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February 2022

Volume 100 | Issue 2

Developments in
structural glass


CPD: PI claims

Better together
To tackle the climate challenge, structural engineers
must learn to pool their knowledge and value the past,
explains 2022 Institution President Jane Entwistle

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Image credit: Studio RHE

Modern Uses of Timber

in a Changing Environment
22-23 March 2022

Speakers include:
Chair: Danny Hopkin Programme highlights:
Kelly Harrison Technical Director, • Timber: the potential keynote: Simon
Associate Director, OFR Consultants Smith, Director, Smith & Wallwork
design durability and more
• Day 2 sessions: calculations,
Dmitri Jajich Andrew Lawrence
+PYLJ[VY VM :[Y\J[\YHS +PYLJ[VY (Y\W Case studies:
Skidmore, Owings
& Merrill
• Hybrid structures

Tanya Luthi Chair: Networking opportunities:

Vice President – Martin Milner • Live Q&A and chat with international
Structures, Entuitive Director, ZWLHRLYZ HUK H[[LUKLLZ
Milner Associates • Take a seat at virtual roundtable
Simon Smith Shingi Tarirah
Director, Senior Engineer,
Smith & Wallwork Whitby Wood Sponsored by:

Registration now open:

TSE.Feb22_002.indd 2 19/01/2022 13:49

32 10
10 President’s Inaugural Address: Knowledge,
skills, history – a foundation for a climate-
positive future

18 What if carbon drives our design from
om the
outset? New steel ledger angles to
pp new secondary y
timber frame.

22 Developments in structural glass

Industry CPD
26 Back to basics in troubled times – your
notification obligations to your insurer

30 Viewpoint: Rebuilding trust with blockchain
32 Book review: Flourish: design paradigms for our
planetary emergency
33 Book review: Physical models: Their historical
and current use in civil and building engineering
34 Verulam

At the back
36 Diary dates
38 Spotlight on Structures

40 Products & Services
41 Services Directory
Volume 100 │ Issue 2 │February 2022

42 TheStructuralEngineer Jobs


3 | February 2022

Contents_26-Jan-2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 3 19/01/2022 14:33

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TSE.Feb22_004.indd 4 19/01/2022 13:52

Editorial Upfront

Jane Entwistle
BSc(Hons), CEng, FIStructE, MICE

Martin Powell

Lee Baldwin

Robin Jones
t: +44 (0) 20 7201 9822
Robin Jones Managing Editor
Noha Ali

Looking back as
t: +44 (0) 20 7201 9152

t: +44 (0) 20 7880 7632

well as forward

t: +44 (0) 20 7880 6235

Nicholas Daley
THE NEW YEAR brings with it a new President – a sustainable future (page 32).
PRODUCTION Jane Entwistle, the Institution’s 101st. I’m sure many This year, we also plan to update readers on
Jane Easterman
of you will have watched Jane’s Inaugural Address developments in another structural material – glass
online, but, as is traditional, we also bring it to you – in anticipation of the release of a draft Eurocode
Will Arnold MIStructE
in print this month (page 10). Jane is a Conservation for comment. As Graham Coult and Mauro Overend
Premma Makanji MIStructE Accredited Engineer with a longstanding interest explain, there have been significant advances in
Allan Mann FIStructE
Chris O’Regan FIStructE in our built environment heritage, conserving and glass technology since the second edition of the
Angus Palmer MIStructE
Simon Pitchers FIStructE
bringing new life to historic buildings, and she Institution’s Guide to the structural use of glass
Eleana Savvidi MIStructE sees lessons in this work for the sustainable future in buildings was published in 2014 (page 22). A
Subscription prices the profession is working planned series of short
Institutional: £479
Personal (print only): £110
towards. technical notes aims to
Personal (online only): £110 As well as the obvious offer guidance on aspects
Personal (Student Member): £45
carbon benefits of reusing AN APPRECIATION of designing with glass over
Single copies: £25 (incl. p&p) buildings where possible,
Jane believes that an
OF PAST DETAILS, the course of the year.
We also bring you a
Printed by
Warners Midlands plc
The Maltings, Manor Lane Bourne,
appreciation of past details, CPD article, sponsored by
Lincolnshire PE10 9PH
United Kingdom
techniques and approaches
to design will stand engineers
APPROACHES insurance broker Griffiths
& Armour, on claims
© The Institution of Structural Engineers.
in good stead as part of a TO DESIGN WILL notification requirements
The Structural Engineer (ISSN 1466-5123) is
published by IStructE Ltd, a wholly owned
subsidiary of The Institution of Structural
culture of knowledge sharing for engineers (page 26) and
Engineers. It is available both in print and online.

Contributions published in The Structural

and skills development that
will be required to tackle
IN GOOD STEAD a Viewpoint exploring the
benefits that blockchain
Engineer are published on the understanding
that the author/s is/are solely responsible for the
the ‘wicked problems’ that technology may offer in
statements made, for the opinions expressed the climate crisis brings. Mentoring and networks building transparency and trust in areas such as BIM
and/or for the accuracy of the contents.
Publication does not imply that any statement or or hubs for sharing knowledge and ideas are also assets and the circular economy (page 30), as well
opinion expressed by the author/s reflects the
views of the Institution of Structural Engineers’
themes that Jane will be championing during her as our usual Verulam (page 34), Diary dates (page
Board; Council; committees; members year in office. 36) and Spotlight on Structures (page 38) pages.
or employees. No liability is accepted by such
persons or by the Institution for any loss or As well as reading the address, you can view I hope you enjoy the issue.
damage, whether caused through reliance on
any statement, opinion or omission (textual
a recording at
or otherwise) in The Structural Engineer, or career-profiles/jane-entwistle-fistructe-president-s-
The Institution of Structural Engineers
International HQ
47–58 Bastwick Street Elsewhere in the issue, the theme of sustainable
London EC1V 3PS
United Kingdom design continues in an article by James Norman
t: +44 (0)20 7235 4535
discussing an approach to scheme design that
explicitly considers carbon from the outset (page
The Institution of Structural Engineers
Incorporated by Royal Charter 18). James argues that timber offers the greatest
Charity Registered in England and Wales number
233392 and in Scotland number SC038263
potential for carbon reduction at this stage, while
retaining the flexibility to change the design to
concrete or steel at a later stage should that prove
necessary. We also review Flourish, a new book that
explores the changes in mindset that will be needed
to bring about the new design paradigms required for

5 | February 2022

Editorial_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 5 20/01/2022 08:17

Upfront News

Institution news
End-of-year climate report sets priorities for 2022

Industry news
Institution Fellow
recognised in New Year
Hanif Kara FIStructE has been made an
Officer of the Order of the British Empire
(OBE) in the Queen’s New Year Honours.
Hanif, a co-founder of structural engineering
practice AKT II, received the honour in The Institution’s Climate Emergency Task The report also includes a ‘Sustainability
recognition of his services to architecture, Group (CETG) has released its end-of-year Resource Map’ which contains clickable links
engineering, and education. report, reviewing progress in 2021 to address to over 170 items of guidance on various
Hanif has also taught design the climate crisis, and setting out its areas of topics around sustainability. Twenty items of
internationally, is a member of the board of focus for the coming year. guidance are highlighted as ‘recommended
trustees for the Architecture Foundation and The three key areas of focus for 2022 reading’, making the Resource Map an
was a commissioner for the Commission will be: excellent introduction for engineers new to the
for Architecture and the Built Environment Ò| strengthening the profession’s capabilities subject.
(CABE) from 2008 to 2011. He is currently to make carbon a standard part of every
Professor in Practice of Architectural engineer’s toolkit
Technology at Harvard Graduate School of Ò| broadening the thinking of the CETG and Read the report at
Design. Institution to go beyond carbonw resources/report/climate-
Hanif said: ‘I am overwhelmed by this but Ò| influencing others in the construction emergency-task-group-end-of-year-
it’s a great start in an era of uncertainties. industry to take bold steps of their own. report-21/.
I’m grateful to the many people who’ve
supported myself, and AKT II’s adventure,
with such kindness and encouragement
over the years. I will treasure this award with
pride and joy!’
Industry news level on all projects. It discusses the types
CROSS of risk that may arise and potential causes
Institution news of failure.
Enter the Structural Awards Safety Alert
The Alert is essential reading for structural
2022 addresses and civil engineers, fire engineers and
management those who engage with them in design and
The Structural Awards 2022 are open for
of design- checking. It applies to risk management
entries, with a new emphasis this year
on sustainability and meeting the climate
related risks in all sectors of building and construction
challenge. CROSS-UK has issued work.
Entries will no longer be made to a new Safety Alert on
specific categories. Instead, they will be The management of design related risks: Read the Alert at www.cross-
judged according to four key attributes structural civil and fire engineers. The Alert
that exemplify structural engineering seeks to remind engineers of the need to cross-safety-alert/management-design-
achievement: consider risk management at a fundamental related-risks-structural-civil-and-fire.
Ò| Planet
Ò| People
Ò| Process Industry news Ò| Misleading fire rating PV panels to existing roofs
Read the latest on hatches Ò| Beam and block floors fire
Ò| Profession
Ò| Steel truss failure during resistance
lifting operation Ò| Inadequate temporary
All entries will be required to quantify the newsletter Ò| Fire protection of light works on domestic project
embodied carbon footprint of the structure Newsletter 63 from CROSS- gauge steel frames
using the IStructE Structural Carbon Tool. UK is now available online and Ò| Sudden failure of
contains reports and discussion Read the newsletter at
storage silo
For full details and to submit an of the following issues: wwww.cross-safety.
Ò| Front doors in blocks of flats
entry, visit Ò| Concerns about punching org/uk/news-and-events/
– security versus safety?
structuralawards. shear in a flat slab cross-uk-newsletter-63-0.
Ò| Safety issues when adding

February 2022 |

News_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 6 20/01/2022 09:07



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TSE.Feb22_007.indd 7 19/01/2022 13:52

Upfront News

Industry news
Institution news Institution member named
Last chance to enter one of UK’s most inspiring
the Young Structural female founders
Engineering Professional Beekeeper and structural engineer Helen
Award Rogers, from Highgate in London, has been
If you are a graduate or professionally named one of the UK’s most inspirational
qualified member of the IStructE aged 30 and dynamic female entrepreneurs by the
or under, you are eligible to enter the Young f:Entrepreneur ‘#ialso100’ campaign.
Structural Engineering Professional Award. Helen, who founded the sustainable
This prestigious award allows you to beekeeping company, Highgate Honey, is being
showcase your skills and achievements and profiled alongside 100 female entrepreneurs
sets the winner out as ‘one to watch’ among from across the country, as part of the campaign
the Institution's global membership. to celebrate the multi-achievements of women
The winner of the award will receive a running businesses in the UK today. championing sustainability.
£1500 prize, two tickets to the Structural Delivered by Small Business Britain – the Helen was also called out for her engineering
Awards, and the opportunity to be a judge leading champion of small businesses in the expertise on cantilever stone stairs, championing
on the Structural Awards panel. Runners-up UK – f:Entrepreneur was launched in 2017 to UK honey in her honey-tasting workshops and
receive £500. highlight the stories of amazing female business her book, 80 Flowers for Bees, which helps you
owners and help provide inspiration and pick plants that benefit bees.
role models across the wider small business On being featured in the #ialso100 line-up,
Find out more at community. Helen said: ‘I’m delighted to be recognised
training-and-development/enter- The f:Entrepreneur ‘#ialso100’ line-up for the diverse range of work that I do. It’s so
awards/young-structural-engineering- particularly sets out to showcase trailblazing inspiring seeing all the other women working
professional-award/. The deadline for female founders who lead businesses alongside flexibly in non-traditional 9–5 roles like me.’
entries is 25 February. a roster of other responsibilities, such as
volunteering, mentoring and community To see the full line-up of the 100
Institution news support. Many of the businesses featured amazing women featured in this year’s
in this year’s campaign also demonstrate a f:entrepreneur #ialso100 campaign, visit
Calling young engineers:
huge commitment to the environment by
enter the Kenneth Severn
Engineers aged 28 or under with an interest
Industry news
in sustainability are invited to enter this year’s
Kenneth Severn Award, with the chance to
BCSA launches Industry news
win a prize of £500. Sustainability Safety bulletin raises
To enter, you must submit a short essay Specification for concerns about plastic
by 28 February in response to the following structural steelwork for outrigger mats/systems
question set by 2022 Institution President building construction The Temporary Works Forum (TWf) has
Jane Entwistle: The BCSA has published a Sustainability Specification issued a safety bulletin following concerns
In order to reduce the carbon footprint for structural steelwork for building construction. The raised by several members regarding
of construction we need to take immediate new document forms part of the National Steelwork the stated capacity of some plastic
action which includes learning and education Specification for Building Construction (NSSS), and will outrigger mats/systems. A working group
at all levels. What does history teach us and come into force on 1 June 2022. is currently looking at this and hopes to
what systems might be introduced from a The document been prepared under the guidance provide some guidance later in 2022.
structural engineering design perspective? of a Steering Committee comprised of structural In the meantime, it is recommended
steel suppliers, steelwork contractors, designers, and that members treat the stated capacities
For further details or to submit an individual sustainability experts from BCSA, SCI and of plastic outrigger mats/systems with
entry, visit IStructE. caution, even where they are supported
training-and-development/enter- This Specification outlines the general requirements by seemingly complex testing or analyses.
awards/kenneth-severn-award/. and practices for achieving environmentally sustainable The assessment of outrigger mats and
steelwork building construction, and covers several ground bearing to adequately spread
topics, including: outrigger loads should be undertaken
Max de Podesta Ò| steel procurement by suitably competent and experienced
won the Kenneth Ò| project specification requirements in terms of persons, who may wish to consider:
Severn Award in
sustainability Ò| the experience and track record of the
2021 for his essay
on competence Ò| reusing structural steel. supplier
Ò| any assumptions made in respect
The Sustainability Specification requires all relevant of the ground conditions, material
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) to be properties and the method of analysis
submitted for new steel products, as well as for Ò| compatibility with the site investigation
corrosion and fire protection systems. Aspects of and interpretation, e.g. acceptable
fabrication are also addressed, in particular regarding ground bearing pressure
welding procedures. Ò| acceptable deflection.

