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RESEARCH REVIEWS 2:249-256 (7996)


Patricia M. Rodier"
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York

Animal models of human brain damage syndromes range syndromes-fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), Lesch-Nyhan syn-
from ones that are purely theoretical t o ones that attempt t o drome, and phenylketonurea (PKU)-and one is a more general
duplicate a human syndrome a t every level. The similarity between
animal and human cases in experimental manipulation, CNS alter- model of developmental brain injury, exposure to the antinii-
ation, and tests of parallelism is sometimes restricted by the extent totic agent, methylazoxyniethanol (MAM). FAS is characterized
t o which experimental species match humans in their basic biology. by minor malformations of the face along with mental
However, the information available from the human condition is retardation. Victims are typically aEable and better at verbal than
often the most important limiting factor in the degree t o which
similarities can be achieved. The recent discovery o f a high rate o f
quantitative tasks. Researchers have only begun to unravel the
autism in patients exposed t o thalidomide around the time o f neural underlying CNS injury and the exposure conditions that are
tube closure suggests an appropriate experimental manipulation for required to produce the syndrome. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is a
an animal model of the disease. Rats exposed t o valproic acid a t the congenital disease characterized by self injury, especially biting of
same stage of development mimic the thalidomide cases' apparent the hands and lips, aggressive behavior, and varying degrees of
injuries t o the brain stem. Whether the behavior o f these brain-
damaged animals is similar t o that observed in autism is difficult mental retardation. The genetic defect that produces the
t o determine, because the diagnostic behavioral features of the syndrome is known, but the pathways by which the genetic
disease are not easily translated into animal tasks. However, ana- anomaly produces the symptoms are unclear. Development of
tomical observations in human cases provide tests of parallelism treatments depends on determining the sources of the syniptom-
that can be applied t o animals, and these appear t o be positive in
the animal model. The development o f behavioral tests that dis-
atology. The mental retardation associated with PKU has long
criminate "autistic behavior" from that o f other brain damage been known to arise from various inborn defects of liver
syndromes may require further research in both humans and ani- nietabolism that lead to elevation of phenylalanine levels and
mals. o 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc. depression of tyrosine levels. Untreated, the victims suffer severe
MRDD Research Reviews 2:249-256, 1996.
brain damage and severe mental retardation. In this case an
effective treatment has already been established-a diet low in
Key Words: autism; teratology; valproic acid; thalidomide; cranial phenylalanine allows patients to develop relatively normally.
nerves; brain stem The major question remaining for human and animal studies is
whether dietary restriction can eliminate completely the
brain-damaging effects of the metabolic disorder, and what level
o qualify as a model of a human disease or syndrome, an

