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(347) 587-5367/
* Expertise across SDLC. Strong technical background involving
Object-Oriented Design & Analysis, accomplished business analysis,
management and strategy experience that evolves around the customer's
* Delivered multiple projects, leading multi-disciplinary
teams over the full life cycle, managing complex company initiatives
w/ significant business entities, conflicting time sensitive
* Collaborated with business partners to define and review
business and system specifications, providing cost effective
alternative solutions to various business cases that have increased
ROI for IT and other corporate units.
* Led the rebuilding of systems with better design models that
improved performance and user friendliness, while saving financial
assets with project completion under budget.
* Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication, and
organizational skills, enabling the creation of cohesive team
environments that foster growth and maximize productivity potential
of team members.
* Innovative, self-starting problem solver and results
oriented leader with an ability to quickly grasp complex problems,
thus identifying opportunities for improvement. Effective as an
independent thinker who is able to seamlessly transition into group

OVID, New York, NY
10/02 a" PRESENT
Worked directly with IT staff to manage multimillion dollar programs
that included a team of over 65 colleagues and resulted in reducing
costs and increasing ROI. Delivered and maintained applications
providing strategic positioning for various corporate entities that
involved projects over the full development life cycle, developing
project scope, goals, work plans, timelines, cost/benefit analysis of
proposals, estimation of budgets & resources for successful, timely
Accountable for budgets at the project level.
Served as a liaison between a variety of Treasury Securities
& Services Business end-users and IT.
Lead for requirements gathering, documentation of
business/functional specifications and design support.
Collaborating with technical analysts and development teams
to ensure that they understood specifications.
Developing use cases, test scripts and scenarios, as well as
participating in full User Acceptance testing.
Successfully managing bi-weekly product deployments and
configurations throughout the year and establishing clear timelines,
delivery schedules and working diligently to meet them.
Ensured that the client's needs are accurately reflected in
the requirements and change requests, as needed.
Proactively identifying and communicating risks and status
to project stakeholders as well as the team.

AIG, New York, NY

10/01 a" 9/02
Interfaced between Operational Risk and IT teams to implement
reengineered processes for monitoring and tracking of risk including
market and credit risk.

Primary focus on financial risk management, monitoring

trends within the industry. Some projects addressed efficiencies in
data collection and usage between IAD, Compliance, Operational Risk
and Sarbanes Oxley (SOX).
Led the business area with technical discussions in the
implementation of a reusable library of process, risk and controls
used in multiple assessment processes firma"wide.
Set standards for the Risk Reporting and the Certification
Platform Group regarding business and technical requirements,
specifications, and test plans, ensuring dissemination of those
standards through training.
Managed a new high standard involving User Acceptance Test
Plans, Scripting and Issues Resolution with the creation of new
templates to be used in ongoing maintenance of firm-wide libraries.
Wrote technical specifications for large projects, enabling
change management and integration.
1/01 a" 9/01
Responsible for the successful timely delivery of various eCommerce
and data warehousing applications. The key e-Commerce projects
involved implementing submission tracking and reporting tools, which
greatly increased productivity of internal end-users while the data
warehousing initiative, was critical for maintaining the firm's
robust, dynamic content.

Led the estimation, design and delivery of applications

through multiple phases of projects.
Gathered and analyzed business requirements, defined scope,
and authored Product Requirement Documents which required creating
templates, use cases and test scripts.
Managed the development, implementation and monitoring of
service level agreements with staff and customers, ensuring
compliance and quick resolution of any arising issues.
Managed various projects internally, as well as involving an
external professional IT services firm.
Worked with the training team to document system scenarios,
identify roles impacted and help develop a change management/training
plan, which included creating timelines and producing fail-over
contingency scenarios.
Conducted business process modeling, generating relevant
scenarios for the technology functionality testing team.
Oversaw the migration of applications to IBM Web Sphere that
reengineered the code deployment process to provide a "hands-off"
system test and production migration.
Assisted business partners in defining metrics to measure
the return on investment for our many web sites.
Served as Team lead to design and implement a generic
Content Management System for many applications, that included
knowledge of FX and Derivatives.
Created all project documentation, such as business
documents and use cases, as well as design and technical support
documents maintained by the developers.


7/97 a" 1/01
Analyzed and maintained release activities, acting as intermediary
between the development and the business groups, while creating
business and system specifications.

Identified, assessed and documented business and technical

requirements, advising on options, risks, and costs.
Analyzed the impact of proposed solutions across the
company, developing use cases to demonstrate business
requirements/specifications to various groups and contributed a
process perspective during design reviews.
Worked with credit officers to determine portfolio trends
and client issues.
Assisted the Quality Management team to ensure that
requirements documentation could be easily translated into test
plans, and ensured that the proper testing plans were completed
according to predefined test scenarios.
Led a dynamic, self-service geared web app, which enabled
clients to seamlessly manipulate their portfolios.
Conducted research regarding vendor/technology analysis,
provided new solutions for the firm.
Facilitated new corporate policies through training
sessions, demos, and by developing appropriate documentation.
Generated consolidated monthly financial reports Hummingbird
a" Business Intelligence (BI) Query, Live Meeting, Crystal Reports,
Rational Rose, Tibco, Flash, Double-Click, AJAX.
METHODOLOGIES: CMMI, Six Sigma, Agile: Scrum, Extreme Programming
(XP), Rational Unified Process (RUP); Waterfall, Spiral.
RDBMS: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Access.
ENTERPRISE PORTALS: Aqualogic, Plumtree.
Teamsite/Interwoven, Subversion, CVS, PVCS.
SERVERS: BEA Weblogic, IBM Websphere.
EDUCATION BA Finance/Computer Science, New York University 1997

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