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Topic 1: Should examinations be replaced with other forms of assessment?

With examinations, student must under pressure from - They are more advanced than other assessments.
numerous sides such as family expectations, scores, teachers, - Exams at the end of the year are given so the
classmates or rank. teachers can understand if the students
+ Students always want to get high marks and be the top understood the materials throughout the school
students because they want to praised by another student as year. Depending on how the students do on the
well as their family. exam, tells the teachers what the students did or
+ Besides, there are many students learn day and night, extra- didn't learn.
curricular homework, learn after school or on Saturday in - What the teachers put on the exams, is the
order to keep up with their classmates. material that the students should know and that
+ This is very unhealthy to their mental health and cause may give them the advantage of getting a good
immense tension. score. Teachers usually use the exams do they can
+ (You can find in the newspaper that students commit suicide determine whether or not the student should be
because their pressure from examinations is unbearable. able to pass the grade or not.
 Thus, I think that examinations can be created more
stress for students during growing up in the educational Evidence:
environments.  Dr. Carol Utay says that "examinations are
Evidence: designed to help out students fill the gaps, help
- According to the poll carried out by the National them become their best and motivate students
Education Union in 2018, more than half (56%) of to study harder.”
school staffs said that youngsters had been self- Refute:
harming or thinking of self-harming because of mental - Your point is about Assessment standard.
health issues from testing and exams. - You said that the examination is better than the
Refute: other forms of assessments. If the teachers give
- student must under pressure from numerous sides such as the students a different assessment that doesn't
family expectations, scores, teachers, classmates or rank. include all the information they should know
- Stress also can create the motivation for the students during the program, that doesn't really give the
during learning with their classmate and their result can be teachers the progress of the student. And you give
improved. an example that examination can help student
- Student: will be familiar with stress because they will become best and motivate them to study harder.
face more stress in the future may be from family, friend, - But your evidence didn’t convince us because it
workplace. Stress usually exist everywhere, maybe not only in has no date and no specific data. So we disagree
study. Thus in the future they won’t be shock with pressure. with your point.

Topic 2: Are selective schools better for children? Selective

entry high schools should be funded by the government?
Selective entry high school is supported by government in - Selective schools are highly competitive
order to provide a nurturing and challenging environment environments.
for high-achieving students. - the highly competitive environment can come at a
 Students choose the selective high school with aim to cost if the pressure isn’t handled well.
focus on learning: because 10 percent of the student - when a students’ self-worth is tied to their
body that was only at school to cause disruption. achievements, the pressure to succeed in every part
(according to Glenn Watson, high school teacher, Jul 18 of school life will become worse. Because students
2016). Thus in the selective high school, they will have at selective schools always cope with a fast-paced
effective environment to study. curriculum or punish if they don’t have good results,
 Thus they create the best and brightest competing for which leads to students’ stress or depression.
students as well as motivate them work harder. So that - Evidence:
they can achieve strong results, improve themselves as According to Zing News, recently, a seventh-grader
well as their score. And they will also be inspired by in a selective Secondary School committed suicide in
their classmates and try to best in working. the classroom. She leaves two letters to apologize to
 Evidence: her friends for now unable to join in studying,
An average of 73% of students in NSW’s fully selective playing with friends again, and the recent decrease
schools came from the highest quarter of socio- in academic results when she has not achieved the
educational advantage (SEA) in 2016. The SEA is based expected results of her parents and teachers.
on factors shown to have an impact on students’
educational outcomes, such as parents’ occupation Refuse:
and education. - Your point is about the pressure on student.
REFUTE: - And you said that studying at selective school can
- Selective school is supported by government in order to bring higher competitive environment and can give
provide a nurturing and challenging environment for more pressure on student.
high-achieving students. - But we don’t agree with your point. Because your
- Competition between students can result in the bad evidence has no date, and It is not fair for the
effect in students’ health: Students will feel exhausted majority in a class to have their lessons ruined by
and tired for overworked. troublemakers. Those that want and have the
- Besides, Student who study in selective schools will potential to learn should be allowed the chance to
have bad attitudes with others: be educated properly. And moreover, there are
They started to be arrogant and act contemptuously of many cases of students studying in public schools
others whereas those who can’t enter their dream commit suicide due to pressure, not only by
schools might experience a feeling or inferiority. selective school.

