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The Beauty of Life

Fingerprints are said to be unique. Just like their fingertips, I believe that each
person is unique. We differ in characteristics, personalities, but especially in
experiences. Everyday people experience different things throughout their day. We
don’t know the burden each person brings; we don’t know what happens in each
passing second of their whole 24 hours. But what is sure is each experience shapes
the mindset and personality we have today.
Due to different experiences, each person learns different lessons, thus forming
their personalities and mindsets; causing people to perceive the same situation
differently. They may have different experiences that is like the situation at hand,
hence their difference in point of views. That is why sometimes we don’t see eye to
eye with other people.
Two things that people don’t see eye to eye on is happiness and success.
Others would say that money, fame, or power is the key to happiness and success, or
when you’re able to chase your dreams. Another opinion is happiness and success
cannot exist at once. I perceive happiness and success differently and I think they
coincide. I define success as living an abundant life. Happiness on the other hand is
being truly content with what I have, who I am, and what I could do at the moment. But
I believe that you cannot be happy all the time. Because you cannot appreciate the
sun without the storms. I anchor my happiness and success on the Lord. Although it
still includes my family and loved ones, but I am mainly dependent on the One above.
I believe that, despite the storms and trials in life, there is a future that is greater than
my plans. If I am in the place where God wants me to be then that for me is already a
success. If I pray for it, I believe that success and happiness would follow because the
Lord would bless my life abundantly. I know that there are times wherein I really am
not in the place to be happy, but I take comfort and I have hope that someday I would
look back and I would know that in that moment there is a lesson.
We each differently define happiness and success. But to see happiness and
success we need to recognize the beauty in life, pain, and growth. We need to grow
to be in a place to be able to be happy and successful. We do not know if we’re able
to be happy tomorrow or are we going to be successful in the future. That is the beauty
of life, the differences and the unknown. We just need to choose to see the beauty
and the grace we are given in our lives.

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