Download the Specification free of charge at To find out more about the Temporary Works Forum, visit

February 2022 |

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Feature President’s Inaugural Address

Knowledge, skills, history –

a foundation for a climate-
positive future
Conservation Accredited Engineer Jane is Technical Director for Thomasons in
2022 President of the Institution of Structural Engineers
Manchester, where she has worked since 2003. As a
Conservation Accredited Engineer, Jane particularly
specialises, and enjoys, working on historic structures.
Introduction time talking and listening to me as we She has over 30 years’ experience of working with
If anyone had told me 50 years ago that explored which areas of my studies I was old and existing buildings and has been convinced
I would be taking up this Presidential good at and which I enjoyed. He was for many years that buildings should be repaired and
role, I would probably have said, ‘Okay, the one who suggested engineering – it reused rather than replaced.
great!’ – at that age youngsters take sounded good to me, so I told my parents, Jane has worked for SMEs for the majority of her
most things in their stride. If anyone had and later my school, that this was my career. With this type of work, she has also become
told me 25 years ago, I would have said, chosen career and never regretted that proficient with controlling a multiplicity of relatively
‘No way, I just pay my subscription – my quickly made decision. small projects concurrently. Over the years she has
qualification is all that I want from the I often think of the very many youngsters become familiar with many building types and details
Institution’. Ten years ago, I would have who will not have had the good fortune of and still finds the discovery of details exciting.
said, ‘No, it’s not me or for me’. Yet, here a friend who can help them recognise their Jane has been actively involved with the Institution
I am; extremely honoured to take on this potential and to help them to sort out their since 2000, serving as Regional Group Chair for
role of representing our Institution and its path forwards. In a single morning, Ian set Lancashire and Cheshire in 2006/07 and on numerous
members over the coming year. the path for my future life and put me on committees and panels since then.
Those of you who already know me will my life journey.
be aware that my key area of work has, My A level results were not a success, CAREER MILESTONES
for many years, been historic buildings; but I was offered a place, through the Ò| 1984: BSc (Hons) in Civil Engineering, Manchester
I will be coming back to that later in this clearing process, to read Civil Engineering University
address. You may also already know that a at Manchester. I will be eternally grateful to Ò| 1984–1991: Arup, Manchester
continuous theme of my involvement with Dr Jim Dickie, the Admissions Tutor at that Ò| 1991–2003: Byrom Clark Roberts, Manchester and
the Institution has been that of considering time, and who later became my tutor, who Chester – Senior Engineer, then Associate
the effect that any changes proposed at saw some potential in me and offered me Ò| 1993: Chartered Member of the ICE
the centre of our organisation will have out the place. Jim and I have remained friends Ò| 1998: Chartered Member of the IStructE
in the regions. and he has encouraged me through every Ò| 2003–PRESENT: Thomasons, Manchester –
stage of my career. Associate, becoming Technical Director in 2017
Who am I? My first job was with Arup in Ò| 2006/07: Chair of the IStructE Lancashire &
I was brought up in a small village in Manchester. There were many Cheshire Regional Group
Wiltshire in the south of England where outstanding and memorable characters Ò| 2007: Fellow of the IStructE
my father was the local GP, or doctor. who encouraged me, but the one who Ò| 2018: Conservation Accredited Engineer
In terms of education, I moved with my probably had the most influence was Colin Ò| 2022: President of the IStructE
cohort from the village primary school to a Wood, who is sadly no longer with us.
middle school and then on to Gillingham Colin combined teaching/mentoring and
comprehensive school, where I completed encouraging with a natural caring attitude;
my O levels. For A levels I moved again, his down-to-earth style and thorough me along the way. For the vast majority
this time to South Wilts Grammar School understanding of engineering principles of people to succeed, in any walk of life,
in Salisbury. appealed to me. such positive encouragement is invaluable.
I had no idea what career I wanted to Colin was also responsible for When I looked back at the Presidential
follow, other than knowing that it would be introducing me to the Institution of Address given by Sarah Buck in 2007, her
science-based. At the age of 13, I wanted Structural Engineers; he encouraged me theme was ‘Attract, Support, Enthuse’.
to be a meteorologist, so I avidly collected to attend the Lancashire and Cheshire These three aspects were clearly provided
weather data for a few years – but not for Hot Pot Supper (our inaugural meeting by Ian, Jim and Colin in my early formative
long enough to appreciate the effects of of the year), which was attended by the years.
our changing climate. Then came the time President and Chief Executive. I was I was with Arup for just over six years
to think about which degree course to impressed by what I heard and wanted to before being made redundant in the 1991
apply for. be an active part of this organisation, but recession. During those years, I acquired
My school was not especially helpful that took another 15 years to happen. a strong grounding in concrete and
in giving me advice; instead, Ian, a family You may notice that a bit of a theme steelwork design, but this was also when
friend who was a careers adviser, spent is emerging of people who encouraged my interest in historic buildings started to

February 2022 |

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President’s Inaugural Address Feature

îFIGURE 1: Norton Priory – scope of works increased rate. This was another period
of learning: not just the technical aspects
Roof structure and
spiral stair removed but also the social aspects of our role as
Approx extent of 1980s engineers, and in particular how important
Support points for new building removed it is to manage a budget of any size,
from a tiny domestic budget to that of a
multimillion-pound project.
For the past nearly 19 years, I
have been working for Thomasons in
Manchester. In this role, I have further
developed my conservation work, and I
am proud to have achieved accreditation
as a Conservation Engineer through CARE
and as such be able to consider myself a
custodian of our cultural heritage. In this
role, I see myself as an advocate for the
historic buildings on which I have the good
fortune to work.
While CARE focuses primarily on
historic buildings, I have always been of
the opinion that, wherever possible, all old
buildings should be treated with the same
care and consideration as listed buildings.
Although there are times when the best
decision for a building may not concur
fully with conservation principles, or when
change is appropriate in order to develop
and protect the future of a building.
With historic buildings, the overarching
principles are that modern interventions
should be subservient to the listed
structure and, where possible, reversible.
To give an indication of the scope of
my work, I am including two examples
of projects that I have worked on in the
last few years. The first of these is the
refurbishment of Norton Priory Museum,
Cheshire in 2013–16; the second is
the restoration of Wythenshawe Hall in
Manchester following an arson attack in
Medieval undercroft structure Medieval wall that had 2016.
to be preserved

Norton Priory redevelopment

develop. However, my best-loved project part of the Smithers Purslow group) was This project involved a £4.5m
during that period was the Southport and a multidisciplinary SME and here I learned redevelopment of Norton Priory Museum
Formby District General Hospital Spinal to work closely with in-house architects in Runcorn, as a joint venture between
Injuries Unit, which was the first major and building surveyors – the principle of Norton Priory Museum Trust Ltd and
project on which I took the lead structural working collaboratively in a team really Halton Borough Council. The site is
engineering role. started to take root. designated as a scheduled monument
It was during this project that I really Much of my work was on church and contains the remains of a 12th century
came to appreciate that our work as projects, with another line that developed monastery; it is renowned as one of
structural engineers needs to take into of working on the historic mill buildings in Europe’s most excavated monastic sites.
account the specific needs of a building’s and around Manchester and Lancashire. The museum complex consisted of the
users, and that we can enhance their living Both of these areas of work required a historic Grade I listed Undercroft and a
or working environment by good design good understanding of the old (but not 1980s steel-framed building that housed
decisions. necessarily listed) buildings. In order to the bulk of the museum. The project
In this case, there were two particularly repair, or alter, them, it is first essential to (Figure 1) comprised the removal of a
memorable aspects: firstly, in the design understand how they work, as well as to 1980s addition on top of the Undercroft,
of the hydrotherapy (swimming) pool, the be able to determine which defects are as this provided very little usable space,
water had to be held at body temperature inherent due to their design and which and the addition of a new gallery in its
as patients may not be able to feel are due to a lack of maintenance or place; provision of new structure to link
hot or cold and could dehydrate if too inappropriate alterations or repairs in the the Undercroft and the 1980s museum;
hot; secondly, it would be of no use to past. together with full refurbishment of the
have stairs by which patients would be At BCR we also undertook a large museum, including installation of a
evacuated in case of emergency – there amount of domestic insurance work, biomass boiler and heating system.
had to be a ramp, which I designed to also mostly relating to subsidence; during my The Undercroft, which had originally
be usable for ‘slalom’ wheelchair training. time with BCR we saw two episodes of formed part of the 12th century Augustine
My next job was with Byrom Clark unusually dry summers – indicators that Priory, survived the 16th century
Roberts, also in Manchester. BCR (now our climate was starting to change at an dissolution of the monasteries, and was

11 | February 2022

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Feature President’s Inaugural Address

loading would not be detrimental to the

substantial historic structure.
One of the key drivers for the roofscape
of the new link building was to provide
accommodation for the 4m high,
internationally significant, 14th century
statue of St Christopher.
Historical changes to the below-
ground drainage in and around the
Undercroft had caused ongoing problems
of damp and settlement of the floor;
these were addressed in the works that
we undertook. Due to the site being a
scheduled monument, all excavations
were undertaken by, or under the watch
of, an archaeologist. English Heritage (now
Historic England) was closely involved with
Extent of Undercroft all decisions relating to the historic fabric
of the site.
My initial expectation had been for
English Heritage to have a preference to
retain the fill material beneath the floor,

as this was expected to contain items

of archaeological interest. I prepared an
options appraisal and, to my surprise, the
Monuments Officer opted for the most
intrusive solution of full removal of the fill
subsequently incorporated into Tudor, deteriorating concrete spiral stair. The stair Norton Priory material and the introduction of a new
Georgian and Victorian houses (Figure 2). and roof were removed and the ring beam Undercroft floor and drainage system, as this would
When the last of these was demolished left in place to act as the foundation for the incorporated into give the superstructure of the Undercroft
Georgian era
in 1928, the Undercroft still survived. The new steel-framed portal building. A glulam house the best opportunities for protection
museum was established in the 1970/80s. timber portal was originally proposed, and longevity. The tiled floor was re-laid
We worked closely with Buttress but costs prevented this solution being (Figure 5) and the resultant space is now
Architects to develop innovative solutions adopted; our acceptance of the change to used for events including weddings.
to overcome the complexities and steel would have been very different now –
restrictions of working with a Grade I just eight years later. Wythenshawe Hall restoration
listed building and scheduled monument. The new link structure was steel framed This project comprised the restoration
The end result was that we achieved the (designed by one of my colleagues) but, of Grade II* listed Wythenshawe Hall
client’s vision while minimising disruption in order to prevent damage or load being following arson attack in March 2016
to archaeology and treating this important applied to a medieval wall foundation, the (Figure 6).
historic site with great care and respect. glazed front elevation was suspended from The hall was built around 1540 and
The 1980s addition to the Undercroft above (Figures 3 and 4). This resulted in suffered during the English Civil War in
comprised a high monopitch roof two points of concentrated loading on the 1643, with partial rebuilding undertaken
supported on a concrete ring beam which historic structure; a pragmatic approach between 1795 and 1800 and further
had been cast on top of the medieval of considering the history of the building alterations around 1840. Extensive repairs
walls. This provided a very small exhibition and its previous loading conditions was were carried out in the 1950s, with some
space at one end, accessed via a adopted, which showed that the new of that work causing significant loss of

îFIGURE 3: Isometric
view of proposed îFIGURE 4: Glazed front
alterations to building elevation of completed link

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President’s Inaugural Address Feature

fabric and using methods and materials rather than following, as the realisation has
that would not now be considered grown that reuse of buildings is a good
appropriate in conservation work. and sustainable solution.
The building was originally a timber- The focus of what I am saying in this
framed manor house with a hall and two address has subtly changed from how
projecting wings. One of the later additions I would have presented my thoughts a
provided a chapel and further additions year ago – it is so encouraging to see the
including numerous other rooms. growing awareness and momentum in our
In the arson attack, a fire was set next industry to do something to help reduce
to the front door of the timber-framed the climate emergency in which we now
building; this caught hold and caused find ourselves.
severe damage to the Tudor porch and As I draft this, we are hearing of the
to much of the historic roof structure worst wildfires in Cyprus in decades,
(Figure 7). Thomasons was employed mudslides in Japan, devastating flooding
by the insurance company to provide in Germany, unusually cold temperatures
structural advice immediately after the fire in eastern Australia and record high
and in relation to the restoration works. We temperatures being experienced in
brought a conservation architect onboard western Canada; temperatures fast
as subconsultant to advise on the non- approaching the limits that a human body
structural fabric. can withstand.
My primary involvement with this project I know that there are still many people
was in relation to repairs and restoration who consider this a politicised viewpoint,
of the timber frame. It was an extremely ìFIGURE 5: Undercroft with re-laid tiled floor
interesting project as it is rare to be able to
fully examine the construction methods of
a timber-framed building of this type and
to be so closely involved in the restoration
of one so badly damaged. It was also
an excellent learning opportunity to work
closely with the architect in developing the
strategy for restoration and conservation of
non-structural items of the building.
I spent several days crawling over
and through the fire-damaged structure
recording the condition of each remaining
piece of structural timber. My observations
became part of the overall condition
survey and, as each stage of the
investigation developed, I updated my ìFIGURE 6:
recommendations relating to how much Wythenshawe Hall
following arson attack
of the historic timber could be retained
(Figure 8) – either as active structural
members or simply left in place in their
damaged condition to preserve the story
of the building.
Repairs to the primary timber trusses
comprised a combination of traditionally
formed timber joints and steel plates, as
in this scenario it was considered more
important to preserve as much of the
historic fabric as possible rather than
replicating it in modern timber.
The particular challenge on this
project was the retention of a severely
distorted timber-framed gable which,
despite severe fire damage, had surviving
internal wall paintings. The final solution
was to replicate the original, undistorted
oak frame, and construct it next to, and
providing support to, the original distorted
structure (Figures 9 and 10).

