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 CLASE 9:

Let´s warm-up
Remember the last class and read the next sentence. Do you see the mistake?

Now, fix the sentence. Write it in the Let´s talk section to get corrections from
your teacher and classmates.

R) I never eat sardines.

Language building

Complete the paragraph with the PRESENT SIMPLE of the verbs below.

You must use some verbs more than once. Do it in your
notebook.Checkyouranswers in theAnswerkey.

Mr. Jones lives in a small town. Every day he “wakes up” at 7

o’clock. He “have” breakfast and then he“walks” to
school. He is a teacher. His students “likes” him very much
because he is very nice. They “reads” to him carefully during
classes. Mr. Jones also “likes” his work very much. He finishes
work at 3 o’clock and “walks” back home. Mr. Jones
“lives” with his wife and his two children. In the evening they
often “watches” a film together. They “have” dinner at
8 o’clock in the evening. Usually they “have” a soup and a salad,
which Mr. Jones prepares. The children “helps” him because they
both like cooking.
o Adverbs of frequency

They modify the main verb to tell you how frequent activity happens.

E.g.:  I always go shopping on Saturdays.

           I usually wear perfume.

           I rarely wear sunglasses.

           I never eat sardines.

Place of adverbs

Adverbs go between the subject and the main verb.

Ex. We seldom see the sunrise here.


When the main verb is BE (am-is-are), the adverb goes after the verb.

Ex. She is always late for work.

Now you go:

Read this negative sentence. Where is the adverb of frequency here?

            Ex. People don´t usually go to the beach in winter.

     You are right!  The adverb has to go between the auxiliary verb and the main

o Learning grammar through reading:

Learninggrammarthrough Reading
Pay attention to the words in bold. Read the list of verbs in the chart. Who
does each action? Check (✓) the correct column. Do it in your
notebook.Checkyouranswers in theAnswerkey.
a) Study – Doctor Moffett
b) Fight – Ants
c) Bite - Ants

o Words and expressions using to talk about daily routines:

Words and expressions

Daily routines (p.56)
Think of your answer to these questions. Pay attention to the expressions used.
Ex. What time do you usually get up?
Answer: I usually get up at 6:00 am.  

1. What time do you go to bed? I usually go to bed at 11:00 pm  

2. What time do you finish work?  I always finish work at 03:00 pm

3. What time do you have dinner? I usually have dinner at 07:00 pm

o Time expressions:

Time expressions

What do people do…

In the morning?   I have breakfast and brush my teeth.
In the afternoon?   I work all afternoon.
In the evening?  I have dinner and I take a shower.
At night?  I go to bed early.

Real life - Review

o Telling the time

Tellingthe time
To tell the time in English, we use the following expressions:   
O'clock: 11:00.                                        A quarter past: 11:15.
Half-past: 11:30.                                     A quarter to 11:45.
Ex.  A: What time is it?
         B: It is a quarter to six (5:45 pm).
         A: Ups! I am late for class! 
Notice that we tell the time in a very different way from Spanish. From 11:00 to
11:30 we use the preposition Past.
From 11:30 to 11:59 to say how many minutes are left for the next hour we use the
preposition To:

   Ex. It is a quarter past eleven. (It's 11:15)   

          It is a quarter to twelve. (It's 11:45)       

o The days of the week

Thedays of theweek

In English, the days of the week are usually preceded by the preposition on and
they always go in CAPITAL letters. We use the days of the week in different ways: 
1. To refer to one occasion: 
e.g: I will go to London on Friday.
2.  Use it in the plural to refer to repeated events: 
e.g: Fundeim´s office is closed on Sundays.
        Do you work on Fridays?
3. In English, the days of the week are nouns, but they can also function as
adverbs of time and adjectives:
e.g.: I'll ring you on Monday (time adv).
4.  a + day 
My birthday’s on a Monday this year. (Noun=one of the Mondays in the year)
Similarly, "Mondays (adv)=on Mondays"
e.g.:  The restaurant is closed Mondays. = Adv
I was born on a beautiful Monday morning! = Noun

 ENGLISH IN CONTEXT: Stanley´s international restaurant

1. Watch this video and practice the simple present tense;
2. Practice your pronunciation;
3. Try writing sentences and words you may find useful in the future;
4. Answer the following questions. Record yourself and upload the file to the Let´s
talk section:

1. What kind of food does he cook on Tuesdays?he cooks Greek food on

2. When does he cook Chinese food? He cooks Chinese food on Wednesday
3. What do people do on Mondays at Stanley´s?On Mondays, people
speaksItalian, they eats Italian food, they drinks Italian wine, and listen to Italian
4. Does Stanley cook Russian food?No, He doesn´t cook Russian food.

