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The most important, By: Dr. Ahmed
Contract Charter
A legally binding agreement between the Buyer and the It is usually prepared internally within the Performing
Seller. Organization.
It is a mutually agreed document between the Buyer and It is issued by the Project Sponsor to the Project Manager.
the Seller. Sponsor gives the commitment to provide funds and
resources while PM gives the commitment to complete the
It is a legally binding agreement. Usually it is not a legally binding document.
It can be signed either for a project or for operational work. It is prepared for a project only.

Projects that are done internally without any third party As a good practice, a charter should always be prepared.
direction, support, or governance do not need a contract.

Contract VS Charter
All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Team charter Charter
The team charter is a document that establishes the team It is usually prepared internally within the Performing
values, agreements, and operating guidelines for the team. Organization.
The team charter works best when the team develops it. It is issued by the Project Sponsor to the Project Manager.
All project team members share responsibility for ensuring Sponsor gives the commitment to provide funds and
the rules documented in the team charter are followed. resources while PM gives the commitment to complete the
The team charter can be reviewed and updated periodically Usually it is not a legally binding document.
to ensure a continued understanding of the team ground
rules and to orient and integrate new team members.
It is prepared for a project or many projects It is prepared for a project only.

As a good practice, a team charter should always be As a good practice, a charter should always be prepared.

Team charter VS Charter

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Assumptions log VS Constraints log

Assumptions log Constraints log

An assumption is a belief of what you assume to be true in the future. Constraints are limitations imposed on the project, such as the limitation of cost,
You make assumptions based on your knowledge, experience or the schedule, or resources, and you have to work within the boundaries restricted by
information available on hand. these constraints.
Assumptions are supposed to be true but do not necessarily end up being Business Constraints
true. Sometimes they may turn out to be false, which can affect your Business constraints depend on the state of your organization; for example, time,
project significantly. budget, resource, etc.
Technical Constraints
Technical constraints limit your design choice. For example, let’s say you’re
constructing a pipeline, and according to the design your pipeline should be able
to withstand a certain amount of pressure.
Examples The following are a few examples of constraints:
You will get all resources required by you. You must complete 25% of the work within the first 30 days.
During the rainy season, cheap labor will be available. You have to work with the given resources.
All-important stakeholders will come to the next meeting. You will be given only two site engineers.

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Activity Attributes VS WBS dictionary

Activity Attributes WBS dictionary

Activity attributes extend the description of the The WBS dictionary is a document that provides detailed
activity by identifying the multiple components deliverable, activity, and scheduling information about each
associated with each activity. component in the WBS.
include the activity identifier (ID), WBS ID, and activity Code of account identifier, Description of work,
label or name, and when completed, may include Assumptions and constraints, Responsible organization,
activity codes, activity description, predecessor Schedule milestones, Associated schedule activities,
activities, successor activities, logical relationships, Resources required, Cost estimates,
leads and lags , resource requirements, imposed dates, Quality requirements, Acceptance criteria,
constraints etc. Technical references, and Agreement information.

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Risk register Risk report
The risk register captures details of identified individual The risk report presents information on sources of overall
project risks. The results of Perform Qualitative Risk project risk, together with summary information on identified
Analysis, Plan Risk Responses, Implement Risk individual project risks. The results of Perform Qualitative Risk
Responses, and Monitor Risks are recorded in the risk Analysis, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, Plan Risk
register as those processes are conducted throughout Responses, Implement Risk Responses, and Monitor Risks are
the project. also included in the risk report

Contains: Sources of overall project risk, indicating which are the most
List of identified risks. important drivers of overall project risk exposure;
Potential risk owners. and
List of potential risk responses. Summary information on identified individual project risks,
a short risk title, risk category, current risk status, one or such as number of identified threats and opportunities,
more causes, one or more effects on objectives, risk distribution of risks across risk categories, metrics and trends,
triggers etc.

Risk register VS Risk report

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Quality reports Quality control measurements
The quality reports can be graphical, numerical, or Quality control measurements are the documented results of
qualitative. The information provided can be used by Control Quality activities. They should be captured in the
other processes and departments to take corrective format that was specified in the quality management plan.
actions in order to achieve the project quality
may include: Measurements include:
all quality management issues escalated by the team; Inspection results
recommendations for process, project, and product Test results
improvements; corrective actions recommendations Any deviations or variations
(including rework, defect/bugs repair, 100% inspection, Any other quality control measurements
and more); and the summary of findings from the
Control Quality process.

Quality reports VS Quality control measurements


Testing is an organized and constructed investigation conducted to An inspection is the examination of a work product to determine if it
provide objective information about the quality of the product or conforms to documented standards. The results
service under test in accordance with the project requirements. of inspections generally include measurements and may be conducted at
any level.