Repairing our damage

For many years, it has been fairly niche
and perhaps unfashionable to work with
old buildings, but this has changed even
in the time that I have been thinking about
this address. For perhaps the first time in
my life, I find myself in a position of leading ìFIGURE 7: Fire damage to roof

13 | February 2022

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Feature President’s Inaugural Address

but when we consider the impact of solving them). organisation prepared to look at the new,
construction, and in particular new We have spent generations believing to fully investigate and test their options,
construction, on the environment that is that our methods are always better but not scared to acknowledge that
changing so quickly, we surely have to help and more advanced than those of our their current solution was still the most
transform society by recasting our actions predecessors; I do not dispute that this appropriate.
for the public good and for the good of our may often be the case, but I argue that we I went to an excellent presentation
planet. must not assume this to be true; new is in early 2020 where the speakers
I am not going to give a lecture on our not always best. included Dr Andy Knox and Professor
current climate emergency – there are I cite an example shared with me by one Dame Sue Black; the event was about
many far better equipped to do that than of my nephews, who is involved with the the regeneration and reinvigoration of
me – but we do have to accept that we design of specialist optical equipment. He the seaside town of Morecambe in the
have wicked problems to face up to told me of a situation where it was decided northwest of England. While the latter
(Box 1). For those who are not familiar with that it was time for their product to spoke of how we need to know our
the jargon, a wicked problem is a problem embrace new digital technology; they tried history but not be restricted or limited by
that is difficult, if not impossible, to resolve all sorts of methodologies but still couldn’t it, Dr Knox pointed out that society, like a
due its nature of being contradictory and get a product as good and reliable as their spider’s web, needs anchor points to allow
incomplete, with parameters that change current one. Eventually, they went back it to grow.
so that they are often difficult to recognise. to the drawing board and started from Their words set me thinking about how
In order to tackle wicked problems, we scratch – the solution they came up with we need to understand our heritage and
need to be both prophets (to understand was very close to their current product. to combine it with forward motion; by our
the problems) and wizards (to find ways of I like this story as it tells of an heritage I do not only mean our societal

/(*(1' 1(:7,0%(50(0%(5725(3/$&((;,67,1*

(600 series drawings) 1(:7,0%(53,(&( 67(1*7+(1('%<1(:6(&21'$5<7,0%(56758&785(


CROMWELL ROOM 1(:7,0%(50(0%(5 (;,67,1*7,0%(50(0%(5725(0$,1

(200 series drawings)





(300 series drawings)

(100 series drawings)


(500 series drawings)

(400 series drawings)

ìFIGURE 8: Proposed scheme for

new and retained timber members

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President’s Inaugu
ural Address Feature

history, but also our heritage as structural brick; but if we realise the mistake soon
engineers and something of the history enough, we may be able to remove e the
of why we design in the way that we unsympathetic and inappropriate mortarortar in
do. We need to appreciate details and order to preserve the original fabric off the
techniques, both current and historic, building.
in order to understand what is good to In a similar way, we need to make sure ure
keep and/or copy. that changes that we make to our planet et
Some people may prefer to keep are subservient, leaving only the lightest
their knowledge to themselves in order touch. We do not have the luxury of
to maintain a commercial advantage. replacing a part of our planet, as we would
I cannot concur with this principle – a damaged brick in a wall, so instead it is
knowledge is far too exciting to keep essential that we stop the damage that we
to oneself and we can only improve are doing and, where appropriate, unpick
our environment by sharing successes some of our previous actions and habits.
so that the wheel does not need to be
repeatedly reinvented. Where next?
Professor Black reminded us So, how do we move forwards?
that research needs to be open and In the more recent past, we have been
collaborative. We need to be generous profligate with materials; we have, for good
with our knowledge and realise that reasons at the time, used larger section
things that we take for granted ‘because sizes than required in order to standardise
it is what we do’ may be new information members; we may have not considered
for others. the effect of our materials choices on New steel ledger
g angles
g to

By a similar token, we also need to the environment – this is a relatively

pp new secondary y
timber frame.

share our failures and how we learn new consideration for many of us; we
from them; failure is a very valuable tool demolished buildings in order to build new
in progress – provided that we learn and flashy ones – to provide clients with
from it. The most important thing is to the latest ideas and fashions.
fail forwards so that we, and others, can I have talked extensively about historic NEW STRUCTURE SUPPORTING EXISTING
understand why that decision was a buildings as they are my particular area MEMBERS BEHIND
wrong path. of interest, but reuse of buildings is about
In this, we also need to be forgiving of much, much more than just historic
mistakes made in the past; one example structures. We need to be considering all
that I see on many of the buildings on existing buildings, whatever their age, as
which I work is the inappropriate used assets that should not be thrown away
of cementitious mortar instead of lime unless there is no other option. Equally, NEW TIMBER MEMBER TO REPLACE EXISTING

mortar when repointing soft brickwork. there is a need, even a moral duty, to NEW TIMBER PIECE
The hard cement-based mortar is more engage with and inform clients to explore
durable and less porous, which results in options based around reuse of their NEW TIMBER MEMBER. (Traditional mortise and tenon cconnections)

damage and erosion of the softer brick buildings. (;,67,1*'$0$*('7

(Figure 11). Clients will need to be informed of what 1(:6(&21'$5<7,0%(56758&785(6833257,1*
This damage to the original fabric is possible; whether their building can be 675(1*7+(1,1*(;,6

would not have been the intention of retrofitted, e.g. with insulation, to suit both EXISTING TIMBER MEMBER TO REMAIN
whoever specified the wrong type of their requirements and current building
pointing, but as conservation specialists and environmental requirements. Is their TO RE ASSESS SUITABILITY FOR POSSIBLE RE
we have learned from their mistake building suitable to be adapted, perhaps
and we move forwards with our repair extended upwards and, if so, what are
techniques and make sure that new the implications for the existing structure
materials introduced into a historic and foundations? Also, what measures frames which have been reused; in the
building will be subservient to the original will need to be put in place to prevent past it was normal to repurpose timber
Proposed repairs to
fabric such that they will fail, or erode, disproportionate collapse? Or does their timber-framed gable members from one structure into another.
first. building only require restoration to bring it We need to start thinking in a similar way
When the damage is too great, back to use. – but why dismantle the existing structure,
we may be forced to locally replace a In my work, I frequently see timber why not reuse it in its current location? At
the same time, we must still embrace new
ideas and techniques, but we must think
about their potential to either prevent or
BOX 1. WHAT IS A ‘WICKED PROBLEM’? accelerate climate change.
Ò| A wicked problem is difficult to define clearly
New materials and techniques will
Ò| It has many interdependencies and is often multicausal
always be exciting to us as engineers, but
Ò| Attempts to address the problem often lead to unforeseen consequences
going forward we will need to look at them
Ò| The problem is frequently not stable
through the lens of whether they are good
Ò| There is usually no clear solution
for our environment; can they effectively
Ò| It is socially complex
reduce the carbon footprint of a building?
Ò| It is rarely the responsibility of only one stakeholder
Can they be used in conjunction with
Ò| Solutions to the problem involve changing behaviours
existing structure to prolong the lifespan or
Ò| The problem can be characterised by chronic policy failure
enhance the capacity of a building? These
are questions that we must ask ourselves
as designers.

15 | February 2022

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Feature President’s Inaugural Address

The understanding of structural

behaviour and structural materials has
always been essential for structural
engineers and this will not change; a
thorough grounding in this will always
be required and, in some ways, become
even more essential when considering
the reuse, or repurposing, of existing
However, it also needs to be
acknowledged that such work requires
a subtly different set of skills from that
for design of new buildings. To be
successful, it is necessary to understand
the structures that are to be reused. It
is essential to understand the materials
used; the effect that time and their
environment (e.g. pollution or ingress of
water) has had on them; the levels of
a) Following fire decay and deterioration of timber, steel
and concrete members; the residual
strength of the components; the suitability
and adequacy of existing connections.
This can sound daunting and, if not
properly considered and understood,
could be the death knell for many
buildings. There is great danger that
without suitable training we could lose or
damage our current building assets.
In future, we need to ensure that
structural engineers are not only masters
of new design, but also familiar and
proficient in understanding the skills
required to safely reuse structures. In
addition, it will be essential that they
understand how the existing building
works; they may be fortunate and have
records of the original construction, but
they will need to understand alterations
that have already been made and whether
the building was actually constructed as
One of the challenges that I see
b) During restoration work is how to ensure that our engineers
are competent in this ever changing
and increasingly challenging world. In
older buildings there are often regional
variations in the style and methods of
construction; I have been working on old
and historic buildings for over 30 years
and I still regularly find details that are new
and unexpected – we never stop learning.
We are in a time of climate crisis and
need to take action, but all the required
knowledge is too much to learn in a
classroom, so it is essential that we share
our knowledge; we need to collaborate
to ensure sufficient competence is
developed to allow this important
work to be undertaken in a proper and
appropriate manner.
The Institution has a major role to play
in this respect. We have been extremely
fortunate to have Will Arnold taking a lead
on climate action. With his enthusiasm, in
a short time we have come a long way in
ëFIGURE 10: our understanding of the severity of the
c) Following restoration Repairs to apex situation we need to deal with.
of north gable In 2021, I chaired a task group which

February 2022 |

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President’s Inaugural Address Feature

made in the past and work with them to

provide a better future built environment.
We need to take a pragmatic and practical
approach to the reuse of buildings,
taking into account the embodied carbon
savings we can make by reusing existing
WHEREVER WE structures compared with building new.
WORK AS Not only will this look after our heritage,
STRUCTURAL but it will also help to reduce the enormous
carbon footprint of construction. This has
ENGINEERS, WE to be the future approach of our profession
NEED TO PUT and we need to make sure that it becomes
embedded in the core competencies of
CLIMATE ACTION structural engineers – not sometime in the
AT THE TOP OF future, but now.
OUR PRIORITIES We need to normalise these changed
attitudes and use them to engage with the
unengaged, whether that be colleagues,
clients or other members of our design
teams. We may start with little steps,
but as we become more agile in this
way of thinking, these steps will become
Ò| Help and encourage each bigger and more effective. The Climate
other Emergency Task Group, whose articles
Ò| Upskill ourselves and others in The Structural Engineer are essential
Ò| Build inclusive friendships reading, has set us targets of reducing our

and networks carbon footprint by 10% each year, so we

Ò| Share knowledge and must act now, not just plan to get started
experiences soon.
Wherever we work as structural
engineers, we need to put climate action at
hubs that I envisage will be more fluid; the top of our priorities; this has been done
they are likely to spawn smaller specialist by this Institution in the decision made
reviewed the appropriateness of our ëFIGURE 1: groups which may come and go as needs by the Board in 2019 to put the climate
current Chartered Membership Exam. Erosion of demand. For example, in Lancashire and emergency on a par with the Institution’s
We reviewed the learning outcomes that Cheshire we have a wealth of former existing strong focus on structural safety.
need to be demonstrated by a competent cotton mills, many of which have already This is not just for those working in large
engineer, particularly in relation to climate been redeveloped, so a local hub offering consultancies for wealthy clients, it is for
action, and we worked with the Exams advice on the peculiarities of these all of us. In the words of John Wesley,
Panel to understand how these can be buildings and some guidance in relation to ‘The World is my Parish’ – there are no
incorporated into the exam. This process typical distortions that may be expected, boundaries, we must all play our part
of regular review will continue at least and whether they are of concern, could wherever we are and whoever we work for.
every two to three years to ensure that assist engineers who are getting started. Our previous President, Don McQuillan,
our young professionals are ready at the I am going to be ambitious and tell you spoke about the four Cs of Competence,
cutting edge of our industry. that I am looking forward to meeting with Communities, Collaboration and
Many of you will be aware of the all the current Regional Groups during this Communication. Picking up on these, we
Structural Behaviour Exam; I hope that we year, either in person or by virtual link. I need to make sure that our engineers,
will soon see an equivalent qualification in want to explore new ways in which we can both current and future, are competent
relation to climate action which will help build these local communities to provide to fulfil their role in taking positive climate
provide our upcoming engineers with a YOUR either local assistance or links to centrally action. We do not have time to wait for
thorough grounding in the knowledge that SAY available advice. them to all learn over three decades like
they need in this respect. Those of you reading this will already me; we need to work as a community both
While that is a good ambition for our be engaged with the Institution. I at global and local level, to collaborate and
future leaders, it still leaves a generation of encourage you to form links with communicate our knowledge and best
members who somehow need to get up your local groups to either share your practice.
to speed very quickly and at a time in their knowledge and provide support or to Knowledge, skills and history can, and
career when they are already extremely learn from others; I would also encourage must, provide a foundation for a climate-
busy. During the Covid pandemic, we you to draw in others who may not positive future.
have rapidly discovered how effectively we realise the huge scope of benefits of
can learn by attending virtual seminars, membership of our organisation. In terms
but we also realise that local face-to-face of local hubs and groups we will, no
meetings are still very necessary. doubt, find that different models evolve to WATCH THE ADDRESS
I think that we need to develop local @IStructE suit the different regions and that areas of You can watch a recording
hubs (Box 2) where ideas and knowledge expertise will overlap and can be shared of Jane’s inaugural address
can be shared; the starting point for this between regions of the world. online at
would be our current Regional Groups, as resources/career-profiles/jane-
these already have a strong track record Summary entwistle-fistructe-president-s-
of sharing knowledge and will remain an I believe that we need to learn to value our address-2022/.
essential backbone of the Institution. The #TheStructuralEngineer past, to respect the skills and decisions