T animal model must exhibit characteristics that resenible

those of the condition under study in some way, but the
points at which the similarity is confirmed vary from one model
of restriction is necessary to achieve the optimal result. MAM is
an antimitotic agent used to eliminate neurons as they are
forming. Brief exposures during brain development can model
the effects of a host of conditions that block cell proliferation.
to another. The purpose of this review is to demonstrate some of Because the effects of blocking cell production depend on the
the variety among whole animal models that have been used in stage of development when exposure occurs, many different
the study of mental retardation and related conditions and to patterns of brain damage can be induced with MAM.
describe a new inodel developed for investigation of autism.
Comparison of existing models should serve to remind COMPARISON OF MODELS
us that animal models of brain damage syndromes can be
constructed in many different ways. They may start with the Experimental Manipulation
behaviors of interest and be used to investigate the underly- Figure 1 represents some features of animal models in a
ing brain abnormality. They may start with the creation of a general way and Figure 2 represents those features for the specific
suspected brain injury and be used to test what behavioral models reviewed in this article The box a t the top stands for the
anomalies result. They may start with a method of injury, such as experimental manipulation of the animals, which might involve
exposure to a suspected teratogen, or the targeted knockout of a treatments as diverse as a chemical exposure, the selection of a
particular gene, and be used to investigate effects on the brain
and functional consequences.
The four models to be compared were selected because *Correspmdeiicr: to: Patricia M . Rodicr, Ph.13.. Department of OB/C;YN, Box 668,
Medical Center, Univeruty of Rochester, Rochrstcr, NY I-lh.12. E-m.iil:
they demonstrate differences in approach to modeling brain rodicrp(~ehsct7..enviiied.rochestcr.rdu.
injuries. Three have been used to study specific human
o 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
at the target organ. Without these data, tyrosine levels of PKU, and the CNS
;enera1 Features of Animal Models we cannot determine whether our animal effects in the two types of models are
exposures are comparable to human thought to be the same. Because the
cases. In the case of ethanol, years of study genetic model exposes the subject to
manipulation indicate that many species exhibit at least PKU before and after birth, while the
parts of the syndrome observed in hu- pharmacological model creates PKU con-
mans [Driscoll et al., 19901, but none of ditions only after birth, it may be possible
our models does more than approximate to compare the two to discover whether
the pattcrns of human consumption, prenatal exposure causes damage that
1 alteration of CNS
because experimental animals will not
willingly consume large quantities of
cannot be alleviated by postnatal dietary
restriction. For many purposes, however,
ethanol. Thus, accurate models of terato- these models seem so similar in their
logic exposure are sometimes difficult to effects that the choice between experi-
produce. Just as with models of human mental manipulations can be made on the
structural, chemical, or diseases, teratologic models require exten- basis of cost, ease of adjusting transmitter
functional expression sive preliminary study in humans and levels, etc., rather than which cause is
of injury animals to assure comparability between most similar to the human condition.
animal and human results. Methylazoxymethanol(MAM) mod-
The classic example of a compound els are good examples of ones that are
for which the assumption of comparabil- theoretical at every point except the
of unknowns ity was erroneous is thalidomide. It was behavioral outcome. That is, in this case
approved as safe on the basis of rodent the experimental manipulation is not the
tests and discovered to be a potent same as any human insult, and the
Figure 1. One way t o conceptualize an teratogen in primates only after thousands resulting brain injury is not known a
animal model of a human behavioral
abnormality, such as mental retarda- of human cases of birth defects were priori to be similar to any human
tion, is t o consider how it is created, traced to the drug [Lenz, 19621. A- disorder. Yet exposure to MAM can
how the experimental manipulation though the pharmacology of thalidomide produce many behavioral syndromes of
changes the CNS, what symptoms can be is not known, it is suspected that great interest to students of brain damage.
tested for parallelism, and what un- The investigator hypothesizes that injury
knowns are to be investigated.
susceptible species produce an unknown
metabolite that is the proximal teratogen, to some part of the nervous system causes
while resistant species metabolize thalido- mental retardation, then uses MAM,
strain with special genetic characteristics, mide to less toxic products. X-ray, or other antimitotic agents to
or a surgical lesion. While this step is Models of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome injure that region developmentally [re-
sometimes designed to reproduce the provide another example of the fact that viewed in Rodier, 19861. MAM expo-
events thought to cause the condition recreating the conditions thought to sure is not a cause of any human cases, but
being modeled, it is important to note cause a syndrome is not a guarantee of an it leads to a defined brain injury that can
that this is not always so. Among the optimal model. The human syndrome is be directed by the timing of exposure to
models outlined in Figure 2, models of known to be caused by a genetic involve the region selected. The model
FAS involve exposure to the same deficiency of hypoxanthine phosphoribo- animals can then be tested for deficits on
teratogen identified as injurious in human syl transferase (HPRT) [Seegmiller et al., tasks believed to be diagnostic of the
cases, but developing humans are never 19671, yet transgenic mice deficient in syndrome of interest. Because MAM
exposed to 6-hydroxydopamine, alpha- H P R T do not seem to reproduce either represents many kinds of teratogens that
methylphenylalanine, or MAM. These the severe dopamine deficiency or the injure neurons as they form, the treat-
experimental manipulations have not behavioral abnormalities observed in the ment models many teratogens, and is a
been used because they mimic human human condition Uinnah et al., 1994, valuable tool for investigating which
exposures, but because they create bio- 19911, while rats treated neonatally with brain regions are responsible for particular
logcal abnormalities associated with 6-hydroxydopaniine exhibit both [Breese behavioral symptoms. To the extent that
changes in the central nervous system et al., 19841. The difference between the MAM-exposed animals exhibit behav-
known or suspected to play a role in dopamine effects of the two models ioral symptoms like those seen in mental
behavioral symptoms. appears to be a matter of degree, with retardation, they can tell us what patterns
The 6-hydroxydopamine model of 6-hydroxydopanine treatment reducing of neuron loss may underlie M R syn-
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome and the alpha- levels to approximately those observed in dromes. These models differ from the
methylphenylalanine model of PKU are human cases [Lloyd et al., 19811, and the others under discussion in that they are
ones that required extensive knowledge genetic model creating a less severe not directed at only one type of brain
of the diseases before they could be deficiency. Thus, for studying some damage but can be adjusted to mimic
created. In contrast, teratologic exposure aspects of the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, many different syndromes, including ones
models may appear on the surface to be the 6-hydroxydopamine model is more not yet recognized, but theoretically
easy to establish. In fact, even the attempt valuable than the model closer to the possible, in humans.
to model known teratogens is a complex cause of the disease. In summary, the experimental ma-
process. W e cannot claim to reproduce Both mutant mice [Shedlosky et nipulation involved in a model may be
human exposure conditions unless we al., 19931 and rodents treated from extremely similar to the one known to
know the details of human exposure infancy to inhibit metabolism of phenyl- cause the condition of interest, or it may
patterns, details of the human pharmaco- alanine to tyrosine [Greengard et al., be quite different. Models using manipu-
kinetics of the agent, and the tissue 19761 have been shown to model the lations different from that known to cause
concentrations of the proximal teratogen elevated phenylalanine and depressed the condition niay be preferred for many