The intent of testing is to find errors, defects, bugs, or other The results of a single activity can be inspected, or the final product of the
nonconformance problems in the product or service. project can be inspected. Inspections may be called reviews, peer reviews,
- HVAC systems audits, or walkthroughs. In some application areas, these terms have
- Elevators narrow and specific meanings. Inspections also are used to verify defect
- Data base integration repairs.
- BMS - Concrete inspection
- Plastering inspection
- Painting inspection

Quality tests VS Quality inspections

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |

Testing is an organized and constructed investigation conducted to An inspection is the examination of a work product to determine if it
provide objective information about the quality of the product or conforms to documented standards. The results
service under test in accordance with the project requirements. of inspections generally include measurements and may be conducted at
any level.

The intent of testing is to find errors, defects, bugs, or other The results of a single activity can be inspected, or the final product of the
nonconformance problems in the product or service. project can be inspected. Inspections may be called reviews, peer reviews,
- HVAC systems audits, or walkthroughs. In some application areas, these terms have
- Elevators narrow and specific meanings. Inspections also are used to verify defect
- Data base integration repairs.
- BMS - Concrete inspection
- Plastering inspection
- Painting inspection

Quality tests VS Quality inspections

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Quality tests Quality inspections
Testing is an organized and constructed investigation An inspection is the examination of a work product to
conducted to provide objective information about the determine if it conforms to documented standards. The results
quality of the product or service under test in of inspections generally include measurements and may be
accordance with the project requirements. conducted at any level.

The intent of testing is to find errors, defects, bugs, or The results of a single activity can be inspected, or the final
other nonconformance problems in the product or product of the project can be inspected. Inspections may be
service. called reviews, peer reviews, audits, or walkthroughs. In some
- HVAC systems application areas, these terms have narrow and specific
- Elevators meanings. Inspections also are used to verify defect repairs.
- Data base integration - Concrete inspection
- BMS - Plastering inspection
- Painting inspection

Quality tests VS Quality inspections

Analogues est. Parametric est.
Analogous estimating is a technique for estimating the Parametric estimating is an estimating technique in which an
duration or cost of an activity or a project using algorithm is used to calculate cost or duration based on
historical data from a similar activity or project. historical data and project parameters. Parametric estimating
Analogous estimating uses parameters from a previous, uses a statistical relationship between historical data and other
similar project, such as duration, budget, size, weight, variables (e.g., square footage in construction) to calculate an
and complexity, as the basis for estimating the same estimate for activity parameters, such as cost, budget, and
parameter or measure for a future project. duration.
Analogous duration estimating is frequently used to This technique can produce higher levels of accuracy
estimate project duration when there is a limited depending on the sophistication and underlying data built into
amount of detailed information about the project. the model.
is generally less costly and less time-consuming than
other techniques, but it is also less accurate.

Example: Example:
If you have completed 1000 m3 excavation for previous If the assigned resource is capable of installing 25 meters of
project in 10 days and your current project have 2000 cable per hour, the duration required to
m3 then your current project excavation will take 20 install 1,000 meters is 40 hours (1,000 meters divided by 25
days meters per hour).

Analogues est. VS Parametric est.

Scope Validation VS Quality Control
item Scope Validation Quality Control
Definition Reviewing the deliverables with the customer to ensure that Evaluates the project results (outputs, deliverables)
they are completed satisfactorily and within project approved to ensure they comply with quality standard

timing At the end of each phase or the project Throughout the project life cycle from start to end

How Establish a good Scope management plan and collect clear Finding & eliminating sources of quality problems
,complete and census requirements (functional or non functional through tools & equipment so that customer's
) and put suitable traceability matrix requirements are continually met.

Who implement Project manager, client or consultative body Quality control team

Example provide the performance report to my sponsor for his approval check the data and figures within my performance
As part of my project management report to ensure they are correct
requirements, I need to produce a
weekly project performance report.

Output (major) Formal acceptance Tally sheet, check sheet, inspection sheet
All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Manage Quality vs Quality Control
item Manage Quality Quality Control

Definition QA is a set of activities for ensuring quality in the processes by which QC is a set of activities for ensuring quality in
products are developed as well as continues improvements. products. The activities focus on identifying defects
in the actual products produced.

Focus on QA aims to prevent defects with a focus on the process used to make the QC aims to identify (and correct) defects in the
product. It is a proactive quality process. finished product. Quality control, therefore, is a
reactive process.

How Establish a good quality management system and the assessment of its Finding & eliminating sources of quality problems
adequacy. Periodic conformance audits of the operations of the system. through tools & equipment so that customer's
requirements are continually met.

Responsibility Everyone on the team involved in developing the product is responsible for Quality control is usually the responsibility of a
quality assurance. specific team that tests the product for defects.