17 | February 2022

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Technical Carbon-driven design

What if carbon drives our

design from the outset?
Professor of Sustainable Design, University of This article considers the implications of adopting a
Bristol, UK
carbon-driven design approach – with the express intent of
limiting the embodied carbon of the structure. It examines
Introduction the impact this approach will have on a number of key
As a profession, we know that by 2030 we design decisions – material choice, grids and spans, loads,
need to half our carbon emissions and that by
2050 we need to be at net zero. Those dates structural system, foundations, serviceability requirements,
may suggest we have some time, but we don’t. facade type and method of construction – and highlights
Engineering projects don’t happen overnight.
They take years, from stage 0 where the brief is
the tensions that may arise between these and the low-
set, through to completion on site and beyond. carbon goal.
Reflecting on my own career for large projects
(£50M plus) this could be anything from five to
The article argues that opting for timber as the initial
10 years. So, we don’t have years – in fact, for material choice will likely offer greater flexibility and leave
some projects we may already be too late. open the option of switching to another material later in the
In Conceptual design of buildings1, the
authors explain that, at the start of the design design process should the need arise.
process, lots of decisions are made at once.
We might choose a material to design with,
or we might choose a grid system. We might material – but without considering the embodied may be forced to reconsider the brief and the
choose a site with an existing building, or we carbon. We may make decisions that make embodied carbon target, but we would also be
might choose a facade type. That is not to say it almost impossible to halve (or better) the able to count the cost of our decisions.
that once we choose one thing, everything embodied carbon in our structure.
else is discounted; it is subtler than that, it is But what happens instead if we start 100kgCO2e/m2
much more like a game of Guess Who?® – as with carbon? What happens if, rather than Let’s explore the decision to first limit carbon in
we make decisions, we don’t just eliminate considering carbon at the end of a design stage terms of the impacts on other decisions we
one thing, we may also eliminate others, often (or project), we start with the express intent of will later make. If we start by aiming for
unintentionally. limiting the embodied carbon in the structure 100kgCO2e/m2 (Modules A1–A5)2, what impact
One of those harder-to-see decisions is the (Figure 1)? will this have on materials, grids, spans, loads,
embodied carbon in our structure. Early on, we As with all decisions, this may lead to structural system (loadbearing, framed or
may be debating project location, grid, budget, challenges and compromises elsewhere. We hybrid), serviceability requirements, facade,
method of construction and our response to
the ground conditions? Along the way, we can
consider some of the challenges and where
íFIGURE 1: Carbon reduction some of the additional carbon cost might occur.
potential is greatest in the We suggest 100kgCO2e/m2 as an aspiration.
planning stages of a project –
if considered explicitly This equates to the A/A+ boundary in the
proposed UK SCORS rating system3. If we are
intending to half our emissions by 2030, we
could aim for 200kgCO2e/m2; however, at this
early stage, that would leave us no room for
manoeuvre. Nonetheless, we should, on every
project, aim for better than this. Projects such
as York House, by Webb Yates, demonstrate
what can be achieved when careful thought is
given to embodied carbon (Figure 2).
Before we consider how this will play out on
a project, let’s start with a simple idea. Less
is less. The less volume of material we need,
the lower the carbon (Figure 3). While this
statement is not universally true, it is a good
starting principle.

So, we have made our first and most important
decision: we will aim for 100kgCO2e/m2. Next,

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Carbon-driven design Technical

íFIGURE 2: York House,

London, winner of the IStructE
Award for Zero Carbon Ambition
2021, demonstrates the potential
for low-carbon design

have even decided on the material type, using

past experience, but this isn’t always helpful.

And again, it is not that increasing the loads
is the wrong thing to do, but we do need to
account for the extra carbon cost.
We also need to consider the loads from
finishes, ceilings, services. We typically try to be
conservative, but especially when we design for
let’s explore possible materials for achieving this this baseline load, we have all sorts of ‘what if?’ lightweight structures, these loads may surpass
goal. questions to answer. What if I add partitions? the weight of the structure itself. So, can we be
Buro Happold’s embodied carbon structural What if the use changes? What if someone more prescriptive about what can and can’t be
sensitivity study (available on the IStructE makes a mistake – should I add some spare included and try to keep these to a minimum?
website4) is very helpful in this regard. It is clear capacity? What if the design changes down the
and uncomplicated (although it also omits some line – will all my sizes need to change? Structural system
of the complexity of real projects, especially For some material choices, these decisions The material choice will also impact on whether
around slab edge deflections and facades). may seem marginal, especially for off-the-shelf we use loadbearing walls, frames, or a hybrid
The document provides a raft of solutions and prefabricated elements, where we may discover system (Figure 5). Steel lends itself to frames
options, in steel, concrete and timber. either that the temporary load governs the (unless building cold-rolled platform frames).
I would suggest that we start with timber. For design or the span isn’t near the limit, so we Concrete also tends to lead to frames. Timber,
every problem there is an optimum material, and can increase the loads at no extra cost (to that on the other hand, leads to more choice – with
timber is not always the best solution; however, element). both mass timber (cross-laminated timber,
it is easier (as we will see) to move from a timber So often, these decisions are made before we CLT) and joisted timber working either with
solution to a steel or concrete one than it is to
go in the other direction.
îFIGURE 3: Less material use (and smaller spans or loads) typically results in lower embodied carbon

Grids and spans

Once we have decided on a timber solution,
the next step is to agree the grids and spans.
While quite significant spans are possible – if we
stick with the idea of less is less, then spans of
4 to 5m are optimal (Figure 4). This may raise
concerns. You might think that at these spans
you can’t make the building work spatially – in
which case we can increase them, and count
the cost. For sawn timber joists to go from a
4m span to a 6m span will require, depending
on the exact specification, double the amount
of timber5.

You may be puzzled as to why loads have not
yet been mentioned. Well, the load we design
for is also a function of the choices we make.
This may, at first, seem counterintuitive. Surely,
the required load is the required load. Well, yes,
but also no.
If we are to design an office building, the
design load will be 2.5kN/m2. Once we have set

19 | February 2022

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Technical Carbon-driven design


loadbearing walls, frames, or a hybrid of the


In part, the decision will also depend on
the foundation, as we will see in a moment
(remember all these are actually happening
at once), the intended use on day one and
whether we want cellular or open spaces.
The other consideration is future flexibility.
While loadbearing walls offer advantages in
terms of both off-site construction and load
distribution at foundation level, they do limit
the flexibility and ability to relocate walls in the

I am sure we all know the maxim less is more.
ëIGURE 4: Timber floor options and spans
And at the start of this article, I pointed out that
generally less is less. Well, we can go a step
further, because less is not just less. Less is Of course, these increases in performance
more less! In simple terms, there are two places will come at a carbon cost. Again, it is time to
where carbon is embodied: the superstructure
and the substructure. By reducing the weight
BY REDUCING THE question the brief: what is the purpose of the
building and what comes first? These are not
of materials in the superstructure (and the other WEIGHT OF simple questions to answer, but by inviting the
loads), we can reduce the foundations. MATERIALS IN THE conversation (in the same way as we would
This becomes particularly impactful when
we make a change in foundation type. For
SUPERSTRUCTURE around cost), we can work out the priorities of
the project.
example, by going from piles to pads/strips. Or (AND THE OTHER
by going from concrete strips to concrete-free
foundations. By understanding where these
The type of facade has many impacts. Not least
thresholds occur and designing around them, REDUCE THE the slab edge deflections, which often need
we can save significantly more carbon. FOUNDATIONS to be highly controlled. If we have a timber
The challenge is, of course, that this is very structure, it may not be possible to achieve the
site specific, and while a desk study will give design – whether vibration requirements in required values, especially when considering the
us an idea of what to expect and the type of offices, or the internal partition head deflection long-term deflections. However, there are two
foundation that is likely, it will only be once we requirements. While these considerations are questions that we can ask.
have the full site investigation that we can make important, they should also be challenged. If First, are the deflection criteria really
the final decision. Sadly, by then, many of the they are necessary (as vibration requirements appropriate? If we need to change the structural
decisions will already have been made. might be in a hospital theatre or laboratory), material purely to achieve slab edge deflections
But even if we don’t know the exact ground then the design may need to change from for the facade, is the design really working,
type, lower loads generally mean less embodied timber to something stiffer with more mass – a or should we consider a different facade type
carbon in the construction and materials used steel frame with concrete slabs, or a concrete or support detail? Has the facade supplier
in the ground. And by using timber (which is the frame or CLT with concrete topping. fully considered the carbon impact of its own
lightest of the typical construction materials) and As noted earlier, this change of material will requirements?
keeping imposed loads to a minimum, we can be less challenging to accommodate than a Second, can we stack the facade off the
aim for the lowest possible embodied carbon in move to timber from steel or concrete. This is ground, rather than supporting it off each
the substructure. because headroom will typically increase and floor. In this way, we may be able to allow for a
structural sizes reduce. In addition, steel and degree of movement and, as a result, continue
Serviceability requirements concrete are always able to match timber to utilise the proposed framing system.

Serviceability requirements often govern spans, whereas the converse is not always true. Of course, if we have opted for a loadbearing

îFIGURE 5: Options
for structural system

a) Hybrid b) Framed c) Loadbearing

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Carbon-driven design Technical

our concept. From materials to grids. From

foundations to facades. It also creates tensions.
Good tensions. Where before we might have
increased the load without thinking about the
carbon cost, or we might have limited facade
deflection without considering the carbon cost,
now we need to weigh one against the other.
This becomes especially powerful if the client
and other members of the design team have
bought into the desire for a low-carbon building,
as we can pose the questions to them. These

questions often go unasked and undiscussed.
A client may not realise that we are designing
deflections for brittle finishes, and that this
ìFIGURE 6: in turn may have a carbon cost. By making
Incorporating straw-bale these tensions explicit, we can ensure that the
insulation into wall panels
at Hayesfield School decisions we have often made on the architect’s
or client’s behalf become conversations.
We may change our facade supplier to one
who can accommodate greater slab edge
deflections. We may look for a contractor who
can facilitate prefabrication and minimise waste.
And while timber is not the only material that
can achieve our low-carbon goal, by starting
with timber in our iterative design process, we
can work towards a low-carbon solution which
doesn’t exclude it from the outset, giving us
greater choice as we develop the design.


