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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Penaranda – Off Campus
Penaranda, Nueva Ecija



• Identify the three types of claims.
• Analyze the claims in a text whether it is a claim of fact, policy, or value.
• Write a statement using different types of claims.


Topic: Types of Claims
Reference: English 11, Quarter 3 Lesson 3
Materials: Pen and paper, PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Cellphone


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
Class, before we begin our
lesson for today let us pray first.
Kindly lead the prayer _____.
-Let us bow our heads and feel the
presence of the Lord.
Dear Lord, thank you for today. For
your protection and love, we thank
you. Help us to focus our hearts and
minds now on what we are about to
learn, inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as
we listen and write. Guide us by your
eternal light as we discover more
about the world around us. We ask all
b. Greetings this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Welcome to English 11.
Good morning class!
-Good morning, ma’am!
How are you today?
-We’re good ma’am.
Okay, I’m glad that you were all
good today!

c. Classroom Management
Class for our classroom rules,
Please keep in mind the health
and safety protocols to keep
safe from Covid-19.

d. Checking of Attendance
To know how many students
are with me in this meeting
today, kindly send a heart emoji
in the chatbox.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Review
Last meeting, we discussed
about the properties of a well
written text. Before we proceed
in our next lesson, I want to
know if you can still remember
our previous lesson. Is that
okay with you class?
-Yes ma’am.
Okay, who can tell me what are
the properties of a well written
text? Anyone? -The properties of a well written text
are text organization, coherence and
cohesion, language use and language
Very good!

In your own words, who can tell

me what is text organization?
Anyone? -It is the arrangement of text, how it
physically appears, the physical
format, signal words and structure.

How about language use? Who

can tell me what islanguage
-it is the informal and formal use of
Exactly, thank you!

I’m glad class that you were

able to understand and recall
our topic last meeting.

2. Motivation
Now it’s time for some activity.
Let us have an activity first,
before we begin our lesson.
You are just going to match
column A with the
corresponding answer in
column B. Is that okay with you
class? -Yes ma’am.
1. Directly states information. 1. C
2. A thing that is known or 2. B
proved to be true. 3. D
3. For the winner, please 4. A
______ your prize. 5. F
4. Honesty is the best _____.
5. It argues that something is
good or bad, or that one
thing is better than another

a. Policy
b. Fact
c. Explicit
d. Claim
e. Implicit
f. Value

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Our activity has something to
do with our lesson today. We
will be discussing about the
three types of claims namely
claim of fact, claim of policy and
claim of values.

D. Discussion of the lesson

Let us discuss first explicit and
implicit information.
Kindly read the presentation.
Anyone? Yes _____.
(A student reads the presentation)
Thank you.
Based on the presentation, who
has an idea about explicit and
implicit information? Anyone?
Yes _____.
-Explicit information is the direct
meaning and implicit is indirect.
Yes, you’re right. Thank you!

Explicit information directly

states information, readers do
not have to infer because the
information being delivered is
stated using the exact words.
Like in this example (reads the
example) the idea or
information here is directly
While in implicit information it
states information indirectly, it
requires readers to make
inferences based on the text.
Like in this example (reads the
example) the idea here is not
directly stated, you have to
make inferences in order for
you to understand the idea in
this example.
Did you get it class? -Yes ma’am.

Before we move on to the three

types of claims. Let us define
first what is claim.
Kindly read it _____. (A student reads the presentation)

Thank you!
Now based on the presentation,
who has an idea about claim?
-It is the point of view of the author.
Anyone? Yes _____.

Thank you!

Claim is an arguable statement

that defines your goal of the
essay. It is the central
statement of a text where the
writer tries to prove his points
by providing details,
explanations and other types of
In the simplest term claims are
the pieces of evidence that
writers and speakers use to
prove their point.

There are characteristics of a

good claim.
Characteristics of a good
1. A claim should be
argumentative and debatable.
2. A claim should be specific and
3. A claim should be interesting
and engaging.
4. A claim should be logical.

Illegal drugs are harmful. Do

you think it is an example of
claim? -Yes ma’am.

Yes you’re right it is an example

of claim, but do you think it is an
example of a good claim? -No ma’am.

Why? How did you say so? -Because it is not argumentative

anymore because it is already proven
that illegal drugs are harmful.
Yes, you’re right!
It is not an example of a good
claim because it is already
proven that illegal drugs are

Am I clear class? -Yes ma’am.

Now let us talk about the three
types of claims. Let us start with
claim of fact.
Kindly read the presentation.
Anyone? Yes _____. (A student reads the presentation)

Thank you.
Now based on the meaning
presented, who has an idea
about claim of fact?
Anyone? Yes _____. -Statements about past, present and

Yes, thank you!

Claim of fact are the statements

about things were in the past,
how they are in the present, or
how they will be in the future.
Claim of fact deals with ideas or
claims that can be proven or
disapproved with the help of
factual evidence. It should be
debatable yet verifiable that’s
why you need to make sure that
your claims or information is
from a reliable or credible

Now, these are the questions to

answer to check if a claim is a (A student reads the presentation)
claim of fact.
• Can we investigate it
through research or
• Did it happen?

Please read the examples (A student reads the presentation)


1. Covid -19 and flu spread in

similar ways.
2. Teens who engaged in
unprotected sex will develop
STDs, became pregnant,
and contract aids.

Do you think these examples

answer the questions to check if
these are claims of fact?
Anyone who wants to answer?
Yes _____. -Yes ma’am.

