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Functional Standard

GovS 011: Communication

Version 2.0
Date issued: 31 July 2021 Approved
Government Functional Standard

This functional standard is part of a suite of management standards that promotes consistent
and coherent ways of working across government, and provides a stable basis for assurance,
risk management and capability improvement.

The suite of standards, and associated guidance, can be found at GOV.UK government
functional standards. Functional standards cross-refer to each other where needed, so can be
confidently used together. They contain both mandatory and advisory elements, described in
consistent language (see the table below).

Term Intention
shall denotes a requirement: a mandatory element.
should denotes a recommendation: an advisory element.
may denotes approval.
might denotes a possibility.
can denotes both capability and possibility.
is/are denotes a description.

The meaning of words is as defined in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, except where
defined in the Glossary in Annex B. It is assumed that legal and regulatory requirements are
always met.

© Crown copyright 2021

Produced by the Communication function.

Version 2.0 of this standard replaces the previous edition [version 1 dated August 2019] and
has the same purpose, scope and intent. The main changes relate to:
• Updated references from the GCS Canon of Professional Practice
• Minor wording changes to ensure consistency across the suite of functional
• Splitting the key Principles [section 2] from seven into nine, for purposes of greater

You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium,
under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit http://www. or email: psi@nationalarchives. Where we have identified any third party copyright material you will need to obtain
permission from the copyright holders concerned.

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication


1. About this government functional standard 6

1.1 Purpose of this standard 6
1.2 Scope of this standard 6

2. Principles 7

3. Context 8
3.1 General 8
3.2 Campaigns and communication 9
3.3 Digital communication 9

4. Governance 10
4.1 Governance and management framework 10
4.2 Strategy and planning 10
4.3 Assurance 11
4.4 Decision making 12
Roles and accountabilities 13

5. Life cycle of a communication campaign 16

5.1 Overview 16
5.2 Campaign objectives 16
5.3 Audience insight 16
5.4 Campaign strategy 17
Campaign implementation 17
5.6 Campaign evaluation 18

Communication practices 18
6.1 Introduction 18
6.2 Strategic communication 18
6.3 Marketing 19
6.4 Media relations 19
6.5 External affairs 20
6.6 Internal communication 20
6.7 Behaviour change 21

Government Functional Standard

6.8 Communication in an emergency or a crisis 21

6.9 Partnership marketing 22
6.10 Capability and capacity 22
6.11 Brand 23
6.12 Writing style 23
6.13 Learning from experience 23

A. References 24

B. Glossary 25

C. Framework for gaining audience insight 28

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

Figure 1: The structure of the standard

Government Functional Standard

1. About this This standard applies to government

departments and their arm’s length bodies.
functional This standard may be used by other public
sector bodies, such as local government
standard and the National Health Service, to support
benchmarking and continuous improvement.
In these circumstances, and when the
standard is used in this way, mandatory
1.1 Purpose of this standard elements in this standard may be treated as
The purpose of this government standard is advisory.
to set expectations for the management and
practice of government communication in Communication, in the context of
order to deliver responsive and informative this functional standard, includes
public service communication that supports announcements, media management,
the effective delivery of HM Government coordinated communication activities
policy and priorities, and assists with the (including social media, branded
effective operation of public services. campaigns, external affairs and stakeholder
management) aimed to support the
This standard provides direction and organisation’s policy and priority objectives.
guidance for: This includes external and internal
• permanent secretaries, directors
general and chief executive officers
of arm’s length bodies The following work is outside of scope of this
standard: official correspondence, telephony,
• senior leadership and board
drafting of official papers and submissions,
members within organisations
legal, transactional and operational notices.
• those commissioning
Note: an organisation, in the context of
• communication leads within government functional standards, is the
organisations generic term used to describe a government
• those involved in developing, department, arm’s length body, or any other
managing and delivering entity that is identified as being within scope
communication of a functional standard.
• third parties engaged in government
communication, including in The structure of the standard is shown in
partnership marketing Figure 1.

1.2 Scope of this standard 1.3 Government standards

This standard applies to the planning, references
delivery and management of communication. The following standards are directly
necessary for the use of this standard:

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

• GovS 002, Project delivery

2. Principles
• GovS 003, Human Resources
Those engaged in the planning, delivery and
• GovS 005, Digital, data and
management of communication shall ensure
that it:
• GovS 006, Finance • has objectives aligned to government
• GovS 008, Commercial policy and organisational
• GovS 010, Analysis objectives

A functional standard supports achievement • promotes a shared vision across

of the outcomes sought by an organisation. government, ensuring they meet the
It sets expectations for what needs to be needs of government as a whole
done and why relating to the functional work in relation to policy and strategic
within its scope, in order to achieve those objectives
organisational outcomes. • champions a unified response
to crisis and emergency
Note: for expectations relating to
management of a function across • promotes a culture of diversity and
government, and management of functional inclusion which represents the
standards, please see GovS 001, society served
Government functions. • ensures, through tiered
accountability, that it is clear who
makes decisions and owns outcomes
and processes
• works collaboratively in order to
achieve clear, simple and consistent
communication on behalf of
government; managing duplication
and minimising complexity
• keeps processes simple,
proportionate and user-focused
• promotes opportunities for
continuous improvement, efficiency,
innovation and transformation where
this represents value for money
• upholds public service codes of