Topic 3: Should same-sex marriage be

Everyone in the world also has the right to happiness and to - Same-sex marriage shouldn’t be legal. marriage is
pursue it. Marriage is a happy ending with people and they for procreation and should not be extended to
deserve to have chance to marry who they want. The same sex couples because they cannot produce
community should not intervene in the private of everyone. children together. It requires both a female and a
Not only should same-sex marriage be allowed but equal male to have a baby.
rights should also be given as well. - Allowing same sex marriage will only further shift
Evidence: the purpose of marriage from producing and raising
Article 16 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights children to adult satisfaction.
guarantees: “Men and women of full age without any
limitation due to race, nationality or religion… all have the Evidence:
Russell, a philosophy won Nobel prize said that “The
rights to marry and find a family. They are entitled to equal
rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its first purpose of marriage is procreation. Because of
children, sexual relations become important to
Refute: society’’
- About human right. Refute:
- Everyone in the world also has the right to happiness - Your point is about children and you said that same-
and to pursue it. sex marriage shouldn’t be legal because same sex
- same-sex marriage should be allowed and equal rights people who get marriage can’t produce children
should also be given as well.
Marriage has been understood as the union or compulsory together.
legal contract between a man and a woman for millennia. - But we don’t agree with your point because today
And same-sex people don’t need to be keep to those rules this problem can be easily to solved by adopt a child
while new laws and institutions may be created to or scientific medical advances. And your evidence
accommodate their civil requests, without upsetting has no date so it not convinces us.
traditions and the people who support them. They will live
more comfortable without strict marriage contract. Not

Topic 4: Are beauty contest harmful?

- Joining in the beauty contest, the candidates will - Beauty contests should not be banned because it is
suffer many pressure in many aspects such as: a big opportunity & motivation for young girls to
Physical, behavior, winner, maintenance health. show their skills in front of a TV audiences.
- Every gesture of their action is very careful, from the - The beauty contests provide a platform to a number
smallest actions inside to the speeches the media. of young girls to show their talents and at the same
- They must maintain their body as well as their beauty time, it also provides a motivation to take part at the
more and more perfect. stage. In this way, these beauty contests not only
Evidence: make the participants proud but also make they
Miss Ky Duyen-Miss Vietnam 2014, she has suffered many have more confident.
criticisms from the public for her impolite sleeping posture - It encourages young women and girls to have the
on the plane. ambition to dream of something and be good at it.
PRESSURE Evidence:
Miss Pham Huong shared: "Miss Universe Vietnam
- Joining in the beauty contest will suffer many pressure
in many aspects. has turn my life to a new leaf".
Beauty contest becomes the motivation for every girl or Refute:
women to maintain and care their beauty and help them - Your point is about the motivation. And you said
remove the weakness complex about themselves that beauty contest gives the participants a new
Moreover, it can help young girl find their own value as opportunity to show their talent and gave the
well as prove their talent in the life. evidence about miss Pham Huong who become the
winner of a beauty contest and she said it has turn
her life to a new leaf.
- But what about those who were eliminated early?
They spend a lot of money for a chance at the
crown. They have pay for dress, makeup, hair and
spends a lot of time. if they don’t win this beauty
contest, they can get a lot of criticism from the
public and it influences on their personal life.