- Models of Fetal
Alcohol Syndrome

prenatal exposure
to EtOH in liquid diet
Model of Lesch-Nyhan

Models of PKU

neonatal methylphenyl-
alaninel HPH-5 mutant
MAM Models

cell loss and aberrant phenylalanine excess reduction of neuron

connections observedl
other effects on CNS
development not known
I DA neuron deficit
and tyrosine deficit in
blood (mechanism of
CNS injury not com-
numbers in regions
forming during
pletely known)

reduced contrast behavioral effects

abnormal suckling and (SIB)/dopamine deple- sensitivity/ deficits on,
growth/ deficits in tion in cortex and stria- dependent on which
tasks requiring frontal regions were injured
response inhibition and turn/ receptor changes cortex, but not others
many behavioral tests

behavioral mechanisms environmental triggers structural-functional

mechanisms of EtOH
action/ endocrine
effects/ neuroanatomyf
of SIB/ transmitter and
receptor changed
mechanisms of injury/
Phe dose threshold I correlations/ behavior-
al mechanisms1 bio-
chemical effects

Figure 2. Four types of models that have been studied by many investigators are outlined according t o the scheme described in Figure 1.
Models of FAS, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, and PKU were developed for study of specific human conditions. MAM models involve injuries to
the developing CNS targeted t o specific brain regions or systems. They allow investigators t o test many general hypotheses about
developmental brain damage.

