Nama: Mufti Ghazali M NIM: 060045 Tugas: Mekanika Fluida Dosen: Yanasari. Ssi

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Nama : Mufti Ghazali M

NIM : 060045
Tugas : Mekanika Fluida
Dosen : Yanasari. ssi
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 1
Mufti Ghazali

Chapter Forces on submerged plane areas

1. If a triangle of height d and b is vertical and submerged in liquid with
its vertex at the liquid surface (see figure below), derive an expression
to its center of pressure

I cg 2 d b d 3 / 36 3d
h cp=h cg + = + =
hcg A 3 ( 2 d /3 )( bd / 2 ) 4

2. A circular area of diameter d is vertical in a liquid. Its upper edge is

coincident with the liquid surface (see figure below), derive an
expression for it’s of pressure

I cg d π d 4 /64 d d 5d
h cp=h cg + = + = + =
hcg A 2 ( d /2 ) ( π d 4 /4 ) 2 8 8
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 2
Mufti Ghazali

3. A vertical semicircular area of diameter d and radius r is submerged

and has its diameter in liquid surface (see figure below), derive an
expression for the depth to its center of pressure.

I cg 4r
h cp=h cg + hcp=
hcg A 3π

π r4 π r2 4r 2 π 8 ( 4)
I cg=

2( )( ) ( 3π
= −
8 9π
r )
1 π r4 1 π ( 2 r ) πr 4
I x= −
2 64 ( ) [
2 64
8 ]
4 r [ π /8−8 / ( 9 π ) ] ( r )
h cp= + =0.589 r
3 π [ 4 r / ( 3 π ) ] [ π r 2 /2 ]

4. A vertical, rectangular gate with water on one side is shown in figure

below, determine the total resultant force acting on the gate and
location of the center of pressure
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 3
Mufti Ghazali

F=γ hcg A=( 9.79 ) (3+ 1.2/2 ) [ ( 2 ) ( 1.2 ) ] =84.59 kN

I cg 1.2 ( 2 ) ( 1.2 )3 /12
h cp=h cg +
hcg A
= 3+( 2
+ )
( 3+1.2 /2 ) [ ( 2 )( 1.2 ) ]
=3.633 m

5. An inclined, rectangular gate with water on one side is shown in figure

below, determine the total resultant force and location of center of

[ ]
F=γ hcg A=( 62.4 ) 8+ ( 4 cos 60 0 ) [ ( 4 )( 5 ) ]=11.23 Klbs
I cg 8 4 ( 5 ) ( 4 )3 /12
Z cp=Z cg + =
( + +
Z cg A cos 600 2 ) 8
=18.07 ft
( cos 60 )
+2 [ 20 ]
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Mufti Ghazali

6. A vertical triangular gate with water on one side is shown in figure

below, determine the total resultant force and location of center of

[ ]
F=γ hcg A=( 9.79 ) 3+ ( 1 ) [ (1.2 )( 1 ) /2 ] =21.54 KN
I 2 ( 1.2 )( 1 )2 /36
hcg A [
h cp=h cg + cg = 3+ ( 1 ) +
3 ] 2
=3.68 m
[ ]
3+ ( 1 ) [ ( 1.2 ) ( 1 ) / 2 ]

7. Freshly poured concrete approximates a fluid with s.g. = 2.40 like the
figures below, calculate the forces in four bolt.

