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Lesson Plan

Grade 9 – Beauty Care 9

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
LO 1. Recognize PECs needed in Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services
a. Assess one’s PECs: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits
b. Compare one’s PECS with that of a practitioner/entrepreneur.

Subject Matter

LO 1. Assessment of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECs)
I.1. Characteristics
I.2. Attributes
I.3. Lifestyles
I.4. Skills
I.5. Traits

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module (pg. 177 – 190)

 PowerPoint Presentation
 Pictures
 Video
Time Allotment
50 minutes per session

lll. Procedure
Lesson Plan


1. Motivation Direction: the picture below shows a daily scene in the marketplace. We can see
people having transactions with one another. Encircle the people who are offering products
or services to sell, and put a check across those who are buying these products and services.



 The teacher will have a lecturette with the participation of students about the topic.
Guided Questions:
1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “entrepreneur”?
 A person who organizes, develops, operates, and engages in his/her own
2. What is “Entrepreneurship”?
 Organizing, developing, operating, and engaging in one’s own business.
3.What are the Characteristics of an entrepreneur?
a) Creativity – because business usually involves competition, an
entrepreneur is always thinking of new ways of presenting and selling his
products. He uses his creativity to improve his product and service and
make people patronize his business.
b) Self-control – an entrepreneur has discipline. He is able to focus on his
goals by not letting his weakness over -come him. His success results as
much from avoiding bad work habits as it does from adopting good ones.
c) Self-Confidence – a person succeeds in business because he believes in his
products and his abilities. He knows he chose the right business and is
convinced he is well-equipped to engage in it.
d) Decision-Making Skills – his knowledge and experience regarding the
business helps the entrepreneur make the right decision at the right time. He
makes good decisions out of pure instinct as well as from careful analyses.
Lesson Plan

e) Desire for Responsibility – an entrepreneur does not choose only things

that are easy to get. He aims high and is not afraid of the responsibilities that
go with his high goals.
f) High Energy Level – because of his enthusiasm about a business, an
entrepreneur has the willingness and the energy to work for its success.
g) Courage – success entrails risks and challenges, and an entrepreneur is not
afraid to meet these. Instead, he welcomes risks and challenges to measure
his strengths.
h) Well-defined Values – an entrepreneur lives and works on set of values that
help strengthen his character. He has strong moral and work ethics that
guide him in dealing with people. For those, he is respected and his business
attains a good reputation.
i) Desire for Immediate Feedback – an entrepreneur listens attentively to
what the consumers say about his product or service. He welcomes
comments and suggestions as tools to improve his business.
j) Strong Desire to Achieve – an entrepreneur sets immediate goals to help
him attain his main goal. He starts out working on these goals with a strong
motivation to achieve all of them.


Values Integration: understand the characteristics that help a person become a successful
 Do you think all the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur are equally important or
are some more important than the others?

 The teacher with the help of the students will sum up the lesson.

IV. Evaluation
 Quiz “What Does It Takes to Be an entrepreneur? Via google form

V. Assignment (Verbal- linguistic, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal)

What to do: Using the diagram below, identify three well-known entrepreneurs who succeeded in
their fields. An example is given for you
Where to submit: Google Classroom (TLE: ASSIGNMENT # 1)
When to submit: Jan. 07, 2022



Lesson Plan

Prepared by: JDVT

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