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Proforma of the client

Name- PKD

Age- 22

Gender- Male

Education- Pursuing postgraduate education in clinical psychology

Presenting concerns- NA

Test administered- Sack’s Sentence Completion Test

Purpose of testing- To assess the severity of emotional disturbances across various domains of

individual functioning

Behavioural observations-

● Appearance and grooming- Properly dressed and groomed. Hair combed.

● Psychomotor activity- Normal and no signs of tics or mannerisms. No psychomotor

agitation or retardation was observed.

● Speech- Participant’s speech was spontaneous, coherent, had proper intonations, and

was rich in content. He could answer the questions posed, and could elaborate his

responses when requested to do so.

● Eye contact- The participant made appropriate eye contact throughout the sessions

Test results

Attitude towards mother- 0

Attitude towards father- 0

Attitude toward family unit- 1

Attitude towards women- 0

Attitude towards heterosexual relationships- 0

Attitude towards friends and acquaintances- 0

Attitude towards superiors at work or school- 0

Attitude towards people supervised- 0

Attitude towards colleagues at work or school- 0

Fears- 0

Guilt feelings- 3

Attitude towards own abilities- 0

Attitude towards past- 1

Attitude towards future- 0

Goals- 2

Test interpretation

The scores on the individual domains indicate that the participant has been battling with certain

guilt feelings, and might also lack motivation for achievement.

Impression and recommendation

The client might benefit from therapy focusing on uncovering and addressing the origins of the

guilt feelings. Additionally, he might also benefit from counselling that aims at improving


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