Safety and Security Book (Silja)

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Safety and security lie at the heart of the prosperity of any nation. Citizens want to feel
safe (protected from risk or injury) and secure (free from danger or threat).
Safety security from womb to tomb

 Safety is the key to the survival of all living things. Life is full of dangers and threats.
Therefore, it is important to evolve the mechanisms by which organisms maximize
their safety.
 This unit aims to provide students with a solid idea of the terms safety and security
and to lay the foundation for this program by exploring these concepts through lenses
in different disciplines.
 It will also address the changing meanings of protection and security. These concepts
have changed significantly in history in terms of cultural, social and technological
development. The safety of the past is very different from the safety of the present.
 Both the concepts of safety and security are based on the specific concepts of
uncertainty and risk.
 Human rights and humanitarians must work with national authorities to ensure their
responsibility to ensure effective security. They also have an important responsibility
to take protective measures to reduce exposure to threats and mitigate the catastrophic
consequences of the original cause of the evacuation.
 Threats to life, freedom and security are often the reasons people flee, and while such
threats rarely stop when they flee, they often continue to plague refugees at all stages
of the evacuation cycle.
 Camps can be considered safe shelters protected and supported by refugees and
internally displaced persons. Unfortunately, camps can become a lawless
environment, attracting violence and crime, and being attacked or used by troops and
 Safety and security are the responsibility of everyone. Managers and employees must
have equal rights. Commitment to the process to ensure success. Personal security,
organizational security. And finally, the security of the communities we serve is for
 Access to a variety of out-of-the-box practices and analytics. The safety of
humanitarian personnel is Good practice aid code people in aid management and
assistance staff



“Safety is being safe ourselves we should be ready for anything.

Security is being secured by someone else.”
Safety is a state of being "safe", protected from harm. Safety can also mean controlling
perceived risks to achieve an acceptable level of risk. It is a concept that encompasses all
measures and methods taken to preserve people's lives, health and physical integrity.

Safety in the workplace is measured through a set of metrics that track the frequency of slips,
injuries, illness and death. To improve these rates, employers and safety officers must
conduct post-accident investigations to ensure that all safety protocols and measures are
being followed or implement new measures as needed.


Safety objectives are useful for creating occupational health and safety programs that aim to
reduce harm to employees. As a result, this will help reduce the number of injuries and
illnesses at work. It may be useful for organizations to have more than one objective,
depending on the safety conditions of the workplace. These goals should be formulated to
comply with the organization's security policies.

Your safety objectives ought to observe the SMART guideline:

 Specific – clean and

direct – for example,
your company will
adopt joint risk identity
and evaluation of
dangers with worker
representatives in all
departments every 3
 Measurable – it ought
to be clean to affirm
whether or not the goal
has been completed. In
the above example – is
there a document of 3-
month-to-month risk
identity `walkarounds`
and meetings?
 Achievable – targets
that may be met in the time frame available. Targets such as `we can lessen our
paintings accidents through 50% inside six months` won't be manageable if maximum
humans don`t recognize the fundamentals of risk identity and hazard evaluation.
 Realistic – that is tied in carefully with whether or not something is manageable.
 Time-bound – targets ought to be precise and sensible sufficient so one can be
completed within a described time frame (normally one year or less). If you've got
multiple goals, it can be an amazing concept to interrupt those down into smaller
annual or month-to-month goals so that development may be tracked and
Various kinds of safety are been listed by various organisations. Let’s go through them in
detail now;
1. Electrical safety

Electrical accidents are very common at work and caused by the non-protective effects of
high voltage electric roses. According to the International Electrical Safety Fund,
electricity risks may have more than 300 deaths and 4000 injuries every year.

There is an immediate risk of electric shock if the operator uses a

defective extension cord or must work in an environment with
exposed wires. Such exposure can cause minor or serious
injuries, particularly burns, cardiac arrest, and in many cases
death (electric shock)

To protect your employees and prevent electrical shock accidents

in the workplace, employers and employees must take extra care to practice workplace
safety habits. Specifically, here are a few precautions you can take:

Always inspect the working area for uninsulated wires, broken cords, and
Workplace Safety Tips

exposed electrical circuits beforehand.

Do not make use of faulty electrical equipment at all times.

Isolate electrical equipment before working on them. It has an operating system

for reporting and documenting electrical shock incidents in the workplace.

Workers must wear personal protective equipment.