reasons, including: to avoid some lack of or neurochenlistry or physiology of the good. There is no question that animals
correspondence between animals and CNS often become unknowns that we prenatally exposed to ethanol are brain-
humans, to increase the experimenter’s hope will be revealed in the model. The damaged. What is harder to test is the
control of dose, or to focus on some lack of human CNS data also encourages extent to which their injury duplicates
known or suspected feature of a condi- the use of models in which the CNS the one in human FAS cases, as opposed
tion. In any case, the value of a model effects are inferred from the fact that to other kinds of brain damage. The
cannot be judged by how closely the behavior is affected. abnormalities of facial development char-
manipulation matches the cause of hu- acteristic of FAS provide another test of
man cases. Rather, it is the degree to Tests of Parallelism some rodent models [Webster et al.,
which the outcome of the manipulation Box 3 includes examples of mea- 1983; Edwards and Dow-Edwards, 19911,
parallels human cases that is important. sures of expression of brain damage used and support the idea that ethanol’s
in various models. These are the tests that teratologic effects are similar across spe-
CNS Alteration have been used to confirm the correspon- cies.
The second box represents the dence between the models and the The behavioral data for the PKU
change in the nervous system that follows condition under investigation. Some are models are unusually specific, in that
the manipulation. This box is rarely filled very general. For example, in FAS Diamond and her colleagues have worked
in completely in models of mental studies, a wide variety of behaviors have back and forth among species, using tests
retardation. Even in the chemical treat- been shown to be abnormal after prenatal that are similar in the brain regions on
ment models in Figure 2, we are not exposure of rodents to ethanol but few of which they depend [e.g., Diamond, 1994
certain of all the details of how the CNS these measures have been investigated in and Strupp and Diamond, 19961. The
is altered, even though much is known human cases. Conversely, many measures ability to monitor blood levels of the
about the chemical changes that lead to of ethanol’s effects widely used to assess abnormal amino acids of the condition,
damage and those that follow it. Since human cases cannot be applied to animal the knowledge that these are the caus-
our knowledge of the CNS injury in models. If we are willing to compare ative factors in the brain injury, and the
most human conditions with mental more general categories ofbehavior (e.g., specificity of the behavioral tests make
retardation IS limited or nonexistent, a maze task as a measure of learning versus this model virtually complete. That is,
there is rarely a chance to confirm in an school performance as a measure of there is no reason to think that anything
animal model some known human effect. learning) then the correspondence be- we discover in animals with excess
Without information, the neuroanatomy tween humans and animals is reasonably phenylalanine cannot be applied to the
human case. Most models are much more exhibit mental retardation [Rutter and differences have been demonstrated in
limited. However, a model need not Lockyer, 19671. The diagnosis requires studies of the cortex [Williams et al.,
match every aspect of the condition to be that symptoms be present by the age of 1980; Coleman et al., 19851. One lab has
useful; it need only allow us to learn new three, but little is known about when the reported an increase in cell packing
things about the condition ofinterest. For disease begins or what its causes might be. density in the limbic system [Kemper and
example, while the 6-hydroxydopamine Estimates of the incidence of the disease Bauman, 19921 and several have observed
model of self-injurious behavior (SIB) vary, but a prevalence study in Nova reductions of cell numbers in the cerebel-
does not purport to reproduce all the Scotia indicates a rate of more than 1 per lum [Bauman and Kemper, 1985; Ritvo
brain abnormalities of the genetic syn- 1,000 [Bryson et al., 19881. et al., 19861. While the number of cases
drome of Lesch-Nyhan, it does repro- studied to date is very small, and further
duce the dopamine depletion that appears research might reveal more subtle abnor-
to be the abnormality underlying SIB. “It is impossible to malities, the present data rule out any
Thus, while this model would have large or obvious lesions [reviewed in
limited value for studying the neuro- overemphasize the Bauman and Kemper, 19941. Given the
anatomy of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, it is importance of human absence of histological changes in most of
very useful for studying the environmen- the brain, it is not surprising that MRI
tal triggers of SIB [Tessel et al., 19951, or data in the development studies in living subjects have often been
testing drug therapies for SIB [Breese et
al., 19861.
of animal models. Our negative [Kleiman et al., 1992; Piven et
al., 19921. However, several groups have
It is impossible to overemphasize ability to contrm an reported reductions in the area of the
the importance of human data in the
development of animal models. Our
animal model is totally posterior lobe of the cerebellum in
midsagittal sections [reviewed in Cour-
ability to confirm an animal model is dependent on the existence chesne et al., 19941, and the largest study
totally dependent on the existence of
specific tests of the human condition that
of spec@ tests of the confirms that finding and adds small but
significant reductions of the midbrain,
discriminate it from others and that can human condition that pons, and medulla [Hashinioto et al.,
be applied to animals. For example, a 19951.
hypothetical human condition defined discriminate it from A new discovery suggests that it
only by low I Q cannot be modeled, others and that can be might be possible to model the kind of
because we can never prove that an developmental accident from which au-
animal exhibits low IQ. Even ifwe could, applied to animals. ” tism arises. While studying ocular motil-
so many conditions include low I Q that ity in victims of prenatal
we could never be certain that our aniinal exposure, Miller and Stromland [ 19931
model was the same as the hypothetical The creation of an animal model recognized that a surprising number of
condition, rather than some other syn- has been problematic for many reasons. the cases were autistic. They saw four
drome. O f course, it is possible to The diagnostic criteria are too general cases among the 86 patients from the
imagine a condition that can be defined and too focused on human behaviors Swedish regstry they examined, and
only in human terms-e.g., stuttering- such as speech to be easily adapted for found a fifth in records of the fourteen
and to imagine that all the details of the animal testing. More specific functional unavailable for study [Stromland et al.,
