GovS 010 Analysis

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Functional Standard

GovS 010: Analysis

Version: 2.0
Date issued: 4 August 2021 APPROVED
Government Functional Standard

This functional standard is part of a suite of management standards that promotes consistent
and coherent ways of working across government, and provides a stable basis for assurance,
risk management and capability improvement.
The suite of standards, and associated guidance, can be found at GOV.UK/government/
Functional standards cross-refer to each other where needed, so can be confidently
used together.
They contain both mandatory and advisory elements, described in consistent language
(see the table below).

Term Intention

shall denotes a requirement: a mandatory element.

should denotes a recommendation: an advisory element.

may denotes approval.

might denotes a possibility.

can denotes both capability and possibility.

is/are denotes a description.

The meaning of words is as defined in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, except where
defined in the Glossary in Annex B.
It is assumed that legal and regulatory requirements are always met.

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Produced by Analysis Function
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Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

1. About this government functional standard 2
1.1 Purpose of this government standard 2
1.2 Scope of this standard 2
1.3 Government standards references 2

2. Principles 3

3. Context  3
3.1 Introduction 3
3.2 The role of analysis in government 3
3.3 How analysis is organised in government 4
3.4 Analytical practices 4

4. Governance  5
4.1 Governance and management framework 5
4.2 Assurance of analysis 5
4.3 Decision making 6
4.4 Roles and accountabilities  6

5. The analytical cycle 9

5.1 Overview 9
5.2 Scoping the analysis 9
5.3 Designing and planning the analysis 10
5.4 Conducting and checking analysis 10
5.5 Delivering analytical work to the commissioner 11
5.6 Approving the analysis results 11
5.7 Disseminating the results of the analysis 11

6. Supporting practices  12
6.1 Overview 12
6.2 Uncertainty 12
6.3 Analytical verification and validation 12
6.4 Documentation and record keeping 12
6.5 Learning from experience 13
6.6 Analytical models 13
6.7 Statistics 13
6.8 Appraisal and evaluation 14

Government Functional Standard

A. References 15
B. Glossary 16
C. Analytical professions and their guidance 18

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

1 About this government functional standard

2 Principles

3 Context

4 Governance of analysis

Analytical cycle
5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.5
Scoping Designing Conducting Delivering the Approving Disseminating
5 the and checking analytical work to the analysis the results of
analysis analysis the analysis the commissioner the analysis

Supporting practices

6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8

Uncertainty Analytical Documentation Learning Analytical Statistics Appraisal
6 verification and record from models and
and keeping experience evaluation


A References

B Glossary

C Analytical professions and their guidance

Figure 1 Structure and scope of this

functional standard

Government Functional Standard

1. About this Other public sector organisations might find

this standard useful.
government Note: An organisation, in the context of
government functional standards, is the
functional standard generic term used to describe a government
department, arm’s-length body, or any other
1.1 Purpose of this government entity that is identified as being within scope
of a functional standard.
The purpose of this government functional 1.3 Government standards
standard is to set expectations for the references
planning and undertaking of analysis to
support well informed decision making to The following standards are directly
deliver better outcomes, and improve the necessary for the use of this standard:
lives of citizens. GovS 002, Project delivery
This standard provides direction and GovS 005, Digital, data, and technology
guidance for:
GovS 007, Security
• permanent secretaries, directors general
GovS 008, Commercial
and chief executive officers of arm’s-
length bodies and suppliers, to ensure GovS 011, Communications
appropriate governance of analysis A functional standard supports achievement
• users and producers of government of the outcomes sought by an organisation.
analysis, including non-analysts and It sets expectations for what needs to be
external consultants to ensure quality done and why relating to the functional work
and consistency of analysis across within its scope, in order to achieve those
government organisations organisational outcomes.
Note: For expectations relating to
1.2 Scope of this standard management of a function across
government, and management of
This standard applies to all government functional standards, please see GovS 001,
analysis carried out by anyone within or on Government functions.
the behalf of government, whether they are
an analyst or not:
• in departments and arm’s-length bodies
• informing decisions on policies, project
delivery and operational services
• whether published externally or an
integral part of internal decision making
• regardless of analytical methodology or
technique used

