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M Barrebon
Userr’s Quick Sttart Card V
Version 1.00 h
pect the Package:
One P
PPC19W-45GM M Barebone
One P
Power Adaptorr
One P
Power Cord (USS)
One H
One S
One P
Pack of Screwss
One D
Driver CD/DVD
One U
User’s Quick Start Card

This mmanual is proviided “As-Is” with no warrantiess of any kind, e expressed or immplied, includingg, but not limite
ed to the
ed warranties orr conditions of thhis product’s fitn
ness for any paarticular purpose
e. In no event sh hall we be liable
e for any
loss o
of profits, loss of
o business, losss of data, interrruption of business, or indirecct, special, incid
dental, or conse equential
dama ages of any kind d, even the posssibility of such damages arising from any defecct or error in thiss manual or prod duct. We
reservve the right to m
modify and updatte the user man nual without prior notice. Fun
nction Buttoons

CMOS Batte
ery Damage
Replaace your systemm’s CMOS RAM battery only with the identical CR-2032
C 3V Lith
hium-Ion coin ce ell (or equivalentt) battery
type to
t avoid risk of personal injury or physical dam
mage to your eq quipment. Impro oper installation
n might cause b battery to
explode. Always dispose of used batteries
b accord
ding to the ma anufacturer’s insstructions, or ass required by the
t local
ordinaance (where appplicable). The damage due to o not following th
his warning will void your moth herboard’s manu ufacturer

hlorate Material-- Special Handlin
ng May Apply.
See h uswaste/perchlo

Additional Inforrmation: Poweer button: Turnn on and off thhe unit.

Additiional information
n on setting thiss board up can be found in the User’s Manual in the provided CD or DVD RO OM. The
Onlinee User’s Man nual and FAQ Q/Knowledge B Base can be found on our website by visiting our website: Voluume “+”: Increease the audio volume outpuut
http:///www.bcmcom If your q question is not answered
a in ourr FAQ/Knowledg ur forums and p
ge Base, visit ou post your Voluume “-“: Decreease the audio volume outpuut
messages or submit a new FAQ thro ough FAQ Subm mittal form for us to add your que
estion in our FA
AQ with our answ
wer. Brighhtness “+”: Inccrease the brigghtness of LCD
D panel
Brighhtness “-“: Deecrease the brigghtness of LC
CD panel

N: Incorrect B
BIOS Setup
If you
u do not know how to handle BIOS setup or ho ow to set it up p
properly, it is strrongly advisable
e that you do no
ot modify
any oof the settings th
han otherwise instructed in the U
User’s Quick Staart Card. Even a seemingly sm mall incorrect adjjustment
or moodification in the
e BIOS setup ca an render your ssystem unstable e or unusable. IIncorrect BIOS setup is not covvered by
your motherboard’s
m m
manufacturer wa arranty. Try Cle
ear CMOS inform mation when sysstem does not boot b after BIOS settings
w to access inside the u
unit to instaall CPU, memory,
m ... CPU
U and Heattpipe Installlation

1. Take out the M3 screw from the stannd with 2 lb-in or less. This processor is inntended to be professionallyy installed. Taake proper elecctrostatics disccharge (ESD)
precaautions such aas using approppriate ground strips, gloves,, and ESD matts.

1. Place the CPU on top of the socket.. Make sure tto

align the ggold arrow on the CPU withh the arrow keey
on the sockket.

2. Take out the plastic staand cover and take out 4x #66-32 screws frrom the metall stand with 3 lb-in or

2. Push the CPU down unntil its pins seecurely fit intto
the socket..

3. Take out 4x #6-32 screw
ws from four corners with 3 lb-in or less.

3. On the front
f end of tthe CPU soccket is a lockking
mechanism m designed innto the form oof a screw. M Make
sure that you actuate or o de-actuate this mechanism
with a screewdriver beforre and after installing the CP

4. t plastic bacck cover. Takee out 10x M3 sscrews from thhe back cover with 3 lb-in oor less.
Open up the

4. Place the hheatpipe evennly on the CPU

U die. Lock doown
the screwss in 4 corners with 2 lb-in or less onto ppre-
installed back bracket.

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