Statistical Techniques Statistical Tools & Techniques can be applied in both QA & QC. When they When statistical tools & techniques are applied to
are applied to processes (process inputs & operational parameters), they finished products (process outputs), they are called
are called Statistical Process Control (SPC); & it becomes the part of QA. as Statistical Quality Control (SQC) & comes under

Process group Execution All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy | Control
A qualitative risk analysis prioritizes the identified A quantitative risk analysis is a further analysis of the
project risks using a pre-defined rating scale highest priority risks during a which a numerical or
quantitative rating is assigned in order to develop a
probabilistic analysis of the project.

risk-level project-level

subjective evaluation of probability and impact probabilistic estimates of time and cost

quick and easy to perform time consuming

no special software or tools required may require specialized tools

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Risk Mitigation Plan VS Risk Contingency Plan


You identify actions which you will take in advance irrespective You plan actions, but you monitor certain warning signs. You
of the occurrence of risk take these actions only when you see the warning signs. Or
when you accept certain types of risk

You spend time and money in advance for the given risk You do not spend time or money in advance, but you keep
condition them ready, and invest them when needed

We are expected to mitigate the risks which are outside the By identifying the contingency plan, we do not change the
risk threshold. By applying a mitigation plan, we reduce the probability or impact of the current risk, but we plan to control
probability of impact of the identified risk. the impact as risk event looks like occurring.

This works as the first level of defense for the high exposure This works as a fallback plan for the high exposure risks.

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Secondary Risks VS Residual Risks

Manage communication Manage Stakeholders

Manage Communication is all about interacting Stakeholder engagement on the other hand
with the Stakeholder . It focuses on the Medium - focuses on Relationship Building with the
Phone, Face to Face, Web conference. It also stakeholder . Use your negotiation, leadership,
focuses on the Stakeholder Encoding, Sending, influence skills to interact and manage stakeholder
Receiving ,Decoding and Acknowledge project expectations, foresee and proactively control
communication to and from the Project Manager . changes to scope,
Communications plan is all about how frequently ,
how and when you will communicate (Part of
Communication Management Plan).
Examples: Examples:
• project reports If essential changes are requested by
• Project meetings Stakeholders, go through the proper Change
• Any information exchange inside or outside from Control Process, Seek endorsement and support
or to the project. from your sponsor at all times,
Keep stakeholder informed of project progress at
all times and balance their conflicting needs with
regards to scope, cost, time, risks, priorities.
All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Contingency Plan: a contingency plan is
developed to be taken only when risk event
Contingency • only for risks that have been accepted (i.e. no
proactive actions to be taken to minimize their
Plan occurrence)
• for identified risks (known unknowns)
VS Fallback • developed during Plan Risk Responses process

Plan Fallback Plan: a fallback plan is developed

to deal with risks if the primary planned risk
response is not effective
• to be taken after the Contingency Plan
• for identified risks (known unknowns)
• developed during Plan Risk Responses process
All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |

Enterprise environmental factors are Organizational process assets include

internal and external environmental any of the organization’s process assets
factors that can influence a project’s that may be used to ensure project
success, including: success.
Organizational culture They generally fall into two categories:
Organizational structure Processes, guidelines, and procedures,
such as: organizational standard
Internal and external political climate processes, standardized guidelines,
Existing human resources templates
Available capital resources The corporate knowledge base, such
Regulatory environment as, lessons learned, historical
information, past project files (I call
Financial and market conditions this: The Repository of Goodness)

Funding Limit reconciliation VS Funding Req.

Funding Limit reconciliation Funding Requirements

When you first lay your cost estimates over time Each working period should have required fund
and aggregate the funds by time period, you to cover all required costs.
should compare the results with any funding
limitations identified in the scope statement or
Cost budgeting technique Cost Budgeting output
May accompanied with changing network Sponsor may change project plan to satisfy funds.
diagram or critical path.

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Control chart’(control limits vs specifications limits)
Specification limits are the targets set for the process/product by customer or market performance or
internal target. In short it is the intended result on the metric that is measured.
Control limits on the other hand are the indicators of the variation in the performance of the process. It is
the actual values that the process is operating on. It is the real time value.

Control Limits Specification Limits

Voice of the process Voice of the customer
Calculated from Data Defined by the customer
Appear on control charts Appear on histograms
Apply to subgroups Apply to items
Guide for process actions Separate good items from bad
What the process is doing What we want the process to do
All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |
Project Management Information System VS
Information Management Systems
• Project Management Information System. An information system consisting of the tools
and techniques used to gather, integrate, and disseminate the outputs of project
management processes. It is used to support all aspects of the project from initiating
through closing, and can include both manual and automated systems.

• An information management system provides a set of standard tools for the project
manager to capture, store, and distribute information to stakeholders about the project’s
costs, schedule progress, and performance. Some software packages allow the project
manager to consolidate reports from several systems and facilitate report distribution to
the project stakeholders.

All copyrights are reserved to Ahmed Alsenosy |

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