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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Are you a binge ➤ Did you know that ➤ India stays alive in
TODAY’S watcher? We tell you how to Udaipur, the city of lakes, is the ICC Women’s WC
Newspaper in


get rid of this habit before it also famous for its rich his- with win over
becomes an addiction tory and architecture? Bangladesh External affairs minister S
Jaishankar had rejected putting
PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Ukraine on the QUAD agenda last
month, telling reporters after the
QUAD meeting in Melbourne that
“this meeting is focused on the
CLICK HERE: PAGE 1 AND 2 Indo-Pacific, so I think you should
figure out the geography there”

Your marks in class XII boards US President Biden calls India

‘shaky’ in Russia confrontation
won’t impress colleges anymore U S President Joe Biden said on Monday
that India was an exception among
Washington’s allies with its “shaky”
response to the Russian invasion of
Yes, you read it right. From the academic session 2022-23, no weightage will be given to board
Ukraine. Speaking at the business round table’s CEO
exam performances in undergraduate admissions in all the central universities and their quarterly meeting at the White House, Biden said
affiliated colleges, according to a decision by the University Grants Commission(UGC)... that while some members of the Quadrilateral
Security Dialogue (QUAD), like Japan and Australia,
SO, HOW WILL ADMISSION HAPPEN? have responded to Russia’s aggression strongly,

India has been “somewhat shaky” on some of the
While the universities will be the CUET scores for admissions to their issues. Biden said, the North Atlantic Treaty
allowed to set a minimum eligibil- programmes. There are 45 central univer- Organisation (NATO) and the QUAD have presented a
ity on board exams marks, sities funded by the UGC. The UGC has united front against Russian President Vladimir
entrance to undergraduate courses will also made the test broad-based by doing Putin’s aggression and lauded the US-led alliance,
be through a Common University away with central university from the
including NATO, the European Union and key Asian
Entrance Test (CUET) score, which will nomenclature so that state, deemed and
partners, for its united front against Russia.
be the basis for admission private universities, too, can join

2 3
The National Testing Agency will For admissions to programmes in Since the beginning of the The QUAD —
conduct the CUET for the under- audio-visual or performing arts, war, India has expressed deep comprising
graduate and postgraduate pro- and extra-curricular and sports
grammes. According to the UGC, all the category, universities or colleges can give concern over the deteriorat- Japan, India,
central universities will have to consider weightage to practical or trials, it added ing humanitarian situation in Australia and the
Ukraine. India has repeatedly United States — is
THE PATTERN jects. Section 1A, which will asked all the stakeholders to not an alliance but a grouping
be compulsory, will be in 13 resolve differences through of countries driven by shared
 The computer-based test,
Indian languages, and candi- dialogue but has abstained
to be conducted in the first interests and values, and
dates can choose the lan- from condemning Russia’s
week of July, will be sched-
guage of their choice interested in strengthening a
uled in two shifts invasion of Ukraine in the
rules-based order in the
 The syllabus of the CUET  If a university has a cer- United Nations Security
strategically-important Indo-
will be mirrored with the tain percentage of seats Council
reserved for local students, Pacific region
class XII model syllabus of
it can retain that. But these Not really, according to M Jagadesh Kumar, chairperson, UGC, who pointed
 The CUET will have section students will also have to out that “all the IIT admissions use JEE scores primarily because of the
1A, section 1B, general test
and domain-specific sub-
take admission through
CUET, the UGC said
diversity of the boards and the different kinds of evaluation systems.” The
same is true with the university admissions, which is why we are giving one New Delhi world’s most-polluted
standard NCERT syllabus so that everybody can prepare and have a common
reference ground, he added  The CUET will also be applicable to all the capital city for 2nd consecutive year
IS IT A minority institutions, such as the St Stephen’s College, Delhi; Aligarh Muslim
University, and Jamia Millia Islamia, where aspirants for seats reserved for
NEW minority communities will also have to clear the CUET