Why? How did you say so?

-Because we can investigate through
research or interviews about the given
examples and they happened already.
Yes, you’re right!
For the examples no. 1&2 (read
the example) Can we
investigate it through research
or interviews? Yes experts
conducted research about
these examples.
Did it happen? Yes these given
examples already proven.

I have here an example. (A student reads the presentation)

• Smoking is dangerous to
one’s health.

Do you think it is an example of

a claim of fact?
-Yes ma’am.
Why? How do you say so?
-Because we can investigate through
research or interviews about it and it
Exactly, thank you!
It is an example of a claim of
fact because we can provide
factual evidence which can
prove that smoking is
dangerous to one’s health.

Did you get it class?

-Yes ma’am
Now let us move on to claims of
policy. Anyone who wants to
read the presentation? Yes
_____. (A student reads the presentation)

Thank you.
Based on the idea meaning
presented. Who has an idea
about claim of policy?
Yes_____. -It is something that should or should
not be done.
Very good!!

On this type of claim you are

arguing that something should
be or should not be done. A
claim of policy usually has the
modals should, must and ought

Now here is the question to

answer to check if a claim is a
claim of policy.
(A student reads the presentation)
• What should be done?

Here is the example of claim of

policy. Kindly read it.
(A student reads the presentation)
1. Marijuana should not be
legalized because many
individuals will abuse it.
2. Legislation must be passed
to stop the sale of

Do you think these examples

answer the questions to check if
these are claims of policy?
-Yes ma’am.
How did you say so?
-Because the given examples are
suggesting what should or should not
be done like the legalization of
marijuana as well as the legislation to
stop the sale of cigarettes
Very good!
We could clearly say that in
these two statements we are
suggesting something that
needs to be done or should not
be done and just like what I said
earlier, claims of policy usually
use modals like should, must
and ought to.

Did you get it class?

-Yes ma’am.
Now let us have the claim of
value. Anyone who wants to
read the presentation? Yes
_____. (A student reads the presentation)

Thank you.
Based on the meaning
presented, who has an idea
about claims of value? Anyone?
Yes _____. -Claim of value talks about good or
Thank you!

Claim of value is a claim that is

based on preference such as
likes or dislikes, good or bad.
Based on one’s opinion. Claim
of value usually compares two
ideas against one another.

Now these are the questions to (A student reads the presentation)

answer to check if a claim is
claim of values.
• Is it good or bad?
• Is it valuable or not
Here are the examples. Kindly
read it
(A student reads the presentation)
1. Taking vitamins is better
than eating fruits and
vegetables in terms of
boosting our immune
2. Abortion is immoral.

Do you think these examples

answer the questions to check if
these are claims of value?
Anyone? Yes _____. -Yes ma’am.

How did you say so? -Because the given examples talk
about good or bad

Yes, exactly!
Examples no. 1 and 2 are claim
of value. Both talks about good
or bad or like or dislike.
Example no. 1 is based on
one’s opinion, judgement or
experience as to which one is
better than another, the claim
maybe truthful to some but not
all. And example no. 2 talks
about good or bad.

Did you get it class? Any

questions or clarifications?
-None ma’am.
E. Generalization
Class to summarize our
discussion and to see if you
really understand it. Who can
tell me the three types of
claims? Anyone? Yes _____. -The three type of claims are claim of
fact, claim of policy and claim of value.

Now, in your own

understanding, who can define
the three types of claims? Who
wants to answer? Yes _____. -Claim of fact is debatable or
argumentative, claim of policy is talks
about what should or should not be
done and claim of value is based on
one’s preference such as like or dislike
or good or bad.
Exactly, thank you!
I am glad class that you are
able to understand our lesson
for today.

F. Analysis
Instructions: Write T if the statement is correct and F if not. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.
____1. Claim of Value argues that one thing is better than another thing.
____2. Claim of Fact indicates that a condition has existed, exists, or will exist.
____3. Claim of Policy makes an assertion about something that can be proved
or disproved with evidence.
____4. Claim of Policy is based on preference such as likes and dislikes.
____5. Claim of Fact compares two subjects and states own choice.
____6. The word “should” is mostly used in Claim of Value.
____7. Indicating certain condition should exist is a Claim of Policy.
____8. Claim is the central point or main argument of an author.
____9. Readers have the right to approve or disapproved a statement.
____10. Explicit information is information that is clearly stated in the text, while
implicit are ideas suggested in the text but not directly stated.

G. Application

Directions: Identify whether the given statement is a claim of fact, claim of value
and claim of policy.

_____1. Eating vegetables is better than eating meat.

_____2. Students must wear their IDs all the time.
_____3. Mac computers are more reliable than PCs.
_____4. Cancer is common disease but it is not contagious.
_____5. The death penalty does not deter crime.
_____6. Students’ cellphones should be collected by office personnel when they
enter school.
_____7. Computers are valuable addition to modern society.
_____8. We should all have access to health care.
_____9. The age which people can get a driver’s license must be raised to 18.
_____10. Video games lead to the increase of violence among teens.

IV. Evaluation

Types of Claims Topics Statements

CoVid-19/ 1.
Claim of Fact
Pandemic 2.
Claim of Value My Senior High School
Life 2
Claim of Policy My Road Towards
Success 2.

V. Assignment

Write three claims (fact, value and policy) with the issue of social media

Prepared by:
Abigail D. Mariano
Pre -service teacher

Checked and reviewed by:


Cooperating Teacher

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