Government Functional Standard

3. Context capability, talent management, standards

and guidance for communication across
3.1 General
Government communicators manage more
3.1.1 Introduction than media handling or the communication
that are released. Government
This section provides essential background
communicators are also responsible for
information for the use of this functional
managing the reputation and brand of an
organisation, both of which are at stake
during a crisis or emergency.
3.1.2 Government Communication
3.1.3 Ministerial board
The Government Communication Service
The Government Communication Service
(GCS) is responsible for the development
Ministerial Board oversees the operation of
and delivery of the government’s annual
the Government Communication Service
communication plan and sets the direction
and is chaired by the Minister for the
for the development of professional
Constitution at the Cabinet Office. The board

Figure 2: Relationship between communication plans, campaigns and communication

packages, showing associated roles

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

reviews performance against delivery of the 3.3 Digital communication

Government Communication Plan (see 3.2)
and is responsible for ensuring: The future of government communication
depends on the ability to connect with target
• an appropriate annual government audiences in a timely, appropriate and
communication plan is developed relevant way, giving them information and
and delivered helping change behaviours in a way that
• the plan contributes to the delivery of fits in with their lives. In this respect digital
government policy priorities media can enable communication teams to
• government communications are integrate more closely, connecting directly
delivered in an effective and efficient and quickly with influencers and audiences
way in a well-governed and planned way. This
means communicators need to master new
• the government can respond techniques, including digital technologies,
appropriately to risks and crises in an and remain at the forefront of the latest
appropriate and timely manner practice, revising and updating their skillsets
to keep ahead of the extraordinary pace of
3.1.4 National Security
Communication Committee
The National Security Communication Note: see 5 Trends for Leading Edge
Committee is a forum for determining and Communication [4].
addressing national security strategic Note: see also GovS 005, Digital, data
communication priorities. Its remit is to and technology.
ensure communication is an integral part of
the UK’s approach to national security and
it is attended by directors of communication
(see 4.5.3) from relevant departments.

3.2 C
 ampaigns and
The government publishes the overall
Government Communication Plan which
sets out the themes and ambitions for the
major campaigns for the forthcoming period
which fulfil one or more defined objectives.

Each campaign can comprise one or more

communication package, each of which
is aligned to the campaign objectives
and covers a specific need or event. A
communication package can be made up of
a number of sub-packages. See Figure 2.

Government Functional Standard

4. Governance If a campaign forms part of a wider initiative,

such as a programme or project (see GovS
002, Project delivery) the governance of the
4.1 Governance and campaign should be integrated with that of
management framework the wider initiative.

4.1.1 Introduction
Governance comprises prioritising, 4.2 Strategy and planning
authorising, directing, empowering and
overseeing management, and assuring and 4.2.1 Overview
reviewing performance. The purpose of communication planning is
to set out the themes, ambitions and risks
for the major campaigns for the forthcoming
A governance and management framework period.
shall be defined and established across
government, and within organisations.
The strategy is set out in the Government
Communication Plan (see 4.2.2), which
The governance of communication within an is signed off by the Ministerial Board.
organisation should be an integrated part of All departmental or organisational
that organisation’s overall governance. communication plans shall reflect the
strategic priorities in the Plan.
4.1.2 Cross-government
governance of 4.2.2 Government-wide
communication communication plan
Cross-government policy, directives and A government-wide communication
guidance relating to the management plan should published that defines the
of government communication should communication priorities to be delivered
be defined, kept up to date and be annually. The Government Communication
communicated to and available for the use Plan should be approved in accordance
of organisational communication teams. with the governance and management
framework (see 4.1).
4.1.3 Campaign governance
Each campaign shall be undertaken in 4.2.3 Organisational
accordance with the campaign life cycle communication plans
(see 3) and should be the accountability of a Each organisation shall prepare a
named campaign commissioner (see 4.5.5) communication plan annually, which:
who, working in collaboration with a named
head of campaign, will agree the objectives • shall demonstrate how the
for the campaign (see 4.5.6). organisation’s communications
support the government-wide
communication plan and any higher-
The head of campaign (see 4.5.6) defines level organisational plan
the roles, responsibilities, strategy, plan and
• should outline how communications
resources for the campaign.
support the effective delivery of
both the wider government, and the