SYSTEM? Share your views at TOINIE175@GMAIL.COM



seat at the table is

hree-time Winter Olympic champion speed skater Kjeld Nuis

T has become the first person to break the 100 kph barrier,
shattering his own record set four years ago. Nuis, who won
ew Delhi has been ranked the
world’s most-polluted capital city
for the second consecutive year,
The annual PM2.5 concentration aver-
ages in 48 per cent of India’s cities,

to pull up a chair’
gold medals at the Pyeongchang and Beijing Games in the 1,000m
followed by Dhaka (Bangladesh), exceeded 50 Ig/m3 or more than 10
and 1,500m races, clocked 103 kph in Tynset, Norway — 10 kph faster
N’Djamena (Chad), Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and times the World Health Organisation’s
than his previous record set four years ago in Sweden.
Muscat (Oman). Of the 15 most-polluted cities (WHO) air quality guidelines. Fine par-

ON RECORD BOOK in Central and South Asia in 2021, 12 were in ticle pollution, known as PM2.5, is
ormer PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi has a valuable advice for all, On a 3-km-long India. New Delhi saw a 14.6 per cent increase in commonly-accepted to be the most
which can be applied at work, home and in life, in general. She natural ice rink PM2.5 concentration in 2021, 96.4 Ig/m3, up harmful, widely-monitored air pollu-
believes the best way to get a seat at the table is to “pull up a from 84 Ig/m3 in 2020. Only the territories of tant, and has been found
on Savalen New Caledonia, US Virgin Islands and Puerto to be a major contribut-
chair”, which means actively seek out opportuni-
ties instead of waiting for them. In a short
Lake, Nuis skat- Rico met the updated WHO PM2.5 air quality ing factor to health
ed behind a guidelines. IQAir’s 2021 World Air Quality effects, such as asth-
video on social media, the business Report is the first major global air quality ma, stroke, heart and
leader said, “I believe the best way to shield called a report based on an updated annual WHO air lung diseases.
get a seat at the table is to pull up a ‘wind catcher’ quality guidelines for PM2.5. The new guide- PM2.5 leads to mil-
chair. Don’t wait to be invited because the lines were released in September 2021
invitation may never come.”
dragged by a Dakar Rally car to reduce wind and cut existing annual PM2.5 guideline
lions of premature
resistance deaths every year
values from 10 Aug/m 3 to 5 Aug/m 3.

seek out opportuni-
ties to participate and
take every opportunity
6-year-old boy heads to police station to complain about traffic
you can to share your

talent and unique video of a six-year-old boy questioning a policeman and talking about
perspective the traffic issues near his school in Andhra Pradesh, has gone viral.
The boy named Karthik, who studies in UKG, reached the local police
station in Palamaner of Chittoor district on Thursday, and complained
about the traffic near his school to the Palamaner circle inspector N Bhaskar
Indra Nooyi, one of the
most-powerful business
about tractors blocking traffic and the dug-up roads. He even requested the
leaders in the world, has policeman to visit the area and solve the issue. The policeman was impressed
often spoken about her person- by the little boy and offered him sweets. He even assured the boy that his
al and professional journey, and
about the challenges of rising Celeb complaint will be taken care of, and gave his phone number to the boy, asking
up the corporate ladder as an him to give a call whenever he faced such a problem while going to school.
immigrant in the United States talk
02 “Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what
happened yesterday.”


Stop making these
storage mistakes on your
Android phone right now

How to know if your TV

habits are a problem –
and what to do about it

he term “binge-watch” was a contender for the
Oxford English Dictionary’s 2013 word of the
year. Although it didn’t win (“selfie” ultimately
took the crown), this pointed to the rise of what

was becoming a popular activity of watching n days when 64GB storage has become almost
multiple episodes of a TV show in a single sitting. standard across Android phones, storage is usu-
Today, millions of us regularly consume our favourite
series in this way. The proliferation of streaming servic-
ally not a big issue. However, it may become a
es over recent years has made it very easy to do. Unsur- problem if you are not using your Android phone
prisingly, during Covid lockdowns, research shows many right. There are basic steps/tips that you need to
of us spent more time binge-watching than usual. follow to keep storage space free on your Android
phone. Here are ‘mistakes’ that you need to stop
Can binge-watching become making on your Android phone right now to make
problematic or addictive? sure there are no storage woes for you.

