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12 TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2009, DELHI BUSINESS OF www.livemint.

com TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2009,DELHI 13

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10 WAYS TO closed is not your definition of
relaxation, here’s a style of
When you work out improves bowel movements and
helps remove toxins from the
the commitment if you give
yourself flexibility to do it later
W hile you were sleeping… Did your back muscles re-

meditation no one can com-
plain about. Herbert Benson,
in the morning, you body. Plus, it keeps you energetic
throughout the day. “Ever since I
during the day. But once you
get it out of the way, you don’t
lax completely? And while your vertebral column
lost the support of those stabilizer muscles that propped
director emeritus, Benson-
Henry Institute for Mind Body
are more likely to have started drinking water first
thing in the morning, I feel that I
have all day to come up with di-
versions and excuses.”
it up all through the day, did your bed hold it up just so?
Or have you woken with a crick in your neck, a kink in
Medicine in Chestnut Hill, adhere to your have a lot more energy and a your spine and a dent in your temper? That’s what we re-
Massachusetts, writes in his much better level of concentra- 9. Roll your eyes ally call “getting out of the wrong side of the bed”.
book The Relaxation Response exercise regimen, says tion all through the day,” says Working continuously for ump-
that meditation can be inter- Amitabh Sharma, a Dehradun- teen hours, staring like a zombie Learning to lie down
preted as walking, swimming, Reebok master based entrepreneur. at the computer screen, trying to Most of us should be sleeping 6-8 hours a night: That’s a
painting, knitting…basically finish that presentation before quarter to one-third of our lives! Falling asleep is one of
any activity that helps keep trainer Nisha Verma 7. Coax a cuddle starting on the next… Is this what the few things human beings are born knowing how to

your attention calmly in the “Right in the morning, jump- you foresee in the hours ahead? do, and don’t need to learn. So we take it for granted that
present moment. How’s that that the amino acid L-theanine start the relaxation response of Then you are probably also we know what we are doing when we sleep.
for simplicity? in green tea improves memory, your body by cuddling your pet, dreading tired, swollen eyes, But do we? If we did, why would the very “natural” way
cognitive functions and learn- giving a huge hug to a family blurred vision, light sensitivity we curl up or fall flat on our backs leave us with aches,
3. Set the clock back ing and counters stress respons- member or snuggling with your and headaches later in the day. pains and weariness? Maybe we need to reconsider.
New Delhi-based Geetika es, both psychologically and spouse,” advises psychologist “Eye fatigue is a common prob- If your sitting or walking posture, the way you pick up
Ganju, business communica- physiologically. L-theanine also Ashima Puri, Fortis La Femme, lem, so take steps to sort it out things or go through the motions at the gym makes the
tor, master of ceremonies and stimulates the production of the Delhi. This way, you can show right in the morning,” suggests difference between energy and injury, the way you hold
television anchor, wonders same alpha brainwaves that tension the door and keep your Delhi-based yoga instructor Ab- yourself a third of a day must make a bigger difference.
why she didn’t do this earlier: were generated by the Zen stress levels low all day. Studies hinav Sagar. The problem, people often imagine, is that we aren’t
“I had been hearing of this all monks during meditation. have also shown physical con- He advises yoga mudras for conscious enough to correct our posture while asleep.
my life from my mom, but tact (which includes petting your the eyes, such as the Sambhavi But the human mind is quite suggestible. Surprising as it
(only) when I began practising 5. Note to self: read dog or cat) may actually help mudra: Look up to try and see may sound, you can actually, over a period of time,
it about a year back, I realized Why not read something posi- lower blood pressure and de- your eyebrows, and then down change your sleep posture just through determination.
its effectiveness,” she says. tive or uplifting in the morning crease stress hormones. to try and focus on the tip of your
“It’s simple: I just set my for a while? Read something in- nose. Repeat 10 times to the ex- Sleep straight
alarm clock 15 minutes early. spirational, motivational or 8. Get exercise tent comfortable every morning. A basic requirement for really restful sleep is that we keep
This way, I don’t have to jump spiritual. Those few minutes A good reason to work out in our spine in neutral, bearing as little load as possible.
Switch on the music, BY KAVITA DEVGAN with the discovery that listen- morning, right after you get out of bed and rush through early in your day, used for feed- the morning is that it gets your 10. Things to avoid
···························· ing to Mozart improved peo- up, can help clear the mind,” the morning. Plus I get time to ing your mind with positive metabolism going and jump- Equally important are things to
give a loved one a hug,