1) Norman J., De’ath R., Carr J. et al. (2020)

Conceptual design of buildings, London:
IStructE Ltd
2) Gibbons O. and Orr J. (2020) How to

calculate embodied carbon, London: IStructE

ìFIGURE 7: Timber can be prefabricated
into cassette panels to reduce waste and 3) Arnold W., Cook M., Cox D., Gibbons
construction time O. and Orr J., ‘Setting carbon targets: an
introduction to the proposed SCORS rating
scheme’, The Structural Engineer, 98 (10), pp.
system around the perimeter of the building, the prefabrication. By prefabricating the structure,
conversation becomes quite different. Here we we can reduce waste (which also has – although 4) Roynon J. (2020) Embodied carbon:
structural sensitivity study [Online] Available
might consider instead whether the walls may often unaccounted for – a carbon footprint), at:
also form part of the envelope, with insulation as well as make construction time shorter embodied-carbon-structural-sensitivity-study/
between studs. Can we minimise on-site work and reduce the risk of accidents. Timber can (Accessed: January 2022)
by prefabricating not just the structural panels be easily prefabricated, from cassette panels 5) Norman J. (2017) ‘Section 5.1.1 Sawn
but by including insulation and cladding? Can (Figure 7) to modular CLT buildings. timber floors’, in: Structural timber elements:
we consider the use of sustainable insulation a pre-scheme design guide (2nd ed.), High
Wycombe: BM TRADA
materials such as straw bale (Figure 6)? Conclusion
By starting with the brief that our building should 6) Walker J. and Norman J. (2021) ‘Designing
timber buildings for longevity’, The Structural
Method of construction have a limited carbon footprint, we can see how
Engineer, 99 (11), pp. 56–59
Which leads us on to the consideration of this helps us to make decisions as we develop

Attend the IStructE’s Modern uses of timber in a changing environment conference, 22–23
March 2022. Details at @IStructE
#TheStructuralEngineer #TheStructuralEngineer

21 | February 2022

Technical carbon_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 21 19/01/2022 14:05

Technical Developments in structural glass

Developments in
structural glass
GRAHAM COULT The Institution has previously years, during which users can provide
BEng(Hons) addressed this knowledge gap with the comments and feedback though the
publication of its guide to the Structural UK’s committee, the comments will be
Technical Director, Eckersley
use of glass in buildings7, aiming to collated and debated at the European
O’Callaghan, London, UK
educate engineers and specifiers and to level. The document will then be
provide guidance with design. The guide issued as a draft European Standard
MAURO OVEREND has proved extremely popular, with (prEN) for a further period of comment,
BE&A(Hons), MSc, PhD, CEng, the second edition (published in 2014) before eventually being published as a
MIStructE selling over 700 copies to customers European Standard (EN) along with a
Professor of Structural Design in more than 20 countries and being national annex.
& Mechanics, Department of downloaded over 1000 times a year The most significant new feature in
Architectural Engineering + Technology, via the IHS Construction Information this draft standard is the introduction of
TU Delft, the Netherlands Service. two additional limit states in the design of
An introduction to the material is glass structures.
also available in Technical Guidance The familiar ultimate limit state (ULS)
Introduction Note Level 1, No. 35: Introduction to and serviceability limit state (SLS),
The use of glass in structural design has structural glass8. which consist of combinations of
grown rapidly. It is an exciting material to However, since the second edition actions – ULS: persistent or transient
work with and in its finished state it has was published, the steady march of (fundamental), accidental, seismic design
an exceptional transparency. Although progress has provided an even wider situation; SLS: characteristic, frequent,
it has a relatively low strength-to-weight variety of products from manufacturers quasi-permanent combination – will
ratio, it is made from silica sand, one encompassing sizes (Figure 4), shaping feature in this new standard and will be
of the most abundant materials in the possibilities and an ever-greater number similar to those used in the design of
Earth’s crust. of interlayer materials; not to mention other structural materials through the EN
As a purely elastic material, it can the decorative and other secondary 1990 process.
break dramatically. In rare cases, this is functionality. However, these two limit states are not
particularly true of fully tempered glass This article introduces a series of sufficient to ensure a safe glass structure.
(Box 1), as can be seen with broken short technical notes which aim to Some glass structures must also be
side or rear windows of cars. summarise some of these developments designed to fail safely in the event of
Historically, there has been little for structural engineers to bridge the glass fracture. For example, a hammer
effective guidance for the engineer to gap until the planned glass Eurocode, dropped onto a concrete slab has no
turn to for a standardised approach and an accompanying IStructE manual, significant consequences, but a hammer
to design. There have been various are published. falling onto a glass floor can have serious
draft guidelines, such as prEN 134745 consequences in terms of human injury
and prEN 16612, which can perhaps Glass Eurocode and costs of repair/replacement. For
be considered as forerunners to a The European glass code, ‘Design this reason, the new draft standard will
European glass code that is currently of glass structures’, is expected to include a fracture limit state (FLS) and a
in development. prEN 16612 is now a be released for public comment as a post-fracture limit state (PFLS).
fully-fledged standard – BS EN 166126 Technical Standard in mid-2022. The The FLS is intended to ensure that,
– but its scope is limited to infill panels, document will be available through at the instant of fracture, the glass
and so forth. BSI. After a period of nominally two fails in a manner that does not cause
This lack of codified guidance has unacceptable risks of human injury
required individuals or companies to or economic loss. Whereas the PFLS
research the fundamental characteristics ensures that the fractured glass does not
of the materials, to test and to verify cause unacceptable risks of human injury
basic design principles, or to carry out
desktop research of published papers,
A HAMMER FALLING or economic loss for a limited period of
time (e.g. until the fractured glass can be
etc. This is not a practical approach ONTO A GLASS FLOOR replaced).
for those who want to find a safe, CAN HAVE SERIOUS To demonstrate this, we can imagine
practical and time-efficient solution for
a simple common glass structure such CONSEQUENCES IN TERMS a scenario where routine maintenance
or cleaning is being carried out around a
as a balustrade. Although professional OF HUMAN INJURY AND rooflight, and the operative accidentally
development must always be supported
and lauded, it is best served when
COSTS OF REPAIR/ drops a tool onto the glass panel with
enough force to initiate a fracture
efficient and achievable. REPLACEMENT (Figure 5).

February 2022 |

Technical Glass_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 22 20/01/2022 09:41

Developments in structural glass Technical

Box 1. Strengthening methods for glass

îFIGURE 2: Fracture patterns of glass3


a) Annealed glass b) Heat-strengthened glass c) Fully toughened glass

ëFIGURE 1: Principle of glass tempering (adapted from Sedlacek et al.)3,4


Fully tempered glass is much stronger cracks into the tensile zone, then the together. Although not the first
that than the untreated/unstrengthened elastic strain energy of the glass is laminating material, polyvinyl butyral
glass that is manufactured in traditional released. (This can also happen because was developed by Carleton Ellis in 1938
float plants. The float process, which was of internal defects such as nickel and was immediately useful to minimise
first developed by Sir Alastair Pilkington sulphide inclusions and air bubbles.) injuries arising from motorcar accidents,
in 1952, introduced the mass production Cracks can propagate through the particularly in the windscreen.
of flat undistorted glass. (As an aside, Sir material at over 1450m/s2, so the fracture To make the most of these laminated
Alastair was not related to the Pilkington can be sudden and unexpected. panels, particularly in out-of-plane
family for whom he was working.) A benefit of strengthening is that the loading scenarios, requires a knowledge
This added strength is achieved glass will crack into small cubic particles. of composite design, in particular,
by heating and air quenching a glass This is why it is often referred to as sandwich theory. The laminating polymer
sheet. The outer surface cools and ‘safety glass’. However, this does not has a more complex behaviour than
solidifies while the inner core remains mean that it is safe to use in any location. the glass. Not only are the materials
viscous enough to continue to contact. From this same standard material generally viscoelastic, but they are also
When the whole panel reaches ambient that comes from the float plant, we temperature dependent. To demonstrate
temperature, the core is in a state can overcome the shortcomings of the this, Figure 3 compares the Young’s
of tension, while the exterior is in flaws in the material by adding strength modulus of the more ‘popular’ materials.
equilibrium balancing compression through heat tempering, but that comes The interlayer is selected on the
(Figure 1). This compressive residual with consequences. performance requirements, such
surface stress increases the ability of the Alternatively, the glass could be as strength, stiffness, operating
glass to carry load before the surface is specified as heat strengthened. This is temperature, and load duration.
subject to tensile strain. subjected to similar heat tempering, but Additionally, it can also be chosen based
The strength of glass is around 40GPa, the cooling rate is modified so that the on requirements for clarity, colour, glass
but cracks that are invisible to the naked elastic strain is low enough to prevent surface profile, acoustics, and even fire.
eye create a problem. A.A. Griffith1 fragmentation into small particles The number of permutations that are
demonstrated in 1921 that such surface upon failure. Instead, cracks will stop available is immense, and that is without
cracks concentrate the stress such that propagating if the glass is unloaded, but delving into how the glass can be
the actual strength of the brittle material it will separate into large sharp fragments shaped into curved and more complex
sheet is much lower than the theoretical if the applied load continues (Figure 2). forms. In this respect, designing with
molecular strength. To overcome these issues, polymers glass is unlike many other traditional
If an applied load extends these were invented to bond glass sheets materials.

ìFIGURE 3: Young’s modulus of popular laminating polymers

23 | February 2022

Technical Glass_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 23 20/01/2022 09:41

Technical Developments in structural glass

íFIGURE 4: Increase of
processing length

This example shows the variable

performance and limit states
the designer will be applying. It
demonstrates that a relatively intricate
level of design and assessment is
required for a seemingly inconsequential
or minor building element. However,
with such a wide use, unsafe practices
have occurred and unfortunately will
continue to do so. It is incumbent on
us all to work within our expertise and
design safely.

Upcoming articles
To help bridge the availability of
guidance and information, the Institution
plans to share further best practice.
A manual to accompany the glass
Eurocode will be published in due
course; but in the interim, we plan
to issue a series of technical notes
in The Structural Engineer, focusing
on individual topics and containing
examples of common design scenarios.
Upcoming articles are expected to cover
balustrades, treads and floorplates, and
finite element analysis.


1) Griffith A.A. (1921) ‘The

phenomena of rupture and flow in
solids’, Philos. Trans. Royal Soc.
A, 221, pp. 163–198; https://doi.
2) Nielsen J.H., Olesen J.F. and
Stang H. (2009) ‘The fracture process
of tempered soda-lime-silica glass’,
Exp. Mech., 49, p. 855; https://doi.
3) Haldimann M. (2006) Thesis 3671.
Fracture strength of structural glass
elements – analytical and numerical
modelling, testing and design,
Lausanne: EPFL
4) Sedlacek G., Blank K., Laufs
W. and Güsgen J. (1999) Glas im
Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Berlin:
Ernst & Sohn
5) European Committee for
Standardisation (CEN) (2009) prEN
13474: Draft European Standard:
Glass in building. Determination of
the strength of glass panes
6) British Standards Institution
FIGURE 5: Limit states for glass (2019) BS EN 16612:2019 Glass in
building. Determination of the lateral
load resistance of glass panes by
HAVE calculation, London: BSI
SAY 7) O’Regan C. (2014) Structural use of glass in buildings (2nd ed.), London:
IStructE Ltd

A RELATIVELY INTRICATE 8) Institution of Structural Engineers

(2014) ‘Technical Guidance Note
LEVEL OF DESIGN AND Level 1, No. 35: Introduction to

ASSESSMENT IS REQUIRED @IStructE structural glass’, The Structural

#TheStructuralEngineer #TheStructuralEngineer Engineer, 92 (3), pp. 38–42

February 2022 |
The Structural Engineer Jobs is the official jobs board
for The Institution of Structural Engineers.
The perfect place to find the latest

structural engineering vacancies.
posted on
jobs average
every month

TSE.Feb22_025.indd 25 20/01/2022 08:47

Industry CPD Supplied and sponsored by Griffiths & Armour

Supplied and
sponsored by Industry CPD
Back to basics in troubled
times – your notification
obligations to your insurer
This CPD module, Continuing professional development Introduction
sponsored by (CPD) ensures you remain competent in It is widely known that all professional indemnity
your profession. Chartered, Associate (PI) insurance policies contain strict conditions
Griffiths & Armour,
relating to notification of potential claims.
offers guidance to and Technician members of the Compliance with those conditions can be
engineers on when Institution must complete a specified challenging for insured engineers because,
they should notify amount each year. All CPD undertaken while the relevant wording might seem clear
their professional must be reported to the Institution enough on paper, in practice it can be innocently
annually. Reading and reflecting on misinterpreted, sometimes with painful
indemnity insurers
consequences. The problem is particularly
about potential this article by correctly answering the pertinent in current market conditions for the
claims on their policy. questions at the end is advocated to be: reasons set out later in this article.

1 hour of verifiable CPD Current market turmoil

The withdrawal of capacity from the UK PI
insurance market in recent periods has led
most obviously to increased premium levels for
engineers, higher excesses and restrictions in
cover. However, it has also rendered it less likely
that cover can be maintained with the same
insurers from one renewal to the next. During ‘soft’
market conditions, it is possible for an engineer
to renew cover for 10 or more annual policy
periods with the same provider, fostering a strong
commercial relationship with that insurer and
reducing the likelihood of claims being rejected
for a technical breach of policy conditions. But
when those insurers withdraw from the market,
that continuity is broken and the ‘claims made’
operation of PI policies is thrown into relief.

Claims made cover

Claims made, as a classification tag for PI
insurance, is in fact shorthand for ‘claims made
and notified in accordance with policy conditions’.
PI policies respond only to Claims (as defined)
which are both made against the engineer during
the policy period and also notified to the insurers
during the same period. If Claims are not notified
within the correct period, then the relevant
It is important to act condition will not have been satisfied and the
promptly and notify your
broker of any claims or
insurers will be entitled to refuse indemnity.
circumstances arising
within the policy period Claims v circumstances
The definition of ‘Claim’ under any PI policy

February 2022 |

CPD_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 26 19/01/2022 14:07

Supplied and sponsored by Griffiths & Armour Industry CPD

it could be anticipated by someone with an

all-seeing eye that a Claim might be attempted
against the engineer.
2) The second limb (the subjective test) then
recognises that the engineer doesn’t have an
all-seeing eye or the benefit of hindsight until
after the event, and it recognises that under a
claims made policy wording one can only notify
circumstances (considered objectively) of which
one has an awareness within the policy period.