roblematic binge-watching isn’t defined by the num-
ber of episodes watched (although most researchers
agree it’s at least two in a row), or a specific number
of hours spent in front of the TV or computer screen. AS

A Look At The Evidence

n the latest study on this topic, a research
team in Poland surveyed 645 young adults,
all of whom reported that they had watched Not saving photos and videos online
at least two episodes of one show in a single sit-
ting. The researchers wanted to understand
some of the factors underlying problematic
P hotos and videos are one of the biggest space
consuming items on your phone. So, remember
to save your photos and videos online to a cloud

The authors (who based their definition of
problematic binge-watching partly on my storage service like Google Photos. Every Google
components model of addiction) used a ques- account comes with 15GB free storage that includes
tionnaire they developed in an earlier study to Google Photos. Once done, make sure you delete
assess problematic binge-watching among par-
ticipants. Questions included: “How often do you them on your phone. You can see the backed-up

neglect your duties in favour of watching series?” copies in the app using Wi-Fi or mobile data.
“How often do you feel sad or irritated when you
can't watch the TV series?” and “How often do
you neglect your sleep to binge-watch series?”


Participants had to give answers on a six-
point scale from one (never) to six (always).
A score above a certain threshold was deemed
indicative of problematic binge-watching.
▲ Binge-watching is the most impor- ▲The number of hours the person
Using a range of other scales, the researchers
found that impulse control difficulties, lack of pre- tant thing in the person’s life spends binge-watching each day has
meditation (difficulties in planning and evaluating the
consequences of a given behaviour), watching to escape (salience) increased significantly over time
and forget about problems, and watching to avoid feeling (tolerance)
lonely were among the most significant predictors ▲ The person engages in binge-
of problematic binge-watching.
watching as a way of reliably chang- ▲The person experiences psychologi-

Using the same data, the researchers reported
in an earlier study that problematic binge- ing their mood: to feel better in the cal and/or physiological withdrawal
watching had a significant association with anx- short-term or to temporarily escape symptoms if they’re unable to binge-
iety-depressive syndrome. The greater the symp- from something negative in their life watch (withdrawal)
toms of anxiety and depression, the more prob- Not removing downloaded movies,
(mood modification)
lematic a person’s binge-watching was.
▲ If the person manages to tem- music and other media regularly
An American study found the behaviour was
associated with depression and attachment
anxiety. Most related studies – like this one
from Portugal – have also shown escapism to be a
▲ Binge-watching compromises key
aspects of the person’s life like rela-
porarily stop binge-watching, when
they engage in the activity again, M ake sure you delete the movies, music and
other media that you have downloaded regu-
larly. To delete content from Google Play: Open the
key motivation of problematic binge-watching. tionships and education or work they go straight back into the cycle
(conflict) they were in previously (relapse) Google Play app with the content, like Play Music

In terms of personality traits, research has
shown that problematic binge-watching ap- or Play Movies & TV. Tap the Menu and then
pears to be associated with low conscientious- If you want to cut down on If you can’t control at all, talk Settings and then Manage downloads. Tap
Start watching as a reward to
ness (characterised by being impulsive, careless BREAKING watching in one sitting, a gold- yourself after you’ve done every- to a clinical psychologist. Most Downloaded and then Remove.
and disorganised) and high neuroticism (charac-
terised by being anxious and prone to negative THE HABIT en rule is to stop watching thing you need to in terms of addictions are symptomatic of
emotions). We see these types of associations in mid-way through an episode work and social obligations other underlying problems
addictive behaviours more generally. PTI


