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Photo competition for outgoing FEB exchange students 2021-2022:

Your favorite exchange picture

Please read these competition rules carefully. If you enter this competition, we will assume
that you have read these rules and that you agree to them and accept them unconditionally
and fully.


The KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT TE LEUVEN with company number (ondernemings-

nummer) 0419.052.173 and legal seat at 3000 Leuven, Oude Markt 13 (BELGIUM), duly
represented by Ms. Ann-Pascale Bijnens, in her capacity of Administratief Directeur
(managing director), acting on behalf of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)
represented by Prof. Wilfried Lemahieu, Dean, hereinafter referred to as “KU Leuven FEB”.


• You should have a student ID of KU Leuven and have to be enrolled at FEB

campus Antwerp, Brussels, Kortrijk or Leuven;
• You participated in an exchange programme during the academic year 2021-
• You should mail (or WeTransfer) your photo(s) to Loes Diricks
( and add the location where the picture was taken;
• Deadline: 15 April 2022
• The pictures you send in have to be owned by you;
• By sending in photos, you allow KU Leuven FEB to use the pictures for non-
commercial objectives (always crediting the owner);
• On 19 April 2022 all photos will be added to the Facebook page of the Faculty and
all visitors can like their favorite photo(s);
• KU Leuven FEB reserves the right to amend the competition end date at any time,
and cannot be hold responsible thereto.


• The students who have collected the most ‘likes’ on 10 May 2022, 12:00 (noon)
for their photo, win;
• First prize: travel voucher of € 150, second prize and third prize: 4 film tickets
• A “Faculty favorite” will be chosen by the International Offices of the 4 campuses.
This favorite wins a KU Leuven sweater;
• Best photo illustrating the partner university's campus wins a KU Leuven sweater;
• Best photo illustrating an online activity or online mobility wins a KU Leuven
• The 10 best photos (9 most likes and the Faculty Favorite) will make up a
temporary exhibition outside the International Office.
• KU Leuven FEB reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater
value at any time;
• Judge’s ruling is final;
• Prizes are awarded at the discretion of KU Leuven FEB and prize winners will be
notified within a reasonable time.
IP Rights, transfer of ownership and use of pictures

Participating in this competition automatically transfers ownership of rights to KU Leuven

FEB. This includes the use and reuse (including photoshopping) of the pictures submitted
for this competition, including for but not limited to promotional activities and/or gifts,
archiving purposes, use on the website of KU Leuven FEB, publicity in the press and any
other media, and printed matters such as posters, brochures, leaflets, flyers, calendars
and so on.

Participants are responsible for their pictures and have permission of people portrayed on
these pictures to use the image. Participants warrant KU Leuven FEB for any claim from
any other party regarding the intellectual property rights on the pictures submitted for this
competition. All photos need to be made by the student itself (original work).

Privacy policy and publicity

By the sole act of participating to this competition participants automatically and

unconditionally accept that their personal data will be used for identification purposes of
the winner(s) and for communication purposes (such as publication on the website of KU
Leuven FEB and via any other media channel such as the printed press).

Any personal data relating to participants will not be disclosed to a third party without the
individual’s consent.


Under no circumstances KU Leuven FEB accepts any liability with regard to this competition
for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any participant entering the
competition or as a result of accepting any prize.

KU Leuven FEB cannot be hold responsible for any technical malfunction or incompatibility
problem with the used technologies for this competition, including any injury or damage
to the participant's or any other person's computer or mobile phone related to or resulting
from participation in the competition. No responsibility can be accepted for entries that
are lost or delayed, or which are not received for any reason.

Participants warrant that all pictures submitted in this competition will not infringe the
intellectual property, privacy or any other rights of any third party, and will not contain
anything which is libelous, obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening.


The costs for participating in the competition remain totally with the participant. Under no
circumstances participants can reclaim any costs from KU Leuven FEB.
Pictures taken in violation with aforementioned rules or which are legally or otherwise
problematic shall be excluded from the competition. Deception, fraud or abuse of any kind
will lead to the exclusion of the participant.

By participating in the competition the participant agrees to cover any damages which FEB
KU Leuven might suffer if a third party submits a complaint. Participants will help FEB KU
Leuven defend themselves against any such claims and hence will keep an original digital
copy of the photo.

No correspondence will be exchanged nor by phone nor in writing regarding these rules
for competition. The selection of the winner cannot form the subject of any dispute.

The rules for competition can be consulted in the Toledo community “International Office
FEB”, KU Leuven FEB reserves the right to amend these rules or to cancel the competition
at any time. By participating the participant agrees with all the terms and conditions
related to this competition.

The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of these rules shall not affect the
validity or enforceability of any other provision of these rules, which shall remain in full
force and effect.


This competition and its terms and conditions are subject to Belgian law with the exclusion
of conflict of law rules. Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the
courts of Leuven.

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