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Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS)

The circumstances in which Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) came into existence in the trade
union field of India has shaped its significant role in the trade union movement. BMS was
founded on 23rd of July, 1955, the day being the birth anniversary of Lok Manya Bal Gangadhar
Tilak, veteran of Freedom Movement.

The largest Federations in the country represent labour at the National level and are known
as Central Trade Union Organizations (CTUO). As of 2002, when the last Trade Union
verification was carried out, there are 12 CTUOs recognized by the Ministry of Labour.

Two important aspects stand out in connection with this.

(a) Formation of BMS was not the result of split in the existing trade union organizations, unlike
in the case of almost all other trade unions. Hence it had the formidable responsibility of building
its organizational structure from the grass roots level. It started from zero having no trade union,
no membership, no activist, no office, no fund and no experience.

(b) On the very first day it was visualized as a trade union whose base-sheet anchor would be
Nationalism, would work as a genuine trade union, keeping itself scrupulously away from party
politics. This was also unlike other trade unions which were linked to one or the other political
party, overtly or otherwise. Dawn of BMS, therefore, can be truly described as watershed in the
course of trade union field.

Distinct Features of BMS

In India many unions are functioning simultaneously in one and the same establishment. On this
background the BMS has some distinct features of its own:

a) One of its basics is to build a structure of society, which would promote India’s contribution to

b) It has a firm belief in Indian culture and its ultimate success, and takes inspiration from India’s
ancient culture and spiritual concepts.

c) Naturally, it believes that the whole humanity is one and different nations are only its various
facets. It therefore rejects the “class struggle” theory of Marx and hence the fight of BMS is not
against any class but against injustice and exploitation.

d) It believes in co-existence of nations and tries to promote brotherhood among them.

e) It has a nationalist outlook not attached to any-ism (capitalism, socialism or communism)

f) It is not linked to any political party and is therefore independent of party politics.

g) It is a genuine trade union working not only for the economic needs of the workers but also
for their total upliftment.

h) Unity in diversity is the special feature of Indian culture and accordingly BMS tries to bring
together different trade unions, and participates in joint campaigns for the solution of workers’
problems. No compromise on concepts and leaving the stamp on the deliberations of joint
campaign committees and joint action has been the tradition of BMS.

i) It does not believe in violence and destruction.It adheres to constructive approach in all its

Motto of BMS

The BMS has coined the following three sparkling phrases to depict in brief its distinctive
approach to the Trade Union Movement. “ Nationalize the Labour ,Labourise the Industry and
Industrialize the Nation.”

Recently BMS urges govt to investigate funding channels in violent protest against CAA

RSS-affiliate labour union Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) on Monday February 3, 2020 urged the
government to find out foreign hands and funding channels that supported "violent protest" over CAA in
the country.These demands were made at the 145th National Executive Committee of BMS meeting,
which concluded on Sunday at Jodhpur.

"Violent protest against Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 in some parts of the country displays a sharp
ideological division at the national front with Nationalists on one side and those organisations involved
directly or indirectly against national unity on the other.

"Violent protests led to the rallying together of all those who support the breaking India team. Majority in
the society and among workers support the CAA law whereas only a minority has fallen in the
appeasement politics that opposes it," the union said in a statement.

BMS said, it demands that the government should identify the foreign hands and funding channels which
supported the agitation.It has also requested the government to identify the trouble spots across the
country where violence erupts easily in issues against national security and practice zero tolerance to any
sort of anti-national tendencies and violent protests."Government should not yield even a little on the
false claims of those who oppose CAA. It need not hesitate to have healthy debates, dialogues and
discussions with peaceful agitators to convince them, and (government) should enquire into those who are
responsible for spreading violence," it said.
Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh calls for nationwide protest against labour laws on May 20

he Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), an affiliate of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS),

has called a nationwide protest on May 20 to push for reversing the decision to do away with a

clutch of labour laws in states such as Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.The labour

wing of RSS also condemned a decision by states such as Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Goa to

increase working hours from eight to 12 hours.According to a BMS functionary, demonstrations

will be held in districts and industrial estates, while observing social distance norms, against the

decision to freeze labour laws and increase working hours in several states.“Migrant workers’
issues have aggravated, mainly because there is gross violation of migrant labour act by most

states. Hence, we are pushed to the wall and there is no other way out except going for

agitation,” BMS general secretary Vrijesh Upadhyay said.In a statement issued here, BMS said it

learnt that many other states are readying to follow the trend. “...This is unheard [of] in history

and is rare even in most undemocratic countries. BMS state units have written to state chief

ministers but only CM of MP has shown the courtesy to meet BMS delegation,” it said.During a

meeting of its national office bearers on Wednesday, BMS functionaries discussed the package

announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, but flagged concerns over unpaid salaries.“In

many states, contractors or employers or agencies didn’t pay salary or wages for April. In

addition, crores of workers have lost their jobs. We have decided to send letters to district

authorities to highlight problems faced by stranded migrant labourers and to oppose increasing

the working hours,” Upadhyay said.As state governments defended their offer of labour law

holidays as a move to woo investors and, in turn, increase employment opportunities, BMS said

amending and scrapping labour laws during the Coronavirus pandemic will make workers more

vulnerable to job losses and exploitation

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