t was sheer chance, but it ple’s mathematical and spatial says Rama Ranjit Mehra, func- do things I enjoy during this thoughts, will pay dividends all starts your body and mind for exclude during the golden hour
make yourself a green worked. Punita Khandel- reasoning. Even rats ran mazes tional medicine practitioner at time. I have tea leisurely, take day long—indeed, all life long. the day ahead. There is noth- of your morning.
wal,* 32, a highly faster and more accurately after Ranjit’s Svaasa Wellness Bou- my dog for a walk, write a bit “I have a collection of motiva- ing like getting your heart rate • Television news: If at all you
cuppa... These are just stressed chartered ac- hearing Mozart than after being tique Spa Haveli, Amritsar, on my Vaio (or add to whatev- tional quotes and poems and I and sweat going for an imme- must, get it in small doses.
some of the things you countant based in Delhi, exposed to white noise or mu- and Svaasa Wellness, New Del- er I am writing at the mo- like to read at least one every diate sense of wellness. “When • Snooze button: Start waking
got hold of a tape of ocean sic by minimalist composer hi and Bangalore. “It helps in ment) and make a list of my morning…puts me in a positive you exercise in the morning, up when you have decided to.
can do to start your sounds and played it while Philip Glass. Some experts balancing the body channels, to-dos for the day in my little frame and then that’s the frame the endorphins produced last You won’t sleep well once the
having breakfast one morning. think that music boosts brain- replenishes the mind energy black diary. All this while I stay in all through the day,” all day, adding to your sense of alarm’s clanged and clamoured,
day right and bright And relaxed instantly. “The power simply because it makes and energizes the vital forces there are Shiv shlokas (play- says 28-year-old Gargi Purohit,* well-being and happiness,” so you may as well get up and
feeling of calm stayed with me listeners feel better, both re- of our body,” she claims. And ing) in the background. These a sales executive from Noida. says Delhi-based Nisha Verma, get on with it. The mattress is your first consideration. Some dos and don’ts
all through the day,” she says. laxed and stimulated at the adds: “Our minds are in a con- extra minutes add to my feel- To add a memory-boosting master trainer, Reebok. This • Coffee refills: Give that sec- 1. Always use a mattress. A hard floor may seem tradi-
Most of us would do much to same time, and that a compara- stant state of thinking and, ing of well-being and reaffirm bonus for your brain, also eat a endorphin hit is addictive and ond cup a miss. Avoid drinking tional, but it is not a good idea.
wake up feeling happy and ble stimulus might do just as contrary to what most people every morning that my happi- breakfast of high-fibre whole you will continue to feel good too much caffeine during this 2. A good mattress needs to be soft but firm. Sounds like
ready to take on the world. Yet it well. Apparently, music helps think, it is most aggravated ness is a priority.” grains, low-fat dairy items, for 24 hours after that, which time of purposeful planning an oxymoron? The bottom part should be firm enough to
Illustration by can be achieved easily enough. bring on a more positive state when we wake up. Which is whole fruit and lean protein. should see you through to your and preparation. support you (not let you sink in unduly); the top couple
Jayachandran/Mint We talked to health and life- of mind, helping to keep de- why it’s no coincidence that 4. Colour your cuppa green next workout, she notes. of inches must be yield, so that your hips and shoulders
style experts, as well as busy pression and anxiety at bay as heart attack rates are at their Green tea is already popular be- 6. First, drink water “Plus, when you work out in push in just enough to align your spine (see illustration).
professionals adept at juggling well. And morning is a good highest in the morning, just af- cause it has one-third the caf- The fact is that you’ve been fast- the morning, you are more like- 3. The moment you notice lumps or hollows that refuse
demands on their time, to time to start positive, before the ter waking.” feine of regular tea and does not ing all night, so you wake up de- ly to adhere to your exercise *Names changed to protect to spring back, it’s time to change your mattress.
bring you a prescription for a day can get you down. There’s scientific proof of the bring on caffeine dependency. hydrated. This is why drinking regimen,” she adds. “This is be- privacy
good morning. Ayurveda too swears by it too. benefits of meditation: A 1960s But there’s another benefit: its water first thing in the morning cause exercise is all about disci- Next, the pillows
Ayurveda claims the doshas study by Akira Kasamatsu and calming effect. is a very good idea. Not only does pline and there are chances Write to us at Your neck is a bridge between your head and the rest
1. Turn on the music (vata, pitta and kapha) can be Tomio Hirai, physicians at the Several studies have shown it cleanse your system, but also that you’ll try and wriggle out of of your body. It needs the right structural support to
Make your morning musical, balanced by music therapy. University of Tokyo, found that keep it from falling. When you use a pillow only un-
like Khandelwal did. alpha waves in the brain be- der your head, your neck is trying to hang on between
About a decade ago, Frances 2. Meditate, in many ways came amplified in 48 Zen mas- the pillow and your shoulders with no support but its
Rauscher, a psychologist now It’s not just for the spiritually ters and their disciples during own muscles. With those muscles tensed through the
at the University of Wisconsin, inclined. “Meditating for just a meditation. night, how do you expect to feel fresh in the morning?
and her colleagues made waves few minutes, especially in the If sitting still with your eyes (Plus, most jobs involve sitting at a computer, tensing
neck and shoulders all through the day too.)
1. Never sleep without a pillow. It scrunches your
neck up, especially if you sleep on your side. It’s like
tilting your head to your shoulder for 8 hours! That
has to hurt.
2. The pillow is there to support your neck and head, not
your shoulders, or you’ll destroy the alignment again.
3. When you sleep on your side, you need more pil-
low height than if sleeping on your back. The pillow
must bring your head and neck in line with the spine.
Too high, and your neck folds forward; too low and it
flops back. So match your pillow to your posture.