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

organisation’s own, policies, priorities operational management, to ensure

and public services the first line of defence is properly
• should include outcome-based designed, in place and operating as
metrics summarising what outcomes intended
they are seeking to achieve that • by independent bodies (within or
year external to government, such as
internal audit and National Audit
Office) who provide an objective
The organisation’s annual communication evaluation of the adequacy and
plan, and any updates, should be agreed effectiveness of governance, risk
by the senior officer accountable for the management and controls
organisation’s communications (see 4.5.4)
and approved at an executive board level.
The work of internal and external
assurance providers should be planned
Note: see GCS Evaluation Framework 2.0 to minimise disruption to other work,
[2]. avoiding overlaps with other assurance
activities and duplication of effort, whilst
remaining rigorous and meeting the needs
of stakeholders. Where assurance includes
4.3 Assurance formal review activity, the customer for the
review should be clearly identified.
4.3.1 Assurance framework
The purpose of assurance is to provide,
through a systematic set of actions, The work of internal and external assurance
confidence to senior leaders and providers should be planned to:
stakeholders that work is controlled and • proactively support known events of
supports safe and successful delivery of campaigns
policy, strategy and objectives. • minimise disruption to the work
– overlaps with other assurance
Organisations should have a defined and activities and duplication of effort,
established approach to assurance, which whilst remaining rigorous
should be applied proportionately to the
risk and value of the activity, and integrated
Where assurance includes formal review
with the organisation’s overall assurance
activity, the customer for the review should
framework. Typically, assurance should be
be clearly identified.
on at least three separate and defined levels
• by, or on behalf of, operational Assurance of communication should
management in organisations, focus on requirements and audiences, not
who apply their judgement to government policies.
support successful delivery and
monitor adherence with a function’s The requirements of the Orange Book:
standards management of risk - principles and
• by, or on behalf of, senior concepts, shall be met [19].
management independent of

Government Functional Standard

4.3.2 Advertising, marketing of external advertising, marketing and

and communication spend communication services and support, in
controls accordance with GovS 008, Commercial.
HM Government organisations shall comply
with GovS 006, Finance, the Professional Note: see guidance on buying advertising,
Assurance process [5] and the advertising, marketing and communication services [18].
marketing and communication spend
controls [20] on campaigns or programmes
of communication with a value of £100,000
or over (per year) in accordance with GovS
4.4 Decision making
008, Commercial. Decisions relating to communication
management should be made and approvals
given in a timely manner, in accordance
Expenditure should be in line with the annual
with the organisation’s communication
government communication plan. Where
governance and management framework.
it is not, written approval shall be sought
Government policy and Government
from the senior officer responsible for cross-
Communication Service professional
government communication (see 4.5.2).
assurance processes should be complied
with. Decisions should be made by
Cabinet Office expenditure controls assessing options against defined criteria
require central government bodies to and in consultation with stakeholders and
obtain expenditure approval from Cabinet subject matter experts.
Office ministers, based on professional
advice from relevant functions, before
Key decisions required relating to
certain expenditure is made or committed.
communication include, but are not limited
Organisations should take advice from
to, the approval of the following:
relevant functions well in advance of
planned expenditure, and comply with • communication policies and
expenditure controls guidance [22]. directives
• communication spending (see
Applications for approval of expenditure
shall have written approval from the relevant • communication plans (see 4.2)
departmental minister and the senior • campaigns, initiatives and projects
officer accountable for an organisation’s (see 5)
communication (see 4.5.4) before being
submitted. Arm’s length bodies shall seek • individual communication packages
these internal approvals from their parent (see 5.5.2)
department before submitting a request.
Decisions should be holistic, taking account
4.3.3 Buying, advertising, of the wider context, risks and possible
marketing and stakeholder reactions.
communication services
HM Government departments, agencies Communicators should take advice from
and arm’s length bodies shall use approved other functions where necessary (for
government frameworks for the purchasing example, on legal or commercial aspects).

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

4.5 R
 oles and Note: the current job title associated
with this role is Executive Director for
accountabilities Government Communication who runs
4.5.1 Introduction the Government Communication Service
Roles and accountabilities shall be defined and the Communication Function (see
in the organisation’s governance and 3.1) and is advised by the Evaluation
management framework and assigned to Council on the development, understanding
people with appropriate seniority, skills and and implementation of evaluation best
experience. This should include, but is not practice. See also GovS 001, Government
limited to, the activities, outputs or outcomes Functions which sets common expectations
they are responsible for, and the person they for managing government functions and
are accountable to. functional standards.