initiating cause, CNS anomalies, associ- abnormalities have been reported to be 19941. The external malformations caused
ated problems, and therapies could be associated with autism. For example, by thalidomide have been studied exten-
worked out in humans without resorting seizures are coninion [Olson et al., 19881, sively, making it possible to link particu-
to the use of animal models. However, but these are not diagnostic, since they lar abnormalities to injury at particular
when animal models are desired, then we occur in some people who do not have stages of development [reviewed in Miller,
must encourage the collection of human the disease and fail to occur in some who 19911. (Most of the thousands of women
data that could provide tests of parallel- do have the disease. Some experimental who took the drug during pregnancy
ism. lesions lead to behaviors that may be took it for weeks or months, but some
related to autism. For example, neonatal took it briefly, and a few only once. This
Unknowns to be Investigated lesions of the limbic system in monkeys has made it possible for teratologsts to
Box 4 lists some typical unknowns produce a syndrome with lack of facial piece together a timetable for defects
under study in the models. Just as the expression and aberrant social behavior, caused by thalidomide exposure.) When
models vary in the information on which which could be related to similar symp- the cases in the Swedish registry were
they are based, they vary in what toms in autism [Bachevalier and Merja- classified by time of injury, all the autistic
questions they can be used to address. nian, 19941. O n the other hand, the cases fell into the group exposed between
alterations of recognition memory in this the 20th and 24th days of gestation. Only
AN ANIMAL MODEL model seem different from the deficits 15 cases had evidence of such early
OF AUTISM reported in autism in that they interfere exposure [Miller, 19911. Thus, the rate of
Autism is a disease defined by with recognition through all sensory autism in the early exposure group was
deficits in social interactions and conimu- modalities, while the defects reported in one in three.
nication, as well as repetitive behaviors autism appear to be restricted to auditory- The results of the thalidomide
and restricted interests, according to the verbal material [reviewed in Killiany and study provide the information needed to
DSM-IV [American Psychiatric Associa- Moss, 1334]. create an animal model of autism. They
tion, 19941. Although the syndrome Anatomical studies of autopsy cases pinpoint the time of injury and id en ti^
occurs with normal and even high have not provided results that are easily one teratogen with the potential to cause
intellectual function, about 75% of cases related to the symptoms of autism. No the disease. W e do not know what the
histology of the brains of these living were sensitive to this agent, and probably neuron numbers of the oculoniotor
cases is like, but each patient has neuro- many others. nucleus affected, along with the three
logical symptoms indicative of a brain Unfortunately, as mentioned ear- other nuclei affected at earlier treatment
stem injury, expressed as malfunctions of lier, thalidomide’s effects in rodents are times. None of the treatment times was
several motor cranial nerves. In addition, different from its effects in primates late enough to involve the facial nucleus,
each has hearing deficits and malformed [Schumacher et al., 19681. Therefore, to which forms slightly later and over a
ears [Stromland et al., 19941. The neuro- model the brain injury of the thalidomide longer period than the other nuclei
logical defects of the cases make sense in cases, we used valproic acid (VPA). This studied. Reductions in the number of
the context of the stage of development anticonvulsant produces a sequence of neurons in motor nuclei persisted in rats
identified, because it is the stage when malformations similar to those of thalido- held to 60 days.
motor neurons of the cranial nerve nuclei mide and the effects are seen in all species The great specificity of VPA effects
form (Bayer et al., 19931. The results also tested [Binkerd et al., 19881.VPA is trans- with sniall changes in exposure time is
suggest that structures outside the brain ferred to the embryo along with its main typical of many teratogens with antimi-
stem could not have been injured directly active metabolite, 2-en-VPA [e.g., Nau, totic action [reviewed in Rodier, 19861.
by thalidomide, because only structures 19861. The metabolite is not teratogenic However, VPA’s action appears to be
of the midbrain, pons, and medulla form [Nau et al., 19841 while VPA is highly selective on some other basis in addition
so early. The 20-24 day period precedes teratogenic in embryo culture as well as to time, because we found no effects on
the initiation of neuron production for in vivo [Kao et al., 19811 suggesting that neuron number when we counted three
the cerebellum or limbic system [Bayer et VPA is the active teratogen. VPA expo- cell groups that form during the exposure
al., 19931. Thus, the thalidomide results sure has been linked to both neural tube period but contain no somatic motor
suggest that the primary injury underly- defects [e.g., Ehlers et al., 19921 and au- neurons. These were the locus ceruleus,
ing autism is centered in the early- tism [Christianson et al., 19941. the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus,
fomiing parts of the brain stem, with the and the mesencephalic nucleus of trigemi-
abnormalities of other structures repre- nal.
senting secondary effects. “The results of the How well do the VPA-exposed
O n the surface, the idea that autism rats reproduce the features of the thalido-
involves an injury of the brain stem might thalidomide study provide nllde cases? They have lesions of the
seem at odds with the current interest in the information
- needed to cranial nerve motor nuclei and they lack
the cognitive impairments in the disease. limb malformations, like the human
However, there is no conflict between create an animal model of cases. However, none of the animals had
the thalidomide results and cognitive autism. They pinpoint ear malformations. Since ear malforma-
effects. A developmental injury that tions have been shown to occur in rats
disrupts the brain stem might well alter the time of injury and exposed as embryos to higher doses of
development of higher centers forming VPA and sacrificed just before birth
subsequent to the injury. Further, dis-
identify one teratogen [Binkerd et al., 19881, it may be that our
turbed input from the brain stem could with the potential to model could be improved by using a
lead to malfunctions a t any level of the higher dose or multiple doses, but so far
CNS, even if development after the
cause the disease. ” we have been unable to reproduce the ear
injury proceeded normally. The thalido- effects even at doses with low survival
mide results do not rule out malfunctions rates.