Both limbs of the test have to be satisfied in

order for a circumstance to be notifiable. Two
examples might help to illustrate this:
Ò| An engineer’s client has engaged solicitors
and commissioned an independent expert
witness report which is highly critical
of the engineer’s work. This satisfies the
objective test outlined above, but if all of the
engineer’s staff are oblivious to these facts,
then the subjective test is not satisfied, and the
circumstance is not notifiable. It will become
notifiable as soon as any such knowledge
reaches the engineer, whether by the arrival of
the solicitor’s letter or an unofficial tipoff that
such a letter is in the pipeline.
Ò| An engineer discovers that one of their
former employees designed foundations
for a housing development based on a
site investigation report that contained
Consider the objective ambiguous or inconsistent conclusions.
test: are there The correct course of action would have
circumstances that might
been to request clarification or further
give rise to a claim?
investigation of the ground conditions.
Instead, the employee appears to have
made assumptions and the development
wording usually refers to the instigation or threat unsure, whether their circumstances are notifiable is now completed and occupied. There
of some formal procedure along the lines of for insurance purposes. However, and as an have been no reports of any movement
arbitration, adjudication or legal proceedings, but insight into where any such conversation might to the structures, nor has there been
by extension it usually also encompasses any lead, it may be useful to bear in mind not only any any contact from the building owners.
articulated form of demand for compensation. definition of ‘circumstances’ that might appear in Whether this scenario satisfies the objective
Fortunately, the definition won’t usually contain the policy wording, but also the following simple test depends on the engineering assumption
any surprises and furthermore the natural reaction and well-established legal principles. made by the ex-employee. Unless the engineer
of most engineers upon becoming aware of Essentially, there is a two-stage test, the first is now able to show that the assumptions were
any such communication would be to contact of which might in practice only be applicable in deliberately conservative and were intended
their brokers as a matter of priority. In practice, hindsight: to eliminate any risks associated with the
therefore, it is relatively unusual for Claims not to 1) The objective test – there must be inadequate site data, then the objective test
be reported promptly and within the relevant policy circumstances which might give rise to a Claim. will probably be satisfied – there would be a
period (although see below in relation to ‘Spurious This question must be approached impartially, realistic risk of the assumptions turning out to
allegations’). as a matter of fact, and without considering be wrong, which might lead to movement in
Misunderstanding is more likely to arise in whether or not defences might be available. the substructure and subsequently a Claim
relation to the separate policy obligation to notify All that is important under this limb is whether against the engineer. The fact that the engineer
‘circumstances which might give rise to a Claim’ has made this discovery then satisfies the
(there are different versions of this wording, but subjective test. It makes no difference that
the variations are only minor and they amount to the building owners and/or tenants may be
the same thing). Any such misunderstanding can oblivious to any such risk.
be fatal if it leads to notifiable circumstances not ENGINEERS HAVE TO
being communicated to the insurers within the
correct policy period.
BE PREPARED TO The second of these two examples shows
that engineers have to be prepared to engage
ENGAGE IN A DEGREE in a degree of speculation against themselves,
The two-pronged test OF SPECULATION simply as part of taking a step back and being
In practice, a telephone call to their broker to
discuss a specific situation will always be the
AGAINST objective for the purposes of the first test. They
are not, however, required to enter the realms
best way for any engineer to decide, if they are THEMSELVES of fantasy and dream up farfetched possibilities,

27 | February 2022

CPD_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 27 19/01/2022 14:07

Industry CPD Supplied and sponsored by Griffiths & Armour

If in doubt about a
particular situation, it
is always advisable to
call your broker
for advice

since clearly that would no longer qualify as an opportunity to rectify any breach of this condition policy but wasn’t, simply because the engineer
objective view. once the policy term has expired. misunderstood their policy obligations.
Some policies contain additional provisions by This is potentially embarrassing even at the best
Spurious allegations way of safety valves to allow for cases where the of times because it amounts to a U-turn on the
A Claim is notifiable even if it is time barred, relevant condition was breached in all innocence, declaration, usually signed at renewal, saying that
completely misconceived on its facts or as is nearly always the case. However, those the engineer was not aware of any circumstances
defendable for any other reason – all that is provisions operate subject to further terms and which might give rise to a Claim. However, it is
important is that some assertion has been made. conditions which may or may not be satisfied. more palatable to an insurer to cover that claim
On the relatively rare occasions where Claims Everything depends on the specific facts of under the current policy when there has been a
have not been notified when they should have each case. Furthermore, those safety valves continuous relationship with the engineer, meaning
been, the reason usually given is that the engineer never operate to log notifications against policies that the Claim would have been covered by the
didn’t think it was necessary to notify Claims that have expired. They may instead afford same insurer if it had been notified at the correct
which appeared unlikely ever to be pursued. cover under a later policy period, possibly with time under an earlier policy.
Unfortunately, this still technically amounts to a restrictions in cover which would not have Where, on the other hand, continuity has
breach of policy conditions. applied if the notification had been made under been broken due to movements in the market,
the earlier policy. the equivalent situation is anything but palatable
Claims within the excess
Similarly, the definition of Claim makes no mention Why is this now more pertinent
of the policy excess and therefore all Claims are than ever?
notifiable regardless of their value, but subject in As outlined at the opening of this article, a hard
practice to a de minimis principle. market implies much more than hefty premium A CLAIM IS
Potential consequences of a failure
increases. It often involves having to forge new
relationships with different insurance providers
to notify where circumstances force brokers to consider IT IS TIME BARRED,
An engineer’s notification obligations are drafted
into the policy wording as ‘conditions’ within the
carefully their options within an already limited
ordinary meaning of the term – they are conditions New relationships in any context can prove MISCONCEIVED ON
which must be discharged in order to trigger to be fragile beneath the surface if put to the ITS FACTS OR
the insurer’s obligation to provide indemnity.
The problem is that the condition can only be
test too soon. One example of this would be
asking an underwriter to cover a claim which
discharged within the policy period and there is no should have been reported under a previous ANY OTHER REASON
February 2022 |

CPD_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 28 19/01/2022 14:07

Supplied and sponsored by Griffiths & Armour Industry CPD

and the possibility of cover being refused for the undisclosed material facts or matters which change of provider from one year to the next
late notified Claim becomes more real – not to should have been notified in previous policy is a very realistic possibility.
mention the negative implications in terms of risk periods but weren’t.
perception for the following year’s renewal. The good news is that engineers’ policy Griffiths & Armour is a leading
obligations are generally the same as they always independent and privately owned UK
Closing remarks have been and none of the advice set out in this insurance broker and risk management
Underwriters can be easily spooked by anything article should amount to new practice. Following adviser. For further information visit
they might regard as negative factors in a that advice and properly understanding the Griffiths
practice’s risk profile, but nothing reduces their obligations is, however, more important at a time & Armour is authorised and regulated
appetite more than surprises in the form of when the market is continuing to evolve and a by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Questions To claim your CPD certificate, complete the module online

by 31 March 2022 at:

1) Select the most appropriate option to employer only last year owing to fundamental employer, but the letter indicates that some
complete the statement. An engineer’s PI oversights in their design. They appear to deflection has formed in a beam designed
policy provides cover for: have left that firm under something of a cloud by the engineer. It goes on to advise that a
Ò| potential claims notified by the engineer within and the engineer now has serious concerns Claim will be made under the main contract
the policy period, regardless of when the that there may be latent errors in their more and it requests copies of drawings from the
engineer became aware of the circumstances recent work engineer to assist in that regard
Ò| potential claims notified by the engineer within Ò| An engineer’s client circulates an aggressively Ò| An engineer is tipped off that their contractor
the policy period, regardless of when the worded email to the entire construction team client has instructed solicitors who are
claimant drew the problem to the engineer’s complaining of a general delay and failure to currently compiling what they describe as a
attention meet milestone dates. No individual party is ‘claim dossier’. The strategy is to ambush the
Ò| potential claims of which the engineer first named, and the engineer doesn’t feel singled engineer with a 28-day adjudication and the
becomes aware during the policy period and out, but the wording makes clear that the engineer is expected to receive the relevant
which are notified to the insurers during the client is losing money and expects to recover copy referral notice over the next 10 days
same period from whoever is responsible or so
Ò| any matters of which the engineer becomes
aware during the policy period – the date of 3) Which of the following, based solely on 4) Which of the following best describes
notification to insurers is neither here nor there the information provided here, is most the most likely outcome of an engineer’s
likely to fall within the definition of a Claim failure to notify a Claim or circumstance in
2) Based purely on the limited information rather than a mere circumstance that accordance with policy conditions?
provided below, which of the following is might give rise to a Claim? Ò| The Claim against the engineer is uninsured
most likely to be an immediately notifiable Ò| An engineer submits an invoice for payment under the current policy but may be insured
circumstance under a PI policy with and in return receives a pay less notice from under a previous policy against which it ought
market standard terms and conditions? the client. The client asserts that as a result of to have been notified
Ò| An engineer’s client has ceased paying the engineer’s breaches of their obligations, Ò| The Claim is insured under the current policy
invoices. The project is costing more than they have incurred losses which exceed the so long as the engineer was insured with a
anticipated and the client appears to be invoiced sum. A short list of bullet points different insurer in previous years
running out of money. The engineer is identifies the perceived breaches and the Ò| The Claim is uninsured, subject only to any
instinctively worried that some finger pointing cost attributed by the client to each of these lifelines available under any applicable special
might ensue at some point Ò| A letter from an engineer’s client gives conditions in the current policy
Ò| An engineer is concerned because the notice of termination of the appointment. Ò| The Claim is insured under both the current
steelwork fabricator has gone bust prior to Contractually, they are under no obligation to and any relevant previous policy against
the completion of a project on which both give a reason for this, but they nevertheless which it should have been notified, in which
parties have been working. The engineer’s cite irreconcilable differences that have case the two insurers will negotiate an
duties included a review of the fabricator’s formed between themselves and the apportionment between themselves
connection details in relevant areas, none of engineer’s site representative
which the fabricator in fact ever submitted for Ò| A structural engineer receives a letter from Supplied and sponsored by
review solicitors who represent the employer
Ò| An engineer discovers that a recent recruit under a design-and-build project which
to their firm was primarily responsible for was completed some time ago. There is
a sizeable PI claim against their former no contract between the engineer and the

29 | February 2022

CPD_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 29 19/01/2022 14:07

Opinion Planning


Rebuilding trust with

blockchain technology
Alastair Low-Macrae argues that blockchain technology may hold the key to some
of the issues around trust and transparency that the industry is currently grappling
with, particularly in the context of BIM.

The ongoing Grenfell Tower Inquiry has exposed many of the new third-generation smart contract to record information in a transparent and
some significant issues with our modern projects, such as Cardano, Ethereum 2.0 and trusted way, other innovations can be linked in to
construction industry. One of the stand-out Polkadot, use proof-of-stake protocols. These this record of information to gain further benefits.
systematic problems highlighted is the inherently modern work protocols use a fraction of the
fragmented nature of the industry. computing power and are far more scalable, Lifecycle analysis and the circular
This fragmentation is evident in the way that allowing more transactions that can be economy
all projects are contractually set up. From interoperable between different projects. The DLT can be used to track the history of materials
subcontracting to complex supply chains – technology is evolving at a dramatic pace, in from source to site, helping increase confidence
critical information can be lost, incorrectly part due to significant investment, which is in the supply chain and allowing the embedment
recorded or simply misplaced during the leading to new applications and greater of verified material sources in the BIM asset. This
exchange of information between the many adoption. will become more important when carbon taxes
parties involved in the design, construction and One of the best references for understanding are introduced and developers need to start
management of a modern project. this technology from a technical standpoint is auditing the environmental credentials of the
To regain the trust of society, our industry will Blockchain revolution1, by Don and Alex materials they are using. The level of equivalent
not only need to implement the Tapscott. It is quite an eye-opener and outlines carbon emissions is just one of the numerous
recommendations of the inquiry and how a technology that is still in its infancy may environmental impact factors that should be
fundamentally re-examine its culture, but also change the world. considered holistically within the assessment of
provide transparency in our systems of design a project’s sustainability.
and construction, so that we can be held to Applications in construction My thought piece, The Carbon Conundrum4,
account without ambiguity. I believe that this can In 2011, the UK government published a outlines the nuances of this assessment, and
be achieved via the application of blockchain Construction Strategy2 that required all publicly digitising the environmental data into a BIM
technologies, and the trust and transparency funded projects to be completed to BIM Level 2 asset would only help to better understand the
they enable in the systems in which they are by 2016. Most engineering and architectural sustainability of a project. It’s not about awards
applied. consultancies now believe, rightly or wrongly, and ratings, it’s about transparency and trust;
that they are working to the Level 2 BIM blockchain-enabled BIM assets would allow
What is a blockchain? protocol, essentially producing a 3D model that auditors to accurately and honestly scrutinise
Blockchain technologies allow the recording, contains data and can be federated into a single the lifecycle of a project.
transfer and storage of data in such a manner information source along with models produced Trusted and accurate records of information
that it is practically impossible to change, hack, by other members of the design team. are critical to assessing the reusability of a
or cheat the ledger of record. The technology A viewpoint published in The Structural material. A blockchain-enabled BIM asset would
uses complex cryptography to individually Engineer in 2018 entitled, ‘BIM: what’s the be capable of storing information for individual
encrypt each data entry (or block). These blocks point?’3, raises some important issues with the steel elements. This includes design stresses,
are then added to a digital ledger of transactions existing standards. These are mainly associated subgrades and the latest date of painted
(or chain) that is duplicated and distributed with future file compatibility, reliability of coatings. The data block associated with this
across the network of users. information and uniformity of use. However, I physical element could then be transferred to
The advantage of this is that every user can believe the introduction of DLTs to the existing another physical site and digital model for reuse
check the history of records and be certain of BIM standards will ultimately solve these issues – retaining its historical records and data. This is
their accuracy. Each time someone in the and allow the next level of BIM standards to be how a true circular economy can be achieved.
network adds more information to the record, it realised. Interestingly, this has already been adopted
is shared with all the other participants, who can The use of DLT will allow future owners to by the world of contemporary art. Non-fungible
check the record against their own to ensure confidently share their BIM assets with multiple tokens (NFTs) are an application of DLT and their
that the chain is unbroken. When consensus is parties, be they consultants, contractors, adoption has exploded over the past year. How
achieved, the entry is confirmed and added to surveyors, developers or asset managers. The long until asset managers begin to create NFTs
the chain. This process is what makes the information produced by these parties can then for their properties?
system decentralised, commonly referred to as be brought through the distributed ledger and
distributed ledger technology (DLT). recorded with confidence, evolving the model Live payment systems
There are various ways in which the ‘work’ or over time without losing the history of previous The current system of clients paying contractors
computing power associated with the revisions. and contractors paying subcontractors is highly
cryptographically backed transactions can be The possibilities arising from having trust in inefficient. Furthermore, late payment – and
completed. The original cryptocurrency project, the BIM asset and its associated data are vast. indeed non-payment – has been a major issue
bitcoin, uses a proof-of-work protocol, while In addition to the inherent benefits of being able for decades, leading to low growth and