4.5.2 Senior officer accountable 4.5.3 Accounting officer

for communication across The permanent head of a government
government department is usually its Principal
The senior officer accountable for Accounting Officer.
communication across government is
accountable to ministers via the Government An organisation’s Accounting Officer is
Communication Service Ministerial accountable (via a Principal Accounting
Board (see 3.1.2) for the efficient and Officer where appropriate) to Parliament
effective operation of government-wide and the public for the stewardship of public
communication. resources, including for communication,
ensuring they are used effectively and to
The senior officer accountable for high standards of probity.
communication across government is
responsible for: The Principal Accounting Officer generally
• the government’s communication appoints the most senior executive in the
strategy arm’s length bodies within the department’s
• the effectiveness and efficiency of ambit as an Accounting Officer.
government communication through
the approval of marketing spending 4.5.4 S
 enior officer accountable
and the procurement of external for an organisation’s
contracts communication
• providing advice to ministers and The senior officer accountable for an
senior officials organisation’s communication is accountable
• major cross-government to their respective Accounting Officer for:
campaigns • developing the scope
• the government’s communication of communication in the
plan organisation

• standards of professionalism in • setting communication-related

government communication objectives, terms of reference,
and responsibilities as necessary,
to underpin the organisation’s

Government Functional Standard

objectives developing the

governance and management 4.5.6 Head of a campaign
framework for communication
A head of a campaign is accountable to the
• developing and maintaining the communication commissioner (see 4.5.5) for
organisation’s communication plan developing and managing a campaign on a
and grid day-to-day basis, in particular:
• setting performance measures and • mobilising, briefing and motivating
evaluation criteria to assess progress the campaign team
against the plan
• developing a campaign plan in
• ensuring adequate resources are collaboration with the communication
available and organised to support commissioner and managing
departmental objectives progress towards its achievement
• managing expenditure • keeping the campaign’s
commissioner up to date on the
progress, providing advice and
Note: in a government department, this seeking guidance and direction as
role is usually known as the Director of appropriate
• keeping those working on the
campaign informed of the context
4.5.5 Communication and progress, providing direction as
commissioner appropriate
A communication commissioner is • managing issues and risks,
accountable to their organisation’s senior escalating as appropriate and
officer (and ultimately the Accounting requesting changes to the plan,
Officer) for setting a campaign’s objectives in consultation with the campaign
and ensuring they are fulfilled, in particular: commissioner
• keeping their senior leadership • evaluating the outcomes of the
informed of the progress of the campaign and taking preventive or
campaign, seeking guidance and corrective action when needed
direction as appropriate
• developing and defining the
objectives and desired outcomes 4.5.7 C
 ommunication lead for a
in collaboration with the head of communication package
campaign The communication lead for a
• keeping the head of the campaign communication package is accountable
up-to-date on the context and to the head of a campaign (see 4.5.6)
relevant changes, providing for managing the work assigned to them,
direction and seeking advice, as including:
appropriate • ensuring work is completed within
defined constraints
• advising, in collaboration with the
head of campaign (see 4.5.6), on • planning, monitoring, forecasting and
the handling of escalated issues and reporting progress on their work
risks, and approving changes to the
campaign plan

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

Figure 3: The campaign life cycle

• managing the resolution of risks and a variety of aspects of communication

issues, escalating those they cannot practice in accordance with this standard
deal with and the organisation’s communication
• requesting changes to their work governance and management framework
scope Such roles may be either advisory as part of
a team or may fulfil a leadership or executive
role with accountability assigned.
4.5.8 Communication business
Note: examples include roles for campaigns,
Communication business partners are marketing, press and media, digital,
communication professionals who work internal communication – see Government
directly with teams to build local, specialist Communication Professional Competency
knowledge. Business partners should Framework [6].
be expert communicators, ensuring that
communication advice is integrated in
planning and decision-making from the 4.5.10 Other requirements
outset. Government communication should
be undertaken in accordance with the
government’s communication governance
Note: see GCS business partnering
framework for communication [1].
guidance [22].

Staff engaged in communication activity

4.5.9 Other specialist
shall follow and be subject to the
communication roles
Government Communication Service’s
Other specialist communication roles should codes of practice in their communication
be defined to suit the needs of the activity activities [8].
being undertaken. This can be for managing

Government Functional Standard

5. Life cycle of a Campaign objectives should be developed

communication • support the policy aim –

campaign communication objectives should be

developed for the activities that are
intended to deliver this
5.1 Overview • include the part that communication
The purpose of a campaign is to ensure should contribute to achieving the
each communication is viewed in the policy aim
context of a wider campaign and that an
organisation’s communication can be linked
Campaign objectives should be achievable,
to a clear objective so that their impact can
measurable, (expressed numerically)
be evaluated.
focused on outcomes not outputs, and
The primary practices required for related to changing attitudes and/or
Communication are shown in Figure 3, behaviour. When objectives cannot be
the campaign life cycle, which provides a measured numerically, the criteria for
framework for implementing communication validating their achievement should be
initiatives, enabling: defined.
• problems to be addressed from an
audience perspective
Note: see Strategic communication
• a united course of action to be (MCOM) function guide [9] and the
taken evaluation framework [2].
• communication to be implemented in
a co-ordinated way
5.3 Audience insight
A campaign should be planned and The purpose of understanding audiences is
managed by a head of campaign (see to determine the target audience’s attitudes,
4.5.6) in consultation with the campaign habits and preferences so that government
commissioner (see 4.5.5), key influencers, communication can be relevant, meaningful
marketing partners (where appropriate) and and effective.
other relevant stakeholders. Lessons from
previous campaigns should be drawn on Government communicators should draw
(see 6.13). on a range of data sources – quantitative
and qualitative, commissioned and publicly
Note: see the OASIS model [7]. available – to create a full picture of target
audiences and identify the appropriate
5.2 Campaign objectives method to reach them to achieve any given
communication objective. Analysis shall be
The purpose of defining campaign objectives undertaken in accordance with GovS 010,
is to ensure those managing the campaign Analysis.
and its component parts are clear on what is
required and that those component parts are
aligned. Note: see Annex C for a framework for
gaining insight.