2021 TRENDS Not uninstalling apps that you don’t use

U ninstall the apps you don’t use much. For, you

can download the app later again when you

othing can come gal elections, Tropical cyclone Tauktae
between India’s and Lockdown made it to the top 10 among need it. If you paid for the app, you won’t have to
love for cricket the most searched news events by Indi-
and it was proved ans, according to the list.
buy it again.
yet again as the In- Euro Cup, Copa America, Wimbledon,
dian Premier League (IPL) and Paralympics and French Open were
ICC T20 World Cup fills the top Neeraj Chopra among the most searched sporting events
spots for the trending query this year.
overall in the year, beating even arched to the apex Neeraj Chopra arched to the apex of
the likes of Covid vaccine or
CoWin portal, according to
of the personality the personality list with his history-mak-
ing performance at the Tokyo Olympics –
Google India’s ‘Year In Search
2021’ announced recently.
list with his Independent India’s first ever medal in
athletics. He was followed by superstar
IPL, which was also the history-making Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan, who
most searched sporting event, got embroiled in a major controversy af-
was followed by CoWIN, ICC T20 performance at the ter being booked by the NCB in an alleged
World Cup, Euro Cup, Tokyo
Olympics and Covid Vaccine in Tokyo Olympics – drug case in October 2021.
Tesla founder Elon Musk and page
the top trending query list on
search engine giant Google.
Independent India’s three celebrities such as Vicky Kaushal,
Shehnaaz Gill, and Raj Kundra were
Not clearing the app’s cache and data
first ever medal in
Y ou can usually clear an app’s cache and data
Notably, the IPL had topped among the names that piqued interest of
the trending query list last year the nation. The list also included two more
athletics 2020 Tokyo Olympic medalists PV Sindhu
through your phone’s Settings app. This deletes
as well. Tokyo Olympics, Black
Fungus, Afghanistan, West Ben- and Bajrang Punia. Agencies temporary data. These settings vary from phone to
phone, depending on the model. Gadgets Now
It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
towards the teachers, or vice-versa.
If the learning environment
remains so fearful and violent, Boscon aces interstate
OF EDUCATION yoga competition
cumstances, the schools are forced the quality of education starts
to keep the tools and weapons in to decline. The agitation and
their premises in order to ensure insecurity that is present in the

the safety of the students. But the air during war time, compels the
ar leads to deteriora- on the education system.

chool Games Fed-
major drawback of that is it leads students to stay at home which eration of India
tion of health, lives, The educational institutions,
to provocation of the students reduces their attendance in (SGFI) hosted a Del-
and property and the which are considered the best hi State Yoga Com-
schools. The most affected fac-
most important, edu- place to ensure educat- petition, which was or-
tor amongst all, are
cation system. ing the future citizens, ganised by the Department
the girls, who are vul- of Education – Sports
War is such disastrous action, are destroyed due to the
nerable to sexual vio- Branch and held at Chha-
the consequences of which, leave wars. The infrastructure trasal Stadium on Febru-
lence. Hence, they are
worst circumstances. We, normally is left unsafe for the ary 19.
preferred to stay at Palak Gupta, a student
misunderstand that wars are students to learn there.
home only. of class X of Bosco Public
amongst countries. But, the fact is The young and tal- School, Paschim Vihar did the school in the direction you want to go, is at
that the wars or conflicts can be ented children are proud by bagging the first position in the heart of yoga practice. Under her
within the country, on the grounds aimed at to become the the Under-17 Individual Category. She mentors’ guidance Palak made sure
Principal, Euro displayed her skills by being focused to upsurge the prestige of the school
of community, politics or religion. soldiers leaving the edu- and coordinated while performing var- and was congratulated on her in-
International School,
Whatever might be the cause cation behind. ious asanas and relished the power of credible feat by our perseverant prin-
of the war, it has the worst impact In such fearful cir- Sector 37D, Gurugram being still and stout. She also secured cipal, Rajeev Duggal, distinguished
the third position in the artistic com- chairman, Dr G S Tuteja and dy-
petition and gave a tough competition namic vice principal, Priya Handa.