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

2. Principles 3. Context
Those engaged in analysis shall ensure:
3.1 Introduction
1. Analysis is undertaken for the public
good and is aligned to government This section provides essential
policy and organisational objectives. background information for the use of this
functional standard.
2. A diverse range of perspectives are
considered, from subject matter experts,
other relevant professionals, those
3.2 The role of analysis
affected by the results of the analysis, in government
and those commissioning and using the Analysis is a collaborative activity
results of the analysis. supporting the development and delivery of
3. Analysis uses the most appropriate policy, project delivery and operations.
inputs and methods to derive high The scale and timing of analysis work
quality results. can vary, ranging from ongoing advice on
4. The results of analysis are presented policy papers to major projects or phased
impartially and so they are understood programmes or work.
by, and useful to users; caveats Ministers and other leaders rely on analysis
and limitations on their use are to inform their decisions. Understanding
clearly detailed. the rationale for a decision enables the
5. The effort and costs of analysis provide appropriate type and rigour of analysis
value for money. to be undertaken. A variety of analytical
approaches can be used to build the
6. Continuous improvement is promoted evidence to support decision makers
through using experience and and different approaches can be used at
lessons learned. different points in the development of the
7. Public service codes of conduct analysis results.
and ethics and those of associated Analysis contributes to the government’s
professions are upheld. established policy development and
review cycle [4], which considers rationale,
objectives, appraisal, monitoring, evaluation
and feedback (known as the ‘ROAMEF’
cycle), as shown in Figure 2.
The role of analysts is to proactively apply
their professional knowledge, skills and
experience to address issues of public
concern, and to ensure that the formulation
of government policy is founded on sound
analytical principles and procedures.
This means that analysts are partners
to policy makers and other colleagues.
Analysts are often commissioned to do
work, as described in this document. They
can also proactively suggest solutions

Government Functional Standard

to problems based on evidence, set out 3.4 Analytical practices

innovative approaches, and may provide
constructive challenge. Government analysts use a range of
analytical tools, as outlined in the guidance
documents which are produced by the
professions and outlined in this document.
Feedback Rationale
They include models and methods
to produce consistent, trusted and
transparent results.
Analytical models use information or
data to provide insight into a question.
Evaluation Objectives Different types of models, for example
analytical, simulation or forecasting, can
help understand a problem as part of an
analytical method.
Analytical and scientific methods can
Monitoring Appraisal be used to understand possible solutions
or to mitigate against adverse impacts.
Analytical methods provide a defined
process which, combined with the scientific
method, provide a series of steps to identify
Figure 2 The government’s policy
a problem, test a hypothesis, implement
development and review cycle
a solution.
3.3 How analysis is organised Analytical tools are models or methods
that are used to produce calculations
in government (especially repetitive or lengthy ones) in
Accountability for analysis ultimately rests a consistent and efficient manner when
with the respective accounting officer of following guidance and methods.
each government organisation. However,
they are supported by an assurance regime
to make sure the advice given to decision
makers is sound.
The responsibility for defining the subject
specific standards and practices used by
analysts is generally held by the appropriate
government analysis profession (listed
in Annex C).