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

Note: key audience categories include those • the timescales for delivery
in work, businesses, older people, families, • resources required
young people, international stakeholders.
• influencers to engage
Note: to access Government Communication
Service content, or to join the insight and • partners to be involved
evaluation basecamp group, email insight@
The campaign plan should initially be
developed using a channel-agnostic
approach, with the most appropriate
5.4 Campaign strategy channel, or combination of channels, used to
Government communicators should use achieve any given communication objective.
audience insight to set out the strategic The chosen approach should be piloted to
approach. The strategy shall include: verify its effectiveness as measured against
the defined evaluation criteria. If necessary,
• a defined target audience (see
corrective action should be taken to improve
the plan.
• a proposition
• messages 5.5.2 Communication packages
• a channel strategy A communication lead (see 4.5.7) should
manage each communication package, the
plan for which should be approved before
5.5 Campaign roll-out. The plan should include the:
implementation • objectives

5.5.1 Campaign planning • audience

The purpose of campaign planning is to • key message(s)
ensure the objectives of the campaign can • channels
be achieved within the known constraints
• timing, resources and cost
(such as time, cost, resources and risk). The
campaign plan should be developed from
the campaign strategy (see 5.4) and include: Each communication package should:
• the objective • be relevant to government
• purpose of the campaign (for responsibilities
example, instruct, influence, • be objective and explanatory, not
inform) biased or polemical
• audience • not be – and not liable to being
• internal and external issues misrepresented as – party
• messages
• be conducted in an economic and
• channels
appropriate way, and should be able
• accountabilities to justify the costs as expenditure of
• measurement public funds

• the approach to be taken

Government Functional Standard

Public finances shall be managed in

accordance with GovS 006, Finance.
6. Communication
5.5.3 Campaign roll-out
The campaign should be rolled out with 6.1 Introduction
each communication package initiated in This section includes practices which
accordance with the plan. Progress should supplement those in section 5 and which
be monitored in terms of outputs, outtakes can be used throughout the communication
and outcomes. campaign cycle.

5.6 Campaign evaluation 6.2 Strategic communication

Evaluation is conducted to assess the The purpose of strategic communication
performance in delivering on objectives is to set, co-ordinate and guide the
such as changing behaviour, improving implementation of activity, based on insight,
operational effectiveness, building the in a timely way, as part of an overarching
reputation of the UK and explaining plan to deliver against the government
government policies and programmes. and organisation’s agreed priorities to
Outputs, outtakes and outcomes should measurable effect. Strategic communication
be monitored throughout a campaign and should be:
evaluated once the campaign is complete.
It is recommended that approximately 5% • aligned to the delivery of HM
to 10% of total campaign expenditure is Government priorities
allocated to evaluation. Analysis shall be • planned using defined practices
undertaken in accordance with GovS 010, • focused on audience
Analysis. understanding
• evaluated to demonstrate value and
Note: see Evaluation Framework [2]. capture future insight
• integrated with all other aspects of

Strategic communication specialists

should work alongside policy, operations,
human resources and project delivery
colleagues from the outset, so they
can inform and advise the government
and organisational decision-makers on
appropriate communication options and
strategies. Communication priorities for the
government and each organisation should
be agreed in consultation with policy makers
and influencers and with the organisation’s
senior leaders. Priorities should be recorded
in an annual communication plan (see 4.2).

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

When necessary, incoming requests for • build confidence and trust in the
communication support for new or emerging government’s institutions and
communication priorities from ministerial/ brands
policy requests/wider horizon scanning • be measurable in terms of
should be evaluated and priorities and effectiveness and achievement
plans changed, if necessary. Long term goals
communication requirements should be
identified, and threats and opportunities
noted by long-term horizon scanning. Analysis shall be undertaken in accordance
with GovS 010, Analysis.
Short-term planning should be managed
through a forward-planning grid (published
weekly). Research should be carried out to 6.4 Media relations
understand the audiences and the impact of The purpose of media relations is to explain
communication on them. Analysis shall be the policies and services of government
undertaken in accordance with GovS 010, departments and agencies through partners
Analysis. in the media to create public understanding
of the aims of government and build the trust
Note: see Strategic Communication [9]. that the public place in the government’s
6.3 Marketing
The purpose of marketing is to help fulfil The media has a duty to hold the
operational and policy objectives by government to account and media teams
effectively understanding and meeting the should promote, explain and justify the
needs of citizens. Marketing campaigns government’s policies accurately and
include research into citizen behaviour, in an appropriate style. Those advising
insight generation, strategic planning and ministers and officials shall be prepared to
the implementation of communication communicate (verbally and in writing) with
programmes across multiple channels. honesty and based on professional expertise
Marketing campaigns should: and evidence, to advise ministers and
officials on the appropriate approach to meet
• focus on delivering a high-quality
the needs of the media and achieve the
end-to-end service and customer
government’s objectives.
• support the raising of awareness
of policies, influences attitudes and The government and each organisation
behaviours shall have a media relations operation
which shall maintain a media planning
• aid the operation of services schedule and forward look (in some
• be based on reliable data organisations, referred to as the ‘grid’, see
6.2) to plan announcements which should
• use appropriate and validated
be coordinated with the government-wide-
creative techniques to influence
grid. Practitioners should have the expertise
attitudes and behaviours
to work across all media platforms and
• be founded on established channels (broadcast, print, online), including:
behavioural science