F=γ hcg A=[ ( 2.40 )( 62.4 ) ] ( 122 )[ ( 9 )( 12) ]=97044 lb

Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 5
Mufti Ghazali

−I xx s inθ −[ ( 9 )( 12 )3 /12 ] ( sin 900 )

y cp = = =−2 ft
hcg A 12
[( )]
[ ( 9 ) (12 ) ]

∑ M A =( 2 ) ( Fc ) ( 12 )−( 97044 ) (6 +2 )=0 F C =F D =32348 lb

∑ M C =( 97044 ) ( 6−2 )−( 2 ) ( F A ) (12 ) =0 F A =F B=16174 lb

8. Gate AB in figure below is 1 m long and 0.9 m wide, calculate force F

on the gate and the position of its center of pressure

F=γ hcg A=[ ( 0.81 )( 9.79 ) ] [ 3+ ( 1+1/2 ) ( sin 500 ) ] [ ( 0.9 ) (1 ) ] =29.61 kN

−I xx sinθ −[ ( 0.9 ) ( 1 )3 /12 ] ( sin 500 )

y cp = = =−0.015 m¿ centroid
hcg A [ 3+ ( 1+ 1/2 ) ( sin 500 ) ] [ ( 0.9 ) ( 1 ) ]
X = +0.015=0.515 m¿ point A

9. Calculate the resultant force on triangular window ABC in figure below

and locate the center of pressure
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 6
Mufti Ghazali

F=γ hcg A=( 10.08 ) 0.25+

[ ( 23 ) ( 0.6 )] [ ( 0.4 )( 0.6) /2]=0.786 kN
I xy =bh3 /36= ( 0.4 ) (0.6)3 /36=0.00240 m4
−I xx sinθ −(−0.0024 ) ( sin 900 )
y cp = = =−31 mm below centroid
hcg A 2
[ () ]
( 0.6 ) [ ( 0.4 ) ( 0.6 ) /2 ]

I xy =b ( b−2 s ) ( h )2 /72=0.4 [ 0.4−( 2 )( 0.4 ) ] ( 0.6 )2 /72=−0.000800 m

−I xy sinθ −(−0.0008 ) (sin 900 )
x cp= = +10 mm ¿ of thecentroid
hcg A 2
[ () ]
( 0.6 ) [(0.4)(0.6)/2]

10. Isosceles triangular gate AB in figure below is hinged at A

compute the horizontal force P required at point B for equilibrium,
neglecting the weight of gate

AB=3/sin 600 =3.464 m

F=γ hcg A=[ ( 0.82 )( 9.79 ) ] ( 2+1 ) ¿

−I xx sinθ 3
y cp = =−[( 1.2) ( 3.464 ) /36]¿ ¿
hcg A

∑ M A =0 3 p−¿ ( 50.05 ) (3.464 /3+0.1924)=0 P=22.47 kN ¿

Chapter Buoyancy and floatation

Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 7
Mufti Ghazali

1. A cube of timber 1.25 ft on each side float in water as shown on figure

below, the specific gravity of the timber is 0.60. find the submerged
depth of cube

F b=W 62.4 [ ( 1.25 ) ( 1.25 ) ( D ) ]=[ ( 0.6 ) ( 62.4 ) ] [ ( 1.25 )( 1.25 ) ( 1.25 ) ] D=0.750 ft
2. A concrete cube 10.0 in on each side is to be held in equilibrium under
water by attaching a lightweight foam buoy to it, as shown in figure
below (in theory, the attached foam buoy and concrete cube, when
placed under water, will nighters rise nor sink.) if specific weight of
concrete and foam are 150 lb/ft3 and 5 lb/ft3, respectively, what
minimum volume of foam required.

Forces acting in
this problem
were Wf and Wc
respectively weight of the foam and concrete, and Fbf and Fbc are the
respectively buoyant forces on the foam and concrete.

