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Problem 3.45 Verify Stokes’s theorem for the vector field B = (frcoso +$sing) by evaluating: {a) ¢ B- dl over the semicircular contour shown in Fig. P3.46(a), and Ic (b) f (Vx B)- ds over the surface of the semicircle. Solution: (a) peas [Bat | was | Ba, B-dl = (Frcoso + sing) -(Fdr+6rdo+2dz) = rcosdr + rsinodo, 2 ‘0 [ea- ([.,reesear) no wo? ([.,rsineao) z=0 = (37) gt 0 =2, 2 sd [Ba= ([.,reesear) at ({,rsinoce) — = 0+ (-20089)I8.9 = 4, 0 Pa * (,rosear) genes” (2, rsineae) z=0 = (-}7)[,+0=2, fBda24442=8, 2 Ly 0 Ly 2 (a) Figure P3.46: Contour paths for (a) Problem 3.45 and (b) Problem 3.46. (b) VxB = Vx(frcos+6sing) =f (220- F(sine)) +6 (Zircose) - $0) +a (Fersino)) - Fy(reos0)) = 70+40+22 (sing + (rsing)) =Zsing ( + *) ; ff vxe-as = LL (ing ( + *)) -(Grdrdd) = [Losers 1drdo = ((-c0s0(7?+7)) 2-0) i =8. Problem 3.48 Determine if each of the following vector fields is solenoidal, conservative, or both: @) A=%2xy- Hy, (b) B= £2 — jy? + 222, (©) C= f(sind)/r? +4(coso)/?, (@) D=R/R, () E= (3-75) +%, © F=(%-9x)/(P +y), &) GaP +L) +H +e) +H +2), (h) H= R(Re-). Solution: (a) >. a 05 VA = V.(S2xy— fy?) = S-2xy— He = V-w=0, VxA = Vx (R2xy— Sy?) =8(0- 5¢-)) +9(200)- 0) #2(Z(97)- p02) = 80+90—2(2x). The field A is solenoidal but not conservative. © sing o vce (eit 2) sind cosd = rae (*()) “tas (2) +88 —sing —singd ° se =a ty t0= =z VxC= vx (F a +62) “(Hae 2(4)) (2()-29 HEC) 2) -meto( (2) -(34)) et The field C is neither solenoidal nor conservative. (e) e=t (3-75) +2, VE= 13 nthe, =33( rie)e a 2r Pr [- ataret! 343° +6r—2r-2P7 47 _ 2 +4r43 =+| Ta ] ras ye +140, 1 aE, 2) |, (dE, 2) (2 1a) VxE= #2 3) +0(S-% +2 (55 (rBe)— 5) =0. Hence, E is conservative, but not solenoidal. (g) GaP 427) 4907 4.7) 4407 +2), a 2 vgs sayy Sorte)+ S07+2) = 2+ wt 2 #0, vxG=8(Sot+2)- Forse) 49(2e+2)- 20742) +4(F07+7)-2 0742) = K2y+922+82x 40. Hence, G is neither solenoidal nor conservative.

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