Government Functional Standard

• proactive media handling, such as an evaluation of impact of related

making announcements campaigns and communication
• reactive media handling, including packages
monitoring the media, handling calls
and managing crises (see 6.8) Note: see External Affairs Operating Model
• relationship management including [16].
engaging policy makers, ministers
and special advisors and winning
journalists’ trust 6.6 Internal communication
• content creation, both proactively The purpose of internal communication
and reactively using appropriate is to inform and engage employees in a
channels way which motivates staff to maximise
• insight and evaluation including their performance and deliver the business
communication impact assessment strategy most effectively. Organisations
and tracking across media should develop, in consultation with senior
business leaders and representative
stakeholders, an internal communication
Note: see Modern Media Operation, a guide strategy describing the current situation,
[15]. agreed future state and means to achieving
that future state.

6.5 External affairs Internal communication should be designed

The purpose of external affairs is to to support the organisation’s leaders by
build and maintain, for the public benefit, helping:
relationships with an organisation’s • the organisation to deliver its
external stakeholders, including influential objectives
individuals. External affairs practitioners and
teams should: • staff see the connection between
their job and the organisation’s
• gather intelligence to inform internal vision
thinking and provide early warning
of issue which might need to be • leaders understand employee
addressed engagement and what drives it
• take a balanced approach, • managers communicate better with
encouraging supportive voices and their teams
mitigating criticism, and disseminate
messages through selected
Internal communication should:
stakeholder channels
• add value to the organisation in the
• explain government and the short and long term
organisation’s policies to influential
individuals and organisations for • support the organisation’s reputation
public benefit and brand
• co-ordinate high-level stakeholder • be agreed with the organisation’s
engagement, providing advice commissioning manager(s)
based on gathered intelligence and

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

• be authentic, achievable, actionable 6.8 Communication in an

and compelling
emergency or a crisis
• engage line managers in action
The purpose of communication management
• consider employees’ views and during an emergency or crisis is to ensure
challenges the flow of reliable, accurate, relevant and
• be authentic, and consistent in style timely information to those who need it.
and content A crisis communication plan should be
developed and validated in advance for
known risks and should aim to:
Note: see Internal Communication Operating
• keep stakeholders informed
Model [13] and Engage for Success [14].
• build and maintain public trust in
government and the organisation
6.7 Behaviour change • ensure accurate information is being
reported by the media
One of the primary purposes of government
communication is to encourage changes in • recover lost reputation
behaviour which benefit individuals and the
public at large and help the government to
The plan should be updated to reflect the
run more effectively and efficiently.
emerging situation. The plan should include:
• who would be affected in the
Behaviour change should be a consideration crisis
in government communication campaigns,
regardless of discipline. The behaviours • the worst case scenario and how to
necessary to meet the wider government handle it
policy objective(s) and any barriers to • key messages to be used
change should be identified and those • channels to be used
which can be addressed by communication
included within campaign planning,
considering how people are likely to behave Roles and responsibilities should be
in response. In this respect, it should be established as soon as a crisis has been
determined whether the audience has the: identified. If not already planned, a crisis
right skills, mental and physical ability, and communication plan should be developed
knowledge to change their behaviour the as soon as the crisis has been recognised,
resources and systems and support the drawing on existing crisis plans where
motivation to change possible.