∑ F y =0
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 8
Mufti Ghazali

10 10
[ [ ( ) ]] [ [( ) ] ]
W f =F bf +W c −F bc =0.5 V −62.4 V foam + 150
( 3 ) − 62.4
(3 ) =0

V foam =0.833 ft 3

3. A barge is loaded with 150 ton of coal, weight of empty inn air is 35
ton, if barge is 18 ft wide, 52 ft long, and 9 ft height, what is the draft.
F b=W 62.4 [(18)(52)( D)]=(150+35)(2000) D=6.33 ft

4. Determine the submerged depth of a cube of steel 0.30 m on each side

floating in mercury, specific gravity of steel and mercury are 7.8 and
F b=W [(13.6)(9.79)][(0.3)(0.3)(D)]=[(7.8)(9.79)][(0.3)(0.3)] D=0.172 m

5. A pieces of wood of s.g. o.651 in 3 in square and 5 ft long. How many

pounds of lead weighting fastened at one end of the stick so that it will
float upright with 1ft out of water?
W wood∧lead =W displaced water
V =0.00456 ft 3 W lead =(0.00456)(700)=3.19 lb

6. A rectangular open box 25 ft by 10 ft in plan and 12 ft deep weight 40

ton and is launched in fresh water. (a) How deep will it sink? (b)if the
water is 12 ft deep, what weight of stone placed in the box will cause it
rest on the bottom?
F b=W
(a) 62.4 [(25)(10)(D)]=(40)(2000)D=5.13 ft
(b) 62.4 [(25)(10)(12)]=( 40+W stone )(2000)W stone =53.6 ton

7. A ship, with vertical sides near water line, weight 4000 ton and draws
22 ft in salt water (= 64 lb/ft3) see figure below. Discharge of 200 ton
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 9
Mufti Ghazali

of water ballast decrease the draft to 21 ft what would the draft d in

fresh water?

Because the shape of underwater section of ship is not known, best to

solve this problem on the basis of volume displaces. A 1ft decrease in
draft was caused by a reduction of weight of 200 tons, or Vd = 64[(1)
(A)]= 200(2000) where Vd Represent the volume between draft 22 ft
and 21 ft, and [(1)(A)](200)(2000)/64=6250 ft 3, Fb= weight of
displaced liquid Vd, Vd=Fb/ in figure upside the vertical crosshatch
volume is the difference in displaced in fresh water and sea water. This
difference in volume can be express as W/Fresh H2O - W/salt H2O, or (400-
200)(2000)/62.4-(4000-200)/64, since Vd= 6250 ft3/ft depth, the
vertically crosshatch volume can also be expressed as 6250y. Hence,
6250y=(4000-200)(2000)/62.4-(4000-200)(2000)/64, y=0.49 ft;
d=21+0.49=21.49 ft.

8. A cube 2.2 ft on edge has its lower half of s.g. =1.6 and upper half s.g.
=0.7. Is rest in a two layer fluids, with lower s.g. =1.4 and upper s.g.
= 0.8. Determine the height h of the top of the cube above the
interface see figure below.


¿ [(1.6)( 62.4)][(2.2)(2.2)(2.2/2)]+[(0.7)(62.4)][(2.2)(2.2)(2.2/2)]
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 10
Mufti Ghazali

h=0.917 ft

9. With how many pounds of concrete (25 kN/m) must be beam of

volume of 0.2 m3 and s.g.=0.67 be coated to insure that it sinks in
Fb=W (9.79)(0.2)+ 9.79V concrete=[(0.67)(9.79)](0.2)+ 25V concrete
V concrete =0.04248 m3
W concrete =( 0.04248 ) ( 25 )=1.062 kN ∨1062 N ∨1062/4.448=239 lb

10. What is the weight of the loaded barge in figure below? The
barge is 7m in width

Fb=W 9.79{(7)[(14)( 2.4)+(2)(2.4)(2.4)/2]}=W W =2359 kN

Chapter Hydraulics and energy grade lines

1. A pipeline with a pump leads to a nozzle as shown on figure below.
Find the flow rate when the pump develops a head of 80 ft. assume
that the head loss in the 6 in diameter pipe may be expressed by

h L =5V 26 /2 g, while the head loss in the 4-in diameter pipe is

h L =12V 24 /2 g, sketch the energy line and hydraulics grade line, and find
the pressure head at the suction of the pump.
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 11
Mufti Ghazali

Select the datum as the elevation of the water surface in the reservoir.

