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What are the possible reasons for the abdominal distension and rigidity

What causes abdominal rigidity?

Abdominal rigidity and pain often occur together. Every condition that causes abdominal pain can cause
guarding. Disorders of your abdominal organs can cause abdominal pain. The location of pain depends
on the location of the organ causing the problem.

Your stomach is divided into four sections called quadrants. For instance, stomach ulcers can cause pain
in the upper left quadrant of your abdomen.

Gallstones can cause right upper quadrant pain because they’re in the upper right part of your

Abdominal pain can also travel to other areas of the abdomen. Appendicitis can start as lower right
quadrant pain, but the pain can move toward your belly button.

One of the most common abdominal causes of rigidity is appendicitis.

Problems with your pelvic organs can also cause abdominal pain. Your pelvic organs include:

bladder and lower ureters

uterus, fallopian tube, and ovaries in women

prostate gland in men


In older adults

The causes of abdominal pain — and rigidity — can be different based on age. Adults, primarily older
adults, may experience:

abscess inside the abdomen

cholecystitis, or gallbladder inflammation


bowel obstruction or blockage

perforation or hole in the intestines, stomach, or gall bladder

Other conditions that can lead to abdominal pain and rigidity include:


trauma to the abdomen


In adolescents

Adolescents sometimes experience:

painful menstruation, or dysmenorrhea

pelvic inflammatory disease from sexually transmitted infections

ovarian cysts


Adolescent women may also have abdominal pain and rigidity if they’re pregnant, including an ectopic

Older children may experience:

urinary tract infections (UTIs)


They may experience abdominal pain if they’ve ingested toxins, or poisons.

In infants

Infants may experience:


gastroenteritis, or digestive irritation caused by a virus

viral infection

pyloric stenosis, or narrowing of the stomach outlet

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