Note: see Strategic communication, a Communication should be open, transparent

behavioural approach [17] and GovS 002, and informative, and based on established
Project delivery. facts; trusted sources and channels
should be identified. Senior management
should be advised, at the start and as the
crisis evolves, of the key messages to be

Government Functional Standard

Note: an emergency or crisis can include Existing relationships should be identified,

incidents such as flooding, terror attacks, reviewed against the organisation’s current
civil insurrection, acts of war, death of a and previous partners, and where necessary
major public figure. across government, to determine the
Note: for more information on practical crisis potential partner’s reputation and the risks of
communication, see the PRIMER framework working with them.
A partnership agreement shall be drawn
up taking into account, but not limited to,
requirements, roles, time considerations
6.9 Partnership marketing (including embargo and restricted periods),
resource needs, budget, funding sources,
The purpose of partnership marketing is value exchange, data security, governance,
to provide a cost-effective way to reach risk allocation and performance indicators.
audiences, by harnessing relevant third- The relationship with the partner shall be
party influence and insight to increase the managed in accordance with the agreement.
impact of government communication. Any changes to the agreement should be
Partnerships shall be negotiated on an formally agreed. Performance should be
in-kind basis and partners shall not be measured and preventative and corrective
required to pay a fee to be associated with a action taken if needed.

If the campaign is significant in terms of size,

Partners may be from the business duration or complexity, it shall be managed
sector, civil society or public sector bodies in accordance with GovS 002, Project
(such as fire and rescue services, police, Delivery. Commercial partnerships shall be
local authorities and other government defined and managed in accordance with
departments or their arm’s length bodies). GovS 008, Commercial.

Partnership campaigns should be Note: see GCS Delivering Excellence in

undertaken in accordance with section Partnership Marketing [11].
5 together with the requirements and
recommendations contained in this
functional standard.
6.10 Capability and capacity
Resource, capacity and capability
The objectives of a campaign should be management balances the supply and
defined and an assessment of potential demand for appropriate communication
partnership organisations undertaken resources (such as people, equipment,
against reach, relevance and impact to the material and facilities) to be deployed when
target audience. Additional criteria may be needed. Communication resources may
used depending on the campaign subject be sourced from within government, by
and/or audience to be addressed and recruiting or from the supply chain.
determine the role the partner is intended to
A comprehensive view of future resource
needs should be developed and maintained,

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

with possible shortfalls identified and Writing should be:

addressed. • clear
• concise
Planned resources should include the
• consistent
expertise and capability to provide consistent
and effective application of contemporary
technologies and data across all disciplines, Note: see Style guide [12].
and the use of online platforms (such as
web, mobile, social media and related
channels) for the dissemination of content.

6.13 Learning from

Communication resources should be
developed or acquired, and work prioritised
to meet the planned needs. Development of The purpose of learning from experience
communication staff should be undertaken is to avoid repeating mistakes and help
in accordance with GovS 003, Human spread improved practices to benefit current
Resources. and future communication work. Lessons
should be continually captured, evaluated
and action should be taken to mitigate
6.11 Brand risk and facilitate continual improvement
of communication practice, including an
Government departments, agencies and evidence base of what techniques work best
arm’s length bodies shall comply with the with different audiences.
HM Government identity guidelines [3].

Organisation leaders and owners of

The unifying element of the government’s standards, processes, methods, guidance,
identity is the Royal Coat of Arms, approved tools and training, should update their
by Her Majesty the Queen in 1956. Only knowledge sources and communicate
departments of HM Government and its learning as appropriate.
organisations are permitted to use the Royal
Coat of Arms and associated insignia.

Note: see Brand Guidelines: https://gcs.

6.12 Writing style

Communication should be written using the
most appropriate language to effectively
engage with target audiences to achieve the
given communication objective.

Government Functional Standard

A. References

All references are correct at the time of publication, users should check for updated versions.

ID Description

1. GCS, Modern Communication Operating Model (2015)

2. GCS, Evaluation Framework 2.0 (2018)

3. HM Government, Brand Guidelines and artwork

4. GCS, 5 Trends for Leading Edge Communication

5. GCS, Professional Assurance

6. GCS, Professional Competency Framework

7. GCS, OASIS Campaign Framework

8. GCS, Propriety code of Practice

9. GCS, Strategic communication (MCOM) function guide

10. GCS, PRIMER framework

11. GCS, Delivering Excellence in Partnership Marketing

12. GCS, Style Guide

13. GCS, Internal communication Operating Model

14. Engage for Success

15. GCS, Modern media operating model, a guide

16. GCS, External Affairs Operating Model

17. GCS, Strategic communication; a behavioural approach

18. GCS, Buying communication support

19. HM Treasury and Government Finance function, Orange Book, guidance on risk

20. Cabinet Office, Advertising, marketing and communication spend controls

21. Cabinet Office, Cabinet Office controls

22. GCS, Business partnering for government communication: a guide

Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

B. Glossary
See also the common glossary of definitions which includes a list of defined terms and phrases
used across the suite of government standards. The common glossary includes the term,
definition, and which function owns the term and definition.

