Short Fictional Narrative

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Short Fictional Narrative

(Important Long, Short & MCQs)

Q. No. 2: Short Questions.

i. Define a short story. What is the difference between a short story and a novel?
ii. What does the cage symbolize in “The Hunger Artist"?
iii. How does “The Hunger Artist” represent humankind?
iv. What is the setting of “A Hunger Artist”?
v. What is the principal motivation for hunger artist?
vi. How does the prisoner manage to escape from the ceremony in “The Three
vii. Why is the title of the story appropriate in "A Cup of Tea"?
viii. What kind of a relationship do Rosemary and Philip share in "A Cup of Tea"?
ix. What is the theme or central idea of the story “A Cup of Tea”?
x. What is the symbolic significance of the old man and his enormous wings?
xi. How does the prisoner manage to escape from the ceremony in “The Three
xii. What were the three questions that occurred in the tsar's mind?
xiii. What were hermit's answers to the tsar's three questions in "The Three
xiv. How did the hermit answer the questions of the king through his actions as a live
xv. What is the message of “Eveline” by James Joyce?

Q. No. 3: Long Questions.

i. What is a short story? Discuss its elements and types.

ii. Discuss the various themes the writer has dealt in the short story “The Hunger
iii. Analyze and discuss “The Hunger Artist” as an allegory.
iv. Tolstoy’s short story “The Three Questions” is story of wisdom, acceptance,
kindness, and forgiveness. Discuss
v. Critically analyze Tolstoy’s short story “The Three Questions”.
vi. Why is the title of the story appropriate in "A Cup of Tea"?
vii. Discuss the role of the supernatural in Marquez' story “A Very Old Man with
Enormous Wings”.

Prepared by: Teachers of English (ADP)

Short Fictional Narrative
(Important Long, Short & MCQs)
Q. No.1: MCQs

1. Why do the watchmen guard the artist?

a) To protect him from the crowds
b) To make sure he doesn't eat
c) They have nothing else to do
d) They are to get money from him

2. How long is the hunger artist usually allowed to fast before the impresario stops him?
a) Forty days
b) Nine weeks
c) Six months
d) One year
3. Who pretends to banter with the artist?
a) Watchmen
b) A woman in the crowd
c) The manager
d) Another artist
4. What happens before the crowd disperses?
a) Artist dies
b) Artist sings
c) Orchestra plays
d) Manager takes more money
5. After the artist fires his manager, he signs on with…
a) CAA
b) William Morris
c) Goldman Sachs
d) The circus

6. What does the hunger artist do when he and the impresario dissolve their partnership?
a) Joins the circus
b) Retires to a cottage
c) Writes a book
d) Starts eating well
7. Who are especially drawn to watching and talking with the hunger artist?

a) Women
b) The poor
c) Children
d) The elderly

8. What kind of men do the townspeople usually select to ensure that the hunger artist is not eating
during the night?

a) Miners
b) Butchers

Prepared by: Teachers of English (ADP)

Short Fictional Narrative
(Important Long, Short & MCQs)
c) Dock workers
d) Farmhands
9. In his final deathbed confession, the hunger artist says that he only fasted because he could never ___.
a) See God otherwise
b) Get enough attention
c) Find food he liked
d) Learn another skill
10. What does the hunger artist wear?
a) Black tights
b) A lavish cape
c) Nothing
d) A fur loincloth
11. What is Father Gonzaga's attitude toward the idea that the old man is an angel?

a) Indifference
b) Enthusiasm
c) Skepticism
d) Outright denial

12. What conclusion do Pelayo and Elisenda draw about the man Pelayo discovers?

a) He is an angel
b) He is a demon
c) He is Icarus
d) He is American

13. Where do Pelayo and Elisenda keep the old man?

a) Their grain cellar

b) Their guest bedroom
c) Their chicken coop
d) Their garbage dumpster

14. What does Elisenda decide to do when the crowd grows large and disorderly?

a) Charge admission
b) Call the police
c) Take the old man inside
d) Build a stronger coop

15. What is the most remarkable feature of the old man's physical appearance?

a) His handsome face

b) His antlers
c) His filthiness
d) His wings

Prepared by: Teachers of English (ADP)

Short Fictional Narrative
(Important Long, Short & MCQs)

16. Unlike the old man, what is the Spider Woman able to offer the crowds of gawking villagers?

a) Miracles
b) An unusual physical form
c) A beautiful appearance
d) A clear moral message

17. Why do Pelayo and Elisenda decide to host the visitor, rather than club him to death as their neighbor

a) Pelayo's broken arm heals

b) They feel inexplicable happiness
c) Their sick child recovers
d) Elisenda conceives

