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Muhammad Babar Ramzan1

Yuncheol Kang2*
Development of a Competency Assessment
Muhammad Waqas Iqbal3** Model for Measurement of the Human
Inspection Skill
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.6074
1 National Textile University, Abstract
Department of Garment Manufacturing, Extensive research has already been done on visual inspection as well as on the effect of
Pakistan different factors on human inspection performance. However, a method should be developed
2 Ewha to measure their inspection skill based on influencing factors. This study contributes to the
Womans University,
School of Business, literature by proposing a competency assessment model based on the influencing factors
Shinsegae Bldg. #419
that can classify human labour into its respective skill levels. From the literature review, the
52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, influencing factors of visual inspection are listed and divided into five observed variables.
Seoul 03760, South Korea A team of experts selected the significant factors with respect to the textile and clothing
* e-mail:, industry. The analytical hierarchy process is used to measure their respective weights so
phone: +82-2-3277-4203 as to calculate the inspection performance in terms of a competency score. A numerical

3 National Textile University,

example is presented and the model proposed successfully determined the competency score,
and inspectors are classified into their respective skill levels according to the well-defined
Department of Yarn Manufacturing,
cut-off values. This study enables organisations to classify available human labour into its
Pakistan, skill levels and utilise them according to their capacity.
** e-mail:
Key words: quality control, visual inspection, decision making, inspection skill, competency

Introduction labour is directly or indirectly involved. of different factors on visual inspection.

The focus of this study is to highlight However, there is a lack of studies on
Since the industrial revolution, techno- the importance of human skill during the developing a method to measure the in-
logical and economic developments have performance of a particular job and how spection skill numerically based on in-
changed the environment for manufac- performance varies from person to per- fluencing factors so that inspectors can
turing and service industries. Although son. In the present era, a quality manage- be classified into their respective skill
the current trend toward automation is ment system is more valuable than before levels. Similary, plenty of work has been
altering the nature of human involve- because experts believe that the last cen- done in the field of textile to shift con-
ment, humans still play a major role in tury worked more on productivity while ventional visual inspection towards auto-
determining product quality and system the present focuses on quality [5, 6]. matic inspection [10, 11]. These studies
reliability [1]. Automatic systems can An important part of quality management obtained required results as far as fabric
perform simple and tedious tasks for an is quality control, in which different con- inspection is concerned [12]. While the
extended period of time for which hu- trol points and checking methods are used conventional method of visual inspec-
man labour is poorly suited [2]. Whilst to ensure outgoing quality. Inspection is tion by human labour is still applicable
automatic systems are task specific and seen as a screening or decision making in the garment manufacturing industry.
inflexible, with a low decision making process that decides the conformance or Thus, the primary goal of this study is to
ability; human labour is flexible with non-conformance of the product being propose a competency-based assessment
a strong decision making ability [3]. manufactured [7, 8]. Here, the field under model using factors that influence visual
Thus, human labour remains important study is also inspection systems, which inspection to measure the inspection skill
in most manufacturing industries, even are performed by human labour. for labour working in garment industry.
though automation is increasing. This is The objectives of studying human-based
why modern manufacturing systems try The process of inspection mainly de- inspection systems are to answer the fol-
to augment human labour along with oth- pends on the searching and decision mak- lowing questions.
er essential components. ing abilities of the inspector. Indeed, this
role may become relatively more impor- n What are the factors of visual inspec-
For various reasons, some industries tant as products become more complex tion that affect the performance of an
still rely on human labour for most of and customer oriented [9]. Whether the inspector?
their manufacturing activities, for ex- product is basic or complex, human abil- n How can a competency assessment
ample, manufacturing plants and firms ity to do any repeative job like inspection model be developed using the influ-
that make leather goods, textile and gar- improves with time, and the available encing factors?
ment factories, and industries ptoducing labour can be segmented into differ- n How can human labour at an inspec-
sports items [4]. In a production envi- ent skill levels. Thus, in order to utilise tion station be classified into different
ronment, the ability of human labour to a workforce efficiently, maintain a good skill levels?
perform a particular job increases with competitive environment among inspec-
time, which is defined in terms of skill. tors, and keep expenditures in control,
The skill of human labour plays a vital the inspection performance of individu-
Literature review
role in achieving high efficiency in dif- al inspectors must be measured quanti- Human-based inspection systems have
ferent processes. In an organisation, there tatively based on influencing factors. In been studied extensively with respect to
are a number of processes where human the past, researchers studied the effect different factors that can affect the per-