Term Definition

assurance A general term for the confidence that can be derived from objective
information over the successful conduct of activities, the efficient and
effective design and operation of internal control, compliance with internal
and external requirements, and the production of insightful and credible
information to support decision making. Confidence diminishes when
there are uncertainties around the integrity of information or of underlying

campaign A planned sequence of communication and interactions that uses a

compelling narrative over time to deliver a defined and measurable

channel The medium to deliver a message to an end audience. Often categorised

as either ‘paid’, ‘owned’ or ‘earned’.

channel (earned) The publicity gained through means other than paid-for advertising or own

channel (owned) Owned media refers to media channels that a party has complete control
over such as their website, blogs, email newsletters, social media and
internal communication.

channel (paid) Covers all paid media, including TV and radio advertising, display,
programmatic, search, media partnerships and sponsorship.

communication Communication, in the context of this functional standard includes

announcements, media management, co-ordinated communication
activities (including social media, branded campaigns, external affairs and
stakeholder management) aimed to support the organisation’s policy and
priority objectives. This includes external and internal audiences.

communication A communication package, managed by a communication lead, is an

package element of a campaign which covers a specific need or event and is
aligned to the campaign objectives. A communication package can be
made up of a number of sub-packages.

defined (way In the context of standards, ‘defined’ denotes a documented way of
of working) working which people are expected to use. This can apply to any aspect of
a governance or management framework for example processes, codes of
practice, methods, templates, tools and guides.

Government Functional Standard

established (way In the context of standards, ‘established’ denotes a way of working that
of working) is implemented and used throughout the organisation. This can apply
to any aspect of a governance or management framework for example
processes, codes of practice, methods, templates, tools and guides.

external affairs External affairs is about building and maintaining relationships with
influential individuals and organisations for the public benefit.

fillers Low cost government TV and radio public service announcements,

containing public welfare, health and safety messages, which are aired
entirely at the goodwill of media owners who have donated free airtime.

governance Governance defines relationships and the distribution of rights and

responsibilities among those who work with and in the organisation. It
determines the rules and procedures through which the organisational
objectives are set, and provides the means of attaining those objectives
and monitoring performance. Importantly, it defines where accountability
lies throughout the organisation.

governance and A governance and management framework sets out the authority limits,
management decision making roles and rules, degrees of autonomy, assurance
framework needs, reporting structure, accountabilities and roles and the appropriate
management practices and associated documentation needed to meet this

grid A media planning schedule and forward look to plan announcements.

internal  Internal communication helps leaders in an organisation inform and

communication engage employees, in a way which motivates staff to maximise their
performance and deliver the business strategy most effectively.

marketing In a government context, marketing is the strategic application of a range

of techniques that help fulfil operational and policy objectives by effectively
understanding and meeting the needs of citizens.

media Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education,

data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every
broadcasting and narrowcasting medium on and off line such as websites,
social media platforms, newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards,
direct mail and telephone.

organisation An organisation, in the context of government functional standards, is the

generic term used to describe a government department, arm’s length
body, or any other entity that is identified as being within scope of a
functional standard.

partner longlist A list of potential partner organisations who are able to reach a defined
audience before prioritisation has taken place.

partner shortlist A prioritised list of partner organisations to be approached for campaign


Version 2.0 - 31 July 2021 GovS 011: Communication

partnership The development and delivery of government messages via partnerships

marketing with private sector organisations, the public sector and civil society,
utilising one or more elements of the partner’s marketing communication

plan A plan sets out how objectives, outcomes and outputs are to be delivered
within defined constraints, in accordance with the strategy.

reach The number of people reached by a communication activity.

sponsorship A contractual arrangement where an organisation pays for the rights

(exclusive or non-exclusive) to be associated with an activity. This may be
financially or through the provision of products or services.

strategic Strategic communication sets, co-ordinates and guides the implementation

communication of activity, based on insight, in a timely way, as part of an overarching plan
to deliver against agreed priorities to measurable effect.

strategy  A strategy outlines longer term objectives, outcomes and outputs, and the
means to achieve them, to inform future decisions and planning.

value exchange Ensuring that each side of a marketing partnership is content with what
they are receiving from the relationship relative to what they are giving.

Government Functional Standard

C. Framework for Behaviour – what they do

What drives and triggers action? Where
gaining audience do they do what they do? How frequently?

insight Barriers to doing/thinking? Key words

language used?

Understanding audiences and the Influencers

behavioural context is essential for effective Who or what influences them? Why? (See
communication. By finding out more also ‘Media’, below.)
about audiences’ behaviours, intentions,
attitudes and communication preferences,
insight can help to make sure government Beliefs and attitudes
communication are as relevant, meaningful Thoughts, beliefs, attitudes to this? What
and impactful as possible. values do they hold that relate to the issue?
What makes them feel good? Bad? Why?

Vital statistics Getting information and messages
How many people are like this? Trends? Place, time and how they get info. How
Indices and comparisons. much info they want/need. Where they get it
from-media used. When and where they’re
most receptive?
Who they are
Key economic or demographic
Who influences them
characteristics (individuals’ age, sex, etc.).
Who they do/don’t listen to and respect.
Who delivers for them? In contact with?
General lifestyle
How they live. What they like doing.
Priorities. Aspirations. Consumer trends.
Attitudes to government/life in general.

Needs, benefits and motivations
Rational needs, emotional or hidden needs.
What motivates them?


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