3 2 3 2
Note from continuity that V 6= ()
V 3=0.25 V 3 and V 4 =
6 ()
V 3=0.563V 3 ,

where V3 is the jet velocity. Writing an energy equation from the

surface of the reservoir jet,

V 21
[ ( ) ( )]
z1 +
( )
−h L6 + h p−h L 4=z 3 + 3 +(V 23 /2 g) , 0+0+0−5(V 26 /2 g)+ 80−12(V 24 /2 g)=10+ 0+(V

π 3 2(
, V3=29.7 fps; Q= A 3 V 3 = ( )( )
4 12
29.7 )=1.45 cfs. Head loss in suction

12 ( 0.563 V 3 )2 /2 g=52.1 ft ,V 23 /2 g=13.7 ft ,V 24 /2 g=4.3 ft , V 26 /2 g=0.86 ft ≈ 0.9 ft .

the energy line and hydraulics grade line are drawn on the figure to
scale. Inspection on that figure shows that the pressure head on the
suction side of the pump is Pb/ft. likewise, the pressure head at
any point in the pipe may be found if the figure is scale.

2. A pump lifts water at the rate of 180 cfs to a height of 375 ft, at a pipe
friction loss of 27 ft. find the power required if the pump efficiency is
88%. Sketch the energy grade line and hydraulics grade line.
Water hp=Qγ (∆ z +h L )/550=(180)(62.4)(375+27)/550=8210
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Mufti Ghazali

Input power=8210 /0.88=9330 , energy and hydraulic grade lines are

sketched in figure below.

3. The diameter of the suction and discharge pipes of the pump are 6 in
and 4 in, respectively. The discharge pressure is read by a gage at a
point 5 ft above the centerline of the pump, and the suction pressure is
read by a gage 2 ft below the centerline. If the pressure gage reads 20
psi and the suction gage read a vacuum of 10 inHg when a fluid of
specific gravity 0.79 is pumped at the rate of 2.0cfs, find the power
delivered to the fluid. Sketch the energy grade line and the hydraulics
grade line.
p1 V2 p V2 Q 2
+ z 1+ 1 + E p= 2 + z 2 + 1 +h L V 1= = =10.19 fps
γ 2g γ 2g A1 6 2

[ ]
(π) ( )

(π) 4
V 2=2 /[ ( )]
=22.92 fps h L=0

10 13.6 10.192 ( 20 ) ( 144 ) 22.922

−( )( )
12 0.79
−2+ +E =
[ ( 2 )( 32.2 ) ] p [ ( 0.79 ) ( 62.4 ) ]
[ (2 )( 32.2 ) ]

E p =86.31 ft
( 2 ) [ ( 0.79 ) ( 62.4 ) ] ( 86.31 )
P=Qγ E p = =15.5 hp
The energy and hydraulics grade lines are sketched in figure below
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 13
Mufti Ghazali

4. A pump with a shaft of 7.5 kW and an efficiency of 70% is connected

in a water line carrying 0.1m 3/s. the pump has a 150-mm diameter
suction line and a 120-mm-diameter discharge line. The suction lines
enter the pump 1m below the discharge line. For a suction pressureof
70kN/m3, calculate the pressure at the discharge flange and the rise in
the hydraulics grade line across the pump.
The energy added per unit weight of water, E, is given by

7500 ( 0.7 )
QγE=7500 (0.60), o r E= =5.354 m, applying the energy
[ 0.1 ( 9806 ) ]
equation from suction flange to discharge flange gives

V 2s p V2 p
( )( )
2g γ 2g ( )( )
+ s + 0+5.354= s + s +1 in which the subscripts s and d refer
to the suction and discharge conditions, respectively. From the