Students bid farewell main cabinet was carried

out on the beats of the
drum as the Assistant
What is the use of
to other participants.
The incredibly agile Boscon
proved that ‘abyhasa’, a steady effort
Palak’s achievement is a testimony
to her grit, determination, and
sportsmanship spirit.

to their alma mater Main Cabinet members re-

maths activity?
ceived the sash and badge
from their seniors. This
Science Day celebration at Ryan
he Graduation valedictorians. The clas- year the Rabindra Ratna
Ceremony for sical dance by the class Award was given to Malvi-

n order to

the class of 2022 XI students on the song ka Chawla of class XII. yan International School , supports combustion. Rishav Ambawat
of Tagore In- ‘Kanha re’ was beautiful Dr Bani Yadav, She- gain the Sohna road celebrated National from class VI did a role play on C V Ra-
ternational School, to say the least. The falee Gupta and Madhu- most, you Science Day to commemorate man and Eshtha gave information
Vasant Vihar was held the dis- about National
on March 12 in the have to covery of Raman Science Day.
school. The day com- know how to Effect by CV Ra- The school
menced with the lighting convert nega- man, the great principal Peeya
of the ceremonial lamp physicist and No- Sharma appreci-
by the chief guest, Dr
tives to posi- ble Prize winner. ated the efforts of
Bani Yadav, rally driver tive! With this The students the students and
and car racer, National approach in of primary and awarded winners
Champion, Asia Pacific mind, ASN Senior Secondary School, Mayur Vihar School gives middle wing pre- with certificates.
Rally Cup Winner sented variety of The primary
(Ladies), school princi- the opportunities to apply various mathematical concepts in science experi- wing winners:
pal Shefalee Gupta and speech by the president lika Sen, in their inspir- our day to day life. We are given some very interesting activi- ments and demon- 1 . Ya t h a r t h
the senior education ad- of the Students' Council, ing address, told the stu- ties using commonly seen stuff at home in order to have a strations in a spe- Gulwanshi, 2.
visor Madhulika Sen. Vaishnavi Pandey was dents that they must not cial assembly with Samriddhi, 3.
very clear understanding of the concept. All these activities
The programme pro- reminiscent of the time settle for mediocrity in apt props and Naitik and Anay
ceeded with reading spent at school. their lives and that each help us have an edge over the various mathematical concepts working models depicting solar system, Kumar Singh, Daksh.
out the citations by The 'handing over of of them must strive for and most importantly how to apply them in common pariance air has weight, density of water, mech- Middle wing winners: 1. Samriddhi
teachers, followed the charge' by the main excellence whatever the which generates interest in the subject. anism of breathing, solar and lunar Pandey, Eshtha Gathwal, 2. Anshika Da-
with the speeches by cabinet to the assistant challenges. eclipse, electrical circuit and oxygen gar, Saksham Raghav.

Rukmini Devi Public School
T ravel is something my whole
family enjoys and this trip to
Udaipur after a long gap was
refreshing. When we reached
there, we checked in at a
next day we visited Fatehsagar Lake,
Pichola Lake and City Palace. The
Palace is huge and I was informed

beautiful resort. After relax-

ing, we went to Chittorgarh
which is 150 kms away from
Udaipur. Chittorgarh is famous
for its fort with seven gates
VANSHIKA known as ‘Pol’. To enter that
UPRETI, fort, we need to cross all the
class V-D, seven gates. We also visited
Rukmini Devi Meera Bai and Shree Krishna
Public School Temple, which are very few in
AANSHI GUPTA, class V-D, India. Our next halt was where so small that the Mughals were
Rukmini Devi Public School
Rani Padmavati had performed not able to enter it easily.
“Johar” with other 16000 It was an amazing trip. I was

Celebrating Basant Panchami

Ranis. It is the place where Rani so happy to know about the histo-
became Sati. ry of kings like Maharana Pratap,
While exploring the fort, I Maharana Kumbh and many oth-
came across the Vijaya ers. I was also amazed by their

