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WARNING THE FOLLOWING SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS ARE. FOR USE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY. TO AVOID PERSONAL INJURY, DO NOT PERFORM ANY SERVICING OTHER THAN THAT CONTAINED IN OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS UNLESS YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO DO SO. TEKTROND© a75A OSCILLOSCOPE WITH OPTIONS SERVICE INSTRUCTION MANUAL Tektronix, ine. P.0. Box 500 4 Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Number J WARRANTY All TEKTRONIX instruments are warranted against defective materials and workmanship for one year. Any questions with respect to the warranty should be taken up with your TEKTRONIX Field Engineer or representative, 2 Ail requests for repairs and replacement parts should be directed to the TEKTRONIKX Field Office or representative in your area. This will assure you the fastest possible service. Please include the instrument-Type Number or Part Number and Serial: Number with all requests for parts of service. Speciticationé and price change privileges reserved. Copyright © 1976 by Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, ‘Oregon. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of Tektronix, Inc. U.S.A. and foreign Tektronix products covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patents pending. TEKTRONIX is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc. Fig. 1-1. 475A Osetoscope. 475A Service Section 1—475A Service SPECIFICATION Introduction ‘The 475A Oscilloscope is a 250 megahertz bandwidth portable instrument designed to operate in a wide range of environmental conditions, The lightweight, compact design combines accurate high-Irequency measurement capability and ease of transportation ‘The dual-channel, DC-to-250 megahertz vertical detlection system provides calibrated deflection factors from 5 millivolts to 10 volts/civision, A BW/TRIG VIEW switch permits limiting the bandwidth of the vertical sysiem to reduce interference from high-frequency signals when viewing lower-frequency, low-level signals. ‘The switch also permits displaying of the signal applied to the ‘A’ Trigger Generator on the CRT. “The trigger circuits provide stable sweep triggering to beyond the 250 megahertz bandwidth of the vertical ceflection system. Separate controls are provided to select the desired mode of triggering for the A and B sweeps. The A sweep can be operated in one of three modes; automatic triggering, normal triggering, or single sweep. A varlable trigger holdolf control permits the A swoop to trigger in astable manner on aperiodic signals or complex digital words. The horizontal deflection system has calibrated sweep rates from 0 second to 0.01 microsecond/division. A X10 magnifier increases each sweep rate by a factor of 10 to provide a maximum sweep rate of one nanosecond per division in the 01 1 position. ‘The delayed and mixed sweep features allow thestart of sweep to be delayed a selectad amount from the start of A sweep to provide accurate relative-time measurements. Calibrated X-Y measurements can be made with Channel 2 providing the vertical deflection and Channel t providing ‘the horizontal deflection (TIME/DIV. switch fully ‘counterclockwise and VERT MODE switch to CH 2). Regulated DC power supplies provide stable instrument performance over @ wide range of line voltages and frequencies, Maximum power consumption of the instru- ment is approximately 100 watts Characteristics The following instrument specifications apply over an ambient temperature range of ~15°C to +55°C unless ‘otherwise specified. Warmup time tor specified ac- Ccuracies is 20 minutes. The calibration procedure given in Section 6, if performed completely, will ensure the instru- ment meets the electrical characteristics listed in this section. 