 TRY IT OUT: Practice makes perfect!

Do the following exercises. Check your answers in the Answer key.
1. Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence. Do it in your

1. Doctor Moffett love / loves his job.

2. He study / studies ants.
3. A salesperson sell / sells products for a company.
4. You and Anita work / works on weekends.
5. Nurses help / helps people.
6. We write / writes science books.
7. Our office close / closes at 7:00 p.m.
8. She take / takes classes at the business school.
9. You walk / walks to work every day.
10. I start / starts work at 8:00 a.m. every morning
2. Write each verb with the correct "-s, -es, or -ies" ending.

1. study      studies                                                             8. Helphelps

2. fish         fishes                                                               9. Missmisses
3. pass       passes                                                           10. Fly flies
4. worry      worries                                                            11. Fix fixes
5. explore   explores                                                          12. Watch watches
6. bite         bites                                                               13. Like likes
7. buy         buys                                                                 14. Pay pays

3. Follow the instructions and then, record the final text with the corrections
(pronounce the -s or -es where necessary). Upload your recording to the Let
´s talk section. Wait for your teacher´s corrections there.

Bill is a mechanic. He knows a lot about cars. He works at a garage. He fixes cars
and talks to costumers. Theyask questions about their cars. Bill works from 08:00
am to 6:00 pm everyday. He haves a busy schedule, but he likes his job very


Parts of thebody

Facts aboutthe body

1. Blood makes up about eight percent (80%) of your total body weight.

2. The human nose can detect about one trillion smells.
3. Skin is the body’s largest organ and can comprise fifteen percent (15%) of a
person’s total weight.
4. The foot is one of the most ticklish parts of the body.
5. Extraocular muscles in the eye are the body’s fastest muscles.
6. The heart beats more than 3 billion times in the average human lifespan.
Meters, minutes, and kilos
These are some of the units of measurement in English. Some are the same or
similar to Spanish, but some others are different.

Let´s see...
1 pound= 453 grams approx.   e.g. You need only one pound of sugar for this
100 percent=100%              e.g. I am 100% sure!
1 kilo=1000 grams              e.g. A kilo equals 1000 grams.
1 hour=60 minutes                  e.g. I can stand here for only sixty minutes.

        e.g. I can run two kilometers every day. 

Languagebuilding: Can and Can't

We use the modal verb "can" to talk about abilities or skills in a positive or
negative way.
 Ex.  Affirmative: She can play the piano.
         Negative:        I can´t/cannot read music.
Notice: This is also a sentence in the simple present, but the verb CAN does not
take the -s of the third person singular with he/she/it. 
Can is a modal auxiliary verb and does not need the –s, ies, es. Yey!
Ex. He can ride a bike.
The bee (it) can sting (auch!)   

Use the following expressions to discuss about things you can or can´t do. (p.65).

Record yourself saying if you can/cannot do these four activities.
Uploadyourrecording in the Let´stalk section: 
-I can´t drive a car. My family doesn´t teach me.

-I can cook well desserts.

-I can´t read music, it´s too difficult for me.

-I can´t play the violin. I never practice.


You can also form Yes/No questions with the modal verb can:

 Ex. Can you drive?           Answer: Yes, I can.
                                                          No, I cannot/can´t
Remember to put the verb Can first in Yes/No questions.
Ex. Can she cook?
        Can you help me?
Also, in information questions:
Ex. When can you come?
        What can I do to help?
Never forget!
Rule: when you use Can, the following verb has to be in the base form, like this:
                      Ex. You can speak English.        
Ex. Can you speak English?

Information questions are used to ask for specific information.    

Who – A person, Where – A place, When – A time, Why – A reason, How many –
A number, What – A thing.

Word order

Word order is very important in English because it can determine the function of a

word inside the sentence. In the next example, the first DO functions as an
auxiliary verb because of its position in the sentence, and the second DO
functions as the main verb:
Ex. What do you do for fun?                                                                                   
        Answer: I play volleyball.
 Wh + aux verb +subject + main verb + complement (optional)? (el complement
es opcional, porque a veces con el verbo se puede cerrar la pregunta)
 Ex. Where do you live?
        Answer: I live in Montreal.
       Where can you find a good restaurant in this city? (with can)       
        Answer: You can go to Soho.


o Videos de Can:

Falta verlos

o Videos de Body Parts and Big Figures:

In this section, you are going to watch some videos and answer some
questions about the words and expressions in this unit.

