f')allerns that are aimed at the baby
1narket The sainc year als•:> saw Melly launch her first two
tabnc collections 'Little Menagene' for Windham Fabrics
and Where the Wind Blows' fur Creaove Abundance.
Melly draws her 1nspuauon from her t'NO young children.
childhood memones and her love of colou~

Melly &- Me
w lyandme.typcpad com
mellyandmc®optusncl com

Rosalie Quinlan Desi~ns

www ro• ili1:. lUtnl.i 1d~' .1gns.


WE wist, to fh.i..l1k our p.i..rEvits. NEI .i.vid Jc.cquEs. for th1:1r co11t1vi1Acd SiApport A11d El1COiArA.GE1NtEY1t,
b.VJd Especr.i..lly for prov1d111c:; b. crEAttvE (VJvrrovt111evii diArll1G OiAr childhood

WE woiAld lo,.· to tha.11k All of ;l,e tu.IN! At DEtC (or w,Ak1vtG ih1s book Aru.ltty AYld brr;.,c:;rviei
OIA r CrEAfl011S to life

WE b.lso thb.VJk our f.i..Wi1l1ES for .i..lwt..ys support•"1G a.11d El1C0"4fAG1"1<j our drE.b.W!S.
LAsi but 111ot IEASt, WE would like to th.b."'1k All of thE W0"' WOWi€11 (A11d SoW'IE;IWJES WiE11)
who bou<;ht our p.i..ttEMS. iliEl'ldEd our clASS6 A"1d followed our JOiArYIEY so f.i..r:

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I Alexander the Caterpillar 24-9, 120 Gerbera the Giraffe 68-75, 110 running Stitch 106
I Alvin the Alten 76-83. 107. 116
antennae 26, 27, 120 hair 10. 12, 15, 23 satin stitch 107
applique 16. 19, 34, 65, 108 hand sewing t06 7 s~ allowances '08
I Harry the Monster 16-23, 106, 120 sewing
I backstitch 106 hand 106 7
blanl~eL stitch I07, I08 joints, button 44, 45. 97. 114 mach111e 108
button eyes 75, 90 sli tches I06- 8
I button jo1nt1ng 44. 45, 97, 114 knots backstttch 106
French 107 blanket 107, 108
I Caterpillar, Alexander the 24-9, 120 reer(squarc) 109 cha111 106
I chain stitch 106 sinking I09, 112 114 French k.'lOt 107
clothing 34-7. 50-3 ladder I 06. 115
I blouses 50 ladder Stitch 106, J15 reverse 108
I pantaloons 15, 36-7, 51 legs running 106
ptnafores 34-6. 52 insertion 113
I satin 107
shoes 8, 15. 115 stuffing 110 zigzag 108
I shores 98 9 light boxes 103 SLuffing 103, 110-12
I colour combtnauons 105 Lion Preston the 38-15. 107, 124 closing turning gaps I 12
contrast 105 Lou Lou the Panda 30-7, 106, 121 legs 110
I cotton 104
small pieces 111
I cross stitch 107 Mabelle the Mouse 60 7, 106. 119 tools 110
machine sewing 108
I Darcy the Dinosaur 54 9, 110 manes 53, 71 2 template plastic 102
I Doll, Tilly the 8-15, 106. 115, 125 Monster. Hurry the 16 23. 106, 120 tcmpl.1tes 116" 25
I eyes needles
C:'r 11bro1dery I03
I alien 79 dollmaker's I03 sew1np 102
animal 26-8, 32, 34, 44, 48, 67, embroidery I03
I Tilly th" Doll 8 15, 106. 115. 125
75, 90, 98, 107
tongues 79
button 75, 90 painting, fabnc 8, 15. 115
tool kit 102 3
I dinosaur 59 Panda. Lou Lou the 3G-7. 106. 121
turning see stuffing
doUl5 patterns 105
I twill tape 28
monster 20 paws43
I Pearl the Zebra 46 53, 107, 122-3 whiskers 67
fabnc choice I04 5 Polly the Pig 84 91, 110 Wigs 10, 12
fabric markers 102 Preston the Lion 38-45, 107, 124 \VOOI 104
I fabric painung 8, 15. 115
fabnc scraps 78 reef(squarc) knots 109 yo-yos 24. 28-9
I Finnegan the Frog 92 9, 107, 118 re\erse stitches 108
I French knot 107 nc-rac 56 Zebra Pearl the 46-53 107 122 3
fusible webbing 102 rosettes 29 zigzag stitch 108
rorary cutters 102
l.. - - - - - - - - -
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• MelJy & Me to di 8e'W11
eoR,iea that

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