0.1 ( 4 ) m
continuity equation, V s= =5.66 ,V d=0.1(4)/0.1 22 π ¿=8.84 m/s.
0.15 π2
Solving for pd=89.6 kPa. The rise in hydraulic grade line is

pd p
[( ) ] ( )
+ 1 − s =9.141+1−
9806 (
=3.002m )
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Mufti Ghazali

5. Determine the elevation of hydraulic and energy grade line at point

A,B,C,D,E of the figure below(z=10ft)

Solving for the velocity head is accomplished by applying the energy

equation from the reservoir to E,

V 2E 1 V2 200 V2 V2 V2 V2
10+60+ 0+0= ( )
+10+0+ ( )
2 2g
0.5 ( )( ) ( ) ( )
+0.10( E )
. From the continuity equation, VE=4V. after simplifying,

V2 1 V2 V2 p V2
60= ( )[
2g ]
16+ +8+ 10+ 16 ( 0.1 ) =36.1
2 2g ( ) and ( )( )
+ z +0.5( )

hence, the hydraulic grade at A is

p V2
+ z ¿ A =70−1.5 =70−1.5 ( 1.66 )=67.51 ft
γ 2g
V2 p
The energy grade line for A is ( ) ()
+ z+
=67.51+ ( 1.66 )=69.17 ft .for B,

V2 p V2 80 V 2
70+0+ 0= ( )( )
+ z+ 0.5
2g( )
+ 0.02( )
0.5 2 g
and( )
+ z ¿B =70−( 1.5+3.2 ) (1.66)=62.19 ft
The energy grade line is at 62.19+1.66=63.85 ft
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Mufti Ghazali

Across the valve the hydraulic grade line drop by 10 ( )
or 16.6 ft.

hence, at C the energy and hydraulic grade lines are at 47.25 and
45.59, respectively.

V2 p 200 V2
At point D, 70= ( )( ) [
+ z + 10.5+0.02
0.5( )]( ) and
+ z ¿D =70−19.5(1.66)=37.6 ft
With the energy grade line at 37.6+1.66=39.26 ft.
At point E the hydraulic grade line is 10 ft, and the energy grade line is

z +(V ¿ ¿ E 2 /2 g)=10+16(V 2 /2 g)=10+16 (1.66)=36.6 ft ¿

6. The head extracted by turbine CR in figure below is 200 ft and the

V 224
pressure at T is 72.7 psi. For losses of 2 ( )
between W and R and

V 212
3 ( )
between C and T, determine (a) how much water is flowing and

(b) the pressure head at R. draw the energy line.

Because the energy line is at T is at elevation 250+
{ [ 62.4 ] ( )}
( 72.7 ) ( 44 ) V 12

and well above the elevation at W, the water flow into the reservoir W.
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 16
Mufti Ghazali

At T T to C R to W Hr at W

( 72.7 )( 144 ) 2 V 212 V 224

[ 62.4 ](
+V 12 +250 − 3
+2 )
−200=( 0+ negl+ 150 )

2 1 2 V 212
Substituting V 24 = V 12and solving =32 ft or V 12=45.4 ft / s
16 2g

then Q= π¿

(b) Using R to W, datum R ([ pγ )+ 161 (32) + 0]−2( 161 )( 32) =0+negl+50 ¿


and =52 ft the reader may check this pressure head by
applying the Bernoulli equation between T and R.
To plot the energy line in the figure, evaluate the energy at four
sections indicated:
Elevation of energy line at T =268+32+250=45
Elevation of energy at C=450−3(32)=354
Elevation of energy at R=354−200=154

Elevation of energy at W =154−2 ( 161 )(32)=150

7. Sketch the hydraulic and energy grid lines for figure below (H=10m)

p 1 V 21 p V2 L V2
γ 2g ( )( )
+ + z 1= 2 + 2 + z 2+ hL hL =h f +hm h f = ( f )
γ 2g D 2g

( Dϵ ) = 0.000046
0.150 1
=0.000307 ; try f =0.015 . ( ) =
=0.000153 ; try f =0.015 2
Tugas Mekanika Fluida pengganti absensi 17
Mufti Ghazali

