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What would you do if a user complain about PO system is hung?

Where do you check at PI level when a message gets failed?

Do you know how to stop and start the PI Channels at PO?
What is similar place like SXMB_MONI at PO Java level? How do you navigate to that place?
Do you know the navigation to find the channel list at PO level?
Where do you see Java trace files at OS level?
How do you add a new system in HANA Studio?
What would you do if a HANA thread is stopping the Garbage collection process?
Where do you see HANA CPU usage on HANA studio?
How do you know if a Batch work process which is showing as “in used” for a long time is actually being
used or not?
Where do you see list of active sessions in HANA Studio?
Do you know HANA System Replications? If yes, how many type of replications exist?
Do you have any cluster admin experience?
Do you have any experience on S4 administration?

What approach you followed for AWS migration?

What stage you would receive SPDD and SAPU in upgrade and what would you do?
Have you got experience on CHARM?
How many types of System replications in HSR?
What approach you follow to do kernel upgrade in DB High availability mode?
What approach you follow to take a system reboot in a Application High availability mode where your
intention for System reboot is to make parameter updates?
What would you do to fix, if your secondary node log space is full in HANA high availability mode?
What approach you follow to do a HANA upgrade in a high availability cluster kind of setup?
How do you create integration between SAP and OpenText?
Which is best scaleup or scale out environment?
Do you know how to create a S3 bucket in AWS?
Did you ever do a Cross Region database restore in AWS?
Do we need to configure SSO for every service we create in SICF (OR) can one SAML SSO suffice fore all?
How do you configure SAML SSO?

1. Please introduce about yourself quickly.

2. Do you have any certifications on Cloud Administration?

3. Do you have experience working on HA on Cloud? Specific to S4 HANA?

 What type of HA configurations you had experience working on?

 Can you please explain how does that HA work for Pacemaker and Log shipping?
 What are the crucial services that are essential for HA?
 How many Vitrual IPs does each node (Primary) have in AWS? What happens during fail
 What is the terminology you use to call the Virtual IP in AWS?
 What was your role in HA configuration?

4. What was your approach for migrating On-premise to AWS? How long was the downtime?
5. What if client is not ready to spend money on Cloud Endure/Snowball, and only want to use
Standard SAP tools?

6. What would you do if client give only four hours downtime for a 5 TB server to migrate to cloud?

7. How many types of Storage options you have in AWS? What basis they are separated?

8. Can you increase the IOPS of a EBS storage without upgrading it to premium type?

9. What is the difference between IOPs and Throughput?

10. What if the S4 Application didn’t come up?

 How do you check if the Connection between DB and App is working?

 What is the path for startup trace file.
 What if R3trans-d gives the error “Invalid Database Credentials”, whereas the application
schema user login fine at the HANA level?
 What do you do to update the schema user password at application level? Any command or
any file where you would update the same?

11. In Scale-out scenario where your HANA DB Prod have 4 Nodes and HANA DB QA have only two
Nodes, what steps you follow in QA refresh from Prod DB?

 What parameters you adjust in the target (QA) prior to refresh?

 What all the services you have across each node in scale-out scenario?

12. How would I make sure to have the Fiori app that was developed/Activated in one client is
visible/accessible over second client in a Dev system?

13. How many typed of Load balancers exist in AWS? What are the differences between those?

14. Are there any dual stack applications exist in SAP world today?

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