Marketing Across Cultures - Group Assignment

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IIMP Marketing Across Cultures – Student Assignments

Project Report – 20 Marks

Project PPT Presentation with a group of 5 students – 20 Marks (Max slides 10-15 slides)

Project Report and PPT should be based on the below set of questions with respect to your allocated
countries. Choose any one country from a set of 3 countries allocated to you and have the liberty to
use any other country of your choice for comparative studies to highlight cultural difference if any;
from your list or you may use any one from the following list of countries:

 Japan
 France
 Sweden
 Australia
 India
 Canada

Out of the list of the below 11 questions /scenarios that are presented; you may choose any seven
(7) of your choice to prepare your own story/examples and highlight points of discussion within your
group as part of your report and PPT presentation and will leave to the group for their creative
representation of the infographic in any sequence as desired by the group for their chosen country.

1. Discuss how in the Kluchhohn and Strodtbeck’s terms, there is a range of possible solutions and
how they are differentially preferred across societies, Do outline possible consequences for
Marketing to your allocated country as part of this project and you may choose to highlight any
of the below set of the questions or all if possible.
1. Highlight definition of culture and is it possible for a culture to disappear? Why or Why
not? Give an example for your respective allocated country as part of the project.
2. Discuss the case of multi-language/multi-religion countries (A specified list of countries
of your group); how can people in these countries share a common culture? On which
segments of culture?
3. What is National Character – how would you elaborate on your given countries; any one
will do.

2. Discuss the marketing implications of differing cultural solutions in terms of the existence of
certain products or services, provided by the market, the state or mutual bodies, organized
within the family group or by a traditional community.

3. What is the influence of space availability (mostly determined by population density in a definite
country or area) on material culture? Give examples.

4. Given country scores on Hofstede’s four dimensions, what do you expect be the problems
encountered by a typical boss from you allocated country (X) in managing a typical employee
from your chosen country (Y) or from the above list ( even at the risk of some stereotyping and
sweeping generalization?
5. Discuss and elaborate how a strong emphasis on group belonging in a particular culture may
influence buying decisions.
6. Discuss and elaborate possible cross-culture variability in the concept of “status-seeking
7. What is ethnic consumption? Any examples of your chosen country to elaborate the difference.
8. List some arguments and evidence that may show that globalization of consumption and
lifestyles is underway, outline the limitations and discuss the counter arguments.
9. To what extent are “modern culture” and individualism primary inputs in the process of
globalization of consumer preferences and lifestyles?
10. Discuss to what extent “BUY National” advertising campaigns are effective; what can they
achieve? What can they not achieve?
11. Compare a global film (e.g.. Spiderman or Lord of Rings or Titanic) and a local film of the given
country on a number of aspects: story, characters, situations, atmosphere, key appeals for
viewers (action, love, violence, etc) combination of music and sound, rhythm, type of ending,
etc. Explain why local films are most often not good candidates for reaching a global audience.

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