25 V 12
h f =( 0.015 ) [ ]{
0.15 }
[ ( 2 ) ( 9.807 ) ]
+ ( 0.015 ) ¿

K V2 1 2 3.5 1 V 21
h m=
= 1+ 1−
[ ( )
+ +
16 16 ]{ }
[ ( 2 )( 9.807 ) ]
=0.09400 V 21

h L =0.1319 V 21+ 0.09400V 21 =0.2259V 21 0+ 0+10=0+ 0+0+0.2259 V 21

V 21 6.653 2 6.653
= =2.257 mV 2 = =1.663 m/s V 21 /2 g=1.663 2 /[ ( 2 )( 9.807 ) ]=0.141 m
2 g [ ( 2 ) ( 9.807 ) ] 4

L V 21 L V 22
Friction losses are ( f 1 )
( )( )
D 2g
=5.642 m, ( f 1 )
D ( )( )
=0.197 m . Minor losses are ¿ the

hydraulic and energy grade lines are sketched in figure below [further checking (not
shown) of the Reynolds number indicates that the assumed value of f1 and f2 are

8. Determine the slope of the hydraulic grade line for flow of the atmospheric air
through a rectangular 21-in by 7-in in galvanized iron conduit (V=25 fps)

L V2 h f V2
h f =( f ) ( )( )
D 2g
. Slope of the hydraulic grade line ¿ f =
L D ( )( )

21 7
ϵ =0.0005 ft R =
( 12 )( 12 )
=0.2552 ft D=4 R =( 4 ) ( 0.2552 )=1.021 ft
h h
ϵ 0.0005 DV ( 1.021 ) ( 25 )
= =0.000490 N R= = =1.51 x 10 5
D 1.021 v 1.69 x 10 −4

From figure of Reynolds number. Slope of the hydraulic grade line

0.0195 25 2
¿ ( 1.021 ){ }
[( 2 ) ( 32.2 ) ]
=0.185 ft /f t
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9. What size square conduit is needed to convey 375 L/s of water at 15 0C with a slope
of the hydraulic grade line of 0.002? ( ϵ=1 mm)
Let d=side of conduit
d2 d 4d Q −3 2
Rh = = D=4 Rh= =d V = =( 375 x 1 0 ) /d
4d 4 4 A

(d )
( 0.375
d ) 323276 ϵ 0.001
L V2
N R=
1.16 x 1 0−6
= =
h =( f )
D d f ( D )( )

0.375 2
d () { ( )
[ ( 2 ) ( 9.807 ) ]
d 5=3.585 f

Assume f=0.022.
d 5= (3.585 )( 0.022 ) d=0.602 m N R = =537000
From figure of Reynolds number f =0.023 . d 5=( 3.585 ) ( 0.023 ) , d=0.607 m

10. Neglecting minor losses other than valve, sketch the hydraulic grade lines
for figure below. The globe valve has a loss coefficient of K=4.5.

p 1 V 21 p 2 V 22 L V 2 K V2
+ + z 1= + + z 2+ hL hL =( f )
γ 2g γ 2g D ( )( ) 2g
Try f=0.013.
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100+70+ 105
h L =( 0.013 )
[ 8
12 ]
{V 2 /[ ( 2 )( 32.2 ) ]}=0.1531 V 2

0+ 0+12=¿+ 0+0+0+ 0.1531V 2 V =8.853 fps

100+70 8.85 32 V2 8.85 32
12−( 0.013 )
[ ]{ 8
[ ( 2 )( 32.2 ) ]
=7.97 ft 4.5
= ( 4.5 )
( )
[ ( 2 )( 32.2 ) ]
=5.48 ft

The hydraulic grade line is sketched in figure below. [further checking (not shown)
of the Reynolds number indicates that the assumed value of f is acceptable.]

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