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Name: Rodolfo L. Ovilla Jr.

September 30, 2021

CAS-01-101 E Sr. Patrick Manguera



“National Country Photo-bomber.” —On the 2015 of January, the National Commission
for Culture and the Arts issued a cease and desist order to stop the operation of Torre De
Manila at the Monument of Rizal due to the fact that it destroyed the view of our National
Treasure. This controversy evolved to a massive debate among the politicians, people
who supporting Rizal, and supreme court, it has been one of the hottest issue way back
in 2015.

However, I do believe that the reason why this controversy became rampant is
undoubtedly Rizal monument has been one of the tourist spot of our country and the main
reason why they filed a petition to shut down the operation of Torre De Manila is the fact
that it eradicates the exquisite view of Rizal, knowing that Rizal Park is one of the visited
setting where the foreign went to. Howbeit, there were other argues that DMCI violate the
laws to name a few, According to, Legal Counsel of National Commission for Culture and
Arts, Trixie Angeles, “They violate the permit, the original permit was only for 7th floors,
so during the senate hearing of Sen. Pia Cayetano they find out they had begun building
49th floor story at the time they permit was solely for 7th floor.” On the other hand, DMCI
released a file-counter attack that will emphasize their sentiments, According, to Atty.
Roberto Dio, “they got the permit in July 2012 and the Rizal Monument was declared as
the National Treasure in 2013.” In addition to his statement, “Someone forgot to declare
the nasty Rizal Monument as a National Cultural Treasure to make it accurate to R.A
10066.” The issue reached the supreme court to hear both parties, and the verdict finally
came out, “The Supreme Court Junk or Dismissed the cease and desist order that has
been ordered and eventually allowed the operation of Torre De Manila to continue, the
basis of the Supreme court to junk this were; 1. The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction
on the subject. 2. Knights of Rizal has no standing sue. 3. Knights of Rizal stand to suffer
no injury. 4. No law prohibiting the construction of Torre De Manila.

To encapsulated everything, it was clearly showed that DMCI did not violate the law nor
the rights of a monument of Rizal, as a matter of fact, the Rizal Knights expresses their
respect and support to the supreme court decision, and also express their gratitude to the
people who support Rizal. We cannot deny the fact that Torre De Manila will always be a
photo-bomber every time we went and take a picture to our National Hero however, it is
not always about the view, the salient thing is we went there to commemorate and to
honor the sacrifices of Dr. Jose Rizal, considering that we attain our Independence Day
because of him.

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