10 Ramzan MB, Kang Y, Iqbal MW. Development of a Competency Assessment Model for Measurement of the Human Inspection Skill.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021; 29, 2(146): 10-19. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.6074
formance of individual inspectors as haviour, which vairies systematically for In order to reduce task complexity, fac-
well as the overall inspection station. Pi- people or groups of people of different tors such as the defect distribution, de-
oneering work was done by Harris [13] ages, genders, levels of education, and/or fect probability, defect complexity, and
on the nature of industrial inspection. cultural background [19]. Researchers number of defect types, were studied to
He presented a framework to understand considered the effects of gender and age evaluate the performance of visual search
and improve industrial inspection perfor- on visual inspection to determine the dif- and decision-making. Results showed
mance. Subsequently, much work was ference in inspection performance. How- a negative influence of defect complexity
done on visual inspection based on the ever, their studies did not find significant and a positive influence of defect prob-
results of Harris [13]. A number of factors differences in accuracy for either gender ability on the response factors [26, 27].
have been considered, and their effect on or age [19-21]. The experience of a qual- Tetteh, Jiang [28] investigated the effect
visual inspection performance has been ity inspector is also an important individ- of search strategy, task complexity, and
evaluated. The objectives were achieved ual factor that contributes positively to pacing on inspection performance. A sys-
by focusing on skills such as visual improving inspection performance. Chan tematic search strategy results in superior
search, decision making ability, and in- and Chiu [22] worked on experienced performance and decreases the inspec-
spection strategy through online and and inexperienced inspectors to inves- tion time. Moreover, task complexity
offline training [14]. In a visual search, tigate visual lobe shape characteristics was also observed as a significant factor,
inspectors carefully search for flaws, and investigate their effect on inspec- because the easier the task, the faster and
while decision-making helps to decide on tion performance. Visual lobe roundness more accurate were the inspectors. Simi-
the rejection of the item selected. On the was evident in those inspectors who had lar results were obtained by Watanapa &
other hand, inspection performance is as- long experience as compared to inexpe- Kaewkuekool [29], who worked on the
sessed on the basis of two measurements, rienced students. Visual performance de- effect of defect complexity on inspec-
inspection speed and inspection accuracy pends very much on visual capabilities, tion performance. They suggested that
[15]. Accuracy is measured in terms of hence it is always considered a suitable inspectors must be trained based upon
the hit rate, percentage of correct detec- parameter for the selection of labour various product complexities to increase
tion, and false-alarm rate, while speed can for an inspection process. Some stud- performance and save training costs.
be measured as the search time, stopping ies have been conducted to evaluate the
time, and inspection time [2]. effect of visual strength, the visual lobe When improvement in the quality of hu-
shape, and fatigue. Visual fatigue and man inspection is required, training is
Visual search is very much affected by inspection accuracy were studied to im- considered to be the primary intervention
the speed and rigidity of pacing. In terms prove inspection performance using two strategy [30, 31]. For the first time, Czaja
of accuracy, the effects of per-lot and types of wafer coatings (Nano and gold) and Drury [21] highlighted that training
per-item pacing were evaluated based and two monitor sizes (14 and 19 inch- is a neglected area when discussing im-
on inspection performance. Pacing speed es). A reduction in visual fatigue and provement in inspection performance.
proved to be a significant factor for the improvement in accuracy was observed Their results were based on detailed
accuracy of both per-item and per-lot; with a 19 inch monitor size and gold experimental reports rather than only
however, per-item is considered more coating conditions [22, 23]. general training principles. The task per-
favorable to industry [16]. The accuracy formance of three different age groups
of visual inspection is particularly impor- Other than the aforementioned factors, was observed, and it was concluded that
tant for the inspection of sensitive prod- the nature of the job and the complexity inspection errors were reduced due to
ucts, such as nuclear weapons. Recently, of a task also affect the performance of active training, while decrements in per-
see [17], visual inspection reliability was a human inspector. A pioneering study of formance due to age were also observed,
measured for precision manufactured task complexity in visual inspection was albeit smaller in magnitude. After that,
parts of nuclear weapons. Multiple in- done by Gallwey and Drury [24]. Three different types of training methods were
spections, the inspector confidence rat- types of inspection complexity were test- formulated for visual inspection, and
ing, workload, and the stress of visual in- ed based on different fault types. It was their effect on inspection performance
spection were considered to measure the concluded that inspection performance was measured [15, 28, 32]. They con-
reliability in terms of accuracy and time. is reduced due to the complexity, which cluded that a proper training program
It was also concluded that inspection is significantly affects search error, mis- based on sound principles of training
a workload intensive task dominated by judgment of fault size, and decision er- design and a well-defined methodology
mental demand and effort [17]. ror. Multitasking is another scenario that can bring significant improvements in
increases task complexity and affects inspection performance. Various training
The performance of human inspectors is inspection performance. A hybrid system methods are used for industrial inspec-
also influenced by organisational, physi- was evaluated with inspectors perform- tion, including instructional training,
cal, and individual factors [14, 18]. Or- ing a single task, three multiple tasks, online training, computer-based training
ganisational factors include the training and five multiple tasks. It was conclud- with feedback training, and feedforward
conducted, work methods, work proce- ed that multiple defect types along with training [15, 27, 28, 32-34]. Compared to
dures, policies, and social aspects. Physi- multitasking had a negative effect on offline training, online training was more
cal factors are the tools, aids, equipment, performance [25]. Similar results were valuable because it considered real world
and layout of a workplace that support also achieved by Master, Jiang [26], who situations [34]. Similarly, feedforward
the process of inspection. The individ- worked on human trust over time in hy- provides prior information regarding
ual factors are the interest, attitudes, brid systems. Their results showed that concepts, goals, and rules to inspectors
knowledge, and skills. Improvement in human trust is sensitive to the type of er- in the form of physical/verbal guidance
performance depends on the learning be- ror made by a system. and demonstration before the inspection

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021, Vol. 29, 2(146) 11

study. Each variable observed and its respective indicators affect the inspection performance and can

be used for competency assessment in terms of a numerical value. This value will help to classify

quality inspectors into their skill levels according to their inspection performance.

load, stress, fatigue, job aid, and training,

which have received the consideration
System factors (PF) of researchers in the past. It is evident
factors (SF) that researchers have focused on eval-
uating the effect of different factors on
the visual inspection of human labour.
However, there has been a lack of stud-
Physical/metal Inspection Competency
Classification ies on developing a method to measure
of quality
factors (PMF) performance assessment inspectors the inspection skill numerically so that
different inspectors can be classified into
their respective skill levels. This study
Inspection task contributes to the literature by proposing
factors (ITF) a competency assessment model using
factors (OF) the most influential factors of visual in-

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of proposed model. Research methodology