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

4. Governance 4.2 Assurance of analysis

The purpose of assurance is to provide,
4.1 Governance and through a systematic set of actions,
confidence to senior leaders and
management framework stakeholders that work is controlled and
supports safe and successful delivery of
4.1.1 Overview policy, strategy and objectives.
Governance comprises prioritising, Organisations should have a defined and
authorising, directing, empowering and established approach to assurance, which
overseeing management, and assuring and should be applied proportionately to the
reviewing performance. risk and value of the activity, and integrated
The governance and management of with the organisation’s overall assurance
analysis should be proportionate to the framework. Typically, assurance should be
work and levels of uncertainty (see 6.2). on at least three separate and defined levels
4.1.2 Governance and management of
• by, or on behalf of operational
analysis across government
management: inputs and procedures used
A senior officer (see 4.4.2) should be and testing undertaken by the analysts
appointed to ensure there is a defined
and established governance and • by, or on behalf of senior management,
management framework for analytical independent of operational
standards across government, which management: analytical peer review by
should include requirements together with skilled and competent persons
associated guidance. • by independent bodies: analytical
audits where appropriate (which may
4.1.3 Governance and management of be undertaken by internal or external
analysis in an organisation specialists)
Each organisation shall have a senior
The work of internal and external
officer accountable for its analysis activities
assurance providers should be planned
(see 4.4.4).
to minimise disruption to other work,
Each organisation should have a defined avoiding overlaps with other assurance
governance and management framework activities and duplication of effort, whilst
which complies with this functional remaining rigorous and meeting the needs
standard, the cross-government governance of stakeholders. Where assurance includes
and management framework (see 4.1.2) and formal review activity, the customer for the
the organisation’s policies. review should be clearly identified.
The governance of analysis within an Advice relating to assurance should be
organisation should be an integrated part of proportionate to the impact of the analysis
that organisation’s overall governance. and should include:
• challenging and testing the
understanding of the problem
• challenging the requirements,
boundaries, assumptions, and scope
and assessing whether sufficient views
have been considered

Government Functional Standard

• ensuring the planned and actual level 4.4 Roles and accountabilities
of quality checking of the analysis
is appropriate for the decision 4.4.1 Overview
being supported Roles and accountabilities shall be defined,
• ensuring an audit trail is in place in the organisation’s governance and
management framework and assigned to
The requirements of the Orange Book:
people with appropriate seniority, skills
management of risk – principles and
and experience. This should include, but
concepts, shall be met [2].
is not limited to, the activities, outputs or
4.3 Decision making outcomes they are responsible for, and the
person they are accountable to.
Decisions relating to analysis work
should be made and approvals given in 4.4.2 Senior officer accountable for
a timely manner, in accordance with the analysis across-government
organisation’s analysis governance and The senior officer accountable for analysis
management framework. Government across government is accountable to the
policy and professional codes of practice Chief Operating Officer of the Civil Service
should be complied with. Decisions should for ensuring effective analytical practices and
be made by assessing options against standards across government, including:
defined criteria and in consultation with • overseeing the effective and efficient
stakeholders, subject matter experts and application of this functional standard
specialists. across government
Decisions may relate to:
• ensuring appropriate standards of
• approving data, models, and methods professionalism in analysis
to be used
The senior officer accountable for analysis
• approving the scope and design across government should be supported by
of analysis and other aspects of the heads of the analytical professions for
planning (see 5.3) providing specific guidance relating to their
• approving the results and timing of the analytical discipline.
dissemination of outputs (see 5.6) Note: This role is often done by the same
• terminating or suspending analysis work person who leads the Analysis function across
if deemed to be unfit for purpose government; for more detail, see GovS 001,
Government functions which sets common
Decisions should: expectations for managing government
• be holistic, taking account functions and functional standards.
of the external context and
uncertainty (see 6.2)
• be communicated to the relevant

