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EDIT 610 Final Project 1

Part I: Original Lesson Plan

Lesson Title

If I Were President or Prime Minister

Taken from


What would you do if you were a national leader? Invite students to imagine themselves as the

head of a government.

Target Audience

Grade 4, 5, & 6
EDIT 610 Final Project 2


30 to 60 minutes


1. Students discuss world events with classmates, family, and friends. With the many important

issues facing the country and the world today, strong leadership is very important. What qualities

are needed to make a strong leader? List students’ responses on a classroom white board using

Crayola Dry-Erase Markers.

2. Research some of the best world leaders of the past. List those traits that made them strong

leaders, and discuss them with your teacher, parent, and/or friends.

3. Invite students to imagine themselves as the president or prime minister of the country. If you

had one major decision to make-a decision which could positively affect the people of the world-

--what would that decision be? With Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencils, students write about

the decision they would make. Share decisions with classmates.

4. Students use Crayola® Crayons to draw themselves as the leader of the country. Include the

country's flag and other important symbols of leadership. Display drawings with student writing,

and discuss responses with friends, parents, and teachers.


LA: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

EDIT 610 Final Project 3

LA: Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about

the subject knowledgeably.

LA: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and

information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

LA: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation,

and spelling when writing.

LA: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade

level topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

LA: Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with

pertinent descriptions, facts, details and examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume,

and clear pronunciation.

SS: Use appropriate resources, data sources, and geographic tools to generate, manipulate, and

interpret information.

SS: Show how groups and institutions work to meet individual needs and promote the common

good, and identify examples of where they fail to do so.

SS: Explain the purpose of government.

SS: Distinguish among local, state, and national government and identify representative leaders

at these levels such as mayor, governor, and president.

VA: Intentionally take advantage of the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and

processes to enhance communication of experiences and ideas.

EDIT 610 Final Project 4

VA: Select and use the qualities of structures and functions of art to improve communication of


Part II: Revised Lesson Plan

Lesson Title

If I Were President or Prime Minister


What would you do if you were a national leader? What makes a great leader? In this lesson you

are going to research different leaders of the past and learn what traits make a great leader.

Target Audience

Grade 4, 5, & 6


30 to 60 minutes


1. With the many important issues facing the country and the world today, strong leadership

is very important. What qualities are needed to make a strong leader? Students will post

their response to this question on Padlet.

EDIT 610 Final Project 5

2. Research some of the best world leaders of the past. List those traits that made them

strong leaders in a Google Slides presentation. Must be 3–5 slides in length.

3. Students will create a Flipgrid to give a video response talking about what qualities are

needed to make a strong leader and to talk about what information they found based on

their research of some of the best world leaders of the past, and have them discuss those

traits that made the leaders they researched strong leaders.


LA: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

LA: Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about

the subject knowledgeably.

LA: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and

information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

LA: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation,

and spelling when writing.

LA: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade

level topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
EDIT 610 Final Project 6

LA: Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with

pertinent descriptions, facts, details and examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume,

and clear pronunciation.

SS: Use appropriate resources, data sources, and geographic tools to generate, manipulate, and

interpret information.

SS: Show how groups and institutions work to meet individual needs and promote the common

good, and identify examples of where they fail to do so.

SS: Explain the purpose of government.

SS: Distinguish among local, state, and national government and identify representative leaders

at these levels such as mayor, governor, and president.

VA: Intentionally take advantage of the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and

processes to enhance communication of experiences and ideas.

VA: Select and use the qualities of structures and functions of art to improve communication of


Before and After

To begin this lesson plan, I first chose to take a lesson plan from Crayola For Educators

website. The title of the lesson was “If I were President or Prime Minister.’ The original

directions were for students to discuss world events with classmates, family, and friends, mainly

about the important issues facing the country and the world today, and how strong leadership is

very important. The students were then to come up with what qualities are needed to make a

strong leader, and then list students' responses on a classroom white board. The students then are
EDIT 610 Final Project 7

to research some of the best world leaders of the past. And then list the traits that made them

strong leaders and discuss them with each other. Lastly the students are supposed to use Crayola

Crayons to draw themselves as the leader of the country. Including the country's flag and other

important symbols of leadership. I tried to keep a lot of the lesson the same only taking out what

I believed to be aspects of the lesson that weren’t age appropriate.


