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A. Duties Towards Parents” Video Presentation

1.What is the main theme of the passage?

2.How are father, mother, Lord or God related to one another?

They are related to one another since our parents like the Lord or God. They are
the one who are guiding us in our lives. They are the one with us whenever we
experience failures and struggles. It is like the love of God is represented by our
B. Read your book on pp.182 – 188.
Answers the following. Write your answers on your notebook.
1. What are the three ways that the Church describes the identity and mission of
every Christian family?
The 3 ways that the church describes the identity and mission of every Christian
family as a Covenant relationship, as a Domestic church, and as the First & Vital
Cell of Society.
2. Why is it difficult to some young Filipinos today to respect and honor their
Simply because some parents just married for convenience and sometimes they
do not have time for their family. Sometimes there also fights and problems
between the family that affects the relationship of young Filipinos to their
3.What is the 4 Commandment?
“Honor your father and your mother.”
4.What does the 4 Commandment requires?
The 4th commandment requires us to honor and respect our mother and father
like how we respect our God.
5.Why should we honor and respect our parents?
We should honor and respect our parents since they are the one who brought us in
this world. They are the one who took care of us ever since we are born.
Respecting and honoring our parents should be our way in showing them that we
are thankful for all the things that they have done for us. We may not seened it but
we know in our hearts that our parents did many sacrifices for our sake. We
should be thankful to them. Love, honor, and respect them while they are still
living here in our world. Our parents did their best for us. Respect and honor is
what we can do to repay our mother and father for all the things that they have
done for us.
6. How do we show respect for our parents?
We can show our respect to our parents by showing them that we are thankful
for the things they do for us. By saying thank you and I love you to them. Use “po”
and “opo” when talking to them. Be Mindful About What You Say to them. Respect
Their Point of View.
7. Of the three aspects of the nature of the family, which struck you as
meaningful? Why?

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