Figure 1 Conceptual framework of proposed model
In manufacturing industries where most
process [15, 35]. Feedback training, on prior experience can be helpful in fol-
of the work is carried out by human la-
the selected observed
other hand, providesvariables,
with lowing of multidimensional indicators
and designing efficient that affect
and easy- the
bor, the skill and performance of individ-
information about their previous per- to-use job aids [36]. This comprehensive
ual workers affects the outcome of pro-
skill of quality inspectors,
in the process are of
in terms summarised
the literature in Tablereview2. The objective ofa num-
has highlighted this study is to
cesses significantly. The reason behind
search time, search error, and decision ber of factors that affect the inspection
this affect is the diversification in the
error [15, 30]. performance of inspectors. They are brief-
skills of human labour, which varies from
ly 9summarised and explained in the rest
low to high. In this senerio, work must
Another effective method to improve of this paper and will be used to devel-
be assigned according to the level of the
inspection performance along with train- op a competency assessment model for
worker. However, such manufacuturing
ing is the use of job aids for visual in- a human-based inspection system.
industries do not have classified human
spection. A job aid means to assist the
labour based on working capacity. Thus,
inspector during the inspection process Table 1 summarises the studies pub-
a competency assessment model needs
with some type of support, such as a list, lished on visual inspection that were
to be developed based on the influencing
check sheet, picture, or manual. Stud- reviewed above. The focus of previ-
factors. The model will not only classi-
ies have been conducted that included ous studies is classified into inspection
fy the available human labour into its
job aids in training for visual inspection performance measures and prominent
respective skills but help to promote an
[28, 32, 36]. A job aiding tool accompa- factors concerning visual inspection.
environment of competition among the
nied by training in inspection systems The performance measures that are used
labour. In this regard, a human based
was evaluated by Tetteh & Jiang [28]. to judge inspection performance are
inspection system was considered, and
Their results showed that a job-aiding visual search, decision-making, accura-
published literature helped to identify the
tool improves inspection performance cy, and inspection time. The prominent
influencing factors of visual inspection.
with a higher detection rate in less time. factors are task complexity, the defect
Based on the literature review, five ob-
In a recent study, it was concluded that rate, defect type, search strategy, work-
served variables: personal factors, system
factors, physical/mental factors, inspec-
Table 2. List of identified observed variables and their indicators. tion task factors, and organisational fac-
tors that are considered responsible for
Observed inspector performance were identified.
Indicators References
Figure 1 shows the conceptual frame-
Age of the quality inspector, Interest level in current job, School/
Personal higher school education, Length of relevant experience, Good [18, 19, 23, work that was followed in this study.
factors (PF) health, Relevant knowledge of the inspection process, Attitude 27, 28, 34, 35] Each variable observed and its respective
toward work, Awareness of quality standards
indicators affect the inspection perfor-
Increase in the number of items coming from a manufacturing
System factors line, Increase in the fault percentage coming from a sewing line, [14, 15, 20, mance and can be used for competency
(SF) Increase in the number of defect types, Fault complexity coming 25, 26, 29] assessment in terms of a numerical value.
from a sewing line
This value will help to classify quality in-
Personal fatigue during the inspection process, Inspection quantity
Physical/ per day, Inspection time per item, Inspection errors per day, Poor
spectors into their skill levels according
[2, 20, 21, 25, to their inspection performance.
mental factors hand-eye coordination, Excessive work load at an inspection station,
31, 35, 36]
(PMF) Eye fatigue/poor eye sight, Noise and disturbance at the work-place,
Decision making, Well defined work method and procedure
The selected observed variables, con-
Number of inspection tasks to be performed, More complex items
Inspection task
to be inspected, Inspection procedure (random or systematic),
[16, 19-21, sisting of multidimensional indicators
factors (ITF) 24-26, 30, 32]
Inspection of multiple products that affect the inspection skill of quality
Proper data recording and reporting system, Proper communication, inspectors, are summarised in Table 2.
Work aids to support the inspection process, Monitoring the
performance of the quality inspector, Incentive system and benefits,
[2, 17, 20, 26, The objective of this study is to devel-
factors (OF) 30-32, 35]
Proper layout of the inspection station, Special training programs for op a Competency Assessment Model
inspectors, Proper lighting arrangement for work stations
(CAM) that can classify quality inspec-

12 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021, Vol. 29, 2(146)

Table 1. Comparison of proposed model with previous literature.

Visual Decision Task Defect Search Work load/ Job aid/

Research Accuracy Time Study objective
search making complexity rate /type strategy fatigue training
Framework for industrial
Harris [13]     
Summarize different
Czaja and Drury [21]   
training programs
Effect of task complexity
Gallwey and Drury [24] ü ü ü ü
on inspection
Training for strategy
Wang, Lin [33] ü ü ü ü ü
in visual search
Gramopadhye and Effect of feedback
ü ü ü ü
Wilson [34] training and noise
Kaufman, Improve inspection
   
Gramopadhye [15] quality by training
Effect of multi-tasking
Pesante, Williges [25]    
on inspection
Study the effect of pacing
Garrett, Melloy [16]   
on inspection
Impact of feedback
Ma, Drury [37]   
Chabukswar, Use of aiding and
ü ü ü ü ü
Gramopadhye [32] feedback training
Jiang, Evaluation of the best
ü ü ü ü ü
Gramopadhye [2] system for inspection
Measurement of trust
Master, Jiang [26] ü ü
over time
Effect of fatigue factors
Drury, Green [38] ü ü ü
on performance
Nalanagula, Evaluation of
ü ü ü ü
Greenstein [35] feedforward training
Influence of task factors
Rao, Bowling [27] ü ü ü ü
on inspection
Bhuvanesh and Assessment of human
ü ü ü ü
Khasawneh [39] performance
Sadasivan and Use of technology
ü ü ü
Gramopadhye [30] to train inspectors
Evaluation of job aiding
Tetteh, Jiang [28] ü ü ü ü ü ü
Sadasivan and Use of technology for
ü ü
Gramopadhye [31] inspection
Evaluate age related
Mitzner, Touron [40] ü ü
Effect of inspection
Chan and Chiu [22] ü ü
Watanapa, Influence of training
ü ü ü
Kaewkuekool [29] and reward
Evaluation of defect
Wu and Lin [20] ü ü ü ü
Review paper on visual
See [14] ü ü ü ü ü
Gender differences in
Heidl, Thumfart [19]  
visual inspection
Reduce fatigue problems
Lin, Chen [23]  
of inspection
Use of job aids to assist
Charles, Johnson [36] ü ü
Determination of
See [17] ü ü ü ü
inspection reliability
Competency assessment
This study ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü
of inspectors

tors into their skill levels. This division In order to find out the significanant indi- petency assessment model as described
is based on influencing factors that cause cators of each observed variable, a struc- below.
performance variation among inspectors. tureal survey was conducted in the textile
For this purpose, we need to select the and clothing industry. 130 respondents
Application of analytical
significant indicators from Table 2 and (with a response rate of 52.0%) took part
hierarchy process
then measure the weight of all observed in the study. After anlysis, three signifi-
variables and their indicators using the cant factors from each observed variable The objective of this study is to model
multi-criteria decision making method – were selected [41]. These indicators will different influencing factors of inspec-
AHP. be used in the development of this com- tion performance into one performance

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021, Vol. 29, 2(146) 13

represents how much one element dominates another with respect to a given attribute [44]. A
represents how much one element dominates another with respect to a given attribute [44]. A
complete flow chart of the AHP process is shown in Figure 2, and an example of each step as applied
complete flow chart of the AHP process is shown in Figure 2, and an example of each step as applied
to this paper is detailed below.
to this paper is detailed below.

