People Here Must Not Be Too Intelligent. This Should Be A Cinch

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The Heart of a Con-Man

Donny Higgins was a con-man. Tall, dark, and handsome, he was able to use his charm

to trick uneducated women into purchasing his “insurance” while their husbands were at work.

He was able to practice this often, since New York City was full of such women. It was almost

too easy.

Donny didn’t think anything wrong of his work. He was not a religious man, nor a man

who showed outstanding moral character. After years of scamming people, he had learned to

suppress his conscience to the point that it no longer made any impact on him. He was content

with living on his own, he didn’t need anybody else... or so he thought.

One day, Donny went to begin his so-called salesman routine. His destination was a

beat-up apartment building on the south side. From the look of the building, Donny figured, The

people here must not be too intelligent. This should be a cinch.

It turned out that the majority of the residents were very gullible, until about the fifth

door he knocked on. The door opened, and he mindlessly began his routine.

“Hello ma’am, I’m from the DHIC, and I wanted to make sure you are aware that you are

not equipped with proper insura..” he cut off as he looked up at his potential customer. His jaw

instantly dropped. Before his eyes, he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was

a tall, lean brunette. It was obvious that personal appearance was more of a priority for her than

her surrounding neighbors.

“Equipped with proper what?” the woman questioned. She was puzzled to why Donny

was standing there with a blank look on his face.

Donny quickly regained his focus. “Excuse my manners, miss. My name is Donald G.

Higgins, and I am an insurance sales representative.”

As Donny was about to continue his routine, he could not remember what to say. He was

struck in awe at the woman’s stunning beauty, clouding his mind of anything else but the vision

of her face.

“Well Mr. Higgins, I’m Wendy Walker,” she continued as Donny awkward paused for a

second time. ”What exactly are you trying to sell me?”

“I’m not necessarily trying to sell you anything, Misses..”

“Miss. Walker.”

“Alright, Miss Walker. I’m actually here to check and see if you have your insurance in

order; I’m not necessarily trying to sell you anything.”

Donny was unsure on what to do. He wanted money, but he did not want to scam Wendy

out of hers. After swindling a client, he would usually never see the client again. But he wanted

to see Wendy again, he knew that for sure.

“Um okay.. What exactly do you need to check?” Wendy asked. “Is it a quick or lengthy


“Normally the process does not take too long, but from what I can tell, you have more

assets that I may need to evaluate.”

“Well shoot. I was just on my way out. Do you think we can reschedule?”

Right then, Donny’s quick thinking led him to the idea: “How about we talk about it over


Wendy thought it over for a moment, and then replied, “Sure, that sounds lovely.” She

then popped a piece of gum out of her purse, stuck the gum in her mouth, then grabbed a pen and

wrote down her phone number on the gum wrapper. “Call me later tonight, around eight or so.”
She handed Donny the wrapper. He was nearly frozen with excitement. “S-s-sounds

good,” he managed to stammer. They exchanged their goodbyes and Donny went on his way.

During his walk home, Donny thought to himself. He really liked Wendy, and he wanted

to impress her. How would he do this? Donny was never a romantic, but he felt like this was love

at first sight. He wanted to be with Wendy forever.

It was then that he realized Wendy was under the impression that he was an insurance

salesman. How long could he keep this lie up? He figured that if he wanted to be with Wendy,

then he needed to come clean. He decided to tell her at dinner.

Donny and Wendy decided to have dinner the following night after Donny called. Donny

took her to a restaurant called The Rotten Oyster, which was one of his favorite places to eat.

They sat down, ordered, and started talking.

“So what do you need to know about me and my insurance?” Wendy inquired.

“Wendy, I have a confession to make,” Donny began. “I’m not really an insurance


“What? What do you mean?”

“I want to be honest with you Wendy. I really like you. When I first laid my eyes on you,

I knew you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I don’t know how you feel about

this, but I really would like to get to know you on a more personal level.”

“Oh my.” Wendy didn’t know what to say.

“I know this seems like a lot of pressure, and it’s happening very fast, but please, tell me

if you would like to get to know me too.”

Donny had never felt like this before. All of those years of being cold-hearted vanished,

for his heart was full of joy and love.

Shocked, Wendy sat there until she finally said, “You know what, I would like to get to

know you. You seem like a nice, caring guy. I could use a guy like you.”

From that moment on, Donny and Wendy were together. From that moment on, Donny

left his current practice of conning gullible women for Wendy, spending time with her any

waking moment he could. They eventually got married. Donny ended his con-man days and went

to school for business. He eventually became a true salesperson. He and Wendy have lived

happily ever after since.

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