Machiavelli: 1469 - 1527 A.D., Italy: Machiavelli Was Child of Renaissance. Everything I Was A Child of His

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Machiavelli: 1469 – 1527 A.D.

, Italy
Machiavelli belongs to Italy. He belongs to the time when mediaeval age
was coming to an end and modern need was about to start. This was the
time when Nation states were emerging in Europe. However, Italy was a
house divided against itself. Italy of that time was highly corrupt society.
It was the seat of Roman church. Church by this time had become a
corrupt institution. Machiavelli considered the church as the source of all
Evil in Italy. Not only corruption is because of Church but Italy could not
be unified into one Nation state because of interference of church in
He has served various political offices including as a diplomat of Florence
into the court of France. He had first hand experience of the world of
He has written the reality of politics and it is irony that he has been
criticized by writing the truth. Machiavellianism has become a bad word
by associated with all wrong things in the politics. According to Dunning,
it is a paradox that everyone practices Machiavelli in politics but no one
acknowledges himself as a Machiavellianism.
Machiavelli's book The Prince is treated as the best book ever
written in the field of statecraft (Art of politics). It is a manual for any
enterprising person willing to join politics and want to remain in power.
Machiavelli is a realist. He is considered as father of European secularism.
He is famous for his principles ‘Ends justify the means.’

Machiavelli was child of Renaissance. Everything I was a child of his

time. This statement is most appropriate for Machiavelli. Lasky called
Machiavelli the child of Renaissance.
What was Renaissance: The Renaissance is revival of reason. It is a
revival of Greek philosophy.
What was the salient feature of Greek philosophy? Humanism
It should not be confused with humanitarianism. Humanism is a School
of Philosophy which keeps human being at the center point it is not that
Greeks did not believe in religion or mythology get for the secular sphere
social, political, economic sphere they preferred reasons or logic. Thus,
humanism and rationalism were the two Core features of Greek thinking
revived by Renaissance.
After ancient time, mediaeval Europe saw the centrality of religion. Age
of reason came under eclipse. It became age of religion. This age is called
as dark ages of European history.
During mediaeval time, there was interference of religion in politics
which had bad consequences for both politics as well as religion.
Involvement of church in politics led to the corruption in church and
Europe witnessed religious Wars.
Renaissance marks the revival of reason and humanism. Renaissance first
got reflected in the field of Arts. Renaissance was not just an intellectual
movement but it had profound impact on all spheres of human life.
Renaissance led to the growth of enlightenment, reformation, scientific
Revolution, which led to the industrial revolution, rise of capitalism,
secularism and Nation States.
It is believed that the rise of capitalism has promoted the rise of nation
States. All these developments give rise to modernity.
What are elements of modernity? Secularism, humanism, rationalism,
scientific attitude, materialism, political system and Nation States.
Machiavelli’s works:
1. The prince – in this book Machiavelli has advocated the rule of
prince who is ruling as iron hand. Strong Prince ruling with iron
hand is required for society which are corrupt.
2. Discourses – in this book he has advocated Republican form of
Government like Aristotle. However, Republican form of
Government only where people are having virtues.
Prominent ideas in the prince:
• Nature of the profession and the nature of the field of politics
“how we live is par removed from how we ought to live” ….. those
who abandon what is for ought to be will ruin themselves as well
as their state…. a man who wishes to make a profession of goodness
in everything must necessarily come to grief as he lives with so
many who aren't so good.
Above use of Machiavelli are one among his Advisors to the prince.
Machiavelli is known as father of Political realism.
What is realism? Realism is looking at the things as they are.
Machiavelli has explained politics as it is rather than as it ought to be. If
we look at politics as it is, politics is nothing but struggle for power.
Machiavelli wants Prince to understand nature of profession in which he
is going to enter. He suggests that prints should not try to find goodness
in politics. Politics is not an inspiring field. Prince needs to learn how to
be bad rather than how to be good.
Thus, Machiavelli gives realistic view of politics. Realist are known as
children of Darkness. Suggest to be skeptical about intentions of others.
Only with realist approach Prince can minimize his losses.
Criticism: sabine calls machiavelli as, ‘narrowly dated’ and narrowly
located. The Pessimistic view of machiavelli with respect to politics is
because of machiavelli experience in Italy during his time. Had he
belonged to any other time and space his views would not have been so
Defending Machiavelli: It is true that Machiavelli’s ideas were
influenced by the circumstances prevailing in Italy during his time. But
we cannot say that what machiavelli said is altogether wrong. It is irony
that everyone practices what machiavelli said but no one acknowledges
himself as the Machiavellian and machiavelli is criticized for telling the
reality of the politics.
There is lot of similarity between the views of
machiavelli and those of Kautilya. Both differed in time and space.
Kautilya belong to ancient India and machiavelli belongs to Italy. He
belongs to the time, when mediaeval age was about to end and modern
age was about to start.
Machiavelli on human nature:
According to machiavelli, instead of philosophy; psychology and history
is a better guide to politics. Prince must understand the fundamental
qualities of human nature. According to machiavelli, human nature
remains unchanged.
“men are by nature ungrateful, deceitful, coward, fickle minded
and avaricious (extremely greedy)”. Men easily forget the loss of his
father then loss of his patrimony. Hence, wise Prince executes rather than
confiscate. Machiavelli represent the psychology of emerging bourgeoisie
class. Machiavelli wants Prince to understand the basic nature of man and
make its policies accordingly.
According to him, man is ungrateful By Nature. Hence, man will
forget the favour done by the prince. Hence, it is better for a prince to be
‘feared than to be loved’.
Man is deceitful by nature. Whenever their self-interest demands they will
betray the Prince. Hence, Prince should not trust anyone or should not
take anyone for granted.
Man is coward by nature which means man is fearful By Nature. Man
fears the loss of the things which give him happiness. Prince can exploit
the weakness of man. Prince should convince them that they are secured
only when prince is ruling.
Man is fickle minded which means man can easily change the sides. This
weakness can also be exploited because Prince can bring the person who
is favoring other to his side.
Man is avaricious means extremely greedy. Hence, Prince should give
opportunity for fulfillment of the materialistic nature of man. In this way
Prince can ensure the continuation of his rule.
The way machiavelli explains human nature is that he is pointing towards
the bourgeoisie class. Bourgeoisie class supported Prince in return of the
security of life and establishment of order so that their Enterprises can
Criticism: according to Sabine, machiavelli is narrowly dated and
narrowly located. His description of human nature is too much shaped by
his experience of human nature during his time in Italy.
According to Dunning, machiavelli has presented partial view of human
nature. Machiavelli supports his view on the basis of examples in history.
However, machiavelli goes for selective use of history. He has overlooked
those examples which contradict his understanding. He presented only
those examples which supports only his point of view.