February 2022 |

Viewpoint + HP_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 30 19/01/2022 14:09

Blockchain technology Opinion

depressed productivity. To combat this, the UK of the materials used in construction projects.
parliament is debating the Small Business Companies like Autodesk and Bentley will be REFERENCES
Commissioner and Late Payments etc Bill [HL], key players in the development of software
2019–21, which aims to introduce Project Bank that will integrate DLT and allow the trusted
Accounts (PBA) for all public construction digitisation of building assets to be realised. 1) Tapscott D. and Tapscott A. (2018)
projects. These bank accounts will hold money The risk that many consultants face – Blockchain revolution (updated ed.), s.l.:
centrally and help to avoid the inefficiencies including structural engineers – is of a tech Penguin Business
associated with the existing trickledown giant, such as Sidewalk Labs (part of the 2) Cabinet Office (2011) Government
process. Google/Alphabet group), forming a purpose- Construction Strategy [Online] Available
DLT can then be used to interface between built client developer focused on mining data at:
this PBA and the centralised BIM asset to from every aspect of the project’s lifecycle. A government-construction-strategy
facilitate payments based on the work actually company like this would completely (Accessed: January 2022)
completed. Imagine, as a piling contractor, revolutionise the way in which projects are 3) Leighton K. (2018) ‘BIM: what’s the
seeing money enter your account for each pile designed, built, used and reused. point?’, The Structural Engineer, 96 (9),
installed and signed off. Deductions to each Structural engineers will always be relevant p. 34
payment could be made for H&S or specification and required. Yet, the way we work and the 4) Low-Macrae A. (2020) The Carbon
errors, incentivising contractors through design processes we employ will look very Conundrum [Online] Available at: www.
continuous payment to hit predefined different in the coming decades.
performance targets. This would be a stark conundrum (Accessed: January 2022)
difference to the current system, which can
result in poor quality, late payments and Alastair
A Low-Macrae
contractual disputes. CEng,
Alastair is a Senior Engineer at London YOUR
How do we make this happen? Structures Lab, a tech-focused structural SAY
The digitisation of built environment assets will
engineering consultancy. He is a member of
likely be driven by a combination of legislation the Institution’s Structural Futures
and private investment. The introduction of Committee and his research is being
legislation focusing on climate change is coming developed through a Fellowship with the
and assessors will likely require audited records @IStructE
Royal Society of Arts. #TheStructuralEngineer #TheStructuralEngineer

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31 | February 2022

Viewpoint + HP_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 31 19/01/2022 14:09

Opinion Book review

Mike Cook takes hope from this inspirational book which illuminates a path towards the profound
transformation required to arrive at a sustainable future for the planet.


ANYONE – engineer, architect, planner, contractor,
and dangerous model for our long-term future.
Survival relies on a symbiotic relationship between
paradigms for client – who is interested to hear how we could all living things and in the long term it is through

our planetary evolve new ways of thinking and living that could
secure the safe and just world we need to build.
collaboration and empathy that life forms prevail.
This is true of human life as much as any other.
emergency COP26 may have given us a glimmer of hope that
things are starting to change, but the reality is that
5) Planetary health: we must rethink the
measures by which we judge what is right – our living
national governments and big businesses are simply metrics. It is no secret that gross domestic product
Authors: Sarah Ichioka and not brave enough to initiate the paradigm shift that (GDP) is a dangerous master, and the authors
Michael Pawlyn is needed, let alone follow it through. insist that we must find new metrics to guide our
Publisher: Triarchy Press In essence, the message is that we have to regenerative development. Such measures need to
Price: £20 change our mindsets – not just yours and mine, be based on what we value, and what will ultimately
ISBN: 978-1-913-74326-0 but everyone’s. At first, this seems daunting, but give us and future generations the opportunity to
the authors both believe that such change can be flourish alongside nature and the whole ecosystem.
contagious, so it is up to us the start the ball rolling. This skim across the chapters does not do justice
The book sets out five themes, one per chapter, to the depth of discourse that the authors develop,
that illuminate a path of necessary transformation. using examples from the past and the present,
It is a compelling narrative that helps the reader illustrated well and explained within the context of
grasp the breadth of change needed without it other great thinkers and writers.
becoming overwhelming. As structural engineers,
It is, in fact, inspiring. The many of us have
authors talk to the reader embarked on a journey to
as if in conversation use our work to reduce
rather than a lecture, and A COMPELLING the harm we do to this
this makes it a rather NARRATIVE THAT planet and focus on
personal journey of
discovery through what
HELPS THE READER the benefits we could
bring. Currently, there is
is quite new territory for GRASP THE BREADTH a focus on reducing the
many of us.
Looking just briefly
OF CHANGE NEEDED CO2 emissions that arise
from our projects – the
at these five themes WITHOUT IT materials we use, the
shows how profound the BECOMING efficiency with which
changes must be:
1) Possibilism: looking
OVERWHELMING we use them, and the
questions we ask about
back at whatwha has made the need for new build
profound change
ch happen rather than reuse. But
in people’s lives
l helps us see how big events, like we can see that this will not be enough to create a
plague and war, can stimulate big change, but zero-carbon construction industry, let alone to save
also that big visions, such as Martin Luther King’s the planet.
‘I have a dream’,
dre can start to spread inspiring and I think this book, alongside others, such as Kate
contagious ideas. We must believe big change is Raworth’s Doughnut economics and Jason Hickel’s
possible and believe in possibilism. Less is more, does set out a way we could approach
2) Co-evo
Co-evolution as nature: we need to take a the future that rings true and feels important. I
fresh perspective
perspe on our relationship with nature hope it is read widely and that the authors’ dream
and the planet.
plan This means returning to the idea of changing mindsets, one at a time, is contagious
that we are an integral part of the natural world, not and that this will start to drive the paradigm shift we
its master. This
T demands a new, more generous, know is essential.
attitude to a all life around us.
3) A long
longer now – deep time: we have to see
ourselves within
w a far longer timeframe than we Mike Cook
have become
becom used to, recognising our role in the MA, PhD, CEng, FREng, FIStructE
context of millions
m of years of historical evolution, Dr Mike Cook is Chair of the Institution of
and d responsibility
respons to future generations far beyond Structural Engineers Climate Emergency Task
hoose we will
wi even know. Group, a past Vice-President and Gold Medallist in
4) Symbiogenesis:
Symbi this means changing our 2020. He is a Visiting Professor at Imperial College
beliefs about
abou our relationship with our fellow citizens and Chairman of Seratech Ltd, a zero-carbon
and recognising
recogni that survival of the fittest is a poor concrete start-up.

February 2022 |

Book review_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 32 19/01/2022 14:10

Book review Opinion

John Lyness recommends this comprehensive book to all those interested in the development of
structural forms, those developing physical models, and those structural analysts making physical
model comparisons with CAD output.

Physical models: THIS BOOK PROVIDES an extensive historical

review of the engineering use of physical models of
also evolved together with more representative model
loading systems and improved model instrumentation.
Their historical structures of all types, over the last two millennia. During the 20th century, the limits of model

and current The book comprises five chronologically ordered

sections, with each containing up to 10 articles
instrumentation, the equivalent model loading
systems and the limits of model material behaviour
use in civil written by a relevant expert in each structural or
physical model area.
were quantified and allowed quantitative accuracy
assessments of model results. Also, the appropriate
and building Each article narrative is substantiated by a use of physical models for form finding, elastic

engineering reference list and complemented by figures and

photographs of physical models. Very usefully,
behaviour and collapse behaviour verification was
rationalised so that the choices of physical model
design wherever possible, model scales are given
throughout and although the detailed coverage of
scales, types and model boundaries could be
optimised for each of the design stages.
similitude derivations is not given in each article, From the book, the peak use of physical models
Editor: Bill Addis they can be accessed using the reference lists. in structural design appears to have been identified
Publisher: Ernst & Sohn On a first reading of the book, it becomes as post-WWII. However, the case is made for the
Price: £85.00 (print); apparent that, by the 20th century, physical continued relevance of physical models. Small-
£76.00 (e-book) modelling expertise had become highly developed scale models can now be efficiently produced using
ISBN: 978-3-433-03257-2 in a number of laboratories, design consultancies 3D printing technology or 3D reductive sculpting
and material development institutions. This processes.
enabled the use of new materials for the design of Since the 1960s, instrumentation and
structures such as reinforced concrete (RC) shell data-processing technologies have become
roofs, highway bridges, cooling towers, dams and more inexpensive for recording experimental
arenas. measurements. This has been particularly
Section A presents reviews and critiques of advantageous when recording and analysing
physical models of structures from classical times time–history results for the physical models used in
up until the end of the 19th century. The coverage structural dynamics.
describes models used for masonry structures In Sections D and E, the use of models in some
and catenary (chain) models that were used for contemporary areas of application is described – wind
bridges and ecclesiastical buildings. Towards the loading, earthquake loading, geotechnical centrifuge
end of this period, roof and bridge spans increased models, acoustic design, photoelasticity and
substantially in parallel with the development of new photogrammetry techniques, 3D printing for small-
structural theories and materials. scale model creation and the development of ‘shaking
The inversion of tensile catenary and hanging- tables’ for earthquake modelling.
net models allowed the development of new Section E looks to the future and describes in
‘compressive’ structural forms. The limits of the more detail the use of models to determine air flow
applications of inverted tensile form models in
applicatio dynamics and gusting around structures, a review of
design are wisely pointed out. the principal global earthquake modelling institutions,
Together, Sections B and C cover the physical geotechnical centrifuge modelling case studies,
modelling of structures from the 1890s to the and the physical models used in connection with
1980s. Th This period includes the recoveries from the assessments of the acoustic and ventilation
WWI and WWII which stimulated the development performance of structures.
structural materials and structural forms.
of new str In summary, this comprehensive book provides
The ususe of RC, prestressed concrete and steel very thorough historical and engineering reviews of the
fabrication rapidly expanded in response to the use of physical models and describes the advances
modernisation of transport infrastructure, water
modernis in structural forms and materials that necessitated
resources infrastructure and the construction of the development of these models to resolve design
large build
buildings. Principal among the structural problems and verify the structural behaviour of the
developments were the use of RC plates, RC shells
developm design – with public safety always a concern.
for arch ddams and large roof spans in the forms of
folded pla
plates or shells.
was also a time for experimentation and for
This wa John Lyness
nemen to physical model construction. Within John Lyness is Reader Emeritus in Civil Engineering
hese sections,
these sec model materials such as plaster at the Ulster University and currently the Research
of Paris, micro
m concrete, rubber, gels, soap films Director of the Dry Stone Walling Association
Persp are described, in addition to another
and Perspex of Ireland. Previously, he worked in offshore
mo materials in other book sections. The
dozen model engineering in London, structural design in Belfast
use of dimensional analyses and physical similitude and then in the Ulster University.