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

4.4.3 Accounting officer This role may be divided across several

The permanent head of a government individuals provided the scope of each
department is usually its principal individual’s accountabilities is defined and
accounting officer. the full scope of what is required is covered.
An organisation’s accounting officer is Note: The senior officer accountable for
accountable (via a principal accounting analysis in a government department is often
officer where appropriate) to Parliament called the Chief Analyst. The Chief Statistician
and the public for the stewardship of has specific accountability for statistics
public resources, ensuring they are used (see Annex C).
effectively and to high standards of probity. 4.4.5 Analysis commissioner
The principal accounting officer generally The analysis commissioner is accountable
appoints the most senior executive in the to a named person for commissioning
arm’s-length bodies within the department’s a specific piece of analysis and for the
ambit as an accounting officer. use and dissemination of the results.
4.4.4 Senior officer accountable for Working in consultation with the analytical
analysis in an organisation assurer (see 4.4.6) and analyst (see 4.4.7),
activities include:
The senior officer accountable for analysis
in an organisation is accountable to the • ensuring governance is proportionate
accounting officer (or equivalent in an and supports the analysis and its
arm’s-length body) for the quality of analysis intended use
produced in the organisation: • ensuring the brief and context for
• ensuring the organisation’s governance the analysis are defined and clearly
and management framework includes communicated and that the criticality of
analysis work appropriately the analysis is understood by the analyst
and the analytical assurer
• ensuring the organisation has the
capability and capacity to conduct the • identifying key stakeholders so their
analyses it needs views can be considered
• providing leadership and direction for • agreeing the use of specific data and
analysis within the organisation assumptions
• ensuring appropriate ownership of • ensuring appropriate dissemination and
recommended practice models used in use of the results
the organisation For project delivery the commissioner may
• ensuring analysis is carried out be a senior responsible owner or someone
appropriately and complies with this acting on their behalf.
standard and the associated guidance
• ensuring the required benefits from
analysis are realised, at an acceptable
level of risk and cost
• engaging, at senior level, with those
involved in analysis
• providing advice and guidance to senior
officers and their teams

Government Functional Standard

4.4.6 Analytical assurer • agreeing the scope, boundaries, and

The analytical assurer is accountable to assumptions of the analysis with
the analysis commissioner for providing the analysis commissioner and key
independent advice on a specific analysis stakeholders
assignment and in particular: • ensuring stakeholder expectations are
• confirming appropriate and sufficient managed to keep them aligned with
analytical quality assurance has what can be delivered
taken place • defining or choosing the models
• confirming the use of the analysis’ and methods to be used and, where
outputs is appropriate and that appropriate, producing the plan and
assumptions and risks are understood design documentation
• conducting the analysis in accordance
4.4.7 Analyst
with the agreed plan and design
The analyst is accountable to the analysis
• ensuring the results of the analysis
commissioner for designing, conducting
are delivered and approved, with
and delivering the analysis and in particular:
appropriate caveats and limitations
• assisting the analysis commissioner in communicated.
structuring the question(s) to ensure the
right analysis is performed For large, complicated or multi-disciplinary
analyses, an assigned analyst should
act as a lead, supported by a team of
specialist analysts.

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

5. The analytical cycle

5.1 Overview
The primary activities required for an analysis project are shown in Figure 3 and described
in clauses 5.2 to 5.7. These activities should be supported by those in section 6 where
appropriate and be applied proportionately. The activities may be iterative and incremental
until an acceptable result has been achieved.
Scoping the scope
Start analysis

Confirmation that Refine

scope is complete Delivering the Designing the
analysis analysis
(5.5) (5.3)
Refine Refine

Approving the Refine Conducting the

analysis analysis
(5.6) Draft (5.4) Approved
results design
Approval to

the results

Figure 3 The analytical cycle

Project commissioners can be policy 5.2 Scoping the analysis

professionals, analysts, or others. In
addition to being commissioned to carry Scoping ensures that an appropriate
out projects, analysts can also proactively understanding of the problem is defined and
suggest solutions, set out innovative that expectations are aligned with what can
approaches and provide constructive be delivered.
challenge (see 3.2). The analysis commissioner should work
Guidance on the management of analysis, with the analyst to ensure the requirements
included in the Aqua Book [1] should and scope for the work are defined and
be followed. clearly understood, including:

