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Name: Claudine Leonoras Course Subject: Assessment of Learning 2

Course/Year: BTLED-HE 2 Instructor: Mr. Ariel Larobis


In order to gauge your prior learning in the field of Assessment of Learning 2. Answer
the following study guide or questions. Send your answers through our Google

1. What is Assessment and provide an Example.

- Assessment is a tool used to evaluate the learning progress of the students or
the learners. This tool will help teachers to know the status of the learners. Also,
it can help the students to wider their knowledge. There are different types of
assessments and these are Formative and Summative. Formative Assessments
will conduct before or during class, one of these examples is PRETEST, and the
Summative Assessment will conduct at the end of the Quarter or the Whole
Semester one example of these are the exams and final projects.
2. Define the Meaning of Assessment of Learning and elaborate on your
- Assessment is a systematic process for gathering information about student
learning. It answers the question of how do we know what students are learning
and how well they are learning.
It is an instrument designed to assess the knowledge of students. It also helps
the teachers to easily detect the students learning. It also provides information to
the teachers on how students learn.
3. Compare Assessment of Learning to Assessment for Learning and give
some examples.
- Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning is the same tool used to
evaluate the students learning progress.
- Assessment for Learning referred to as Formative Assessment which is used
before and during class discussion for example PRETEST and Observations.
- Assessment of Learning referred as to Summative Assessment which is used at
the end of the Semester for example Midterm Exams and Final Exams.
4. What are the types of Assessment of Learning 2 and provide an example?
- Diagnostic Assessment - Diagnostic assessments are intended to help
teachers identify what students know and can do in different domains to
support their students' learning, one of these assessments is performing tasks
and quizzes.
- Formative Assessment- A formative assessment or assignment is a tool
teachers use to give feedback to students and/or guide their instruction one of
these assessments is impromptu quizzes.
- Summative Assessment- An example of a Summative Assessment is Portfolio
- Norm-Referenced Assessment- Examples of norm-referenced tests include
the SAT, IQ tests, and tests that are graded on a curve. 
- Criterion-Referenced Assessment- Compare the student’s knowledge and skills
against a pre-determined standard one of these assessments is Performing task.
5. Define classroom assessment and its type.
- Classroom assessment is a systematic approach to formative evaluation used by
instructors or teachers to determine how much and how well students are
learning. The type of Assessment is Formative Assessment.
6. How will you engage the type of Assessment of learning in this pandemic
time? Support your answer.
- Assessment may take different modalities depending on its purpose. During this
time of the pandemic, all modalities of learning assessment had been strongly
dependent on us. I will engage myself in the Formative Assessment wherein the
Synchronous form and asynchronous form will be administered.
7. Discuss Performance-Based Assessment and provide some examples.
Performance-Based- Assessment is testing that requires a student to create an
answer or a product that demonstrates his or her knowledge or skills. Examples
of Performance Assessments include Essays assessing students understanding
of a subject through a written description, analysis, explanation, or summary.

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