- As early childhood is the most formative period of Mothers should go to work:
development for a child. It is important that a mother - Working mother will have their own amount of
has as much time to devote to her children as money to pay for what they want without asking their
possible. husband.
Through staying at home, mothers could ensure the best + Money is a significant deciding factor, it can be
educational performance for their children in daily provided for education, food and other supplies. If
behavior, their speech, their action or their attitude with mother stay home with their children, it can make
others. them more dependent on their partner.
- You're their first influence before they head off to + The husband's job isn't always stable
school and you're continually teaching them something + No one can be sure that their marriage will be
new. happy forever. Woman should work so that she may
 Create the best environment for entire mental be able to stand alone, even when the women
development. divorces her husband
Evidence: Evidence:
According to Vietnam news 2019, between 0-3 years of In a 2013 Pew Research survey - found that the clear
age is the period when a child’s brain grows faster than at economic benefits of having more mothers in the
any stage/ The knowledge and experience of raising workplace: (67%) of adults say the increasing number of
children of their parents has large effect and need women working for pay outside the home has made it
appropriate, scientific nowadays. easier for families to earn enough to live comfortably.
Refute: Refute:
CARE: - Your point is about the money. And you said that
As early childhood is the most important period of Mothers should go to work have their own amount of
development for a child. It is important that a mother has money to pay for what they want without asking their
as much time to devote to her children as possible. husband it can make them more dependent on their
Having to care for their children every day, they will not be - But we don’t agree with that. Because if mother go to
independent and in some situations they don’t have their work, they have to hire a babysitter. Many childcare
creative in address the problem. They will always be options are poor quality with one adult looking after
passive to their environment, to everything around them. many children at once. This can leave young children
bored and uninterested slowing their rate of
development. Those on low pay are forced to rely on
these options to take care of their children even when
they are of low quality or they would prefer to stay at
home. Supporting all mothers to stay at home would
prevent this problem.

Topic 6: Should there be a ban on TV ads aimed at children?

Nowadays, the advertising content shown on TV is very
diverse and complex. Sometimes the Ads has sensitive - Advertisements on television aimed at children
should not be ban.
images, short words or overreacting can affect a child’s
perception. - The ads aimed at children often seen on TV which
have many colors with interesting content so
According to the Nation Health and Nutrition Examination children will be attracted to them and become
more interested in it.
Survey in 2015, 34% of teenager under 18 in the US eat fast-
food every day and be hooked on it. - Hence, Advertisements may also have motivating
content that can encourage children to learn
INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT: about everything around them and make them
feel happier
advertising content shown on TV is very diverse and
complex. Evidence:
Many ads also attractive but they can bring the good research in 2015 show that a child who watches ads
behaviors for the children on the process of forming a child’s on TV were better able to learn the content of the
personality. For ex, Lifebouy and Colgate ads teaches stories or information from what they see and
children about daily hand washing and brushing routine become happy after seeing involve cartoon ads
twice a day.
- Your point is about entertainment. And you said
that children will happier when they watch
advertisements on TV. But we don’t agree with
- And your evidence has no source. And when a child
become interest with what they see, they will want
to have it and ask their parents buy it for them.
Because ads aimed at children are often products
such as toys, food, etc.
- Children have strong influence on their parents;
this can be hard for low-income families. When
parents refuse a child to not satisfied their wish;
children may feel dissatisfied. Parents can also be
hurt and feel sad because they are not able to buy
for their kids what they want.

Topic 7: Should age discrimination be made illegal in the workplace?

- Young people: smart, creative, easy to approach new - Today, society is growing faster and faster.
tech Technology becomes more modern. Jobs always
- Old people: experience, skilled require workers to learn a lot of new technical
 Corporation effectively, to develop their knowledge.
performance, help together in difficulties - Older people often learn more slowly than young
 Use entirely their benefits of each employees people.
 Profits for company: increase, famous, developed - Hence, they have a deeper and wider knowledge
Evidence: about the modern technology, so these companies
will not need to invest more money in training for
Refute: low-tech employees.
Young people: more prevailed in opportunities, time,
energy, passion => They quickly learn how to apply it in
practice effectively According to E-learning Industry Newspaper,
companies have invested as much as $87.6 billion
 Unequal for old people: they must spend time for
family or other problems, don’t focus on entirely into training in 2018.
in work. They feel useless, no longer to compete Refuse
with young people. - Your point is about the qualify. And you said that
young people learn more quickly than old people.
- But we don’t agree with your point because Both
the elderly and the younger have their strong points
and weak points. That working in the equal
workplace will help them motivate their strong
points and develop together.
- For instance, the older having more experiences can
cleverly advise the younger to deal with difficult
problems based on their own skills. Besides, the
younger who are more creative can contribute some
more unique opinions about companies’ projects.
Topic 8: Should brain drain be stopped?
Most of the high-educated people also stay abroad, it Brain drain shouldn’t be stopped.
leads to lack of qualified labor force in the country, make - When people from poor nations migrate to rich
recruiting skilled employees very difficult for both private ones, their real income will increase because of
companies, public institutions and FDI firms. productivity gains from new technology, norms and
Evidence: institutions.
- The benefit ensures from this increase in migrant
Refute: productivity are enjoyed not only by destination
The country which losing high-level people, they only have countries and the migrants themselves, but also by
the lack of professional in their study time in University source countries.
about 4-7years. Because the aims of the people is in order - This due to remittances, where migrants send their
to improve and advanced their qualifications in their fields income back to their families.
such as IT, Marketing, and exchange their experiences
with these native people. After that, they will come back
their country and transmit the useful things for their According to world bank, developing countries
received about $441 billion in remittances in 2015,
more than 3 time compared with official assistance.
- Your point is about the income. And you said that
people from poor countries migrate to develop
countries and have a higher income. And they send
it back to their families.
- But we don’t agree with your point because if this
problem happens too much, the poor countries will
face a bigger challenge. In many developing
countries, they lose a large number of highly
educated people, especially scientists, engineers,
academics and physicians, who leave home and stay
abroad in many developed countries. The country
which the professional is leaving, is facing decrease
in number of professionals.