Government Functional Standard

• recording the perceived purpose of the • escalation routes to enable analysts and
analysis and the levels of quality and stakeholders to raise concerns
certainty required to achieve it (see 6.4) If analytical products and services are used
• exploring the requirements, boundaries, they shall be procured and managed in
and scope with the stakeholders, accordance with GovS 008, Commercial.
seeking a wide range of perspectives The designed approach should:
• be repeatable, producing the same
5.3 Designing and planning results for the same inputs if others
the analysis repeat the analysis
The analysis should be designed and • consider uncertainty (see 6.2)
planned to ensure that the analysis is
• take into account the fitness-for-
sufficient to answer the question posed, is
purpose of underlying data sources to
proportionate, reflects known uncertainties
address the analytical question
(see 6.2) and represents value for money.
• be appropriately documented (see 6.4)
From the outset, the analyst should
proactively ensure that the proposed design The plan may be incorporated within the
and plan meets the analysis commissioner’s management framework of the work the
requirements. Analysts should work with analysis supports.
appropriate subject matter experts to The analytical assurer should, in
design the analysis. Learning from relevant consultation with relevant subject matter
earlier work should be incorporated experts, check that the proposed design
(see 6.5). meets the commissioner’s requirements.
Innovative approaches should be The design should be approved by the
considered where the costs and risk of their analysis commissioner before work
use is proportionate to the complexity of the proceeds. Where analysis is extensive,
problem and the benefits they bring. Costs involving a team over a protracted time
of analysis can be reduced through reuse scale, the management of the work as a
of models and methods and the linking and programme or project in accordance with
sharing of data. GovS 002, Project Delivery, should be
A design and plan, covering the analytical considered.
cycle (see section 5) should be developed
where appropriate and communicated to 5.4 Conducting and checking
those involved in its conduct or who have analysis
an interest in its results. This may include:
The analysis should be undertaken following
• analytical assurance activities (see 4.2)
the approved design and plan (see 5.3).
• decision making (see 4.3) The analyst should, in consultation with
• roles and accountabilities (see 4.4) subject matter experts and the analysis
• the inputs, procedures, techniques
and tools to be used, and the • keep the commissioner informed of
expected outputs progress, agreeing assumptions and
raising issues or requests for direction
• timescales, phasing, costs and
resources needed • provide the analytical assurer access to
the work and information, as required

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

• ensure data is handled correctly 5.6 Approving the analysis

• address uncertainty (see 6.2) results
• carry out validation and The analysis commissioner should formally
verification (see 6.3) approve the results of the analysis for
• maintain a record of the analysis as dissemination. They should:
appropriate (see 6.4) • be satisfied that the analysis has been
• identify lessons which are likely to undertaken competently and the results
benefit future analysis work, and models are valid (see 6.3)
and methods (see 6) • provide open and transparent reasons
The analysis commissioner, working with relating to decisions made
the analytical assurer, should monitor • confirm, or otherwise, that the brief was
progress and be satisfied that the analysis is fulfilled and, if appropriate, approve the
proceeding as planned and remains relevant analysis work as complete
and is likely to produce a result which can
The approval of results may be phased as
inform subsequent decisions.
work progresses.
When necessary, the analysis design
and plan may be amended to account 5.7 Disseminating the results
for emerging information or changing
of the analysis
The analysis commissioner should ensure
5.5 Delivering analytical work appropriate dissemination of the results
to the commissioner of the analysis. The results should be
presented in a clear, accessible and
The draft analysis results should be transparent manner and include appropriate
delivered to the analysis commissioner caveats to ensure the results are used
to ensure the results are sufficiently appropriately, bearing in mind the context,
understood by the commissioner prior to uncertainty (see 6.2) and constraints.
approval. The results should include:
The results may be published in different
• an assurance statement including formats for diverse audiences and to ensure
assumptions, uncertainty (see 6.2), accessibility requirements are met.
limitations, and comments on the
Where the dissemination of results
applicability and use of the results
involves a wide group of stakeholders,
• links to references, computer code and communication shall follow GovS 011,
data; data should be kept in compliance Communication.
with statutory and contractual
• any other critical information, for
example survey questions, sampling
details and models used