1 Specification—475A Service TABLE 1-1 ELECTRICAL Characteristics Performance Requirements Supplemental Information ver Deflection Factor Calibrated Range 5 mV to 10 W/DIV in 11 steps: 1- sequence. RTICAL DEFLECTION SYSTEM (CH 1 and GH 2) Cascaded Operation (CH 2 VERT SIGNAL OUT Connected to CH 1) Uncalibrates (VAR VOLTS/OIV) Range Dotlection Factor to approximately 2.5 mV/diy into 50 ©. Bandwidth DG to 250 MHz, Provides continuously variable de- flection factors between the cali- brated steps. Extends maximum un- calibrated deflection factor to at least 25 volts per division in the 10 W/DIV position. CH 2 VERT SIGNAL OUT into CH 1 Input. DC coupled using a 50 0, 42" FGSBA/U cable terminated in 50.0 atCH 1 input At least 25:1 Low Frequency Linearity Deflection Factor Accuracy Bandwidth Within 34% of indicated deflection. DC to 250 MHz or greater, 0.1 division or less compression or ‘expansion of 2 division signal at center sereen positioned to the upper and lower extremes of the graticule area With GAIN set at 19 mY/DWV. Risetime 1.41ns or less (Calculated) AG Coupled Lower ~3 48 Point Bandwisth with 100 or 20 MHz ‘BW Switch in 20 MHz Position Bandwidth with 100 or 20 MHz BW Switch in 100 MHz Position Input Resistance and Capaci- tance 'nisetime is ontoulated trom the formula: 12 10 Hz or less with 1X probe Approximately 20 MHz. | approximately 100 tabz. 1 MQ within 2% paralleled by ap- proximately 20 pF. 0.95 BW (im megahertz) 1 H2 or less with 10X probe. 3 6B point between 18 MHz fang 20 MH dB point betwoon 75 MHz and 125 MHz TABLE 4-1 (cont) ELECTRICAL Specification—475A Service Characteristics, Performance Requirements Supplemental Information VERTICAL DEFLECTION SYSTEM (cont) Step Response Positive-Going Step Aberrations (0°C to 40°O) At 10 mw/Dlv +446, 486, 4h PHP. Negative-Going Step ‘Add 3% to positive-going step aberrations, Added Mode ‘Add 3% to positive-going step aberrations. Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (ADD Mode with GH 2 invertoa) 20:1 at 1 kHz for common-mode sig- nals of 8 divisions or less. Trace Shifl as VAR is Rotated Adjusts to 2 divisions or less, INVERT Trace Shift Within 1 division from center screen when switching from normal to in- verted Channet Isolation At loast 100°1 at 50. MHz Position Range Atleast 12 and graticule center. 12 divisions trom Signal Delay Between CH 1 and CH 2 0.25 ns or less at § mV/DIV. Maximum Input Voltage DC coupled: 250 V (DC + peak AC) or 500 V P-P AG at 1 kHz or less AC coupled: 500 V (DC + peak AC) or 500 VP-P AG at 1 kH2 oF lass. Chopped Mode Repetition Rate Approximately 1 MHz 20%, 4.20% ® Specitication—475A Service TABLE 4-1 (con!) ELECTRICAL ‘Characteristics Performance Requirements TRIGGER SYSTEM ‘Supplemental Information Sensitivity De Coupled 0.3 div internal or 50 mV external from DC to 40 MHz, increasing to | 2.0 div internal or 250 mV external | at 250 MHz, AG Coupled (0.3 div internal or 80 mV external from 60 Hz to 40 MHz, increasing to | 2.0 div internal or 250 mV external | at 250 MHz. Attenuates signals below about 60 Hz. HF REJ Coupled 0.8 div internal or 100 mV external from 80 Hz to 50 kHz. Attenuates signals below about 60 Hz and above about 80 KHz, LF REJ Coupled Trigger vitter External Trigger Input Maximum Input Voltage 05 div internat or 100 mv external from 60 kHz to 40 MHz, increasing to 2.0 diy internal or 500 mV ex- ternal at 250 MHz. Attenuates sig- nals below about 50 kHz 0.2 ns or less at 250 MHz at 1 ns/DIV sweep rate (X10 MAG on} 250\V DC + peak AC or 250 V P-P AC (1 kHz or less). Input Resistance and Capa- cltance 1.MQ within 10%, paraileled by ap- proximately 20 pF. 14 7 TABLE 1-1 (cont) ELECTRICAL Specification—475A Service Characteristics Performance Requirements ‘Supplemental Information TRIGGER SYSTEM (cont) LEVEL Control Range ext At least + and -2V, 4 P-P. exT +10 Atleast + and ~20 V, 40 V P-P. Exclude LF REJ coupling mode. Trigger View Detlection Factor Approximately 50 mV/DIV, #20%. Exclude LF REY and HF RE, trigger coupling modes. Risetime 4.0 ns over the 10% to 90% part of the fast-rise portion, Delay Difference 2.5 ns with a 5 division signal hhaving 1 ns or less riselime from a 25 2 source, cantered vertically with equal cable length from signal source to vertical channel and ex- ternal trigger inputs, each termin- ated in 50.0. Centering of Trigger Point Adjustable to within 1.0 division of conter screen, HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION SYSTEM Calibrated Sweep Range A Sweep or B DLY'D Sweep 05 s/DIV to 001 ys/DIV in 24 steps: 1-245 sequence. X10 MAG extends max- Imum sweep rate to 1 ns/DIV. A Delaying Sweep (or A INTEN} 05 s/DIY to 0.05 ss/DIV in 22 steps: 4-2-5 sequence 15

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