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(Session: 2019-20)



Course Outcome:CO3 Name of Faculty:



to U3_L2

[A] In the below mentioned questions: the statements have only one correct option: G S

Neutrons are classified according to their

a. Mass
Q1) b. Spin M (d)
c. charge
d. energy

Q2) A small dose of x ray is longer M (c)

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a. result is fetal death
b. cause brain damage
c. chance of birth death
d. all of the above

Mass is not property of

a. neutrons
Q3) b. beta particles M (c)
c. X rays
d. Alpha particles

Wavelength of ultraviolet ray is longer than

a. Cosmic rays
b. Gamma rays
Q4) M (d)
c. 60 min

d. All of the above

Electron volt (eV) is a unit of

a energy

b power

Q5) c electric charge M (a)

d none of these

In decay of positron, which particle is emitted

a. Alpha particle
b. Neutron
c. Neutrino (C)
d. Electron

Ionizing radiation refers

a. Electromagnetic radiation
Q7) b. Corpuscular radiation M (a)
c. Just a beam
d. Radiation capable of producing ions

Q8) In decay of the atomic number (z) changes by M (d)

a. -1

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b. 0
c. 1
d. 2

By increasing the frequency of gamma photon ,its

a. Wavelength increase
Q9) b. Wavelength decrease M (b)
c. Velocity increase
d. Velocity decrease

Half life of cobalt 60 is

a. 5.1 year
Q10) b. 5.2 year M (c)
c. 5.3 year
d. 5.8year

In 1895 he discovered X ray

a. Tesla
Q11) b. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen L (b)
c. Henri Becquerel
d. none of the above

In 1913 the phase of industrial radiography begins when high

vacuum tubes operating at

Q12) a. 100 V M (b)

b. 100000V
c. 1000V
d. 1000000V

General electric company developed …………………..volt X ray generator

a 100 V
Q13) b 100000V L (d)
c 1000V
d 1000000V

The….provide uniform heating

a. swell
Q14) b. dryers L (b)
c. sink
d. none of the above

Q15) In 1896 a French scientist Henri Becquerel discovered M (a)

a. natural radioactivity
b. artificial radioactivity

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c. X ray
d. Gamma ray

It consist of two proton and two neutron

a. Gamma rays

Q16) b. X rays M (c)

c. Alpha particles

d. Beta particles

These are the packets of electromagnetic radiation given off by

an atom as means of releasing excess energy

a Gamma rays
Q17) M (a)
b X rays

c Alpha particle

d Beta particles

[B] In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct option(s): G S

Marie and Pierre curie discovered two radioactive element

a. gold
Q1) b. Polonium L (b), (c)
c. Radium
d. silver

Both are electromagnetic waves

a X ray

b gamma ray

Q2) c Sound wave H (a),(b)

d acoustic emission

Q3) This radiation is produced due o movement of charged particles M (a),(d)

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within atoms and the emitted waves frequency depend only upon

a. thermal radiation

b. infrared

c. radio waves

d. black body radiation

Its wavelength varies between 3 to 30 KHz

a. microwave

b. myriameter
Q4) (b),(c)
c. Very low frequency H

d. radio wave

Analytical and Numerical Problems: In the below mentioned problem

[C] statements determine the correct solution:


It can be negative charged (……………..) or positively charged

(a) Negatron
Q1) H
(a) (b) Positron

All alpha particles are of ……… and ……………….. penetrate the outer
layer of skin (a) Short
Q2) range
(a) M (b) cannot

Q3) Both …… ray and ……………. ray are charge less & mass less M (a) X-ray

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(b) Gamma

In …….. X ray was first used in… battlefield

by physicians to locate ………… in wounded soldiers

(a) (a)1896 (b)

Q4) H
(b) bullet

Topic Set-2:: Attenuation photoelectric Source Lecture(s):U3_L to U2_L4 Ref.:T1,& D1

effect Rayleigh scattering Compton
scattering pair production and beam

[A] In the below mentioned questions: the statements have only one correct option: G S

It defines the quality of beam of radiation and depend on wavelength of beam

a. Radiation energy hardness

Q1) b. Radiation energy strength L (a)

c. Radiation energy toughness

d. None of the above

Q2) When wavelength of any radiation is long then its called L (b)

a. Hard radiation

b. Soft radiation

c. Medium radiation

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d. None of the above

When tube voltage is less than 20 KV quality of radiation is

a. Hard

b. Very soft

Q3) c. Ultra hard

d. None of the above H (b)