Government Functional Standard

6. Supporting should be developed and appropriate

control and mitigation actions taken.
practices When disseminating results expressions of
uncertainty should:
6.1 Overview • be quantitative where possible
and relevant
This section includes practices which
supplement those in section 5 and which • be balanced, avoiding unwarranted
can be used throughout the analytical cycle. confidence in a particular option
Detailed requirements and guidance on Note: Guidance on uncertainty can be found
these topics are published separately, and in the Aqua Book [1]. See also the Orange
should be followed: Book [2].
• The Aqua Book provides detailed
guidance on producing quality analysis for 6.3 Analytical verification
government (see sections 6.2 to 6.6) [1] and validation
• The Orange Book provides guidance The purpose of analytical verification and
on the principles and concepts of risk validation is to assure that the analysis has
(see 6.2) [2] been conducted properly (verification) and
• The Code of Practice for Statistics that the right type of analysis has been used
determines the management of official (validation).
statistics and may be used for other Analytical verification and validation should
data or analysis [3] be proportionate to the purpose and
• The Green Book [4] and Magenta constraints of the analysis and conducted
Book [5] set requirements and provide through the analytical cycle (see section 5).
guidance on appraisal and evaluation Analysts should document verification and
(see 6.8) validation activities undertaken and the
associated conclusion so that the utility
6.2 Uncertainty and reliability of the analysis work can be
The purpose of managing uncertainty is
to ensure commissioners and decision
makers are aware of the implications of
6.4 Documentation and
their decisions. record keeping
Uncertainty should be addressed during the Record keeping and documentation ensures
analytical cycle (see section 5) so that: necessary information is reliable and
• the analysis can be proportionately available for future needs.
designed, planned and conducted Record keeping and documentation should
• assumptions, options and scenarios can be proportionate to the analysis being
be appropriately chosen undertaken and model being used and
can include:
Sources of uncertainty should be identified
• specification and design documentation
and their impacts considered. Uncertainty
should be analysed at the level required • notes of any deviations from the plan
to support decision making and at a level • a log of data and assumptions
of detail appropriate to the decision being
made. Options for managing uncertainty

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

• an outline of the verification and 6.6 Analytical models

validation activities carried out (see 6.3)
Each recommended practice model
• user/technical documentation should have:
• customer reports • a named officer accountable for it
• lessons learned (see 6.5) • a statement of its intended use
Documentation, data and other records • up-to-date user documentation
(both physical and electronic) should be
version controlled, securely stored as • guidance on quality assurance
needed and retrievable if needed to support • confirmation from the accountable
and evidence analyses. officer that it is suitable for its
Information and data should be: intended use
• classified and securely managed in If a model is defined as business critical,
accordance with GovS 007, Security consideration should be given to the skills
and knowledge required by those using and
• retained to meet statutory and assuring it, and whether specialist induction
contractual requirements and the or training is needed.
requirements of the Data Ethics
Framework [6] Note: Further guidance on business critical
models is provided in the Aqua Book.
6.5 Learning from experience If a recommended practice model is used
for a purpose other than that for which it
Learning from experience avoids was originally designed or the context of its
repeating mistakes and helps spread use has changed, the senior accountable
improved practices to benefit current and officer should approve such use.
future analyses.
At the start of the analysis, those involved 6.7 Statistics
and key stakeholders should identify and
apply relevant lessons from previous The management of official statistics should
experience when planning the work. apply the Code of Practice for Statistics [3].
Lessons should be captured throughout the Those producing data, statistics or analysis
analytical cycle (see 5), evaluated and action that is not official statistics may apply the
taken to mitigate risk and facilitate continual Code to demonstrate a commitment to
improvement of the final outputs. trustworthiness, quality and public value.