For more about your sleep posture and how it affects the
SURF SLEEP KNOW TREAT quality of your sleep, see ‘Surf’, far left.

The author is a practitioner of musculoskeletal medicine

WEB EXCLUSIVE March has been declared Sleep Awareness Month by the Indian To learn more about nutritional gatekeepers who influence how Philips is entering the home health care market in India, intro- and sports and exercise medicine. He is also CEO and
medical director of Back 2 Fitness. Write to him at
For more on sleep postures and how to get a Sleep Disorders Association (Isda), in association with Abbott a family eats, Cornell University researchers queried 770 family ducing the Philips Respironics products for management of
good night’s shut-eye, visit India Ltd. Here are some myths Isda would like to rectify: cooks about their personalities, cooking methods and favourite obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and home respiratory care. India
sleeptight.htm • “In sleep, your brain shuts down.” In fact, the sleeping brain ingredients. Five distinct types emerged. is the first country where the Philips Respironics portfolio has For previous Treadmill columns, log on to
is more active at certain times than it ever is during the day. “Giving” cooks (22%) are enthusiastic about cooking and spe- been launched formally since its global acquisition of Respiron-
RELATED ARTICLES • “Worry is the primary cause of insomnia.” In fact, insomnia cialize in comfort food. “Methodical” cooks (18%) rely heavily on ics in 2008.
For other articles on sound can occur due to various physical and mental conditions. recipes, so are strongly influenced by the cookbook they use. OSA is a condition characterized by the repeated cessation of
sleep and sleep disorders, as • “Insomnia affects only the elderly.” Insomnia affects people “Competitive” cooks (13%) think less about health and empha- breathing during sleep, resulting in snoring as well as poor oxy-
well as on choosing the right of all ages, though usually just for a night or two. size on making the most impressive dish. “Healthy” cooks (20%) gen flow in the blood. It is estimated that in India, for example,
mattress, visit • “Our body has the ability to adjust to different sleep sched- often serve fish and use fresh ingredients, but taste isn’t the pri- close to 4% of the adult population suffers from moderate to LIVEMINT BLOG ules.” Actually, the human biological clock is programmed to mary goal. “Innovative” cooks (19%) like to experiment with severe OSA, with only a fraction being diagnosed. Bobby John Varkey
sleep at night and be active during the day. ingredients, methods and cuisines, which tends to lead to more The new Respironics products being introduced also include LIFE etc...
• “Insomnia can be cured automatically.” Insomnia actually healthful cooking. non-invasive ventilation and oxygenation technologies for I become a fashion victim... again! at
requires proper treatment. STAFF WRITER ©2009/THE NEW YORK TIMES home use by patients with respiratory problems. STAFF WRITER

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