Machiavelli’s advice to Prince:

1. Wise Prince executes rather than confiscates.
2. Man can easily forget the loss of his father rather than loss of his
patrimony or property.
3. It is better for a Prince to be feared than to be loved. People love at
their own will but they fear at the will of the prince. Wise Prince
never does what others want him to do. He does what he is supposed
to do.
Politics is a statecraft. Statecraft is the management of PowerPoint
there are two dimensions of power – fear and love that is hard power
and soft power.
Power of coercion and power of attraction
Prince should know when to use which power and in what
proportion. Between soft power and hard power, Hard power is
more reliable. Soft power alone is not reliable because men are
ungrateful and selfish by nature. Soft power is to be used in
combination with hard Power.
Prince should not be reluctant in using hard power when it is
necessary. However, hard power should not be used in the first
instance. It is preferable if prints use it indirectly through proxies.
The exercise of heart power may lead to the feeling of Revenge.
According to machiavelli, favour should be
done gradually but if fear is to be used it should be used quickly and
in totality. Magnitude of power should be such that it crushes the
enemy completely. Wise Prince will not leave his enemy alive to
take the revenge. Revenge is a very powerful sentiment. Once the
sentiment of Revenge dominates, person will forget even his self
interest and will pursue Revenge even with cost of his life.
Wise Prince is not dictated by others. Prince must know how to
control man as well as the beast in man.

Criticism: according to savine, machiavelli is narrowly dated and

narrowly located. Machiavelli is perception are shaped by Italy of
his time. However, we cannot say that Machiavelli’s ideas lag
universalism. It is not possible to overlook Machiavelli’s
suggestions. It is irony that everyone practices what machiavelli
suggest but no one acknowledges.

What qualities Prince should have?