Senior officers accountable for analysis

in organisations (see 4.4.4), and owners
of recommended practice models and
methods should update their knowledge
sources and communicate learning as

Government Functional Standard

6.8 Appraisal and evaluation spending, taxation, changes to regulations,

and changes to the use of existing public
Appraisal and evaluation support objective assets and resources.
decision making. Appraisal assesses the
costs, benefits and risks of alternative ways The Magenta Book [5] should be used to
to meet government objectives. Evaluation support the design of an evaluation, how
provides a systematic assessment of an results can be interpreted and presented,
intervention’s design, implementation and and what should be considered in
outcomes, and should be used to improve this process.
the quality of policy implementation. Appraisal and evaluation should form part
The Green Book [4] and Magenta Book [5] of the established policy development and
should be followed by those carrying out review cycle (see Figure 2).
appraisals and evaluations. Proposals for policies, programmes
The Green Book should be used to develop, and projects are required to include
design and appraise alternative options for proportionate provision for monitoring
policies, programmes and projects. This and evaluation before, during and after
might include proposals that concern public implementation [5].

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

A. References
All references are correct at the time of publication; users should check for updated versions.

I.D. Description
1 HM Treasury, The Aqua Book: guidance on producing quality analysis
for government (2015)

2 HM Treasury, The Orange Book: Management of risk – Principles and Concepts

(updated 2020)

3 UK Statistics Authority, Code of Practice for Statistics (updated 2018)

4 HM Treasury, The Green Book: Central government guidance on appraisal

and evaluation (2020)

5 HM Treasury, The Magenta Book: Central government guidance on evaluation


6 Central Digital and Data Office, Data Ethics Framework (2018)

Government Functional Standard

B. Glossary
See also the common glossary of definitions (
functional-standards-common-glossary) which includes a list of defined terms and phrases
used across the suite of government standards. The glossary includes the term, definition,
and which function owns the term and definition.

Term Definition
analytically Any person fulfilling a role having received both sufficient training
qualified and experience to properly undertake the tasks at hand. This may be
demonstrated through relevant qualifications.

analytical method A process, combined with the scientific method, to enable analysts to
examine complex relationships between variables.

analytical model A mathematical, simulation or forecasting model that uses equations

to conceptualise characteristics and describe changes in a system.

analytical A model that through experience and research has been critically
recommended proven to reliably lead to a desired result and has been adopted by an
practice model analytical community.

assurance A general term for the confidence that can be derived from objective
information over the successful conduct of activities, the efficient and
effective design and operation of internal control, compliance with
internal and external requirements, and the production of insightful
and credible information to support decision making. Confidence
diminishes when there are uncertainties around the integrity of
information or of underlying processes.

assurance In the context of analysis, an assurance statement is a description of

statement the analytical assurance efforts that have been performed to assure
(analysis) the analysis, making reference to known limitations and conditions
associated with the analysis and the use of its outputs.

defined (way of In the context of standards, ‘defined’ denotes a documented way

working) of working which people are expected to use. This can apply to any
aspect of a governance or management framework for example
processes, codes of practice, methods, templates, tools and guides.

established (way In the context of standards, ‘established’ denotes a way of working

of working) that is implemented and used throughout the organisation. This can
apply to any aspect of a governance or management framework for
example processes, codes of practice, methods, templates, tools
and guides.