Objective ofapplying
applying AHP
indicator. For this purpose, a mathemat-
Objective of applying AHP methodology ical model, the Analytical Hierarchy Pro-
cess (AHP) developed by Saaty [42], was
Selection of of expertsfrom
experts fromrelevant
relevant industries
pairwise comparison
pairwise comparison used. AHP is a simple decision making
Selection of experts from relevant industries for pairwise comparison
tool that consists of decomposing com-
Selection of significant
Selection indicatorsindicators
of significant for each observed
for eachvariable by experts
observed according
variable to theaccording
by experts selected industry plex problems into components that are
Selection of significant indicators for each observed
to the variable
selected by experts according to the selected industry
industry organised into sets and then finally the
sets into levels to generate a hierarchal
Development of a hierarchy framework according to a defined objective
Development of of a hierarchyframework
a hierarchy framework according
accordingtotoa defined objective
a defined objective structure [43]. The method is based on
a theory of measurement through pair-
Distribution of an assessment form for constructing judgment matrices wise comparisons relying on the judge-
Distribution of assessment
of an an assessment form for
for constructing
constructing judgment matrices
judgment matrices
ment of experts to derive priority scales.
No These scales measure the intangibles and
Relevant literature of AHP and online training
Are experts fully aware of AHP methodology? Relevantliterature
literature ofprovided
AHP and
Are experts fully aware of AHP
Are experts fully aware of AHP methodology?
Relevant wasof AHP training tangibles in relative terms using a scale
methodology? was provided
was provided
Yes of absolute judgement. It represents how
Decision process using a fundamental preference scale of absolute numbers much one element dominates another
Decision process
Decision using
process a afundamental
using preference
fundamental preference scale
scale of absolute
of absolute numbers
numbers with respect to a given attribute [44].
A complete flow chart of the AHP pro-
Pairwise comparison of criteria and calculation of their relative weights
Pairwise comparisonofofcriteria
comparison criteria and
their relative
their weights
relative weights cess is shown in Figure 2, and an exam-
Calculate the eigenvalue and eigenvector for all Conduct a consistency test to validate the
ple of each step as applied to this paper is
criteria eigenvalue
eigenvalueand and
eigenvector for all
eigenvector Conduct a consistency
Conductof a test group
decision to validate
test to the
validate detailed below.
criteria for all criteria assessment of the decision
the assessment group
of the decision group
Definition of the objective
Pairwise comparison of the sub-criteria and calculate their relative weights The objective of this study is to develop
Pairwise comparisonofofthe
comparison thesub-criteria
sub-criteria and
andcalculate their
calculate relative
their weights
relative weights
Calculate the eigenvalue and eigenvector of the Conduct a consistency test to validate the
a competency assessment model based
Conduct theaeigenvalue
sub-criteria consistencyand test
eigenvector of the
to validate Conduct a consistency
assessment test group
a consistency
of the decision to validate
test to the
validate on the factors of visual inspection so that
the assessment of the decision group assessment of the decision
the assessment group
of the decision group inspectors can be classified into their re-
spective skill levels.
Pairwise comparison for the options of the sub-criteria and their relative weights
Pairwise comparison
comparison forforthe
options of the
the sub-criteria
sub-criteriaandandtheir relative
their weights
relative weights
Selection of experts for assessment
Calculate the eigenvalue & eigenvector of the Conduct a consistency test to validate the
Calculate thethe
Calculate eigenvalue
options & eigenvector
eigenvalue of the
& eigenvector Conduct
assessmenta consistency
Conduct test group
of atheconsistency
decision to validate
test to the
validate A manufacturing sector is nominated for
of theoptions
sub-criteria’s options assessment of the decision
the assessment group
of the decision group the selection of experts where the process
of inspection is performed by human la-
Present a final summary with the local values of the criteria, sub-criteria, and options of the sub-criteria bour. For this purpose, the value added
Present a finala summary
Present with thewith
final summary localthe
along ofvalues
with the
the criteria,
of the
global sub-criteria, and options ofand
criteria, sub-criteria,
values the options
of the sub-criteria along
along with with the
the global global values
values sector of the textile industry was select-
ed, which includes garment manufactur-
The global values are used to determine the competency score of the quality inspectors (alternatives) and ing (knitwear, denim, woven, etc.) and
The global
The values
global are used
values are to determine
used thethem
toclassify competency
determine into score
their skilloflevels
the competency thescore
qualityofinspectors (alternatives)
the quality inspectorsand
(alternatives) and them intothem
classify their skill
into levels
their skill levels
home textiles. A decision group of eight
Figure 2 Complete flow chart indicating the application of the AHP process people was selected with the minimum
Figure 2. Complete Figure
Complete flow chartthe
indicating indicating the application
application of the AHPof the process.
AHP process designation of a manager who direct-
ly looks after the process of inspection.
11 An academic researcher and an expert
Table 3. Selected indicators for each observed variable.
trainer of human labour from a service
Observed variables Indicators organisation accompanied this decision
School/higher school education
group. Thus, a team of experts was final-
ised that conducted the complete process
Personal factors (PF) Length of relevant experience
of AHP as described in Figure 2.
Relevant knowledge of the inspection process
Increase in the number of items coming from the manufacturing line Selection of the significant indicators
System factors (SF) Increase in the fault percentage coming from the sewing line The decision group selected three signif-
Increase in the number of defect types icant factors for each observed variable
Inspection quantity from Table 2 based on their industrial ex-
perience and the impact of the indictors
Physical /mental factors (PMF) Inspection time per item
on the human inspection skill. The re-
Inspection error
sults are summarised in Table 3.
Number of inspection tasks to be performed
Inspection task factors (ITF) More complex items to be inspected Development of the hierarchy
Inspection procedure (random or systematic) framework
Incentive system and benefits A hierarchical framework was developed,
Organizational factors (OF) Special training programs for inspectors
as shown in Figure 3. It includes the ob-
served variables, their selected indicators,
Monitoring the performance of quality inspectors
and the levels of each indicator. It is ob-

