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Prepared by: Liza B.

Nalla Date: March 14, 2022

Grade Level: K-1 Time:10:00am-12:00nn
Subject And topic: Math- Addition

Lesson Plan in Math( K-1)

Using 4A’a Method


I. Objectives

At the end of the period the student will be able to:

a. understand what is addition.

b. recognize the symbol that is use in addition.
c. count the numbers of the given set/example.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Addition
Reference: Math Beyond Excellence- Math Book
(JFC Publishing House,Inc.)
Google, YouTube

III. Instructional Material

1.Power Point Presentation

2. Whiteboard
3. Pictures
4. Book

IV. Lesson Procedure

 Prayer
 Motivation
 Checking of attendance
 Review of Previous Topic
I. Exploration (Activity)
 The teacher will present a picture
 The teacher will ask a question based on the picture presented.
 The teacher will tell a story with the picture presented.

II. Firming Up( Analysis)

 The teacher will tell the student to open their book on page 165.
 The teacher will ask some question.
 The teacher will let the students count the number of the different animals in the book.

 what animal is presented in the book?

 How many goats is presented in the book?
 How many pig is presented in the book?
 How may chicks is present in the picture?
 How many horse is presented in the book?

III. Deepening (Abstraction)

 Our lesson for today is all about Addition.

 The teacher will present a power point presentation.

 What is addition again?

 What symbol do we use in addition?
 What do you call the numbers that is combine together?
 What do you call the answer of addition?

IV. Transferring (Application)

The Teacher will tell the student to open their book on page 166-167.
The teacher will guide the students.

 The teacher will read the instruction and the given questions to the student.

Direction: Under the picture, write the number of the vegetable presented.

A. Direction: look for the correct match presented in the dice.

B. Find the sum.

III. Evaluation (Assessment)

With the guidance of the teacher she will let the student answer the page 168-169.

Direction: the sum is written on the left side, now you will look for the correct
addens .

Direction: Solve the addition problems

VI. Assignment

The teacher will tell the student to answer the page 170 for their assignment.

Direction: Find the sum

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