Unit 12: The Asian Game Vocabulary T Phát Âm Nghĩa: Assemble

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Từ Phát âm Nghĩa
1. add to v thêm vào
2. advance (in) v /ədˈvɑːns/ tiến bộ
3. appreciate v /əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/ trân trọng
4. aquatic sports n /ə'kwætik spɔ:ts/ thể thao dưới nước
5. athletic n /æθˈletɪks/ điền kinh
6. athlete θ n /ˈæθ.liːt/ vận động viên
7. billiard n /ˈbɪl.i.əd/
8. bronze n /brɒnz/
9. enthusiasm n /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/
10. facility n /fəˈsɪləti/
11. fencing n /ˈfen.sɪŋ/
12. gather ð ~ assemble ~ get v /ˈɡæð.ər/ tập hợp
13. hockey n /ˈhɒk.i/ khúc côn cầu
14. in all aspects /ˈæs.pekt/ về mọi mặt
15. intercultural knowledge n /ˌɪntəˈkʌltʃərəl/ /ˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/ kiến thức liên văn hóa
(adj) knowledgeable
16. promote v /prəˈməʊt/ thúc đẩy
17. purpose ~ aim n /ˈpɜː.pəs/ mục đích
18. rugby n /ˈrʌɡ.bi/ Bóng bầu dục
19. solidarity n /ˌsɒl.ɪˈdær.ə.ti/ tinh thần đoàn kết
20. spectator n /spekˈteɪ.tər/ ng xem thể thao
21. squash n /skwɒʃ/ bóng quần (vợt)
22. take place v diễn ra
23. weightlifting n /ˈweɪtˌlɪf.tɪŋ/ cử tạ
24. wrestling n /ˈres.lɪŋ/ đấu vật
25. medal n /'medl/ huy chương
26. effort n /ˈef.ət/ nỗ lực
Từ đồng nghĩa
 Take part in = participate in = join
 Compete (in) = contest (in)
 Competitor = contestant = participant
 Aquatic = water
 Gather = assemble
 Take place = occur = happen
 Hold = organize
Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1.The Asian Games are held for the purpose of developing intercultural --------------- (know) and
2.In this event, young people from all over Asia gather together to -------------- (competition).
3.New sports and -------------- (tradition) sports have been introduced and added to the Games.
4.The Vietnamese -------------- (participate) took part in the 14th Asian Games with great enthusiasm.
5.He has the ability to generate -------------- (enthusiast) in others.
6. (cycle) -------------- is Europe's second most popular sport.
7.He left for a -------------- (various) of reasons.
Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow.
Thế vận hội châu Á strength: (n) sức mạnh sports skills: (n) kỹ thuật thể thao
The Asian Games, which take place occur every four years, are held for the purpose of developing
intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia. In this multi-sport event, young people from all
over Asia gather together to compete. It is an occasion when strength and sports skills are tested;
friendship and solidarity are built and promoted.
During their five-decade history, the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects. The number of
participants has been increasing. The quality of athletes, officials and sports facilities has also been
developing through time. New sports and traditional sports have been introduced and added to the
Games. The 1st Asian Games were held in New Delhi, India in 1951. Only 489 athletes from 11 nations
took part in the Games. The six sports events at the first Games were basketball, cycling, football,
aquatic sports, athletics and weightlifting. Boxing, shooting and wrestling were added at the 2 nd Asian
Games in Manila, the Philippines in 1954; and tennis, volleyball, table tennis and hockey were added at
the 3rd Asian Games in Tokyo, Japan in 1958. Squash, rugby, fencing and mountain biking were
introduced for the first time at the 13th Asian Games in Bangkok. Thailand in 1998.
The 14th Asian Games, which were held in Busan, Korea in 2002, attracted 9,919 participants from 44
countries. The athletes competed in 38 different sports and won 427 gold medals. The Vietnamese
participants took part in this event with great enthusiasm. Their efforts were much appreciated when
they won 2 gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards, and 2 others in women’s karatedo. It is hoped
that in the near future, Vietnam will become a host country and receive more medals in a variety of
sports events.
Task 1. The words in the box all appear in the passage. Fill each blank with a suitable word.
effort                  appreciated                   advancing
aquatic               enthusiasm                    facilities
1. The hotel has special __ facilities____ for disabled athletes.
2. Swimming and water skiing are both ___ aquatic ___ sports.
3. He never lost his __ enthusiasm____ for training athletes.
4. I will make every __effort____ to arrive on time.
5. Our sports performances have been ___advancing___ considerably over recent years.
6. Your help was greatly __appreciated____.
Choose the word - a, b, c or d - that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of
the others.
1. a. attract b. aquatic c. added d. facility
2. a. athlete i b. appreciate i c. wrestling d. freestyle
3. a. gather b. athletics c. enthusiam d. through
4. a. compete b. sport c. effort d. introduce
5. a. attracted b. added c. competed d. developed
Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others.
1. A. Asian B. gather C. advance D. decade
2. A. facilities B. solidarity C. performance D. aquatic
3. A. appreciate B. promote C. participate D. introduce
4. A. athletics B. hockey C. volleyball D. rugby
5. A. volunteer B. competition C. enthusiastic D. intercultural
Task 2. Scan the passage and match the following sentences.
Year Events
(1)_______ The 1st Asian Games began in New Delhi, India.

1954 Boxing, shooting and wrestling were added at (2)_______

(3)_______ Tennis, volleyball, table tennis and hockey were added at the 3rd Asian
Games held in Tokyo, Japan.
1998 (4)_______ were introduced at the 13th Asian Games in Bangkok,
(5)______ The 14,h Asian Games were held in Busan, Korea.

Task 3. Answer the questions.

1. What is the purpose of the Asian Games?
2. How many countries took part in the 14th Asian Games?
3. In which sports events did the Vietnamese athletes win gold medals at the Busan Games?

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