14 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021, Vol. 29, 2(146)

2 to 5 defective types

Figure 3. Hierarchy of the competency assessment model for human inspection skill.

vious from the hierarchy framework that the other sub-criteria have three options numbers (Table 4). The final membership
the model consists of five hierarchical each, as shown in Figure 3. However, the form of each comparison is then convert-
levels. The first level is the objective that last level of AHP is normally called the ed to a numerical value according to this
is referred to as the competency assess- alternatives, and in this study each quality defined scale.
ment model for the human inspection inspector is considered as an alternative.
skill. At the second level, the goal is di- The final weight of each sub-criterion’s Pairwise comparison of the criteria
vided into five main criteria or observed option will be used to assess the skill level Table 5 shows the membership functions
variables: personal factors, system fac- of the quality inspectors, i.e., the alterna- of all the elements of the criteria that
tors, physical/mental factors, inspection tive, in terms of the competency score, as include the observed variables: PF, SF,
task factors, and organisational factors. shown in Figure 3. PMF, ITF, and OF. Based on this infor-
At the third level, each criterion is then mation, a judgment matrix was devel-
divided into three sub-criteria, i.e., the se- Decision process oped that indicates the interrelationship
lected indicators by the decision group In AHP, the weights are calculated by of each observed variable taking into ac-
(Table 3). The fourth level consists of comparing each pair of criteria based on count the human inspection skill. For ex-
three options of each sub-criteria that may the assessment results that are finalised ample, experts considered PF to be three
vary with respect to each quality inspec- by the decision group. Experts are asked times more important for the human in-
tor. These options are different for each to make a pairwise comparison of all the spection skill compared to SF, and two
sub-criterion; for example, the education elements of the criteria, sub-criteria, and times more important compared to ITF.
of quality inspectors may be elementa- options of the sub-criteria using the fun- Similarly, PF is two times less important
ry, middle or high school. Similarly, all damental preference scale of the absolute compared to PMF and OF.

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021, Vol. 29, 2(146) 15

Where the value of RI for the 5×5 matrix is 1.12, as mention
Where the value of RI for the 5×5 matrix is 1.12, as mentioned in Table 6, and n indicates the num
of elements present in the matrix. Since the value of CRHIS is
Table 4. Fundamental preference scale of absolute numbers. Source: [44]. in the matrix. Since the value of CRHIS is
of elements present in the matrix. Since the less value of CR is less than theofthreshold value of 0.10,
Intensity judgementthan madetheHIS
by value
the decision 0.10,istheconsistent,
group and
of importance
Definition Where the value of RI for the 5×5
Explanation judgement
matrix ismade
1.12,by as the decisioningroup
mentioned Tableis6, and n indic
judgement made by the decision group isconsistent, consistent,
the the elements
elements are properly compar
are properly
1 Very low (VL) Two activities contribute equally to the human inspection skill Similarly, the eigenvalue and eigenvector are computed for th
One activity hasSimilarly,
a low contribution
elements present
to the human
the matrix. Since
compared. the value of
Similarly, CR
the is less
HIS thanand
the threshold va
3 Low (L) the eigenvalue and eigenvector are computed are
eigenvector for the sub-criteria
computed for and
the the options of the s
skill compared to the other activities criteria to determine their respective weights taking into aco
Experience and judgement strongly made
favour one activitybyover
the decision
teria group
and theisoptions
of theand the elements
sub-criteria to are prop
5 Moderate (M) criteria the
another while assessing to determine theirskill
human inspection respective weights taking into acount their effect on the human inspect
skill. determine their respective weights taking
One activity is ranked high overSimilarly, the eigenvalue
another in terms of the humanand eigenvector are computed for the sub-criteria and the opt
7 High (H)
inspection skill skill.
into acount their effect on the human in-
spection skill.
Evidence favouring one activity over another is of the highest TABLE 6. Random consistency index
9 Very high (VH)
possible order of affirmation
criteria to determine their respective weights taking into acount their effect on the hu
TABLE 4.6.1. Compute
4.6.1. Random the
6.Compute theEigenvalue
consistency index and
Eigenvalue N Eigenvector
and Eigenvector 1 2 the 3 4 5
2, 4, 6, 8 IL, IM, IH, IVH Intermediate values Compute the global values of
If the first activity has the above non-zero
N 2 Random
numbers assigned to it when1 compared consistency
4 index (RI) 60
5options 07 0.52
8 0.89
9 1.1
with the second activity, then the second activity has the reciprocal value when Source: [45]
of above Random
From consistency
the index (RI)
matrix above, AHIS, 0the normalised
0 Finally,
0.52 based
principle on a pairwise
1.11 1.25 comparison,
1.35 1.40 1.45 1.4
compared with the first (a reasonable
From the matrixTABLE
above, AHIS, the
6. Random normalised
consistency principle eigenvector, and eigenvalue arecomputed.
eigenvector, and eigenvalue are
Source: [45] 4.7. index
the weights thei.e.,
Global Values
the local valuesof(LV)
the Sub-criteria’s
we need totonormalise the matrix, for the 1 the 2criteria,
purpose of 3 sub-criteria,
4 entry and options ofof7 the A
Table 5. Assessment of observed variables based4.7.
wethe human
need N inspection
the Global
normalise theskill (HIS).
matrix, for of
Finally, ofwhich
based which
on each
a pairwise entryin
5 the
in the
the of
column thematrix
i.e., th
Random consistency index (RI) 0 the 0sub-criteria
0.52 are0.89 summarised
1.11 in Ta- 1.35
1.25 1.40
dividedbased onITFa[45]
pairwise comparison, the weights
ble 7. i.e., the local values
NNHIS (LV) of the criteria, s
dividedby the
sumof ofits
itsrespective column. The normalised
These of thematrix
values are used was
are developed
to determine follow
PF SF Source: OF
by respective column.
criteria, The
and normalised
options matrix HIS was
sub-criteria summarised asinfollo
PF 1 L IL-1 IL IL-1 the global values (GV) for each option
criteria, and 4.7. Compute
options theILGlobal
VL of the sub-criteria areValues ofsub-criteria
of the
Table 7. These Options
thevalues are used to determ
(GV) for using following
SF L-1 1 IL-1 -1
the global values each option of the sub-criteria usin
PMF IL IL 1 Finally,
L based on aILpairwise comparison, Equation (1):the weights i.e., the local values (LV) of th
ITF IL-1 VL-1 theLglobal
-1 values (GV)
1 for each Loption of the sub-criteria using the following equation:
OF IL IL IL-1 criteria,
L and options1of the sub-criteria are summarised in Table 7. These values are us