Topic 9: Should governments be spending resources exploring space?

1 New energy source: COST
- Source becomes more and more exhausted because - Governments shouldn’t be spending resources
pp exploit very much. exploring space because Exploring space is too high.
- Our energy now mainly depends on the fossil fuels and We obviously know that us humans exist but we
solar energy. However, there are several problems don't know if "space creatures" exist out there so
with these kinds of energy. The supply is limited and why bother, right?
can easily be used up in the future, it also damages the
environment badly at the same time.
- New sources can instead the old sources, more flexible In 2011 NASA celebrated the 30th anniversary of the
and distribute new materials for the world space shuttle program. At that time, that program was
 Create more opportunities to develop and find the cost about $196.5 billion. it is more effective if we used
best way to use source effectively this money for practical works such as facility
Evidence: Mars: have water
improvement, education, relief, and so on.
Along with the develop technology, the finding of new Refuse
- Your point is about the cost. And you said that the
resources can be considered an interesting experience.
However, there are many downsides around the new government should not invest in space exploration
and should instead invest in education systems,
sources. People abused this finding to earn money illegal
because of greed. They also can conflict new sources to facilities, etc.
- But we don’t agree with that. The cost isn't actually
owned it.
very high. Compared to other areas of government
spending (e.g. military), the cost of space
exploration simply isn't too high. There have been
space vehicles built in the private sector for as little
as $25m, a drop in the ocean compared to US
spending in Iraq, and the net benefits outweigh even
these figures.

Topic 10: Should there be a ban on child performers?

Children spend much time in performance can result in - Child Performers Shouldn’t Be Banned. Because
some bad effects in their health. The first effect of child children can have opportunities to work with
performers is physical health. Prepared for a good famous people and experts in the entertainment
performance, children must spend more time to practice, industry, allowing them to develop their talents and
practice daily or weekly with a tight schedule. Moreover, reach their full potential and their confidence when
they are also influenced by the media with the careful they stand in front of audiences.
behavior. The another effect of child performers is mental - If a child discovers that he or she is talented at
health. The pressure of winning competitions makes performing why not give them realistic goals to help
young suffer a lot of psychological crisis or make them them achieve their dream?
more worried during performing. - After all, children can learn more experience and
Evidence: become more confidence before crowds and feel
free to show their talent on the stage.
Refute: Evidence:
These children who want to perform perfectly thus they Briney Spears, Justin Timberlake … were discovered
have to practice frequently for each performance. They by the variety show called The Mickey Mouse club
also work for their hobby, for pursuing their passion. when they were a child and went on to become some
Following that, they can find the happiness from of the most successful singers in the world
performance with a timetable suitably. Refute:
- Your point is about the confidence. And you said
that child performing can give them the
opportunities and confident to show the talents.
- But we don’t agree with that. Because Children will
be under high pressure from a young age. Stage
scare and the pressure of performance can be
difficult to handle for even the most experienced
adults. It is therefore irresponsible to place these
pressures on children at anything but the lowest
non-professional level. Once children come to
realize that financial and competitive success
depends on each performance the expectation can
become too much. While the child may enjoy it, to
begin with as the pressure mounts they may feel it’s
too late to back out.

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