1. Do you know any other interesting facts about the body? Record yourself
and upload the file to the Let´s talk section.

a) Each foot has 26 bones, its the part of the body with most bones.

b) The intestine of a living person measures two and a half meters, then they
die, can be measures six meters.

c) When smiling, a person uses seventeen muscles, and forty-three when


2. What parts of the body can you identify? Match the body parts below and
add any other you know. 
1. Watch these videos, listen, practice, and repeat to improve your pronunciation;
Tip: try touching the part of your body while saying its name. This may help
with the memorization process.
2. Watch them as many times as you want. 
Falta ver videos (aquiesta el referido a como decir numeros grandes en ingles)


o Online exercises:

1. Look at the pictures and match them with the words on the left. Say what
type of words they are.
Then, what are they used for?
R -1 ) a) Foto 1 – what
b) Foto 2 – How much
c) Foto 3 – Who
d) Foto 4 - Where
R-2) It is Wh-question, information questions.
R-3) Information questions are used to ask for specific information.  

2. Use English to say what people can or can´t do. 

a) Foto 1 – He can ride a bike

b) Foto 2 – He can´t draw.

c) Foto 3 – he can run 2 kilometers every day

d) Foto 4 – He can´t play chess very well.

3. Click on the picture below and complete de exercises:

1. What is the weather like today?

2. Why don't you like apple juice?
3. What about a walk through the forest?
4. How do you play volleyball?
5. Where is my red sweat shirt, Mum?
6. When do Anne and Betty get to school every day?
7. When does your father go to work?
8. Where is the dog's bone?
9. Where are we going for a holiday by the sea again?
Correct is: When are we going for a holiday by the sea again?
10. How do you like your coffee?

4. Write questions for the underlined information.       

Ex. How many people live in the UK?

          About 56 million people live in the UK.
 a) My brother lives in Egypt.
Where do your brothers live?
b) Bogota is the capital of Colombia.
What is the Capital of Colombia?
c) Elton John is my favorite singer.
Who is your favorite singer?
d) I study English because I want to get a good job.
Why you study English?
e) Monique speaks four languages.
How many languages Monique´s speak?
5. ACE students´ book
a. Exercise 3.a (p. 65) (listo)

b. Exercise 6 (p. 65 – audio 8.3) (listo)

-Ben: Ok, so listen, can you drive?
-Karis: Yes, you know I can, how about you?
-Yes of course
-Ok, can you ride a bicycle well?
-Uhmm no, I can´t actually. I don’t like bicycles very much. Can you?
-Yes, I ride my bicycle to the work every day.
-Uhmm ok, what’s next?, can you swim one hundred meters?
-Uhmm yes, I think I can, not very good swimming, but yeah, I can swim one
hundred meters I think, can you?
-Yes, I’m a very good swimmer. Uhmm, what’s else?, I know another languages,
witch languages can you speak?
-French a little bit.
-Ah! But can you speak Spanish?
-No, why? Can you?
-Yes, I speak very good Spanish
-Uhmm, what about music? Can you play the violin?
-No, I can’t, of course I can’t, you know im not musical. Can you play a violin?
-Yes, I was in the school orchestra, I was very good. So thats 2 to me!
a) Ben can do: Ben can drive, Ben can swim one hundred meters, Ben can speak
another languages, Ben can speak Spanish very well
b) Karis can do: Karis can ride a bicycle, Karis can swim one hundred meters,
Karis can speak French, Karis can play the violin very well.

c. Focus 3. Exercises 2 and 3 (p. 68 – audio 8.7) (listo)

Pregunta 1 – C

Pregunta 2 – E

Pregunta 3 – F

Pregunta 4 – D

Pregunta 5 – A

Pregunta 6 – B

d. Pronunciation - Wh- questions intonation (p. 69 - audio 8.8) (to be checked

in the Let´s talk section) (listo)

a) What do you do in the weekend?

b) What is your favorite book?

c) Who is your favorite singer?

d) When you go to bed?

e) Where do you go to your vacation?

e. Exercise 5 (p.69). (listo)

a) What do you do in the weekend?
b) What is your favorite book or movie?
c) Who is your favorite singer?
d) When you go to bed?
e) Where do you go to your vacation?
f) How many people are there in your family?
g) What is your favorite TV program?

o Workbook Exercises:
1. Module 8, pp. 39-41.