Table 6. Random consistency index. Source: [45]. the global values (GV) forThe each option of
resultant the sub-criteria
global values are also usingsummarised
the following equation:
(1) in Table 7 a
N 1 2 3 The 4 resultant
5 6global7 values 8 are9also 10 summarised in Table 7global
The resultant and will valuesbe used to assess
are also sum-or the skill leve
the quality inspectors working in organisations at inspectio
Random consistency index (RI) 0 0 0.52 0.89 1.11 1.25 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.49 marised in Table 7 and will be used to
the quality inspectors working in organisations or at inspection stations. In AHP, the
in- level
last cons
of an assess
alternative,the skill
which level is ofthethe quality
quality inspectors for this
The resultant global values are also spectorssummarised
working in Table 7 and will be or
in organisations used to assess t
Thus, the final judgement matrix based Then of aneigenvector
alternative,X which is is the quality
determined by inspectors
at inspectionfor this study. InThe
stations. competency
AHP, the last score for e
Then eigenvector XXHIS alternative
isisdetermined by (CSAlt)the
taking is determined
average of using
all the the following
values ininone equation
onerow of
on the human inspection skill is as fol- taking the average Then eigenvector
the quality
of all the inspectors
values in
HIS determined
one inlevel by taking
organisations the
consists of average
or ataninspectionof all
alternative,the values
whichIn AHP, row of
the la
alternative (CS ) is determined using the following equation:
row of the normalised . ThisNindicates
matrix HIS. This theisrelative
lows: normalised matrix NNHIS the quality weight inspectors for this present
study. in matrix A
indicates the of matrix HIS. This which
an alternative,
relative weight of indicates
each el- the relative
is the weight of
quality inspectors of eacheachthis
study. present in matrix A
The competency
The competency score for each alterna-
Similarly, matrix Aeigenvalue
present inprinciple HIS. Similarly, λλmax, HIStive (CSAlt) is determined using the fol-
Similarly, the the principle(CS
alternative eigenvalue
) isisdetermined
isis determined
max, HIS using determined by
by the the summation
summation of of the
the products
products of of
the principle eigenvalue λmax,AltHIS deter- lowingthe following
Equation (2):equation:
mined by the summation and the of theofproducts The ultimate objective of this study is to divide the
eigenvector sum the columns of the reciprocal matrix AHIS. The following results w
HIS and the sum of the columns of the reciprocal matrix AHIS. The following results w
of the eigenvector
The ultimate XHIS and the sum
objective of ofthisthestudy is to divide the quality inspectors into their skill lev
columns of the reciprocal matrix A based
. on their performance i.e., their    (2)
competency score. Be
obtained. HIS
4.6.1. Compute the Eigenvalue and Eigenvector The following
based on theirresults were obtained:
performance i.e., their competency score. Before this, we need to define the cut-
valuesThe for the different
ultimate skill levels
objective of thisthat mustisbe
study to defined. For t
Compute the eigenvalue and eigenvector The ultimate objective divide of this the study is to divide the quality inspectors into t
values for the different skill levels that must be defined. For this purpose, a normalisation process w inspectors into their
4.6.1. the matrix
Computematrix above,
HIS , the
the nor-
normalised principle eigenvector, and eigenvalue are conductedskill to
computed. define
levels basedthe range
on their of performance
the competency scores. F
malised principle eigenvector, and ei- based on their performance i.e.,i.e., their
their competency
competency score.
score. Before
Before this,
this,we need to de
4.6.1. Compute the Eigenvalue andwe Eigenvector conducted to define the range of the competency scores. First, the maximum and minimum val
we need are computed.
to normalise theFirst,
matrix, forneedthe purpose of which each entry in the columnwere of the determined
matrix A using the global
we need toHISdefine the cut-off values for values of the sub-crite
the matrixthe matrix,
above, fornormalised
AHIS, the the purpose principle eigenvector, and values for the
eigenvalue are different
computed. skill
First, levels that must be defined. For this purpose, a normalisat
were determined using the global values the of the different skill levels
sub-criteria optionsthat must bein Table 7. T
divided each
by entry
the sum in of
respective of the column.4.6.2. Consistency
The normalised
4.6.2. Consistency matrix Test
TestNHIS was developed maximum valueForwas
as follows:
defined. this0.60 and thea normalisa-
purpose, minimum value 0.10.
Consistency and test
conducted aretocomputed.
we need
matrix theA
HIS isabove,
normalise the
the the
matrix, normalised
for sum ofprinciple
the purpose eigenvector,
its of which each entry
in thewas
value column 0.60ofdefine
the Aminimum
of the competency scores. First, the maximum and m
process wasThen,
0.10. conducted to define the
the maximum values (0.60) w
respective column. The normalised ma- After calculating the eigenvalue λ max, HIS,considered asofthe normalisation constant, and both the maxi
were determined using the range
global values the of competency
the sub-criteria scores. First,
options mentioned in
is divided normalise
was sumthe
thedeveloped matrix,
of its as for
respective thecolumn.
follows: purposeThe of which
and each
matrixin Nthe
calculating Xcolumn
as HIS the
HIS of the matrix
, developed
a consistency
normalisation λAλmax,
as follows:test
constant, HIS, and
max, HIS, and theboth
maximum the maximumXXHIS
, , aaand
minimum test
values were
values conducted
was conducted to verify the assessment by this normalisation constant to define the range of the com
is divided by the sum of its respective column. The normalised matrix Nmaximumwas developed value was
the minimum usingvalue the 0.10.globalThen, values
CI the of maximum valu
ofby the the
decisionassessment 0.17CR
HIS group. of
For thethis purpose, For this purpose, the
this normalisation constant to definegroup.
the assessment of the decision the the Forsub-criteria
range this
of thepurpose,
competency thevalue
options value
scoreof CIand
mentioned and CR
in to was ofcalculat
1was calcula
the mo
the value of CI and CR was calculated, 16
considered as the normalisation Table
constant, 7. The maximum
and both the value wasand
maximum 0.60minimum value
the outcomes
the which
whichare are presented
presentedbe- below.
below.and the minimum 16 value 0.10. Then, the
by this normalisation constant tomaximum define thevalues range (0.60)
of the were considered
competency score i.e., 0.17 to
as the normalisation constant, and both
the maximum and minimum 16 values were
divided by this normalisation constant to
define the range of the competency score
Then eigenvector XHIS is determined by taking the average of all the values in one i.e.,row 0.17of the
to 1 of the model proposed.
Where the value of RI for the 5×5 matrix Based on 15 this
15 range, the decision group
normalised matrix NHIS. This indicates theisrelative 1.12, asweight
mentioned of each in element
Table 6, presentand n indecided matrix Athe HIS. cut-off values of the three
Then eigenvector XHIS is determined by takingindicates the averagetheofnumber
all the values in one row
of elements of the
present different skill levels:
Similarly, the principle eigenvalue λmax, HIS is determined by the summation of the products of the
normalised eigenvector XHIS isindicates
NHIS. This determined the by takingweight
relative the average of allelement
of each the values in onein row
present of the
matrix AHIS.
16 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021, Vol. 29, 2(146)
eigenvector XHIS and the sum of the columns of the reciprocal matrix AHIS. The following results were
Similarly, thematrix NHIS. This
principle indicates
eigenvalue λmax,theHISrelative weight of
is determined by each element present
the summation matrix Aof
of theinproducts HIS.the

