Kadek Gantha Gangga Kusuma - Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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: Kadek Gantha Gangga Kusuma

NIM : 2111031492

Rombel : 36

Fakultas : Ilmu Pendidikan

Prodi : Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Chapter 6. Sport

Ø Complete the following conditional sentences!

1. I would have been a dentist, if I had studied to hard (type 3)
2. This pandemic makes many tourists feel insecure to visit Bali. They must do PCR test, if
they wanted to go to Bali (type 2)
3. Have you ever visited Blooms Garden? That is a good place for glamping. My friends
have visited there many times. If we have 2 days spare time, we will go there (type 1)
4. When I were kid, I dreamed to be football athlete someday. But my parents asked me
to be teacher. If only my parents allowed me to be football athlete, I would become a
famous soccer player (type 2)
5. Last year, there were big music event in my campus. Moreover, Raisa was invited and
sang 4 songs. If only you had joined with me at that time, you would have felt happier
(type 3)
6. I have never know that you fluent in English. There will be English speech competition
next month. Why don’t you join it? Our school will get that trophy, if you join the
Eenglish competition (type 1)
7. Today we have two classes; Mr.Damara and Mrs. Nancy, and Iam getting nervous
about their finale test because last night I did not study well. If the finale test is held a
couple days later, I would study very well (type 2)
8. Online learning is very challenges. We need to complete ourselves with digital tools
and platform to deal with this learning system. Sometimes, I don’t feel secure with this
learning system because there are less interaction with lecturer and friends. If this
pandemic did not happen, I would have done learning with teachers and lectures by
interacting directly (type 3)
9. Indonesia has successfully held a prestigious World Superbike Championship in
Mandalika circuit last month. But some league should be canceled caused by bad
weather. The rainy season always start from October to March in Indonesia. If this
event had held on April to September, this event would safe because of the dry
weather (type 2)
10. Badminton is one of the popular sport in Indonesia. Duo minions is two of those
successful badminton athletes. If I were badminton athlete, I will become a
professional badminton athlete (type 2)

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