When tube voltage is less than 20-60 KV quality of radiation is

a. Very hard
Q4) M (b)
b. soft

c. Ultra hard

d. Very soft

In source of attenuation probability of interaction increase,

distance traveled by photon……

a. increase

b. no change
Q5) M (c)
c. decrease

d. none of the above

 In a normal X-Ray machine, X – Rays are produced by ________

a) bombardment of cathode rays on a radioactive material
Q6) b) nuclear fission M (a)
c) nuclear fusion
d) super heating of an element

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Dental X-Ray is also known as __________
a) Orthopedics
Q7) b) Orthopentology L (d)

c) Orthology
d) Orthopantomography

What should be the minimum distance maintained when an X-Ray is being

a 10m
8) H (d)
b 20m
c 30 m
d 50 m

When tube voltage is less than 3000-30000 KV quality of radiation is

a. Very hard

Q9) b. Ultra soft M (a)

c. soft

d. None of above

The X-Ray is recorded on a plate coated with _____________

a) Gold Halide
b) Silver Halide
Q10) c) Copper Halide H (b)
d) Iron Halide

Up to what intensity of radiation is used for mammography?

Q11) c)<30keV M (c)
d) < 40keV

Q12) When tube voltage is less than 150-3000- KV quality of radiation M (d)

a. Soft

b. Very soft

c. Very hard

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d. hard

In ………….for shielding x-ray from harmful effect eye goggles and metal
shield were commonly used

a 1910
Q13) M (a)
b 1915

c 1911

d 1918

When a ……………… bombarded by x ray at certain angle of

incidence ,intense X ray are produced

a. electron
Q14) L (b)
b. crystal

c. proton

d. None of the above

When tube voltage is less than 60-150 KV quality of radiation is

a. Fairly soft

Q15) b. Hard M (a)

c. Ultra soft

d. None of the above

[B] In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct option(s): G S

It is a combination of three process

a. Absorption

Q1) b. Pair production L (a),(d)

c Compton effect

d Attenuation

Q2) This phenomenon occurs without loss of energy H (a)

a. Thomson scattering

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b. Coherent scattering

c. Rayleigh s (c)

d. Compton effect

Total radiation is the sum of ………………..&…………………….

a. Attenuation

Q3) b. Transmitted radiation M (b), (d)

c. Beta scattering

d. Scattered radiation

………………&……………………..which support the fragile photographic emulsion on

both if its surface

a. Cellulose triacetate
Q4) H (a), (d)
b. Thick film

c. polyester base

d. emulsion

X ray are electromagnetic radiation that can produced by any of the

two method
a. Bremsstrahlung method
Q5) H (a), (c)
b. M shell
c. K shell
d. N shell

Analytical and Numerical Problems: In the below mentioned problem statements determine the
[C] G S
correct solution:

(a) degree of
The ……….depends on the type and the…….of material used
Q1) (a) H
(b) thickness

Q2) ………… were awarded the noble prize for their work in determining H (a) Braggs

crystal structure of…………./……………..and…………………….in 1915 (b) Zns

(c) Nacl

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(d) Diamond

…………………. involves in ……………..lower energy X ray photon emitted by the Filtering

Q3) tubes M &

Q4 Mathematically half value of thickness is given by………………… M

Q5 In all three absorption process, the ……..of x-ray lower and it get H &
scattered in different direction with different ……………..

Topic Set-3: X ray principle equipment Source Lecture(s):U2_L5 to U2_L7 Ref.:T1, & D1
application types of radiation

[A] In the below mentioned questions: the statements have only one correct option: G S

X-rays are weightless

Q1) L (a)
a) True
b) False

In free space, X-ray travels in ______________

a) Periodic oscillations
Q2) b) Non-Periodic oscillations H (d)
c) Zigzag path
d) Straight line

Q3)  The accelerating potential for an X-ray is 40 kV. What should be the minimum M (b)
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wavelength of the X-ray?
a) 0.024 nm
b) 0.031 nm
c) 0.097 nm
d) 0.054 nm

What is the effect of X-ray on methylene blue?

a) The crystal structure changes
Q4) b) It’s boiling point increases M (d)
c) It’s boiling point decreases
d) It gets bleached

. Which radical is generated in water by X-ray?

a) H2°
b) O2°
Q5) c) OH° L (c)

d) O°

Fluorescence is the property when X-ray falls on a material it emits __________

a) Infrared Waves
Q6) b) Visible Light L (b)
c) Gamma rays
d) UV light

 X-ray lies in which region of the electromagnetic spectrum?

a) 10 Å to 7000 Å
Q7) b) 4000 Å to 10 Å M (c)
c) 10 Å to 0.01 Å
d) 1 Å to 10 Å

Radiography can be used to identify the age of a painting.