In order to strengthen this lesson plan as a whole I started with the R.A.T instructional

design model. To improve this particular lesson plan I focused on the amplification aspect of

R.A.T. which states that amplification of a lesson is achieved by adding a technology element to

the lesson that would not be easily achieved with traditional classroom methods. In the original

lesson there was no technology element, instead it had the kids drawing and coloring a picture of

themselves as a president or prime minister. This could be a bit childish for 4th, 5th, and 6th

graders, so instead of having the students color a picture I felt that by adding a technology

element to the lesson it would add a level of sophistication to the lesson as a whole, and also be

more engaging for the students. A few of the technology elements I added to this lesson was

creating a Padlet, a Google Slides presentation, and creating a Flipgrid. Padlet is an online

virtual bulletin board, where students and teachers can collaborate, reflect, share ideas, links, and

pictures, in a secure location, which is important because of digital citizenship which will discuss

more later. Google Slides is an online presentation app that lets students create and format

presentations and collaborate with other students. Flipgrid is a website that allows teachers to

facilitate video discussions, by giving students discussion topics to respond to. The students are

then able to respond to their classmates' videos as well, which adds a collaboration aspect to the
EDIT 610 Final Project 8

assignment. Overall I believe that by adding the technology components to this lesson and

having the students create multiple technology parts to the lesson it will engage the students

more and make a stronger connection to the content then it would by just drawing a simple


Needs of Learners

The needs of learners are very important, we must keep it in mind in every lesson that we

create. I wanted to make sure this lesson too met my students learning needs By using Padlet it

allows students to see their peers ideas, by being able to read others ideas it could help struggling

students generate ideas of their own, or at least guide them in the right direction of what is

expected of them. Google Slides is beneficial because of its ability to share documents. If

needed, I could group struggling or lower students with higher preforming students. Flipgrid can

be adapted to different learners needs as well. Students who may be uncomfortable videoing

themselves have the capability of placing an emoji over their face in app, this could allow

students who may be shy, or that are concerned with what other students might think about them

the opportunity to succeed. It is important to provide different learning experiences in each

lesson so that all learners needs can be accommodated.

Digital Citizenship

As discussed earlier digital citizenship is an important aspect to take into consideration for every

lesson, we as educators create. Though students have been around and utilizing technology in the

classroom for years prior, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade is a time when a lot of students really start to

develop a digital footprint and are beginning to have social media accounts so learning digital

citizenship is extremely important. This is why it is important for us as educators to not only
EDIT 610 Final Project 9

teach digital citizenship but to also make sure we are both monitoring our students and utilizing

secure sites and apps, this is why I chose to use apps like Padlet and Flipgrid.

Part III: Assessment

Target Audience: This lesson plan is designed for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade social studies


Assignment Standard Grading Assessment

Padlet SS: Use appropriate Practice: 50% This assessment will

resources, data be based on student
sources, and participation. Did the
geographic tools to student post a
generate, manipulate, response and did they
and interpret respond to two peers?
SS: Show how
groups and
institutions work to
meet individual needs
and promote the
common good and
identify examples of
where they fail to do
SS: Explain the
purpose of

Google Slides SS: Use appropriate Practice: 50% This assessment will
Presentation resources, data be graded based on
sources, and completion. Credit
geographic tools to will be given if
generate, manipulate, finished. Did the
and interpret students fully answer
information. the questions? This is
an opinion-based
SS: Show how
groups and
EDIT 610 Final Project 10

institutions work to
meet individual needs
and promote the
common good and
identify examples of
where they fail to do
SS: Explain the
purpose of

Padlet SS: Use appropriate Summative 20% This assessment will

resources, data be based on student’s
sources, and explanation of the
geographic tools to questions. Did they
generate, manipulate, fully answer the
and interpret questions in their
information. video?
SS: Show how
groups and
institutions work to
meet individual needs
and promote the
common good and
identify examples of
where they fail to do
SS: Explain the
purpose of

Padlet: This assignment aligns with the objective stated as well as the standards.

Instructors will be able to use the answers from the Padlet to determine if the students have full

understanding of the topic.

Google Slides: This assignment aligns with both the standards and the objectives.

Students are to research what they believe to be some of the best world leaders of thepast, so this
EDIT 610 Final Project 11

is an opinion-based assignment. Assessment will be determined based on completion of

presentation and if the teacher feels like the main point was grasped by the students.

Flipgrid: This final assignment will align with both the standards and objectives. The

students are creating a video which will answer to the discussion questions, what qualities are

needed to make a strong leader, and to talk about what information they found based on their

research of some of the best world leaders of the past, and have them discuss those traits that

made the leaders they researched strong leaders. The answers to these questions will allow the

teacher to be able to determine grasp of concept for each student and access them accordingly.


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