2. Chemical safety
Toxic chemicals in the workplace can also compromise employee safety. Especially
when exposed to these substances without proper control. Exposure to chemicals can
have a variety of consequences, from cancer and organ failure to death.

Workplace Safety Tips to Prevent

Exposure to Dangerous Chemicals

 Wear a private shielding device at the same

time as coping with chemical substances
withinside the workplace.
 Limit character employees` publicity to chemical substances through growing a piece

3. Machinery and tools safety

Employees working in industries that require the use of machinery and tools B. The
construction or transportation industry is at risk of machinery and tool accidents.

Burns caused
by a factory

examples of
and tools
It falls off a
caused by
ladder or a
using the
wrong tool.

4. Workplace harassment safety

Workplace harassment is a common problem that can
lead to an unhealthy work environment, reduced
productivity, and harmful behaviour. This includes
behaviours that can repeatedly intimidate, abuse,
abuse, or discriminate against employees and
adversely affect their ability to perform their jobs.
As a victim of harassment in the workplace, the first
thing you should do is stand up for yourself and
communicate your disapproval of such behaviour to harassment. You should also use
the appropriate grievance channel to report cases of workplace harassment and seek
corrective action.

How to prevent harassment in the workplace

 Organizations need to take special care to create and implement anti-harassment
 Educate employees about workplace harassment.

5. Fire safety
Fire accidents are a very serious danger and can lead to loss of life and property in the
workplace. Nearly 200 workers are killed in workplace fires and explosions each year,
and more than 5,000 are slightly or seriously injured, according to a report from the US
Census Bureau.
Broken electrical equipment: Electrical fires are one of the most common types of
fire accidents in the workplace. Electrical fires can be sudden, spread in minutes,
difficult to contain, and extremely destructive.
Negligence: If employees do not follow safety precautions, such negligence can lead
to fire accidents.

How to avoid a fire accident at work

 Create numerous emergency exits in the workplace. Fire outlets should complement the
size and composition of the building.
 Install a fire alarm and fire extinguishing system.
 Do not place flammable materials near ignition sources such as electric circuits and
6. School/Educational Institution safety
 The building needs to be
structurally stable, safe,
weather-proof for housing
students and easy to exit in
case of emergencies.

 Primary schools need to be

housed on the ground floor if
the building is multi-storied.

 Planning should take into consideration the requirement and the type of
fencing/boundary around a school.

 The windows should be secure with no broken glass or loose fittings.

 Highlight the importance of handwashing with
soap for school children and suggest that
children in each school should have
adequate group handwashing facilities
allowing groups of 10-12 students to wash
their hands at the same time.


Suffering and loss of human life are immeasurable and devastating. Lives are changed
beyond recognition because it features a direct impact on relations, friends, co-workers,
communities and societies. Yes, death, injuries or illness are part and parcel of a life
cycle, but it's upon us that we look out of it so that nothing untoward happens
unnecessarily. We cannot fight destiny but taking care of our safety should be the prime
concern of each individual.

Safety is some things that everybody has got to work on, and you can't take it without
any consideration or leave it on someone else’s shoulder. it's more important to be safe
than sorry hence establishing safety measures both at personal and professional front.
it's a tough incontrovertible fact that prevention is best than cure.
1. Safety measures prevent unnecessary illness or injuries in the workplace
It is the moral duty of each organization to seem after the security and health of its
workforce. These are the 2 key factors that each sector has got to adapt to if it wants to
take care of the well-being and health of employees.
The importance of safety within the workplace
is that it can promote wellness and stop
unnecessary illness or injuries from happening.
At the rear of each worker’s mind are questions
of safety. Once that worry is removed, and
therefore the employee is assured of the
simplest possible safety standards within the
workplace, it becomes easier for him to relax
and add a peaceful environment.

2. Safety is wearing the right safety equipment

Human loss is intolerable and even unacceptable, and this is often why companies are
doubling their efforts to implement new and latest safety measures. The management
must devote the required time to form viable strategies which will work nearly as good
precautions of safety for each employee from the bottom level to the management and
These basic tools will act as a boon and stop untoward incidents which will happen
suddenly within the workplace.
3. Safety measures to encourage a productive work environment

Safety programs that are implemented by the organizations by

themselves show concern on the part of the employer towards
his employees. It is a sign of his commitment to providing a
work environment that is free of stress and that too related to
safety measures.