Q8) a) True M (a)
b) False

Which of the following disease can be detected by X-Ray?

a) Bladder infection
Q9) b) Pneumonia M (b)
c) Diarrhea
d) Fever

Q10)  The checking of bags in Airport is done via X-ray. M (a)

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a) True
b) False

The food industry uses X-ray for __________

a) Checking Purity of food
Q11) b) Sterilizing food M (b )
c) Break it into smaller pieces
d) Does not uses

The process of using X-rays for identifying atomic structure is called

a) X-ray Radiography
Q12) b) X-ray Crystallography M (b)
c) X-ray Diagnosis
d) X-ray Structure Identification

The maximum field of view which can be obtained with a specific radiographic system is
generally limited by the:

    a.     Focal spot size.    

    b.     Anode size.    
Q13) L (c)
    c.     Anode angle.    

    d.     Heel effect.    

Relatively low KV values are used in some x-ray procedures for the purpose of:

    a.     Increasing penetration.

    b.     Increasing contrast sensitivity.

Q14) M (b)
    c.     Decreasing patient exposure.

    d.     Decreasing area contrast.

Q15) A view box for mammographic films should have a brightness of M (d)

    a.     3.5 foot-candles.

    b.     3.5 lumens.

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    c.     3500 luxes.

    d.     3500 nits.

In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct option(s):
[B] G S

The quantum noise in radiography can generally be decreased without increasing patient exposure

by using:

    a.     Intensifying screens with a higher absorption efficiency.    

    b.     Intensifying screens with a higher conversion efficiency.    

Q1) H (a), (d)
    c.     Film with a higher sensitivity (speed).    

    d.     Thicker intensifier screens.    

A small focal spot is used to:

    a.     Reduce patient exposure.    

    b.     Decrease image noise.    

Q2) H (c), (d)
    c.     Increase visibility of detail.    

    d.     Reduce image blurring.    

When the smaller focal spot size of an x-ray tube is selected, you would expect:

    a.     Reduced scattered radiation.    

    b.     Improved visibility of anatomical detail.  

Q3) H
    c.     Increased image noise.     (d)

    d.     Limited MA.    

Q4) When a geometric magnification technique is used, as in mammography, it can: H (a)

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    a.     Increase patient exposure.    

    b.     Increase scattered radiation.    

(c), (d)
    c.     Decrease blurring of small objects and improve visibility of detail.    

    d.     Require a larger receptor.    

Relatively long exposure times are used in some radiographic procedures (such as
mammography).   This is necessary in order to use:

    a.     Smaller focal spots.    

    b.     More compression.    
Q5) (a), (c),
    c.     Reduced MA and KV values.    

    d.     More sensitive (faster) receptors.    

Analytical and Numerical Problems: In the below mentioned problem statements determine the
[C] G S
correct solution:

Anode is generally made up of …….which has hi9gh …….number as well as (a)

high…….point tungsten
(a) ? (b)number
Q1) H
(b) ? (c)meltin
(c) ?

Q2) Effective focal spot size is defined as the…………………of focal spot on H (a)
surface……………………to axis of beam of x-ray
n (b)

(a) perpendic

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…………….refer to the degree of difference in …….. between two areas of
a radiographic …………….
Q3) (a) H contrast
c image


Q4 ………………. Is very thin layer of gelatin is used to bond the M (b)emulsi

………………………..layer and base layer together on

X ray produced when high speed moving……………….get collide with……..of an L
atom b nucleus

Topic Set-4: : Principle of gamma Source Lecture(s):U2_L8 to Ref.:T1, D1

radiography and radiation sources U2_L10

[A] In the below mentioned questions: the statements have only one correct option: G S

Q1) Gamma camera in Nuclear Medicine is used for: H (b)

a. Organ imaging
b Measuring the radioactivity
c. Monitoring the surface contamination

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d. RIA

Selenium and Cobalt 60 are man made radioactive sources

(a) True
Q2) L (a)
(b) Flase

Half life of Cesium (Cs-137)

a. 35 year
b. 30 year
Q3) c. 40 year M (b)
d. none of the above

During radiography test, which region absorbs less radiation and transmits more?