of any area of the brain; they only rule out Experimental Manipulation
a direct injury to any but the earliest- W e tested whether it is possible to Tests of Parallelism
forming neurons. disrupt the formation of the motor cranial The next step in developnient of a
One thing that makes the new nerve nuclei as the neurons are forming model of autism is to show that the
thalidomide data seem surprising is that and leave the brain-damaged animals animals resemble human cases in ways
neuroteratologists have often assumed viable [Rodier et al., 19961. Counting the other than those the treatment was
that the period around closure of the day when a plug was found as the first day designed to produce. In particular, we
neural tube is of interest only with regard of gestation, we targeted the stages of rat would like to be able to demonstrate that
to neural tube defects. The idea has been gestation when neurons first appear their behavior is like that of people
that such early injuries are more likely to [Bayer et al., 19931 treating on day 11.5, diagnosed as autistic. T o do this, of
result in death or full recovery than in 12, or 12.5 with 350 mg/kg of VPA via course, requires that we can determine
brain-damaged survivors. There are prac- IP injections to the dam. Control and which human behaviors discriminate
tical reasons for studying later CNS treated offspring were killed 10-11 days between people with autism and others
injuries, too. Early exposure to teratogens after birth and their brains prepared for and compare those behaviors in treated
runs the risk of injury to other organs, study of the cranial nerve nuclei. rats and controls. As mentioned earlier,
confounding brain damage with somatic this is not a simple task. For cxaniple, we
problems. The result of these consider- CNS Alteration cannot look for delayed speech in an
ations has been that we have studied fetal Counts of motor neurons showed animal model, but we could study
and postnatal insults to the brain, and that the earliest treatment time affected vocalizations in developing rats [Adams et
avoided embryonic ones. In fact, the only the earliest-forming nuclei, the al., 19831. I f w e had data to indicate that
cranial nerve effects of thalidomide were motor nucleus of trigenllnal and the rat vocalizations are analogous to human
noted as long ago as 1964 [d’Avignon and hypoglossal nucleus. At the next treat- speech, that would make testing them
Barr]. Thus, long before thalidomide was ment time, neuron numbers in these worthwhile. Alternatively, if we had data
linked to autism, the data indicated that nuclei and the abducens nucleus were indicating that human vocalizations other
the earliest stages of brain development reduced. Only at the latest time were the than speech are disturbed in autism, we
could develop a test for animals. The et al., 19901, developmental exposure to numbers in the deep nuclei exist in the
needed studies could be done, but they lead [Laughlin et al., 19911, maternal nucleus interpositus, corresponding to
have not been done. deprivation [Seay and Harlow, 19651, the globose and emboliform nuclei af-
An extremely concrete and highly and amygdaloid lesions [Kluver and Bucy, fected in human cases, while the dentate
discriminating behavioral characteristic of 19391 all disrupt social behavior. To use nucleus is spared in the animal model as it
autistic children is their failure to point, as abnormalities of social behavior in ani- is in humans [Bauman and Kemper,
described by Osterling and Dawson mals as confirmations of parallelism to 19941. The fastigial nucleus is cell poor in
[1994]. W e have not been able to think of autism we would need to identify social autistic brains, but not significantly af-
animal behaviors used to draw another behaviors affected in autism, but not in fected in the rodent model. With this
animal’s attention to something-the other brain damage syndromes. small exception, the pattern of cerebellar
essential feature of this kind of pointing. Stereotypies occurring naturally in effects observed in the model is amazingly
Even “pointing” in dogs, while it com- some dogs respond to the same drugs similar to that reported in autism. Since
municates information to the master, effective in reducing obsessive-compul- the effects in the animal cerebella must be
does not seem to be a behavior initiated sive disorder (OCD) in humans [Rapoport secondary to the injury of cranial nerve
by the dog for purposes of communica- et al., 19921. Recent drug treatment motor nuclei, we now suspect that the
tion; it may be more related to freezing studies of autistic subjects suggest that cerebellar abnormalities of the human
behavior. O C D symptoms in autism are related to cases are likely to be secondary effects of
Social behaviors, as a general cat- the O C D symptoms in other human an injury to earlier-forming neurons, just
egory, are affected by many kinds ofbrain syndromes [Gordon et al., 19921. If this is as the timing of the thalidomide cases
damage. For example, developmental the case, these behaviors-very common predicted. The animal findings also pre-
exposure to methylmercury [Burbacher in mice-might be useful in developing dict that the Cerebellum must be affected
animal models ofautism. Again, we need in the thalidomide cases-a hypothesis
more information. W e feel certain that it that could be tested.
In a well-documented autopsy case
Model of Autism will be possible eventually to identi@
of autism, we have been able to demon-
behaviors that can serve to confirm an
animal model, but it may require new strate a brain stem injury related to both
studies of humans as well as new studies the thalidomide symptoms and the char-
of animals. acteristics of the animal model [Rodier et
VPA during neural al., 19961. The autopsy case has abnor-
While it is frustrating to find no
tube closure ready test of autistic behavior for animals, malities of the facial and hypoglossal
it is noteworthy that several of the models nuclei, as well as a distinctive shortening
diagrammed in Figure 2 have included of the brain stem localized just caudal to
tests of parallelism that are not behavioral. the facial nucleus. When we measured
Until sound behavioral tests can be the distances from one nucleus to another
identified, there is at least one set of in VPA-exposed rats, we found a signifi-
findings that provides specific test hypoth- cant shortening in the same region in
reduction of neuron each treated group [unpublished data].
eses for comparing an animal model of
numbers in cranial autism to the human condition, and that Further studies of the cranial nerve nuclei
nerve motor nuclei is the abnornialities of cerebellar anatomy and brain stem distances in human cases
reported in histology and imaging studies. are needed to determine whether such
Because we know that no cerebellar injuries are typical of all cases or only a
neurons form as early as the treatment subset of the autistic population.
times used in the VPA model, and thus