haheed Bishan Singh and XII were awarded with var-
Memorial Sr Sec ious prestigious awards. Apart Stambha- the imposing victory architect and all the things they
School, Mansarover from academics, Khushboo monument constructed by the had done to protect the kingdom
Garden celebrated Bas- Rana (class IX) was awarded for Hindu Rajput king Rana Kumbha from Mughals.
ant Panchami with great fer- bringing laurels in sports as
vour to commemorate the birth well as for getting top positions of Mewar. that this is the only palace, where AARUSH AGRAWAL, class III, St Kabir
anniversary of Satguru Ram in National Pencak Silat (Taek- After returning to Udaipur, the Mughals never ruled. The gates were High School, Ahmedabad
Singh. Besides other dignitaries, wondo) Championship and for
the school chairman H S her selection in Asian Games.
Hanspal also graced the occa- Manager, Satwant Kaur
sion. The program started with was honoured for her aston-
a speech on importance of Sat-
guru’s teachings like ‘Jap
Prayog’ or ‘Sodh Maryada’ in
ishing 40 years of working pro-
file and showing the righteous
path for growing immensely.
this pandemic stage.
Followed by a choir who re-
mesmerised the audience. The
shabad was followed by the prize
The programme was culminated
by expressing the heartiest grati-

cited a beautiful ‘shabad’ in praise distribution ceremony in which tude to the management as well as
of Satguru Ram Singh which meritorious students of class X the school principal Puja Singhal. he only constraint in the contemporary era is time and ocial media has come to play an important role in dem-
social media has emerged as a major platform for politi- ocratic societies. It not only allows people to express
cians to capture the attention of their target audience. their views, but also helps them to form an opinion. But

Annual school exhibition, ‘Abhivyakti’ Many leaders use it to sell their political messages and ideas
to the voters. And nothing wrong with it as
that does not mean that awareness among them is a miss and
they are impressed by good words put by

FOR everyone has a right to promote self. politicians on social media. Some politi-
un Valley Internation- sented both still & working mod-
al School, Ghaziabad or- els depicting various themes Politics is like a war and those who have cians do use social media to woo their
ganised Science Exhibi- during the exhibition. resources, will use all means to win it and voters, but citizens are equally aware and now they
tion ‘Abhivyakti’ in the The major attraction of the
school on February 23 to mark exhibition were lunar landing, this includes glorifying themselves on social media. It don’t easily believe in politicians’ words.
National Science Day. The par- 3D solar system and biodiversi- is a bitter truth that people have lost touch Awakened citizens do not just go by social
ticipation was open for students ty point. The lunar landing was with reality and the virtual world is real for media and in some cases, leaders have got
from classes VI to VIII. The stu- exhibited using pulley system. them. Majority of people trolled for spreading wrong. We
dents were required to demon- The 3D solar system was a vi-
refuse to see beyond and hence leaders who cannot assume that the leaders active on
strate models based on topics sual depiction of entire solar
which they have studied during system in 3D using balls and know how to use social media for their bene- social media are always praised more as peo-
their curriculum. The exhibition was inaugu- scrap. The biodiversity point fit are praised, while leaders who believe in ple are aware of the kind deeds of Sonu Sood,
The purpose of exhibition rated by management of the captured the theme of diversi- ground action have a limited audience. even though he did not use social media.
was to develop creativity, scien- school. The visitors to the exhi- ty by showing various types of
NIMISHA SONI, class IX, Zebar School for PAVNI SHAH, class IX, Zebar School,
tific temperament & designing bition included students and rice, animal specimens, life
skills in students. their parents. The students pre- processes etc. Children Ahmedabad Ahmedabad
I can’t digest defeat, I am a very bad loser.
There have been times when I got sleepless nights because of it.
Jhulan Goswami, Indian cricketer

Beat Bangladesh by 110-runs to keep semis hopes alive

astika Bhatia’s gritty half-centu- Jhulan Goswami when she dismissed the latter, while