The importance of safety measures is that it will create a work

culture where safety is of paramount importance, and everyone can keep safe. The
result will be a safe environment where the workforce is happy and relaxed. They will
start working at their full potential, and it will result in optimal productivity.


Children have the right to be protected from all the exploitative and vulnerable situations
discussed. However, this is only possible if you are aware of the real problems and risks your
children face and the remedies available in the law and policies to change the situation for the
best interests of the children. Children may need legal assistance and protection. Common
issues which need legal guidance and protection for children are listed below.
Major Issues for

Child Child Child Child

Marriage Labour Trafficking Begging
Child Marriage

The Child Marriage Prohibition Act of 2006 provides for the prevention of child marriages
with increased penalties such as imprisonment of up to 2 years and/or a fine of 1,000 rupees.
It defines children as men under the age of 21 and women under the age of 18. A minor is a
person who has not yet reached the age of majority within the meaning of the adult law.
There are regulations regarding the maintenance of girls. If he is a major, her husband is
responsible for maintenance. The law also provides for the appointment of members for the
prohibition of child marriage, whose mission is to prevent child marriage and raise

Child Labour

The Child (Pledge of Labour) Act of 1933 is illegal and invalidates the consent of parents or
guardians to pay the labour of children under the age of 15 or pledge for benefits other than
fair wages. It also punishes such parents, guardians, and those hiring children for whom the
workforce was born.

Article 24, set out in the Basic Rights and Principles of Public Policy, stipulates that children
under the age of 14 must not be employed to work in factories, mines or other dangerous

Child Trafficking

The legal framework available for dealing with a case against child trafficking is as follows:

 The Indian Penal Code 1860 - The IPC punishes cheating, fraud, kidnapping, wrongful
confinement, criminal intimidation, procuring minors, buying and selling of minors for
immoral purposes.

Special and Local Laws that can be used to book particular forms and purposes of trafficking

 Andhra Pradesh Devadasi’s (Prohibition of Dedication) Act, 1988 or Karnataka

Devadasi (Prohibition of Dedication) Act, 1982
 Bombay Prevention of Begging Act, 1959.
 Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976.
 Child Labour Prohibition & Regulation Act, 1986.
 Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929.

Child Begging

Kidnapping or maiming a minor for begging is punishable under Section 363A of IPC. As
per Section 2(1) of the Bombay Prevention of Begging Act, 1959, “Begging” means-

 Asking for and receiving alms in public places, whether pretending to be singing,
dancing, fortune-telling, playing, offering for sale, etc.
 Enter the private property to seek and receive alms;
 It is used as an exhibit for requesting and receiving alms.
 It has no visible means of self-sufficiency and may exist to seek or receive alms by
wandering or being in a public place in such a state or manner.

Currently, there is no central government plan for begging or central law on this issue.
The State is responsible for taking the necessary preventive and rehabilitation measures.
Approximately 22 states / Union territories have enacted their begging prevention
legislation or adopted legislation enacted by other states / UTs.


A systematic approach to managing health and safety risks is important. Ethically it's right I
need to do something. Part of the school's overall values is to keep staff and visitors safe and
help students stay safe. Become a citizen of tomorrow who is "aware of the risks but not
avoiding them". Helps prevent costly accidents, disruption losses and school damage of
morality and reputation. And, of course, it allows the school to fulfil its obligations in
Industrial Safety and Health Act.
1. Rarely can legal compliance be achieved by a series of one-off actions (for example, to tackle
specific hazards). It requires a sustained, systematic and organised approach, revisiting risk
assessments, checking, acting on new information.
2. Although responsibility for health and safety cannot be outsourced or delegated, schools do
not have to operate on their own. External support, delivered by expert advisors can help to
overcome concerns and import good practice.
3. To be successful, a school or college needs to be ‘risk led’ not ‘law led’. They need to focus
on their most significant risks, prioritising their efforts and tailoring their health and safety
measures accordingly, using the law and guidance as a framework to help achieve
consistent and effective control of risks.



The World Health Organization describes life skills as "people make informed decisions,
solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, form healthy
relationships, and interact with others. It is defined as a set of psychosocial and interpersonal
skills that help empathize and control one's life. Healthily and productively. " Empowering
children to improve their life skills helps them make logical decisions, learn what to do in
different situations, and how to do it.