- PAGINA 39:
a) Some
b)  He´s
c) Those
d) An actor
e) Childrens
f) On the left on
g) Her
h) Any


a) Yes – I say no
b) Stop – I say go go go, oh no
c) I say Hello - You say goodbye
d) I say high – you say low
e) You say low - I say high
f) I say no – you say yes
g) I say go – You say stop
h) You say goodbye - I say Hello.

a) Foto 2 y 5
b) Foto 4
c) Foto 1
d) Foto 1 y 4
e) Foto 3
f) Foto 2

a) Parent
b) Child
c) Grandparent
d) Wife
e) Wife
f) Husband


a) Carmen – e
b) Carlos – a
c) Laura – d
d) Luis and Martha – b y c

a) Mother
b) Son
c) Wife
d) Parents
e) Son
f) Grandparents
g) Sons

a) Tony – Martha: Tony is Martha´s father
b) Rosa – Carlos: Rosa is Carlos´s daughter
c) Carlos – Carmen: Carlos is Carmen´s husband
d) Tony – Carlos: Tony is Carlos´s son.
e) Laura – Martha and Luis: Laura is Martha and Luis mother´s
f) Laura and Tony – Martha: Laura and Tony are Martha´s parents.
g) Rosa – Tony: Rosa is Tony´s sister.

2. Write the questions for these answers:

Ex. I am from Venezuela
        Where are you from?
Answer 1: My name is Jean. – What is your name?
Answer 2: I live in Paris. – Where do you live?
Answer 3: I have three brothers. – How many brothers you have?
Answer 4: I am his sister. – Who you are?


Basic I - Class 10
 Big figures
 This is a difficult aspect of English that needs a lot of practice. Try writing in
letters and saying these big figures:
 Ex. 100: a hundred.   
1.000: one thousand
100.000: one hundred thousand
1.000.000: one million
145:  one hundred forty five
358: three hundred fifty eight
1694: one thousand six hundred ninety four
Use your phone and record yourself practicing. You need to listen to the way you
say things to make your fluency and pronunciation better! (Trata de grabarte
usando tu telefono, escucharte es muy necesario para mejorar tu fluidez y



1.  Exercise 1. page 70.

a) 100 – a hundred
b) 1.000 – a thousand
c) 10.000 – ten thousand
d) 1.000.000 – one million
e) 100.000 – one hundred thousand

2. Follow the instructions in exercises 2-3, page 70 (Audios 8.9 - 8.10).


a) 100 – a hundred
b) 300 – three hundred
c) 150 – a hundred fifty
d) 275 – two hundred and seventy five
e) 1.000 – a thousand
f) 20.000 – twenty thousand


3. Focus 2. Exercises 1-2, p. 66 (audio 8.4)


4. Exercise 5.a, p. 67.

 A) Line 3 = a gram – a kilo
B) Line 4 = 1% - 24% - 80% - 100%
C) Line 1 = a second - a minute – an hour – a day
D) Line 2 = a centimeter – a meter – a kilometer

5. Think of some other body parts and look for the word in English. For
example: how do you say?  

1- Lips
2- Face
3- Pinky
4- Nose
5- Veins


Pregunta 1
0 / 0 pts
Put the words in the correct order. 

a) get up/ usually/ i/ eight o'clock/ before

   I usually get up before eight o'clock
b) i/ breakfast/ have/ usually/ don't
I usually do

c) shopping/ sometimes/ i/ on Sunday/ go
I go shoppi

d) watch/ on weekends/ i/ sports/ always/ on TV
I alw ays w

e) before/ i/ nine o'clock/ home/ leave/ never
I never leav
Respuesta 1:
¡Correcto!I usually don't have breakfast
Respuesta 2:

sometimes I go shopping on sunday

Respuesta 3:

I always watch sports on tv on weekends

Respuesta 4:
¡Correcto!I never leave home before nine o'clock
Pregunta 2
0 / 0 pts
Choose the correct question word. 
 What - When -  Where -  Why
- Who - How many

a)  How many brothers and sisters do you have?

b) When 's your birthday?
c) What do you usually do in the evening?
d) Who is your favorite actor? 
e) Where do your parents live? 
f) Why do you want to learn English?
Respuesta 1:
How many
Respuesta 2:
Respuesta 3:
Respuesta 4:
Respuesta 5:
Respuesta 6:
Read the following questions and choose the
correct answer in each case.
Pregunta 3
0 / 0 pts
How many bones are in a baby's body?

a) two hundred and six
b) three hundred and six

c) six hundred and three
Pregunta 4
0 / 0 pts
How many centimeters are there in a kilometer?
a) hundred
b) ten thousand
Respuesta correcta
c) a hundred thousand
Pregunta 5
0 / 0 pts
What's the population of the US?
a) about two hundred million
b) about three hundred million
Respuesta correcta
c) about four hundred million
Pregunta 6
0 / 0 pts
How many countries are in the world?
a) about a hundred and twenty
Respuesta correcta
b) about a hundred and ninety

c) about ninety
Pregunta 7
0 / 0 pts
How many seconds are there in an hour? 
a) sixty
b) three thousand six hundred

c) thirty-six thousand
Pregunta 8
0 / 0 pts
How many kilometers is the Moon from the Earth?
a) about forty thousand
b) about four hundred thousand

c) about four million

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