changes in‘posterior cerebellar neurons could not have been Unknowns
lobe of cerebellum, injured directly by exposure, any abnor- Even if the animal model we have
malities observed in the cerebellum described and outlined in Figure 3 should
shortening of brain would not fit into the “CNS alteration” be a perfect representation of the CNS
stem part of the model, as do the effects on abnormality underlying autism, the dis-
cranial nerve motor nuclei. Rather, such ease will remain mysterious until we
results would be a confirmation of the answer many basic questions. Knowing
parallelism between the animal model how the initiating injury occurs does not
and the human condition. In fact, cell tell us the degree of injury required to
primary and secondary counts of Purkinje cells and neurons of produce symptoms, or what parts of the
effects on anatomy/ the deep nuclei, and measures of the size injury actually mediate the symptoms. At
connections/ behavior? of the cerebellar lobules in young animals this early stage of examining the model,
and adults indicate that VPA exposure on we already have recognized what appears
day 12.5 of gestation leads to changes in to be a secondary injury of the cerebel-
Figure 3. A new animal model of au- the cerebellum that are like those ob- lum. What other parts of the brain have
tism is based on human evidence that served in human cases of autism [Ingram been altered? For example, do the
the disorder can be induced at a very
specific stage of CNS development. The
et al., 19961. Not only are the Purkinje VPA-exposed animals have increased
model has yet to be tested for behav- cells reduced in number, but the effect in cell-packing density in the limbic system?
ioral outcomes, but has been tested for the animal model is localized to the How is the brain stem wired in these
the similarity of its neuroanatomical neocerebellum. The size difference is also animals? One might expect changes in
characteristics t o those reported in hu- present only in the posterior lobe, just as the development of pathways when
man cases of autism.
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