ry and Sneh Rana’s all-round per- Vastrakar accounted for the former a few overs lat-
formance powered India to a dom- er. The pace duo of Goswami (2/19) and Vastrakar
inating 110-run win over Bangla- (2/26) shared four wickets between them.
desh and kept them in the hunt for
a semifinal spot at the ICC
Women’s World Cup, on Tuesday. BATTERS PUSHED
Opting to bat, India recovered from a mid-inning Earlier, Smriti Mandhana (30) and Shafali Ver-
collapse to post a modest 229 for seven, riding on a ma (42) shared 74 runs for the opening wicket but
responsible 80-ball 50 by Bhatia and a late flourish Ritu Moni (3/37) and Nahida Akter (2/42) reduced
from Rana (27) and Pooja Vastrakar (30). India from 74 for no loss to 108 for 4 . Mandhana
ended up hitting straight to Fargana Hoque off Ak-
ter, while Moni struck twice in two balls in the next
SPINNERS SHINE over to leave India at 74 for 3 in 15.4 overs.
Defending the total, the spinners, led by Rana Skipper Mithali Raj (0) was out for a first-ball
(4/30), controlled the proceedings as they struck at duck as India lost three wickets
regular intervals. India bowled out Bangladesh for in quick succession. Vice-cap-
119 in 40.3 overs to register their third win of the tain Harmanpreet Kaur
tournament. The big win helped India improve (14) then joined Bhatia
their Net-Run-Rate (0.768) further. as the two tried to res-
urrect the innings but
duo scored only 34
runs in 70 balls. Lata

Bhatia (50 off 80) Mondal

and Richa Ghosh (26) Sneh Rana
then added 54 runs to
take India past the 150- Photo: AFP
run score. However, Ak-
ter brought Bangladesh
back into the game when she
had Ghosh caught behind. After
completing her fifty, Bhatia perished.
Vastrakar (30) and Rana (27) then came together
at 180 for 6 at the end of 44th over to add 48 off 38 balls,
taking India past the 200-run mark. With the two go-
ing strong, the last 10 overs yielded 64 runs. PTI
Shafali Verma (L) and Smriti Mandhana

The Mithali Raj-led side will take on South

Africa in the final league match Sunday. If sec-

ustralia’s relentless march balls as Australia won their sixth straight
ond-placed Proteas beat West Indies on Thurs-
through the Women’s World match, the star skipper scooping another
day, India’s semifinal chances get better.
Yastika Bhatia India’s decision to bring in senior spin- Cup continued with captain player-of-the-match award. “We thought
ner Poonam Yadav (1/25) in place of pac- Meg Lanning thrashing an unbeaten (270) was par and the track got better
er Meghna Singh paid dividends. With century as the tournament towards the end of South African
Photo: AFP

spinners operating from both the ends on favourites dealt South Africa a
a slow track, Bangladesh found the run- innings,” said Lanning.
humbling five-wicket defeat in Unbeaten coming into the match, Sune

Photo: AFP
scoring difficult.
India restricted Bangladesh to 69/5 Wellington on Tuesday. Luus’s South Africa were buoyed by 90
after 25 overs. Lata Mondal (24) and Salma Australia made light work of South runs from opener Laura Wolvaardt but rued
Khatun (32) provided some resistance with Africa’s 271 for five, ticking off the
a 40-run partnership, which was broken by
a dreadful day in the field.
Meg Lanning winning runs with nearly five overs to Australia have now won 18 successive
spare. Lanning smashed 135 off 130 matches when chasing in ODIs.


Becomes first para-athlete to win the award; Lekhara, Bhagat too win Padmas I
ndia churned out yet an-
other stellar performance
in the ongoing SAFF U-18
Women’s Championship 2022
as they beat Nepal 5-1 in their

ce Indian javelin thrower De- This is the first time a para athlete the 50m rifle 3 positions event. third fixture of the football
vendra Jhajharia on Monday Alongside Jhajharia and Lekhara, tournament. India take on
became the first para athlete has got the Padma Bhushan,. Now I gold medal-winning javelin thrower Sum- Bangladesh in their final fix-
to receive the Padma will have more responsibility it Anil, gold medallist in badminton ture on March 25.
Photo: AIFF