33 | February 2022

Book review_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 33 19/01/2022 14:11

Opinion Letters

Send letters to…
HAVE All contributions to Verulam should be
YOUR submitted via email to:

SAY Contributions may be edited on the grounds

of style and/or length by the Institution's
Readers’ letters, comments and queries publishing department.

beaten up over the questions of Pooling our

supervision and responsibilities which his
own little anecdote confirms that, in knowledge
reality, he has little or no control over. DAVID BRETT
Forms of agreement between What a fascinating article: ‘100 not out:
consulting engineer and client, where a century of The Structural Engineer’ by
the client is appointing a contractor for Allan Mann was in the January issue
the execution of the permanent works, – about the history and evolution of our
will contain wording which leaves the flagship publication.
degree of supervision to the judgement We all stand on the shoulders of our
and discretion of the engineer. How distinguished ancestors, and learn from
helpful is this? Certainly not an issue on their research and experiences in the
which to abate fees. pages of our magazine.
In my view, it is less confusing to all if We also live in an ever-changing
we recognise and follow two very simple world, and The Structural Engineer has
understandings, namely had to change with it. The pandemic will
Ò| the consulting engineer does not owe probably mean that many of our
the contractor a duty of care members will be working remotely in
Anniversary Ò| the consulting engineer has the right
to assume that a contractor is
future so the magazine will become
even more important to keep them
issue competent in executing the informed and included in IStructE affairs.
permanent works designed by the
Superb issue. Great cover, great content,
great style. Well done. Everything about
this publication is right. Knocks others Brian may be technically correct that
into a cocked hat. designers can assume contractors
Please do not change. are competent and, no doubt,
contractors can assume designers
This says it all: who are we to demur? are competent. However, in real life
there is a continuing theme in
‘safety’ that things go wrong

Design because of unauthorised departures

from design intent, or perhaps
responsibilities because of confusion in design
intent, or from construction error
BRIAN HUGHES and even design error. If we care
To my mind, Melvin Hurst (Verulam, about ‘safety’, prudence demands a
January 2022) is allowing himself to be degree of checking and verification.

Enter a sketch in the next competition – deadline 1 March 2022

The Dr D awin i g Bo
B ardd Sket
Sk etch
ches must be: To take part, su
ubmit you
is The Structural • hand drawn (no CAD, except for o ‘gu gu
g uided fre
ree- entries
s to
t :
e ’ss qua
rtt y hand’) Each pub blliish
s ed e entryy will
e ch hin
i gc co
e ition, • from a real project or ass sssig
enn receive e a frree sin nglgle e--bo
dg ed by Ro
ed Ronn Sl
S ade • at a suitable scale fo or pu
ublb ic
ionn (i( .e
e. no
ot to
tooo from theh Ins nstitit tu
t ttiio
onn’ss cur
u rent
S ru
St ruct
ct E of WSSP
P. intricate/detailed). list
st of tiitles
st ess.
P ease also submit a sho
Pl ort descriptio on (15 50 wordrd
o put the sketch into con
xt. Background sketc
ch by Kev
K in Lyons (Lyons O’Neill)

February 2022 |

Verulam + HP_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 34 19/01/2022 14:12

Letters Opinion

I was fortunate to be working at Arup In her Presidential Address (page

during the time that Sir ‘Ted’ Happold 10), Jane Entwistle stressed the role
(Past President) was there, so was
impressed with his prophetic words
of the Institution in sharing WE ALL STAND ON THE
about the effects of climate change long
knowledge; it’s what we are here for
and how we all benefit from
before this became a current issue.
We are now faced with new problems
membership. A glance over Allan’s ANCESTORS, AND LEARN
to comply with ESG (environmental,
article will serve to recap what
knowledge had been generated and
social and governance) shared over the century. He AND EXPERIENCES
recommendations to reuse buildings, concluded by reminding us that none
components, and materials whenever of this would be possible without
possible, and to design buildings for a generous contributions from our robustly that it does matter. The fact that
200-year life. authors: so please continue to share! some brackets may not be required, but
We have to ‘think beyond the brief’, are inserted for clarity, is beside the point.
and try to guess what the building or Similarly, incorrect use of grammar can
structure could be used for once its lead to changes of meaning. The fact
initial use has been achieved. This leads
us onto design parameters such as wind Correct use of that the media totally ignore the rules of
grammar simply makes it harder for our
speeds which have increased during my
career, and could increase significantly
grammar young people to learn what good English
looks like.
over the foreseeable future according to STUART MARCHAND
a distinguished meteorologist colleague, I have to disagree with David Brett’s letter
with extreme weather events becoming in the November/December 2021 issue Whether or not text is grammatical
ever more frequent. of The Structural Engineer regarding seems an endless topic arousing
We need to pool our knowledge to ‘Using correct grammar’. The rules of passion. What we can surely all
meet the challenges of the future, so grammar are there to assist in producing agree on is that ‘communication’ is a
The Structural Engineer will continue to clear, concise and unambiguous English. vital part of our skill set in the sense
perform a vital role if we can I am sure that if a linguist said to an of using language to convey to
encourage members to ‘have their say’ engineer that it really did not matter too others what we want built. How
and give us the benefit of their much where brackets were put in many disputes have there been
knowledge and experience. equations, the engineer would reply about ambiguity?

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35 | February
October 2019

Verulam + HP_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 35 19/01/2022 14:13

At the back Diary dates

Unless otherwise stated,

evening technical meetings
start at 18:00 and are free of
charge to attend.

History Study Group meetings

start at 18:00 and are free of

Diary dates
charge to attend. Registration
is not required except for the
Annual Business Meeting held
in January.

Industry workshops and CPD

courses are held at HQ unless Note that more current information may be available from
otherwise stated.
the Institution website:

ONLINE CONFERENCES 9–10 February 10 March

15 March Temporary works design Writing skills for engineers
Young researchers conference Presenter: Ray Filip Presenter: Penny Taylor
13:00–16:00 10:00–17:30 10:00–17:30
Price: Free Price: Members: £535.00 + VAT; Standard: Price: Members: £305.00 + VAT;
Register: £715.00 + VAT Standard: £415.00 + VAT
young-researchers-conference/ Booking: Booking:
temporary-works-design-course/ hq/2022/writing-skills-for-engineers/
22–23 March
Modern Uses of Timber in a Changing 11 February 21 March
Environment conference Eurocode 8: worked examples of the dynamic Lateral stability to building structures
14:00–18:00 analysis and seismic building designs Presenter: Chris O’Regan
Price: Members: £175.00 + VAT; Standard: Presenter: Professor Costas Georgopoulos 14:00–18:00
£275.00 + VAT; Student members: £45.00 + 10:00–17:00 Price: Members: £215.00 + VAT;
VAT Price: Members: £295.00 + VAT; Standard: Standard: £285.00 + VAT
Booking: £395.00 + VAT Booking:
modern-timber-conference/ Booking: hq/2022/lateral-stability-to-building-
demolition-and-structural-refurbishment/ structures/
3, 10, 17, 24 February 3 March 29 March
Conceptual design for structural engineers: Demolition and structural refurbishment Rapid calculations for engineers
an introduction Presenter: Charles Treasure Presenter: Rachael De’Ath
Presenter: Oliver Broadbent 10:00–17:30 10:00–13:30
10:30–12:30 Early booking price: Members: £295.00 + VAT; Price: Members: £185.00 + VAT;
Price: Members: £295.00 + VAT; Standard: Standard: £395.00 + VAT Standard: £245.00 + VAT
£395.00 + VAT Booking: Booking:
Booking: eurocode-8-worked-examples-of-the-dynamic- hq/2022/rapid-calculations-for-
conceptual-design-for-structural-engineers/ analysis/ engineers/

4, 11, 18, 25 February and 4 March 8 March REGIONAL GROUPS

Net-zero structural design Business and strategic planning Note that events are subject to change
Presenters: Will Arnold and Oliver Broadbent Presenter: Parag Prasad due to Covid restrictions. Please
10:30–12:30 10:00–13:00 visit
Price: Members: £535.00 + VAT; Standard: Price: Members: £215.00 + VAT; Standard: regional-groups/ for up-to-date
£715.00 + VAT £285.00 + VAT information and registration details.
Booking: Booking:
net-zero-structural-design/ business-and-strategic-planning/
8 February 9 March
Eurocode 9: design of aluminium Dealing with domestic clients 3 February
structures Presenter: Rob Langley Timber and concrete composite
Presenter: Meini Su 13:00–17:00 bridges – Hessenpoort business park
10:00–17:00 Price: Members: £215.00 + VAT; Standard: in Zwolle (Online)
Price: Members: £295.00 + VAT; Standard: £285.00 + VAT Ronald Rozemeijer
£395.00 + VAT Booking: 18:00
Booking: dealing-with-domestic-clients/
eurocode-9-design-of-aluminium-structures/ Secretary: James Drew

February 2022 |

Diary_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 36 19/01/2022 14:14

Diary dates At the back


15 February 22 February 16 February
Refurbishment of the historic Curzon Inaugural Meeting of South Presentations by Yorkshire Regional Group
Street station for HS2 (Online) Eastern Counties Region 2022 and Young Members (Online)
Jackie Heath annual visit by the President Various
17:30–19:00 (Online) 18:00–19:30
Chris O’Regan, Jane Entwistle and Contact: David Richardson
Secretary: Mahdi Hussein Darren Byrne (
NORTHERN IRELAND Secretary: Nic Webb
Secretary: Anil Kumar
The local implications of climate change SURREY 15 June
Dr John Lyness Building Conservation Summer School
18:15 14 February 2022: Conservation Engineering Day
Venue TBC Connections & Joints in Fibre Speakers: James Miller, Sarah Tattersall, Jon
Reinforced Polymeric Composite Avent, Brian Jarvis, Sinclair Johnston, Ed
16 February Structure (Online & in person) Morton
Leadership skills for structural engineers Behrouz Zafari 08:30–17:00
(Online) Jacqueline Wilson Hall (PRMB1099), Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester GL7
13:00–17:00 Main Building, Kingston University, 6JS
Penrhyn Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Price: £195.00
22 February Surrey KT1 2EE Booking:
It shouldn't happen to an expert (Online) 18:00 for 18:30 start buildingconservationsummerschool/582744
(Joint meeting with Engineers Ireland)
Nick Russell Secretary: Ruslan Koutlukaev INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES
WALES Cape Town, South Africa
Secretary: Laura Killeen
8 February Monday 5–Wednesday 7 September 2022
INDIA Inauguration of incoming Chair and Eighth International Conference on
presentations by the President and Structural Engineering, Mechanics and
10 February Darren Byrne (Online) Computation
Climate change (Online) Nikki Stockbridge, Jane Entwistle, Web:
Mike Sefton and Will Arnold Darren Byrne Register:
18:00 IST 18:00 exhibit/registration
Contact: Prof. Alphose Zingoni
Secretary: Geoff Carter (

16 February Regional Group Committee members
Chartered Engineers Pacific – Annual should submit details of forthcoming
General Meeting (Online) events to:
19:00–21:00 PST

Enter a sketch in the next competition – deadline 1 March 2022

The Dr D awin i g Bo
B ardd Sket
Sk etch
ches must be: To take part, su
ubmit you
is The Structural • hand drawn (no CAD, except for o ‘gu guided free
ee- entries
s to
t :
eer s qua
er’’s uarterly
rtt y hand’) Each h pub blish
liis ed e entryy will
e ch
chini g comp
e ition, • from a real project or ass sssig
enn receive e a frree sin ng glle e-
dg ed
ed by RoRonn Sl
S ade • at a suitable scale fo or pu
ublb ic
ionn (i( .e
e. no
ot to
too o from theh Ins nstitit tu
t ttiio
onn’s cur
u rent
S ru
St ruct
ct E of WSSP
P. intricate/detailed). list
st of tiitles
st ess.
P ease also submit a sho
Pl ort descriptio on (15 50 word rd
o put the sketch into con
xt. Background sketc
ch by Kev
K in Lyons (Lyons O’Neill)

37 | February 2022

Diary_TSE Feb 2022_The Structural Engineer.indd 37 19/01/2022 14:14

At the back Spotlight on Structures

All articles in Structures

are available free of
charge to paying-
grade members of
the Institution as one
of their membership
benefits. The journal
is available online at:

Read the latest issue

Volume 35 of Structures (January 2022) is now available to read at
Editor-in-Chief, Leroy Gardner, has selected a paper on the flexural
buckling resistance of high-strength aluminium alloy H-columns as
his ‘Featured Article’ from this issue. The article will be available free
of charge for six months.

Editor-in-Chief’s Chinese and American specifications MPa and 557 MPa were collected and
can predict flexural buckling resistance analyzed. Finally, a new flexural buckling
Featured Article of such columns safely with an average curve was suggested for the estimation
Experimental investigation underestimation of 13%, 12% and 8%, of flexural-buckling resistance of high-
and design method of the respectively. Eighty-one column buckling strength extruded members.
flexural buckling resistance of tests available in the literature performed
high-strength aluminum alloy on extruded sections made of aluminum Ò| Read the full paper at https://doi.
H-columns alloy with the yield stress between 388 org/10.1016/j.istruc.2021.11.013
Lin Yuana, Qilin Zhanga,
Yuanwen Ouyangb
College of Civil Engineering,
Tongji University, Shanghai, PR
Shanghai Tongzheng Aluminum
Alloy Structure Engineering
Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai,
PR China

High strength aluminum alloy

members can be used if the
required cross-sections are
larger than those obtainable by
extrusion. The application range
of the current design codes for
aluminum structures is limited
for normal-strength material and
whether high-strength members
can be designed with the existed
buckling curves is examined.
Fourteen H-section columns made
from 7075-T6 were tested under
axial compression. The effects of
the different material properties
and imperfections on the flexural
buckling behavior of normal-
and high-strength columns
were analyzed numerically. The
column curves in European,

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Manual for the design of building
structures to Eurocode 1 & Basis
of structural design
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