a. Low and high density regions absorb and transmit same amount of radiation
Q4) b. High density region M (c)
c. Low density region
d. None of the above

Which of the following is not a source of production for gamma rays?

a) Cobalt-60
b) Iridium-192
Q5) c) Caesium-167 H (d)
d) Americium-241

Its accomplished by using a strong external magnetic field to

established a magnetic field within the component

a. Circular magnetization
Q6) M (c)
b. Direct magnetization

c. Indirect magnetization

d. Longitudinal magnetization

Q7)  Identify the type of destructive testing M (c)

a. Radiographic test
b. Dye penetrant test

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c. Creep test
d. All of the above

Quality of radiographic image is measured by radiographic H (b)

a testing
Q8) b sensitivity
c technique
d none of the above

Half life of Radium (Ra-226)

a. 1601 year

Q9) b. 1602 year M (b)

c. 1603 year

d. None of above

It has four wire type IQIs ,where each IQI is made of seven wires of
various diameter placed parallel at equal distance

a Step hole type IQIs

Q10) L (b)
b Wire type IQI

c The duplex IQI

d None of the above

It consist of number of pair of wires or strip made up of tungsten or

platinum arranged in a descending order with smallest diameter of

a Step hole type IQIs

Q11) M (c)
b Wire type IQI

c The duplex IQI

d None of the above

Q12) Half life of iridium (Ir-192) M (d)

a. 72 year

b. 73 year

c. 70 year

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d. 75 year

Exposure device have shield that consist of a …….Tube in which

Iridium sources is preserved using stainless steel capsule

(a) S

(b) U

Q13) (c) M M (a)

(d) None of the above

It consist of a plaque having three holes of diameter

a Step hole type IQIs

Q14) b Wire type IQI L (d)

c The duplex IQI

d Penetrameters

Half life of Cobalt (Co-60) is

a. 5.2year

Q15) b. 5.3 year H (b)

c. 5.1 year

d. None of the above

[B] In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct option(s): G S

Q1) The amount of contrast in a radiograph can be affected by: M (a), (b)

    a.     The latitude of the film.    

    b.     Processing conditions.    

    c.     Amount of exposure.    

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    d.     Film-screen contact.    

 Compared to normal processing conditions, a general radiographic film developed at a higher

temperature will have increased:

    a.     Sensitivity (speed).

Q2)     b.     Hypo retention. L (b), (c)

    c.     Base + fog density.

    d.     Density.

 Compared to normal processing conditions, a general radiographic film developed at a higher

temperature will have increased:

    a.     Sensitivity (speed).
(a), (c)
Q3)     b.     Hypo retention. M
    c.     Base + fog density.

    d.     Density.

The wavelength (color) sensitivity of a radiographic film must be considered when selecting:

    a.     Developer chemistry.    

    b.     Developer temperature.  
Q4) L (c), (d)
    c.     Intensifying screens.    

    d.     Safelights.    

Q5) If you changed from a 10:1 ratio grid to a 5:1 grid in a radiographic procedure you would expect: L (a), (d)

    a.     A decrease in patient exposure.    

    b.     Improved contrast.    

    c.     Decreased blurring.    

    d.     Less grid cut-off.    

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Analytical and Numerical Problems:In the below mentioned problem statements determine the
[C] G S
correct solution:

………. backscatter technique consist of a X ray tube ,detectors, (a)

collimator and diagram, when radiation from X-ray tube get collide
with material some radiation get and is then caught by the detector Compton
through…………….. (b)
Q1) (a) ? H scattered
(b) ? (c)

(c) ? diaphragm

.According to article ……………of radiological protection ACT ……..order ………..(SL.No 125of

2000). Radiation risk assignment necessary before the commencing of any practice related to
use of radioactive sources

(a )9(2)
Q2) H (b) 1991
(c) 2000

……………..evolves charge less atomic particle …………which can penetrate most Neutrogra
materials and produce a radiographic image phy
(b) neutron

Q4 Degree of enlargement mathematically calculated as M

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……….definition refers to abruptness of change in ………..
Q5 a M

b b




Ref. [ID] Authors Book Title Publisher/Press Year of Publication

[T1] Lari & kumar Non Destructive Testing 2015


Ref. [ID] Source Name Source Hyperlink

Objective Questions in
Mechanical Engineering

…………………. X………………….

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