Bhushan, the country’s third towards the country, to win more Pramod Bhagat were the other Paralympic A splendid hattrick by
Lynda Kom
highest civilian award. The 40-year-old stars to be conferred with the honour. Lynda Kom in the 23rd, 38th
Jhajharia received the prestigious award
medals for India. To the youth, I will say That he has achieved a first was not and 61st minutes, and a goal tried to put in a header but
from President Ram Nath Kovind at Rash- work hard. One minute of work will not lost on Jhajharia. each by Shilky Devi in the missed by a whisker.
trapati Bhavan. get you anything. I have worked hard for Lekhara tweeted, “Honoured and 16th minute and Anita Ku- India’s first break-
Jhajharia is a multiple-time Para- the past 20 years, and 2002 was grateful to be awarded the Padma Shri. mari in the 55th minute led through came in the 16th
lympics medal winner, having won his This award is a testament to not only my the Young Tigresses to a minute when captain Shilky
maiden gold during the 2004 Paralympics the first time I won a gold medal. efforts, but the sacrifices of my family rather comfortable win in a Devi delivered with an inch-
in Athens, his second gold medal during DEVENDRA JHAJHARIA and the support of everyone involved in show of dominance after perfect header from Nitu Lin-
the Rio Games in 2016, and a silver medal my career helping me achieve all I have. Nepal had pulled one goal da’s pass. A couple of min-
during the 2020 Tokyo edition last year. In
2012 he was the first Paralympian to be
Padma Shri for Lekhara “I look forward to representing the
country with the same passion!”
back in the second half.
Keeping their winning
utes later, Lynda Kom, in the
23rd minute, doubled the lead
honoured with Padma Shri. Tokyo Paralympics double medallist The Padma awards are conferred in momentum alive after their with a glancing header.
The javelin thrower competes in the F46 shooter Avani Lekhara received the Pad- three categories -- Padma Vibhushan, Pad- last win against Bangladesh, Nepal looked to strike
events in the Paralympics and was among ma Shri for her excellent showing last ma Bhushan, and Padma Shri. These the Indian girls heaped pres- back but were struggling to
the four Paralympic medallists to be con- year. Lekhara won a gold medal in the 10m awards are given in various disciplines sure on the opponents from create chances and keep pos-
President Ram Nath Kovind presents Padma Bhushan to Devendra ferred with the Padma awards this year. air rifle standing event and a bronze in and fields. AGENCIES the opening minute. In the session in dangerous areas as
2nd minute itself, Lynda Kom the India stood firm. ANI
Jhajharia for Sports, in New Delhi Photo: ANI

Who has become India’s Slam title in 2021? Which current player has
Q U IZ T IM E ! Q3: second-highest wicket-
taker in Test cricket?
a. Roger Federer b. Rafael Nadal
c. Daniil Medvedev d. Stefanos Tsitsipas
Q6: the longest active singles
win streak in the Davis Cup with
a. Tomas Berdych- Lukas Rosol vs Stan
Wawrinka - Marco Chiudinelli
b. Leonard Mayer vs Joao Souza
a. Jasprit Bumrah 32 singles rubbers ?
The World Youth Boxing
Q1: Championships, where Indian
women won 7 gold medals, were held
b. Mohammed Shami
c. R Ashwin
a. Andy murray
b. Rafael Nadal
c. Mats Wilander vs John McEnroe
d. Mahesh Bhupati-Leander Paes vs Jonas

Novak c. Stan Wawrinka Bjorkman-Patrick Rafter

in which country? d. Ishant Sharma
Djokovic d. Marcos Baghdatis
a. Russia
b. Poland
Where was first Under 19
c. Ukraine
d. France
a. India
Cricket World Cup held ? Q7: Triples is a new format of
1 b.Poland
2 c. Herschelle Gibbs
a. Squash 3 c. R Ashwin
b. Australia b. Tennis 4 b Australia
Who was the first cricket
Q2: to score 6 sixes in an over
in an ODI?
c. Berlin
d. China
c. Badminton
d. Chess
5 c. Daniil Medvedev
6 d. Marcos Baghdatis
a. Ravi Shastri 7 c. Badminton
The longest ever Davis Cup
b. Gary Sobers
c. Herschelle Gibbs Q5: Who did Novak Djokovic
defeat to win his 9th Q8: rubber was a titanic tussle
between _______
8 a. Tomas Berdych- Lukas Rosol vs Stan
Wawrinka - Marco Chiudinelli
d. Kieron Pollard Australian Open and 18th Grand Photo: AFP

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