The Ten Proficiencies

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There are ten proficiencies (APPANAAKOSALA) to be fulfilled in order to

achieve a high level of concentration. They are:
1. Ensuring cleanliness of internal and external basis
The internal basis is keeping one’s body clean. The external basis refers to keeping
one’s immediate environment clean (i.e. wearing clean and neat clothes, sweeping,
dusting and tidying your room etc.). This helps the mind becoming bright and
2. Balancing the five controlling faculties (or five mental powers) Four of these
five mental powers are pairs that need to be balanced. They are: Wisdom, Faith,
Effort, Concentration and Mindfulness. Wisdom and faith need to be balanced. If
one has strong faith but has less wisdom, he can be deceived easily, or get carried
away by excessive devotional thoughts. One will believe what is ought not to be
believed. There are many people of this kind in this world. If one has strong
wisdom but no faith or his faith quivers, one will take lightly in performing good
deeds and will not believe what ought to be believed. One can be deceived in many
ways, even about the truth. Concentration and effort (or energy) need to be
balanced. If one puts strong effort but has limited concentration, there will be
distractions. One’s mind will become agitated. If one develops good concentration
but puts no effort, he becomes lazy. So effort and concentration should be
balanced. Mindfulness does not need to be balanced with another factor because
there is no extreme in mindfulness, there is always a lack of mindfulness.
3. Being skillful, intelligent in the practice
You must be skillful in observing the in-breath and out-breath. If you are not
mindful, you cannot develop a concentrated mind. Practice intelligently, skillfully,
by really observing, investigating the breath.
4. Calming or controlling the over-enthusiastic mind Some students become over-
enthusiastic. In this case, one needs to control or calm the over-enthusiastic mind.
5. Uplifting the discouraged or depressed mind When you cannot concentrate, you
may get depressed, disappointed, unhappy. In this case, you need to uplift your
mind. You teach your own mind how to uplift itself. If you cannot cope with such
feeling, you should go to your teacher for further guidance.
6. Cheering-up the unpleasant mind or the mind disturbed by pain If you encounter
strong pain, you may get depressed or disappointed. In this case, you have to
cheer-up your unpleasant mind. If you cannot cope with such feeling, you should
go to your teacher for further guidance.
7. Remaining equanimous when the mind is balanced You may have a balanced
mind, which is good. In this case, have equanimity with the balanced mind. Do not
take pleasure in it or get attached to it. Remain equanimous.
8. Avoiding persons who have no concentrated mind
9. Associating with persons who have a concentrated mind
10. Inclining the mind toward the development of good concentration Before you
start practicing meditation, you can incline your mind by saying to yourself: “Oh, I
must try to get good concentration”. This may help you in getting a positive state
of mind before you start practicing, but make sure to keep your mind and body at
ease. You may incline your mind before you start meditating, but when you sit for
meditation, you should be at ease and relaxed in both body and mind.
[The Ten Proficiencies by Saya U Khin Zaw, International Meditation Center
(IMC-Yangon), Myanmar, 2016]

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