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

Term Definition
governance Governance defines relationships and the distribution of rights and
responsibilities among those who work with and in the organisation. It
determines the rules and procedures through which the organisational
objectives are set, and provides the means of attaining those
objectives and monitoring performance. Importantly, it defines where
accountability lies throughout the organisation.

governance and A governance and management framework sets out the authority
management limits, decision making roles and rules, degrees of autonomy,
framework assurance needs, reporting structure, accountabilities and roles and
the appropriate management practices and associated documentation
needed to meet this standard.

plan A plan sets out how objectives, outcomes and outputs are to be
delivered within defined constraints, in accordance with the strategy.

project delivery Collectively, portfolio, programme and project management are

referred to in government as ‘project delivery’.

risk The effect of uncertainty on objectives. Risk is usually expressed in

terms of causes, potential events, and their consequences:
• a cause is an element which alone or in combination has the
potential to give rise to risk
• an event is an occurrence or change of a set of circumstances
and can be something that is expected which does not happen or
something that is not expected which does happen. Events can
have multiple causes and consequences and can affect multiple
• the consequences should the event happen- consequences are
the outcome of an event affecting objectives, which can be certain
or uncertain, can have positive or negative direct of indirect effects
on objectives, can be expressed qualitatively or quantitatively, and
can escalate through cascading and cumulative effects

strategy A strategy outlines longer term objectives, outcomes and outputs, and
the means to achieve them, to inform future decisions and planning.

validation In the context of analysis, validation comprises activities that confirm

(analysis) that an analysis has been performed which fulfils the stated need.

verification In the context of analysis, verification comprises activities that confirm

(analysis) the analysis has been carried out correctly.

Government Functional Standard

C. Analytical professions and their guidance

The analytical professions
The analytical professions are:
• Digital Data and Technology Profession
• Government Actuary’s Department
• Government Economic Service (GES)
• Government Geography Profession (GGP)
• Government Operational Research Service (GORS)
• Government Social Research (GSR)
• Government Statistician Group (GSG)
Each profession is responsible for maintaining the guidance most relevant to its work and any
necessary models and methods.

Profession-specific guidance
Below are some key sources of guidance for specific professions.

Actuarial Guidance
The Financial Reporting Council sets technical standards for actuaries. In the UK actuaries’
work is produced in accordance with the Financial Reporting Council’s Technical Actuarial
Standards. The generic standard, TAS 100, applies to all work which meets the Financial
Reporting Council’s definition of technical actuarial work. Additional technical actuarial
standards should be applied in specified areas of work, where the Financial Reporting Council
has identified risks to the public interest.
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, Standards and Guidance (2018)
Financial Reporting Council, Actuarial Standards (2017)

Government Operational Research Service (GORS) Code of Practice

The purpose of the GORS Code of Practice is to augment the Civil Service code by providing
Operational Research analysts with guidance as to how they should operate, particularly
when faced with difficult situations.
Government Operational Research Service, Code of Practice

Government Geography Profession Guidance

The Government Geography Profession signposts guidance relating to place.
Government Geography Profession, Best Practices and Guidance (2020)

Version 2.0 – 4 August 2021 GovS 010: Analysis

Government Social Research (GSR) Guidance

The purpose of the GSR guidance is to outline the expected standards and responsibilities
of any individual who designs and conducts social and behavioural research for on behalf
of government.
Government Social Research Profession, GSR Ethical Assurance for Social and Behavioural
Research (updated 2021)

Digital and Data Guidance

The Government Digital Service (GDS) describes where to find and use open government
data and a more specific set of criteria to help government design, build and buy technology
in the Technology Code of Practice. The UK Data Service, funded by the Economic Research
Council, also provides access to other open data hubs worldwide. The Government Data
Standards Authority provides general data standards.
Central Digital and Data Office, Technology Code of Practice (Updated 2021)
The Data Standards Authority, Guidance and resources for data projects

Government Statistics Guidance

The Code of Practice for Statistics [3] includes the quality principles that should be applied to
the collection, preparation, analysis, and publication of statistics so that they fit their intended
uses, are based on appropriate data and methods, and are not materially misleading.
It also states that Heads of Profession for Statistics and Chief Statisticians have sole authority
for deciding on methods, standards and procedures, and on the content and timing of the
release of regular and ad hoc official statistics, and are the principal adviser and accountable
officer on statistical matters within a department.


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