Similarly, the principle eigenvalue λ is determined by the summation of the products of the
remove any ambiguity. Finally, the data generated are used to calculate the competency score of all

the quality inspectors using the global values. Figure 4 shows the competency score of all quality

inspectors that range from 0.27 to 0.88.

1. For low skill, the competency score

was greater than 0.17 and less than or
equal to 0.50 0.80

2. For medium skill, the competency 0.70


Competency score
Competency score
score was greater than 0.50 and less 0.60
than or equal to 0.75
3. For high skill, the competency score
was greater than 0.75 0.40


Results and discussion 0.20

100 200
200 300
300 400
400 500
500 600
600 700
700 800
800 900
900 1000
This section presents a numerical ex- Quality inspectors (Alternatives)
Quality inspectors (Alternatives)
ample to describe the application of the
global values summarised in Table 7 to Figure 4. Competency score of the quality inspectors based on randomly generated data.
measure the competency of the human Figure 4 Competency score of the quality inspectors based on randomly generated data
labour performing the process of inspec- Table The next step
7. Summary is to
of the divide
final the of
weights quality inspectors
the criteria, into theirand
sub-criteria, skill levels based
sub-criteria’s on their
tion. For this purpose, the values of each
sub-criterion are required with respect competency
Goal score.
LV the aforementioned
Sub-criterion LV cut-off values of the
Sub-criterion’s three different
options LV  skill
Uneducated 0.12
to their respective sub-criteria options. in Section 3.8 for low, medium and high skill quality inspectors were 318, 646, and 36, respectively. 0.004

Then, the global values were used to de- Education 0.16 Basic 0.32 0.010
Above tobasic 0.56 results
termine the competency score for each However, it was observed that the cut-off values needed be redefined, as the of the
Personal factors

Less than one year 0.11 0.013

numerical example were0.20
not realistic as far as the0.59
Experience number of5high
1 to skill inspectors were
years 0.35concerned.
0.041 For
6 and above 0.54 0.064
Numerical example this purpose, first a normality test was conducted using IBP-SPSS22. The test results (Table 8) were
Poor 0.11 0.005
For a numerical example, data for 1000 Job
0.25 Average 0.26 0.013
quality inspectors are randomly generat- High 0.63 0.032
ed using Microsoft Excel. Random data 1850% of Target 0.11 0.002
comprise the value for each sub-criterion Incoming
0.16 80% of Target 0.31 0.006
mentioned in Table 7 with respect to its 100% of Target 0.58 0.011
System factors

respective options. After that, the refine- One type of defect 0.06 0.004
ment process of random data is done by
Competency assessment model (CAM) for human inspection skill (HIS)

0.11 Defect type 0.54 2 to 5 defect types 0.33 0.020

the decision group to remove any ambi- Above 5 defect types 0.60 0.037
guity. Finally, the data generated are used Less than 10 % 0.13 0.004
to calculate the competency score of all defective 0.30 11 % to 20 0.28 0.009
the quality inspectors using the global items Above 30% 0.59 0.020
values. Figure 4 shows the competency Less than 50% of Target 0.09 0.005
score of all quality inspectors that range Inspection
0.17 50% to 80% of Target 0.32 0.018
Physical/ mental factors

from 0.27 to 0.88. Above 80% of Target 0.59 0.033
Above 60% more than ST 0.08 0.010
The next step is to divide the quality in- Inspection
0.34 0.39 31 to 60% more than ST 0.26 0.034
spectors into their skill levels based on 1 to 30% more than ST 0.66 0.085
their competency score. Accordingly, Less than 5% 0.67 0.099
the aforementioned cut-off values of the error
0.44 6 % to 10% 0.24 0.036
three different skill levels in the previous Above 10% 0.09 0.013
section for low, medium and high skill Scanning 0.12 0.002
quality inspectors were 318, 646, and 36, 0.20 Measuring 0.32 0.006
Inspection task factors