18. What causes the crowd around the old man to disperse?

a) The old man dies

b) Pelayo calls the police
c) Winter sets in
d) A freak show arrives

19. What phrase best describes the kind of care that Pelayo offers the old man?

a) Grudging and limited

b) Grudging but unlimited
c) Gracious and unlimited
d) Gracious but limited

20. What is the nature of Elisenda's relationship with Pelayo?

a) She is Pelayo's mistress

b) She is Pelayo's daughter
c) She is Pelayo's wife
d) She is Pelayo's mother

21. Rosemary Fell was shopping in -------------

a) Bond Street
b) Curzon Street
c) Regeant Street
d) London Street

22. The shop man showed Rosemary Fell a little---------------.

a) box
b) flower box
c) car
d) lilac flower

Prepared by: Teachers of English (ADP)

Short Fictional Narrative
(Important Long, Short & MCQs)

23. The price of the little box that Rosemary Fell bought was ----------------.
a) twenty eight guineas
b) twenty eight dollars
c) twenty eight shillings
d) twenty eight pounds

24. The meeting of Rosemary Fell and the little girl was like the meeting in a novel by…..
a) Tolstoy
b) Gorky
c) Dostoevsky
d) Katherine Mansfield
25. ------------was the house-maid of Rosemary Fell.
a) Miss Smith
b) Jeanne
c) Miss Philip
d) Miss Eliza
26. Rosemary’s husband Philip said that the beggar girl was---------------.
a) pretty
b) frightened
c) hungry
d) surprised
27. Rosemary gave the beggar girl a cash gift of--------------.
a) three pounds
b) twenty pounds
c) three dollars
d) twenty eight pounds

28. Who is the criminal in Thomas Hardy's short story ''The Three Strangers?''

a) The 50-year-old man

b) Stranger #1
c) Stranger #2
d) Stranger #3

29. What is it about the third stranger's behavior that strikes the household as odd in ''The Three

a. He is terrified.
b. He is drunk.
c. He is laughing hysterically.
d. He comes in and falls asleep.

30. How does the second stranger convey his occupation to the party-goers in ''The Three Strangers''?
a) He ignores their question.
b) By singing about it.

Prepared by: Teachers of English (ADP)

Short Fictional Narrative
(Important Long, Short & MCQs)
c) By writing it down.
d) By yelling it out loud.

31. Who is the constable in Thomas Hardy's short story ''The Three Strangers?''

a) The 50-year-old man

b) Stranger #1
c) Stranger #2
d) Stranger #3

32. How does the second stranger convey his occupation to the party-goers in ''The Three Strangers''?

a) He ignores their question.

b) By singing about it.

c) By writing it down.

d) By yelling it out loud.

33. What is it about the third stranger's behavior that strikes the household as odd in ''The Three

a. He is terrified.
b. He is drunk.
c. He is laughing hysterically.
d. He comes in and falls asleep.

34. What is the profession of Eveline's lover?

a) Doctor
b) Lawyer
c) Sailor
d) Engineer

35. What is Eveline holding in her lap as she looks out the window at the start of "Eveline"?

a) Letters to her family

b) A white cat
c) A china horse
d) A bowl of soup

36. What sound does Eveline hear that reminds her of mother's death?
a) A pigeon cooing
b) A train whistle
c) A breaking glass
d) A street organ

Prepared by: Teachers of English (ADP)

Short Fictional Narrative
(Important Long, Short & MCQs)

37. What did Eveline promise to do before her mother's death?

a) Maintain the family home

b) Get an education
c) Marry a nice man
d) Poison her father's soup

38. How does Eveline intend to leave Dublin to elope with her lover?

a) By boat
b) By train
c) On foot
d) In a carriage

39. Who asked the questions in The Three Questions?

a) The queen
b) The minister
c) The king
d) The wise man
40. Why did the king want to know the answer to these questions?

a) To become a wise man

b) To avoid failure in life

c) To get the victory

d) None of these

41. The bearded man was the:

a) relative of the king

b) friend of the king

c) king’s sworn enemy

d) guard of the king

42. The king in The Three Questions finally decided to seek the advice of a certain –

a) Farmer

b) Priest

c) Hermit

d) None of those

43. The wounded man was

a) a friend of the hermit

Prepared by: Teachers of English (ADP)

Short Fictional Narrative
(Important Long, Short & MCQs)
b) a friend of the king

c) an enemy of the hermit

d) an enemy of the king

44. The hermit was a –

a) Old and weak

b) Very greedy

c) Cruel man

d) None of these

45. Who came to the king to answer the questions?

a) Ministers

b) Many wise men

c) Guards

d) Women

46. Blood was flowing from the bearded man’s –

a) Hand

b) Left leg

c) Stomach

d) Head

47. The king sent a/an to look after him.

a) Doctor

b) Unaesthetic

c) Quack

d) Servant

48. Whom did the king see?

a) The soldiers

b) A lion running towards them

Prepared by: Teachers of English (ADP)

Short Fictional Narrative
(Important Long, Short & MCQs)
c) The ministers

d) A bearded man coming towards them

49. When the bearded man saw that the king was awake he said-

a) Thank you b)

b) Forgive me

c) He had to go now

d) None of those

50. The king’s reaction was

a) Undesirable

b) Humiliating

c) Justified

d) instant


Prepared by: Teachers of English (ADP)

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