Importance of life skills for children Life skills

Development is a lifelong process that helps individuals grow, mature and prosper. Acquiring
essential life skills is an exercise that helps children develop good judgment and habits. Life
skills also help children develop their personality, talents, mental and physical abilities.
Having life skills in everyday life helps children
 Find different ways to solve the problem.
 Build self-confidence and self-esteem.
 Analyse the options.
 Foster greater confidence.
Essential Life Skills For Kids To Learn
Allow them to understand some things for themselves and complete their work or activities without help.
Fostering Helps build self-confidence and self-esteem and encourages them to complete simple tasks and be self-
independen sufficient without assistance

Let your child choose from different types of clothes, toys, food, and games. This helps your child learn the
consequences of all the decisions they make.
Decision Guide your child through this process so that you can weigh the strengths and weaknesses before making a
making decision. Also, make mistakes in decision making and learn through practice.

Self-defence helps the child gain self-confidence and inner strength and help him well in his life.
Self- Self-defence is not just about protecting yourself from physical violence.

Encourage your child to look at the scenario from the perspective of others as your child describes the difficult
Understand situations they or their friends have encountered.
others . This can improve your problem-solving skills and your ability to understand the people around you.

Disasters can occur anytime, anywhere. There is no doubt that we will do whatever it takes to
keep our children and grandchildren away from harm, but we do not always monitor them.
They are young, but they need to know some basic survival skills, just as they know what to
do if you aren't there. It's never too early to learn.
Building fire
How to collect firewood responsibly, species and lengths to watch out for, the importance of choosing seasoned
always yeach how to ignite safely and how to turn it off properly.

Outdoor cooking
Educate about food safety issues such as knives, internal cooking temperatures and food storage
Always emphasize fire safety.

Find and collect water

Collect rainwater in bags, shopping bags and plastic containers.
Teach them to build small dams across streams

Water purification
You always need a water purification tab on your backpack
Teach them how to use a simple filter like LifeStraw


Teaching children social responsibility is essential. As children grow overall, they also need
to be aware of their social responsibilities. Since children are the future of our country, it is
necessary to foster their social responsibilities. Socially responsible children can be
responsible citizens of our country. Read some parenting tips to help teach your child social
responsibility. Children are different and unique in many ways. Some kids are interested in
drawing, others are interested in playing video games. The nature of a child is as diverse as
the choice of hobby. If you find that your child is particularly interested in topics such as the
environment or society, you find them challenging and how you should encourage their
interests and preferences. You will be worried.
Parenting is a big responsibility in itself, and when a child demonstrates certain qualities,
that responsibility grows. You can even teach your child by showing that poor children do not
have the proper diet and clothes. Remember that what you were taught as a child will stay
with you throughout your life. Therefore, if you want to raise a child who is socially
responsible, you should consider parenting advice.
What parents should and should not do to raise socially responsible children
 Include your child in social activities. They can provide food to hungry people, or
give clothes or warm clothes to those who need them in the winter. Preach only what
you are doing. Remember that your child is looking at you.
 Read stories about selfless heroes and, if possible, try to find a real story. Children
today are very smart. They are motivated only when they get the evidence, and the
actual story may be the best for that. Start their values by participating in recycling
programs and explaining the importance of being environmentally friendly by not
using plastic bags.
 Discuss the blessings they have, such as food, clothing, shelter, parents, availability of
protection, and show children who lack any of these.
Do not
 Don't give your child everything they want. Not only will this ruin his actions, but he
will turn him into a completely irresponsible and selfish person. That doesn't mean he
has to ignore or scold him every time he asks for something. Let me worry and
analyze if he needs something. Remind him that many kids don’t have the basics of
life if it's toys or expensive things. Persuade him and persuade him so that he
understands your intentions.
 Don't talk badly or negatively about religion or culture.
 Tell your child the truth and encourage them to take responsibility for everything they
do. If you ask your child to tell the truth, always tell the truth. Otherwise, this will
give a very bad impression and the child will be confused.
Be patient and make your actions consistent. Establishing values and responsibilities takes
time. Don't underestimate when your child is a little older or teenager. Let's start making
changes today. It's never too late to change your functional life.
However, to do this, you must first change the behaviour. Look at your actions and accept
this concept from the inside out. This is very important because the kids look at their parents
as role models and imitate them in everything they do. Use common sense and wisdom when
dealing with young children and teenagers. Moulding teens is a real challenge and we can do
it over time.

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