“Prince should be like a fox and lion. He should be clever like Fox to
understand the traps and should be brave like lion to defend himself
from attacks by wolves.”
The Prince is the best book on state craft written by machiavelli. He gives
advices. He advises Prince to be clever like Fox because when in politics
there will be many contenders of Prince. He may get trapped in
conspiracy. Similarly, there will be many threats to his life so he will be
able to defend himself.
Reason and courage are considered to be the essential qualities of the
ruling class. Since the time of Plato, Machiavelli is more realist when he
clearly suggests the type of Intelligence and courage Prince should have.
He advises remain relevant even in present times because no state can
defend itself without strong Intelligence and defense forces.

Machiavelli’s advice on ethics and politics / religion and politics

“in politics, ends justify the means”
The separation between ends and means is the most defining characteristic
of so called Machiavellianism. It is for this reason machiavelli has been
criticized as immoral.
Machiavelli was the first person who could dare to
suggest that politics and ethics are two different domains. He was the first
person to establish the autonomy of politics from ethics or religion.
Political actions are to be judged not from the yardstick of religion on
ethics. The yardsticks of politics is national interest.
What maybe ethically wrong may be politically correct. The action of The
Prince will be judged by the ends he secured. Action is correct if he is able
to protect the national interest. Machiavelli is treated as the greatest patriot
among political scholars. Machiavelli suggested that nothing should come
in the path of national interest, not even religion.
Machiavelli has invented the concept of dual morality. The morality of
the prince is different from the morality of ordinary person. Ordinary
person may sacrifice his life for the sake of his principles but Prince
cannot put the life of his people and security of his state in danger for the
sake of his principles.
Machiavelli is not immoral nor he is teaching
immorality. He is permitting The Prince to use whatever means Prince
think are in the best interest of nation. It is not only important that prince
take right decisions but also timely decisions. The Ethics or religion may
create dilemma for Prince which we harm National interest.
Gandhi was a critic of Machiavellianism: according to Gandhi, we can
never reach to right ends by unfair means. Gandhi has given priority to
means over ends. He emphasized on purity of means. According to
Gandhi, politics without religion is a death trap.
Machiavelli on religion:
Machiavelli was not anti religion. He had utilitarian approach towards
religion. Religion may be useful because it is a disciplinary force.
Machiavelli suggests Prince to appear religious and not anti-religion in
public even if he does not believe in religion.
Machiavelli was against Church because at that time
Church was a corrupt Institution and he believed that Church is
responsible for lack of Unity in Italy. He was against the interference of
church in politics and not the use of religion by Prince.
Other Advisors of machiavelli:
1. Prince has to be a cold-blooded man.
2. Machiavelli suggest to give preference to common man over nobles.
Because nobles me challenge the prince that common man have
limited aspiration.
3. He was the first person to suggest that Prince should have the Army
comprising of nationals against the practice of mercenary soldiers
(soldier taken on hire).
4. Machiavelli supports expansionist foreign policy. If the land
acquired by Prince has a similar culture like that of the prince, he
can rule directly but if culture difference is there, he should appoint
his proxies / lieutenants.
5. Machiavelli on fortune (luck): machiavelli is a realist to suggest that
we should not overlook the factor of bad luck. Even when Prince
has all the qualities to be successful, still there can be few things
which are beyond control. Prince can still fail, when bad times
It comes like Torrential rain or roaring river. It devastates
man completely. Wise Prince will always make preparations like
embankments to control the flood, yet he may be devastated.
Machiavelli also suggest that the nature of Fortune is like women.
Women embrace brave men. If Prince will face circumstances with
courage, he can turn things in his favour.

Evaluation of machiavellianism as a thinker:

▪ Machiavelli was the child of his Times: every thinker is a child of
his times. However, this statement suits to the Machiavelli most.
Machiavelli's work reflects all major development of his time.
Machiavelli belong to the time when material age was
coming to an end and modern age was about to start. Laski called
him child of Renaissance. We can see the impact of following
development in the works of Machiavelli-
1. Renaissance – Humanism: Machiavelli makes human nature
as core of his political philosophy.
2. Reformation – it led to the growth of secularism as protestant
movement established that religion belongs to the personal
3. End or breakdown of feudalism – Machiavelli advocated that
prints should support common man over nobles.
4. Rise of capitalism – the way Machiavelli describe human
nature reflect the psychology of bourgeoisie / capitalist class.
5. Rise of nation states – Machiavelli is concerned that Italy
should also become a strong Nation and Prince should also
have Army of nationals.
6. Age of geographical explorations – Machiavelli supports
expansionist foreign policy.
7. Beginning of scientific revolution- Machiavelli's realism and
materialism shows the tendency of his time.

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