respectively. However, it was observed Both 0.56 0.011
that the cut-off values needed to be re- Basic product 0.17 0.008
defined, as the results of the numerical 0.10
0.49 Complex product 0.39 0.019
example were not realistic as far as the Highly complex product 0.44 0.021
number of high skill inspectors were con- Random 0.15 0.005
cerned. For this purpose, first a normality complexity
0.31 Symmetric 0.38 0.012
test was conducted using IBP-SPSS22. Both 0.47 0.014
The test results (Table 8) were signifi- No incentive 0.09 0.010
cant, and the competency score for all 0.42 Reward only 0.29 0.031
Organisational factors

the quality inspectors based on randomly Reward and punishment 0.62 0.065

generated data was normally distributed. No training 0.13 0.015

0.25 Training 0.46 Basic training 0.28 0.032

The experts were involved again to rede- Advance training 0.59 0.069

No monitoring 0.08 0.003
fine the cut-off values based on the nor-
Monitoring 0.13 Hourly monitoring 0.44 0.014
mally distributed data of the competency
Bihourly monitoring 0.49 0.016
score (Figure 5). Unlike the actual val-

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021, Vol. 29, 2(146) 17

1) For low skill, the competency score was greater than 0.20 and less than or equal to 0.45

2) For medium skill, the competency score was greater than 0.45 and less than or equal to 0.65

3) For high skill, the competency score was greater than 0.65
system with more focus on measuring
33 Medium
Medium skill
skill the skills of labour and classify them
into their respective levels. Previous
2.5 studies have evaluated the effect of dif-
ferent factors on inspection performance.
22 However, significant variables were not
modelled to fully measure the inspection
performance in terms of skill levels. This
study identified the influencing factors
and utilised them to design a scale. In this
regard, a competency assessment model
was proposed to determine the score of
Low skill
skill High skill the inspectors based on their performance
using AHP. The model proposed was ap-
plied to randomly generated data of the
0.00 0.20
0.20 0.40 0.60
0.60 0.80
0.80 1.00
inspectors and their competency score
was measured successfully. The results
Figure 5. Normally distributed data of the competency score. helped to define the cut off values for the
Figure 5 Normally distributed data of the competency score three skill levels of inspectors, i.e., low,
Table toofthe
8. Results therevised
normalitycut-off values,
test. Note: a the quality
Lilliefors inspectors
significance mediuminto
were again classified
correction. and high
theirskill and all the inspec-
tors were classified into their skill levels
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk based on their competency score.
respective skill levels. Then, the comparison was summarised for the different cut-off values, shown
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Competency score 0.036 1000 0.004 0.997 1000 0.044 Firstly, the model proposed provided the
in Table 9. This classification seems to be realistic and therefore the revised cut-off values
most canfactors
effective be that should be mon-
itored to get the maximum output from
used forTable 9. Number of quality
the classification inspectors
of quality based on or
inspectors theany
initial and revised cut-off
organisation values.station.
or offline the inspectors. Secondly, the competency
According to the initial cut-off values According to the revised cut-off values assessment enables the organisation to
Low skill Medium skill High skill Low skill Medium skill High skill measure the inspection skill in the form
Cut-off values 0.17-0.50 0.50-0.75 0.75 0.20-0.45 0.45-0.65 0.62 of a competency score, providing a basis
No. of inspectors 318 646 36 165 663 172 to rank the available inspectors according
19 to their respective skill levels based on
objective data. In this way, managers can
ues of the competency score,whic ranged the model proposed has successfully efficiently utilise their manpower accord-
from 0.27 to 0.88, the experts assumed measured the human inspection skill by ing to its working capacity. It also devel-
a range from 0.20 to 0.90 because it determining the competency score using ops an atmosphere of competition among
might be very rare that the final compe- randomly generated data. The resultant the labour in which every quality inspec-
tency score would be lower than 0.20 or skill level is based on the influencing tor will be motivated to improve his or
higher than 0.90. Thus, the revised cut- factors of the visual inspection that can her competency score by improving their
off values are described as follows: affect the performance of human labour. inspection performance. Since the model
1. for low skill, the competency score The numerical example also helped to proposed is based on a comprehensive
was greater than 0.20 and less than or redefine the cut-off values of the three framework of influencing factors, it en-
equal to 0.45, different skill levels based on the results. ables mangers to focus on deficient areas
Thus, the model proposed is capable of that cause the low performance of an in-
2. for medium skill, the competency
determining the competency score and dividual quality inspector. In conclusion,
score was greater than 0.45 and less
can be used to classify the human labour this research supports the idea that clas-
than or equal to 0.65,
of an inspection station into its respective sifying human labour into its skill levels
3. for high skill, the competency score
skill levels. In this way, an organisation is more important for organisations to
was greater than 0.65.
will be able to utilise its manpower ac- improve and achieve overall efficiency,
cording to its performance capacity. It because the workforce will be utilised
According to the revised cut-off values,
will also help to develop a pay scale and rewarded according to its abilities
the quality inspectors were again clas-
for human labour based on its compe- and skills. However, this aspect needs to
sified into their respective skill levels.
tency score. In conclusion, this method be focused on further and practitioners
Then, the comparison was summarised
proposed will create an atmosphere of should work to improve the skill levels
for the different cut-off values, shown in
competition among human labour that of inspectors so that optimal results can
Table 9. This classification seems to be
will improve the individual and overall be obtained from available manpower.
realistic and therefore the revised cut-off
inspection performance. It is also recommended that micro level
values can be used for the classification
studies be conducted in which each ob-
of quality inspectors or any organisation
or offline station. served variable and its respective indica-
Conclusions tors must be investigated to evaluate their
It can be concluded from the results of The primary objective of this research effect on inspection performance.
the numerical examples presented that was to study a human based inspection

18 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021, Vol. 29, 2(146)

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