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LIC inspection was done successfully through the zoom online platform on February
9 2022, LIC committee members have attended the review meeting along with the trustee

members of SSRCN. DR. NIRUBEN PATEL, Principal of Shree Vinobha Bhave college of
nursing represented the nursing domain.
The meeting started at 11.00 am. The presentation was done by Mrs. J.M. SILJA, In-
charge Principal. The forms and PPT were sent to the LIC committee members and university
by Mrs. Alka on February 8th, 2022. The ppt presentation was prepared based on those details
sent to LIC, under the guidance of our principal madam Maj.Gen T.K. Bhutia.
Zoom link

Key points and Activities discussed:

1. All the facilities of the college were explained to the inspectors along with the
blueprint of or college area specifications for every room, lab, and hall were presented.
2. Rectification actions (2021-2022) taken upon the inspection result of the previous
inspection were discussed and also the proofs exhibited (All the PO orders).
3. The hours prescribed by INC and the hour distribution among the staff members
were mentioned in the PPT by using the link file.
4. Also details of the admission allocation and the distribution of seats throughout the
state. A major share of the seats was filled by the category students and present student
strengths were detailed
5.. Regarding Library, Hostel facility, Teaching, and Non-teaching faculty details
were detailed clearly
6. The details of the visiting faculty members with their workload and subjects were
also discussed.
7. The results of the last year were also presented, it posted that 100 percentage result
was obtained by all the departments of the college. BSc(N) & MSC(N) First-year result still
8. All the labs have been updated with the latest manikins, Simulators, and highly
specialized beds and types of equipment, these details were detailed to the inspectors with the
purpose and importance of them towards the student community...
9. Key mention of the parent hospital which is a 230 bedded hospital was a highlight
of the presentation and all other affiliated hospitals with bed strength and also displayed the
students in hand practical experience of various affiliated hospitals.

10. List of committees that are functional in the college was also proudly presented
the women empowerment and leadership award and student achievements in all intercollege
11. The social activities through NSS were also discussed. Along with the curriculum
activities more co-curricular activities are carried out in the college.
12. Sports is also given greater weightage in the college. Many students participate in
various sports events.
13. All the national and international health days are being observed with great
enthusiasm by the SSRCN family to create awareness among the local social masses and
passionately work toward accomplishing sustainable goals. Periodic educational visits were
made to the nearby sights to make the students get exposure to the local community.
14. Not only in education but our team assists the students to get placed in well-
reputed institutions through placement drives. Many placements related to clarification
session was organized in collaboration with many national and international delegates, and
thus the students were able to understand the scenario of placement existing presence in the
global arena.
The meeting winded off at around 12.00 pm, the inspectors clarified the doubts, and
those were clarified from the college side with greater precision. Everything went off well.
As a whole, the inspection was a grand success on all grounds.
Inspectors of LIC chairperson DR. Yogesh Mistry, DR. Hemali principal of ARTS
and commerce college, and Mr. Priyakanth Ved arrived at our premises by 2.30 pm. They
were greeted with flowers and they visited the foundation of the nursing lab, Nutrition lab,
and Medical-surgical lab blood pressure was checked for the inspectors by Mrs.Chatali(Lab
in charge) they were very happy about it.
3 files were prepared and handed over to them.
 A mail was received from the university on 8 th Feb 2022 to send the ppt to all the LIC
inspectors before the inspection. But by that time as the ppt was not ready with
Mrs.J.M. Silja, (Half only prepared) immediately Principal madam detailed Mrs.
Divya and Ms. Jagruthi to support. With their help, the ppt was ready by 5.30 pm and
was shared with all panelists. Afterward again modification was done by Mrs.J.M.
Silja in all the slides the Modified slides were also shared with the university on the
day of inspection.
 Files flagging was done in the morning with the help of faculty members.

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